
sluckxzanybody messed with akonadi on 11.10 recently?  is it a lost cause now or have i borked my install?  i installed 11.10 beta 1 and upgraded from there.00:49
sluckxzakonadi's acting nice now.01:16
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DaemonFCwhy does Amarok have so much heap memory?02:29
dankDaemonFC  As memory is consuming the amarok02:31
dankDaemonFC Look in the System MOnitor02:32
DaemonFCyeah, a lot of that is private02:32
DaemonFCand most of that is on the heap02:32
DaemonFC400 MB of private memory for a media player is a problem02:33
dankDaemonFC No is normal02:33
DaemonFCnot even Banshee chows down like that02:33
DaemonFCwhat could Amarok be using this for?02:33
dankDaemonFC Normal is 52, 53,02:34
avihaywhy can't amarok paly a simple playlist?02:34
DaemonFCit can02:34
avihayreally? it seems to decide to stop randomly at a song end every so often02:35
Kimlarouxavihay, do you have random on?02:35
DaemonFCif it's acting weird, my first question is what phonon backend you use02:36
DaemonFCthe only one that reliably works is gstreamer02:36
DaemonFCxine is abandoned and vlc does not play nice with pulseaudio02:37
DaemonFCyou shouldn't be using those02:37
avihayyes, but it's improbable to stop about every 40 songs on a 1000 song long play-list, and I even had repeat play-list on, or however it's called. I just moved to better players that support more formats02:37
avihaysorry DaemonFC, I just realized you were talking to me and not kim. I stopped using amarok at the 8.04 area, so I don't recall03:10
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KimlarouxXine is abandoned? it's the only backend that actually works for both Flac and Mp303:40
DaskreechKimlaroux: It's getting crusty from lack of coding03:43
DaskreechGstreamer should do FLAC03:43
mase_workgstreamer doesn't work?03:57
SIR_Tacodoesn't it?03:58
mase_workthat was a question...afaik  it does04:07
zorael__small note regarding gstreamer (and phonon) and FLAC; https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27843205:37
ubottuKDE bug 278432 in general "Amarok only plays every other FLAC track when using the GStreamer Phonon backend" [Normal,New]05:37
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Daskreechzorael: Might be more a Amarok issue?05:55
Daskreechtry Kaffiene05:56
zoraelDaskreech: well one workaround is to use another phonon backend, so which part of the combination the problem exist in isn't immediately obvious, but the combination doesn't work at least06:00
Daskreechzorael: right. I'd say try Kaffiene, dragon or Juk with the same gstreamer backend and FLAC06:08
Daskreechif one (or all) work I'd probably put a lot more stock into Amarok being the issue there06:09
DaemonFCKaffeine doesn't use phonon iirc06:15
DaemonFCit's hard coded to use Xine06:16
Daskreechwell that breaks that test :)06:18
DaskreechTry Dragon then06:18
Tm_Tye Kaffeine uses directly Xine06:19
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simon___what's the best mail manager? I have used ones in windows but I had to reload it any time09:33
ikoniasimon___: try some, see what you like. Best is quite subjective09:34
simon___I meant if someone has a good experience with a good one09:36
simon___or smth09:36
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ZengerHi guys, can you please tell me how to start the "close,minimize,maximize and the title bar" , they dissapeared10:27
Zengerlol, i'm in the wrong channel :(10:27
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apedemakgiven the name of the room I am assuming that most of you are pretty handy with linux based OS. Any truth in that assumption?10:48
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well_laid_lawnapedemak: there's a topic at the top of most channels you join that lets you know what happens in there10:54
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tobixxHi all, does somebody know if it is a bug or knows where to switch a setting for following annoyance: task switcher shows only taks for the actual screen on a dual screen setup (nvidia, Xinerama), but I need to switch the task on one desktop for both screens - without moving the mouse first. It's really a pain.11:11
tobixxNo matter which effekt I chosse - it is the same for all. But the choosen one, "show windows", works for both screens if I use the shortcut for the effect plugin.11:14
