
genii-aroundI guess that's what you get for idling... ;)01:16
pmatulis@comment 43860 that was a test guys!01:16
ubottuThe operation succeeded.01:16
IdleOnethat was uncalled for and mean. I am reporting you for op abuse01:25
boxybrownthis is the most unhelpful channel02:00
boxybrownbut FYI, I fixed my problem02:00
boxybrownit ended up being a VM + Linux Kernel issue02:01
TheEvilPhoenixlol @ opabuse :P02:09
cruiseoverideHey guys, I need some help with software raid04:05
cruiseoverideIs this the right place to ask?04:05
cruiseoverideI created an md1 (radi1) with sdb1 and the 2nd drive missing. I then ran mkfs on md1, mounted it, copied some files, and then umounted, rebooted. Now i cant mount md1. Says there is no filesystem04:07
cruiseoveridebe right back04:07
cxoRight, back.04:08
cxoIs there a better channel for mdadm questions?04:18
hahacould anyone kindly help me download this file please:http://www.filesonic.com/file/2311849181/0470540834.pdf04:57
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twbIs there a way to get I/O stats for tmpfses?05:24
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ClayFighey does anyone here test security?06:54
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jamespagemorning all08:00
lynxmanjamespage: morning!08:05
daxrocHas anyone encounterd nfs issues where it times out most of the time but does eventualy connect? ubuntu 10.10, nfs v3 on both ends08:09
twbdaxroc: at boot?08:10
daxroctwb: no, manual mounts. autofs fails too with timeouts08:10
twbhaven't seen that, no08:11
twbI know the boot process as at lucid has cyclic dependencies (i.e. never works) for some NFS use cases08:11
daxrocIt seems to work fine on fresh installs, but dist upgrades seem to have problems08:12
twbHm, the main difference I know of is that hardy had server-side groups off, and lucid had them on08:12
twbWhich only matters if your NFS server can't resolve uids/gids on its own exports08:13
twbdaxroc: I would be doing some tcpdumping and rpcinfo -p'ing and such, see if you can spot a bork-bork08:14
jamespagelynxman, morning08:14
daxroctwp only thing that stands out in the tcpdump is .rpassword incorrect for the two hosts08:38
AdvoWorkto install the man pages, is it sudo apt-get install man or manpages or both, as i see both exist?08:43
ikoniaAdvoWork: the man pages are installed by default08:43
ikoniaAdvoWork: you shouldn't need to install them08:44
AdvoWorkikonia, hmm, ive just used debian and xen to install ubuntu 10.04 server,and its sort of installed a bare bones system, ive had to install like vim, ssh etc, and it doesnt appear to have man either08:45
ikoniaAdvoWork: what install media did you use08:46
AdvoWorkikonia, on the debian machine, i specified the link for lucid # mirror_lucid = http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu08:51
AdvoWorkand installed via xen that way08:51
AdvoWorkit seems to have installed, but as i say, barebones08:51
ikoniaAdvoWork: no, I asked what ubuntu install media you used08:51
AdvoWorkwell, i specified that path, xen downloaded and installed it, is that what you mean?08:53
ikoniaso you didn't install from an iso for example ?08:53
AdvoWorkfirst time ive ever made an ubuntu VM, and it seemed to go ok, but im wondering if it didnt now08:55
ikoniaI'd suggest using one of the iso images so that it goes through the proper install process, gets the right packages, configures them etc etc08:56
AdvoWorkikonia, not that easy with xen09:15
ikoniaAdvoWork: really, I've never had an issue with it09:16
AdvoWorkhow would I specify it then? instead of a mirror, in the /etc/xen-tools/xen-tools.conf? this is only what ive been told mind you09:16
ikonialet me see if I can grab a read through the docs, I've not used xen for ages since kvm came usable09:17
koolhead17hi all09:23
AdvoWorkikonia, ok cool, and one further thing, would it be this file? http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/ubuntu-10.04.3-server-amd64.iso09:25
ikoniaAdvoWork: that looks like the current 10.4 64bit iso09:27
