
MarkDudeYokoZar, your FB post helped inspire me to do some Haiku02:54
=== Ttech is now known as The_Doctor
=== The_Doctor is now known as Ttech
Darkwingpleia2: ping03:48
MarkDudeEverytime I will see your nick- or whatever you change it to- will make me think of how Disney is leading the way in douchebaggery03:50
DarkwingThis is what I'm changing to.03:50
* MarkDude is glad that is logged (for once) take it and send in response when they go to DMCA you or whatever03:51
MarkDudeI mean fighting them would be good for publicity03:51
DarkwingI don't have the time or the resources to fight... and being honest they were nice and never threatened me. They simply asked.03:52
MarkDudeand then drop it after you make the news, being a Dad - just trying to help your family03:52
MarkDudeWell a newsd story or 2 would be a good local way to get on radar03:52
MarkDudethen you drop it03:52
DarkwingBut do I really want to hit the news that way?03:53
MarkDudeCall the cameras out and burn some darkwing stuff03:53
MarkDudeSure, if you can get in story your tech specialty03:53
MarkDudeand you are looking for tech work03:53
MarkDudeand your choice of name was meant to honor the terror that flaps in the night03:54
MarkDudeI mean if you get your kids kicking some darkwing stuff- I will bet $ you can go national03:54
MarkDudeat least NPR03:55
MarkDudeSoCal news wuold be better03:55
DarkwingI'll just use it as a funny story.03:55
MarkDudeSeriously you are a vet, wrap yourself in a flag- and infer Disney is full of pinko commies03:55
MarkDudeAnd most likely kick puppies03:56
MarkDudeAnd sue kittens to remove their bows03:56
DarkwingAnd they I have to explain to my kids why I can't take them to Disney Land03:56
MarkDudeLook, Daddy is making a moral stand here kids- you will understand WHY in your 30s - after some therapy03:57
DarkwingROFL! Yeah... Not worth it.03:57
MarkDudeWe are going to Knotts Berry farm, it is just as fun, no stop crying03:58
pleia2Darkwing: pong03:58
Darkwingpleia2: I need some sysadmin help :)03:58
pleia2ok, what's up?03:59
DarkwingI'm moving my emails from ubuntu@darkwingduck.org to linux@wonderly.com... darkwingduck.org is a subdomain of wonderly.com... They are both on the same virtural server. Is this possible?04:00
pleia2I don't really understand what you mean by darkwingduck being a subdomain, but I don't see why not04:01
pleia2are you running your own mailserver?04:01
DarkwingIt's all hosted elsewhere04:02
pleia2so what does email have to do with your server?04:02
DarkwingYes, the mailserver is there yes. Sorry. :)04:02
pleia2ok, so can you describe what your server is doing now, and what you want it to do?04:03
DarkwingI'm just not sure how to move teh 14000+ messages from one account to another server side.04:03
pleia2"another server side"?04:03
DarkwingBoth of the emails are on the same server.04:04
pleia2were both ubuntu@d and linux@w active accounts? or is linux new?04:04
DarkwingJust need to migrate teh messages that are in ubuntu@darkwingduck.org to linux@wonderly.com. It's all on the same server.04:04
Darkwinglinux is new.04:04
pleia2just copy the mbox over and set up /etc/aliases to make ubuntu: linux04:05
pleia2not sure how you have email set up, but postfix will need to understand both mail names04:06
pleia2I use exim, never actually looked at how postfix handles multi domain setup04:07
DarkwingYeah. I'll get it.04:08
DarkwingGod, I HATE ContOS04:08
nhainesWhat about GlaDOS?04:09
pleia2YokoZar: awesome reply to that community survey post to -devel04:56
pleia2I just facepalmed when I read it :)04:57
pleia2for the peanut gallery: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2011-October/012965.html04:57
YokoZarpleia2: Thank you :)12:16
akkAnybody running natty and have a /boot/initrd.img-2.6.38-8-generic they'd be willing to let me copy?17:05
akkI have a natty that doesn't boot because it's missing its initrd, but I can't regenerate an initrd if I can't boot.17:05
akk(I'm booted off debian and can copy files to the natty partition, just can't boot to natty)17:05
nhainesakk: I can probably rig something up in a virtual machine.17:13
nhainesakk: 32-bit right?17:14
akkHold on, I think I may have found one17:14
akk32-bit, yes17:14
akkfound someone with an -11 kernel, so I'm copying all the modules too, and hoping17:14
nhainesakk: okay, I'm booting a live CD now, so let me know.17:15
akkThanks! I'm going to reboot and try this -- BRB17:16
