
Kilosmorning superfly and other early birds05:49
superflymorning Kilos05:50
sakhimorning Kilos superfly and #ubuntu-za06:25
Kiloshi there sakhi 06:25
superflymorning sakhi06:25
Kilosmorning MPD morgs sdehaan 07:16
Kilosaw i missed squirm07:16
superflyyo morgs!07:27
magespawnhowdy all07:50
Kiloshiya magespawn 07:50
magespawnhey kilos07:51
magespawni have a little problem07:51
magespawnmy laptop is giving me a grub rescue prompt07:52
Kilostell what it is then someone will try to help you07:52
Kilosoh my07:52
Kilosbeen there07:52
KilosMaaz, google grub rescue prompt on booting07:53
MaazKilos: "Grub2 - Community Ubuntu Documentation" https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2 :: "Booting from Grub Rescue" http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/booting-from-grub-rescue-582799/ :: "How to chroot Ubuntu using Live CD to fix GRUB rescue prompt ..." http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/2010/06/02/how-to-chroot-to-ubuntu-using-live-cd-to-fix-grub-rescue-prompt/ :: "Solving Boot Problems with Grub - 2nd Edition" http://www.linuxf07:53
Kilosdo you have a live cd magespawn 07:54
Kilosor bootable ubuntu stick07:55
magespawnhave both07:55
Kilosone of the above links will help you07:56
magespawnty will have a look07:56
Kilosmethinks that one07:56
magespawnyup the others are for a dual boot setup07:58
magespawnwell at least it is only the rgub08:05
magespawni will get this right grub08:05
Kilosmine did that once and that chroot bit worked08:06
Kilosyou actually use the cd to reinstall grub if i member right08:06
nuvolario/ lo everyone08:18
magespawnhi nuvolari08:27
Kilosmore nuvolari 08:27
magespawnkilos slight problem when i enter this $ sudo mount /dev/sdax /mnt/myroot08:35
magespawnwhere sdax is the hard drive08:35
Kiloswhat else is on the pc08:35
magespawnnothing just ubuntu08:36
Kilosthen its sda108:36
Kiloshi kbmonkey 08:36
Kilosmagespawn, if i remember right some of the steps didnt seem to work here either but at the end it still fixed the grub08:37
magespawnwill persist08:37
Kilosthe last half or even 1/2 of the commands08:37
kbmonkeyhello Kilos 08:38
kbmonkeyhi magespawn 08:38
kbmonkeydid you get right with the upgrade?08:38
Kiloshe booted to grub rescue kbmonkey 08:38
kbmonkeyah well no i'm lost, I thought it was an upgrade :p08:39
magespawnthat was another machine08:40
magespawnthis is my laptop08:40
kbmonkeywow hows that news for apple08:46
Kiloskbmonkey, when is our next meeting?08:47
kbmonkeyIm not sure Kilos, but don't think I can chair it. have no net in the evenings for the while08:48
Kilosmake the usb modem work and only use irc then data will be min08:49
kbmonkeywow there sure are some smelly folks here in the internet cafe o_O08:50
kbmonkeyha ha ha08:50
Kilosyou gotta chair the meeting. jou werk is jou werk08:52
Kiloshiya nlsthzn 08:53
nlsthznGood morning/afternoon uncle Kilos 08:53
Kilosoh ya you 2 hours ahead hey08:54
kbmonkeythink the last monday of the month?08:57
Kiloslol so you got time to get organised then08:58
nlsthzno/ kbmonkey 08:59
kbmonkeyhi nlsthzn //08:59
magespawni used this kilos https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Rescue_Mode_.28.27.27grub_rescue.3E.27.27.29_Booting09:02
Kilosand its fixed magespawn ?09:02
magespawnwell i can get into my laptop but now i have to tell it to use that all the the time09:03
magespawn1. set prefix=(hdX,Y)/boot/grub09:04
magespawn2.* set root=(hdX,Y)09:04
magespawn3. insmod normal09:04
magespawn4. normal09:04
Kilossudo update-grub09:04
magespawnafter that it boots into my laptop straight away09:04
Kilosonce in you should be able to fix it09:05
Kiloslook in synaptic and reinstall grub-pc and grub2 i think09:05
Kiloswait while i think09:06
Kilosgot some memories of actually removing grub then installing again09:07
magespawnwhen i use those command above  i get into my laptop but when i restart i end up back at the grub rescue prompt09:08
Kilosthere is a way to get boot back09:08
Kilosi think i was bootpc wait i go look in synaptic09:09
Kilossudo aptitude install boot-repair09:10
Kilosand boot-repair-ubuntu i think09:12
