[00:03] Hi does anyone have any experience setting up powernap configuration files? [00:03] I have checked out the config files, looked at the logs with verbrosity 3 setting on, and looked through the man pages but still can figure out whats going on. [00:04] Basically I have a ubuntu-server running to host .mp4 files to my roku ( pretty neat setup really ). I wanted to setup powernap to allow the server to only run while it is streaming the video [00:05] I set up the config file to not shut down while there is ssh=20, ftp=22, and http=80. That being said it still falls alseep while the movie is streaming. I noticed through netstat that my http is runing on tcp6 and not just tcp which I think might be part of it. === phantom is now known as Guest80136 [00:22] Is anybody here faimilar with setting up SSL? [00:23] !any [00:23] !anybody [00:23] A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. [00:26] Alright, I have spent the past two or three hours trying to set up an https server. I have two virtual servers, one normal http, the other SSL. When I go to my website, using http, it works fine, but https doesn't respond. The error logs don't appear to offer any useful information. I have googled for a similar problem, but just haven't found a solution. [00:28] Steve Jobs is dead [00:28] ya, i just saw that................. [00:28] crazy [00:42] kim0, are you online? [00:47] Guest80136: are you testing with curl -v? If not, do so. [00:48] Well, i just found out that my ssl server works fine, I can connect to it using openssl s_client -connect localhost:443. But, I cant connect from the outside. Although I can connect to the http half [00:49] That sounds like a firewall issue [00:50] Duh. I feel rather stupid. My router blocks it by default. Of course the problem would be the most obvious one. Thanks a bunch [00:54] No problem. [01:50] Hello all! [01:51] Is anyone willing to help with an eth0 not working problem? [01:51] (that is if I have the correct channel this time) [01:52] Erm, has anyone ears or mouths here? [01:57] Hi, anyone on here? [02:02] Hi! [02:04] Question .. is there a way to tell how long a service has been up with upstart? [02:07] Well, here is the real question: eth0 does not show up in ifconfig, but lo and virbr0 does [02:08] Guest95876: ask "ip a" not "ifconfig" [02:08] I do not remember creating a virtual bridge, though I may have started a headless virtual machine during a previous login [02:08] vbox probably did it [02:09] asking "ip" only asks for options [02:09] That's why I said "ip a" [02:10] ohh, I get the same, lo and virbr0 [02:10] lspci | grep net [02:10] Make that lspci -nn | grep net [02:10] lspci -nn | grep net gives nothing [02:11] Where do you think this NIC is, physically? [02:11] nore does lspci | grep net [02:11] pci [02:11] It's a PCI card? [02:11] yes [02:11] Sounds like it's not seated properly [02:12] turn off the box, unplug and replug the card, wiggle it around a bit to make sure it's seated cleanly [02:12] If possible see if you can see it in the BIOS -- e.g. as "BBS-0" PXE boot [02:12] hmmm, machine has not moved, and light is on, in the eth card [02:12] ok, I'll reboot and check that out [02:12] Well, if lspci can't see it then it's not even a driver issue [02:13] THe kernel can't even see there's a device there [02:13] I have modprobed during this boot, so I may have dissassociated it [02:13] ? [02:13] Unless you've managed to unload the PCI bus driver, I don't see how that would affect lspci [02:14] I suppose it could be that there isn't enough power on the bus to drive the card, or just that the card is completely fucked, but has just enough smarts left to flash the blinkenlights [02:14] A mis-seated card is far more likely, though [02:15] there is also modem card on pci though [02:15] nothing shows up for lspci [02:15] If lspci (without the grep, I mean) doesn't print *anything*, then something is seriously wrong [02:16] no, I was just being lazy, lspci give plenty [02:16] I meant with the grep [02:16] Linux doesn't have drivers for most DSL and ATM modems [02:17] It should show up in lspci, but not be usable [02:17] grepping for "net" assumes you're talking about an ethernet (IEEE 802.1) card. Otherwise, read the full lspci output and identify the card yourself [02:17] its just good ole regular lan [02:19] reseating the card now [02:19] I've created a "public" samba share on my home server. My smb.conf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/703129/ Here's the problem: when I mount it via smbfs, it is owned by rtlkit:pulse. I suppose this is because the uid:gid of those is equal to the values of the user and group on the server who own the share. Is this correct? (e.g., on the server it's owned by smbguest:sambashare, and if that uid was 1001 and the gid is 1002, perhaps on my local system the [02:19] uid of rtlkit is 1001 and the gid of pulse is 1002.) [02:19] If that's the case, do I need to pass uid and gid params in fstab so it works as a public drive, or is there something I'm doing wrong in Samba? [02:19] (Samba version is 3.5.8, btw) [02:19] Tohuw: that