
BigWhaleI'm looking for Oneiric Ocelot logo that I could use in an article I am about to publish. Can anyone help?10:28
dakermhall119, nigelb cjohnston http://ubuntuone.com/1n9KCQyCxDA9x9H7fqWkYF13:08
=== Ronnie1 is now known as Ronnie
dakerRonnie, http://ubuntuone.com/1n9KCQyCxDA9x9H7fqWkYF13:32
Ronniedaker, i really like the agenda on the right side :D13:46
Ronniethe other improvents (notifications, facebook/twitter buttons) are nice too13:47
Ronnieit all looks so clean13:48
YoBoY+1, but and the other social networks ? ^^"13:48
YoBoYand ubuntu*LTP is not a good name for me13:49
RonnieYoBoY: why not?13:50
YoBoYbecause it's a "project name" not a public understandable name13:51
YoBoYimho, having a base line like now is better for an international website13:56
dakerYoBoY, you can added as many as you can, the mockup is here just to show you where the everything should be13:58
YoBoYyes, you are right, and you are doing a amazing work, I like this design :)14:01
dakerthere is a lot the needs design, specially the venues list, the teams list, and other issues14:04
dakerYoBoY, thanks14:04
dakeryaili, would you like to give me your opinion http://ubuntuone.com/1n9KCQyCxDA9x9H7fqWkYF ?14:05
yailidaker: hello14:06
yailidaker: what is this?14:06
dakeryaili, mockup for loco.u.c14:06
yailidaker: ah cool, I have to run into a meeting now, shall we have a chat about this tomorrow?14:07
dakeryaili, as you like, np14:07
yailidaker: thanks14:08
* mhall119 is hiring daker for website design whenever he has money to hire someone14:11
mhall119daker: those looks great14:11
mhall119bonjour YoBoY14:12
YoBoYbonjour mhall119 :)14:12
YoBoYmhall119: comment ça va ?14:13
mhall119je suis fatigué14:14
mhall119was up all night taking my l'examen de français14:15
mhall119je besoin un café14:16
YoBoYtu as besoin d'un café oui :)14:17
mhall119though finding ibus/ibus indicator has made typing in French much easier14:17
dakermhall119, the menu is ok now ?14:27
czajkowskiJeefere le the (sorry cant do accents on putty)14:33
mhall119czajkowski: stuck on windows?14:37
mhall119my sympathies14:38
YoBoYha ok, I understand now what you tried to write :D (tired too ^^")14:41
YoBoYbut great idea, it's tea time :D14:41
dakerYoBoY, tried what ?14:48
YoBoYdaker: not you :)14:48
czajkowskiI want tea14:49
dakerYoBoY, he (mhall119) tried what ?14:49
YoBoYdaker: I was talking about the "Jeefere le the (sorry cant do accents on putty)"14:49
dakeroh hhh14:50
YoBoYIt's why we are talking about tea ;)14:50
YoBoYI have now a mug in front of me :)14:50
mhall119is thé popular in France?  I thought it was more of a café country14:52
dakerthé is popular in Morocco http://www.google.co.ma/search?hl=fr&cp=12&gs_id=5&xhr=t&q=th%C3%A9+marocain&nord=1&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&bav=cf.osb&biw=1214&bih=874&ion=1&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi#um=1&hl=fr&nord=1&tbm=isch&q=th%C3%A9+%C3%A0+la+menthe+marocain&revid=720686001&sa=X&ei=z8CNTubcE8bEtAbZxqwR&ved=0CDYQ1QIoAA&bav=on.2,or.,cf.osb&fp=89c43bbb889c325b&biw=1214&bih=87414:53
YoBoYless than coffee yes, but it's also popular14:53
mhall119YoBoY: my grammar was wrong, wasn't it?15:06
mhall119j'ai besoin d'un café, oui?15:07
YoBoYc'est ça :)15:07
YoBoYyou are progressing, c'est bien :)15:07
mhall119it's not easy, programming languages are easy, human languages, trés difficile15:08
YoBoYboth need practice, but yes, there is more words and rules in human languages :)15:10
mhall119I don't understand why 99 is quatre-vingt-dix-neuf15:10
mhall11940-20-10-9, sums up to 79, not 9915:11
YoBoYnot that, it's 4*20+10+915:11
YoBoYbut yes it's a strange way to say it :)15:12
YoBoYin belgium it's nonante neuf15:12
YoBoYa bit of history to explain why it's that way : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vigesimal15:16
YoBoYde rien, i'm learning too :D15:19
mhall119lol, nice15:48
mhall119respectful, yes funny15:48
cjohnstonmhall119: ive been getting a bunch of LD emails, are you getting more summit emails?17:28

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