
valorieyes, RIP Steve Jobs01:00
* valorie leaves for PFLAG01:00
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ScottKAnyone else's fonts change today?06:42
GirlyGirl4.7.2 on oneric ... self compiled going well here07:06
ulyssesthey have a time machine! http://kde.org/announcements/announce-4.7.2.php07:30
ulysses"September 7, 2011. Today KDE released updates for its Workspaces, Applications, and Development Platform."07:30
GirlyGirlulysses: How does OpenSuse get packages for KDE so quickly! Arch is pretty fast too07:35
GirlyGirlThough Suse breaks regularly with kde updates07:35
ulyssesthe tarballs were created about a week ago, as always, but the release is announced alway later07:36
Quintasan_wendar: Hiho, they called me and asked about where should they put the US Tax Payer ID since their system wont accept that in the NIP field which we use in Poland. I was told there are two possible fields where they can put it: next to Company name or in the Comments field10:53
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
wendarQuintasan: That's reasonable. I can't imagine they'll have much use for the US Tax ID, but needed the equivalent of NIP in their records.12:33
apacheloggerwendar: so, you dont have any preferences on where to put the ID?13:17
wendarapachelogger: as long as it doesn't get printed on a shipping label, I can't see that it matters much14:05
wendarapachelogger: it's not relevant on the company side, purchasing hardware in Poland has no relevant tax consequences in the US14:06
apacheloggerwendar: ok, I sent Quintasan an SMS, he apparently is without internet right now14:11
* apachelogger wonders if someone removed the internetz from the top of big ben again ^^14:11
wendarapachelogger: thanks :)14:12
debfxapachelogger: for some reason kwin doesn't pick up the kubuntu-low-fat settings15:14
debfxaha, k-d-s overrides the window decoration style15:17
ximionhi! does someone here know why kpackagekit has been removed from Oneiric without a trace?15:19
ximionusers were asking for it...15:20
GirlyGirlximion: Doesn't muon replace it15:25
ximionGirlyGirl: No, theyre two completely different project, with different goals and different audience and different technology15:25
ximionuon replaces KPK as _default_ but users should still be able to switch to KPK if they want15:26
GirlyGirlximion: Ah I see the issue is that it is not present in the repos?15:26
debfxximion: the package doesn't build anymore and it depended on an old packagekit library that has been removed15:27
ScottKximion: It's in Universe.  It didn't go away15:27
ScottKximion: All it takes is someone who's interested to make sure it works.  If there are fixes available, it's not too late to get them in.15:27
ximiondebfx: okay, that's a valid reason (and I guess it's also my fault :P)15:28
ximionScottK: the new version of KPK, targeting the new pk-qt2-lib is called Apper - I would have to package Apper to fix this.15:29
ximionthis task is already on my todo anyway, but I don't think a new version (and a new package) can make it into Oneiric now ^^15:29
danttiximion: or you can put pk-qt1?15:30
Quintasanapachelogger: Ah, thanks once again15:30
ximiondantti: possible15:31
ximionScottK: If I provide a patch against the packagekit package to produce a package containing the missing lib, would this be okay?15:31
ScottKximion: As long as it doesn't affect the existing packagekit functions, yes.15:34
ScottKAlso, if you can find someone to upload apper, I'll approve the exception and do the archive admin new package review.15:34
ScottKSo if you can do it in the next day or two apper can still get in.15:35
ximionScottK: Wow, that would be super-cool! But then dantti needs to say yes to it :)15:35
danttiScottK, ximion: I'm super hell busy but I'll find time today to finish the last issue, as I don't want a release without it :P (as my clients are also used to it...)15:37
ScottKximion: You will need to find someone to upload it.  I can't do both the new review and be uploader.15:38
danttiI'm fight right now to make a Cacti installationg work well, but I'll do that..15:38
ximiondantti: Okay... Hmm, this will become difficult, because I don't have too much time.15:39
ximionbut I already started the packaging15:39
danttiximion: afaik I'll only fix the check for updates issue, so if you package the current git code it shouldn't get broken :P15:40
ximionScottK: okay :) Btw, which role do I need in the Ubuntu project to be able to upload some packages like packagekit, projectm etc.?15:40
ximionScottK: hmm... Then I think I'll try to apply for MOTU - it is a pain to always go the Debian -> Sync with Ubuntu way to fix some small bugs which are only available in Ubuntu (because of never glib, for example)15:44
ScottKximion: Are you a DD?15:44
ximiondantti: which version-number will the new apper release have?15:45