sounds right [02:20] Tohuw: if you want to do networked filesystems, you really need centralized users and groups [02:20] Turns out its not PCI, its directly on the motherboard [02:21] Guest95876: OK, then check if it's enabled in the BIOS [02:21] Yeah, I was mucking in ldap and then my vision started getting blurry and I discovered some previously unearthed four letter words, so I haven't gotten bakc to htat yet. [02:21] Guest95876: if it's an x86 motherboard it's probably using PCI or PCI-E as the backplane, so it should still show up in lspci [02:21] OK [02:21] Tohuw: if you are in a hurry and you only have two hosts, you can monkey around to manually sync some of the IDs [02:22] twb: that's evil. I like it in this case though [02:22] Tohuw: e.g. on my laptop I changed me UID from 1000 to 1087 so I could more easily mount NFSv3 servers at work, where twb is 1087 [02:22] Tohuw: it's certainly not a sustainable long-term solution [02:22] Aye [02:22] I have a few hosts here too :( [02:22] So I can't really change it for every single one [02:23] I suppose I could remove the write list parameter from the share [02:23] or, do I need to use a wildcard for it instead of removing it [02:23] I was hoping it would auth against the server accounts [02:24] auth is separate from making the IDs match [02:24] twb: every user connecting to the server has an account on the server; here's my fstab, for instance: http://paste.ubuntu.com/703135/ [02:24] oh [02:25] You probably shouldn't be using btrfs in production at this time, either [02:25] so even though you auth as a user on the server with write access to the share, you still can't write to it because of unsync'd ids? [02:25] And you might as well take pass out, since there's no btrfsck yet [02:25] Yeah, this is my test server; I'm just playing with it. [02:25] BIOS shows that it is enabled, but does not show whether it is recognised or not [02:26] Guest95876: then I dunno what's happening [02:26] "take pass out": remove the 0 entirely? [02:26] k, thx anyways [02:26] Tohuw: the 0s are dump, not pass [02:26] Tohuw: set both to 0 for btrfs [02:26] oh, ha, I just noticed that was set to 1 0 [02:26] That's why I was confused [02:26] guess i'll try a second ethernet card, may be fried... [02:27] Guest95876: certainly an immediate workaround is to just go buy a PCI-E NIC and slap it in there [02:27] errr, 0 2... what is wrong with my brain today [02:49] Can any one help a first time server set-up? [02:49] !anyone [02:49] A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. [02:50] Been using Ubuntu desktop for a few years now, and I'm trying to set up a server in my home now. [02:52] Well, I've got 10.04 LTS server installed. that was easy. I want to set up the server as a file share for the household, and hopefully to stream movies to our X-box 360. [02:52] I recommend not using Ubuntu Server. There is nothing special about Ubuntu Server that you can't not achieve with Ubuntu Desktop. Ubuntu Server is simply a striped down version of Ubuntu Desktop to make it a more viable mass-deployment & production solution [02:53] Check out the Amahi Home Server project [02:53] gadgetdevil: er, ubuntu server isn't "stripped down"; all ubuntu versions back onto the same package archive, the onl difference is the preseed file (which mainly governs the packages installed by default). [02:53] Well, I've already got it on there, and I'm fairly familiar with the command line. we have no reason for a GUI on the server [02:53] twb: that is what I mean by stripped down, it doesn't ship with extra packages [02:54] thevinci: right; we discourage installing a GUI on servers [02:55] When I installed, it gave me a list of server 'set ups' (I'm guessing?) to choose from, I picked "Samba" since we have a mix of Ubuntu and windows/microsoft here [02:55] thevinci: use sudo tasksel to quickly install software stacks [02:55] was that correct? [02:56] thevinci: that was called "tasksel"; you can re-run it whenever you want. What you should install depends on what you want to do. [02:56] thevinci: as for the 360, I think you need to install some DLNA shit, as it doesn't even speak regular CIFS [02:58] twb: I can install that using tasksel? [02:58] AFAIK, no [02:58] You want to use aptitude or apt-get or some other package manager [02:58] tasksel is a "high level" wrapper for those [02:59] ahh, alright [02:59] and I suppose I will have to add the repo's manually first? [02:59] Assuming DLNA is what you want, "apt-cache search dlna" only turns up GUI things and minidlna, so I guess I would be looking at that [02:59] mediatomb is available in the Universe repo and is DLNA compatable [02:59] thevinci: /etc/apt/sources.list should already have Ubuntu entries in it [02:59] I use minidnla with my PS3 and it works excellently. [03:00] Ah, mediatomb only mentions upnp not dlna [03:00] Maybe I should "apt-cache search upnp" instead [03:00] I never found a dlna server I liked [03:00] Patrickdk: well, DLNA and UPNP are ridiculous protocols [03:00] just use the built in mythtv one now, for the rare times I use it [03:01] normally I