
Monsterwizardoh, I need to learn those00:00
Monsterwizardlinux pipes00:00
ali1234also, sad but not particularly unexpected news about steve jobs00:00
ali1234it was pretty obvious he didn't have long left when he stepped down a few weeks back00:00
directhexali1234: UNIX is ISO/IEC 9945-2009 ;)00:11
MonsterwizardCan someone recommend me a unix/linux book01:00
Monsterwizardon general sys admin stuff01:01
directhexyou won't get a book on unix/linux sysadminnery01:03
directhexas sysadminnery is OS-specific01:03
directhexand the unix spec is pretty clear in that anything goes as long as the common interfaces are available01:03
directhexi.e. a solaris admin can't admin aix01:04
shaunoso that's why knowing my mac inside out isn't getting me any DBA posts.  damnit!01:08
Monsterwizardahhh ok01:15
Monsterwizardthere's unix books in the library01:15
MonsterwizardLinux in a nutshell01:16
ali1234could someone go and thump pad.ubuntu-uk.org please?01:46
nigelbali1234: poke Daviey.04:48
nigelbgord: Was it you that told me "A Time Traveller's Wife" is an excellent movie?04:48
nigelbgord: I just watched it. Lovely! Thanks :-)04:48
MartijnVdStonytiger: Congratifulations!06:22
tonytigerMartijnVdS: Thanks!07:08
DJonesMorning all07:21
DJonesI guess a big thought for today is RIP Steve Jobs, thoughts will be with his family and colleagues07:22
AlanBellmorning all07:27
AlanBellyes, RIP Steve Jobs, made the industry interesting and raised the bar for everyone07:27
TheOpenSourcererMorning all. Did you see this AlanBell https://twitter.com/#!/opensourcerer/status/12184570029108428807:28
=== JGJones__ is now known as JGJones
bigcalm_lappy486Morning peeps08:24
MartijnVdS\o bigcalm08:24
=== bigcalm_lappy486 is now known as bigcalm[wolvs]
selinuxiumMorning all   o/08:27
oimonfeels a bit more like october today08:30
dwatkinswe had dark skies and heavy rain an hour ago here in Edinburgh, now it's brightened-up08:38
oimonit's dropped over 10 degrees since tuesday08:39
oimonmore like 1508:39
gordonjcpwe had heavy hailstones08:41
JamesTaitBrrrrr! Good moaning!08:42
danfish"Precise Pangolin"08:53
gordare you guys crazy? its sunny! its nice!08:54
gordcome talk to me when its snowing :P08:54
bigcalm[wolvs]davmor2 is creating some new space aged ambient music with mumble08:55
gordahh mumble is fun, the game where everyone sits around for two hours, trying to hear each other, then gives up08:56
AlanBellif you want spacey music, you can download http://worldspaceagency.org/bg.gif, rename it to .mp3 and play it08:56
AlanBellsome kind of hidden message in there, relating to http://thisisthecountdown.com08:57
bigcalm[wolvs]Why isn't skype audio working in this place?08:57
gordskype never works on ubuntu for me...08:58
gordtry google hangouts, that seems to work fine08:58
diploWe use skype all the time from our ubuntu boxes, Mav/Natty08:59
diploGoogle hangouts works well as well, only downside is the bandwith our end sucks08:59
bigcalm[wolvs]Skype works just fine at home09:00
bigcalm[wolvs]I blame Wolverhampton09:00
diploWolverhampton is an issue in itse;f09:00
davmor2czajkowski:  prod09:00
popeybigcalm[wolvs]: more importantly, does minecraft work there!?09:03
bigcalm[wolvs]Yep :D09:04
tim_hello fellow interwebs09:08
tim_anyone know if this week in linux channel is dead?09:09
popeywell jordan hasn't made many videos recently09:10
popeyso it wouldn't surprise me if people aren't hanging out there09:10
tim_i think he should kill it off completley09:10
popeyit's a shame really09:11
popeyi think it all tailed off after he stopped getting revenue09:11
popeyso it was clearly a money maker for him09:11
tim_yeah but goes to show he loves his money more09:12
oimonwhy did the revenue stop?09:12
popeygoogle cancelled his partner account09:12
popeyfor no reason09:12
tim_couldnt he get it back if he made more videos09:13
popeytim_: it's hard to motivate yourself to spend hours on something for nothing09:13
popeypossibly tim_09:13
oimoneverybody needs to eat09:13
tim_oimon: agreed im hungry09:13
popeysome people have making youtube videos as a full time job09:13
popeylike the yogscast guys09:13
