
=== doko_ is now known as doko
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=== bigbash is now known as zz_bigbash
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Oct  6 14:59:20 2011 UTC.  The chair is NCommander. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.14:59
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired14:59
NCommander[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Meeting/2011/2011100615:00
NCommander[link] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-arm.html15:01
* davidm waves15:02
ogra_i dont think we need to look at specs for O15:02
* NCommander waves back15:02
ogra_lets use the time at the end to look at ÜP specs instead15:02
NCommander[topic] ARM Server Status (NCommander, Daviey)15:02
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Server Status (NCommander, Daviey)
* davidm is upset that the HTC Flyer pricing was a mistake15:03
NCommanderogra_: I have nothing drafted for a meeting on it. We can do that next week15:03
NCommanderserver side, I have nothing new to report15:04
ogra_NCommander, we need to have the drafts registered by next week15:04
NCommanderogra_: I'm aware.15:04
ogra_so we need to discuss them today15:04
ogra_at least who adds which15:05
NCommanderogra_: then I'd appericate it if you had asked me to bring it up before the meeting or even put it on the agenda.15:05
ogra_(and i doubt we have anything beyond banshee to discuss at all anyway)15:05
ogra_NCommander, will do next time, but that doesnt change the deadline now :)15:05
ogra_and you just said you are aware15:06
NCommanderogra_: we have the P Blueprints page, and we've gone over it in this meeting before.15:06
ogra_who registers and drafts which one then ?15:07
ogra_i assume david will not do all he has assigned15:07
NCommanderI'm drafting all the ARM server ones and will assign them after UDS after discussions with the team15:08
GrueMastersigh.  Can we stick to the agenda?  I have added Blueprints to the meeting wiki.15:08
ppisatiNCommander: anything kernel related?15:08
ogra_GrueMaster, thanks !15:08
NCommander[topic] Kernel status15:08
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Kernel status
NCommanderppisati: not to my knowledge, anything to report?15:08
ogra_yes, lets stick to the agenda, i didnt mean to start a discussion (since i thought it was clear we have to do it today)15:09
ppisatinothing new to report this week15:09
janimono new ac100 either, I was kind of hoping upstream fixes speaker sound - ongoing15:09
ppisatiNCommander: nope, that's why i was asking15:09
ogra_janimo, its fixed :)15:09
ogra_janimo, see #ac10015:09
ogra_janimo, time for a zero day SRU i'd say ;)15:09
ogra_(after some testing)15:10
janimoogra_, well, marvin says one more patch is pening15:10
infinityIf the patchset is small, I'd accept it today. :P15:10
infinityBut 0-day works too.15:10
ogra_ppisati, xranby reported stability issues on omap415:10
ogra_i assume GrueMaster doesnt do many heavy load tests so that went unnoticed it seems15:11
janimoindeed, would be nice to have it for release15:11
ogra_janimo, ++15:11
ppisatiogra_: i'll ping him15:11
ogra_great, there should also be a bug open already15:11
GrueMasterogra_: I haven't been able to get past the installer on dailys.15:11
ogra_GrueMaster, yeah, thats what i mean :)15:11
ppisation cdimage i don't see any daily for omap (that is not a preinstalled one)15:12
infinityppisati: All our images are preinstalled.15:13
NCommanderexcept netboot15:13
ppisatibtw, today i reinstalled an omap4 preinstalled and it was ok15:13
GrueMasterppisati:The installer I am referring to is oem-config.  It is part of Ubiquity.15:13
ogra_great to hear !15:13
ppisatibut yes, couldn;'t get ubiquity to start15:13
GrueMasterAnd is part of every preinstalled image.15:13
infinityppisati: Couldn't get it to start?15:13
infinityppisati: Was there a bug filed?15:14
ppisatiinfinity: didn't check, i thought there was something wrong on my side15:15
ppisatibut it seems there are quite a bit open15:16
NCommander[topic] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)15:17
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)
ogra_banshee ! :)15:17
ogra_so lets make a decision ... since RC doesnt happen today we have a bit wiggle room15:18
NCommanderGrueMaster: and I did some work on finding the root of the crash and some workaround attempts Allailed15:18
=== fader_ is now known as fader
GrueMasterSadly, it builds.  It even installs.15:18
ogra_NCommander, GrueMaster do you see any chance for a fix (even an SRU) in time ?15:18
