
head_victimjbicha: bug 867893 is a bit odd, I just went to the page and it's allowing edits fine08:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 867893 in ubuntu-docs "A minor detail in wiki, but i cannot edit :(" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86789308:28
jbicharight, it works for me, I didn't know if there was a different access level or something08:30
head_victimWorth making it affect ubuntu-website and having someone from there look into it?08:31
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manjulGreetings everybody... This is my first time venturing on here... I am trying to make some humble efforts towards transitioning the Ubuntu Community Documentation from the old theme to the new theme14:23
manjulI have obtained the ubuntu-docs oneiric branch from Launchpad, and am first trying to generate the static html...14:24
manjulMay I implore somebody to guide me as I go through it? I realize this would never get done by me unless I just sit down and do it whilst I do my other stuff14:24
manjulTo start with - I have no idea how to generate the static html (I was under the impression that one needs to make the package to do so, but the legendary mdke clarified that this was not the case)14:25
manjulMoreover, after using autotools to create the Makefile, I get an error in Make14:35
Atamirahi manjul14:37
Atamirayou would be better off emailing the mailing list for answer to your queries14:37
Atamiraor you might be incredibly lucky to actually get someone who can answer your question whos alert in here14:38
manjulHeh thanks... I just thought it would be much faster if I did it in realtime... I realize everybody, especially mdke, is busy with the release of Oneiric14:38
Atamirait generally is faster heh. just gotta hope someone is actually present on here for that tho14:39
manjulYeah... I guess I'll just hang around myself as well :) Thanks for responding though!14:41
manjulI've been trying to balance this with my research work, and the only solution is to try to do them side-by-side14:41
manjulBe back later :)14:50
manjulAha... I see that the legendary mdke is himself here14:55
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mdkejbicha: I assume 11.10.4 was never uploaded from what Launchpad is telling me, correct?20:12
jbichamdke: you uploaded it yesterday though, right?20:21
jbichaoh, never mind, that was 11.10.320:22
jbichano, I never uploaded 11.10.4 nor was it sponsored in20:22
jbichaand 11.10.3 was 2 weeks ago20:24
mdkefine, it's going in today hopefully20:26
mdkejbicha: if you have any bugs or sponsor requests open to do it, please close em20:26
jbichaI was only looking for a sponsor the day I tagged it but then you said you would upload it20:27
jbichathere's one major screenshot that we need to do something with though20:28
mdkecan you do it now?20:28
jbichathe first one on help:ubuntu-help/unity-introduction20:28
jbichaif I do it, I'd probably just replace it with a generic desktop without labels20:29
jbichaif j1mc or someone wants labels then they can do it (?)20:30
* mdke nods20:30
mdkeI don't really mind.20:30
mdkedisadvantage of the labels is that they are very unlikely to get translated20:30
mdkewe haven't had any screenshot translations yet20:30
mdkethe package won't build20:31
jbichathe translators may not know how to do the screenshots20:31
mdkewe have too many help files :/20:32
mdkejbicha: what do you think re the screenshot? If you can do one now, I'm happy to have no labels20:42
mdkeotherwise i'll upload20:42
jbichamdke: just pushed an updated screenshot20:43
mdkelegend, thanks20:43
mdkejbicha: uploading. Thanks again for your great work this cycle20:45
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