jamespagehallyn_: yesterdays libvirt update looks to have fixed the spawning multiple machines with lxc error in nvoa09:27
jamespageI've hit something racey on termination though - looking now09:28
AdvoWorkikonia, and is that also still using debootstrap?09:32
ikoniaAdvoWork: I don't believe so09:34
AdvoWorki can't seem to find an example or anything for using an iso instead, i know i can specify the iso file as you say, but it still asks in my xen-tools.conf  dist = whatever  which refers to a mirror, so i'd comment out the mirrors, but dont know about that bit, nor the debootstrap bit09:35
ikoniaAdvoWork: dies = lucid09:35
ikonianot a mirror09:35
AdvoWorkdies? sorry i dont get you09:40
ikoniaAdvoWork: sorry, typo09:41
AdvoWorkahh, so really i'd comment out the mirrors, specify the new mirror for the iso, leave dist=lucid as it is?09:42
ikoniathats how I see it09:43
AdvoWorkok cool, and would i also comment out the debootstrap bit or not?09:44
ikoniaAdvoWork: have a quick read onthe docs, that's all I'm doing09:49
ikoniaI've not done this for years so just referencing the docs09:49
AdvoWorkif ive firstly done xen-create-image --hostname=whatever and then xm create /etc/xen/cfg/whatever.cfg   and now i want to change it, ive done xm destroy whatever, how do i undo the first bits? ie how do i properly delete the whole vm? i keeep reading steps that only seem to do the same as destory09:50
AdvoWorkah that does work09:54
AdvoWorkjust missleading09:54
koolhead17RoAkSoAx: hey09:57
lynxmankoolhead17: pretty sure he's sleeping :)10:00
koolhead17lynxman: hey. :)10:04
hallyn_jamespage: yay (on the first)10:35
hallyn_jamespage: by chance, are you getting msgs in syslog from ext4 on shutdown?10:35
jamespagehallyn_, I don't think so10:35
jamespagebug 868206 is the termination issue10:36
* hallyn_ goes to look, and wonders where the bot went10:36
hallyn_jamespage: don't lie to me :)10:37
jamespageah - you mean on instance shutdown10:37
jamespagethey yes I do10:37
jamespageit looked like the devices where getting unmounted or something before the lxc instances where actually terminated10:38
hallyn_jamespage: can you try the trivial patch from bug 861656 ?10:39
jamespageyes - just re-imaging now10:39
hallyn_though really you're right, and we might ought to do it differently10:39
hallyn_i dont' know if we add a wait on the container init, if we cna prevent the umount from failing in the first place10:40
AdvoWorkikonia, ok, i downloaded the iso, set the mirror to the iso, commented out the other mirrors, created the vm, but still, man command is not found..10:50
ikoniaAdvoWork: did it go through an install process ?10:50
ikoniaAdvoWork: eg: ask you to create a username and password, partition the disk etc etc10:50
ikoniancurses based install routine10:50
AdvoWorkikonia, no, it basically only asked me for the root password, so nothing else :S10:52
AdvoWorkso i dont know what im doing wrong?10:53
ikoniathen it's not using an ubuntu server iso10:53
ikoniait's not even installing ubuntu10:53
ikoniaubuntu doesn't have a root password set10:53
AdvoWorkno i mean, its asking me to set the root password10:56
AdvoWorkand to confirm it10:56
AdvoWorkthats the only thing it asked10:56
AdvoWorkjust ssh'd into the machine, and cat /etc/issue shows Ubuntu 10.04 LTS \n \l  so its installed ubuntu, just not the right one?11:02
ikoniaAdvoWork: I don't know where it's getting the install from11:02
AdvoWorknor me :/11:03
AdvoWorkwhats wrong with using this base version, is it just not worth it?11:03
ikoniawell the fact that you don't know anything about it is what's wrong with it11:03
jamespagehallyn_, no IO errors - but 4/6 did not complete termination according to nova11:08
jamespagealthough no lxc instances where found on the hypervisor11:08
jamespagerunning the terminate again did clear them11:08
jamespageso I would say its better11:08
jamespagehallyn_, then I looked at the console11:09
jamespagelots of ext4 errors still :-(11:09
jamespageno opps tho11:09
AdvoWorkikonia, well i know its a base/bare system of ubuntu server, it appears to be ok from what ive seen so far, but i dont know whats not in it that should be11:11