NCommanderogra_: I say we ship withe banshee despite the breakge. Changing el seeds is el suidice IMHO at this point15:18
ogra_if not i'll change the seeds right after meeting15:18
ogra_NCommander, i have approval and RB was tested15:19
NCommanderogra_: I think the odds are on par with you quitting smoking:-/15:19
davidmwhat is the status  on banshee15:19
davidmI don't want to ship broken as it could be months for an SRU15:19
ogra_i only want to ship banshee if there are realistic chances that we can get a fix15:19
GrueMasterRB doesn't support ubuntuone from what I could tell.15:19
NCommanderGrueMaster: it should15:19
ogra_davidcalle, i'll happily ship it broken if i can get a word from NCommander that there is a chance for a zero day SRU or some such15:20
NCommanderRB support predated bansheesupport15:20
GrueMasterThe banshee issue feels like a missing package or setting issue.15:20
davidmIt does not but I don't care working player beats broken player with unknown repair15:20
ogra_if thats clearly impossible lets drop it15:20
NCommanderthe less dependence on a framework known to be dodgy on ARM, the happiler I am15:20
ogra_so its all based on michaels judgement15:20
NCommanderogra_: you gotapproval to ship RB. Make it happen15:21
davidmNCommander, what is the likely hood of a fix by next Thursday?15:21
ogra_and since he said that i would stop smoking before it gets fixyed ...15:21
* ogra_ lights a cigarette and opens a terminal in the seeds dir :)15:21
NCommanderdavidm: Unlikely. Its crashing in pure mono code, and I've yet to get mdb to work properly under ARM15:22
NCommanderdavidm: nor has GrueMaster managed to getone going throguh MonoDevelop15:22
ogra_yeah, lets keep banshee for P :)15:22
ogra_how about ftbfs beyond banshee ?15:22
GrueMasterdavidm: The fix could happen as early as today or as late as it takes.  In my opinion, it is not an easy nut to crack, even with debugging symbols.15:22
davidmOK then lets pursue RB for release, and fix banshee later if at all possible15:23
ogra_or concentrate on having a rock solid banshee in P15:23
ogra_and dont waste time on O15:23
NCommander[topic] ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)15:23
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)
ogra_they build and work15:23
ogra_for everyone bug GrueMaster15:23
GrueMasterFor most people.15:24
ogra_s/bug/but even15:24
janimomx5 is very slow though15:24
ogra_janimo, how is mx5 ?15:24
ogra_heh, snap15:24
GrueMasterI have yet to get through oem-config without it respawning several times.15:25
janimoeveryone who tested it says the same15:25
ogra_well, it installs and its a "tech preview"15:25
GrueMasteron omap4.15:25
janimoGrueMaster, for me once it respanwed was the sign the system was installed15:25
janimobut hmm, maybe not ocnsistently15:25
ogra_janimo, that doesnt help15:25
janimoI know15:25
GrueMasterI believe the mx5 issues are swap related.  I seemed to get a bit better performance once I had a working swapfile.15:25
ogra_since you still have jasper and ubiquity installed then15:25
GrueMasterAnd no user account some of the time.15:26
janimoGrueMaster, but it has ~800Mb of RAM no? The beagle was snappier with less RAM15:26
ogra_GrueMaster, oh, intresting15:26
ogra_that indicates that it breaks reaqlly really early15:26
GrueMasterjanimo: I thought it only had 51215:26
ogra_bug 86843215:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 868432 in SchoolTool Gradebook "• one of Worksheets view or Worksheet's title edit view show unstranslated value " [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86843215:27
infinityogra_: No, that was the amount of RAM on an mx53loco. :P15:27
ogra_NCommander, move ?15:28
GrueMasterOn my system, last time I tried an image it failed to load the panel and several other issues until I had a working swapfile.15:28
infinityWell, swap is back on again.15:28
ogra_well, swap should be back15:28
GrueMasterI'll test today's image in a bit.15:29
NCommander[tpic] ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)15:30
NCommander[topic] QA Status (GrueMaster, mahmoh)15:30
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: QA Status (GrueMaster, mahmoh)
GrueMasterI have spent most of the week tracking down the banshee issue.  I have ruled out possible SMP issues and for the most part, mono core and addons work from what I can tell by running other apps.15:32
NCommanderGrueMaster: anything tobring up15:32