* oimon has a knack of making people go to their cupboards09:13
tim_college makes me hungry09:14
Seeker`popey: I wonder how well off they are as a result of it09:14
* czajkowski hugs davmor2 hello my dear09:14
popeySeeker`: they seem to be doing alright09:14
oimonthe LAS guys produce a huge amount of stuff, only income is received by sponsorship by a single company. but it seems to have taken its toll on bryan09:15
popeyalthough i dunno where the revenue comes from, I almost never see adverts09:15
davmor2czajkowski: hello sweetie how's life09:15
popeyyeah, boggles me how the LAS guys have time for it09:15
oimonthey even have small children09:15
Seeker`popey: not seen that many yogscast videos, don't know how bad they are for product placement09:15
Seeker`popey: I know there are people employed by computer hardware companies to pay WoW and make youtube videos about it09:16
tim_are all you guys at work?09:16
popeySeeker`: they dont do product placement, but full product play throughs09:16
popeythey sit for like 4 hours and record 20 videos09:16
oimontim_: i am.09:16
popeybasically one video and cut it up09:16
czajkowskidavmor2: it's all good my dear how is life with you09:16
popeythey get hundreds of thousands of views09:17
czajkowskiDaviey: oi oi!!!09:17
diplotim_, I am09:17
tim_oimon:  dont get caught by the admins now ;)09:17
oimontim_: i AM the admin09:17
diploSame here :)09:17
tim_oimon:  awesome!09:17
tim_paided to chat XD09:17
diploSeperate screen to work machine, just look over occasionally09:18
oimonit doesn't have my full attention :P09:18
oimonexcept for the last 5 minutes09:18
oimonjust finished my email run and fixing issues overnight, emailing people back. some people go for fag or coffee, i go for irc break09:19
tim_well theres really no one above you to check unless your manager comes up behind09:19
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:19
brobostigonmorning tim_09:20
oimonabout to look into veeam fastscp for backing up vmware images. anyone used it?09:20
oimoncurrently am backing up via the OS rather than backing up the vm images. :-\09:21
diploNo but interested how you get oimon :) Something I keep meaning to look at09:21
oimontim_: if my manager comes up behind, then he's george formby or spiderman since i have a corner office09:22
oimondiplo: the paid vrsion is quite cheap too for .ac.uk users09:22
tim_my college users .ac.uk09:23
davmor2czajkowski: great sat next to bigcalm[wolvs] so I'll be teaching him the best ways to wind you up ;)09:23
* Laney snuggles popey09:24
Laneyi approve of the cc meeting log09:24
czajkowskidavmor2: he won't learn all the years of torture in one day09:25
davmor2czajkowski: we can but try :D09:29
* bigcalm[wolvs] hugs czajkowski09:30
bigcalm[wolvs]I'm too sweet and innocent to be corrupted by davmor209:30
czajkowskibigcalm[wolvs]: eh no09:32
czajkowskidavmor2: behave09:32
bigcalm[wolvs]Damn it, skype works and I can take calls now09:35
czajkowskiand this is bad because09:37
davmor2czajkowski: work can annoy him09:40
bigcalm[wolvs]Spent the morning chatting with davmor2 and getting my system to work09:41
bigcalm[wolvs]We're doing this work place day because?09:41
czajkowskiyou get to meet davmor209:43
czajkowskiwhich not sure how wise that was09:43
bigcalm[wolvs]Well, it's certainly a cheerful experience09:44
popeyLaney: thanks!09:45
* popey notches another person up on the "people who have told him that the cc meeting log reflects more than just popey's opinion"09:45
LaneyMy name's Iain Lane and I endorse this message09:46
bigcalm[wolvs]My name is also Iain and have seen Lane on occasion09:47
Laneyit's pretty clear why I got demotivated though; our decisions were repeatedly questioned and challenged in public09:48
popeythat too09:48
ali1234same old story09:52
czajkowskiI think popey raised really good points, I just wish there was more of the CC there to deal with it,  my issue with the CC is somethimes they're not at their own meeting09:53
czajkowskiwe complain about other boards not turning up, but the CC doesn't have a great track record either unless it's the morning one and even then... so it's hard to raise issues but I think popey kicked the ball off09:53
