[06:11] morning superfly nuvolari and others [06:13] morning Kilos [06:13] superfly: By the way, nlsthzn on freenode told me "tell superfly hey, please remove my blog from ubuntu-za... sorry for the inconvienience, but it doesn't exits any longer, thanks" 4 hours, 38 minutes and 12 seconds ago [06:13] morning Kilos [06:14] hi skarr [06:29] morning [08:21] if you use alien to convert a tar.gz to .deb where does it save the generated package to please [08:22] Kilos: môre oom! [08:22] môre nuvolari [08:24] oom Kilos, from what I can find, it should go to the current directary [08:24] *directory [08:24] i have just used find and it is somewhere in miles [08:24] hehe [08:24] ty [08:25] i go look for it [08:35] drubin, tumbleweed: ping [08:36] superfly: pong [08:37] hi drubin [08:39] Kilos: oom Kilos, hoe gaan dit met oom vandag? [08:39] drubin: I've removed the login block on the home page of the site... I think the spammers were getting in via the openid login [08:39] drubin: I've replaced it witha block that just links to the right page [08:39] goed dankie drubin en met jou? [08:39] so that people are forced to go via the recaptcha [08:51] superfly: cool [08:51] superfly: /me trusts you [08:51] superfly: is the website in some sort of repo? [08:51] drubin: I'm just trying whatever I can think of :-/ [08:52] * drubin would love to see see change log/history [08:52] no, this is all DB configuration [08:52] Ah ok [08:52] that is dumpped so that is ok [08:52] db-based configuration [09:03] howdy all. [09:04] hi there magespawn [09:06] hi magespawn [09:07] whats up peeps? [09:14] all same [09:23] bbl [09:35] back again [10:05] good morning [10:05] hello [10:05] morning inetpro [10:05] hi kbmonkey [10:08] ohi kbmonkey, been having fun in the cape, I see [10:09] * nuvolari glares at kbmonkey [10:10] I know th cape is awesome, but what 'bout here? [10:17] durbs is also awesome. and I've had some days here I'd rather forget trust me ;P [10:18] maybe we can have a meet up during Dec hols, I'l be that side until Jan [11:00] Maaz: tell kbmonkey I'm going home (bloemfontein) somewhere in Dec, so we need to organise before then :P [11:01] nuvolari: I'm not feeling too well [11:17] Maaz, coffee on [11:17] * Maaz starts grinding coffee [11:17] ah not too ill to make coffee [11:19] lol [11:19] Maaz: what's wrong? [11:19] nuvolari: What? [11:21] Coffee's ready for Kilos! [11:22] Maaz, ty [11:22] Enjoy Kilos [11:24] oom Kilos, how's the afternoon going? [11:24] ok ty superfly and with you? [11:25] just getting started... hopefully it will be fruitful [11:25] ah. with? [11:31] Kilos: lots of work [13:42] Hey everyone [13:46] hi Wolfeyes [13:46] hey magespawn [13:47] hi Wolfeyes [13:47] Heya superfly [14:47] hiya Wolfeyes [14:47] wassup [15:12] later it is home time. [15:13] go safe magespawn [16:01] hi nlsthzn [16:01] Hi uncle Kilos :) [16:02] lo highvoltage you never say anything? [16:03] maybe the last mail from pauly will help queery [16:03] but he also lost [16:03] Maaz, eish [16:03] Met ys ja Kilos Met ys. [16:25] Kilos: I so do! [16:26] hehe [16:27] not here enough highvoltage you even miss meetings [16:27] are you well? [16:28] :YaaawwwnnN: [16:28] hi zeref [16:29] too early to be yawning [16:29] looooooong day [16:29] ah [16:29] sumbag lecturer: demands that we hand in all lab reports, marks only one, thats our lab mark [16:30] eish [16:30] yeah, whole class was like FFFFUUUUUUUUU [16:31] well now you know in the future. all reports must be good [16:32] true that. [16:32] was for electronics course [16:32] all off us comp eng guys, hate that course [16:32] thats nice. what are you planning on doing [16:32] lol [16:33] electronics is very interesting man [16:33] meh [16:33] amazing how them little components work [16:33] thats true though [16:34] but i like digits more [16:34] slices os silicon that works miracles [16:34] yeah [16:35] like in a cpu. thats pure magic [16:35] kilos, are you in Gauteng by any chance? [16:35] west of pretoria [16:36] just west [16:36] hmmmm [16:36] know whether there will be a release party? [16:37] no , i have been waiting for some to say something. normally the guys are planning weeks before but not this time looks like [16:37] there normally is at irene [16:37] everyone seems very busy [16:38] aawww [16:38] zeref, are you on our mailing lists [16:38] http://imgur.com/gallery/0NciD << LAWL [16:38] i just signed up now now [16:38] zeref: nothing stoping you from getting a bunch of mates together and having a party :) [16:39] nlsthzn, new to gauteng, so dont know alot of peeps :P [16:40] we will here from maiatoday whats happening i hope [16:40] hear [16:40] kk [16:40] the party will be for 11.10 [16:40] still on 10.04 [16:40] xD [16:40] she has been ordering the cd's for us [16:41] im on 10.10 and love it [16:41] cd's??? [16:41] official ubuntu cd's [16:41] ah [16:42] she tries to have them for release parties or distributes them after to the different areas [16:42] depending on canonical of course [16:42] thats pretty cool [16:43] yeah maia is a star but busy as can be [16:43] Old managment saying, "If you want something done, give it to a busy person." [16:43] lol [16:44] lol [16:45] 18:41 < Kilos> im on 10.10 and love it [16:45] i've had bad experiences with the 6 monthers [16:45] so i stikc to LTS [16:46] maverick has been very good to me [16:46] better than lucid [16:46] not much but little things [16:46] and there is always help here from the guys\ [16:48] unity sooon :fear: [16:49] * nlsthzn <3 his Unity... [16:49] lol the guys have it all worked out [16:49] but doesnt like old graphics cards [16:49] o0o0 [16:50] i sure by 12.04, they would have ironed out the bugs [16:50] *i'm [16:50] methinks most are sorted alread [16:50] hey nlsthzn [16:51] With Unity 2D old cards won't be a problem [16:51] it told me to use gnome classic [16:53] In 11.04 Unity 2D has to be installed seperatly... in 11.10 onwards the "classic" mode is not there anymore and Unity 2D becomes the default fallback [16:53] oh i must try that then [16:55] :) [16:55] so i can use the unity interface in maverick then as well [16:55] ... no ... Unity 2D comes with Natty and above [16:55] ah ok [16:55] Just not a default install with natty [16:56] What I would suggest is waiting until 12.04, getting a disc and then upgrading to Unity (if you would like to use it Uncle Kilos) [16:57] well, if its better and the future way to go then i will do it when data allows [16:59] or i can spend the rest of my life on maverick, its way better than winsucks [17:00] If it works and does what you need ... then the only concern is security via the interwebs... [17:01] the security updates go for 2 years hey? [17:02] so i got a year [17:08] 10.10 supported up until April 2012 [17:08] Kilos: ok I'll try to make the next meeting :) [17:08] ty highvoltage stay cool till then [17:08] hehe [17:09] zeref: Unity in 11.10 is apparently WAY better than 11.04 [17:10] o/ highvoltage and superfly ... [17:11] hi nlsthzn [17:11] heya highvoltage, good to see that you're still surviving [17:14] was your day successful superfly [17:15] Kilos: mostly [17:15] yay [17:15] mostly is much better than no [17:16] superfly: :) [17:18] hmmmm [17:19] superfly, when i move to 12.04 still have to decide on gnome3 or unity [17:19] unfortunaltly have not tried unity that much [17:20] zeref, you can also go kubuntu [17:20] MEH [17:20] the fly is a kubuntu fan [17:20] me rolls with gnome xD [17:20] zeref: gnome -shell or unity ... you will be using gnome 3 for sure either way... [17:21] oh ya, indeed [17:21] :) [17:21] lulz, past 3 weeks have converted 4 of my friends to ubuntu [17:21] great well done [17:22] they got sick and tired of the problems in wondows [17:22] lol [17:22] was like, forget going to repair shop, get ubuntu, then get community help [17:22] yip [17:22] R0 spent [17:25] nlsthzn, is unity and gnome3 the same thing? [17:25] Kilos: no [17:25] Unity is a shell that runs on Gnome [17:26] ^^ what nlsthzn said [17:26] The new look for Gnome is the Gnome-shell ... Unity is a replacement for that part [17:26] In 11.10 you will have Unity running ontop of Gnome 3 (in 11.04 it is Unity ontop of Gnome 2.32) [17:27] ah ty [17:27] * nlsthzn made a nice blod entry explaining it... pity in a id10t moment he deleted his whole blog :'( [17:28] lol [17:29] *blog not blod >.