tobixxAnd in the task switcher setting pane there is no switch for screens. I'm on Kubuntu 11.0411:17
GirlyGirltobixx: What exactly is the issue ... maybe I can help11:27
tobixxGirlyGirl: I need to switch to task on an other screen too via alt-tab, but the task switcher only shows tasks for active screen11:28
tobixxGirlyGirl: ... and not the tasks for the screen which has not the focus11:30
GirlyGirltobixx: Which version of KDE?11:31
tobixxGirlyGirl: 4.6.511:31
GirlyGirltobixx: On taskbar have you selected "Only show tasks from active screen"?11:32
tobixxGirlyGirl: no11:32
tobixxGirlyGirl: taskbar works normal and shows all tasks11:32
tobixxGirlyGirl: my real problem is, that I'm not mouse user, but this problem forces me to be and it really slows down my workflow11:36
GirlyGirltobixx: Press CTRL + F1011:36
tobixxGirlyGirl: you mean the global short cut for compiz plugin "show windows" - right ? This also works as expected - all tasks shown.11:39
GirlyGirltobixx: Err I was refering to kwin11:39
tobixxGirlyGirl: I'm not sure what you talk about, If you referring to kwin instead - which dialog do you mean and how I open it in an other way ?11:44
GirlyGirltobixx: Do you use kwin or compiz ... KDE 4 does not use compiz by default11:44
tobixxGirlyGirl: well, I have "desktop effect" enabled - so what ever implementation is behind that, I guess compiz11:46
GirlyGirltobixx: The desktop effects in System settings?11:47
tobixxGirlyGirl: yes, but it makes no difference if I switch them off - it is the same behavior11:47
GirlyGirltobixx: That's kwin not compiz ... Let me check if I can reproduce this give me a sec11:48
tobixxGirlyGirl: of course, much thanks for investigating and trying to help me !11:50
tobixxGirlyGirl: the only hint I found so far is: http://rickdidit.blogspot.com/2008/09/dual-head-kubuntu-alt-tab-only-shows.html - but his does not work anymore11:53
GirlyGirltobixx: I think you should report a bug on kde bugzilla12:00
tobixxGirlyGirl: so you can confirm this behavior ?12:01
GirlyGirltobixx: Yes12:01
GirlyGirltobixx: One a kde 4.6.2 system however ... can't find my vga cable to test on 4.7.112:01
GirlyGirltobixx: If you want to try 4.7.1 follow instructions here http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.7.1 and check12:02
tobixxGirlyGirl: Ok, so thanks for the try, I will try it or open a bug then. Have a nice day ! Cu12:03
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GirlyGirltobixx: You're welcome12:05
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thutomjHello, how is this possible. Or how can I implement this? I want to write a shell script that can change the dns alias name on windows 2008 sever from ubuntu. The idea is this, users will only know this url (http://test.example.com) to access their application. I have two servers on different subnets and will be using the test alias to access both at different times without the user noticing a change.13:05
redkeyanyone have problems with gedit opening blank page every time you open a file?13:40
well_laid_lawnredkey: either the path to the file is wrong or you have not been case sensitive13:41
TheEvilPhoenixbetter question...13:41
TheEvilPhoenixwhy "gedit" in kDE environment?13:41
redkeyno no, gedit will open my file but will also open a blank page beside it.13:41
well_laid_lawnppl have their habits...13:41
redkeyI prefer gedit, it is like notepad++13:42
well_laid_lawnsounds weird - try opening a file from the command line with gedit and see if there's any output13:43
well_laid_lawncheck preferences13:43
Unit193redkey: I love Notepad++, so I had to try scite. It's as close as you can get13:43
BluesKajhiyas all13:43
redkeybeen there tried that in run.  will look at scite.  thanks13:43
redkeyThank you all for the help, I will look up scite text editor, have a nice day all.13:47
pwn4g3gentlemen, is there any way to use KDE to send and receive SMS? (using UMTS modem)13:50
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mastershak3having a problem with my machine not booting sometimes.  It just sits there after the Kubuntu logo and doesn't boot.  I'm on 11.04.  Any ideas on where to start troubleshooting?14:28
well_laid_lawnturn of the splash from the grub prompt14:29
well_laid_lawnso there's text on the screen to see the errors14:29
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)14:29
