
wallyworld_just saw that steve jobs has died00:29
* StevenK adds 1 to his internal number of channels that have mentioned it.00:29
wallyworld_lifeless: did skype drop out or is it just me?01:37
StevenKwgrant: Can haz another look at my MP?01:38
wallyworld_thumper: ping!01:46
lifelesswgrant: sinzui: did skype hiccup ?01:46
wgrantOh :(01:49
wgrantSo yeah, I think we know what we're doing.01:49
wgrantMultipillar bugs with disclosure views are still a bit of an issue.01:50
wgrantBut I think we have better ideas now.01:50
wgrantEmail probably works.01:50
wgrantI need to experiment with how they interact with policies.01:50
wgrantThey may make it easier.01:50
sinzuiwgrant, yes. they do need more work, but I feel we have a path to solve the issue01:50
wgrantI am tempted to go with policies now and then see how multipillar bugs fall out.01:50
sinzuiwgrant, I was thinking of adding a report task to the kanban. How many pillars share private bugs?01:51
wgrantsinzui: I was running reports on Tuesday to work that out.01:51
wgrantsinzui: Using all historical data, too.01:51
wgrantsinzui: (any bug that is private now, or has ever had the visibility changed)01:52
wgrantsinzui: I didn't end up finishing them, but I can finish the queries if you do want to know this.01:52
sinzuioh, I had not considered that01:52
sinzuiI think we should know this because I am certain someone will ask us01:52
wgrantsinzui: It is relevant because many security bugs end up public.01:54
wgrantsinzui, lifeless: I have a set of scripts to populate an empty DB.01:56
wgrantWith celebrities.01:56
wgrantAnd an initial user.01:56
sinzuioh sweet01:57
wgrantAnd then another one to create Ubuntu and set it up for Soyuz.01:57
wgrantI wrote them around two years ago, but updated them a few months ago.01:57
sinzuimailing lists require a script since it is not 100% in the db01:58
wgranthttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/bootstrap-db-from-scratch/revision/10987 is the guts of it.01:59
wgrantkarma and celebrities are the ugly bits.01:59
wgrantThat would be nice, but slow and require lots of test fixes.02:00
wgrantThese create a minimal DB that you can use a harness on to create more stuff.02:01
wgrantwallyworld_, lifeless, StevenK: eg. I have my base bootstrap-lp-db script which just creates minimal celebrities and a user for the caller, then make-ubuntu-sane to create sensible Ubuntu series. I imagine there would be lots of scripts like make-ubuntu-sane.02:04
wgrantWe use make initscript-start on production.02:06
wgrantNot make run.02:06
wgrant*Especially* using the factory.02:12
StevenKwgrant: Can haz review?02:18
StevenKwgrant: bootstrap-lp-db was what lifeless was talking about it, which sounds like a good idea to me.02:51
wgrantNot quite what lifeless was talking about.02:51
wgrantI believe lifeless was talking about a script to generate something like the current sampledata.02:51
wgrantWith bugs and projects.02:51
wgrantBut not with SQL.02:51
StevenKwgrant: I was hoping my refactoring could remove more lines than it added, but alas.02:53
thumperwallyworld_: pong02:57
wallyworld_thumper: that utf-8 branch has a test failure on ec2 but not locally and my encoding foo is not that great https://pastebin.canonical.com/53926/02:58
* thumper looks02:58
wallyworld_thumper: i'll paste the code snippet02:59
wallyworld_thumper: https://pastebin.canonical.com/53927/02:59
thumperand it works locally?03:00
wallyworld_the string 'hello \xce\xa3' is the correct non-unicode representation of the unicode string03:00
wallyworld_in the debugger, both the unicode and non-unicode versions appear correctly as hello (sigma)03:01
wallyworld_so i know the strings are correct03:01
* thumper has no idea03:01
* wallyworld_ also has no idea03:01
thumperwallyworld_: ask someone who uses utf-8 more, like jtv or jelmer :)03:02
wallyworld_will do03:02
wgrantlifeless: http://paste.ubuntu.com/634326/03:16
* StevenK prods wgrant about his MP so he can land it03:23