< [17:44] what was the motivation nlsthzn [17:45] Kilos: I suspect a combination of working for my 3rd nightshift in a row after already going at it for 4 days prior to that... and the fact that it was 3am in the morning... and I am an idiot... [17:45] ha ha ha [17:46] I started deleteing the more silly personal stuff to leave more things worth reading, got annoyed at not being able to make up my mind about one that should stay or should go and nuked 'em all [17:46] eish [17:47] Maaz, patience [17:47] Kilos: Sorry... [17:47] aw [17:48] its a big job removing bits outa a blog [17:48] but wiser to safe somewhere first before you get irritated [17:48] save [17:50] Wise words uncle Kilos ... your just a few days late with them :D [17:50] lol [17:55] and its was all online hey nlsthzn so data recovery tools wont work [17:57] Kilos: yup, is funny... the blog warns you three times that what your about to do can't be reversed... and even then they still send you a an e-mail with a link you must also accept before they do it... So I had ample warning, just not enough presence of mind [17:57] rofl [17:57] stubborn isnt the word [17:59] blogspot only allows you to delete posts not the blog address [18:01] Not the providers fault... Mine and mine alone (but to be honest not much of value was lost)... Before I attempt that again I will make sure what I have to say is worth hearing :) [18:01] hmmmm [18:01] was thinking of starting my own blog on blogspot [18:01] whatever you put there musta seemed important at the time [18:02] nlsthzn: I have a technology blog, and I have a personal blog [18:02] superfly: makes more sense I suppose [18:02] my technology blog goes on Ubuntu-ZA, clug park, etc [18:03] and 365 that heading for7oo and some change [18:05] Maaz, multiply 365 by 2 [18:05] Kilos: Sorry... [18:05] stupid bot [18:05] 703 i think [18:05] 730 [18:06] ? [18:06] you havent been there nlsthzn [18:07] 365 [18:07] superfly, link please [18:07] Maaz: 365*2 [18:07] superfly: 730 [18:07] ah thats nice [18:07] Kilos: sorry, to what? [18:07] 365 [18:08] Oh, right... Code365.info [18:08] there nlsthzn ^^ [18:08] but 730 now should be [18:10] good looking site... and nice idea [18:10] yeah i loved going there [18:11] now zac gets blamed [18:12] joking superfly [18:12] zeref, Code365.info [18:15] Maaz, coffee on [18:15] * Maaz puts the kettle on [18:15] Maaz, coffee for all [18:15] Come on ya buncha geeks. Rock up with your mugs with the correct amount of sugar added already [18:15] Kilos, yours? [18:15] no the fly [18:15] when the fly talks listen [18:16] Maaz: tea please [18:16] Everybody here drinks coffee or goes thirsty [18:16] Maaz: bite me [18:16] Chomps a big chunk outa your butt [18:16] grrrrr [18:16] lol you dont give up nlsthzn [18:16] aan houer wen (or some such) [18:16] lol kilos [18:16] i'll listen [18:17] he's the man [18:19] Coffee's ready for Kilos! [18:19] Maaz, thanks man [18:19] Kilos It gives me great pleasure to serve a bunch of geeks :-) [18:19] meh, comp freezing [18:19] aw [18:20] *yawn* [18:20] sounds like it must be pretty cold there then [18:20] lol [18:21] go sleep superfly [18:21] you getting old now [18:21] Kilos: I have work to do, oom... [18:21] farming is hard work [18:21] eish [19:20] night all sleep tight [19:34] aha, Precise Pangolin [19:34] http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 [19:47] Precise Pangolin [19:47] hmmmm