
MutantTurkeyabout time01:59
MutantTurkeyanyone going tomorrow?02:30
GeekyAdamhi all. what's tomorrow?02:40
MutantTurkeyGeekyAdam: protest in philly or such02:41
GeekyAdamoh. anyone going?02:44
GeekyAdamMutantTurkey: how close are you to philly?02:45
GeekyAdamand what's the protest about?02:46
MutantTurkeyGeekyAdam: anti-corporate anti-goverment anti-top1%02:46
MutantTurkeyGeekyAdam: suburbs out by warminster02:46
GeekyAdamdoesn't sound like my cup of hot cocoa02:46
MutantTurkeyactually sunny and 6902:47
bts3685|vpsGeekyAdam: he's referring to the Occupy Wall Street phenomenon05:01
pleia2apparently there was a gathering in downtown sf, but I was too busy being rich and self absorbed (I mean, I have a job)05:04
bts3685|vpsi'm too busy not being a hipster with invaluable time05:23
pleia2my mini9 doesn't make sound anymore :(05:24
pleia2the speakers are in the screen part, and for the past several months if I moved the screen to the wrong tilt I'd lose sound05:24
pleia2now no amount of adjusting makes sound happen05:25
pleia2the internet tells me others have had this problem too05:26
pleia2hey, I wasn't even looking for an ubuntu-specific answer!05:26
bts3685|vpsthat's because ubuntu's more prevalent than unskilled sarcasm amongst US teens.05:48
beta0x64good morning06:11
JonathanDMorning toggles07:34
JonathanDand a lovely one it is.07:34
togglesGood for you! I'm stuck in an ashtray08:18
JonathanDguess I'll make some breakfast.08:40
JonathanDhowdy rmg5109:13
togglesJonathanD: how was breakfast?09:46
togglestwo eggs, over easy, side of home fries?09:46
togglesdamn i miss bacon...09:46
InHisNamemorning toggles, Mr. Bacon where ever you are, rmg51, JonathanD, and even andrew10:31
JonathanDbreakfast was good10:54
JonathanDI had bacon, with bacon and bacon.10:54
* InHisName enjoyed a small bowl of grape-nuts and NO bacon13:00
* andrew is addicted to Google Analytics Real Time stuff13:17
knightzeroGood morning all.13:19
togglesmmm.. bacon... tomorrow I will leave the land of no bacon and behold, Saturday will be a day of bacon in the land of plenty13:46
JonathanDHello knightzero.13:46
* TheEvilPhoenix yawns at the previous statement13:46
JonathanDandrew: whats up?13:46
TheEvilPhoenixand hello everyone13:46
JonathanDHello TheEvilPhoenix13:47
togglesTheEvilPhoenix: thats because you're surrounded by it, can't find it here..13:47
togglesor breakfast for that matter..13:47
TheEvilPhoenixtoggles:  heh13:48
TheEvilPhoenixneither of yo uare being forced to configure windows servers13:48
* TheEvilPhoenix is annoyed13:48
togglesLOL true enough13:48
JonathanDTheEvilPhoenix: I am. I feel your pain.13:48
JonathanDWorse yet, a windows WEB server.13:48
togglesi thought they were like Dodos?13:48
TheEvilPhoenixJonathanD:  even worse...13:49
TheEvilPhoenixJonathanD:  a Microsoft SHAREPOINT server running on a windows WEB server13:49
JonathanDOh my :P13:49
JonathanDtoggles: they're not uncommon on an intranet :P13:49
JonathanDand as long as they stay there, they're not too bad.13:49
TheEvilPhoenixJonathanD:  what's worse... i just realized this isnt on its own box >.>13:51
TheEvilPhoenixits running in a VM13:51
togglesi heard an LO the other day, i thought they said something like they were down to 30% or something13:51
JonathanDThats actually better, isn't it? :)13:51
JonathanDTheEvilPhoenix: VM is better, it'll reboot faster.13:52
JonathanDAnd thats useful for a windows box, right?13:52
TheEvilPhoenixJonathanD:  not really - whoever set up the VM is an idiot and only gave 75GB disk space, one CPU core, and 1GB RAM for Server 2k8R213:52