wgrantStevenK: Much better, thanks.03:25
nigelbHrm, no stub yet :(03:26
StevenKstub has been awake for hours.03:26
StevenKwgrant: Thanks! Tossing it at ec2.03:26
nigelbStevenK: I managed to screw up my MP enough that I had to redo it :D03:27
nigelbSo, now I need approval again :(03:27
StevenKnigelb: Been there, done that.03:28
nigelbStevenK: That's comforting :)03:28
stubnigelb: Where is the mp?03:35
nigelbstub: Nevermind. I just noticed you approved it.03:38
nigelbI must've lost the email :(03:39
nigelblifeless: ohai, I see that you're OCR today, could you land something for me? :)03:42
lifelessnigelb: maybe; I'm EODish03:42
StevenKPoint me at it03:43
nigelblifeless: ah03:46
nigelbStevenK: https://code.launchpad.net/~nigelbabu/launchpad/create-description-5283/+merge/7822003:46
nigelblifeless: It Thu that you start really early and end early?03:46
StevenKnigelb: Is there a bug for that work?03:56
nigelbStevenK: ah, right. Let me link.03:57
StevenKIt's just a db patch, so it doesn't matter much03:57
nigelbStevenK: (In case it isn't apparent 5283)03:57
nigelboh no. Someone removed that feature03:58
wgrantNot quite.03:58
nigelbwhen linking a bug it would suggest the number that's in the branch name03:58
wgrantIt only works with numbers of 5 or more digits.03:58
wgrantTo minimise false-positives.03:58
nigelbStevenK: linked :)03:58
nigelbI'm going to change the dev wiki db patch page to say the right year.03:59
StevenKnigelb: lp-landed to db-devel04:02
StevenKr11051 of db-devel04:03
nigelbStevenK: that was fast.04:03
nigelbYou didn't need a test run?04:03
StevenKIt's a DB patch!04:04
StevenKWhat could possibly go wrong, etc, etc04:04
nigelbFamous last words etc04:04
wallyworld_StevenK: i had a db-patch fail last week. it got picked up by ec2 luckily. it was a combination of not null column and a trigger processing issue. so it depends on the nature of the change whether it should go through ec204:12
nigelbwallyworld_: Its a new column, probably less risk :)04:14
wallyworld_nigelb: understood. i was just making a point about db patches sometimes needing ec2 :-)04:14
lifelessnigelb: earlier , not really early atm04:15
lifelessnigelb: but ye04:15
lifelesswallyworld_: everything gets ec2 by default :)04:16
wallyworld_lifeless: yes. i was trying to be gentle :-)04:16
wallyworld_with my assertion that ec2 be used04:16
StevenKwgrant: So, are you happy enough for populate-bprc to land, and if it starts being crap, we change the query?04:23
wgrantStevenK: I'd prefer if we knew it wasn't crap, and that it was the way we wanted to go.04:28
StevenKwgrant: My timing of the query was 'acceptable', TBH04:29
StevenKAnd it didn't kill DF04:29
StevenKwgrant: So given the two choices of "It will make me sad" or "I won't abide, and will revert it." is it? :-)04:36
wgrantStevenK: Well, we need to decide whether we want it in our main DB right now.04:39
wgrantAnd whether the query doesn't suck.04:39
StevenKI thought we had these arguments already?04:40
StevenK51 polls have been created this year. I am disappoint.04:45
lifelessStevenK: land04:46
nigelbStevenK: Kill it :D04:46
StevenKlifeless: land populate-bprc?04:46
nigelbStevenK: :(05:27
nigelbbuildbot failed.05:27
* StevenK waits for SSO05:30
StevenKHuh, weird.05:34
StevenKlifeless: land populate-bprc?6170 tests05:34
StevenK1334 passed05:34
StevenK76 failures05:34
* StevenK waits for SSO[B[B05:34
* StevenK glares at his mouse05:34
* wgrant glares at StevenK.05:34
wgrantAh, I see the buildbot failure is noticed already.05:35
* wgrant waits for SSO.05:35
wgrantHeh, you broke all the triggers.05:35
StevenKAh. Shall I revert?05:35
wgrantAnd ec2 things in future...05:37
StevenKDoing so.05:37
nigelbWhat'd I break?05:42
StevenKAll of the triggers.05:42
nigelbOr rather, how do I fix.05:42
StevenKwgrant: Reversion tossed at PQM.05:43
* StevenK breaks PQM into tiny pieces and resubmits05:45