GrueMasterI have also been trying to get some feedback from banshee developers on the #banshee channel on irc.gnome.org.15:33
GrueMasterWill continue on those tracks today.15:33
NCommanderk anything else?15:33
GrueMasterDaily image for today just booted through oem-config for me (and there was much rejoicing).15:33
GrueMasterAlthough there is a crash report I'll need to look at.15:34
=== zz_bigbash is now known as bigbash
GrueMasterIs unity-2d supposed to use the same settings as Unity for hiding the panel?  If so - fail.15:35
GrueMastercrash appears to be oem-config.  Maybe I'll have something useful to report on it.finally.15:35
ogra_i think the default is "2" in dconf-editor15:35
ogra_not sure which hide behavior that sets :P15:36
ogra_but there should be a description in the editor15:36
GrueMasterUgh.  Can't report crash on oem-config because libgtk2.0-0 is out of date.15:37
GrueMasterThere was no description in gconf-editor for that key.15:37
ogra_gconf is dead15:37
GrueMasterAt least none that I saw.15:37
GrueMasterWill look later.15:37
ogra_if you still have gconf settings anywhere thats a bug15:38
GrueMasterNothing else here.15:38
infinityOnce this new apt builds, I might spin a new set of images.15:38
infinityInstaller performance will seem a bit snappier.15:38
infinityFor a 6 minute period or so that update-apt-xapian-index isn't killing your SD in the background. :P15:39
GrueMasterI would ask that everyone on the team with a working panda please try to do some testing with the daily desktop image.  I am seeing too many crashes for a good release.15:40
* ogra_ didnt see any in the last image he tested15:41
ogra_that was a few days after beta15:41
GrueMasterHence why I said "daily".  Beta was 2 weeks ago.15:42
infinityOh, we need to get on ndec's case about the ti-omap-extras stuff actually existing for oneiric.15:42
ogra_GrueMaster, yes, i tested a dail15:43
ogra_as i said15:43
ogra_a few days after ...15:43
GrueMastertoday's daily.  A lot of packages have changed in the last two weeks.15:43
=== bigbash is now known as zz_bigbash
ppisati6th Oct daily + morning dist-upgrade = ubiquity crash (at least here)15:44
NCommander[topic] Linaro Updates (rsalveti)15:44
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Linaro Updates (rsalveti)
GrueMasterJust filed bug 869284.15:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 869284 in geoclue (Ubuntu) "geoclue-master crashed with signal 5" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86928415:44
* rsalveti waves15:44
ogra_i think i saw evan talk about that issue today15:44
rsalvetinot much to report from the Linaro side this week, besides the planning for the 11.10 cycle15:44
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
rsalvetijcrigby pushed the fix for bug 867670 and bug 86765015:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 867670 in u-boot-linaro (Ubuntu) "OMAP 4460 based pandas run too hot at current operating point" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86767015:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 867650 in u-boot-linaro (Ubuntu) "OMAP4 eMMC support is missing" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86765015:45
rsalvetibut as SRU15:45
rsalvetistill in progress15:45
ogra_rsalveti, how is the move to oneiric going ?15:45
infinityrsalveti: I need to talk to him about that.15:46
infinityrsalveti: But the fixes he pushed looked entirely suitable for release.15:46
rsalvetiogra_: we're still blocked with bugs at the linaro-image-tools15:46
rsalvetiinfinity: is it critical enough for the releasE?15:46
rsalvetiogra_: but we expect to have working images next week15:46
ogra_we too :)15:47
infinityrsalveti: Did we not want 4460 to work with oneiric images?15:47
rsalvetiI'll also make sure the unity3d packages are in place, so we can demonstrate it with oneiric + latest sgx packages15:47
infinityrsalveti: It's not like we're respinning images post-release.15:47
* ogra_ hugs rsalveti 15:47
ogra_rsalveti, if you need me for PPA copying or anything, ping me15:47
ogra_(for 3D)15:48
rsalvetiinfinity: yeah, there's one issue for 4460 that might be important for the release15:48
rsalvetiogra_: sure, I'll let you know when I get it all working15:48
infinityrsalveti: The overheating one, at least.  But I thought I saw another.15:48
rsalvetibut I should be able to have a PPA for that15:48
infinityrsalveti: Still, the installer setting your board on fire is bad enough. :P15:48
rsalvetiinfinity: yup :-)15:48
rsalvetiinfinity: let's talk about this at #ubuntu-arm then15:48
