
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
=== guampa_ is now known as guampa
in8hello all!  I'm here because I was directed here to ask about a cloak.19:07
k1lin8: link your launchpad account please19:08
in8sure. https://launchpad.net/~n8berry19:08
Unit193Generic cloak19:09
ubottuUbuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership19:09
IdleOnefor a "generic" or unaffiliated cloak please ask in #freenode19:10
in8Thanks.  I was unaware of membership requirements beyond an account.19:11
GTRsdkis there a channel with Ubuntu members?21:22
elkythere's no dedicated channel, no21:22
elkywhat would you need from such a channel?21:23
GTRsdkI would like to talk to some Ubuntu Members to find out a way to become an Ubuntu Member21:23
k1lthe support and the offtopic channels give you a good chance to meet some members :)21:23
ubottuUbuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership21:24
Unit193Ubuntu Members are normal people too, not much different21:24
elkyGTRsdk, read the information ubottu said, and also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/Guidelines21:25
GTRsdkI think it might be somewhat offtopic here, but how would someone do packaging to become an Ubuntu member?21:26
GTRsdkwould that be to a PPA or official repositories?21:27
IdleOne#ubuntu-packaging might be able to point you in the right direction21:29
IdleOnewith packaging questions but becoming a member isn't all about code21:30
IdleOneI don't do any coding21:30
* k1l cant code anything21:30
k1lGTRsdk: it is about showing the membership board, that you contribute to the community. why dont you take a look at users who attend to become a member or visit a membership board meeting in #ubuntu-meeting21:32
ubot5In #bzr, jelmer said: ubot5: your change is only in bzr-builddeb 2.7.922:53
ubot5In ubot5, GTRsdk said: cheese is awesome23:13
GTRsdkerr... I didn't mean to have that get sent here23:13
m4vyou are doing it wrong if you're going to contribute so you can become a member.23:19
ubot4Factoid '1' not found23:23
* genii-around kicks ubot423:46
Unit193Wrong syntax, it's /kick ubot4 Bad bot! ;)23:47
Unit193Or /abr ubot4 Badie23:47

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