
ScottKcjwatson: Particularly for things like the installer I think there is zero reason to be concerned about supporting python < 2.7.00:58
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cjwatsonbug 864618 - anyone else think this is RC?13:11
ubot4Launchpad bug 864618 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "UTF-8 locale no longer set (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86461813:11
infinitycjwatson: Quite.13:13
infinitycjwatson: I'm curious why 'locale -a' returns *.utf8 rather than *.UTF-8, though.13:15
infinitycjwatson: Given that we use the other naming nearly universally, wouldn't we want that tool to output the same format?13:16
cjwatsons'always been like that ...13:17
infinityNot saying it hasn't.  Just curious. :P13:18
cjwatsonI think .utf8 is glibc's preferred internal naming but .UTF-8 is what you see in SUPPORTED13:18
cjwatsonpersonally I see it as a good thing because it makes sure people NOTICE if they break locale aliases13:18
infinityWell, hunting the bit that broke lightdm should be easy enough.13:19
LaneyI see "[+6.73s] DEBUG: Failed to find locale for language en13:19
infinityAs for the jasper thing, I think I might just sprinkle some syncs in and see if that magically fixes it.13:19
cjwatson    - Add ability to set the language of a user from the greeter (LP: #803858)13:20
cjwatson    - Set LANG variable based on the user language13:20
cjwatson    - Add language selector into GTK greeter (disabled by default)13:20
cjwatsonfairly significant set of additions13:20
infinityJust confuses me a tad that it's not trusting PAM's return and just going with it.13:21
infinitySo, entirely off-topic, but does anyone know off-hand if 'mount -o remount,ro /foo' forces a sync?13:22
infinity^--- accepted that libav upstream version bump with was basically just merging in the ~70 patches that were already in debian/patches, and then 2 or 3 small/isolated fixes.15:11
infinitySeemed like a sensible thing to do so the security team would have a stable version to play with, rather than a stable version plus 70 cherry-picks.15:12
slangaseknvidia-graphics-drivers - hurrah17:57
infinityThose aren't words oft-uttered.18:00
slangasekdude, console-setup, what's the deal18:02
slangasekwhy does your build make my laptop overheat18:03
slangasekyes, my ACPI tables are screwed up, but why is *console-setup* running hotter than running gcc? :P18:04
stgraberslangasek: is your laptop shutting down because of overheat?18:09
stgraberis it also doing it when AC is unplugged?18:09
slangasekI've got screwed up values in my ACPI, the critical threshold is lower than the passive cooling threshold18:09
slangasekso the first time the kernel knows there's a problem is when ACPI tells it to panic-shutdown :P18:09
stgraberyeah, I had a similar issue on my x201s until I noticed my power management setting was set to "performance" when on AC, setting that to the same value (don't remember) as when on battery "fixed" it18:11
stgraberI can now happily 3 installs in kvm, do some other work and not have my laptop shutdown every 5 minutes18:11
slangasekwhat "power management setting" do you mean?18:12
stgrabersome value in the BIOS power management section18:13
slangasekit's ridiculous that there is any setting that would give this behavior18:13
slangasekok, next time it powers off I'll have a look :)18:13
slangasekthe other thing is that the fan fails to spin up appropriately18:13
slangaseklevels 0-7 are all "meh"18:13
slangasekonly disengaged/full-speed actually pushes any air :P18:14
slangasek(and thinkfan doesn't support specifying full-speed :P)18:14
stgraberfun. apparently that's one issue the x201s doesn't share with the x201, my fan seems to work fine (set to auto and running at 4531rpm according to /proc/acpi/ibm/fan)18:16
slangasekapparently it's ckbcomp that chews the CPU up.  Really efficient, or really inefficient?18:31
stgraberyeah! just reinstalled my server at home on Oneiric (used to be Hardy) using a single stack IPv6 network. Only issue I noticed was archive.u.c not having a AAAA record so had to switch to uk.archive.u.c18:39
slangasekwhee, 'totextmode' works for bug #86446618:55
ubot4Launchpad bug 864466 in kbd (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 3 other projects) "break=foo boot option incompatible with gfxpayload=keep (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86446618:55
slangasekoh, doh, no it doesn't18:57
slangasekit just looked like it did because plymouth was being helpful :P18:57
slangasekah right, because totextmode didn't actually get copied to the initramfs19:05
cjwatsonslangasek: I tried to optimise ckbcomp earlier in the cycle, but ran out of time ...19:26
cjwatsonargh, why does oneiric now want to suspend my laptop every time I step away from it for a while19:27
infinityBecause GNOME knows best?19:27
infinityDon't question it.19:27
slangasekcjwatson: because the GNOME3 default sleep policy is ridiculous - though fortunately we at least now have a setting to change the policy19:29
cjwatsonI went into System Settings -> Power after the last time it happened and told it not to do this.  It did it again.19:29
slangasekperhaps the setting isn't wired up correctly then19:30
cjwatsonI suppose it might be confused by apparently thinking I have two batteries19:30
infinityDo you?19:31