just browse a cifs share [03:02] twb: After mucking around a bit with my Samba permissions issue, I decided to just pass uid and gid params in fstab corresponding to my user on this system. Now I can write to everything below the top level, so at least it's a major step up. [03:03] Tohuw: hmm, I didn't think you could do that [03:03] Tohuw: I though uid/gid forcing was only available for FAT [03:03] twb, well, upnp was made by microsoft, I think, so that explains it [03:03] ok, I'm going to research some of this stuff. thanks guys. its a start [03:03] twb: nor did I :) [03:03] Patrickdk: yes, upnp is basically mdns/dnssd, except using HTTP instead of DNS [03:04] twb: oh, you can force uid and gid on non-fat things. I just didn't know you could do that with CIFS [03:04] Shrug [03:04] Good to know [03:11] when I try to use "tasksel", after I choose the software I want to install, it gives me, 'tasksel: aptitude failed (100)' [03:11] what gives? [03:14] did you run it as root? [03:16] sudo tasksel [03:17] sudo = temporary root privlages as far as i understand [03:18] Then I dunno [03:18] maybe because you're also running aptitude as root elsewhere? [03:18] would 'top' show me if that is so? [03:19] thevinci: ps -C aptitude # might be quicker and more to the point :) [03:20] that shows me 'PID TTY TIME CMD' [03:23] thevinci: So you don't have an processes named aptitude running. [03:24] jmarsden: not that I can see [03:25] OK. So, does aptitude work fine "on its own"? Does sudo apt-get update # work fine, for example? [03:25] yes [03:25] Or sudo aptitude update if you prefer. [03:25] and I just did sudo apt-get upgrade like 20 minutes ago and It was just fine [03:26] mind you, I JUST installed this last night, so maybe I'm missing some packages???? [03:27] thevinci: OK, so as a workaround, you can do tasksel --list-task YOURTASK and then use apt-get by hand to install them. [03:32] well, I haven't the foggiest what I did, but tasksel just started working... [03:32] I'll bet it's because I uncommented some repo lines in my apt/sources.list [03:33] then checked if sudo apt-get update worked like u asked. [05:01] !poll [05:01] Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [05:02] I am looking to configure powernap config file and seem to be having a hard time with IOMonitor, can anyone help with that? [05:34] I'm having a really hard time understanding how to get my server started. can anyone point me to a good starting point? [05:35] I'm wanting it to be a storage and file sharing center for my house. we have 2 ubuntu laptops, and one Win 7 laptop. also, an xbox 360 that I would like to stream movies and music to. [05:37] thevinci: hit the power button on the front [05:38] forgot the hat, sorry [06:18] thevinci: I recently did this myself I would be more the happy to show you everything [06:18] the vinci left :( I was going to help him === mrmist is now known as mistymoo [07:40] faq for converting from physical install to virtual? === JGJones__ is now known as JGJones [08:13] morning o/ [08:35] morning lynxman [08:48] jamespage: good morning sir :) [09:09] Can someone help me? For some reason my apache just displays "It works!" the default page instead of a directory list or index of the the directory... [09:10] Does anyone know how I can make it show the index of that particular directory? [09:10] you need to enable indexs or remove the index page [09:11] ikonia, How do I do that? [09:12] CluelessPerson: first thing is to remove the index page in your web root [09:12] ikonia, There is no page in the directory, it's empty [09:12] ikonia, http://kingkept.cluelessperson.com/ [09:12] there is no index page in that directory. [09:12] CluelessPerson: there is a page, that messsage is created from an index page [09:12] CluelessPerson: where are you looking ? [09:13] ikonia, the directory the apache site is directed to, but it's using the apache default page when an index page isn't found. [09:13] CluelessPerson: what directory are you looking in [09:13] ikonia, I'd like to allow that for other pages, but here in this directory, kingkept, I want the index to show. [09:13] CluelessPerson: what directory are you looking in [09:14] the directory that the actual webpages would be stored by the user. [09:14] CluelessPerson: what directory are you looking in [09:14] ikonia, /media/first.storage/kingkept/web/ [09:15] CluelessPerson: could you please paste the apache config for that site (please use a pastebin) [09:16] http://paste2.org/p/1692615 [09:16] ikonia, ^ [09:18] CluelessPerson: your missing option "Indexes" what happens if you put an "index.html" page in that document root [09:18] ikonia, I've tried several variations, including putting an .htaccess file in the directory. [09:19] ikonia, I followed a tutorial's instructions and removed it, it probabaly wouldn't load any default webpage, like main.html, index.html, etc. [09:19] CluelessPerson: can you show me the tutorial you're following please. [09:19] CluelessPerson: ubuntu has a non-standard apache layout for it's config, I suspect this tutorial has not accounted for that [09:19] (which may account for your issues) [09:20] ikonia, I've followed several to no avail. [09:20] ikonia, one moment while I gather links === gustav- is now known as beerbro [09:20] http://ask.metafilter.com/87072/Why-is-Apache-not-listing-any-files-in-an-open-directory [09:21] CluelessPerson: the config you've just shown me for your domain, in what file have you put that ? [09:21] http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_autoindex.html [09:21] ikonia, /etc/apache2/sites-available/ [09:21] kingkept.cluelessperson.com [09:21] CluelessPerson: so that's a new file in that directory [09:22] yes [09:22] linked to the sites-enabled. [09:22] CluelessPerson: did you follow this through by any chance ? [09:22] https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/httpd.html [09:23] ikonia, No. [09:23] CluelessPerson: ok - that is %100 worth walking through to make sure your domain is setup well [09:24] ikonia, Agreed. [09:24] CluelessPerson: as a tip, using the official ubuntu docs on https://help.ubuntu.com is always a good starting point [09:24] CluelessPerson: it looks like you're in the ball park, but rather than trouble shoot, verify against this document then we can move forward [09:24] ikonia, I can be quite misguided sometimes [09:24] ikonia, SIR! :D [09:24] CluelessPerson: it's not an issue, but it's worth bookmarking https://help.ubuntu.com [09:25] CluelessPerson: it's normally got sane and useful advice/guides on it for most common stuff [09:38] ikonia, Yeah, no dice for me. [09:38] just shows the annoying "it works!" [09:38] no dice ? [09:38] ok, so there is the test [09:39] in the document root put the file, "test.hml" and put any html content in it you want, just saying "test" for example [09:43] ikonia, okay. [09:43] how to convert lvm2-root partition to kvm-guest virtual disk root-partition? [09:44] ikonia, done [09:44] does it work ? [09:44] trapmax: you won't be able to do that as the guest will have no knowledge of the lvm structure [09:44] trapmax: you could present the lv as the root file system for the guest though [09:44] ikonia, no [09:45] ikonia, Sorry man, I have to get some sleep. [09:45] ikonia, Thanks for the help though. [09:45] CluelessPerson: at least we know it's your domain config [09:45] it's not looking in that document root [09:45] CluelessPerson: I believe I know what's happening :) [09:45] should be quite straightforward to confirm [09:47] ikonia: k. going to try that [10:13] Hi. [10:13] Just setting up Ubuntu server 11.04 [10:14] I also ticked 'open SSH server' and 'LAMP' [10:14] was wondering if anyone had any experience with setting up imagemagick [10:17] apt-get install imagemagick [10:19] heh sweet, so much easier than window [10:19] *windows [10:19] ok, how about setting up a ftp server? [10:30] is there a specific reason why you need ftp server? [10:30] I'm running ubuntu server as a virtual machine using virtual box [10:30] I tend not to recommend it unless there are some client applications (like webcams etc) that have no other option [10:31] ssh server can IMO be configured so that it allows only sftp, not ssh logins [10:31] cool [10:31] I'll look into it [10:32] I've not done it myself but will look into it myself sometime soon, I personally think FTP has very limited amount of viable use cases nowadays [10:41] rbasak, I just tested and uploaded your nova changes; pending release team review [10:43] jamespage: thanks! === BoyishGirlyGirl is now known as TheGirlyGirl === BoyishGirlyGirl is now known as AGirlyGirl [11:59] Hi [11:59] Second attempt at IRC [11:59] not sure if anyone is here? [12:01] Hi everyone [12:02] Possibly quick question... I've changed the owner:group of some directories and was wondering if anyone happens to know where this original owner information might be stored [12:09] <_ruben> GirlyGirl_: there's no "history" for such commands, if you change owner, there only way to revert that is knowing what the previous owner was and change it to it manually [12:09] _ruben oh no [12:10] there is no record of uid's that have been assigned? [12:10] there's absolutely no way? [12:10] <_ruben> only the current state is known, not the previous one(s) [12:11] okay, thanks for your answer. [12:12] GirlyGirl_: Well, all UIDs are present in /etc/passwd. But not historically, for files. [12:13] mmm, yes, that's user id [12:13] but the way these directories were created, they don't actually create users [12:13] directories never create users :) [12:14] I'm stuffed. [12:14] Just meant that if you have a weak idea of who/what might have owned it earlier, but not sure who - then /etc/passwd and /etc/groups can be useful [12:14] they were all assigned 4 digit numbers [12:14] ####:sites [12:15] i know the sites bit [12:15] but i changed some...er all of them... to jail some of our users to the /home folder. [12:15] the trouble is that now they have problems uploading new files [12:16] so i thought i might back out of what i did. [12:18] Oh, dang. [12:19] Well, unless you've manually sat those before.. so it's stuck in your shell history.. [12:19] no, they are