kbmonkeymagespawn, did you try run update-grub as Kilos said?09:15
kbmonkeythat should redetect and recreate your grub settings09:15
magespawnyup but on restart still came up with grub rescue prompt09:15
Kilostry boot-repair magespawn 09:16
Kilossomething wrong in grub.cfg09:17
Kilosor the link between 09:18
Kilosmbr and boot missing09:18
kbmonkeydid you try reinstall grub with the grub-install command?09:18
kbmonkeyreinstalling grub via synaptic wont do anything useful09:18
Kilosi tried so many things i cant remember all of them09:19
kbmonkeymagespawn, in a terminal do 'man grub-install'09:19
kbmonkeyit tells you how to install it. do this from within your ubuntu09:20
Kilosi think i actually had to do it from root once as well09:20
Kilossudo -i09:20
kbmonkeythats right Kilos, you need root/admin access to do any grub stuff09:21
kbmonkeythe mbr sounds fine as you get to what is called the stage 1 boot loader09:21
kbmonkeytry grub-install and that will replace any broken grub files, and it should also udpate in one go09:22
kbmonkeymy time is up again folks09:22
Kilosah, i installed everything again, mbr included09:22
Kilosok kbmonkey  be good and see ya soon09:22
Kilosty for the help09:22
magespawnlater kbmonkey09:22
kbmonkeythat ubuntu help page on grub is pretty comprehensive, just take your time with it :)09:23
Kilosyeah it must be repairable back to standard boot without needing commands in grub rescue09:24
kbmonkeygrub rescue is the same as grub ;)09:25
kbmonkeyuseful if you cannot get into your normal system09:25
Kilosyeah but its frightening to boot to the grub rescue prompt then you need other commands09:25
kbmonkeya live usb/cd would also work09:26
Kiloshe tried that as well09:26
Kilosused these to get in09:26
Kilos<magespawn> 1. set prefix=(hdX,Y)/boot/grub09:26
Kilos<magespawn> 2.* set root=(hdX,Y)09:26
Kilos<magespawn> 3. insmod normal09:26
Kilos<magespawn> 4. normal09:26
magespawnthat is not working now either now i am booting fron live cd09:27
Kiloswhat happened09:27
Kilosnow try the first links commands09:28
magespawnnot so serious will just reinstall if i have too09:28
Kilosthe chroot ones09:28
magespawnwho knows me messing around thats what09:28
kbmonkeythis help page saved my butt many times, the methods here do work :) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub209:29
kbmonkeyciao amigos!09:29
Kilosmagespawn, did that lappy have winsucks on before09:32
magespawnbut been running ubuntu long time now09:34
Kilosi remember xp adds something to mbr that blocked ubuntu getting in here and install mbr from root fixed that09:35
Kilosvery frustrating prob that09:35
Kilosmagespawn, did the boot-repair tool not work or havent you tried it?09:39
superflyKilos: it's not that the MBR "blocks" Ubuntu, its just doesn't support anything other than Windows09:39
magespawnwhere was i supposed to try that from again?09:39
Kilossudo apt-get install boot-repair09:40
magespawnbut from the live cd09:40
Kilosthen you find it in system admin09:40
Kilosmount your drive 09:41
Kilosthose chroot commands09:41
Kilosthen install boot-repair09:41
Kilosi dont know if installing from the cd actually goes into your installation if you dont mount the drive first09:43
Kilostry it from the cd and see if you find it in system administration09:44
magespawncould not find package09:45
magespawnwhen i type sudo update-grub i get cannot find a device for / is it mounted?09:49
magespawnyes it 09:49
Kilosoh my09:50
KilosMaaz, google boot-repair for ubuntu09:50
MaazKilos: "Boot-Repair - Community Ubuntu Documentation" https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair :: "RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Community Ubuntu ..." https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows :: ""Boot-Repair": Fix Ubuntu Boot Issues (After Installing Another OS Or ..." http://www.webupd8.org/2011/06/boot-repair-fix-ubuntu-boot-issues.html :: "Boot-Repair - Simple tool to repair frequent boot 09:50
KilosMaaz, hellooooo09:50
MaazKilos: What?09:50
Kilosoh ty superfly 09:51
Kilosmagespawn, what happens if you do sudo update09:52
Kilosi have boot-repair in synaptic09:53
