[00:05] pleia2, well, we have at least something now!! :) [00:39] G'day my fellow Xubuntu inmates :-) [00:40] I trust you all are doing well . [00:40] I am new to Xubuntu and too linux and I hope someone can be kind enough to help me. [00:42] My son just installed Xubuntu on my laptop . I followed the instructions he left for updating my new OS . [00:43] But unfortunately there seems to be a problem with the Oneiric repositories [00:43] Is it me or anyone else experiencing problems connecting to the oneiric repositories ? [00:55] I haven't, but it's best to ask support questions in a support channel :P (#ubuntu+1) [00:56] More people to help you there [01:00] Unit193, Oh I'm sorry thank you. [01:00] No problem [13:08] madnick: Hello, I have a request for the bug ticket about lightdm-gtk-greeter: https://bugs.launchpad.net/lightdm/+bug/862427 [13:08] Ubuntu bug 862427 in Light Display Manager "lightdm-gtk-greeter does not set translation domain" [Medium,Fix committed] [13:09] Can you revert the status from "fix released" into "confirmed"? This because there are still three untranslated items. I have tried changing the status myself, but I'm not authorized to do so. [13:09] Reverting the status to "confirmed" will prevent this final issue from being forgotten. [15:09] Good morning [15:10] Well, morning, anyhow [15:12] Howdy [16:40] Images are working today [16:40] Olbi: You should grab today's image. It will install instead of crash [16:48] charlie-tca: Could you look into what Pjotr said? http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/10/05/%23xubuntu-devel.html [16:48] I don't have authority to do that [16:52] I will comment on the bug report. Those three items are going to need a new bug report, since they are marked as not translatable. I explained that to him already, I think [16:52] Oh okay [16:52] I don't even think its a bug to be honest, those greeters are meant to serve as examples as far as i know [16:52] and the second question looking at that log is "who/why did anyone install oneiric on a new users computer?" [16:54] Didn't want to wait just over a week to update? You recommended Natty to me before it was released (Worked best, not saying you shouldn't) [16:57] there is a similar question in #xubuntu right now :P [16:57] Yep [16:57] "Will there be issues" :P [16:58] Todays images worked flawlessly however, but I dont know what happens if one upgrades to tomorrows [16:59] The issue I have is if someone installs the development version for a new user, they need to be available to answer new user questions. [16:59] Those users in Ubuntu+1 will raise a lot of fuss about questions that a user using development versions should already know the answer to. [17:05] Heh, yeah, I guess yesterday's answer would have been "yes", huh? [18:12] charlie-tca: good evening (or whatever your timezone is)! This issue hasn't been solved yet: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-default-settings/+bug/799268 [18:12] Ubuntu bug 799268 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu: default screensaver should be black screen, not random" [Wishlist,Triaged] [18:13] Will the solution make it into Oneiric? [18:15] Why should it be black instead of a screensaver? [18:16] Ubuntu threw the screensaver out completely now, shouldn't we follow what they do? [18:16] What do they use?? [18:16] None [18:16] Gnome3 decided turning the monitor is much better for everyone [18:16] Gnome3 decided turning the monitor *off* is much better for everyone [18:17] Of course, they do let you choose how long to have it on... 1 min, 3 min, 30 min, 1 hour [18:17] Note ^ ^ no option to say leave it on, either [18:18] The reason is, that some screensavers cause crashes on some hardware. The default screensaver should be failsafe, i.e. black screen. Or be switched off alltogether.... [18:18] * Unit193 is glad he uses Xfce [18:18] Pjotr: I don't think it is very much effort for the user to reset the screensaver to whatever they want. [18:19] But it makes such a bad impression, when the system locks up because of a heavy 3D screensaver [18:19] If it was my preference, it would be a single screensaver, perhaps fish [18:20] I would think if you know that in advance, you can advise them to set it to a single screensaver? [18:20] at least when people *choose* a 3D monster, then they wouldn't be so put off as by a random [18:21] the default should be failsafe [18:21] imho [18:25] Your opinion is allowed. Perhaps we will discuss this again for the next release. [18:25] That's as much as I can ask for. :-) [18:26] I have a request for the bug ticket about lightdm-gtk-greeter: https://bugs.launchpad.net/lightdm/+bug/862427 [18:26] Ubuntu bug 862427 in Light Display Manager "lightdm-gtk-greeter does not set translation domain" [Medium,Fix committed] [18:27] Disabling a few/all GL screensavers could help [18:27] Can you revert the status from "fix released" into "confirmed"? This because there are still three untranslated items. I have tried changing the status myself, but I'm not authorized to do so. [18:27] Yeah, I think you should file a new bug for those three "non-translatable" items left [18:28] OK, I'll make a new one and inform you about it... [18:28] please, and I can then mark it and push it, but it won't happen in oneiric, you know. [18:29] The issue with the GL screensavers is they are part of xscreensaver, and we are limited in what is allowed. [18:39] OK, here's the new bug report about the greeter: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/868613 [18:39] Ubuntu bug 868613 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "lightdm-gtk-greeter in Xubuntu, has three untranslatable items" [Undecided,New] [18:39] Thank you [18:39] Will make sure it is noticed [18:39] Thanks! [18:39] charlie-tca: You add it or shall I? [18:40] Oh, you can add it. I will triage the report and mark it to get it done in P [18:52] charlie-tca: Got it in. I got stuck in support an a PM [18:52] Thanks [18:53] I know how to update that one ;) [19:17] and now... I present the Precise Pangolin, destined to become Xubuntu 12.04 LTS [19:17] http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 [19:18] Gaaa!!! [19:20] Much easier to pronounce the Oneiric Ocelot [19:20] Dangit, I was wishing for Pink Panther ;) But really, needed something to do with a Penguin [19:22] I was hoping for Penguin, too [19:23] hm, I find Precise much easier to spell too [19:24] I never heard about an Ocelot nor a Pangolin :P [19:24] but couldn't it have been Precise Penguin? [19:24] ^^ [19:24] madnick: that's one of the greatest things about Ubuntu. You get to know all kinds of animals you would not even think about :) [19:25] indeed :) I read the wiki suggestion page just a couple of days ago [19:25] and it listed alot of animals unheard of by me [19:25] But P!! P was the one chance for Penguin, the linux LOGO [19:26] which might be why it is not used, though. It avoids having Ubuntu become linux [19:27] which it has been accused of before. Ubuntu == linux, but linux != Ubuntu alone [19:27] I heard it today :) [19:27] and I suspect using penguin would have created huge issues about that [19:27] Its hard to explain however, to people [19:28] People tend to think "Mac, Linux, Windows" [19:28] Eh, that's the problem with people [19:28] I said, to not compilacte things: Ubuntu builds upon Linux [19:28] Yes, but the argument has been made already that Ubuntu and Linux should not be the same. People need to know there are many variations of linux to choose from. [19:31] I think it may acctually be good for people to think of a certain distro as "Linux", because wI know friends who have called me, "Hi, I was going to try out Linux, but I cant find theirhomepage" [19:33] In a way, yes [19:33] I have quite alot of stories about people and Linux, my friend works in an eletronics store, but I dont want it logged :P [19:34] Yep, that's what I hate most about the Ubuntu channels :P [19:34] It's also what offtopic is for [19:34] true === meetingology` is now known as meetingology