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mastershak3Anyone here?14:46
mastershak3having a problem with my machine not booting sometimes.  It just sits there after the Kubuntu logo and doesn't boot.  I'm on 11.04.  Any ideas on where to start troubleshooting?14:46
well_laid_lawnmastershak3: turn of the splash from the grub prompt14:52
mastershak3well_laid_lawn, how do I do that?15:00
well_laid_lawnmastershak3: at the grub prompt select the kernel you want to boot and hit the e key15:01
mastershak3can I turn it on by default?15:02
well_laid_lawnmove to the kernel line and hit the e key again then go to the end and remove splash15:02
well_laid_lawnhit the b key to boot15:02
mastershak3so that will remove the splash screen and show regular boot messages?15:03
well_laid_lawnyou can edit files and remove splash as the default behaviour15:03
well_laid_lawnyep it will show boot messages15:03
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)15:03
mastershak3well_laid_lawn,  is that set quiet?15:12
well_laid_lawnquiet works for me15:13
well_laid_lawnmastershak3: ^15:13
well_laid_lawnit should have quiet splash - just remove the splash15:13
mastershak3well_laid_lawn, thanks!  Have a great weekend!15:18
well_laid_lawncheers :)15:18
Mausschubserhelolo, I have problems with KDE, it doesn't start anymore, the boot splash just hangs15:23
MausschubserI can switch to CLI and log on, but starting kdm manually doesn't work15:24
pwn4g3really no one uses SMS in KDE?15:25
Mausschubsershort message service?15:25
pwn4g3thats the predecessor of ICQ and MSN15:25
Mausschubserah, never heard of15:26
pwn4g3i mean not as olds as that paper thingy15:26
pwn4g3watcha call it, letter or something15:26
MausschubserI see15:26
Mausschubserso, can anybody help me troubleshooting?15:27
genii-aroundMausschubser: Is your video card an NVidia?15:27
pwn4g3i think escape button toggles to console outpu15:28
Mausschubsergenii-around:  yes, it is15:28
Mausschubsersorry, it was15:28
Mausschubsernow ATI15:28
genii-aroundMausschubser: Probably the xorg.conf is still set wrong15:28
Mausschubserbut it all worked until I attached an external hard drive15:29
Mausschubserthen there was the error message that the ext4 partition can't be mounted15:29
MausschubserI "solved" the error message with the ubuntu guys15:30
Mausschubserso there is no error message anymore but still the problem15:30
genii-aroundDid the external HD have another linux install on it?15:30
Mausschubsergenii-around:  no, it was empty15:30
genii-aroundMausschubser: Do you have internet connectivity on that box from CLI ?15:32
Mausschubsergenii-around:  yes, I do15:32
devurandomHi! I am using 11.10 and updated kdepim today, from 4.7.1+git to 4.7.2. Since then I am being spammed with system/plasma notifications "<SERVERNAME>: No message received. The server-answer contained no data." (translated from german: "Keine Nachricht erhalten. Die Serverantwort enthielt keine Daten.".15:33
devurandomDoes anyone else experience the same issue and is the problem or the solution known?15:33
genii-aroundMausschubser: Perhaps then if you can do: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit    and the same with /etc/default/grub15:33
genii-arounddevurandom: Oneiric discussion in #ubuntu+115:34
devurandomAh, for Kubuntu, too?15:34
genii-arounddevurandom: Yes, #kubuntu+1 just goes there15:34
devurandomgenii-around: thx15:35
genii-aroundMausschubser: ( you may need to sudo apt-get install pastebinit first )15:35
Mausschubsergenii-around:  ok, here's the first one (X11) : http://paste.ubuntu.com/703450/15:35
genii-aroundMausschubser: xorg.conf looks fine15:37
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Mausschubsergenii-around:  and the second one: http://paste.ubuntu.com/70345715:40
genii-aroundMausschubser: Apologies on lag, work. Do you know when the "vga=788" line was put in your grub config file?15:49
Mausschubsergenii-around: ah, you're at work? no sorry, no idea15:49
genii-aroundMausschubser: OK. That mode is 16bit colour at 600x800, which should be safe so for now it can be left. When you do: lsmod| grep fglrx     ..does it show that the ATI driver is actually in use?15:52
Mausschubsergenii-around: the word fglrx is shown in red15:53
Mausschubserand behind it there are the numbers: 2733040  015:53