ikoniaAdvoWork: well your missing packages, you've not got the sudo security model setup, so that's 2 core things which I wouldn't trust11:11
AdvoWorkhow do you know ive not got the sudo security model setup? only wondering11:13
AdvoWorkcan i not just do an update/upgrade?11:13
ikoniaAdvoWork: because you set a root password11:14
AdvoWorkdont you normally when you do a new server installation? its been a while since i did one11:17
MyrttiUbuntu doesn't have root password11:18
Myrttino matter what kind of installation you are doing11:18
ikoniathere should be no root password11:18
AdvoWorkhmm,in which case, im stuck then11:21
hallyn_jamespage: eh that's just how ext4 rolls :)11:26
hallyn_jamespage: can you pb some examples?11:26
jamespageyeah - sure11:26
AdvoWorkikonia, any further suggestions then?11:27
AdvoWorkikonia, also just done uname -a which shows: Linux test-system 2.6.32-34-server #77-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 13 20:54:38 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux  does that help at all?11:29
hallyn_jamespage: still not seeing any here though fwiw11:59
jamespagehallyn_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/702714/12:01
jamespagesorry - got distracted trying out juju local lxc provider12:02
hallyn_jamespage: how many were you shutting down?12:05
* HarryPanda is looking for a simple package/upgrade manager, like Spacewalk, but for ubuntu12:51
* koolhead17 points HarryPanda to landscape12:52
HarryPandaI'm trying the demo at the moment, quite slick - but I need *hands on*12:52
koolhead17HarryPanda: expalin handson12:53
koolhead17*hands on"12:53
HarryPandasource code, that I can tinker with12:53
koolhead17HarryPanda: is Spacewalk free product?12:54
koolhead17or a Red Hat enterprise product?12:54
HarryPandait was a redhat enterprise product - their 'Satellite' network, and was only open-sourced reasonably recently12:54
* HarryPanda will look at 'landscape-common' package and see if anything interesting can be used12:56
jamespagehallyn_, any idea why plymount --ping might hang? having trouble with juju lxc containers not starting up properly13:38
hallyn_jamespage: no, i don't even know what that is.14:06
* hallyn_ checks the source14:06
hallyn_jamespage: I assume the PLY_BOOT_PROTOCOL_SOCKET_PATH socket is not created.  Wonder waht creates that14:09
hallyn_(abstrace unix socket \0/ply-boot-protocol)14:10
aliveriusdoes ubuntu run on i386 machines?14:52
hallyn_jdstrand: quick question about the bash auto completions for virsh - is it better to have libvirt-bin drop those in, or to add it to the bash-completions package?14:52
genii-aroundaliverius: Yep14:56
genii-aroundaliverius: We have a couple old 486DX machines here using 6.0614:57
jdstrandhallyn_: while the bash-completion package does have a lot, in this case it feels more right to have whatever package ships the virsh command (libvirt-bin) ship it, especially if you expect it to change and are going to be maintaining it14:58
jdstrandhallyn_: so, for Ubuntu, ship in libvirt-bin. when pushing that to Debian, the maintainer may decide bash-completion is better14:58
jdstrandhallyn_: it would also make the most sense if upstream libvirt picked it up to ship it in libvirt-bin14:59
jdstrandhallyn_: (that way we can always get their updates to it easily)14:59
hallyn_jdstrand: yup, i'll definately send it to the list.  THough I want to fix up the container name completion first15:00
jdstrandcool. thanks for picking that up :)15:00
hallyn_(right now i'm trying to build netcf :)15:04
rbasakjamespage, Daviey or zul: around? I'm quite concerned about bug 868349. I can probably fix it quick but need help reproducing it - it doesn't in my dev environment running out of the source tree, and I don't know how to set up a working environment straight from the packages.15:15
jamespagerbasak, I am15:15
jamespageand where is the bot?15:15
rbasakalso, I don't know what to do with the bug metadata to indicate that I think it needs looking at immediately15:16
rbasak(apart from Importance)15:16
