
Ellipsis753no one knows what I can do about my corrupt filesystem? (firefox gives an error like "firefox is already open" and won't open) stuff is generally just fucked on my computer when it's read-only00:00
ZanzacarI was wondering if anyone has any experience with configuring powernap, I have check out the config file, the man pages and I still need a little help00:00
pangolin!language | Ellipsis75300:00
ubottuEllipsis753: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:00
Ellipsis753Ah, sorry00:00
M0TRN_th1oh ffs00:00
M0TRN_th1Ellipsis753, don't be00:01
M0TRN_th1the PC brigade at it again :(00:01
Ellipsis753ah well, I guess there's nothing wrong with trying to keep to good language.00:01
drizzguys, guys00:01
drizzdid you hear00:01
drizzsteve jobs is dead!00:01
=== shelshok is now known as nuHelix
RobbieCrashEllipsis753 have you tried rebooting?00:02
timrothi just installed xubuntu with one user. now should i change this account to a normal user and make an admin account?00:02
M0TRN_th1drizz, yes :(00:02
pangolinM0TRN_th1: if you have a problem with the channel guidelines please feel free to join #ubuntu-ops and complain in there.00:02
M0TRN_th1pangolin, I don't00:02
Ellipsis753robbieCrash, that's how I got here in the first place but I will00:02
M0TRN_th1I have a problem with PC00:02
Ellipsis753I'm going to bed now anyway. I'll try more tomorrow00:02
pangolinM0TRN_th1: honestly. I don't care what you have a problem with.00:03
timrothi just installed xubuntu with one user. now should i change this account to a normal user and make an admin account?00:03
M0TRN_th1pangolin, I don't have a problem with you and you don't have one with me let's keep it that way :)00:03
M0TRN_th1pangolin, g'nite mate ;)00:03
pangolinsounds sane. good night.00:03
=== Arcademan-II is now known as Arcademan
timrothi just installed xubuntu with one user. now should i change this account to a normal user and make an admin account?00:04
ex0ubuntu isnt xp00:04
ex0u dont have to do that00:05
th0rtimroth: I wouldn't bother, just leave the default account00:05
timrothand us eit with inet and all?00:05
th0rtimroth: anything system related will require a password, no problem00:05
M0TRN_th1timroth, it's not necessary, ubuntu always prompt you for a password if it needs the admin rights00:05
ActionParsniptimroth: make a new user, the users in the admin group can use sudo, that's all you need to manage00:06
timrothsu isnt really a useraccount right, its more a privilege00:06
timrothwhats the command to do adminrights in the shell?00:07
th0rtimroth: it is sudo, not su, but you are essentially correct00:07
ex0su is super user..00:07
th0rex0: I think su is 'switch user'00:08
M0TRN_th1timroth, when you do "sudo xxx" it runs xxx as root, so same thing00:08
M0TRN_th1su (or sudo -i) just gives you a shell with superuser rights, ie. root login00:08
timrothok so so "and then the command"00:08
ex0su is switch user00:08
M0TRN_th1best practice is to use sudo in front of the commands that need root access00:09
timrothok so  - su "and then the command"00:09
M0TRN_th1because it forces you to think about it00:09
M0TRN_th1timroth, "sudo COMMAND"00:09
M0TRN_th1or "sudo -i" and then a sequence of commands followed by exit00:09
timrothaha ok00:10
timrothok thanks, maybe ill drop back later00:12
* R3db3ard wants to know: Installing 10.04LTS from livedvd, can't mount volume [error: the daemon is being inhibited] helo?00:13
w30stacks`, I had an ftp directory like that once but I depended on whomever writing to it forgot the name of the file they wrote. ha. it was writable  but not readable.00:15
dsnydersHi all!  I want to print seven column, week-at-a-glance calendars.  Thunderbird doesn't do it.  Is there another calendar program for linux?00:16
KaleidoscopeWhat do I do with an RPM File?00:17
rwwKaleidoscope: throw it away and find a .deb file00:17
rwwalien exists, but is a bad idea00:17
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)00:17
Kaleidoscopeoh ok00:17
Dice-Manwhat about converting an rpm into deb ?00:17
Dice-Manit's alien too ?00:17
RobbieCrashAnybody know why something would not show up in lspci?00:18
RobbieCrashDice-Man I don't think so.00:18
dsnydersRobbieCrash, It could be seated improperly.00:18
RobbieCrashdsnyders it shows up when I boot into Windows, and when I boot to recovery mode.00:19
Dice-ManRobbieCrash: hum kay00:19
dsnydersRobbieCrash, what is it?00:19
RobbieCrashdsnyders an LSI SATA/SAS controller card00:20
ngc0202I'm dual booting Ubuntu with Windows 7, how can I access my Windows file through Linux?00:21
M0TRN_th1ngc0202, you should get an icon on your desktop for the Windows file system00:22
ngc0202I should?00:23
dsnydersRobbieCrash, Have you tried running update-pciids?00:23
ngc0202How do I do that?00:23
noisewaterphdngc0202: if you use seperate hard drives for them, you will need to mount the windows drive00:23
ngc0202nah it's just a partition00:23
cbridenstineIs anyone familiar with creating a live drive type install on an SSD ?00:24
jasefWow, yay. Nano is taking like... 2 minutes so far for a find/replace operation00:24
RobbieCrashdsnyders no, but thanks for that, it updated the name of one of my other devices that I didn't know what it was.00:24