TheEvilPhoenixthe host note has 1.5TB drive space >.>13:53
JonathanDTheEvilPhoenix: but at least they setup a SQL instance on another server for sharepoint.... right...?13:53
TheEvilPhoenixtotal drive space*13:53
TheEvilPhoenixno they didnt13:53
TheEvilPhoenixas i said13:53
TheEvilPhoenixthey're idiots13:53
* TheEvilPhoenix is highly annoyed now13:53
JonathanD75GB is fine.13:53
JonathanDIf SQL is elsewhere.13:53
JonathanD20GB is probably fine if SQL is elsewhere, even.13:53
TheEvilPhoenixprobably not13:53
JonathanDwell, maybe not for 2k813:54
TheEvilPhoenixsharepoint enterprise takes more resources and memory than just server13:54
TheEvilPhoenixeven for 2k8, 20GB would run the base OS13:54
TheEvilPhoenixbut that's it13:54
TheEvilPhoenixi can install sharepoint but with the 1GB RAM allocation it'll lag like a bitch13:54
* TheEvilPhoenix speaks from experience13:54
JonathanDthey should be able to give you more ram, no?13:54
TheEvilPhoenixi put through the ticket a few hours ago13:55
JonathanDIt's 2k8, ask for 4GB13:55
TheEvilPhoenixbut knowing the state...13:55
JonathanDat least.13:55
TheEvilPhoenixthey are VERY SLOW at fixing shit13:55
JonathanDthats the upside of it being a VM. You cna install sucky laggy sharepoint and they can fix the ram later for snappier sharepoint.13:55
TheEvilPhoenix(and I dont have physical access to the server box)13:55
JonathanDmaybe. someday13:55
JonathanDif they get around to it.13:55
* TheEvilPhoenix did install SharePoint13:55
TheEvilPhoenixwith 3 forced-kills of the VM instance13:56
JonathanDWe have a sharepoint box too.13:56
TheEvilPhoenixdue to lag or full freeze13:56
JonathanDI made a little thing to scan directly to it.13:56
TheEvilPhoenixoh they have other sharepoint boxes...13:56
JonathanDand index the scans.13:56
JonathanDit was somewhat fun.13:56
TheEvilPhoenixbut they're not Enterprise sharepoint13:56
TheEvilPhoenixyou know, the $250-per-User-Access-License sharepoint13:56
TheEvilPhoenixnot the free one13:56
JonathanDI've used both.13:56
TheEvilPhoenixthe state needs to redo its networking13:57
JonathanDWell that goes without saying.13:58
JonathanDI've never done work for a government agency that didn't.13:58
TheEvilPhoenixthe internal sandboxes of the office of info tech is decent...13:58
TheEvilPhoenixas is the internal OIT intranet13:58
TheEvilPhoenix(which I partly designed)13:58
JonathanDWhere are you?13:59
JonathanDfigured :)13:59
JonathanDI used to spend a fair amount of time out there.13:59
TheEvilPhoenixwell my actual place i live at is Pittsburgh13:59
TheEvilPhoenixbut as a student at Penn State Harrisburg campus...13:59
TheEvilPhoenixi'm out in Harrisburg much more often :P14:00
JonathanDI worked for an IBM business partner, and picked up most of their IBM xseries work in harrisburg.14:00
JonathanDAlmost all of it was gov.14:00
TheEvilPhoenixthis system I'm IRC-ing from is a KDE system14:01
TheEvilPhoenixand the unfortunate issue is14:01
JonathanDI was basically the guy who had to make everything do what the sales people said it could, but it actually couldn't.14:01
TheEvilPhoenixthe state wifi is restricted by MAC, authentication, and OS-filtering14:01
TheEvilPhoenixi.e. linux will *NOT* be able to use the networking14:01
TheEvilPhoenixwell... with the exception of the wifi at PEMA14:01
TheEvilPhoenixbut that's got user auth so...14:01
TheEvilPhoenix"Never run a Microsoft SQL server under the system context."14:02
TheEvilPhoenixBetter idea:14:02
TheEvilPhoenix"Never run a Microsoft SQL server."14:02