automatically generated through the control panel (I'm guessing that's how it works) --- obviously new to the server stuff. but learning. [12:20] heh, shell history never works for me, cause I always have several sessions at one, and only the last one to exit gets saved [12:20] Most likely, yeah' [12:20] see if the control panel has a history? [12:20] the control panel I made for stuff like that, works on a database, so the database has a history of that kind of stuff [12:20] @patdk-wk hmm, that's interesting. i'll see if i can do just that [12:59] Does anybody have any idea how I could possibly obtain an Ubuntu 10.04 PPC chroot? [12:59] I was hoping someone might be hosting it somewhere for the 10 people in the world who might want it... [13:09] http://apina.biz/46419.png [13:13] =) === cloakable_ is now known as cloakable [13:22] Package version number question: if the nfs server package in Fedora is 1.1.5-6, what would be the equivalent for ubuntu? [13:23] * ogra_ points to launchapd [13:27] ogra_: I know it was a stupid question. Kinda like the why I can do things in the Fedora nfs but not in ubuntu. [13:28] lol http://boingboing.net/ <-- new theme today :) [13:49] hallyn_: can you have a look at bug 868753 later on? Seems a regression [13:59] kernel question : what is the best practice wrt kernel versions in, say Lucid LTS for example [13:59] there is 2.6.32, 2.6.35 and 2.6.38 based kernels [14:00] should the most recent 2.6.38-based kernel be preferred ? [14:01] jamespage, thank you for testing rbasak 's merge. [14:01] smoser: np - it was starting to annoy me as I could not shutdown any instances! [14:02] why? [14:02] the ring buffer one ? [14:02] jamespage, have you seen http://devstack.org ? [14:02] its the new novascript [14:02] OK -so I could shut them down - but they did not disappear from describe-instances [14:02] I was just reading [14:03] I'm trying to install cassandra but I'm getting this error. "Package cassandra is not available, but is referred to by another package." [14:04] JoeyJoeJo, where are you getting your cassandra package from? [14:04] jamespage: I ran 'sudo apt-get install cassandra' [14:05] JoeyJoeJo, there is currently no cassandra package in Ubuntu - you can however use the upstream .deb's [14:06] http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/DebianPackaging [14:06] 'but is referred to by another package' - not seen that one before [14:06] thanks! [14:08] hallyn_, around ? [14:31] smoser: what's up? [14:31] ok. [14:31] so i'm probably doing this wrong [14:32] but in my /etc/fstab, i have a line like: "none /cgroups cgroup cpuacct,memory,devices,cpu,freezer,blkio 0 0 [14:32] " [14:32] on boot, libvirt-bin is up, but /cgroups is not mounted [14:32] so i have to do the 'sudo libvirt-bin stop; sudo libvirt-bin start' [14:32] but the start takes minutes [14:33] oh, and before doing that i have to manually 'sudo mount /cgroups' (i'm not sure why it doens't get mounted) [14:35] so hallyn_ the 2 things are A.) why does /cgroups not get mounted on boot, and B.) why is libvirt-bin taking ages to start. [14:36] I don't know a). it looks like it should work [14:36] if you umount /cgroup; mount -a, does it show back up? [14:37] why don't you strace the start? I've not seen that happen, curious to see where it's spending its time [14:40] zul, I moved assignment of bug 854829 to you for doing any xen package changes at your leisure. [14:40] ubottu, bug #854829 ? [14:41] rbasak: ping [14:41] adam_g: pong [14:43] rbasak: hey! that patch for Bug #868349 seems to work great here, is there a pending package upload with that fix? [14:44] rbasak: nvm, i see the merge request onw [14:45] adam_g, yes - its waiting for review ATM [14:45] No problem, sorry for the error in the first place - my test environment based on the source tree rather than the package still works fine for some reason. I think it's pending approval from the release team. [14:46] ah cool! no problem, thanks guys [14:52] smoser: I can't reproduce, with your exact fstab entry, mount -a mounts /cgroup [14:54] (and reboot also mounts it) [14:57] hallyn_, it doesn't do it here. [15:00] is it risky downgrading php from 5.3 to 5.2? [15:00] I'm running ubuntu server [15:02] JadedJacob: why would you need to downgradeE? [15:02] downgrade* [15:03] because I want to use a script that requires zend optimizer [15:05] smoser: you didn't answer about mount -a [15:06] hm.. it does not do it. [15:07] htat is strange. manual 'sudo mount /cgroups' does [15:08] hallyn_, its strange [15:10] does your kernel not support some of the cgroups you list? [15:10] JadedJacob, heh, zend optimizer thing made me made, but there is always ioncube :) [15:10] i lsot my history, but when i ran 'mount -av' initially, it said "already mounted". but /proc/mounts did not have it. [15:10] but now i've done something and it seems to work [15:42] SpamapS: ping [15:44] Daviey: we just found a potential issue with i386, at least the minimal install [15:47] Daviey: udev startup fails because there is no dbus installed; as a result, the system remains with a RO root filesystem, and