ogra_rsalveti, well, they eventually need to end up in the ti ppa15:48
GrueMastermeh.  Self-heating.15:49
rsalvetiogra_: oh, that's fine by me, thought we would like a separated ppa for that15:49
ogra_well, winter is near in the northern hemisphere ... probably the pandas know that ;)15:49
rsalvetionce I have the packages all working I'll let you know, then we can make sure it lands at the proper ppa15:49
* GrueMaster looks outside. Near?15:49
ogra_rsalveti, well, whatever works, effectively panda is the only thing we can run it on atm15:49
ogra_so it makes sense to put it in the TI one i think15:50
rsalvetisure, and it's already enabled by default once you installed the sgx drivers15:51
rsalvetithat's all from my side15:51
ogra_NCommander, move15:51
rsalvetinext week I should have all the planning for connect/uds in place15:52
rsalvetiat least from my side15:52
ogra_NCommander, move !15:52
ogra_time is running out and we need to get the specs assigned15:53
ogra_davidm, did you see the recent additions to the spec ideas page ?15:54
* ogra_ gets the feeling he talks to an empty room15:54
* rsalveti is still around, but not important anymore15:55
davidmogra_, nope have not15:55
davidmI'll have a look15:55
ogra_davidcalle, see the two smagoun buts at the bottom15:55
ogra_that looks like linaro material15:55
NCommander[topic blueprints15:55
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: blueprints
ogra_so NCommander said he'd take all server specs and have them registered next week15:56
NCommander[chair] ogra_15:56
meetingologyCurrent chairs: NCommander ogra_15:56
ogra_infinity, are you taking the HF spec ?15:56
* infinity looks.15:56
ogra_since you do the work i guess ...15:56
infinityBut I imagine I am.  Didn't know there was one. :P15:56
ogra_it just says armhf _)15:56
infinityAhh.  Kay.15:57
infinityYeah, I'll take that.15:57
* ogra_ still doesnt know what "linaro arm boot " is supposed to mean15:57
ogra_davidm, can we skip that one until its clear what it means ?15:57
ogra_then we have "ARM ISO install for non-mmc hardware"15:58
infinityDoes smagoun realize that an emulated live-build is likely to be slower than the real thing?15:58
ogra_who wants that ? i suspect its just d-i images15:58
janimoogra_, I think that means 'arm boot speed'15:58
ogra_infinity, i think he doesnt want qemu, they used it in the past15:58
ogra_janimo, linaro arm boot ?15:58
infinityogra_: He has to have qemu.15:58
ogra_janimo, do you want to take it ?15:58
janimoogra_, yes. I think so15:58
infinityogra_: His packages won't magically install on x86.15:59
ogra_and find out if thats true ?15:59
janimoogra_, well it is a postponed one from O so I guess I'll do something related still15:59
ogra_infinity, well, qemu-arm-static ...15:59
infinityogra_: Still qemu.15:59
ogra_janimo, a postponed one ?15:59
infinityogra_: Anyhow, I should probably take smagoun's specs, so I can shoot them down as crack.15:59
ogra_oh, yours15:59
janimoogra_, yes15:59
ogra_infinity, well, one is clearly linaro15:59
davidminfinity, unless smagoun is going to do the work16:00
ogra_the package cross build stuff was already discussed art ubuntu-devel16:00
ogra_which he apparently doesnt read, else he could have participated :)16:00
ogra_davidm, do we expect achiang to work on the spec he proposed ?16:01
ogra_i think he is oem16:01
ogra_else one of us has to take the firefox elfhack one16:01
infinityI think our time's up.16:02
ogra_well, that doesnt go anywhere here, lets adjourn, i'll assign specs that have no owner16:02
* ogra_ thinks him holding monologues to the team with only infinity participating is a waste of time16:02
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Oct  6 16:02:49 2011 UTC.16:02
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-10-06-14.59.moin.txt16:02
skaetogra_, is bug 803752 still going to land?16:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 803752 in jasper-initramfs (Ubuntu Oneiric) "jasper needs to support preseed files " [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80375216:03
ogra_skaet, nope, i thought i had closed it16:03
* ogra_ does so now ... preseeding is supported, just not preseed files16:03
davidmogra_, I hope achiang will step up if not likely the task will not get scheduled16:03
skaetogra_ thanks.  Also,  what about ac100 tarball installer.16:04
davidmjust because there is an idea, no matter how good does not mean we do it.16:04