ali1234at the end of the day, if you *really* want to influence things, your number 1 way of doing that is to take the source and make it do what *you* want09:54
ali1234communities built around commercial open source offerings tend to be sand boxes09:56
ali1234perhaps i should say "communities"09:56
ali1234and by sand boxes, what i mean is, the commercial entity gives the "community" lots of tools like mailing lists and wiki pages where they can feel really important09:56
ali1234but in the end, it's just a giant sandbox that can be easily ignored09:57
danfish\o/ our clinical software supplier are moving from foxpro to postgreSQL10:04
danfishmagic rather :D10:04
popeyczajkowski: people do turn up when there's stuff on the agenda10:04
popeyczajkowski: they often don't when there isnt10:04
czajkowskipopey: aye but the LC turns up even when we don't have stuff on the agenda, but yes I can see also the point of no agenda no turning up10:08
czajkowskibut we used that to good use the last day10:09
KrisDouglasHello guys10:22
KrisDouglasI have a dell 1850 in a datacentre at the moment, the system keeps going down. When one of the engi's over there plug a keyboard/disp in to the system it's in a frozen state, almost like a kernel panic. Are there any logs I can read to try and determine the cause of this?10:23
bigcalm[wolvs]I really shouldn't be thinking about lunch already10:23
popeyKrisDouglas: do a memtest10:24
KrisDouglasbigcalm[wolvs], I'm thinking about lunch at 8am :)10:24
oimonKrisDouglas: and dell diagnostics10:24
KrisDouglaspopey, passes, no errors.10:24
popeyKrisDouglas: how long for?10:24
KrisDouglas48 hours the weekend before I fitted it into the DC10:24
KrisDouglastest finished on sunday, server went in on monday10:24
KrisDouglasit's a database server, i'm pedantic like that :)10:25
diploFirst place I'd check is kern.log / messages10:25
KrisDouglasok, so I will check Dell diag, and kern.log10:25
KrisDouglasthe reason I think it's software is because it had fedora on it before hand and it ran smoothly.10:25
oimonhard freezes are often hardware related IMO10:26
oimonKrisDouglas: what's on it now?10:26
KrisDouglasoimon, which is my possible concern10:26
KrisDouglasubuntu server LTS10:26
bigcalm[wolvs]I think it's on .3 now10:26
KrisDouglasprobably is10:27
KrisDouglasIt was fully updated when it went in10:27
KrisDouglasthis is curious10:28
KrisDouglas"Oct  6 11:13:35 server2 kernel: [   74.590292] radeon 0000:09:0d.0: failled initializing CP (-2).10:29
KrisDouglas"Oct  6 11:13:35 server2 kernel: [   74.590292] radeon 0000:09:0d.0: failled initializing CP (-2)."10:29
bigcalm[wolvs]davmor2 has nipped to the loo but has left his laptop unlocked. What sneakyness can I get up to?10:29
popeyalias ls=logout10:29
oimonrun 5 million copies of xeyes10:30
popeydo what i did to daviey, run a forkbomb10:30
oimonthats mean10:30
popey(when actually what I meant to do was just paste a forkbomb into his terminal)10:30
popey(but copy/pasted from wikipedia and copied the carriage return with it)10:30
popeyso when I pasted it ran it10:31
popeyand the terminal I did it in was a remote VPS10:31
KrisDouglasoh crap10:31
oimondeny all knowledge & run awy10:31
gordset an xchat autoreplace to replace all typed mentions of czajkowski to MooDoo10:31
popeyoimon: it was at my house10:31
oimonblame the window cleaner :)10:31
popeysomeone here just walked away from his desk10:31
popeyso i opened messenger window to another co-worker and typed "I love you" in it10:31
czajkowskigord: no MooDoo so you're my #2 stand in10:32
popeythe remote guy replied "hello alan"10:32
popeyknowing it was a prank10:32
oimonsellotape the desk phone "hook" thingy down so that when you pick up the receiver, the phone still rings10:32
popeyour phones never ring10:33
popeynobody ever uses phones here10:33
oimondid that to a drunk office worker once10:33
oimonand removed the ball from his mouse10:33
oimonthen everyone started to ring him10:33
popeywe sometimes swap over handsets on adjacent phones10:33
popeyor yank the usb lead from a mouse10:33
popeyor put paper in the usb port to block the contacts10:33