wgrantnigelb: The lp_person table and the lp_mirror_person_* triggers in trusted.sql. You need to replace them in a patch, like you did with bugtask.statusexplanation's FTI trigger.05:46
wgrantThey depend on column order.05:46
wgrantstub: Make them go away :(05:46
StevenKlp_person and lp_mirror_person_* are parasites.05:46
wgrantWe rerun trusted.sql each time.05:47
wgrantSo you can probably just edit the functions in-place.05:47
StevenKwgrant: Revert is r1105305:47
StevenKwgrant: It has CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER?05:48
stubyes, they can be edited in place. But we can't alter the lp_* table definitions.05:48
stubThey will go away when ISD obtains that information through other channels, or decides it isn't needed at all.05:48
wgrantBut they've got no motivation to fix this :/05:50
stubnigelb: How is your PL/pgSQL? I might need to take over that patch.05:50
stubThey do, as their schema updates are a pain in the arse because their databases are tied into ours.05:50
nigelbstub: I suck :)05:54
nigelbstub: I'm glad to defer to you :)05:55
nigelbHrm, awkward timing for that quit.05:55
nigelbwgrant / StevenK - I seem to be opening quite a can of worms lately :)05:56
stubbouncy bouncy05:56
nigelbstub: In case you missed that, please take over :)05:57
stubnigelb: ok05:57
nigelbstub: hey, can you let me know once its done, so I can work on the follow up branches? :)07:08
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Critical bugs: 262 - 0:[#######=]:256
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Critical bugs: 262 - 0:[########BOOM
lifelesswhats the status of lazr-js ?07:53
wgrantMerged into LP and abandoned.07:56
wgrantBut I think launchpad-results still uses a tiny bit of it.07:56
lifelesswondering whether to mass close its bugs07:58
lifelessor move them to lp07:58
lifelessor ...07:58
wgrantIgnore them forever :)07:58
lifelessjelmer: bug 515918 - do we close it ?07:59
_mup_Bug #515918: package_name and suite not passed to dailydeb <lp-soyuz> <recipe> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/515918 >07:59
nigelbwgrant: I think those numbers are lying.07:59
wgrantnigelb: Which?08:00
nigelbwgrant: /topic08:00
nigelbMainly because it doesn't account for the fact that new bugs are opened and old ones are closed.08:00
wgrantWell, it depends what you want to measure.08:01
lifelessnigelb: its not reporting rate08:01
nigelblifeless: shouldn't it?08:01
nigelbOr should it be a fraction with closed numbers as well to give a comparison.08:02
nigelbNow it looks like nothing's happening :P08:02
lifelessnigelb: its not, and never has been, a fraction08:02
lifelessnigelb: perhaps I'm missing your point08:02
wgrantHm, only 57 launchpad-project criticals from before this year.08:03
nigelblifeless: Well, wht I'm trying to say is, well, it looks like work isn't being done. Which is wrong.08:03
wgrantWork is being done, but progress is not being made.08:03
wgrantThe intention is to drive the critical queue to 0.08:03
wgrantThat's what that graph measures.08:03
nigelbOk, that explains it :)08:04
wgrant(it was ~250 when it started)08:04
wgrantActually, started at 210.08:04
nigelbI should agree to take a pie to the face at spring UDS.08:05
nigelbSeeing the pace at which its going I may never have to :D08:05
wgrantYep :)08:06
wgrantAlso, Launchpadders aren't really at UDS any more, so there'll hardly be anyone to pie you :P08:06
nigelbI thought there's always a small representation?08:06
nigelbAnyway, there's ex-launchpadders in plenty.08:06
nigelbI'm sure joey or kiko or jml would be happy to have the pleasure :P08:07
jmlwgrant: that's great (the only 57)08:08
jmlwgrant: although, huh, we're good at adding critical bugs, it seems08:08
wgrantjml: I thought it would be well over 100.08:09
wgrantBut apparently not.08:09
wgrantjml: Note that lots are old bugs, like timeouts that only appeared as we dropped the timeout.08:09
wgrantThere are 81 timeout bugs, and I would be surprised if even 10 of them were actually new bugs.08:10
