
cyphermoxpangolin: looks like it would be October 21, and probably at Foonze13:10
pangolinI will do my best to be there13:10
cyphermoxpangolin: it would be really great to see you there, we don't see you very often13:10
cyphermoxtoo bad KimLaroux isn't around yet, I would have explained the location thing13:10
cyphermoxKimlaroux: you were asking about Foonzo yesterday no?21:49
cyphermoxeuh, scuse, en francais ;)21:50
Kimlarouxyes j'askais about foonzo hier evening...22:41
pangolinI like comment you melange the French and anglais22:42
Kimlarouxen fait je me demandais pourquoi pangolin parlait de Saint Sulpice quand tu lui a demandé si il voulait venir au Foonzo22:43
pangolinbecause cyphermox was responding to an email where I said I didn't like the idea of saint sulpice22:44

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