[00:00] hmmm... have you googled that error? i've never seen that [00:00] yes [00:01] the guide worked just fine, i could get installed the driver i downloaded but theres no mention f this [00:01] can you get into the gdm login screen at all? [00:02] no, monitor go black and i have to press Ctrl Alt F1 [00:02] to get console [00:02] right... [00:02] and then i tried that [00:02] maybe i got the wrong driver :S [00:02] looks like the driver just isn't working with your card [00:03] what's your card? [00:03] but i dont think so [00:03] and oldie, Nvidia Geforce2 Mx 400 [00:03] hmm. [00:03] might be that not working with the driver [00:04] do you have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf now? [00:04] its so old that video doesnt work properly with the generic driver [00:04] aparently yes, but i cant access it [00:04] with sudo, you should be [00:04] 'sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf' [00:05] let me see, i have both computers side by side [00:07] yay [00:07] xorg in on [00:07] The 96.43.xx driver supports the following set of GPUs: GeForce2 MX/MX 400 [00:08] yes, i downloaded the 96.43.20 [00:08] installation went without troubles [00:08] br1, there should be a device section with the card information. comment that out (add # to the start of the lines), and try rebooting [00:08] but after reboot i got the problem [00:09] br1, that should make you able to log in, at least... [00:11] i found that section [00:11] section "Device" [00:11] ok, now add # to every line until endsection [00:12] before every line? example #Driver "nvidia" [00:12] yep [00:12] 1sec [00:12] that should make the boot use the generic driver, and you should be able to log in [00:12] (graphically) [00:13] how do i save changes? [00:13] ctrl+O, then ctrl+X to exit [00:14] (you might need to hit enter after ctrl+O :)) [00:14] rebooting [00:17] nope, blank monitor :( [00:17] hmmh :/ [00:17] hate this old video card :P [00:18] always gave me trouble [00:18] they can be problematic, yeah [00:19] i think i'll start over [00:19] do u happen to know a step by step guide on installing video card driver on xubuntu? [00:19] !nvidia [00:19] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto [00:20] thank you, ill try that way [00:21] np, and good luck [00:21] you too [00:21] c ya [01:08] G'day my fellow Xubuntu inmates :-) [01:09] I trust you all are doing well . [01:09] I am new to Xubuntu and too linux and I hope someone can be kind enough to help me. [01:10] My son just installed Xubuntu on my laptop . I followed the instructions he left for updating my new OS . [01:10] But unfortunately there seems to be a problem with the Oneiric repositories [01:11] Is it me or anyone else experiencing problems connecting to the oneiric repositories ? [01:11] oneiric?? [01:12] zenrox: yes oneiric [01:12] hmm [01:12] let me look it up [01:12] I attempt to update but I can't at this time. [01:12] zenrox: Thank you [01:13] ok [01:13] there repos might be down [01:13] or something else [01:14] i havnt even updated to that os yet [01:14] i am still useing 11.04 [01:14] your useing 11.10 [01:14] that is not even released [01:14] yet [01:15] zenrox: My son installed it on my HP Laptop [01:15] he should of installed a stable ver not a devel ver [01:15] slap your son [01:15] lol [01:15] zenrox: hahaha [01:16] its his bad [01:16] but it is ok [01:16] go to your menu system and look for update manager [01:16] zenrox: Well I do have to say it sure is different from windows. [01:16] yep [01:17] At this late in the cycle, not a whole lot is going to change [01:17] still [01:18] zenrox: I did go to my update manager but it's a no go so far. [01:19] you do a check [01:20] if it fails type the error here [01:20] Yes I checked that is why I asked if anyone else was having problems along these lines too . [01:21] hmm [01:22] But it seems I'm the only one currently using Xubuntu Oneiric on this channel lol [01:22] i am gona update to it [01:22] right now [01:23] now that i have a stable inet i can run a devel os [01:24] i have bine with ubuntu from the first version that was released long time ago [01:25] I have heard a lot of positive things about Ubuntu. [01:27] ubuntu just plain works [01:28] zenrox: What slice of the globe do you call home ? [01:28] some ove the other ver of linux out thare all are getting to the point whare ubuntu is [01:28] washington state [01:29] zenrox: wow I'm from washington state too. [01:29] what a coincidence [01:30] whare at [01:30] what part of washington state are you from ? [01:30] moses lake area [01:31] I'm from Olympia [01:32] so your in a big city you should fine a lug (linux users group) [01:32] find [01:34] will look into that I might try Linuxmint too been reading about it too. [01:36] linuxmint is nice too but has its own qwerks [01:38] what kind of qwerks would those be ? [01:38] thats upto the hardware and config [01:38] my network card was harder to get worken [01:43] But isn't Linuxmint like Xubuntu based on Ubuntu ? [01:44] I just assumed the drivers would be the same. [01:48] not necarly [01:48] but essently the same [02:11] can i still use bttv in xubuntu 10.10 [02:12] you mean 11.10? [02:12] Any chance anyone else here among my fellow Xubuntu inmates is having troubles connecting to oneiric repositories for updates ? [02:13] sandra i dont think you can connect is cause the repos are overloaded [02:13] i am d/l from them right at the moment [02:14] wow I wonder why and what would cause that ? [02:14] ppl upgrading/getting updates just the repos or being over used [02:15] just wate 24hrs and it should be fine [02:15] brb ciggy break === XubuntuKris is now known as death2all110 === death2all110 is now known as XubuntuKris === XubuntuKris is now known as death2all110 [02:23] ok back [02:23] I suppose I could try reloading Xubuntu Oneiric and see if my connections iron out. [02:23] shouldent have to do that [02:24] the repos get over loaded from about now till 30 days after releace [02:26] I shall return , tc everyone [02:26] zenrox, Nice meeting you === death2all110 is now known as XubuntuKris [02:51] Someone ping me. [02:58] pinged [03:01] XubuntuKris, you were pinged [03:01] * Ping reply from XubuntuKris: 0.36 second(s) [03:04] I'm talking about simply using my nick in channel... [03:05] xchat isn't making any sounds anymore. [03:06] turn them back on?? [03:06] I did, still doesn't work [03:07] I did look under advanced>text events [03:07] and found that my "beep" event has nothing listed... [03:07] It's the only one with nothing listed [03:08] the rest have things like "%C21*%O$t%C21%B$1%O%C21 $2" [05:02] Hello. Will Xubuntu try and force a GUI nobody likes on it's users like Ubuntu in later releases ? [05:06] NOPE [05:06] just xfce is all it will force on its users [05:07] otay.. Next question.. to LTS or not to LTS? Would I really be missing out in some 'latest mumbo jumbo' ? [05:08] naw you can keep uptodate with latest realices all you want [05:08] lts is just one that thay will support longer [05:08] Well, I just didn't want to be bothered with distro upgrades that might go wrong for longer. [05:08] i am dist upgrading right now [05:09] i ant never had a prob i couldent fix [05:09] I see. [05:09] but eatch to there own [05:10] i just keep up with the realices [05:10] since the beginning of ubuntu warty worthog [05:11] I'm just looking to get off of XP. [05:11] since this machine wont be used as a gaming machine anymore. [05:11] ubuntu/xubuntu/lbuntu all good for that [05:11] ubuntu not somuch [05:12] lubuntu a very good replacement [05:12] boots in seconds [05:13] lxde? [05:13] lubuntu comes with it, yes [05:13] a little TOO min.. I think.. [05:14] although it ran good on a pentium2 [05:15] Anyway, I'm trying to figure out what is going to be new and greatest in the latest release and upcoming release vs the LTS ? [05:15] is there really anything I would want in the latest editions vs the older LTS? [05:18] BTW: Lubuntu is now an offically supported OS ? [05:18] like Xubuntu/Kubuntu ? [05:19] !lubuntu [05:19] lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support. [05:20] at least they keep releasing versions with the same development cycle [05:20] I thought they wasn't part of the offical support group? *Shrug* I guess times changed. [05:21] what is it with these ppl that turn up with adds for nicks? [05:21] lubuntu wasnt mentioned in the release notes, so I guess its not official [05:22] it has it's own wiki on ubuntu.com ... [05:22] . [05:22] and a bot command [05:23] aye, but it still does not make it official, it [05:23] s just features [05:23] -s+d [05:23] gdamn [05:23] heh ;) [05:24] Seems lubuntu only comes in 32bit, not that that matters for this machine. [05:33] "Lubuntu 11.10 will be the first version of Lubuntu that has official sanction as a member of the Ubuntu family." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lubuntu [05:36] what is it with these ppl that turn up with adds for nicks? [05:39] ((12:22:10:am)) what is it with these ppl that turn up with adds for nicks?((12:37:24:am)) what is it with these ppl that turn up with adds for nicks? [07:18] Is there any way to differentiate between the ethernet, ppp and pptp interface in linux? [07:26] they should have entirely separate interfaces [07:26] ifconfig -a (assuming all modules are properly loaded) [07:28] I know, but what is the distiguishing factor between these? Any flags set internally? [07:29] Shirakawwasuna: I need to differentiate them programatically [13:18] http://www.livestream.com/runapc [13:27] Hey guys can anyone help me? [13:28] i have a problem with xubuntu [13:53] Hello. Who i can ask about beta xubuntu? [13:55] Abiword makes a space that gets bigger some times after a table.. I reduce the space, but it comes back when i open