ximionScottK: DM very soon :)15:45
ximionit took some time to get my GPG-key signed by a DD15:45
ScottKOK.  Once you have DM status, it should be relatively easy to get per-package uploader rights for the packages you maintain in Debian.15:45
ximion(fortunately there were some at Desktopsummit)15:45
danttiximion: 0.7.015:46
ximionthat would be cool!15:46
ximiondantti: ok15:46
ScottKIf it's only certain packages, PPU is easier than MOTU to get.15:46
ximionScottK: As long as I get sponsors for my packages, DM and PPU is enough, I guess.15:47
ximioncan I set bug priorities on LP with PPU?15:48
ximion(I so much want to do this to organize the bug-flood on LP. for PK, I finally managed to get it down to less than 10 reports *yay*)15:48
yofelto set the importance you need to get direct or indirect membership to ubuntu bug-control. 15:50
yofelnote that upstream developers or bug triagers can get that pretty easy15:50
yofeljust poke in #ubuntu-bugs15:50
yofelScottK: where are we going to put 4.7.2 for oneiric? PPA or oneiric-updates? 15:51
yofelximion: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl15:52
ximionyofel: thanks - I didn't know that15:52
ximionheh, I'm doing stuff for Ubuntu for 3 years now and I'm still missing the basics15:53
ximion(focused on Debian the past two years)15:53
ScottKyofel: I think -proposed/updates16:02
ScottKyofel: pimlibs/pim/pim-runtime are already in.16:02
ScottKThe rest should still go in the PPA first for testing.16:03
=== allee_ is now known as allee
ximionis someone here interested in uploading Apper to Ubuntu for me?16:39
ximion--> http://dantti.wordpress.com/2011/08/01/apper-kpackagekit-reworked-part-i/16:39
DarkwingAnyone else having issues with launchpad?16:40
ScottKQuintasan: Can you upload Apper?16:40
QuintasanScottK: I can17:01
QuintasanScottK: Uhh, can we get something like FFE now?17:03
ximionQuintasan: I'll have the package ready tomorrow, when dantti is ready.17:14
ximion(there are some issues to be resolved now...)17:14
Quintasanximion: Unfortunately, tomorrow I will be in Kraków to attend a meeting with consul to get my visa. You'd want to ask someone else then17:15
ximionScottK: how long do I have time with this?17:15
ximioneh blabla... how long can we wait with uploading Apper?17:16
QuintasanNot too long I presume17:16
QuintasanSince the Final Freeze is in effect17:16
* Sput thinks it'll be weird to be calling the next release "Precise"17:32
ximionQuintasan: I guess you won't be back so early...17:34
DarkwingI do like the Pangolin though...17:42
apacheloggerdebfx: I am not quite sure why it does not work though17:43
DarkwingHave we started doing any blueprints for precise yet?17:44
debfxapachelogger: in startkde we set export KDEDIRS=/usr/share/kubuntu-netbook-default-settings/:/usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile/default/17:49
debfxmaybe we need to do the same in lowfat if KDEDIRS is empty17:49
apacheloggerno, the solution is to not have that in startkde :P17:49
apacheloggerit also doesnt work for the desktop17:49
debfxapachelogger: no, I mean appending the k-d-s path17:49
apacheloggernot sure17:50
apacheloggeralso that would not help with the kwin problem 17:50
debfxassuming netbook-default-settings actually overrides k-d-s17:50
ScottKQuintasan: Yes.  FFe is granted (still file the bug to document it)17:56
ScottKQuintasan: Since it's Universe we need to have it in by the end of the weekend.  Sooner is better.17:56
ScottKSput: I agree, but at least I can spell it.17:58
debfxapachelogger: appending the k-d-s path seems to work18:00
* debfx uploads low-fat again18:02
apacheloggerdebfx: that is odd enough18:11
Quintasanwendar: Ok, done, you should get an invoice (or how else you called that) tomorrow :)19:03
wendarQuintasan: okay, great!19:03
* Darkwing chuckles19:04
Quintasanwendar: I'll be going to Krakow tomorrow so if something very urgent pops out you can ask apachelogger for my phone number.19:04
* Quintasan heads to bed19:05
wendarQuintasan: thanks19:05
QuintasanGotta get up at 03:00 in the morning -_-19:05
* Quintasan == off19:05
apacheloggerlord of the numbers19:05
apacheloggerQuintasan: nini19:05
apacheloggerbulldog98: pink pink19:10
ScottKdebfx: Accepted too.19:14
apachelogger!find arm-linux-gnueabi-objdump19:31
ubottuFile arm-linux-gnueabi-objdump found in binutils-arm-linux-gnueabi19:31
apachelogger!find arm-linux-gnueabi-objdump oneiric19:32
ubottuFile arm-linux-gnueabi-objdump found in binutils-arm-linux-gnueabi19:32
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* yofel notes that bulldog98's error messages in khighestversion are supreme unhelpful19:41
yofelat least implement -h -.-19:42
apacheloggererror messages area always unhelpful20:06
apacheloggerthat is why the bat scripts had an entire framework :P20:06
yofelwell, then at least of handling an error and being unhelpful the scripts should just crash20:06