jmlahh right.08:11
jmlwhat's the problem with those? are they unusually hard to fix?08:11
wgrantBut I believe flacoste is currently analysing this sort of thing.08:11
wgrantI think the maintenance squads are suffering from a combination of taking too many big tasks at once, and possibly having too many people leaving :)08:12
=== rvba changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: rvba* (allenap) | Critical bugs: 262 - 0:[########BOOM
lifelessjml: wgrant: the remaining old timeouts are hard to fix08:15
lifelesswe nabbed most of the low hanging fruit already08:15
wgrantlifeless: Some of them are, yes. But lots are not.08:16
lifelesswgrant: can you parse bug 397165 for me08:59
_mup_Bug #397165: Upload queue changes should be more restricted <lp-soyuz> <soyuz-upload> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/397165 >08:59
wgrantlifeless: The web UI is pretty good (I think everything matches what's there, except possibly that Rejected->Accepted might not be exposed), but the internal API and command-line tools allow many transitions that should not be permitted.09:06
lifelessbug 405805 might qualify as critical even09:12
_mup_Bug #405805: Upload processing may reach a transaction deadlock when closing bugs <lp-soyuz> <soyuz-upload> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/405805 >09:12
wgrantlifeless: The upload processor doesn't really do transactions.09:14
wgrantFor example, it's the reason "zopeless" mail isn't queued until the end of the transaction.09:15
* StevenK tries to figure out the xx-ppa-workflow.txt error09:26
StevenKI think the test is amusing the buggy case of team renaming.09:30
stubDoes a branch rolling back a rollback get a rollback= stanza in the commit message?09:49
lifelessthe rollback stanza is for the qa tagger09:50
lifelessto tell it that it fixes the bad-revision-xxxx09:50
lifelessso the range of revisions that can't be deployed is known09:51
wgrantWe really need to fix the branch scanner.09:55
wgrantNeeds to be faster, probably needs to do partial progressive scans of fresh branches (like we do with codeimports), and needs to destroy branchrevision :(09:56
jelmerwgrant: progressive scans would be a good start10:13
wgrantIt can fortunately be done manually, but it's awkward and slow.10:14
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
wallyworld_jelmer: are you free to help me with a unicode/utf-8 problem?11:35
jelmerwallyworld_: hi11:36
jelmerwallyworld_: sure, what's up?11:36
wallyworld_hi. i'm not an expert sadly11:37
wallyworld_here's the issue - i have changed mp and branch emails to utf-8 encode the diff11:37
wallyworld_a test fails on ec2 but passes locally11:37
wallyworld_i'll pastebin the test, just a sec11:37
wallyworld_the test: https://pastebin.canonical.com/53927/, the failure: https://pastebin.canonical.com/53926/11:38
wallyworld_i'm not sure why is passes locally and fails on ec211:38
wallyworld_the strings are correct - in my debugger, both the unicode and utf-8 versions are correctly represented11:39
jelmerwallyworld_: have you tried running locally with LC_ALL=C ?11:40
wallyworld_jelmer: what does that option do?11:40
jelmerwallyworld_: It's an environment variable11:43
wallyworld_sure :-) what does it affect?11:43
jelmerwallyworld_: It's the variable with the current language and encoding11:44
wallyworld_ok. and i assume that's what ec2 uses?11:45
jelmerwallyworld_: it influences, among other things, how bzr will encode things for the terminal11:45
wallyworld_the environment we run under ec2 i mean11:45
jelmerwallyworld_: We've seen some issues related to this when bzr is run with LC_ALL=C (ascii only) versus LC_ALL=en_AU.UTF-8 (UTF-8)11:45
wallyworld_ok. i'm trying it now11:46
wallyworld_jelmer: it still passes locally11:51
jelmerwallyworld_: the odd thing appears to be that you specify decode=True (which I assume means "return unicode") but you're getting back a plain string11:52
