[02:14] Net split at noon, and everyone stops speaking . . . . . . . [02:19] orly? [02:19] you didnt stop talking [02:19] :P [03:12] 16 hours of silence from me isn't "stop talking" ? I was referring to 10 hours of silence from netsplit until 10:12pm. [03:12] Now its only you and I that are not part of this "silent majority", TheEvilPhoenix [04:04] * GeekyAdam coughs. [04:06] * GeekyAdam rolls over. ...zzzZZZ [04:26] * InHisName1 awakens * * * * * [04:27] Is there a command to RE-start the sound system for ubuntu ? (rather than rebooting) [04:53] never mind, I rebooted [06:03] yep i think there is and what sound u are using [06:36] morning [06:54] morning [06:55] nite [09:32] Morning. [09:33] 249 [09:35] this rain is starting to get annoying [09:40] morning [09:41] morning [10:03] morning rmg51, JonathanD, and kasted [10:03] 0/ [11:13] pleia2: jedijf: EXCITED TO SEE YOU OCT. 13. also, either of you have any experience with osiris? [11:13] Will there be oreo cake, though? thats the real question. [11:15] who knows? it's a mystery [11:16] hell, i'll bring it myself if you can find a mirror of osiris.shmoo.com that works [11:16] i'm searching archive.org now [11:17] eh. kind of found what i needed. [11:17] http://www.alienvault.com/docs/Installation_Guide.pdf [11:17] oops [11:17] http://web.archive.org/web/20090207192637/http://osiris.shmoo.com/handbook.html [11:17] 2 years old though.. so we'll see [11:20] wow. whoever goes to shmoocon [11:20] smack them. osiris conf files are screwy. [11:20] "hey, instead of installing to /etc, let's install to /var/lib/osiris!" [12:21] got it working. wheee insomniaaa [13:17] bts3685|vps: wowo, welcome back... [13:19] :D [13:22] yeah, i'm back in the area for good. [13:22] i look forward to seeing y'all, i missed you [13:22] we missed you too! [13:33] lock up your bathrooms ;-) [13:35] heh [13:36] by the way, for those wondering and wanted to set up osiris yourself, [13:36] the configs are sparse until you actually run the osirismd binary. [13:36] heh [13:44] bts3685|vps: what was the pony site? [13:44] my grand daughter is here and on a pony kick [13:44] aw shoot [13:44] i didn't restore it yet [13:45] (i literally last night started switching my ubuntu linode over to gentoo) [13:45] i'll restore it. 1sec [13:46] i tried g.rainwreck/ponies....maybe i was right! [13:47] http://g.rainwreck.com/omgponies/ [13:47] close [13:47] but i literally just coped it over 2 seconds ago [13:47] it used to be at g.rainwreck.com/~bts/omgponies [13:47] so... you know. update your bookmarks or something. [13:50] also, the stuff on how to do a redirect on shorewall and openwrt is here now: http://g.rainwreck.com/notes/ [13:56] pony success! [13:58] trying to decide how to read my digital linux journal.... [16:44] jedijf: ssh nethack@g.rainwreck.com [16:44] :D [16:49] jedijf: My too. It's readable on my Nook Touch, but just barely. [16:51] also [16:51] telnet g.rainwreck.com [16:51] same thing [17:30] * GeekyAdam stretches [17:30] afternoon. [17:32] nethack is too hard for me. Adom is better for simple people like me. [17:50] morning [18:27] Good after noon everyone [18:28] * GeekyAdam waves. [18:32] 0/ [23:54] Has anyone ever messed with CGM files?