Kiloswhew head not working well09:53
magespawnhold on09:53
Kilossudo apt-get update i think09:53
magespawnbrb something happening hold on09:58
magespawntaking awhile to load the boot-repair10:01
magespawnbut that is now installed and up and running10:02
magespawnthis here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair10:02
magespawnbusy running through the first option now10:03
Kilosthere was clean-ubiquity as well10:04
Kilosi dunno if they come together10:05
magespawnhere we go lets see what happens now10:05
KilosMaaz, coffe would be nice10:10
MaazKilos: Got it10:10
KilosMaaz, coffee on10:10
* Maaz washes some mugs10:10
magespawnthat worked10:11
magespawnyes yes10:11
Kiloslol yay10:11
Kilosi told you that long ago10:12
magespawnright now i have to try and get the other machine to work as well10:12
Kiloswhats wrong there10:12
Kiloswhile you on this one reinstall mbr10:12
Kilostry get rid of the windows stuff in mbr10:13
Kilossudo aptitude reinstall mbr10:13
KilosMaaz, hurry10:13
MaazHey! Kilos Patience is a virtue, 10:13
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!10:14
KilosMaaz, ty10:14
MaazEnjoy Kilos10:14
KilosMaaz, boot-repair10:15
magespawnbrb just changing pc10:34
magespawnnow on the phone10:41
magespawnnow all i have  to do today is get the upgrade system working10:46
magespawnkilos ty for the help10:48
Kilosyou welcome magespawn 10:49
magespawnkilos i think the problem  with the upgrade is the hard ware only 256mb of ram.11:13
magespawngoing to try lubuntu11:14
DraZoroGood day all11:42
DraZoro /me waves to sdehaan11:46
superflyHi DraZoro11:46
DraZoroHello superfly 11:46
DraZoroI have just installed 11.10 on my desktop ..it looks amazing 11:47
* nlsthzn agrees11:49
magespawnhowdy all11:59
superflymagespawn: so how was lubuntu?12:02
magespawnlooks like the download i have has a problem will not install to the usb drive12:02
magespawnwill download it again 12:05
Kiloslekker not having data caps12:12
Kiloshi DraZoro 12:12
DraZoroHello Kilos12:12
* DraZoro pays a tribute to Steve Jobs ...may he Rest In Peace12:13
superflyDraZoro: ah, but the big question is, Will Steve Jobs be laid to rest under an apple tree?12:15
DraZorosuperfly: That is a good question ...I think that will make a big mark.12:16
DraZoroI sow some one go G+ said iPhone 4S = iPhone 4 Steave Jobs12:16
magespawnYup Kilos uncapped adsl ftw12:16
superflymagespawn: indeed, uncapped FTW :-D12:17
magespawnonly 1mbps though i NEED more speed12:17
DraZoroHello magespawn 12:17
magespawnhi DraZorro12:17
magespawnat that speed it is going to take me an hour or so to get it12:18
Kiloshehe try 48kB/s12:18
DraZoromagaspawn: I am still on limited data bundles ....I am thinking of getting the 3 Gb from 8.ta but I see uncapped is a way to go. 12:18
Kilosthen you will be happy with 1m/s12:18
magespawnyup all in perspective12:19
DraZoroWhat do you think of LTE guys ...Internet is getting a lot faster 12:19
superflymagespawn: yeah, 4Mbps is pretty awesome12:20
magespawnmy brother in ln law is in the UK told me about a virgin trial 16gbps line to a hundred houses in london12:21
magespawni do not think i can get the 4mbps line here in hluhluwe12:22
magespawnthink 1mbps is the fastest here12:22
DraZoromagaspawn: How much does it cost in you in total per month for the ADSL rental ?12:23
KilosDraZoro, dont you use tab with nicks?12:24
Kilostype mag and hit tab12:24
Kilosyou fast typers dont worry about the little things12:24
DraZoroKilos: Wow kilos that rocks 12:25
Kilosyeah without that my life would be much harder12:26
DraZoroKilos: I was not away of this feature .12:26
Kilosi think the fly told me two years ago about12:26
DraZoroI am using Empathy 12:26
Kilosworks great with funny nicks12:26
DraZoroFunny I always used tab under bash just never tried it on IRC ....:) I guess we learn new things everyday 12:27
magespawnR728 i think DraZorro12:32
magespawnor R78212:32
DraZoromagespawn: Ok thanks 12:34
magespawni should hope you do 12:34
Kilosmagespawn, i couldnt install ubuntu on my p3 with 256m ram but with 128m more it worked12:34
magespawnthere seems to be some hang up not sure what so trying all sorts of things12:34
