
oSoMoNgood morning06:59
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apinheironjpatel, so, can I merge the branch or do I need to wait for lamalex?10:26
czajkowskianyone from the design team araound ?10:26
apinheiroyou said something about that yesterday10:26
czajkowskiaruiz: ello10:28
aruizczajkowski: hey hey10:38
czajkowskiaruiz: still here :)10:41
aruizczajkowski: huh?10:42
njpatelapinheiro, plaese merge11:00
czajkowskinjpatel: ello ello!11:09
njpatelhi czajkowski11:23
czajkowskinjpatel: how goes that patch to block out #tags ;)11:25
njpatelczajkowski, hah, not well, unfortunately, too busy right now :(11:25
njpatelbut, definitely happening before olympics ;)11:26
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czajkowskinjpatel: oh god yes please before then, and also then in 2015 for the RWC in UK :)11:26
czajkowskinjpatel: I did mention you on my rugby world update post :)11:27
njpatelczajkowski, hehe, nice :)11:28
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smoseranyone else see bug 863301 ?13:24
ubot5Launchpad bug 863301 in unity-2d (Ubuntu) "menus disappear on mouse-up" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86330113:24
smoseri saw it when i opened the bug, then it went a way on a couple subsequent logins, but i upgraded last night and i'm seeing it again.13:24
nmarqueshi, anyone knows if it is possible to build indicator-datetime without the panel stuff ? (I don't have available libgnome-control-center)13:41
hichamthat would be absurd13:43
hichamthe indicator should be tied to control-center, since it uses the applet from there13:43
nmarquesa simple 'no' would be enough13:48
nmarquesno need to be rude13:48
nmarqueslet me guess, you're from Fedora? all explained13:49
hichamsorry, i was just explaining13:49
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lamalexom26er, why did you mark this as a compiz bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/73506115:33
ubot5Ubuntu bug 735061 in evolution (Ubuntu) "evolution setup and settings windows too large" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:33
htorquehi all! do i need to restart the session to get the new unity-lens-applications working? if a unity restart should be enough, i got bad news for mhr3 ;-)15:42
mhr3htorque, unity restart is *not* enough15:43
mhr3but if you kill the daemons the new version will be restarted15:43
mhr3so no need to end session15:44
htorquehm, "apps available for download" → Unity 2D, which is installed. maybe i should try a restart.15:45
htorquemhr3: looked good for a while but now it's showing me Kate and Unity 2D again, which are both installed.15:51
mhr3oh... kde apps, i forgot that those might cause trouble15:52
htorquemhr3: it's also showing "System Settings" - should i change the bug status back to new (bug 858056)?16:04
ubot5Launchpad bug 858056 in unity-lens-applications (Ubuntu) "Dash - "Apps Available for Download" recommends a program that is already installed" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85805616:04
mhr3htorque, yea, pls add a comment that kde's still causing trouble16:06
htorquemh3: i clicked on the "system settings" icon and turns out that's indeed the kde version of it - shouldn't that have its own icon (showed the same as the gnome one)?16:10
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htorquemterry: hi! sorry, i was afk (re: bug 835646)16:25
ubot5Launchpad bug 835646 in indicator-appmenu (Ubuntu) "unity-panel-service memory leak when starting various applications" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83564616:25
czajkowskianyone on the design team around16:25
czajkowskiI know ian farrell is away, who's next in line?16:25
mterryhtorque, hi!16:25
mterryhtorque, so was your comment with my latest branches I had pointed to, or with oneiric updates?16:26
mterryhtorque, (the one about memory use)16:26
mterryhtorque, oh, I see you commented again16:26
mterryhtorque, thanks for testing them out!  The updates just went into oneiric16:27
htorquecool! :-)16:27
htorquethanks for the memleak hunting! :-)16:27
htorquemhr3: so gnome's and kde's system settings are both called "System Settings" and they have almost identical icons (http://img.xrmb2.net/images/611466.png) - should i make this a bug report against whatever package or do we have to live with such cases?16:32
mterryhtorque, there was a thread in gnome recently about that16:34
mterryhtorque, KDE guys seemed a little upset.  I think the result was that there are ways around it using OnlyShowIn with 2 desktops with different names (KDE System Settings vs System Settings when in KDE)16:34