yofel*instead of20:06
apacheloggeris it written in python?20:08
yofelnope, ruby20:10
apacheloggerno chance of crashing then20:11
* Darkwing wishes there was a way to track updates to reigon.20:17
yofelto .. what?20:18
DarkwingWell, if we knew who was using our prodect we would better be able to know how to market our prodect.20:19
DarkwingI know that this walks a very fine line...20:19
yofeloh, you mean region?20:20
DarkwingYeah, sorry... 20:20
* Darkwing ponders20:21
yofelthe only thing I can think of is getting some download stats from the PPA. IIRC the database stores the country the packages were downloaded from.20:21
yofelbut I don't think there's something like that for the rest of the servers.20:21
DarkwingYeah, I wanted to build some user statistics and be able to better "guess" the needs/uses of Kubuntu before they know it based on users, uses and region.20:23
debfxyay, flash 11 is in the partner archive. no more i386 on my system :D20:24
Darkwingdebfx: I've just been going to adobe for it.20:25
Darkwingand copy the .so and place it where I need/want it.20:25
apacheloggerflash? what is this then?20:32
Darkwingapachelogger: Who did you request for a roomie? :P:P20:32
apacheloggerno one yet20:33
* Darkwing facepalms21:15
DarkwingI wonder who does the CD artwork?21:15
DarkwingThe sleeve isn't bad but... the CD disk itself is the Ubuntu logo blue.21:16
yofelwtf? Warning /!\ Kubuntu FRONT PDF is 80MB. All others are sensible sizes in the range 150 kB to 3.2 MB. 21:20
yofelDarkwing: true...21:22
yofelsomeone summon sheytan like yesterday21:22
cyphermoxuh-oh, I'm noticing mobile broadband might be borked in oneiriic kubuntu; has anybody else had issues establishing 3g connections?21:45
LinkmasterI had a kernel panic using both ubuntu and kubuntu 11.04amd64-bit on an x120e thinkpad machine. it froze, so I'm going to have to power it off, but I want to know if you can derive anything useful before I do so21:53
apacheloggerLinkmaster: #ubuntu-kernel21:54
ScottKcyphermox: I've tethered through my Android phone and that worked.  Does that count?21:57
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=== Crash_Override is now known as Linkmaster
BarkingFishevening guys :)  Do any of you ever go bug hunting in launchpad?22:07
BarkingFishI'm having extraordinary difficulty getting this thing to do a search, I just want all the bugs which have been reported in the last 24 hours, and i can't figure out how to do it.  I just get a list of recently reported bugs which spans back about 10 minutes :P22:08
apacheloggerno idea22:08
* apachelogger never had that use case22:08
BarkingFishaha, nvm, i think i've twigged on how to do it :)22:10
cyphermoxScottK: no, tethering shows up as an ethernet device :/22:19
ScottKThis does.22:19
cyphermoxI'll try to get my hands on an other 3g device, in case it's just this one22:19
cyphermoxbut it works just fine with nm-applet22:19
BarkingFishOne other thing, are we allowed to leave personal messages on the bug reports, as opposed to using boilerplate ones?  I just left a comment on a bug reported by some guy who turned the bug title into a rant...22:19
cyphermox(I'm using it right now, stuck in traffic :/22:20
BarkingFishI am not entirely sure now whether I should have done this.22:20
ScottKcyphermox: Upstream has suggested we update to a new snapshot for our NM.22:20
ScottKIt would be worthwhile to pull from the upstream git and see it that's better.22:20
ScottKBarkingFish: Search in LP sucks.22:20
BarkingFishIf someone could check what I put here, and make sure I've not crossed the line, i'd appreciate it - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/86947022:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 869470 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Software center freezes/stuck/grayed out during download" [Undecided,New]22:20
BarkingFishScottK, tell me about it.22:20
cyphermoxok; I can give it a shot here, later when I don't have a download cap22:21
BarkingFishIt sucks, blows, chokes and pukes at the same time, ScottK 22:21
apacheloggerkubotu: order beer22:21
* kubotu gives apachelogger a nice frosty mug of beer.22:21
BarkingFishI wish we had a bugzilla personally :P22:21
apacheloggerBarkingFish: seems good enough, the comment that is22:21
BarkingFishk, thanks apachelogger 22:22
apacheloggerbesides, you cannot write more unfriendly comments than I :P22:22
BarkingFishI had to edit the title too - the statement you see at the top of the bug text is what he originally put as the title :)22:22
cyphermoxScottK: btw, thanks for all the hints and help this cycle; much appreciated (and I'll happily repay in beer)22:22
BarkingFishapachelogger, I wouldn't place a bet on that. 22:22
ScottKcyphermox: Unfortunately I won't be at UDS.22:23
BarkingFishI have a temper shorter than a mosquito's knob in winter, and I'm not afraid to use it :)22:23
