
=== Alexandra is now known as Guest29719
nisshhhey guys06:57
nisshhwhats up?06:57
nisshh<.< bad timing :)06:58
nisshhwhoever see's this first: ive come back after ages away to help out once again07:02
rigvedhi everyone.12:24
rigvedi heard that the ubuntu manual project needs help to get the oneiric version out on time.12:24
rigvedi have already sent an e-mail to jobs@ubuntu-manual.org with all the required details.12:32
jeyanthanHi Team, just got a mail fwd from my friend from Ubuntu manual stating that you are in need of volunteers !12:40
jeyanthanI was expecting if there is a better way to file as a volunteer instead of mailing to jobs@ubuntu-manual.org .. something like filling a form ?12:49
c7phey nisshh14:36
nisshhc7p, hey dude14:58
c7pWHAT'S UP ?14:59
* c7p sorry for caps14:59
nisshhc7p, not much dude, just life is finally falling into place for me, so i finally have a bit of time to come back and contribute to the manual15:17
c7pi'm happy for you :D15:17
nisshhthanks :)15:17
c7pyou were chapter author ?15:18
nisshhoriginal auther of the cmd chapter15:18
c7pon which chapter ?15:18
c7pah yeah15:18
nisshhbut im happy to do whatever now15:18
nisshhediting would suite me15:18
c7pcould you manage troubleshooting chapter ?15:19
nisshhill have a look first15:19
nisshhi really need some sleep right now though15:19
nisshhill catch you tomorrow though15:19
c7pno problem15:19
nisshhis the main branch still at lp:ubuntu-manual?15:20
c7pyou may contact me15:20
nisshhsweet, ill check it out tomorrow after work15:20
c7pthanks :D15:20
nisshhim still subscribed to the ML and everything too15:21
c7phey godbyk16:14
=== Alexandra is now known as Guest32799
tomswartz07hey everyone22:59
c7phey tomswartz0723:00
tomswartz07ive been following the Ubuntu Manual project ever since Ben started it a few years ago, mostly idly watching from the side with its developments and reading up on the mailing lists.23:00
tomswartz07long story short, i see that this past release has been delayed- and i was wondering what i may be able to do to help23:01
tomswartz07im no major expert with LaTeX, but i can certainly hold my own23:01
tomswartz07any ideas on something that I could jump in and help with?23:02
c7phm wanna become an author ?23:02
c7pactually you could help and in another way23:03
tomswartz07whats that?23:03
c7pyou said that you know basics of latex right ?23:04
c7pe.g identifying code23:04
tomswartz07you bet. used it for about 2 dozen physics lab reports23:04
c7pand understanding syntax23:04
c7phehe i guess you are an expert in contrast with me :P23:05
c7pon this release new authors will write their sections in odts23:05
tomswartz07haha, hey, dont be modest here. it was mostly copy-pasta the template i made up23:05
c7pso we need some people to convert odt to latex23:05
godbyktomswartz07: For the Oneiric edition, we're going to let the authors write their text in whatever format they like (e.g., LibreOffice or plain text) and we'll have a small group of people who convert that (by hand) to LaTeX.23:06
c7pi know only latex tags that project uses, nothing more23:06
* c7p thx Kevin :)23:06
godbykYou can find a list of the LaTeX commands we're using in our style guide: http://files.ubuntu-manual.org/style-guide.pdf23:06
godbyk(The style guide needs to be updated at some point, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. So if you have any questions about any of it or if you think something's missing, feel free to pester me about it.)23:07
tomswartz07ok, cool. so its mostly just a copy-paste kind of deal, so long as the commands are right?23:07
godbyktomswartz07: Yeah, you'd be copying and pasting their text and then formatting it using our LaTeX commands.23:08
tomswartz07mmmm, syntax formatting.23:08
* tomswartz07 *tab tab tab*23:09
godbyktomswartz07: It's glamorous work, let me tell ya! ;-)23:10
tomswartz07between you and I, i broke a keyboard at work because i hit the tab key too many times while updating the formatting syntax on their website.23:11
godbyktomswartz07: Ha! I won't tell, I promise.  Handily, we don't have much tab-indenting in our LaTeX code.23:12
godbykLots of backslashes and curly braces, though. :)23:12
tomswartz07haha. well, thats good. :P23:12
c7pTom, do you want to become an author of a chapter section ?23:14
tomswartz07Im up for whatever you think you need the most help with.23:15
c7pcurrently we need authors to write material23:16
tomswartz07well then, im up for it :)23:16
c7pafter writing we will need editors and latex guys like you :P23:16