wallyworld_jelmer: decode=True tells the Python email library to reverse any encoding used when the message was constructed11:53
wallyworld_yes, wonder why a plain string is returned11:53
wallyworld_i'll have to dig around the email libs a bit i guess11:54
wallyworld_jelmer: btw, i only modified that test. the test used to only use non-unicode strings and i added the u'hello ...' to test the utf-8 encoding11:55
wallyworld_thanks for the help btw11:56
jelmerwallyworld_: Sorry, still digging..12:00
wallyworld_oh ok. thanks!. i've fired up the debugger and am looking to see if i missed anything12:01
jelmerwallyworld_: do you understand what the :3 comes from?12:01
jelmerI mean, not that the result is different, but why does it come up with ":3" ?12:02
wallyworld_jelmer: the unicode string i used is u'hello (sigma)' where (sigma) is the greek letter12:02
wallyworld_i guess that's what the decoded string comes out as on ec212:02
jelmerbut why would sigma become :3 ?12:03
wallyworld_i wish i knew12:03
jelmerIt would be more understandable if it replaced it with \uffff or something12:03
wallyworld_yeah. locally, both strings print as the correct thing12:03
wallyworld_by "print", the debugger does a str() on them any they display correctly12:04
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
cjwatsonanyone want to comment on the thoughts I posted in bug 572128?12:15
_mup_Bug #572128: Ubuntu Archive translations are missing Index metadata file <Launchpad itself:New> <debmirror (Ubuntu):Confirmed> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/572128 >12:15
danilosjelmer, wallyworld_: locale stuff can also support transcription to ASCII, though you usually have to explicitely ask for it12:18
wallyworld_danilos: i can't correlate what's happening here though. why would it pass locally and fail on ec2?12:19
danilosthough, this doesn't sound like a reasonable transcription12:19
daniloswallyworld_, I would attribute it to ec2 developing feelings towards you (iow, sounds weird, yes :))12:20
wallyworld_i have a unicode string u'hello Σ' which is converted to utf-8, encoded as quoted-principal, decoded, and compared12:20
wallyworld_all the encoding etc happens in the python email libs12:20
wallyworld_i'm at a loss12:21
wallyworld_danilos: i have feelings for ec2 as well but it's not love12:21
daniloswallyworld_, judging from how it's working out for you, I'd say it's mutual :P anyway, I did see some differences between python on ec2 image and recent releases; have you had someone try it out locally on lucid as well?12:22
wallyworld_danilos: ah no. but that's a good idea, thanks. something environmental sounds like a reasonable culprit. and if it is, i wonder how to solve it12:23
daniloswallyworld_, "unset LANG LC_ALL" locally?12:24
wallyworld_i guess get it to fail first and go from there :-)12:24
wallyworld_danilos: jelmer suggested LC_ALL=C which i tried12:24
wallyworld_i'll try unset12:25
daniloswallyworld_, check with "locale" what the resulting settings are (sometimes LANG can override stuff on GNU systems)12:25
cjwatsonLANG never overrides LC_ALL with GNU software12:25
cjwatsonsome crappy non-GNU software gets it wrong though :)12:25
StevenKI can never remember the order12:26
wallyworld_LANG=en_AU.UTF-8 for me12:26
daniloscjwatson, ah, ok, so how about LANGUAGE? I know there's a specific GNU extension12:26
cjwatsonLANGUAGE > LC_ALL > LC_* > LANG12:26
cjwatsonalthough only for the purposes of message categories; for all other locale categories, LC_ALL > LC_* > LANG12:26
wallyworld_with all those unset, it still works locally12:27
daniloswallyworld_, just trying out your test gives me https://pastebin.canonical.com/53948/, but I guess that's a bug you are fixing :)12:27
* wallyworld_ cries12:27
cjwatsonperhaps EC2 has a non-existent locale set in its environment or something12:27
wallyworld_could be, i'll have to look at how our images are generated12:28