genii-aroundMausschubser: Please to do: sudo rm /var/log/Xorg.0.log && sudo touch /var/log/Xorg.0.log    ... then, to try: startx      ... after it returns to command prompt, please: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit15:57
Mausschubsergenii-around:  here you are http://paste.ubuntu.com/703468/16:03
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genii-aroundMausschubser: The pertinent info there seems to be "fglrx(0): Restoring Recent Mode via PCS is not supported in RANDR 1.2 capable environments"16:12
Mausschubsergenii-around:  and what does this mean for me?16:13
genii-aroundMausschubser: Hm. Can you please replace in xorg.conf where it reads: Driver"fglrx"      to be: Driver"radeon"              and then attempt startx16:14
Peace-genii-around: :P hi16:16
genii-aroundMausschubser: eg: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf   ... make the changes, ctrl-X to exit, confirm save16:18
* genii-around slides Peace- a tasty Kubuntu mug of coffee16:19
Mausschubsergenii-around:  done16:20
Mausschubserthe screen seems to be black- I think I will reboot16:21
genii-aroundMausschubser: Give it a minute or so first16:22
genii-aroundMausschubser: If after a minute no start, switch the monitor cord to second output from video card and see if the signal is going there instead. If no signal on both heads, try ctrl-alt-f2 to see if tty2 can be accessed16:23
genii-aroundMausschubser: May also want to try cycling through ctrl-alt-f2 through ctrl-alt-f8  to see if it's showing on one of the other tty16:25
genii-around( usually f7 or f8 )16:25
* genii-around makes more coffee16:30
NathanaelGHi all. Is there someone from the uk?16:33
bazhang!uk | NathanaelG16:33
ubottuNathanaelG: Join us for a discussion using the Queen's English in #ubuntu-uk16:33
Mausschubsergenii-around:  no, nothing16:36
genii-aroundMausschubser: Damn. This one is a real puzzler.16:36
Mausschubsergenii-around:  and back with the old boot splash16:40
genii-aroundMausschubser: Hopefully it gets to login screen using radeon driver16:41
Mausschubsergenii-around:  doesn't seem so16:45
MausschubserI still have the same picture16:45
Mausschubsergenii-around:  I would set my system up again but before I would need to save my data16:46
Mausschubserto my external disk16:47
Mausschubseris ist true that NTFS is not preferred for backups?16:47
genii-aroundMausschubser: That is correct... NTFS cannot save the linux file properties like owner and group for instance16:49
Mausschubsergenii-around:  is this important when having a new, clean system?16:49
MausschubserI didn't understand yet where the advantages of these features are16:50
genii-aroundIt is never NOT important16:50
genii-aroundMausschubser: eg: you save all of /home/username to ntfs, restore it afterwards... user cannot login because they do not now own the stuff in their own directory16:51
Mausschubsergenii-around:  ok, but what about restoring it step by step, or file by file?16:52
genii-aroundMausschubser: Same principle applies. If you want to backup stuff and keep permissions intact, do something like: sudo tar -cvzf archive-filename.tar.gz /directory-name-to-backup     ...and then copy the archive over. Later you can un-tar it where it's supposed to go, the permissions of the files inside will still be how they are supposed to be16:55
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Mausschubsergenii-around: I see16:58
Mausschubsergenii-around:  ok, I will try to get my system back running. Thank you very much for your help16:59
genii-aroundMausschubser: Sorry we could not resolve your issue16:59
Mausschubsergenii-around:  no problem, you're not the first one who tried to...17:03
redkeyQuestion: I am having problems with "gedit", everytime I open a file I get a blank tab next to the open file, 6 opened files tabs there will be 6 blank tabs.  "gedit has worked perfect through every single Linux-Mint versions on a kde desktop setup, when I switched to Kubuntu within the last 5-days I ran into this problem with "gedit".  Any solutions?17:11
Peace-redkey: ? use kate17:15
Peace-redkey: how cares about g-stuff here ?17:15
Peace-kate >>> gedit17:15
* OerHeks has the same thought17:15
redkeyPeace: I need tabs, lots of tabs.17:15
Peace-redkey: you can get tabs into kate too17:15
Peace-kate is the most powerfull text editor , you can eve use vi mode.17:16
