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ScottK | lifeless: Yes. It was fine. | 00:56 |
lifeless | ScottK: thanks! | 00:57 |
shayonj | hello there. i am new to motu and ubuntu packaging. i kind of got done with packaging guide. and was browsing through the bitesize bugs and found one. wondering, do i just start working on it directly or is there something needs to be done before that | 01:07 |
shayonj | ? | 01:07 |
shayonj | for some reason i feel the guides are too confusing or less organized | 01:13 |
shayonj | but its fun :) | 01:14 |
ScottK | shayonj: Just dive in and ask questions if you have them. | 01:14 |
shayonj | ScottK, sure thanks man :) | 01:15 |
ScottK | It would be good if some MOTU could look into Bug 864095 and maybe updating gramps to 3.3.1. | 01:15 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 864095 in gramps (Ubuntu) "list index out of range in gettext.install(TransUtils.LOCALEDOMAIN, localedir=None, unicode=1)" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/864095 | 01:15 |
shayonj | does anyone know what does this read - Located in obj-i686-linux-gnu/config/ui_qtcurveconfigbase.h:4191 rc.cpp:889 rc.cpp:889 | 01:19 |
shayonj | or just this - 4191 rc.cpp:889 rc.cpp:889 ? For the rest i believe you will be needing to take a look at the source code | 01:20 |
ScottK | It's referring to line 4191 of ui_qtcurveconfigbase.h and line 889 of rc.cpp. You need to look in the source. | 01:22 |
shayonj | okay i thought so, but there is no file like ui_qtcurveconfigbase.h in the config folder, infact the the file qtcurveconfigbase.ui has the bug (its typo) mentioned in here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-style-qtcurve/+bug/852957 | 01:24 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 852957 in kde-style-qtcurve (Ubuntu) "typo in translation template qtcurve" [Undecided,New] | 01:24 |
jbicha | ScottK: I didn't think gramps 3.3.1 was released yet | 01:25 |
shayonj | ScottK, and there is no file like rc.cpp in the source code | 01:28 |
ScottK | jbicha: Not sure. Just reading what's in the bug. If there's a fix and it's not released, it might be worth cherrypicking it. | 01:31 |
jbicha | ScottK: I'm subscribed to the gramps mailing list and it sounds like the new release is imminent | 01:33 |
ScottK | shayonj: It's in config/qtcurveconfigbase.ui | 01:33 |
ScottK | jbicha: OK. As long as someone is watching over it. | 01:33 |
shayonj | ScottK, okay | 01:34 |
shayonj | ScottK, thanks !. | 01:34 |
ScottK | shayonj: I did "grep -r cusom *" in the source package. | 01:34 |
shayonj | ScottK, oh right.. should have used that . | 01:36 |
shayonj | ScottK, so did you make the changes ? | 01:37 |
shayonj | or i can do ahead do that here :P | 01:37 |
ScottK | shayonj: No. | 01:37 |
ScottK | (I didn't) | 01:37 |
shayonj | ScottK, cool. | 01:37 |
ScottK | shayonj: I did look and see that there's a newer version on the upstream web site. You might want to look and see if they've already fixed this. | 01:37 |
ScottK | (look in debian/control for the upstream homepage) | 01:38 |
shayonj | ScottK, okay! | 01:38 |
shayonj | ScottK, nope its not fixed.so is it a good idea to fix this bug or report the new version and then fix it ? | 01:41 |
ScottK | It's debatable. | 01:41 |
ScottK | We get this package from Debian without change and so in the long run, maintaining such a small diff for the package isn't a great idea. | 01:42 |
ScottK | OTOH, we are close to a release and it'd be nice to get it fixed. | 01:42 |
ScottK | So I'd see about doing both. | 01:42 |
shayonj | ScottK, okay ! | 01:42 |
ScottK | Get a fix in Ubuntu and also let upstream know so that it's fixed. | 01:42 |
ScottK | We could also report the bug to Debian if we were being really thorough, but for this I think going upstream is enough. | 01:43 |
shayonj | ScottK, yeah i was going to ask that. how do i do that ? there are steps mentioned on that in so many places.but i am confused which one to go with | 01:43 |
shayonj | as in letting the upstream know about it | 01:43 |
ScottK | That varies based on the upstream. | 01:43 |
shayonj | i see | 01:44 |
ScottK | For this one, you go to http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=40492&forumpage=157 and leave a comment. | 01:45 |