StevenKec2test calls os.environ.pop() on LANG, LC_ALL and LC_TIME12:28
wallyworld_StevenK: danilos suggested it may be a lucid thing12:28
* wallyworld_ needs to reinstall lxc again12:29
=== jcsackett changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: rvba* (allenap), jcsackett | Critical bugs: 262 - 0:[########BOOM
deryckMorning, all.13:01
rvbaHi jcsackett!13:01
rvbaMorning deryck.13:01
jcsackettmorning rbva. :-)13:02
jcsacketter, rvba. :-P13:02
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
jcsackettsinzui: we're good to land the branch that kills the privacy banner feature flag now, right?13:53
jcsackettout it goes.13:54
flacostegary_poster, benji: (not urgent) can one of you have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~mwhudson/launchpad/permit_timeout_from_features-on-participation-bug-861510/+merge/7835514:15
benjiflacoste: I will momentarily.14:16
gary_posterthanks benji14:16
gary_posterjcsackett I am finished with my regular morning calls, and can talk when you are ready.14:16
gary_posterno rush14:17
jcsackettgary_poster: awesome. i am actually free now, if you like. potentially this will be a short conversation. :-P14:17
jcsackettmumble work for you?14:17
gary_posterheh ok cool jcsackett.  skype usually works better, but I can do the mumble thing.  1 sec and I'll get on14:17
danilosmrevell, btw, any idea how did this break: bug 826634?14:39
mrevellbug 82663414:43
mrevellCome on robot, give me a link14:43
mrevelldanilos, Crumbs. I've no idea14:44
bigjoolsmrevell: amazing that nobody asked for wikis on your survey14:46
danilosmrevell, oh, so the help files are on translations.launchpad.net and the links point to launchpad.net14:46
mrevelldanilos, Oh, strange14:50
mrevellbigjools, Yeah, well, it was only a handful of people replied. I bet if we asked more people then wikis would come up.14:51
cjwatsonis there a way to stop /var/tmp/archive/ from being cleaned up after failing archivepublisher tests?14:53
bigjoolscjwatson: post-mortem debug14:55
cjwatsonas in pdb?  ok14:55
bigjoolsyeah, there's a test runner option14:55
bigjoolsor you can remove the cleanup code14:55
sinzuijcsackett, mumble?15:35
jcsackettsinzui: sure, one moment.15:37
benjiflacoste: I don't know if you want to engage further but FYI: I just added a comment to https://code.launchpad.net/~mwhudson/launchpad/permit_timeout_from_features-on-participation-bug-861510/+merge/78355 (didn't feel good about approving it, so I just commented)15:39
flacostebenji: ok, thanks15:40
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
=== rvba changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: jcsackett | Critical bugs: 262 - 0:[########BOOM
gary_posterbigjools, if you have a moment to look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/869185 I'd appreciate it.  Please triage it, or if it is faster to tell me what to do about it, do that instead and I'll follow up.16:03
_mup_Bug #869185: P-a-s file ignored (even on cocoplum) <Launchpad itself:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/869185 >16:03
bigjoolsgary_poster: ok16:05
gary_posterthank you much16:05
bigjoolsgary_poster: gah it's a mix of more than one bug16:05
gary_posteroh :-/16:05
bigjoolsgary_poster: I can explain for your delectation and delight if you like16:06
gary_posterbigjools, I'm happy to listen, sure :-)16:06
bigjoolsdo you know about the P-a-s file?16:06
gary_posterand learn even16:06
bigjoolsok, it's used when creating builds for sources and acts as an override to whatever the source thinks it should build on16:06
bigjoolsso it can say !armel to exclude armel for example16:07
bigjoolsthe ubuntu guys rely on it so that they can take packages from Debian with no changes16:07
gary_posterI figured it was somehinng like that from context16:07
bigjoolsso bug #1 is that when we sync files from Debian using the new derived distros stuff, it doesn't use the P-a-s file at all16:08