skaetbug 856278?16:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 856278 in ac100-tarball-installer (Ubuntu Oneiric) "installation mode from SD card to USB key fails" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85627816:04
ogra_skaet, ?? what about it ??16:04
ogra_skaet, ah, thats a special case16:05
ogra_(sorry lagging here)16:05
ogra_i can release note it, the majority of people installs to internal16:05
skaetfair enough.   thanks,  just trying to get my lists pared down.  ;)16:06
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
* stgraber waves17:58
* pitti says hello17:59
pittiseems the "chair: sabdfl" is obsolete, Mark already sent his apologies and he isn't an official board member any more anyway18:01
pittiseems the brainstorm review is now done, thanks cjwatson18:02
pittino community bugs either18:03
pittiI didn't see anything on the ML, did I miss something?18:03
pittiis a new one18:04
pittihey wendar18:04
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Oct  6 18:04:34 2011 UTC.  The chair is pitti. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.18:04
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired18:04
pitti#topic recruiting new members for the ARB18:04
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: recruiting new members for the ARB
pittiI admit I haven't read it yet, shall we allow some minutes to read/digest it?18:05
pitti(release crunch, sorry018:05
ScottKI've always found the lack of a requirement to be a developer troubling.18:06
keesScottK: "evidence of activity" isn't really as strong as _being_ a developer18:07
pittiI find that a bit troublesome as well; being able to spot problems in these packages requires at least some packaging experience18:08
wendarwe've talked about that, in the current group, and generally assume that we will make it a requirement in the future, so for this cycle we looked for applicants who are Ubuntu developers18:08
pittihopefully this will be ensured by the voting/application process, but perhaps it could be made explicit? that an applicant should at least be a PPU?18:08
ScottKI find it particularly troubling given it's enabled in the default install.18:08
stgraberpitti: member of ~ubuntu-dev should match all PPU/MOTU/Core-dev (unless we forgot to add some members to that team)18:10
wendarthe only reason we haven't already made it a requirement, is that we're unsure how to handle the fact that half the current ARB aren't Ubuntu Developers, and we're already hurting for bodies18:10
pittiaside from that the proposal seems straightforward and clear to me18:10
wendarbut, we could make it a requirement now, with a transition plan18:10
pittiwendar: is that becuase these members aren't generally interested in Ubuntu packaging? do they want to become ubuntu devs?18:11
wendarI certainly do :)18:11
wendarI'm pretty sure the other ARB member does too18:11
keeshow about making it policy now, but allow for existing members to be allowed with the stated intention that they are working towards dev?18:12
ScottKI'm fine with that.18:12
wendarsounds good18:12
pittithe requirements to these packages are quite a bit different to 'ordinary' packages, with /opt and all that, but one should at least be familiar with packagign basics18:12
pittikees: that sounds good; I certainly don't intend to invalidate the current board18:13
pittiso the proposal is18:14
pitti- Ubuntu membership18:14
pitti+ https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev membership18:14
* kees nods18:14
ScottKIs Ubuntu membership required for PPU?18:14
pittistgraber: WDYT?18:14
stgraberpitti: +118:15
ScottKAs long as Ubuntu membership is required for PPU, I think that's good.18:15
pittiah, I'm fine with making that explicit and just have both requirements18:16
pittiScottK: technically I think ubuntu membership is a consequence of being in ubuntu-dev18:16
stgraberalso, all 3 current applicants we (as in ARB) have on our list are members of ~ubuntu-dev18:16
DavieyHmm, i thought PPU was an avenue to get membership?18:16
pittibut I'm not entirely sure whether the DMB requires that as a prerequisite, or grants it together with PPU18:16
Daviey(via ~ubuntu-dev?)18:16
stgraberIIRC we (as in DMB this time) simply grant it by giving PPU18:17
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pittithat was my impression, too18:17
ScottKNot a point worth spending a lot of time on then.18:17
pittiwendar: so, are you okay with adding ~ubuntu-dev membership as a requirement?18:17
wendaryup, reload the page18:17
pittiwendar: heh, says ~ubuntu-de18:17
pittiI'm afraid teaching everyone to speak German is a little too much effort18:18
