
=== KatieKitty-Offli is now known as KatieKitty
=== KatieKitty is now known as KatieKitty-Offli
=== KatieKitty-Offli is now known as KatieKitty
ejatelo bos bizkut15:56
ejatmano boh 15:57
ejatlama x join sini 15:57
mypapitfakap ejat 16:04
ejatx tdo lagi ke sifu ? 16:04
ejatso semlm meeting semua ok ? 16:05
ejat#google mypapit16:06
ubuntumyejat: mypapit gnu/linux blog: <http://blog.mypapit.net/>; Mohammad Hafiz personal site: <http://mypapit.net/>; How to use apt-get behind proxy server (Ubuntu/Debian) : mypapit ...: <http://blog.mypapit.net/2006/02/how-to-use-apt-get-behind-proxy-server-ubuntudebian.html>; mypapit (@mypapit) on Twitter: <http://twitter.com/mypapit>; mypapit: <https://launchpad.net/~mypapit>; notehax - A JavaME compatible (1 more message)16:06
mypapitejat, semalam meeting ok16:07
mypapitejat, u semak la minute16:07
ejatx pe .. i follow jerk 16:08
ejatim ### u rulez16:08
ejatsaid by tom the cat16:09
ejatmypapit: u pernah buat cluster tomcat ? 16:09
ejati pernah buat for IPaddr je .. tgh pk 16:09
ejatif apps tu ade bundle with tomcat skali .. mcm mana nak buat .. or terpaksa asingkan tomcat tu for platform nye cluster dlu then baru masukkan apps .. 16:10
ejathuhu 16:10
* ejat really need cloud !!!!!!!!16:10
ejatkirostudio x mau build cloud ke ? 16:10
ejatuniversity mana2 x nak buat cloud ke ? 16:10
mypapitejat, of course la kirostudio nak buat cloud16:11
mypapittp xde knowledge 16:11
mypapitdgn infra16:11
ejatdaripada university terpengaruh ngn V#####16:11
ejat#google windows migration into openstack16:13
ubuntumyejat: 8.9. Using Live Migration - OpenStack Manuals: <http://docs.openstack.org/cactus/openstack-compute/admin/content/live-migration-usage.html>; 4.7. Configuring Live Migrations - OpenStack Manuals: <http://docs.openstack.org/cactus/openstack-compute/admin/content/configuring-live-migrations.html>; 8.4. Creating a Windows Image - OpenStack Manuals: <http://docs.openstack.org/cactus/openstack- (2 more messages)16:13
ejatmypapit: http://www.openstack.org/blog/2011/09/documentation-contributors-styling-ts/16:17
ejatjom openstack-my ahaks 16:18
mypapitapa tu?16:18
ejatawareness about openstack in malaysia !!!16:18
mypapitejat, V###### tu apa? 16:18
mypapitejat, ooo kk16:18
ejatuniversity ade infra16:18
mypapityeyeye betul16:19
ejathopefully dpt mingle n get to know staff rackspace kat UDS nanti 16:19
ejatthen hopefully can bring business to them for consulting our local datacentre .. then we can have our playgroud16:20
ejatdell da lama ... then HP finally join http://www.openstack.org/blog/2011/09/hp-announces-private-beta-program-for-openstack-cloud/16:23
ejatHP is joining the OpenStack community, Dell is rolling out an OpenStack cloud and OpenStack will soon release a connector for Gluster.16:25
bizkut#google windows 8 ux16:27
ubuntumybizkut: Windows 8 UX Pack 3.0 by ~windowsx on deviantART: <http://windowsx.deviantart.com/art/Windows-8-UX-Pack-3-0-212621497>; |MG| Windows 8 UX Pack 2.0 Download: <http://majorgeeks.com/Windows_8_UX_Pack_d7009.html>; Windows X's Live | Windows 8 UX Pack: <http://www.windowsxlive.net/windows-8-ux-pack>; Windows 8 UX Pack - WinMatrix: <http://www.winmatrix.com/forums/index.php?/topic/31843-windows-8-ux- (2 more messages)16:27
=== KatieKitty is now known as KatieKitty-Offli
=== KatieKitty-Offli is now known as KatieKitty
=== KatieKitty is now known as KatieKitty-Offli

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