akkProgress -- I can boot, I just can't do anything (like access the net). So maybe if I download the real -11 packages so I can install them with dpkg after booting ...17:20
akkYes! It worker!17:31
akkworked, even :)17:31
akknow off to the doc's, hopefully with a working Wine ...17:37
MarkDudePics of cats dressed as the Beefy Miracle https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150340059858805&set=a.10150340058633805.366787.717333804&type=318:20
pleia2shipped the banner and tablecloth from canonical down to Darkwing today, even if they don't use it for libertopia it'll be down there for scale18:32
nhainesI need to start thinking about getting a banner made for Ubucon.18:33
DarkwingWonder how long it takes launchpad to change email forwards.18:47
iheartubuntuugggh... someone is going on a spending spree with my cc accounts :|18:57
nhainesiheartubuntu: is it you?18:58
iheartubuntuno :)18:58
iheartubuntuif it was me i would buy beer18:58
iheartubuntui would buy kegs of beer and then dissappear!18:59
DarkwingBeer is good.18:59
pleia2what, we're not invited?18:59
iheartubuntui should probably rethink that. im sure there are better things to buy18:59
DarkwingLike what?!18:59
DarkwingWhat could be better then beer??18:59
iheartubuntu(no comment)18:59
iheartubuntumy wifes XP computer was hacked recently.19:00
iheartubuntui thought i took care of it, but apparently someone kept going last night19:00
iheartubuntu$600 at 24hr fitness19:00
iheartubuntuluckily they walked in to the store in SD19:00
iheartubuntuso its going to be all on camera19:01
nhainesiheartubuntu: just let your credit card company know.  They'll take care of everything.19:01
nhainesAnd fraud prevention probably loves that kind of stuff.19:01
pleia2how can you spend $600 hours at 24hr fitness?19:01
nhainespleia2: they had all day to do it!19:01
iheartubuntui did that, filed with FTC, as well as all credit bureaus, etc19:01
iheartubuntuthey ordered personal training19:02
nhainesFTC won't do anything for you.  credit bureaus was a good idea.19:02
iheartubuntuFTC wont do anything, but in case some of the charges dont get fixed i have that as a back up19:02
nhainesYour card provider won't be out any money.  They'll just ask the merchant "Did you ask for ID when you took the card?  No?  Sorry, we're not paying you then."19:03
nhainesEven better, the gym won't be out any money because they're only selling services.  Also they'll probably have fun letting the cops know the next time the guy comes in.19:03
nhaines(Why you'd buy a recurring physical service with a stolen card is beyond me.)19:03
iheartubuntui was hit last year in europe too. someone when to a bunch of casinos after i purchased something somewhere19:03
iheartubuntuim surprised the gym doesnt hold any responsibility at all19:04
pleia2CCs being stolen isn't so bad, debit cards on the other hand...19:04
iheartubuntui mean, im what 100+ miles away signing up for membership?19:04
iheartubuntuseems odd19:04
nhainesNot that odd.  The membership's valid at any location.19:05
pleia2billing address doesn't have to match your physical address19:05
nhainesIf the gym doesn't get paid by the CC company, in what way do they not hold any responsibility?19:05
DarkwingI just tell them to look at my body... does it look like I use a gym? :P:P19:05
iheartubuntuthe email receipt doesnt show any difference in address. but it does show the person that took the order as well as the fake sig19:05
iheartubuntuwhered the duck go? is it coming back?19:06
* Darkwing pats his buddah body and goes back to the corner19:06
nhainesiheartubuntu: nope.  By order (or polite request) of Disney.19:06
pleia2iheartubuntu: disney sent him a nasty letter19:06
iheartubuntulifting 40oz is a pretty good work out anyways19:06
pleia2or polite19:06
iheartubuntuplus heavy glass19:07
iheartubuntuthats a few pounds right there19:07
pleia2Darkwing: terrible argument, I go to a gym and you probably can't tell :) (hi, I love food and beer)19:07
* iheartubuntu considers leg lifts with beer mugs as arms are already strong19:07
pleia2turns out it's hard to lose weight when you eat beer and sausage for dinner, huh19:07
Darkwingiheartubuntu: No, the Duck is done forever... I got a call from Disney.19:08
iheartubuntui cant believe they would actually do anything tho19:08
DarkwingThey asked nicely so, I complied.19:08
DarkwingI wasn't going to be a dick about it.19:09
nhainespleia2: don't I know it!19:09
iheartubuntudid they comp you some tickets at least? :)19:09
DarkwingAlthough, I should offer them darkwingduck.org for a discounted price of... I don't know... 85,000USD :D19:09