c7pdo you use gwibber or empathy ?23:17
tomswartz07used to- havent done so recently. Is that what the topics are on?23:17
c7pyes there are sections covering these applications23:18
c7plet me tell you available sections23:18
c7pSetting Ubuntu One23:18
c7pUbuntu One preferences23:18
c7pWatching videos and movies (covers Totem)23:18
c7pUsing instant messaging (covers Empathy)23:19
c7pMicroblogging (covers Gwibber)23:19
c7pGetting online (covers Mozilla Firefox)23:19
c7pCustomizing your Desktop (covering Appearance)23:19
c7pand Troubleshooting chapter sections23:19
c7plet me know what sections of the above do you prefer, if you want to contribute as author23:20
tomswartz07well, i can't do totem (it wont work on my dvi monitor, and i was never able to figure out why)23:20
tomswartz07i would, however be interested in either Customizing your Desktop, or Instant Messaging.23:21
tomswartz07they seem like fairly straightforward topics23:21
c7pgood :)23:22
c7pwhat version of ubuntu do you use ?23:22
* c7p silly questions :P23:23
tomswartz07haha, im on 11.0423:23
c7pnice, 11.04 has the mail indicator right ?23:24
tomswartz07you betcha23:24
c7pok i guess you can take IM section23:26
c7pwith the condition to work on 11.10 when testing empathy :P23:27
tomswartz07sure- i was actually thinking of flipping up to 11.10 this coming weekend anyway. haha23:28
c7pcool so from now on i call you author :23:28
tomswartz07well, this is pretty awesome!23:29
c7pagain a silly question, how many hours in average can you spend on this section per week ?23:29
tomswartz07hm, well i suppose i could set aside an hour or so each night- so 7 or 8 hours per week?23:30
c7pneat :D23:31
tomswartz07i could do more, if you think it might help?23:31
c7pno no23:31
c7pthe first thing that you must have in mind is to enjoy contributing23:31
c7pextra hours that are tiring won23:32
c7pt help essentially23:32
tomswartz07haha ok23:32
c7pauthor have you tested our bzr branch in the past ?23:34
tomswartz07a long time ago, not since ben stepped down23:34
tomswartz07its not that big of a deal to bzr pull the branch though23:35
c7pi just wanted to know if you would use bzr to push your work or the new system with odt files that new authors will use23:36
c7pso bzr works for you ?23:37
tomswartz07yeah, i have experience using bzr for some of my own code projects23:37
c7plet me know if you need anything23:38
tomswartz07ok- i have a few questions, though.23:39
c7pfire them away23:39
tomswartz07okay, so Im doing the IM section, testing on 11.10, and writing up content similar to the editions in the past. Are there any specifics that I should cover (other than just general use), or is it just open-ended?23:41
tomswartz07because ive never actually contributed, i tended to just skim over any communications that covered the topic.23:42
c7pyou may browse the 10.10 book to see how authors write things, it's not big deal23:43
c7pas an author you are free to add new subsections or remove existings23:44
c7pyou choose this23:44
tomswartz07ok. i wasnt sure if there was a set methodolgy that you folks stuck to.23:44
c7pno, no methology. you must only have in mind that the section you are working on should be understood from beginners, and shouldn't be too shot neither too long23:45
c7pby beginners i mean users that have previous experience with computers23:46
tomswartz07novices, i guess the term would be?23:46
c7pi'm not a native speaker, but i guess that's a better term "novices"23:46
c7panything else ?23:47
tomswartz07one last- how much do you depend on the odt formatting for the writeups? I figure, because I am familiar with latex, its not that big of a problem to compose it already in the latex format23:48
tomswartz07if it will screw up all of the works, however, then its not that big of a deal- i just thought it might be able to save some work in the long run23:49
c7pwriteups ?23:52
* c7p my engilsh aren't so good23:53
tomswartz07the section that i am writing- sorry! :x23:53
godbyktomswartz07: You can write it directly in LaTeX if you like.23:55
godbykWe're just offering the ODT option to authors who aren't familiar with LaTeX (and don't want to learn it).23:55
tomswartz07ah, i understand now.23:56
godbykIf you run 'make' to build the PDF (and ensure you didn't break anything) before committing, then it's perfectly fine to edit the .tex files directly.23:56
tomswartz07godbyk: 'make'? im guessing that this is more involved than a simple pdflatex compile, correct?23:57

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