apacheloggerBarkingFish: do bug triage for some years and then look back at this moment :P22:23
cyphermoxScottK: very unfortunate, yes22:23
apacheloggerubuntu bug reports can really make you go whoop whooooop22:24
BarkingFishapachelogger, trust me. If I was anymore cuckoo than I am now, I'd be moved to switzerland and employed in a clock somewhere22:24
JontheEchidnare bug 867737, maybe for the short term (11.10) we should bump up the polkit-kde-1 | policykit-1-gnome depenency to just polkit-kde-1 for our packages22:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 867737 in polkit-kde-1 (Ubuntu) "Kubuntu desktop missing dependency on polkit-kde-1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86773722:37
JontheEchidnaI've posted what I think could be a longer-term solution in the bug22:37
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: TLDR22:38
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: basically, both the gnome and kde polkit frontends should work in $DE22:38
JontheEchidnabut they're only autostarted in their respective DE with OnlyShowIn in their .desktop files22:39
JontheEchidnathat could be dropped, and only one would register as the official uber polkit overlord22:39
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: why not have a service and have dbus launch it?22:39
JontheEchidnadunno, ask polkit :P22:40
JontheEchidnabut currently, packages depending on a polkit frontend assume either will work with an or dependency on the two frontends22:41
apacheloggerI mean, if they use the same dbus interface you could just have any ui autostart in their desktops and if none was started dbus will start the service22:41
apacheloggerthat said kubuntu-desktop should drag in polkit-kde for integration reasons22:41
Riddellthe release schedule says "Release Candidate" for today, is there actually one planned or is that just for confusion?22:41
JontheEchidnaexplicitly seeding it definitely wouldn't hurt, but people might install KDE softwares from Ubuntu, and wonder why they don't work22:42
JontheEchidnaso we'll need a longer term fix eventually22:42
apacheloggerRiddell: confusion I think22:43
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: why does it not simply use the gnome polkit ui?22:44
JontheEchidnathe gnome auth daemon isn't starting at startup due to OnlyShowIn=Gnome in the .desktop file22:44
JontheEchidnaand the KDE auth daemon won't start in gnome22:44
JontheEchidnathey are not talking to each other and are getting a divorce :'(22:45
apacheloggerI am confused22:45
apacheloggerwhat is the scenario here?22:45
apacheloggeruser runs ubuntu or user runs kubuntu?22:45
JontheEchidnagnome user runs KDE app needing polkit in gnome, or KDE user runs gnome app in kde22:46
apacheloggerif you run gnome22:46
apacheloggerwon't the gnome polkit ui be installed and runnin?22:46
JontheEchidnaunless you also have KDE installed, and try to run a gnome app in thar22:47
apacheloggerok, I really do not get the problem22:47
apacheloggergnome session -> gnome polit ui -> kde app uses that ui22:48
apacheloggerkde session -> kde polkit ui -> gnome app uses that ui22:48
JontheEchidnaif you install KDE after gnome the kde polkit ui won't be installed22:48
apacheloggerrigh there22:49
JontheEchidnaand the gnome one you already have won't autostart in KDE22:49
apacheloggerplasma-desktop needs to depend on polit-kde22:49
apacheloggeror whatever thing provides the plasma kde session22:49
JontheEchidnaeither one could be made to work perfectly fine in the other DE, removing the need for an extra dependency, tho22:51
JontheEchidna(by removing the autostart restriction)22:52
apachelogger"in me gnome I have an alien dialog that asks me for auth, I am so not giving it auth"22:53
JontheEchidnawith QGtkStyle it'll look native22:53
JontheEchidnawith oxygen-gtk it'll look native22:53
apachelogger"canonical should fix their stuff !! or go back to sudo !!"22:53
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: except qgtkstyle is not used by default for kde apps22:54
apacheloggerexcept oxygen-gtk does still look alien22:54
apacheloggerexcept icons in kde apps are oxygen wherea s in gnome apps the are human22:54
JontheEchidnaeh, doesn't look too bad to me: http://i.imgur.com/CFse3.png22:55
JontheEchidnaif there was some way to control which registered first, that'd fix that too22:55
apacheloggeron registers per DS22:57
apacheloggerkde ui only registers in KDE22:57
apacheloggergnome ui only registers in gnome22:57
kubotuapachelogger meant: "gnome ui onely registers in gnome"22:58
apacheloggeroh, fail \p/22:58
apacheloggermore fail22:58
JontheEchidnawow, the gnomie frontend actually stays in front of the window being auth'd22:58
JontheEchidnacalculus homework time, bbl23:03

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