htorquemterry: interesting, thanks for the info! that's the problem when there's no "k" in your application name that you could capitalize. :-P16:37
mterryhtorque, I do remember that KDE people said they specifically didn't want it merely hidden when not in KDE, since it is the only way to adjust some settings of some KDE apps16:37
mterryI don't know if that's true in reverse for GNOME system settings16:38
mhr3htorque, i'm afraid we have to live with that16:46
mhr3mterry, i saw that you're working on the leaks in libdbusmenu, did you see the nice video i made a while back? :)16:49
mterrymhr3, no?  is a video of top?  :)16:50
mhr3just a sec, need to find the link16:51
mhr3mterry, http://ubuntuone.com/3XRApFaRZJ9jyR6O6FwJZX16:52
mhr3but it's about a week old, so things probably changed...16:52
mterrymhr3, oh, cute.  what's leak-detector?16:53
mterrymhr3, hopefully much better!16:54
mterryno dbusmenuitems for one16:54
mhr3little something i wrote for leak hunting16:55
mhr3leak hunting gobjects at least16:55
mhr3i can re-run it tomorrow if you pushed the fixes to O already16:55
mhr3i'm done for today :)16:56
mterrymhr3, awesome.  makes me think of http://blogs.gnome.org/danni/2011/02/17/ld_preload-gobject-lifetime-debugging-tool/16:56
mterrymhr3, i have, i'd be interested how much better it is for you16:56
mhr3mterry, that's what i based it on :)16:56
mterrymhr3, nice.  is the source out there?16:56
mhr3not really, but let me push it into my junk16:57
mhr3mterry, bzr push lp:~mhr3/+junk/leak-detector16:58
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nmarquesAnyone can confirm me if libappindicator appindicator3-0.1.pc file has the intended includedir ?17:12
nmarquesshouldnt it be: libappindicator3-0.1 instead of libappindicator-0.1 ? or this is just a personal issue ?17:12
kenvandinenmarques, that is basically the same issue you had in app-indicator.c17:25
kenvandinefor dbusmenu17:25
kenvandinethe headers are the same for gtk2 and gtk317:25
kenvandineso we point to just one set of them17:25
kenvandineiirc :)17:26
nmarqueskenvandine, patched... and all my broken patches are done :/17:28
nmarquesI mean broken apps17:29
kenvandineso you can patch the .pc file17:29
kenvandinenmarques, although it would be nice to have a bug report to fix that up some other way17:29
nmarqueswell you have 2 .pc files, this one could be fixed to the real stuff for gtk3 builds17:31
nmarquesI'll drop the patch in a bug report17:32
kenvandinewe'll see what tedg says17:32
nmarquesbtw, nice hack on gnome-control-center (I don't agree with upstream also on not allowing more panels)17:35
kenvandinenmarques,  :)17:35
kenvandinethat was quite a thread on the d-d-l17:36
nmarqueskenvandine, it sorted indicator-datetime, so I'm happy... now I have to focus on compiz, and really this is where motivation flies away17:38
nmarquesif this works out and I can get Unity building with the current of patches, I will try to push it for next cycle17:43
nmarquesback to compiz :/17:43
CrazyLemonhey guys.. where could i see all the letters from ubuntu mono font (currently used in terminal) ?19:02
CrazyLemonis there a webpage/file ?19:03
nmarquesgnome-font-viewer ?19:03
CrazyLemonthanks nmarques :)19:10
senseCrazyLemon: font.ubuntu.com might do the trick as well.19:27
CrazyLemonsense thanks..but i used gnome-font-viewer and the bug/typo i thought thats font related ..well..its not :D and i'm confused now19:29
senseCrazyLemon: If you're looking for bugs and reporting and such, it has a Launchpad project at <https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-font-family>.19:30
CrazyLemonsense thanks..but like i said..after using gnome-font-viewer i dont think its font related19:32
CrazyLemonso..thanks guys...take care19:32
nmarquesmy skills either improved a lot or compiz has made huge advances19:39
nmarquesno more todo lists19:39
kenvandinenmarques, woot19:41
kenvandinenmarques, does that mean your compiz package is current now?19:41
nmarqueskenvandine, it means it builds without triggering errors/warnings :)19:44
nmarqueskenvandine, there's still a long way to go19:44
nmarqueswork for today and tomorrow19:44
nmarquesWrote: /usr/src/packages/RPMS/x86_64/compiz-0.9.6+bzr20110929-1.x86_64.rpm19:45
nmarquesexact copy of the one you are shipping :)19:46
nmarquesthe only thing missing is .desktop and .session files for GDM19:46
nmarquesbut that's not really an issue for now19:46
kenvandineunity provides those19:46
nmarquesnow the plugins which are really easy to build19:47
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