bigcalm[wolvs]Office pranks are something I miss since working from home10:35
davmor2czajkowski: what have I told you about picking on gord don't make me come over there and tickle you10:35
popeyprank hayley?10:35
bigcalm[wolvs]That and the USB rocket launcher that was plugged into the office server10:35
oimonbigcalm: buy a dog..they do the worst pranks10:35
gordi get to play office pranks on my cat10:35
bigcalm[wolvs]popey: she doesn't work at home :(10:36
popeyshe comes home though?10:36
popeyI sometimes jump out on clare when she comes through the door10:36
bigcalm[wolvs]Thankfully she does :)10:36
oimonmy mother-in-law's dog nicked my dogs food bowl and buried it in the garden for a prank10:36
KrisDouglaspopey, bigcalm[wolvs], oimon, server had panicked, they are plugging an IPKVM in for me so I can run memtest and see if that's what's causing the problem.10:36
oimondoes the server have drac?10:37
oimonjust finished installing veeam backup..windows only bah10:37
=== krimzon2 is now known as KrimZon_2
* AlanBell smiles as the postman delivers 8GB of ram :)10:51
AlanBelland the first shipit envelope to put in the pile waiting for Oneiric CDs10:52
imexil AlanBell, popey: I found a solution to my font-background problem: gnome-tweak-tool :)10:52
AlanBellimexil: cool, so that can make bigger fonts?10:52
imexilthat too10:52
AlanBellI will put that in the a11y release notes10:53
popeyshame it pulls in gnome shell10:53
imexilI was wondering about that10:53
imexilbut well as long as there is no unity-tweak-tool it will do10:53
gordi *think* the gnome guys are adding in font settings for the next release. or maybe i dreamt that10:54
MartijnVdSThey just removed it!10:54
imexilHa I just ran gnome-shell --replace (now that this one is installed anyway) ... quite fancy10:55
Seeker`popey: what macs do you have?11:07
popeySeeker`: imac and mbp11:08
* Seeker` is considering a mba or mini11:08
* Seeker` doesn't have a house to remortgage for the mbp he would want11:10
* AlanBell has lots of memory :)11:11
TheOpenSourcererAlanBell: So it worked OK then.11:12
AlanBellyep :)11:13
AlanBellfirefox and virtualbox are now friends again11:13
oimonwow gnome shell is bizarre. how can i show the apps launcher on the screen always?11:17
brobostigonhow long does it take google analytics to update, after i have added a new website profile.?11:20
diploI thinkit can be 24/48 hours brobostigon11:21
diplo2 secs11:21
brobostigonwow, that is quite a while, ok, thank you diplo.11:21
davmor2Hmm bigcalm[wolvs] has left his laptop unlocked what mischief can I get up to....... where did I put the super glue.....11:22
diployeah 24 hours11:23
diploUpdates every 24 hours11:23
brobostigonthank you, diplo .11:23
brobostigonthat is along time, to wait, to see if you have made a mistake, setting it up, to correct it, and then wait another 24hrs.11:24
diploYup, so you know the answer11:24
diploCheck, then check twice more to confirm it's correct :P11:24
czajkowskiTheOpenSourcerer: http://www.metro.co.uk/news/877704-killer-kismot-curry-contest-leaves-two-in-hospital-in-edinburgh11:24
brobostigondiplo: i have done.11:25
oimoni get that reaction every time i eat any food with chilli :(11:26
Halabunddoes firefox in the "UK" version of ubuntu only come with the ask search engine?11:26
Halabundthat's all I'm getting11:27
oimonHalabund: how did you install it?11:27
Halabundoimon, actually, I just upgraded to 11.10, so maybe that's the problem.  But it's not a big deal.11:27
Halabundjust wondering11:28
gordthere was a bug in the packaging a week or so ago that removed all the search engines but ask.com11:28
brobostigonask, isnt there, here in ff8.11:28
brobostigonweirldy, twitter is a parameter there.11:29
Halabundah, I see, thanks gord11:32
Halabundis there a way to use custom regional settings?  I want neither dollar or pound, but euro, while keeping everything in English11:33
MartijnVdSselect Irish ;)11:34
MartijnVdSbut that's not a solution11:35
gordi think the regional setting is auto-detected by google depending on what site you are on11:35
gordand your ip11:35