Kilosit used to install halfway then hang12:36
DraZoroI think text install work much better on low memory 12:39
magespawnthis just hangs completely and at various different stages.12:43
superflyyeah, as DraZoro said, use the text installer12:45
magespawnis there a problem installing to sata drives12:46
Kiloshope that helpps12:54
Kilosthats not a stutter its a high speed lip flap12:54
magespawnha lol12:55
superflymagespawn: no, I've never had a problem installing to sata drives12:58
superflyit's just windows12:58
DraZoroI will catch in later guys ....Keep it cool.13:01
DraZoroKilos:  Thanks for the tip once again :)13:01
DraZoroI will never get nick names wrong once again 13:01
morgsMaaz: tell DraZoro if you consider 8ta 3G, make sure you have coverage - it is restricted to only Telkom towers so only certain places in the country. Check http://www.8ta.com/coverage/8tanetwork/13:10
Maazmorgs: Got it, I'll tell DraZoro on freenode13:10
magespawnwell there is the fine print for you13:14
magespawnKilos what morgs said13:15
Kilosah ty13:16
magespawnhluhluwe is not even on the map13:17
superflymagespawn: easy way to check if you can get 4Mbps is to go to the telkom site and "check if your exchange supports ADSL"13:19
magespawni see from the 8ta site that national coverage is provided by mtn would have been ironic if they used vodacom13:20
magespawnsuperfly will check it out13:21
magespawnit does support 4mbps will have to see how much more that will cost13:22
superflymagespawn: 4Mbps + uncapped from Afrihost costs me around R1000/month13:25
superflymagespawn: it might sound expensive, but it's cheaper than the Vodacom Broadband Advanced I was using13:25
magespawnR899 excluding line rental from mweb13:26
magespawnvoice line rental13:26
magespawnis that unshaped superfly?13:26
superflyI have one of the Closer packages on my phone line, free install + a certain number of free calls per month13:26
superflymagespawn: semi-shaped13:26
superflyunshaped at night13:26
superflyit doesn't bother me though, I don't use BitTorrent much13:27
magespawni see. i am only at the shop during the day13:27
magespawni use the adsl to get a lot of software and such13:27
magespawncurrently costs me R588 plus voice line rental13:28
magespawni think that is R180.00 for business13:28
magespawncan go uncapped and unshaped for 1299 per month.13:30
* tumbleweed is still on WA titan spceial. R600 for 10Mbps DSL + 25 G + free access to WA's mirror13:33
magespawni dream of having my own leased line13:37
magespawntumbleweed who is that?13:38
magespawnMaaz google ubuntu text installer14:02
Maazmagespawn: "Alternative downloads | Ubuntu" http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download :: "Installation/LowMemorySystems - Community Ubuntu Documentation" https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems :: "Installation/MinimalCD - Community Ubuntu Documentation" https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD :: "Installation/FromWindows - Community Ubuntu Documentation" https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Inst14:02
magespawnMaaz ty14:02
MaazEnjoy magespawn14:03
tumbleweedmagespawn: who is what?14:20
magespawnWA Titan14:21
tumbleweedmagespawn: webafrica. Titan was a special they had a year or two back14:23
magespawnokay i see14:23
magespawnlater all home time14:59
Kiloshehe. just saw on the news who steve jobs is17:07
Kilossuperfly, clever17:07
Kilosburied under an apple tree17:07
superflyKilos: ?17:07
Kilosha ha ha17:07
* Kilos wonders where they will bury billy boy17:12
Kilosunder the pearly gates17:12
Kiloshi nlsthzn  kinda dead here hey?18:37
Kilosinetpro, lewe jy nog?18:38
KilosMaaz, where is everybody18:39
MaazKilos: Not a clue, sorry18:39
KilosMaaz, find them all18:39
MaazKilos: Huh?18:39
nlsthznHi uncle Kilos ... sorry was watching a movie :)18:51
* superfly is working... again18:59
Kilosno rest for the wicked19:22
Kilosluckily i not wicked19:24
Kilossleep tight all19:24
Kilosnot too late superfly 19:24
zerefjesus, just spent 2hrs trying to setup my friends wireless connection20:04

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