iheartubuntuyah :) that would burn a lot of ubuntu discs for scale10x!!!!!19:11
nhainesHmm, a company called Astrolabe, Inc. sued the maintainer of the standard time zone database.19:12
nhainesAstrolabe, Inc. is apparently an astrological company?  My corporate firewall blocks the site as being in the category "Non-Traditional Religions and Occult and Folklore", which sounds about right for astrology.19:12
* MarkDude is now taking suggestions for his Disney name19:13
MarkDudefor a new nick19:13
MarkDudeScrew that sorta thing19:13
MarkDudeGoofy is the 1st name I thought applies19:14
nhainesThat's Dickens.19:14
MarkDudeThat would be another porn name for me iheartubuntu19:14
iheartubuntuexactly :)19:14
MarkDudeIn addition to jonny Nicewonger19:15
DarkwingI always thought that Peter Dick Johnson would make a good porn name...19:48
* MarkDude has now stolen that19:49
MarkDudewill add the 3rd to it tho19:49
pleia2enough with the porn names please19:49
pleia2this really isn't the place19:49
MarkDude<sigh> of course princess19:51
* akk struggles to try to get oneiric to view photos ... wow, it's amazingly difficult19:52
akkNew laptop doesn't work, hardware problem with the touchscreen :( but I'm trying to at least see what the screen looks like for photos19:53
* MarkDude apologizes and takes it to channel with more humor allowed19:55
MarkDudenot being snarky, you are right.19:55
MarkDudethis channel should be for ubuntu relevant stuff19:55
MarkDudeLike Jono for example19:55
pleia2it's not about not allowing humor or off-topic discussion, it's the continuing of a conversation that can inargubly make people uncomfortable19:57
DarkwingOops. :) My bad.19:59
nhainesHoly crap, we actually got oneiric release CD artwork in advance!20:35
pleia2yeah, hooray for paul sladen :)20:38
nhainespleia2: srsly!20:38
nhainesNow if they can get us updated business cards like I filed a bug for in LP, the circle will be complete!20:39
pleia2I think doctormo put out some new branding cards20:39
pleia2and links to some others20:40
pleia2of course only one link actually works20:40
broderhuh, the concentric logo thing looks kind of weird20:41
* pleia2 subs to bug20:42
nhainespleia2: I don't mind saying in the public record that doctormo's business card design is hideous and should not be used by anyone, ever.20:42
nhainesIt also doesn't follow the branding guidelines.  Jacob Petticord's design is much nicer.  Need to see if Ubuntu Mono can enhance the GPG key fingerprint area.20:43
nhainesI'm working with a folder from Tuesday called 10.04 and I keep closing it because I think it's the lucid image archive  on my My Book Live.  :(20:45
* akk chuckles at "OSS Research Help Needed (enter Drawing for iPad for participating)"20:46
akkperhaps researchers not entirely clear on the whole "OSS" concept yet?20:47
pleia2did you read scott richie's reply?20:47
akkhaha, no, I hadn't seen it yet. Excellent!20:49
akkI don't have philosophical objections, so much as "could I actually use this thing and sync it with my linux boxes?"20:50
akk(well, okay, a little philosophical objection too, but if someone gave me one free I'd play with it)20:51
nhainesakk: haha, that's my stance, too.20:53
nhainesDear lazyIRC: is there a way to make VLC play mono sound files on both the right and left channels or am I simply going to go insane?21:25
=== MarkDude_ is now known as MarkDude
nhainesWell, added "A whole new world.  A whole new computer." to my Ubuntu Hour flyer, plus 2011 dates, and will post at Panera tonight.  :D22:44
nhainesJust a quick change, but it'll buy me some time.  http://ubuntuone.com/7OYvrMkh2oo4dy8Ok4rykU22:44
pleia2boo, 503 error22:58
nhainespleia2: it just means you have more time for other things.  :)23:00
pleia2oh right, like work23:00
nhainesAre we not doing a release candidate today after all?23:09
pleia2oh whoa, it's thursday23:10
nhainespleia2: in UTC it's Friday.  :)23:12
pleia2nhaines: not yet!23:12
pleia2only 23:12 :)23:12
pleia2Thu Oct  6 23:12:43 UTC 201123:12
nhainesOh bother, I'm used to CEST!23:12
pleia2they have 47 minutes23:13
nhainesWell they'd better hurry.  I owe at least one CD to a person at Ubuntu Hour in 1:46 hours!23:13
pleia2the daily two days ago was solid23:13
pleia2(didn't try yesterday)23:13
nhainesHe's going to get today's.23:14
nhaines(At this rate!  :))23:14
* pleia2 nods23:14
MarkDudeSun 16th23:23
nhainesIs it RC yet?23:51

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