HalabundI mean the OS's regional settings, not the browser's11:35
Halabundthings like currency and date format11:36
gordoh well then just press super and type language11:36
gordopen the language support tool11:36
gordchanging the regional settings should do the trick11:36
* popey presses super11:36
Myrttithird day of headache... boo11:37
gordi don't really know what to call that key for doing support..11:37
gordif you say windows key, then you screw up googling for more support a little11:37
brobostigonsuper key, is what i call it, and have seen it mostly refferred to as.11:38
Halabundgord, I was just trying to find out if I can change different values such as language/currency/date separately rather than using a pre-defined thing, like "English (United Kingdom)" which forces on me the pound, which I don't want.11:38
gordHalabund, thats what i'm saying, there are two tabs in that tool, the first sets your language, the second your currency/date11:39
Halabundgord, but on the second one I can't actually choose currency/date.  I can only choose a pre-defined language/country combination which includes everything.  In WIndows XP I can set a custom currency and custom date format independently of each other11:42
gordno no11:43
gordit sets the currency and date format, but leaves the language alone11:43
oimonargh just got bitten by SELinux when trying to quickly set up samba on a server....grrr!11:47
MartijnVdS\o/ red hat11:47
oimonif RHCE taught me anything, it was to check selinux11:47
oimoncopying 330GB across the network...hope no-one notices.11:54
bigcalm[wolvs]davmor2 is going to town on his laptop's arse11:59
oimonhe has a laser cutter?12:00
oimonsaw this on reddit http://i.imgur.com/XiQJA.jpg12:01
popeythats pretty12:01
bigcalm[wolvs]Very nice12:02
AlanBellwrong font :)12:03
oimonthat was mentioned12:03
oimoni found i can only really read reddit on my tablet cos of the cool app12:04
oimonthe website sucks to navigate12:04
* bigcalm[wolvs] wants to see the impossible12:05
bigcalm[wolvs]davmor2 seems to be frothing at the mouth again12:17
TheOpenSourcererczajkowski: You are rather "behind-the-curve" https://twitter.com/#!/opensourcerer/status/12170074199491379412:24
czajkowskiTheOpenSourcerer: I've been busy!12:24
DJonesczajkowski: Don't know if this is of any interst http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-15199627?12:33
czajkowskiDaviey: you in london12:34
czajkowskiDaviey: nice, I'll still never move to NI though :)12:35
jpdsczajkowski: Clearly Spain at the moment.12:36
* czajkowski peers at jpds be nice, I found you a place to lay your head! 12:36
Davieyczajkowski: i was... :)12:38
czajkowskiDaviey: I saw you at paddington12:40
czajkowskinow where are you12:40
Davieyczajkowski: behind you12:41
selinuxiumConversation has gone a little creepy... :)12:53
czajkowskiselinuxium: all I need now is davmor2 in the mix and I'd agree12:54
mrevellHey, who wants to spend an exciting few minutes on the phone with me? As a bonus, you also get to tell me what you think of some proposed new designs for Launchpad :)12:55
czajkowskimrevell: are you gonna make things I like or am I gonna come after you and kill you with these changes12:56
mrevellczajkowski, That's for you to tell me :)12:56
oimonjust seen a picture of wayne rooney's dad13:37
oimonlooks identical except about 5yrs age gap13:38
Monsterwizardhow do I uninstall Ubuntu13:39
MartijnVdSoimon: he's older than his dad?!13:39
Monsterwizardfrom this blooyd virtual machone13:39
AzelphurMonster same way you remove any OS from a VM, you delete the VM13:39
oimoninstalled gun bros on my touchpad , thought it might be fun..uninstalled 10 mins later...massive lag :(13:40
Monsterwizardthe program crashes each time I open it13:40
Monsterwizardand when I go to delete it from the file manager13:40
MonsterwizardI can't!13:40
Monsterwizardit's read only13:41
Azelphurwhich program13:41
GirlyGirloimon: on your touchpad??13:41
davmor2czajkowski: boo!13:41
oimonGirlyGirl: yeah13:41
* czajkowski pours a bucket of water over davmor2 behave 13:41
AzelphurMonsterwizard: have you tried running it from a terminal to see why it crashes?13:41