does not complete boot [15:47] I'm running ubuntu 11.04, php 5.3, can someone help me downgrade to 5.2? [15:47] hello [15:48] Im having some trouble setting a static IP using the GUI. Should I just use /etc/network/interfaces instead? [15:51] anyone alive in here? :P [15:53] hmm, gui isn't server, try #ubuntu? [15:53] oh shit [15:54] well, I installed X11 and gnome and all that so I could get a desktop. [15:54] I am on Ubuntu server edition, though. [15:54] those aren't part of server edition, so we have no idea how they work [15:54] Do you just CLI? [15:54] none of my *servers* have screens, so yes [15:54] Like, no desktop enviornment on server edition? [15:55] Interesting. [15:55] none of my servers have keyboards also [15:55] But, all the dotfiles and all the /etc/ should be the same for us, right? [15:55] just a big pile of cpu, ram, and disks [15:55] Well, this server won't either. I'm just setting it up as a router that sits on the edge of the network. [15:55] setting an ip in /etc/network/interfaces and in the gui are totally different, and are not compatable with each other [15:56] One port is public/DHCP and the other port is private/static [15:56] hah! alright, so that's why... [15:56] No more gui config-ing for me, then. [15:56] well, I think it's just not compatable on a per interface level [15:56] right [15:56] but well, I don't play with it, so :) [15:57] I was experiencing problems with the gui but what you're saying makes perfect sense. [15:57] after I get this thing configured its going in the rack/ [15:57] Without a screen and without a keyboard, all that. [15:59] have you set up a static IP on your box before? [16:00] if so, how? [16:00] through /etc/network/interfaces? [16:07] its, please read the server guide, this is covered in extensive detail there [16:07] also, if you installed NetworkManager, uninstall it, as it _will_ break your configuration [16:07] installing X on your router is a bad idea [16:09] being the device with the most exposure to the internet on your network, it should have the least possible amount of software installed to do the job [16:12] qman_ you're right [16:12] where is the server guide? [16:13] and what is the pkg name for network-manager? [16:17] I found the guide. Its in the topic. [16:18] Man I give up trying to downgrade [16:18] I'm going to do a fresh install [16:19] Is it possible to setup a new install of ubuntu server, with a lamp server running php 5.2? (not 5.3) [16:19] Package network-manager is not installed, so not removed [16:19] 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. [16:24] hallyn_, [16:24] so, debugging a bit. [16:25] i'm still not sure why /cgroup is not getting mounted. [16:25] but my 'init libvirtd-bin start' takes 2 minutes due to libvirt-cgconfig-wait [16:30] cya [16:39] smoser: you have cgroup-bin installed? [16:47] ubuntu doesn't use linux 3.0 yet? [16:49] its: it does in the new about to be released version 11.10(oneiric) [16:50] when that comes out, a simple apt-get update upgrade command will install it? [16:50] its: no, you'll need to do do-release-upgrade [16:50] anyone have a date of when that's expected? [16:52] Oct 13 [16:52] my birthday :) [17:14] hggdh: geez [17:14] hggdh: when was this introduced [17:14] ? [17:31] Daviey: I do not know; for some time now, we have been having eventual failures on the test rig; re-running the test would usually succeed. [17:31] hggdh: the CI tests didn't spot this? [17:33] Daviey: yes, they did; but the end result is boot does not complete, and at this point in time, nobody would be near to see it; and, again, re-running the tests would work most of the times [17:34] hallyn_, bug 869364 explains my problem. [17:34] Daviey: yesterday I tried to connect, using virt-manager, to one such instance -- and found another bug, now on libvirt, it seems... [17:35] and today jibel_ was able to connect, and found that udev seemgly did not start [17:39] hggdh: are you tracking the other udev issues? [17:40] ergo, udev is a mess. [17:40] Daviey: no, I *was* not. Now, I guess, I will ;-) [17:41] Daviey: note that this seems to be rather pretictable nowadays only on the minimal virtual install [17:41] hggdh: bug 818177 [17:42] bug 862823 [17:42] and potential, 790712 [17:43] bah - where is that bot? [17:43] err, last one should be bug 801494 [17:43] jamespage: he needed a vacation. [17:45] adam_g: Are you going to drive bug 850880? [17:46] Daviey: in this case, per jibel_, udev fails to open a session to dbus, and dies. jibel_ tried some boots, same error; then he installed dbus, and tried again, it worked [17:46] Daviey: but I tried it with dbus installed, fails the same. It really smells like a race [17:46] hggdh: interesting, perhaps jibel_ should talk to jhunt tomorrow. [17:47] Daviey: end result -- i.e., visible result is boot failed because / is RO [17:47] jamespage: perhaps nova wants, 838581 [17:48] and 859679 [17:48] where is our beloved mup [17:49] Daviey, had you seen this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?field.tag=diablo-backport [17:50] smoser: ofc :) [17:50] those are bugs that