wendaredited again18:18
pitti#vote TB signoff of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppReviewBoard/Restaffing18:18
meetingologyPlease vote on: TB signoff of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppReviewBoard/Restaffing18:18
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)18:18
meetingology+1 received from pitti18:18
meetingology+1 received from kees18:18
pittistgraber: ?18:19
meetingology+1 received from stgraber18:19
pittiwe only have bare minimum quorum today, but my feeling is that this is pretty unanimous18:20
stgraber(sorry, was looking through the list of ~ubuntumembers)18:20
meetingologyVoting ended on: TB signoff of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppReviewBoard/Restaffing18:20
meetingologyVotes for:3 Votes against:0 Abstentions:018:20
meetingologyMotion carried18:20
pittiI'll reply on the TB list, and other TB members can then weigh in18:20
pittiwendar: thanks!18:20
wendarthanks all!18:21
pitti#topic next chair18:22
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: next chair
pittiwe usually follow alphabetically, which would be soren18:22
keesalphabetically? yup.18:22
pittibut as he hasn't been in any meeting yet, I propose that we skip him this time18:22
keesstgraber: ready to chair the next one? :)18:22
pittistgraber: do you want to chair the next one? I can guide you to what to do after the meeting18:23
stgraberpitti: that'd be great18:23
pittioh, these hundreds of hours on the typewriter and pasting stamps18:23
pitti#topic AOB18:23
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB
pittinothing else from me; stgraber, kees, wendar, ScottK?18:24
ScottKNot unless you want an off the cuff sru exception request18:24
ScottKI'd like to keep uploading postifx bug fixes post-release, but didn't have time to prepare anything.18:24
keespitti: nothing from me18:25
ScottKThis is the upstream that says, "We don't have a bug tracker because we don't leave known issues unfixed." and does it.18:25
pittiScottK: is there usually something in them which goes beyond a mere aggregation of individual "we want these" fixes?18:25
pitti#topic postgres SRUs18:26
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: postgres SRUs
pitti#topic postfix SRUs18:26
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: postfix SRUs
pittisilly autofingers :)18:26
ScottKYes.  There's two primary upstream developers who have a strong vision for the product.18:26
ScottKMost bug reports turn into "Where in the documentation does it promise it's supposed to work that way?"18:26
pittione thing that we need to fix there first are the eternal debconf questions on upgrade which potentially destroy your config (haven't checked, I always just say "no config")18:27
ScottKSo it's very strongly spec'ed.18:27
DavieyShouldn't lamont be in this discussion?18:27
ScottKlamont and I have discussed it.18:27
ScottKpitti: I don't recall those being an issue in a long time (I don't get the questions)18:27
pittiScottK: so do you think the problem is that there are changes which are debatable, or that the problem is on the validation side?18:27
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pittiScottK: oh, wow; maybe I should file a bug then, I get them everytime18:28
ScottKUsers have an expectation of how an MTA should work and they are often wrong.18:28
ScottKPost-release, postfix sticks to not changing functionality based on it's extensive documentation.18:29
ScottKThey are very, very picky about it.18:29
pittii. e. you want to establish a permanent microrelease exception for postfix?18:29
ScottKIf they are happy with it, it is very safe for us.18:30
lamontI would support that18:30
pittiso I assume this is for not verifying all changes individually, but have a way to regression-test the entire update18:30
ScottKUpstream regression tests the upstream code before releasing.18:30
pittikees: how much coverage does the qa-regression-test bzr have for postfix?18:31
ScottKI think we need to mostly make sure the packaging works and there's nothing major wrong.18:31
keespitti: it's fair, let me double check18:31
pittiwe still need some amount of testing the actually installed package, to guard against misbuilds, packaging errors, etc.18:31
lamontpitti: every regression I have seen in a micro-release update of postfix has been introduced by the debian/ubuntu packaging18:31
ScottKI've been backporting postfix for a long time and I've never had an issue.18:31
pittilamont: yes, that's what I'm concerned about :)18:31