GirlyGirloimon: Like the pointing device of a laptop??  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Touchpad13:41
MonsterwizardJust about too13:41
oimonGirlyGirl: like the hp tablet :P13:42
davmor2czajkowski: :P13:42
Monsterwizardnot running13:42
MonsterwizardI'm going to uninstall the WHOLE program13:43
DJonesoimon: I thought Rooney's dad looked like Phil Mitchell from Eastenders13:43
AzelphurMonsterwizard: if your not going to listen to what people have to say in here, then there's not a lot of point in asking13:43
oimonDJones: he is also an alleged crook it seems13:43
DJonesI saw that13:43
MonsterwizardAzelphur :/ I tried from the termina13:43
AzelphurMonsterwizard: so where's the output?13:44
oimonalso looks a bit like phil coolins if phil collins ate all the pies13:44
DJonesHeh, speaking of touchpads, http://www.techworld.com.au/article/403159/hp_investigates_android_touchpads/?fp=16&fpid=1#closeme13:44
Azelphur!pastebin | Monsterwizard13:44
lubotu3Monsterwizard: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:44
MonsterwizardI don#t know what you are refering too (noob)13:45
diploMonsterwizard, You post the errors from using terminal to pastebin so Azelphur can see output13:45
diploor anyone for that matter13:45
oimonDJones: the simples meerkat is working on the android touchpad port13:46
Monsterwizardok so I type the program name in the temrinal without the &13:46
diploCan also use pastebininit13:46
AzelphurMonsterwizard: yep13:46
oimoncheck out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IVkj_vdY6s voiced by simples13:46
bigcalm[wolvs]That was a decent lunch13:47
AlanBellmrevell: did you get someone to talk to?13:47
diploWat an awful site AlanBell :)13:49
AlanBelldiplo: yeah, but that is part of the game13:49
AlanBellhttp://www.thisisthecountdown.com/ the apparent corruption on the background image is part of it too13:51
diploheh, someone having fun then13:52
AlanBellit is being discussed in #awholenewworld13:52
drussellheh looks like the logo for "falling skies" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falling_Skies15:01
bigcalm[wolvs]What does?15:13
AlanBellthe background on thisisthecountdown.com15:29
bigcalm[wolvs]This not working from home has really shut me up today15:30
popey:D good15:31
popey(in a nice way)15:31
kvarleyI've downloaded a tar archive which contains multiple deb packages to install Lazurus, is there a way to install them all at once?15:32
popeydpkg -i *.deb15:34
kvarleypopey: Thank you once again =)15:35
* popey has no idea what lazarus is15:35
popeyyou doing that?15:36
oimonwas it dead for a while?15:37
* oimon has been in the productivity zone today. don't want to go home, but has to :(15:38
* bigcalm[wolvs] tickles popey15:38
bigcalm[wolvs]Bit early to be going home15:39
kvarleypopey: Yes15:39
oimongoign home in 1/2 hr but thinking about how much i can get done15:39
oimonhave tomorrow off15:39
czajkowski1 hr 15 mins left15:43
czajkowskiwonder would anyone notice if I crawled under the desk and slept15:43
oimonmight get noted on your next probation meeting15:46
=== bigcalm_lappy486 is now known as bigcalm[wolvs]
bigcalm[wolvs]Attempting some Unity love. I will blame davmor2 for any out-bursts15:51
oimonalso i dislike gnome shell, seems a lot faster than unity15:52
MonsterwizardI miss os/215:54
Monsterwizardand I was born in the early 90s :/15:54
davmor2bring back basic 10 print "you suck"; 20 goto 1015:55
* gord should add that to unity15:55
gordfrankly, if your OS doesn't have a basic interpretor built in, it ain't worth squat!15:56
oimoni wrote my computing GCSE project in BBC Basic15:56
oimonin 199015:56
bigcalm[wolvs]gord: please be careful. davmor2 will squirt coffee out of his nose due to laughing in a moment15:56
bigcalm[wolvs]As did I, in 199515:57
davmor2hahahahahaha,  no I think you're in more danger of that bigcalm15:57
Monsterwizardcomputer 'science' is the most absurd name for that field15:59
oimonthe syllabus contained discussion of card readers15:59
oimonbasically it was learning by rote, without any real world application since 197016:00
oimonexcept we covered generational tape backups16:00