redkeyYeah, but the tabs do not work the same as in gedit or like in notepad++.17:16
Peace-redkey: have you tried to configure kate ?17:18
redkeyI am taking a closer look at "kate" right now, am in configure now.17:18
redkeyPeace: I found the "tab-bar", there is no right click for options on each tab, or is there?17:26
Peace-redkey: i have this one17:27
Peace-redkey: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/10/06/plasma-desktopjo1550.jpg17:27
Peace-i dunno if is what you want but...17:28
Peace-redkey: enabled with this http://wstaw.org/m/2011/10/06/plasma-desktopxm1550.jpg17:30
redkeyPeace: Thank you for your bother, I will play with "kate" for a day or two, but I just might have to return to Linux-Mint, for some reason "gedit" works best in that OS.17:36
redkeyPeace: I am sure "kate" has exactly what I need, just I am impatient and with lots of work piling up.17:38
Peace-redkey: run gedit17:38
Peace-redkey: on konsole17:38
g0rsredkey: kate and gedit are both good. I prefer kate though17:41
redkeyPeace: same results from Konsole, for every file opened, one extra blank page opens with it.  This never happened in Linux-Mint.  I even killed Kubuntu and reinstalled Linux-Mint and gedit was normal running, returned to kubuntu and back to the current problem.17:41
Peace-redkey: kdesudo gedit17:42
Peace-i knwo it's strange17:42
Peace-but i want test it17:42
g0rsredkey: you might try emacs too17:42
Peace-g0rs: looks like an old gedit user .. anyother stuff will not work for him17:43
Peace-habit is a dangerous stuff :)17:43
g0rsPeace-: gedit looks somewhat older, emacs is pretty standard. Kate is rather new with featues like syntax highlighting. Vi is for real techies :)17:44
redkeyPeace: kdesudo same effect.  Preference is a gem, you are experienced in the app and not time gets wasted.17:44
g0rsPeace-: any tool is good as long its works. It doesn't matter what it is.17:44
redkeyPeace: for now I can work with "kate", with the save button over the tabs will have to do, just wish "save" was in the right click drop down menu on each tab.17:47
Peace-redkey: try to delete gedit configuration files17:48
Peace-i guess they are on $HOME/.gnome17:48
redkeyPeace:  I have purged gedit several time, installed from konsole, installed from  synaptic, from  muon, and I even tried a tarball but could not get the tarball to install.17:50
Peace-redkey: if you have no time go in linux mint and use gedit17:52
Peace-i have no solution for that software cuz i don't use g-stuff17:52
redkeyPeace: like I said, an install of "gedit" from within Linux-Mint there were no problems, I think that is my problem solver.17:53
g0rsredkey: you might have to install gnome specific graphic libraries inorder for that to work ?!17:53
redkeyPeace: If that is so about the gnome graphic libraries, then Linux-Mint must auto install that stuff when I sudo install gedit from konsole.17:54
g0rsPeace-: can i pm you?18:50
g0rsphoenix_firebrd: hi18:52
GirlyGirlphoenix_firebrd: Hi18:52
phoenix_firebrdGirlyGirl: hi18:52
=== skreech_ is now known as Daskreech
natacushey, anyone know when Kubuntu 11.10 is officially released?20:04
rorkin 5 days20:05
natacusoo sweet, its usuually end of the month20:05
PaulW2Unatacus: Kubuntu will be released next Thursday, that is 13th October20:07
natacusthank PaulW2U have you tried out the beta?20:07
PaulW2UYes, its very good, have been using it for several months20:08
natacuscool! using 11.04 now, find it very stable20:08
avihayif only there weren't so many bugs...20:10
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dockhornhi, i just upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10 and my sound is now really quiet...  anyone have suggestions on what to look at?20:20
darthanubisdockhorn: the volume?20:35
HaDAkthere's a big chance that i'm just an idiot here, but... i just upgraded kde to 4.7.1, and now my alt+f2 doesn't work. i can't seem to find any place where the shortcut is mentioned in the system preferences. any hints?21:21
HaDAknevermind that... i found the setting. it's still set to alt+f2, but it doesn't pop up the run dialog.21:25
sithlord48what is the correct path to install my program? (will be installing via ppa) it requires some files with it and i feel installing to /usr/bin/<folder> is not the correct path.21:45
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