[07:42] good morning from rainy germany [07:52] anybody out there? [07:59] hi NRWlion [07:59] feeling alone ? ^^ [07:59] hi everyone :) [08:00] YoBoY: indeed i do [08:10] :-( [08:12] what ? [08:16] * valorie passes out beverages and a cheery hello to all [08:18] * YoBoY hugs valorie [08:18] {{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}} back [08:31] hey valorie [08:31] hi [08:32] I feel like I'm so behind..... [08:32] haven't helped out on the doc for like a week..... [08:41] valorie: we do have a section on the ubuntu-forums now ;) [08:42] cool -- when I looked it was empty [08:42] I tend to use forums when the bots tell me there is a question which needs a response [08:42] I wish *buntu had such bots [08:46] valorie: Cheesehead and I have put up two threads [08:46] and i am working on a blog post about leadership [08:50] that's awesome [08:51] I've been thinking about one as well [09:38] ok, the post is ready ... but still in german ^^ now comes the difficult part in translating :D [10:28] valorie: are you there? [10:30] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pGgeqjSloKN2hTlH4bq__yWHP8kCmNrxY_3kxDk6lho/edit?hl=de << for those of you who do need a little literature for the moment ;) [10:45] gotta go [10:45] cu laters! [21:26] evening [21:26] akgraner & Cheesehead ping [21:30] Darkwing: ping ;) [21:32] NRWlion: pong [21:33] could you spare some minutes for me? [21:33] i wrote a comment on leadership basing on my experience [21:33] Sure, I have a couple before I have to run. [21:36] Darkwing: i will send you a link to a google doc [21:36] NRWlion: Thanks [21:38] Darkwing: look pm pls ... would love to hear your opinion [22:20] NRWlion: did you want editing, or just reading? [22:22] valorie: reading is enough [22:22] ok [22:23] it is not going to be published [22:23] why? [22:23] Darkwing: canceled it [22:24] hmmm, I see [22:25] * Cheesehead reads [22:25] sometimes I do rant a bit and then not publish [22:26] it helps to get the thoughts expressed [22:26] later you can make something positive out of it [22:26] valorie: +1 [22:29] One thing as a note when writing documents. I'm thinking it would be a good idea to stay away from point out other teams as we are trying to be a generic leadership help, training and molding. Naming or pointing out other teams can become a very slippery slope. [22:30] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pGgeqjSloKN2hTlH4bq__yWHP8kCmNrxY_3kxDk6lho/edit?hl=de <<< cheesehead this is the topic [22:31] feel like i am misunderstood but who cares? [22:31] I care [22:31] We care [22:31] Or we wouldn't take the time [22:34] your suggestions Cheesehead? [22:34] I'll PM my feedback to you in a moment [22:35] Cheesehead: i am in bed already [22:35] Then perhaps later. Sleep well. [22:39] howlong does it take for ur feedback? [22:45] GARG! Setting up my new laptop for a Android Devel platform takes longer then I remember.