
=== rob_w_away is now known as rob_w
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
bregmainvestigating lp:82795813:54
cndbregma, which is that?14:03
bregmalibgrip crash at gdk_x11_window_get_xid() in eog14:05
bregmalooks like a latent bug in eog14:05
bregmacan't be sure 'til I've tracked it down14:06
cndbregma, seb128 is hounding me about it14:07
cndI asked Satoris to take a look14:07
bregmasaw that, that's why I'm looking at it14:07
SatorisI think a good step would be to reproduce it on a build that does not have the utouch patch.14:09
cndit would be great if we could do that :)14:10
bregmaI'm working on that now:  I can reproduce it with the current binary14:10
* cnd is selfish14:10
cndoh, that's good14:10
cndI didn't know how hard it would be to reproduce14:10
bregmaI do note that there are many warnings emitted because some functions return NULL and there are no logic checks for tat14:11
cndbregma, in our code?14:11
bregmano, in eog14:11
bregmamost functions check their parameters and return erly instead of having logic that handles the error condition where it occurs14:12
bregmalibgrip instead assumes it is handed valid data14:12
bregmaI think this is the cause of the problem, libgrip assumes object invariants hold, eog does not and checks validity of everything all the time14:14
bregmadifferent design philosophies14:14
=== rob_w is now known as rob_w_away
bregmathere is definitely a logic error in libgrip involving maze of twisty little passages, all different15:34
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|break
cndbregma, does that mean you can't repro without the libgrip addition?16:40
bregmait looks like a widget and its toplevel get out of synch somehow during a convoluted sequence of signals16:44
bregmait's a matter of making sure everything is lined up nicely before trying to get actual X11 info16:44
bregmait is indeed a little maze of twisty passages, all different16:45
=== MacSlow|break is now known as MacSlow

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