the doc [13:55] Why?? [14:05] hi [14:05] i installed a mod of a game, and i can't unistall it [14:05] anyone can help me? [14:07] rm -rf does not work? [14:07] you mean to remove the folder? [14:07] aye [14:07] not sure which other directories the installer has created [14:08] or fiels modified [14:08] i removed the folder already, but when i try to reinstall it, it says that it is already installed [14:08] oh ok [14:08] you might need to google what the installer does [14:08] it's a .run [14:09] doesn't ring a bell [14:09] What does: file installer-filename.run say? [14:10] it says that it's already installed [14:11] but i removed the folder [14:11] Thats not a result that command would give. It would say something like POSIX shell script, or ELF 64 bit executable, or so on like that [14:12] how can i have that? [14:13] patrice: The idea here is to find out if the .run file you installed from is some binary file or a shell script. If it's a shell script, you can open it with a text editor and find out what it did when you ran it [14:13] true.combat.elite_0.49b-english-2.run [14:14] POSIX shell script text executable [14:14] it says that [14:14] sorry, i'm noob under linux [14:15] POSIX shell script text executable [14:15] patrice: chmod a+x name [14:15] patrice: cat true.combat.elite_0.49b-english-2.run | pastebinit and then give us the URL please [14:16] pastebinit is not installed [14:17] sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cat true.combat.elite_0.49b-english-2.run | pastebinit [14:23] Kids these days, no patience. [14:23] * genii-around makes more coffee [16:56] if i want to install 11.10 early from beta2 will there be any issues upgrading to stable? [16:57] No, there should not be. As long as you are updating it daily until the release. At the time of release, you will be at the same final release image level. [16:58] thats what i was figuring... [16:59] i know this will be a biased question.....gnome has been irking me lately, should i switch to kde or xfce? [17:00] xenoxaos: imo, xfce is more like gnome than kde...but both are quality DE's...it's a matter of taste [17:01] grab the liveCD/USB's and see. In my experience, you'll be able to choose in 5 minutes :) [17:02] Um, I would guess if asked here, Xubuntu is the obvious answer. It is w-a-y better then Kubuntu from my perspective ;) [17:02] ElderDryas: I agree with that [17:02] Well, it's obvious to a casual observer, but I was trying not to be biased :) [17:03] Your answer is probably better than mine today. I like giving the user the livecd option [17:03] Kubuntu is much more flashy, while Xubuntu is lighter and gets out of your way [17:04] Note, I have used both and would recommend both depending on answers to questions [17:05] charlie-tca: And with a USB option (as is built into 'buntu), it's easy and cheap to test them. [17:05] a-hem... I guess if you have a machine that boots from USB, a-hem [17:06] Doesn't everybody? [17:06] I seldom think of USB since my machines are a bit older :) [17:06] Out of 5 computers, I think one does boot from usb now [17:07] * charlie-tca burns through between 200 and 300 cd-r's every release cycle [17:08] I have been looking at distros for the past six months (does that coincide with anything?), and have gotten to the point that I won't even look at a (minor) distro that won't work with unetbootin [17:09] * ElderDryas thinks that's because charlie-tca just likes the whirly sound of the disks spinning [17:09] heh [17:09] That might be too [17:10] charlie-tca, you may look into getting a u3 flash drive and using u3-tool to replace the cd image on the drive...the computer thinks its a cd and will boot off of it like a cd [17:10] or a new computer [17:11] I picked up a new computer this summer. It was U.S. 10 dollars at the yard sale [17:11] xenoxaos: u3 flash drive? [17:11] I will investigate that [17:11] charlie-tca: Tell you what, you convince my wife to let me get a new computer and I'll GIVE you my old laptop :) [17:12] essentially it partitions the drive into two different usb devices, a flash drive and a cd drive [17:13] I got one of them "old laptop" things now [17:13] can't be more than ?? years old, too. Even mostly works when I plug it in. [17:13] Old laptop == what I'm using now [17:14] hm, I guess that would be more towards 'new' here, if it boots from usb [17:14] Well, got to go feed the baby... bbl [17:14] ttfn [18:47] ei [18:48] qualcuno in italiano? [18:48] !it [18:48] Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) [18:49] oh, missed the 30 second response time [18:51] oh well === IdleOne is now known as PreciseOne === PreciseOne is now known as pangolin === pangolin is now known as PreciseOne === PreciseOne is now known as pangolin [20:29] will the rc be released tomorrow? === bazhang_ is now known as bazhang [23:01] Will the LTS switch to a later supported firefox when Mozilla axes FireFox3 ?