
E3D3I messed somehow with one USB-stick that won't mount automatically anymore. How can I solve this ?09:17
M0hiE3D3: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB#Configuring_Automounting09:20
M0hiOh Wai E3D3. Is it the one USB stick or all?09:21
E3D3Its just one USB-stick, others work normal.09:24
M0hiE3D3: tried formatting the stick?09:26
geirhaTry a filesystem check, either with fsck(1) on the command-line or via gparted.09:27
geirhaUnless it has NTFS09:28
E3D3Thx. I'm now installing gparted & hope it show me some info. Don't think it has NTFS but I'm not sure.09:31
E3D3Can I use fsck when I don't know the USB-location ?09:33
E3D3gparted doesn't see my USB ?09:35
E3D3I also have the ntfs-3g driver & -config installed but no fun ?09:40
E3D3Hi, I messed somehow (only) one of my USB-sticks. Nautilus, fdisk or gparted don't show it anymore. I have ntfs-drivers & -config and also tried settings in gconf-editor/nautilus but without good result. Who can help me ?10:16
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
DombreHi I'm having some issues with my sound in ubuntu 11.10 for some reason (I think its alsa maybe pulse) only sees my hdmi audio and not my 3.5mm headphone jack.  If it matters I'm using an asus 1201n laptop.  Any ideas on what could be causing this?16:53
ubudogHello Axlin18:42
teenboyHi, need help with LO 3.2.4 on Ubuntu 11.1019:50
teenboyProblem in to slow opening and saving any docs(15sec)19:51
xsaidxhello guys23:25

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