TheEvilPhoenix(i'm in class xD)14:02
TheEvilPhoenixhas Oneiric been released yet?14:03
TheEvilPhoenixthen there's an idiot in the Kubuntu channel :P14:04
JonathanDat least I don't think so...14:04
TheEvilPhoenix<(ID+)ubottu> Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+114:05
JonathanDFinal Release:-13th October 201114:05
TheEvilPhoenixso has chanserv ever been in here before?14:06
TheEvilPhoenixor am i confuzled14:06
JonathanDI don't know.14:06
JonathanDI don't think it was changed recently.14:06
TheEvilPhoenixwell the channel *IS* still registered14:07
JonathanDyou don't have to have chanserv to be registered, though.14:07
TheEvilPhoenixjust sayin ;P14:08
andrewJonathanD: I'm up14:16
JonathanDandrew: how goes? :)14:17
andrewactually, quite tired14:34
andrewI shouldn't have stayed out so late last night14:34
andrewbut oh well, what's done is done14:34
andrewor something like that14:34
andrewI'll probably make the same mistake next week as well14:34
InHisNameandrew: what is 'Google analytics Real time stuff' ?14:39
InHisNameI got an error from Update mgr.   Any suggestions on what to do next ?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/703449/15:38
togglesInHisName: you tride the command line?15:50
InHisNamecommand line for update manager substitute ?15:50
togglesapt-get update?15:50
InHisNameI can....15:51
togglesapt-get update --fix-missing ?15:51
InHisNamewait while I do that and upgrade too and that one too15:51
InHisName1now it want to d/l the big vbox first.   Lotta waiting to see how it goes.15:54
InHisName1Hmm, no errors.   So what do I do about update mgr ?  Should I be fixing something with it ?16:03
InHisName1For next batch tomorrow or whenever.16:03
togglesnah, it'll probably work next time16:04
togglesgood luck16:04
InHisName1vbox's upgraded its own extension pack.  Nice.16:05
InHisName1toggles: you got more faith in my machine than I.16:05
TheEvilPhoenixInHisName1:  so do what I do - stick some C4 on your machine, light the fuse, then run16:05
=== jackson_ is now known as jackson
mikedep333thank you sabdfl for educating us on animals we've never heard of before21:33
Sidewinder1Odocoileus virginianus21:33
mikedep333(although I knew about ocelots because cats are awesome)21:34
mikedep333Sidewinder1, this is an official Ubuntu IRC channel, follow the code of conduct http://www.ubuntu.com/support/community/chat21:36
Sidewinder1WADR, Waht did I say that was beyond the COC?21:37
Sidewinder1What, even.21:37
Sidewinder1mikedep333, Sorry, my typing obviously leaves something to be desired.21:40
Sidewinder1^ I guess mikedep333 has me on 'ignore' or is terribly busy; in either case, I'm very patient..^ Three lines up. :-)21:48
=== sadin is now known as Sadin-afk
Sidewinder1mikedep333, For future reference, my credo has always been: " 'Tis better to remain silent and thought a fool, than to speak up and remove all doubt." I will await a response from you, no longer. May you have a pleasant evening.22:19
GeekyAdamlooks like i just missed something fun :/23:43
GeekyAdamanyone here play WoW and/or DDO and/or Forsaken World and/or Global Agenda?23:43
GeekyAdam(trying out some MMORPGs, trying to find one to stick to)23:43
GeekyAdamstill really like WoW, no way around it. but right now im just on their "free-to-play-til-lvl-20" dealy.23:44
GeekyAdamits just so well built23:44
GeekyAdambut then again 12 million registered users x $15/month should pay for some good dev teams heh23:45

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