stgrabercjwatson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/701188/19:32
stgraberI gave up trying to do it through the UI last time...19:33
cjwatsonstgraber: ah, thanks!19:33
cjwatsonI'm sure this won't bother any of our users at all19:33
slangasekwell, the UI is supposed to address precisely those settings; if it's not doing so, I'd say that's a critical bug19:35
slangasekI have these settings here:19:35
slangasekorg.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power sleep-inactive-ac false19:35
slangasekorg.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power sleep-inactive-ac-timeout 180019:35
slangasekorg.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power sleep-inactive-ac-type 'nothing'19:35
infinityDoes the UI not touch all the settings that stgraber pastebinned?19:37
infinityIf it's exposing them but not actually setting them, that's unpleasant.19:37
cjwatsonslangasek: I had those values for sleep-inactive-ac and sleep-inactive-ac-timeout before, but sleep-inactive-ac-type was set to 'suspend'19:38
cjwatsonis it possible that that was introduced after an upgrade and not migrated properly?  maybe the UI would have done it if I'd changed to something else and back again19:39
stgraberinfinity: there's the "Suspend when inactive for:" in the power section of gnome-control-center but at least at some point this week it wasn't setting it properly...19:39
infinityPerhaps we should be testing that control panel with some vigor on upgraded and fresh systems?19:40
slangasekinfinity: dunno, I haven't tested, I already set it by hand before the GUI existed19:40
stgrabersome actions are also missing from the UI. I kind of like my screen to just go blank when I close the lid but that option isn't in the drop down (though it's a valid value in the gsettings schema)19:40
infinitySurprising suspend behaviour is one of the nastier user experiences. :/19:40
cjwatsonif I change sleep-inactive-ac-type to 'nothing' and then tell it to suspend after 1 hour in the UI, it remains at 'nothing'19:41
cjwatsonbug 86447919:41
ubot4Launchpad bug 864479 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "System goes to hibernate or suspend even when set to "Don't suspend" (affects: 4) (heat: 20)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86447919:41
cjwatsonshall I crank the priority on that and milestone it?19:42
slangasekIMHO yes19:42
slangasek(though probably -updates material at this point?){19:42
cjwatsondepends how big a change it is?19:42
slangasekI'd like to see the schema fixed as well to give a sensible default policy on AC :P19:43
cjwatsonthat would be a separate bug I think ...19:44
cjwatson(though I agree)19:44
infinityslangasek / cjwatson: Can I get one of you to review 'bzr diff /home/adconrad/debian-cd/' on antimony?19:44
infinityShould fix the short image bugs I was seeing.19:46
cjwatsonum, well, the code's OK, I really can't vouch for accuracy of what it's intended to do ...19:46
infinityAnd then I can get back to fixing jasper. :P19:46
infinitycjwatson: The problem, in both cases, was that no one was accounting for the "reserved blocks" before the boot/ext partitions.19:46
infinitycjwatson: On mx5, that's 1 sector, on omap, that's one track (32 sectors).19:47
infinityRepresented by these two errors:19:47
infinity[164532.491847] EXT4-fs (sdb3): bad geometry: block count 1580032 exceeds size of device (1580031 blocks)19:48
infinity[145254.594400] EXT4-fs (sdb2): bad geometry: block count 1505280 exceeds size of device (1505264 blocks)19:48
infinity(Note those are in 1k blocks, not 512 byte, hence the count being a bit confusing)19:48
infinityThat is EXT4 is whining in 1k blocks, but the debian-cd code is in 512 byte sectors.19:49
stgraberlooking at the code of the power configuration plugin, the state of sleep-inactive-battery seems to change the value of sleep-inactive-battery-timeout but not the other way around. So having sleep-inactive-battery=False will set sleep-inactive-battery-timeout=0 but choosing sleep-inactive-battery-timeout=0 in the drop-down won't set sleep-inactive-battery=False19:50
cjwatsoninfinity: seems plausible, then19:51
infinitycjwatson: I can live with plausible.19:51
cjwatsonstgraber: sleep-inactive-battery was set to false for me, so I don't think that's my problem19:51
slangasekstgraber: but is sleep-inactive-{ac,battery} even the right key, or does it need sleep-inactive-{ac,battery}-type?19:52
infinitycjwatson: It can't actually make it more broken to add more space.  I'm just hoping all the cross-eyed reading made me get the right amount. ;)19:52
cjwatsonstgraber: (well, -ac)19:52
cjwatsoninfinity: right, makes sense19:52
* infinity wonders if checking to see if /usr/lib/klibc/bin/reboot takes a --help argument will lead to his system rebooting.19:53
infinity... and maybe I'll try on another computer. :P19:53
stgrabercjwatson: Poking through the UI I actually see both sleep-inactive-battery and sleep-inactive-battery-timeout being updated to the right value ... that gsettings stuff is way too magical. The only key that's not changed is sleep-inactive-battery-type but it shouldn't need to be changed anyway...19:54
cjwatsoninfinity: I think it might actually give you a usage message by coincidence19:54
cjwatsonlooking at the code19:55