oimonit's easier to get an A in computing than textiles or the other lame "tech" subjects back then16:01
bigcalm[wolvs]Anybody fancy a game of Tetris?16:01
* oimon sings the tune16:03
czajkowskidavmor2: less snorting!16:05
bigcalm[wolvs]I feel ill now16:05
JGJonesDear Ubuntu - damn you for making me feel like an old fart.16:06
JGJonesPersonal info - enter your birthday. In year...I was clicking back each year...ended up holding down to scroll back quickly as I realised I'll have to click over 30 times.16:07
davmor2do do do do dodedo do do do dodedo do do do do do do do dodedo do do dodedo do do do do dodedo do do do do16:08
DJonesdavmor2: You need the "Identification Division" first, then you can have the "Display 'You suck'" line16:08
bigcalm[wolvs]davmor2 is funny in the head16:08
davmor2DJones: no it's basic that fills the screen across and down with you suck!16:09
davmor2bigcalm[wolvs]: It took you this long to figure it out16:09
DJonesYou need to rewrite it in cobol though16:09
davmor2DJones: I did specifically say basic16:10
DJonesBut thats no fun16:10
MonsterwizardC or Java?16:16
bigcalm[wolvs]Iain: Keep your eyes on the monitor16:30
JGJonesForgive my fuzzy memory, but is Thunderbird now the default mail app in 10.10? And thus Evolution no longer needed? Or is it still required for calendaring stuff?16:34
NathanaelGHi folks, nice to meet you16:34
NathanaelGI have an off topic problem where I need someone in the uk helping me16:34
gordJGJones, thunderbird is the default in 11.10 :)16:36
gordJGJones, there might be a small part of evo still installed somewhere, for gnome compatibility16:36
JGJonesLovely. What about calendar though? That's still handled by Evolution? Ie I go into Evolution for calendar stuff and Thunderbird for emails?16:37
gordevo the application isn't installed, so i doubt it16:38
gordNathanaelG, if you actually ask your question, someone might be able to help you :) no point in asking to ask16:38
NathanaelGok, OT, though. I am a big fan of dragons and there is a product one can only order in the uk. I would prepay of course, it s about 40 pound16:39
NathanaelGAnd I know noone in the uk :-(16:39
bigcalm[wolvs]Screw you guys, I'm going home16:39
NathanaelGbigcalm[wolvs]: hope it wasn t me causing it ;-)16:40
Monsterwizardin virtual box16:41
MonsterwizardI can't make it to go full screen16:41
Monsterwizardthe full screen view...isn't full screen16:42
kvarleyMonsterwizard: You need to install guest editions or edit the resolution mode using VboxManage16:43
NathanaelGWould someone be so kind as to help me out with this?16:43
MonsterwizardKvarley ahhh I'm on it16:43
Monsterwizardkvarley I'm guessing install the guest editions would be easier16:44
kvarleyMonsterwizard: Yup16:45
Monsterwizardooo got an update for virtual box to install firsr16:45
Monsterwizardwhich is the best virtual disk to use?16:53
MonsterwizardBloody hell D:16:53
MonsterwizardThere's VDI, VMDK, VHD, HDD16:53
kirrusMonsterwizard: virtual disk? You mean, RAM file system?16:59
MonsterwizardI choose virtual disk in the ned16:59
MonsterwizardI'm not sure16:59
kirrusMonsterwizard: not sure what you're after! :)16:59
Monsterwizardlol me too :P16:59
MonsterwizardGotta learn about this stuff16:59
JGJoneshmm...did 10.10 remove the "Leave a message" function from the screensaver lock screen?17:02
=== roman is now known as Guest7890
MonsterwizardJGJones god no17:03
JGJonesMonsterwizard, look like it's removed...don't see the Leave Message button.17:04
kirrusI'm running gnome2 on 10.10, and it's still got it, so probably something to do with unity17:05
kirrus(unity decided that swapping around my workspaces randomly every now and then was fun)17:06
Univoidhi guys i looking for a good IDE for c++ monodevelop is good but lacks good code completion also it hangs an awful lot17:06
Monsterwizardvirtual machine scares me17:09
Monsterwizardit wont actually touch windows partition will it?17:09
dwatkinsit can't, Monsterwizard17:24
dwatkins(well it can if you configure a shared drive that the guest operating system can write to, but generally the guest can't make changes on the host)17:24