jamespagerbasak, working environment straight from packages - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Oneiric/OpenStackTestPlan15:17
jamespageits all in one15:17
rbasakah yes, of course15:17
jamespagerbasak, lemme tear down my test rig and I'll have a go as well15:18
jamespagerbasak, I've added the server-o-rs tag to the bug report - that will get it on Ursinha and Davieys reports and visible15:19
Ursinhayes sir15:20
f18hi guys! which could be the reason for overwriting my /etc/apache2/ports.conf after every system restart (I'm using ubuntu 10.04)?15:25
f18with the default ports.conf15:25
rbasakjamespage: OK I've reproduced it15:28
jamespagerbasak: sounds like something we really need to fix then15:29
jamespageCan you marked it as confirmed and 'High' for importance15:30
genii-aroundf18: Do you have a separate partition/mount for /etc ? It may be reading whats underneath before mounting happens15:32
f18genii-around: no I don't, but the strange thing is that as far as I saw only to files are affected: the ports.conf and the sites-available/default15:34
rbasakjamespage: OK I've got a one line fix. The problem was a double close. What I don't understand is why I can't reproduce it in a test, but the fix is trivial. I'll keep trying the test for a bit.15:35
Jeeves_Has anyone here figured out a way to allow people to use vnc towards kvm-vm's via some kind of a proxy?15:56
Jeeves_Via a webserver?15:57
Jeeves_With password-authentication?15:57
rbasakjamespage: I've attached a patch to the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nova/+bug/868349/comments/4 - are you OK to update and upload from there, or would you like me to update the bzr branch and do a merge request? Only I know that time is critical and I don't want to make a mistake there.16:19
jamespagerbasak: I'd prefer todo this through a merge request; I'm happy to upload but I would like smoser or zul to review16:24
rbasakjamespage: OK, I'll prepare one now16:24
jamespagerbasak, are you happy with what you need todo? i.e. branches etc..16:25
jamespagebtw - I just reproduced so pretty easy to test the fix16:25
rbasakjamespage: yes - i'm branching lp:~ubuntu-server-dev/nova/diablo, right?16:26
jamespageyep - thats the one16:26
rbasakjamespage: shall I update backport-libvirt-console-pipe.patch or add a new patch?16:29
jamespagerbasak, I would update that patch; patch upon patch is just going to get complicated16:30
rbasakjamespage: trouble is that I now have a diff of a diff to look at which is quite confusing! quilt refresh has walked all over the patch as well. Is this OK - is this the normal way of doing it?16:35
jamespagehmm - not sure quilt should have changed to much in the patch16:36
jamespageI think zul already refreshed then against the diable codebase16:36
jamespagecan you push the branch and let me have a look?16:36
rbasakI did: quilt push backport-libvirt-console-pipe.patch; quilt fold < /tmp/868349.patch; quilt refresh; quilt pop -a16:37
rbasakOK will do16:37
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rbasakjamespage: what should I be pushing to? I tried ~racb/nova/diablo/868349 but got permission denied16:41
jamespagerbasak, I think thats OK16:41
jamespage(the use of quilt)16:42
jamespagetry ~racb/nova/86834916:42
jamespageyou can specify which branch to target when you generate the MP16:42
jamespageat which point use ~ubuntu-server-dev/nova/diablo16:43
rbasakYep found it. https://code.launchpad.net/~racb/nova/868349/+merge/78284 - I hope that's right!16:44
jamespagezul, smoser: any chance one of you can find the time to review ^^16:47
jamespageor even Daviey :-)16:48
jamespagerbasak, to complete the round trip the review.openstack.org change should be updated as well16:56
rbasakjamespage: will do16:56
jamespagethat way the patch headers match up nicely - will keep reviewers more happy16:56
jamespagerbasak, I'm eod - hopefully Daviey, zul or smoser will pickup and review17:08
jamespageand we can upload am tomorrow17:08
rbasakjamespage: OK, see you tomorrow17:08