lamontScottK: I've never had an issue with Wietse's work.  my own is the only concern18:31
pittiwe had the weirdest things in SRUs, no-change uploads breakign completely, and the like18:32
ScottKThat's generally obvious in the normal level of SRU testing we do.18:32
lamontpitti: fwiw, that has usually been me adding in my own other bugfixes and getting it wrong18:32
lamontwhen I just grab the latest upstream and stuff, it's always been beauty18:32
keespitti: mostly it tests authentication mechanisms and basic delivery/forwarding18:32
ScottKMy view is that if that works, it's 99.9% good.18:32
pittikees: qa-regression bzr is integration testing on the actually installed .debs, right?18:32
keespitti: correct18:33
pittikees: is there any existing wiki documentation how to run this? or do we need a special page for postfix?18:33
keespitti: it expects packages to be installed, but does its own configuration manipulations to attempt various auth methods and delivery methods18:33
pittiif we could just link to it on the MRE page, that'd be good18:33
keespitti: there is no general docs on running the tests, no, but there is a pretty common methodology to it, and each test is documented on how to run it in the header comments18:34
ScottKI've never had a problem figuring them out from the comments.18:34
pittiI'm using postfix both on server as well as on my workstations, and never really had a problem with it except those annoying debconf prompts, I'm fairly convinced of its quality18:34
pittikees: right, I mostly mean where to get it, how to run it, etc.18:34
pittias long as the proposer of the SRU (lamont/ScottK) know how to run it, it's fine for me18:34
pittilamont, ScottK: ^ do you?18:35
lamontI know how to tell ScottK to run it.18:35
ScottKI didn't run the postfix one before, but I run the clamav one all the time.18:35
ScottKI'm sure it's not an issue.18:35
pittimy gut feeling is that an MRE is fine, provided that validation entails running the upstream regression tests (which already is done by upstream), and the existing integration tests18:35
pittilamont: delegation FTW!18:35
lamontpitti: to be fair, my normal approach to postfix is to take the latest upstream, build it, install it, send email, and upload.  If I actually do any work, that's when I get all pedantic about testing it, ever since I broke it that one time18:36
pittiScottK: is there a pending microrelease which we would SRU?18:36
ScottKThere's a backports request pending that we'd direct at -proposed instead.18:37
pittiso perhaps we could do this as a model case, see how much changes these carry, and how validation works, etc.18:37
* kees nods18:37
stgrabersounds good18:37
pittibut in general I'm fine with this proposal; upstream's stable policy and regression testing is certainly appropriate for our SRU criteria18:38
ScottKIt would be -proposed for natty only.18:38
ScottKLucid/Maverick released with 2.7, so those will still go to backports.18:38
pittiah, no 2.7.x updates any more?18:38
ScottKThere are some of those I'll need to go back and look at too.18:39
pittithen I'm even less concerned18:39
pittimost postfixes which really matter certainly run on LTSes18:39
ScottKNo, we can do them too, just referring to the current backport request.18:39
pittibut doing this on natty now gives us a nice trial period for precise18:39
ScottKSo we'd keep 2.7 up to date in -proposed for lucid and 2.8 in backports.18:39
pittiScottK: can we try that SRU once, and when it's done, come back to TB and discuss the general MRE when we all have more experience how that worked?18:41
pittiI'm sure it will be okay, but I'm a bit uncomfortable with saying "+1" before seeing it in action18:42
pittimight just be me being a wimp, of course18:42
pittikees, stgraber: WDYT?18:42
keesright, I prefer SRU history, then MRE18:42
pittiI'm signing up for reviewing that SRU18:43
keesbut this looks to be a good trajectory18:43
ScottKI'm fine with this.18:43
stgrabertrying with one SRU osunds good18:43
pitti#topic AOB18:44
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pittigoing once..18:45
pittigoing twice..18:45
pittithanks everyone, have a good night!18:45
stgraberthanks pitti!18:46
pittiwill send notes / update report. etc. now18:46
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Oct  6 18:46:12 2011 UTC.18:46
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-10-06-18.04.moin.txt18:46
pittiwow, nice report18:46
keesthanks pitti!18:47
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