stgraberslangasek: I'd have expected timeout=0 + option being set to False to be enough for it not to do anything but maybe that's where the bug actually is :)19:55
cjwatsonstgraber: well, -type is what your paste changes19:55
cjwatsonstgraber: I guess I'll find out after the next time I come back to my laptop19:55
infinitycjwatson: It did, yes.  Not a terribly helpful one.19:56
* infinity goes to look at the code instead.19:56
stgraberok, grabbing gnome-settings-daemon's code then as gnome-control-center seems to do what it's supposed to19:57
cjwatsonbug 864787 - d'oh20:15
ubot4Launchpad bug 864787 in ntfs-3g (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "Cannot mmap file /usr/lib/libntfs-3g.so (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86478720:15
cjwatsonwill fix tomorrow20:15
infinityslangasek / ScottK / anyone: Around for a quick review of jasper-initramfs for me?22:23
infinityMaybe I should have asked that when we weren't horribly netsplit. :P22:23
infinityslangasek / ScottK / anyone: Around for a quick review of jasper-initramfs for me?22:24
infinitycjwatson: Or you, if you're not asleep or otherwise occupied? :)22:26
infinityWe really need a way to make cron.daily not run for a day after installation.  I have it running right now during oem-config-remove (yeah, I don't even have a login yet) and apt-xapian-destroyer-of-worlds is pretty much just telling me where to go and how to get there.22:30
slangasekinfinity: 'service cron stop' during the install maybe?22:40
infinityslangasek: Maybe.  Would be nice to avoid it for some undetermined amount of time post-install too, though.22:41
infinityIf your very first user experience is "everything is slow", it kinda sucks.22:41
infinityI assume it's anacron going "holy crap, we haven't booted in FOREVER" and just firing everything.22:42
slangasekI'd rather we figure out if we're running things we shouldn't need to and stop doing that, than just deferring everything 24h and leaving stuff out of date22:44
infinitySee -devel too.22:44
infinityBut yeah, I don't think a universal defer is sane.22:45
infinityAnd I think that if you happen to install at 4am, or whenever daily is MEANT to happen, sucks to be you.22:45
infinityBut anacron running daily unconditionally after install is broken.22:45
infinityOr during install, even.22:46
infinityoem-config-remove-gtk timed out a dbus call due to apt-xapian.  Oh dear.22:47
infinitySo, part of the problem here is installing a desktop OS to an SD card on a cell phone.22:47
infinityBut still, this can't be pleasant on desktop hardware either, just less awful.22:48
LaneyDon't we run under {,io}nice?22:48
infinityWe, being.. The installer?22:49
infinityNiced up or down?22:49
LaneyJobs spawned from anacron. Niced to be ... nice22:49
infinityOh, yes.22:49
infinityBut on slow systems, now amount of nice can fix this sort of thing.22:50
stgraber"nice ionice -c3 update-apt-xapian-index -q" (from cron.daily/apt) but that's probably not enough on a system with very slow I/Os22:51
infinityIt's really not.22:52
LaneyI guess, yeah.22:52
infinityupdate-apt-xapian-index is vicious.22:52
infinityIt brings some of my laptops and netbooks with real hard drives to their knees.22:52
infinityOn SD, it's... Well... Hahaha is the only real description.22:52
infinityAnd part of that is mvo needing to profile the heck out of it, and he knows.22:53
infinityBut I still think the general idea of "anacron running cron.daily within seconds of the install completing" is never going to be the best user experience.22:53
stgraberinfinity: touching /var/lib/apt/periodic/update-stamp should be enough to delay it for a while22:53
infinitystgraber: That would solve the update-apt-xapian-index one, I guess?22:54
infinitystgraber: Which is the big one for now.22:54
LaneyStill, having it delayed just long enough for you to get down to some real work also sucks.22:54
infinity(anacron is still the actual complaint for me, I think, but that workaround might be lightweight enough to even be doable for release)22:54
stgraberyep, that's the one being checked just before calling update-apt-xapian-index22:54
Laneyyou can probably touch /var/spool/anacron/cron.daily22:55
infinityI might do one or both of these as an ARM-only hack, if people aren't keen on doing it to, say, ubiquity.  But I'll toss it around tomorrow when people are "at work".22:56
infinityThanks for the ideas and digging.22:57
stgraberI guess touching /var/spool/anacron/cron.daily just before unmounting /target in ubiquity would be a good way of avoiding most of the pain22:57
infinityMight need to happen earlier than that for the oem-config case.22:58
infinityWhat's the default delay for cron.daily?22:59
LaneyAaaargh. Why has my compose key mapping disappeared and where has the UI gone?22:59
* Laney wonders why these things are breaking after final freeze22:59
infinityIt'll fire 5 minutes after boot.23:00
infinityYeah.  Maybe I'll just hack around it in jasper for ARM for now.23:00
infinityAnd revisit it in ubiquity later, when I can generalise an oem-config/live-install solution that works for both.23:01
infinity(Well, okay, I guess it's just touching it early if oem-config mode, and later if not, but whatever)23:01
infinityI have gin and tonic calling me.  Beckoning, even.23:01

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