shayonj | ScottK, okay. i got one more question, sorry to bug you. So after i make the changes, do i update the changelog, package it and let them know ? | 01:47 |
ScottK | for upstream, I'd just make a diff and give them that. | 01:47 |
ScottK | For Ubuntu that would also be good, but even better would be a good debian/changelog entry with a complete debdiff if you know how to do that. | 01:48 |
shayonj | ScottK, cool. thanks so much :0 | 01:48 |
shayonj | :) * | 01:48 |
shayonj | ScottK, yep. i just got done with this - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes/Debdiff | 01:48 |
ScottK | For Ubuntu, once you have something, attach it to the bug and subscribe ubuntu-sponsors to the bug. | 01:48 |
ScottK | someone will review it. | 01:48 |
shayonj | ScottK, what do i attach ? | 01:49 |
shayonj | the new package right ? | 01:49 |
ScottK | The debdiff from the old one to the new one. | 01:49 |
shayonj | okay | 01:49 |
shayonj | ScottK, i got one more question. The same typo is there in more than one file in the new release ? i can fix that, but do i report it first or leave a comment ? | 01:54 |
ScottK | I would fix all the templates too. | 01:54 |
shayonj | ScottK, i didnt get that.templates, as in ? | 01:55 |
ScottK | The other files it affects are translation templates (the PO files) | 01:55 |
ScottK | .pot/.po | 01:55 |
shayonj | oh right yes. i am doing that. i am just wondering, do i need to file a report first about this or just fix it and leave a comment in the upstream ? | 01:56 |
shayonj | and what ubuntu in this case? | 01:56 |
shayonj | what about ubuntu * | 01:56 |
ScottK | Fix them all. | 02:01 |
ScottK | (for ubuntu) and then list all the affected files in the upstream comment you leave. | 02:01 |
shayonj | cool | 02:02 |
* ScottK goes for a nap. | 02:02 | |
shayonj | ScottK, thanks and have a good one ! | 02:02 |
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shayonj | i am trying to make the debdiff and it tells me "Can't check signature: public key not found" . | 03:39 |
shayonj | do i need to sign the .dsc file too along with the .changes ? | 03:39 |
shayonj | any help on this ? | 03:40 |
shayonj | oops it already, guess its just not able to verify | 03:41 |
shayonj | how do we create branch for the bugs we work on ? | 03:54 |
shayonj | the way mentioned here ? | 03:54 |
shayonj | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes/Debdiff | 03:54 |
ScottK | shayonj: Just attach the debdiff to the bug. You don't need a branch then. | 03:58 |
shayonj | yay ScottK is back :).. yep did that. thanks man | 03:58 |
ScottK | Then as long as you subscribed ubuntu-sponsors to the bug, you've done your bit. | 03:59 |
shayonj | oh yeah did that too. working on the newer version. and i upload the diff file in the comment there, right ? | 03:59 |
ScottK | If it's just that fix, all that's needed is the debdfiff. | 04:00 |
shayonj | okay ! | 04:00 |
ScottK | Whoever sponsors the package will use the current package plus your debdiff to remake the new package. | 04:00 |
shayonj | i see. okay but this newer version, does not have a debian folder | 04:01 |
shayonj | so no control/changelog | 04:01 |
shayonj | sorry | 04:02 |
shayonj | my bad.. didnt let it extract :P | 04:02 |
shayonj | for some reason debuild is only building the debian folder, any help on this ? | 04:39 |
bwright | Hey guys package blogtk is broken, it doesn't have python gtkhtml2 library and fails to run. | 05:02 |
bwright | Please look into it. | 05:02 |
micahg | bwright: someone needs to package a new version | 05:05 |
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xxxS | hi | 20:13 |
xxxS | people | 20:13 |
shayonj | need some help with packaging from scratch . this program does not have a make/install file, where as it runs by the shell script file (linux-install.sh). So i am wondering will the guide mentioned here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete#Packaging_from_Scratch be helpful ? | 20:15 |
shayonj | as the rules file is working with the make arguments | 20:16 |
shayonj | anyone ? | 20:17 |
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