vishy tagged as relevant for diablo-backport [17:51] there wer e2 guys from Quanta Research at openstack summit that tbug 838581 was affecting. [17:52] smoser: that sounds like the bug which makes nova-api suck, no? [17:53] i cherry picked the upstream commit reported to fix it but have no way of testing [17:54] smoser: You have done that, or you will do that? [17:54] well, i thought i had [17:55] but i realize now tha ti had left the patch out of the ocmit [17:55] If it's the nova-api sucking issue, it's pretty easy to reproduce in the lab [17:56] I bet smoos doesn't have the issue [17:56] smosos [17:56] what would be a good threshold for drive temperature alerts? [18:00] 0 C would be alarming [18:03] -273 also [18:04] smoser: are you there? [18:05] hallyn_: How are things looking? [18:05] Daviey: terrific :) except for udev [18:06] hallyn_: the udev story only gets worse. [18:06] tmpfs anyone? :) [18:07] Daviey: are more ppl reporting bugs? [18:07] hallyn_: don't worry, you'll awake in 10 years time - in the shower, and it'll all have been aa dream. [18:07] RoyK: Around 30-40C? [18:07] hallyn_, here. [18:08] Daviey, look at that bug [18:08] https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/838581 [18:08] yeah? [18:08] smoser: i did. i don't think the package can do anything about that [18:09] i'm testing to make sure it hasn't changed, but it used to be, once you composed cgroups, you couldn't mount them under different compositions [18:10] ersi: my laptop hd temp is 36 C at normal use. [18:10] ubuntu + openssh is the most failest thing ever. [18:10] janesays_: incorrect. [18:11] i just pushed a branch to https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/nova/lp838581 that cherry picks the upstream commit that reported to fix the bug. [18:11] https://github.com/openstack/nova/commit/d6b460e2e87e573500f6b521939895c6d93f5fdf [18:11] but then, there is a new branch linked to that bug [18:11] smoser: your award will be in the post shortly. [18:12] which seems to me to be a sane fix [18:12] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~rackspace-titan/nova/eventlet-sqlalchemy-locking-lp838581/revision/1527 [18:13] I get the same roaming not allowed by server request and I did all the fixes online [18:13] http://pastebin.com/ubc3tFsT [18:13] it only works for one of the computers, another account has no problem [18:15] and can ssh directly into the host, but not from the main host to the secondary [18:19] janesays_, read at http://www.snailbook.com/faq/trusted-host-howto.auto.html [18:19] look for roaming [18:19] its a server setting, and your "main host" probably isn't reverse lookuping correctly. [18:20] smoser: the award will be in a shape of a cookie [18:20] Daviey: I could reproduce a udev issue on boot on a KVM install of minimal-virtual [18:20] Daviey, please look at that bug, and the "rackspace-titan" commit also. [18:20] to me, the rackspace-titan fix seems more sane, but i admit to not really knowing what all is happening in either one. [18:21] i'll be back in ~ 1 hour. Daviey and then i'll go looking in #openstack for some racker help. [18:21] https://launchpad.net/~rackspace-titan/+members#active [18:22] smoser: wait, https://github.com/openstack/nova/commit/d6b460e2e87e573500f6b521939895c6d93f5fdf looks like just slashing code out? [18:23] Daviey: my vaio sits at 67 degrees at idle :) [18:24] hallyn_: Careful, i burned my leg on an old laptop. [18:29] cookies [18:29] hallyn_: when I was in school, I had a laptop that would get to 63C during the summer months. The max the chip was rated was 65C. So every couple hours I would have to shut it down, and put it in the fridge for a half hour or so just to get my home work done. [18:31] smoser: that patch looks sane [18:31] anyone here that uses backblaze.com for backups? [18:33] utlemming: 69 is the low point, it often runs at 94C while a do a build [18:33] perhaps the freezer over the fridge. What's your chip rated for? [18:33] bios takes actions at 94 and 98 [18:33] 98 = shutdown [18:34] 97˚C is rather high [18:34] i'd quite like to boil water on my laptop [18:34] she cannot do any more, capn! [18:35] hehe - no problems if you spill water on it - the water will just steam away :D [18:35] nothing like the smell of hot silicon [18:35] RokY: although you might fracture the chip due to the rapid cooling [18:36] * RoyK just setup this home server with four WD Black drives and they tend to get a bit hot..... [18:36] utlemming: indeed [18:36] perhaps I should use greens - lower spin, but still sufficient for my use [18:37] so things haven't changed [18:37] every time I've compared int he past, seagates ran about 10C cooler than WDs of similar performance [18:58] hi i'm having an issue when my server boots [18:59] it doesn't turn on the eth0 device, I can turn it on however if i run sudo ifconfig eth0 up [18:59] i'm wondering if throwing the command in /etc/rc.local will fix my problem [19:00] or if i should be looking for another solution [19:01] ramy_d_, your /etc/network/interfaces is probably not configured correctly [19:01] thanks, i will make a