
maxbAnyone around who remembers that thing that happened once before in natty with all but one of the Firefox search plugin disappearing because the .xml files had been mislaid in a natty update?11:56
maxbWell, it seems to have regressed in oneiric11:56
maxbhmm, but only on one of the two computers I have upgraded11:59
maxbfirefox -ProfileManager no longer works?12:05
knomehmm, there seems to be a bug in TB12:19
knomecan somebody confirm?12:20
knomestart writing a message, and type in a "attachment keyword" so you get the notification about the issue12:20
knomethen start writing an another message, and do the same, and TB should soon start throwing errors that a script is already in use12:20
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micahgmaxb: that happened on the upgrade to 7.0 in oneiric, should be fixed in 7.0.115:55
maxbmicahg: Am on 7.0.1, it's still broken15:55
micahgplease don't tell me that a week before release :(15:56
micahgmaxb: did you have any interrupted updates?15:56
maxbmuch to my confusion, I upgraded two natty machines today at the same time, and it's only broken on one of them15:56
maxbyes.... on the machine which it's working on :-)15:56
micahgah, upgrade from naty....15:56
micahgthat would make sense...15:57
micahgwell, no is shouldn't still...15:57
micahg*it, the new script should DTRT15:57
micahgmaxb: what's the status of /usr/lib/firefox-7.0/distribution on the broke machine15:58
maxbSo, on the working machine, I upgraded natty's 6.0.2 to oneiric's 7.0.1;  and on the broken machine I upgraded natty's 7.0.1 to oneiric's 7.0.115:58
maxbI don't have a /usr/lib/firefox-7.0 - I have a -7.0.1, though15:59
micahgyes, sorry, 7.0.115:59
maxbIt's an empty directory15:59
maxboh, and on the working machine it's a symlink15:59
maxbOK, so I've mv-ed aside the directory and created a symlink like on the working machine, and it's working fine now16:02
maxbUnfortunately, sounds like the migration isn't working properly :-/16:02
micahgright, that's the problem, I"ll need a bug to fix, let me see if I have one16:03
maxblaunchpad is not showing me anything obvious16:04
micahgmaxb: please file a bug, I"ll let the release manager know..thanks16:05
maxbbug 86931116:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 869311 in firefox "searchplugins installation damaged after natty->oneiric upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86931116:14
micahgmaxb: thanks, we have a fix that I"ll be uploading shortly16:16
debfxis it possible to confine firefox plugins without modifying the firefox apparmor profile?16:24
jdstranddebfx: you mean as in to avoid conffile changes?16:26
debfxjdstrand: yes, as it changes with every upstream version16:26
jdstranddebfx: yes, modify /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.bin.firefox16:26
debfxjdstrand: the problem is that firefox has the rule "/usr/lib/firefox-7.0.1/** ixr,"16:27
debfxI'm not sure how to override that for /usr/lib/firefox-7.0.1/plugin-container16:27
jdstranddebfx: that's ok, just be more specific. I recommend something like this in local/usr.bin.firefox:16:28
jdstrand/usr/lib/firefox-7.0.1/plugin-container Cx -> plugincontainer,16:28
jdstrandprofile plugincontainer {16:28
jdstrand  ...16:28
jdstranddebfx: I do something like that for gedit16:29
jdstranddebfx: I'm also curious about what you come up with for plugin_container. when you have something working, can you file a bug on it and assign it to me?16:30
micahghi chrisccoulson, I'm about to upload your fix for the symlink issue since we just got a report one it16:30
debfxjdstrand: that hardcodes the upstream version16:31
* micahg just discovered yet another branch he's not subscribed to16:31
jdstranddebfx: fyi, you will actuall probably want to use globbing in local/usr.bin.firefox16:31
jdstranddebfx: heh, yes :)16:31
jdstrand/usr/lib/firefox-*/plugin-container Cx -> plugincontainer,16:31
debfxjdstrand: does that still work? how does apparmor determine which rule is more specific?16:32
jdstranddebfx: that should work. how it decides is actually pretty complicated and based on DFA and hybrid DFA theory. I'll direct you to #apparmor on OFTC and http://wiki.apparmor.net/index.php/Documentation if you are really interested16:33
chrisccoulsonmicahg, i already talked to pitti about that yesterday, we're going to do a SRU for that rather than squeeze it in to final16:39
micahgchrisccoulson: why?  people upgrade from the live media16:39
chrisccoulsonthey will still get the latest version after the upgrade16:40
chrisccoulsonpitti didn't raise that as an issue, anyway16:40
micahgyes, but they lose their search engines16:40
debfxjdstrand: yeah, sounds complicated :)16:41
debfxjdstrand: the problem with a general plugin-container profile is that it would apply to all firefox plugins16:42
jdstranddebfx: I like to think of it as "the most specific rule wins". it is not necessarily totally accurate, but it gets me through the day :)16:42
micahgchrisccoulson: where was the conversation (I'd like to look at the discussion if possible)16:43
jdstranddebfx: well, I'm still interested with what you come up with. I'd like to be able to lock it down, even if it is opt in16:43
jdstrandmaybe using Px for some things16:44
jdstrandit will be more complicated, but it is something I'd like to have16:44
jdstranddebfx: re most specific> I thinking if the basename is specified, that'll take precedence over a glob16:45
debfxjdstrand: this is the profile I currently use for nspluginwrapper: http://paste.ubuntu.com/703496/16:51
debfxit's very strict though16:51
debfxjdstrand: the apparmor parser complains about the plugin-container rule: "profile has merged rule with conflicting x modifiers"16:59
jdstranddebfx: can you bring that up in #ubuntu-hardened?17:00
debfxjdstrand: yep17:01
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