Univoidi have tried eclipse from repositories but it does not seem an up to date version17:30
* bigcalm returns to haunt you all18:22
* gord gets out the ghost-b-gone18:25
davmor2bigcalm: Boo!18:27
* mgdm calls the Ghostbusters18:27
bigcalmdavmor2: sorry for the quick departure this evening. I had pre-agreed to be home to have dinner with Hayley. If you fancy going to the pub next month to laugh at the sober people, that would be fun18:30
davmor2bigcalm: no I wanted to get home for tea anyway.18:31
bigcalmFair enough18:32
Azelphurare there any alternatives to conky?18:36
jacobwits quite old school18:39
Azelphuryea, I don't really like oldschool :/18:40
AzelphurI'm into new and shiny18:40
Azelphurthat's the problem with conky really, it's rather old and non-modular, doesn't have proper transparency and is kinda buggy18:42
Azelphurand the config for it is rather bad too :p18:42
MonsterwizardBrace yourself for the £10 loaf everybody!19:05
AlanBellwe can always eat cake instead19:06
popeyor pie19:09
popeymmmm pie19:09
popey-!- TheOpenSourcerer [~alord@81-178-65-1.dsl.pipex.com] has quit [Quit: Getting Pie.]19:09
=== JGJones__ is now known as JGJones
* AlanBell is using putty on windows :(19:16
MonsterwizardI'm stuck19:16
AlanBellfriend sprung the "can you fix this laptop?" thing on me19:16
AzelphurIT'S A TRAP. RUN.19:17
MonsterwizardI can't make the virtual box go true full screen19:17
AlanBellputty is a windows ssh client19:17
Monsterwizardwhy don't they do this by default?19:17
MonsterwizardVirtual PC from MS does :/19:17
AlanBellMonsterwizard: right control+f19:17
Azelphurwhy would you want a VM in full screen? :/19:17
Azelphurthat makes no sense, you might as well run the OS native lol19:17
AlanBell(or left control if they wired your keyboard backwards)19:17
Monsterwizard:P I know19:18
Monsterwizardbut something went terribly wrong once19:18
Monsterwizardmy screen goes dimmer when I use ubuntu in Virtual Box19:30
=== Lcawte is now known as LewisCawte
gr33npeaceevening everyone... I've updated to the latest version of flash in both firefox 7 and chrome 14 and it's actually locking up the whole OS... can't even drop down to one of the other ttys20:05
gr33npeaceis anyone else seeing this, or can you help me diagnose?  :)20:05
MonsterwizardI'm updating everything now to see if the problem is universal20:07
Monsterwizardhave you tried google?20:07
gr33npeaceyes... only updated this morning though, and couldn't find much online..20:08
gr33npeaceubuntu 11.04, running on a Dell m1330 w/ nvidia20:08
gr33npeacebest way to reproduce it, as far as I can see, is to watch a youtube video or two, and then close the tab20:09
Monsterwizardyup it works >.<20:10
gr33npeaceMonsterwizard: it crashed your system as well?20:11
Monsterwizardit's just as terrible as ever D:20:13
Monsterwizardtry the main ubuntu support channel20:13
gr33npeacehahaha, ok thanks mate  :)20:13
gr33npeaceI suspect it's going to be something nvidia-y20:14
MonsterwizardCan someone tell me a story20:57
Monsterwizardof themselves doing as really cool electronics project20:57
MonsterwizardEEs always have cool stories20:57
KrimZon_2for some reason newer ubuntus don't connect to my wireless network21:11
KrimZon_2although I'm currently trying xubuntu 11.10 beta21:12
silnerKrimZon_2, What card?21:14
KrimZon_2I can't remember21:15
KrimZon_2I copied manual settings off another machine - it might be my network config that I forgot about21:15
KrimZon_2bah, the installer crashed21:35
KrimZon_2claiming the disc was corrupt or something21:35
=== JGJones__ is now known as JGJones
AzelphurOk I officially won at breaking things, Nobody can beat me now. http://imgur.com/iHPn622:52
mgdmdid you break sudo or the reboot command, though? :)22:54
AzelphurI think I broke everything, pretty much anything I ran segfaulted22:54
Azelphurhard rebooted, dropped to a tty and did an apt-get upgrade, that seemed to fix whatever it was22:54
mgdmI suspect something like a mismatched glibc or some similar exciting thing22:55
Seeker`Azelphur: wut?! You're like the grim reaper for computers23:23

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