
jandruskIt would be better if they slayed lions ;)01:59
jandruskAssuming they just stick with using the names of vertabrate animals they will run out of species in about the year 33,152.02:03
Derath-SrvrHI all03:42
Unit193Derath-Srvr! Howdy!03:43
Unit193BiosElement: Howdy05:01
* Derath-Srvr twiddles his thumbs05:02
BiosElementHowdy Unit19305:03
* Unit193 just nuked himself on a ramp in Gish05:04
jrgiffordjandrusk: Lion slaying sounds like a good idea.13:54
thafreakMorning Ohio14:22
paultagmoin moin, alle14:30
Unit193paultag: Howdy!!14:33
paultagUnit193: Howdy!14:33
dzhook, anyone want to see my little Jobs obit?14:41
dzhoguess not14:52
_bbbladies and gentlemen I give you the Meandering Meh15:07
jrgiffordpaultag: Looks like I'll be joining you in debian land shortly. ;)15:55
paultagjrgifford: :D15:55
thafreakAnyone into voip in here?16:13
Unit193\o isn't16:18
thafreakNo one else runs their own phone systems?16:18
Unit193Ours is a landline w/ Embarq/whatever they are called now16:19
Unit193(Or cell w/ VZW)16:19
=== jackson_ is now known as jackson
jrgiffordUnit193: interested in a puzzle? Take a look at this - http://askubuntu.com/questions/64284/what-does-thisisthecountdown-com-count-down-to22:19
Unit193They were talking abnout that in an ops channel, good question (And the image looks messed up, but it's supposed to afaik)22:24
jrgiffordYou should join the IRC channel.22:26
Unit193jrgifford: I take it you are really following this one?22:36
jrgiffordUnit193: Yes, yes I am.23:12
jrgiffordI'm the nutjob who volunteered to be the clueless IRC op. :P23:13
Unit193I'll glace at what's happening once in a while :P23:14
Unit193And check your email, you got a MSG from SMK with this link http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.time.tz/413323:14
jrgiffordOh wow, just read that link.23:14

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