_mup_Bug #1: Microsoft has a majority market share <iso-testing> <ubuntu> <Clubdistro:Confirmed> <Computer Science Ubuntu:Confirmed for compscibuntu-bugs> <dylan.NET.Reflection:Invalid> <dylan.NET:Invalid> <EasyPeasy Overview:Invalid by ramvi> <GenOS:In Progress by gen-os> <GNOME Screensaver:Won't Fix> <Ichthux:Invalid by raphink> <JAK LINUX:Invalid> <LibreOffice:In Progress by bjoern-michaelsen> <Linux:New> <Linux Mint:In Progress> <The Linux OS P16:08
bigjoolsargh go away mup16:08
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
gary_posterI se16:09
bigjoolsbug two (ha! screw you mup) is that it also didn't appear to work for a regular upload of the libx86 package16:09
gary_posterah ok.  So the first is a non-critical feature bug (?) and the second is a critical regression?16:09
bigjoolshe's talking about cocoplum since that's where the ubuntu uploads go16:09
bigjoolsso I need to split this into two16:10
bigjoolsbear with me16:10
bigjoolsgary_poster: ok I updated the original bug a bit and reference the new one in it16:15
* gary_poster looks16:16
gary_posterbigjools, why is first one (869185) not regression/critical?16:17
bigjoolsgary_poster: I was just thinking about that16:17
bigjoolsit's only a single package, hence my hesitation16:17
* gary_poster leaves the decision to you :-D16:17
bigjoolsthanks :)16:18
gary_posterfwiw, based on your explanation, if you had left it to me I would have said critical16:18
gary_poster(on the basis of "the rules")16:19
bigjoolsrules are there to bend16:19
gary_poster:-) fair enough16:19
bigjoolsI am just finding out if it's more widespread, if so it's a critical regression16:20
bigjoolsno idea *how* since nobody changed that code lately ...16:20
cjwatsonI think I have a fix for bug 572128; would anyone care to have a *cough* post-implementation chat about it? :-)16:20
_mup_Bug #572128: Ubuntu Archive translations are missing Index metadata file <Launchpad itself:New> <debmirror (Ubuntu):Confirmed> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/572128 >16:20
gary_postercjwatson I was just seeing if danilos were around to look at that bug16:20
gary_posterI don't think he is :-P16:21
cjwatsonI posted general approach in the bug comments, and http://paste.ubuntu.com/703479/ appears to pass tests for me16:21
bigjoolscjwatson: I'd love to but kinda busy, I can chat tomorrow if you don't find anyone before then16:22
cjwatsonsure, that will be fine, pretty tired now anyway16:22
bigjoolsI hear ya16:22
bigjoolscjwatson: since you're here, are you aware of any other failures to use P-a-s for uploaded packages?16:23
gary_postercjwatson, from a pure triaging perspective, is this a regression16:23
cjwatsonI'll assign myself in the meantime16:23
gary_poster(572128) on the LP side16:23
cjwatsongary_poster: yes, albeit one that's my fault16:24
gary_poster:-) ok16:24
gary_posterI'll triage as such.  thanks cjwatson16:24
cjwatson(and a regression by cooperation between LP and mirroring tools)16:24
cjwatsonbigjools: I haven't *noticed* any, although that doesn't necessarily say much - doko is much better informed here than I am16:25
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cjwatsondue to his work on test rebuilding16:25
bigjoolsyeah, I was trying to reach him16:25
cjwatsonTBH it's the kind of thing I habitually write off since historically it's been lost in the noise of real failures16:26
bigjoolscjwatson: the other side of the coin - do you know any that are ok that are in p-a-s?16:26
cjwatsonnow that we're getting those down to reasonable levels ...16:26
cjwatsonbigjools: grub2 was fine last time I uploaded it, although it also has an explicit Architecture line16:27
bigjoolsok - I wonder if p-a-s has a fault itself for libx86 then16:27
cjwatsoneasy to check16:27
cjwatson%libx86: !armel !hppa !ia64 !m68k !mips !mipsel !powerpc !sh4 !sparc  # <sys/io.h>16:27
cjwatsonlooks right to me16:28
bigjoolsme too16:28