note and look into it === JGJones__ is now known as JGJones [19:40] Daviey, right. [19:41] at what temperatures will a drive find itself in a bad mood? [19:41] I have some closing to 60˚C [19:41] smoser, I think I broke it worse… o_O [19:41] what i think the one that went into trunk does is remove the pool of things that could have caused the race, meaning there might now only be one? [19:43] the patch in the ~rackspace-titan tree seems to just synchronize each function [19:43] which seems more sane. [19:43] RoyK: Thats pretty high. I think most state their operating temps around 40-45 C [19:43] but the one is in trunk [19:43] smoser: if you prove it solves a bug, and doesn't regress - lets go for it. [19:44] http://paste.ubuntu.com/703566/ [19:44] Daviey, i've not esen it, but i can try to reproduce and see if change affects it. [19:44] smoser: next week, we should try and validate keystone and dashboard works. [19:45] RoyK: Is it SCSI? [19:45] smoser: So if it solves the bug that was concern me, was slow (or failed) concurrent instance start. [19:45] nova-api getting abused. [19:49] genii-around: sata [19:49] http://pastebin.com/D7jr6UmA o_O [19:52] now root is instead sending its own key and not forwarding mine o_O [20:33] any way to detect a kernel panic or similar in log files? [20:34] I'm working on a system remotely via SSH, and it just suddenly becomes completely unresponsive via the network after a couple minutes or so [20:35] by definition, no [20:35] if the kernel panics, normally that means logging isn't working anymore [20:36] so how will I be able to troubleshoot it whatsoever? xP [20:36] uptime would tell you if the system rebooted [20:36] it's not automatically rebooting though [20:36] if it did panic, and you set it up to dump ram to swap drive, it would recover it on next boot [20:37] serial console? [20:37] kvm over ip? [20:37] I don't have that as an option currently [20:37] So by nature of a kernel panic, it would automatically reset the system? [20:38] depends what you told it to do, and how *operational* the panic is [20:39] default is to not reboot [20:39] sysctl kernel.panic = ? [20:39] ahh [20:41] all I know is that it's a Trixbox installation: http://fonality.com/trixbox/downloads [20:41] and I'm not sure how things are configured by default as of Trixbox === med_out is now known as medberry [20:46] on the next time it's restarted I can check the value [20:53] i need help please. i've installed a lamp stack via tasksel. and for some reason php won't process. when you go to it just wants to download the file instead of display it in the browser? [20:54] sorry. the beginning of what i typed above didn't post. i installed lamp via tasksel [20:55] is the Apache PHP module even active? [20:55] a2enmod php5 [20:56] also, what version of ubuntu, and under what circumstances? [20:58] 11.04 web server [20:58] no [20:58] sorry the "no" was the wrong window [20:58] PHP seems to be running now. [20:59] yeah i just rebooted [20:59] very weird [20:59] status was active [20:59] on both [21:00] thanks for your help Tak [21:00] because, if it's returning the source code, that usually means nothing is set in the config/modules to parse the PHP first; and, if it's acting like downloading, but the downloaded file is completely blank, then (I think) that's usually when the PHP process dies in some way or another and Apache returns a blank result. [21:01] hmmm wonder if it could be a hardware issue [21:01] time to run some scans [21:02] that would be very very specific for it to be a hardware issue, for it to be only an issue in PHP and everything else being perfectly fine. :P [21:02] yeah, unlikely at best [21:02] ok well i'll just chalk it up to the linux gods and see if it happens again [21:02] usually it's a bug in loading of the module [21:03] some configuration not sticking or whatever [21:04] thank you qman [21:05] and thanks again Tak [21:05] re trixbox, my only experience with it is encountering one at a business that got completely owned and was racking up their phone bill [21:05] heh [21:05] though I'm sure that had more to do with the guy who set it up than the software itself [21:06] I still wonder what the hell it would even be. Does a kernel panic reset all the network connections, or not? [21:07] a kernel panic stops the entire system [21:07] all programs, connections, everything halts [21:07] and you may or may not be able to send the kernel signals via direct keyboard input and the sysrq magic keys [21:08] the only way to log a kernel panic is an IP KVM or serial console === JGJones__ is now known as JGJones [22:29] still having issues getting a roaming error on ssh. it's only from mac laptops, other laptops are fine o_O http://pastebin.com/D7jr6UmA [22:29] janesays_1: mac + ssh is the most failest thing ever. [22:30] it is :( [22:30] I've been dicking around with it all day [22:30] so why can I do it perfectly fine on linux hosts [22:30] and not with mac [22:34] sorry, don't know :( [22:35] I appreciate your help daviey [22:35] Do you guys know if its possible to run 2 mail servers on the same domain?