ToidiAny idea on how I can figure out why Samba won't let me save a file as a guest (even though the guest account has R/W access to the shares). I can write a file as the gues account with no issues via ssh17:13
ToidiI can write a file via notepad, but not illustrator or photoshop oddly enough. This is driving me mad hehe17:28
Guest27965Hi everyone, I was looking for some help with powernap on ubuntu server.18:06
Guest27965I have Apach2 running on the machine but its connecting via TCP6 which I am guessing the TCP monitor isnt catching18:07
Guest27965I thought that I would have it run an IOMonitor for apache but that isnt working either.18:08
IdleOne!google | test18:37
ubottutest: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.18:37
g0t_Results for | test on Google:18:37
g0t___Results for | test on Google:18:37
g0t__Results for | test on Google:18:37
IdleOneg0t_ g0t__  and g0t___  could you please disable that script in all Ubuntu channels.18:37
IdleOneTm_T: g0t____ has rejoined18:43
Tm_Tevery keyboard action has a delay and possibility to be lost, nice18:45
dkncould i create a raid 6 array, then mirror that array to another HD in raid 1 and just swap out the single HD on the other side of the raid 1 as my take home backup?19:15
dkni know it's not going to let me restore files or anything like that, but as a quick way to coordinate an off site backup?19:16
ikoniadkn: I'd suggest having the two meta devices, then using a technology such as lvm to keep them in sync, assuming the sizes of the arrays are compatible19:16
dknwhat do you mean by two meta devices?19:16
ikoniadkn: 1 raid6 meta device and 1 raid 1 meta device19:17
ikonia(or the meta device and single hard disk)19:18
dknya, i didn't know lvm let you manage sync, i just though it was a layer you could move things around on19:19
ikoniayou can "mirror" with lvm, so if you use it that way, it's a good otion19:19
dknwould the lvm recognize the performance of the raid 6 over a single disk and prefer it?19:20
ikoniadkn: your mirror the data within lvm it will use both19:20
dknbut, for example, if you raid1 a SSD, and a HD together, it's going to prefer the SSD for reads, and the HD will be the bottleneck for writes19:21
dknwill it do the same with lvm mirror?19:21
ikoniait won't do that at all19:21
ikoniaif you raid 1 a device it will access the meta device not the individual hard disk19:21
dknraid or lvm?'19:21
ikoniait will request info from the meta device, and the OS will offer the data from what it best can at that moment in time19:22
dknbut i thought the meta device requested the info, and whatever disk provided it first it would ship it off, so the SSD would supply the data faster and that data would get sent as soon as it's available19:23
ikoniayou may get it for a read, but it still has to confirm the second disk is in a valid state19:24
dknmmm true...19:24
ikoniaeg: it needs to know both are in sync before offering the data or how does it know which one is valid19:24
dknstupid bottlenecks19:25
dknit makes sense when you say it that way though19:25
ikoniaI don't believe it actually checks the data on both, mearly checks the device is marked as sync19:25
ikoniaI'm not %100 been a while since I looked really under the hood at it19:25
ikoniabut that's still a read19:26
dkndoes the lvm mirror support hot swapping?19:27
ikoniadepends on the hardware19:28
dknok, so i'm good them19:28
dknit's to bad mirror or raid 1 doesn't really come with any performance advantage...19:30
ikoniawhy would it ? you're writing to 2 disks and constantly keeping them in sync19:30
dkncause i can either get a purchase order approved for the redundancy level we need, or the capacity we need, but not both..19:31
dknthanks for the help19:32
=== IdleOne is now known as PreciseOne
koolhead17"Precise Pangolin"19:56
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TakyojiAnyone know a way to skip dpkg-reconfigure when installing a package that requires configuration; or some way to specify configuration values from a script?20:22
RobinBAwesomepardon me20:28
RobinBAwesomehow do I specify what mirror does the first stage of pxe/netinstall gets used?20:28