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cr3benji: quick lazr.restful/wadllib question for you, does this error ring a bell: UnsupportedMediaTypeError: This resource doesn't define a representation for media type text/plain19:46
benjicr3: I don't think I've seen that one before but I would suspect there's an adapter you can provide that would make it work.19:47
cr3benji: it seems to happen when an object is returned with a 30419:47
cr3benji: the same api url, when returning a 200, works fine. but, when it has not been modified, that's when I get: https://pastebin.canonical.com/53985/19:49
benjicr3: that's weird; since a 304 can't have a body then there's no reason to be looking for a representation (or for it to have a content-type at all)19:49
cr3benji: indeed, the appserver says it's returning 0 bytes, the representation might be in the header though19:50
benjicr3: well, 304 is Not Modified so there shouldn't be any representation anywhere19:51
jelmerbug 36975220:12
_mup_Bug #369752: Don't allow branch type to be selected on branch add form <easy> <lp-code> <ui> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/369752 >20:12
sinzuijcsackett, mumble?22:15
sinzuiwallyworld__, https://launchpad.net/launchpad/+milestone/3.022:34
wallyworld__wgrant: here's the branch lp:~wallyworld/launchpad/utf8-encode-diffs-861979 and here's the test lp.code.mail.tests.test_branch.TestBranchMailerDiff.test_generateEmail_with_diff22:37
wallyworld__wgrant: https://pastebin.canonical.com/53948/22:52
=== wallyworld_ changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: wallyworld | Critical bugs: 262 - 0:[########BOOM
wgrantwallyworld_: AssertionError: 'hello \xce\xa3' != 'hello :3'23:38
wallyworld_wgrant: yes, that's what ec2 says too23:38
wallyworld_so it's a lucid vs oneiric issue23:38
* wgrant adds D23:38
wallyworld_i could force the encoding to base64 to see if that helps23:39
wgrantContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable23:39
wgranthello =3A323:39
wgrantIs that as expected?23:39
wgrantApparently not.23:39
* wallyworld__ sighs. another unity/compiz crash23:40
wgrantyou don't just restart unity in that case?23:41
wallyworld__wgrant: it took out quassel as well this time23:46
wallyworld__everything went belly up23:47
wallyworld__wgrant: i've pushed a change, can you try again?23:51
wgrantwallyworld__: Have you seen the hack at the top of sendmail.py?23:52
wgrantTo force quoted-printable?23:52
wgrantI wonder if that might be relevant.23:52
wgrantBecause set_payload is indeed writing =3A3, which is :3.23:52
wallyworld__wgrant: you mean in encodeOptimally()23:53
wgrantwallyworld__: No, at module load time.23:53
wgrantIt overrides the default encoidng.23:53
wgrantdel Charset.CHARSETS['utf-8']23:53
wgrantCharset.add_charset('utf-8', Charset.SHORTEST, Charset.QP, 'utf-8')23:53
wgrantCharset.add_alias('utf8', 'utf-8')23:53
wallyworld__oah, didn;t notice that23:54
wallyworld__well that sucks23:54
wgrantThat is indeed relevant.23:54
wgrantset_payload actually crashes until you do that.23:54
wgrantInterestingly, in python2.7 it doesn't crash initially.23:55
wgrantIt encodes UTF-8 with base64.23:55
wallyworld__wgrant: so on python 2.6, base64 encoding of utf-8 crashes?23:56
wgrantAnd with the charset hack installed, 2.7 encodes to =CE=A323:56
wgrantwallyworld__: It seems so.23:56
wallyworld__but i just tried pythin 2.6 and base64 locally and it worked23:57
wgrantwallyworld__: I wonder if set_payload doesn't actually like unicode in 2.6.23:57
wgrantPerhaps it takes the charset that the payload is encoded in, not a charset in which the payload should be encoded.23:58
wgrantThe docs are not clear.23:58
wgrant        if str(charset) != charset.get_output_charset():23:58
wgrant            self._payload = charset.body_encode(self._payload)23:58
wgrantI think the payload is meant to be pre-encoded.23:58
wallyworld__argh, ffs. another unity crash23:59
wallyworld__i don't think the payload is meant to be pre-encoded23:59

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