[08:46] Hey Satoris [08:46] I just sent you an email, did you get it? [08:46] Not yet. [08:46] Satoris, ok, I sent it to jussi.pakkanen@ubuntu.com [08:47] apparently canonical devs don't get @ubuntu.com addresses automatically anymore [08:47] Wait, now I got it. [08:47] hmm, ok [08:48] Restarting Evolution did the trick. [08:48] Satoris, are you an ubuntu member? [08:49] Not that I know of. [08:50] interesting... [08:51] probably shouldn't spread knowledge of this too far :) [08:54] Hi everybody, can anyone help in drivers of Samsung ld220z touch installation on unbutu linutop 4? tanks. [08:55] cnd: have you looked at the spurious gesture bug I commented on Friday? [08:56] Satoris, not yet [08:56] Satoris, you can try reverting those commits to see if it fixes things [08:56] I probably won't be able to do much this week [08:57] WebVisitor-0, driver development usually occurs on the linux-input mailing list [08:57] and there's documentation in the linux source code in Documentation/input/multi-touch-protocol.txt === rob_w_away is now known as rob_w [10:55] cnd: the regular Oneiric package which does not have the fuzz patch (165) works perfectly. [11:00] Satoris, ahh, interesting [11:00] I didn't push it because it didn't have much testing [11:01] so that's good :) [11:01] Satoris, can you revert the commit noting the bug the it caused? [11:07] Sure thing. [11:45] Satoris, remember to use bzr commit --fixes='lp:' where it makes sense [11:45] including when committing a merge [11:45] Does it actually do anything? [11:46] it adds some metadata to the commit, and it links things up better in launchpad [11:46] it's not a big deal and isn't worth withholding a commit from merging [11:46] but it's nice to have [11:51] Disconnecting due to package upgrade -> [11:56] Final confirmation that 165 was the issue: building the merged branch into a package and installing it makes things work. [13:06] Satoris, awesome [13:06] thanks for testing it out :) === rob_w is now known as rob_w_away