RobinBAwesomeright now it always uses some archive.ubuntu.com mirror20:29
* patdk-wk finds it easier to just tell it to use a web proxy server20:32
RobinBAwesomenot a bad thought20:32
patdk-wkas I'm running apt-cache-ng locally, it helps out :)20:32
patdk-wkplus it autoconfigures apt to use that, on the installed system20:32
RobinBAwesomeit seems liek archive.ubuntu.com is hardcoded in a .c file20:33
patdk-wkna, probably in the seed file20:33
RobinBAwesomeset everything in preseed we could20:33
RobinBAwesomereading C code now20:33
RobinBAwesomepatdk-wk: this is stage 1 ... where it gets the intaller gets retrieved20:39
RobinBAwesomepatdk-wk: does your proxy server intercept traffic to archiv.ubuntu.com20:45
kirklandRoAkSoAx: ping20:47
RoAkSoAxkirkland: pong20:47
RoAkSoAxkirkland: howdy man20:48
kirklandRoAkSoAx: hey man20:48
kirklandRoAkSoAx: i'm curious about ubuntu-natty-x86_64.seed in the orchestra source20:48
kirklandRoAkSoAx: seems kinda outta place20:49
RoAkSoAxkirkland: yeah I just saw it today too20:49
RoAkSoAxkirkland: I'll get rid of it20:49
RoAkSoAxkirkland: it's a leftover from preivous orhcestra20:49
kirklandRoAkSoAx: okay, hold on20:49
kirklandRoAkSoAx: i'll kill it20:49
RoAkSoAxkirkland: ok20:49
kirklandRoAkSoAx: i'm fixing a couple of bugs i hit with SpamapS last night20:49
RoAkSoAxkirkland: the reconfigure one and the partition one?20:50
kirklandRoAkSoAx: yup20:50
patdk-wkRobinBAwesome, no, no need to20:50
kirklandRoAkSoAx: reconfigure is committed20:50
RoAkSoAxkirkland: ok cool20:50
patdk-wkwhen you start the installer, it asks for a proxy server to use20:50
kirklandRoAkSoAx: where's the seed that orchestra uses for non-juju installs?20:51
RoAkSoAxkirkland: that's supposed to be the one which I was planning to rename and cleanup20:51
kirklandRoAkSoAx: the one that was named: provisioning-server/var/lib/orchestra/kickstarts/ubuntu-natty-x86_64.seed ?20:52
RobinBAwesomepatdk-wk: do you know if the proxy server be set in the  kernel params?20:52
RoAkSoAxkirkland: yeah, that's the only seed file that was there before I added the juju one20:53
kirklandRoAkSoAx: okay20:53
RoAkSoAxkirkland: but technically, the juju one will work20:53
kirklandRoAkSoAx: there used to be one called ubuntu-orchestra-client.preseed20:53
RoAkSoAxkirkland: uhmmm i might have got rid oof it by mistake20:54
RoAkSoAxkirkland: but the juju one, the only difference is the cloud-init stuff for juju, which if it is non-existant, shouldn't affect20:54
RoAkSoAxkirkland: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~orchestra/orchestra/trunk/revision/23920:55
kirklandRoAkSoAx: okay, cool20:56
RoAkSoAxkirkland: yeah the ubuntu-orchestra-client.seed was an old preseed that should probably be dropped and just copy the juju one and remove the juju sepcific stuff20:56
RoAkSoAxkirkland: my parking is expiring in 10 mins (im at my former school). I'll take care of it20:57
RoAkSoAxas soon as I get home20:57
kirklandRoAkSoAx: agreed20:57
kirklandRoAkSoAx: i just called it "orchestra.preseed"20:57
=== kentb is now known as kentb-out
PleXsanyone known a descent web management tool voor samba file server?23:13
kaushalis there a glassfish version 3 package available for 8.04 ?23:36
koolhead17kaushal: is 8.04 anymore supported?23:43
kaushalyes it is23:43
kaushalI mean server23:43
Patrickdktill 2013.04 :)23:45
Patrickdkor is it 2013.10?23:46
kaushalPatrickdk: yes23:48
kaushalAny clue to my answer ?23:48
kaushali mean to my question23:48
Patrickdkyou don't know how to use apt?23:49
kaushali dont see version 3 available23:50
Patrickdkbut as it's in universe, it's not supported23:50
kaushalPatrickdk: are there deb packages available for 8.04 ?23:52
kaushalI mean pertaining to version 323:52
Patrickdkhow should I know?23:52
Patrickdkthere are no official, or any in the unoffical ubuntu builds23:53
Patrickdkyou would have to find someone that did it themselfs23:53
PatrickdkI would suggest google23:53
kaushalPatrickdk: i did it already23:53

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