cxxchow do i install the java jdk 7 from binary. i dowloaded the tar.gz file00:25
dsnydersRobbieCrash, Ya gotta love side-effects.00:25
RobbieCrashBut, still not showing up00:25
ngc0202How do I access the windows partition?00:25
RobbieCrashngc0202 do you want to write to it as well?00:26
BlueEaglengc0202: You mount it and access it.00:26
ngc0202No, I just need to print a file for school that I left when I switched00:26
* R3db3ard figured out it has to do with something running in the installer that unmounts the drive?!? Can anyone help?00:28
DoverOsdoes the 'recreate folders' option overwrite the previous folder?00:29
jasefngc0202, what format is the windows drive?00:29
ngc0202a partition00:29
dsnydersngc0202, you could try System->Administration->disk utility.  This will show you the drives and the partitions.  Select the drive/partition, and one of the options is mount.  Either that, or shut down and boot into windows to get your file.00:29
ngc0202I know how to get into Windows lol00:30
ngc0202But it'd take like 20 minutes00:30
jasefngc0202, Lol, okay, you in unity or classic?00:30
jasefngc0202, uhm... okay, nevermind. Open a folder window, in the sidebar in that window it should have filesystems near the top saying 'xxGB filesystem'00:31
jasefOne of them should be your windows one00:31
DoverOsoh nevermind00:31
=== matt is now known as Guest40691
jasefLike my Windows one is '107GB Filesystem'00:32
ngc0202i see "File System"00:32
mbeierlanyone have powersaving hints for natty on a laptop?  Under MS Windows 7, I get about 4hrs, but under Natty, I'm down around 1.5 hrs for battery life.  I've adjusted all the CPU scaling I can find, and even installed laptop-mode, but battery life is still very short00:33
jasefngc0202, Under that, there should be 'Network' then a list of other file systems on your computer00:33
ngc0202Unable to mount network00:34
jasefNo, sorry I didn't mean to click it00:34
jasefI meant under it as in the next thing down in the list00:34
MrSassyPantshey, I'm gonna install ubunut server 64bit now, but I'm gonna need a printable version of the install docs00:34
MrSassyPantsis there something like that? I only find html stuff which doesn't print well00:35
jasefYour Windows partition is probably the first one directly under Network00:35
launchHi all, Ubuntu 11.10 will be a lts or not?00:35
dsnydersRobbieCrash, Try this: http://kb.lsi.com/KnowledgebaseArticle15753.aspx#linux00:35
ngc0202is right untder it00:36
mbeierllaunch: no, it will not be00:36
jasefngc0202, Ah, maybe your file system is labeled, try opening SYSTEM and see if it's right00:36
Johnnie`WalkerHi, I would have some advice about using regex in C, someone can help me ?00:36
launchmbeierl: thanks, and ill be able to upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10?00:36
MrSassyPantslaunch, no, next lts will be in 201200:36
mbeierllaunch: iirc, the LTS are every two years: 8.04, 10.04, making the next 12.0300:36
ngc0202all it says is Boot and System Volume information00:37
ngc0202in SYSTEM00:37
parastuffHi, I have a couple of files that all have the same word in it. For example: file1para.txt Now I want to remove the word para from all the files. I tried with purrr, but I am not sure how to continue from here...00:37
launchCan we upgrade from a non lts to a lts?00:37
mbeierllaunch: yes, the upgrade will be presented to you once 11.10 is official00:37
jasefngc0202, What's the next one under SYSTEM then00:37
parastuffAnyone knows what i should do to get this done?00:38
mbeierllaunch: the LTS is no different than any other release, if you upgrade every 6 months.00:38
jasefSYSTEM is probably the 100mb partition that Windows7 makes on installing, then.00:38
launchmbeierl: right thanks ;)00:38
dsnydersparastuff, I use thunar -B for bulk renames.00:38
mbeierllaunch: it's just for those who want long term consistency, LTS to LTS gives you 2 years without major changes00:38
launchmbeierl: its even better since i got more recent software on no lts version?00:38
parastuffdsnyders, thanks I will give that a try00:39
jasefngc0202, Hm... not familiar with HP's labeling system, but I think it won't be that one, what other ones do you have there? they stop at "Rubbish Bin"00:39
mbeierllaunch: sorry, I don't quite understand the question.00:39
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE00:39
R3db3ardrecent software doesn't always = a better system00:39
launchmbeierl: i think i prefer upgrading each 6 month and get latest software version00:39
parastuffdsnyders, thunar is not in the default ubuntu repos?00:40
launch10.04 for example got firefox 300:40
launchwe are now at firefox 700:40
Slapshot|LinuxHi, I'm running 10.04 server on a headless box. After restarting none of my init.d scripts will run on boot. Also any other hard drive I have no longer auto mount like before. Any help would be great.00:40
launchmbeierl: i will not necessary get into trouble if i choose a non lts version?00:41
jribSlapshot|Linux: nothing changed?  You just restarted and things stopped working?00:41
stigma_SIFTU: Hey SIFTU, if you're actively watching this, I wanted to drop back by and thank you once again for your help last night.  I am officially up and running and using my Ubuntu system right now :)00:41
pitlimitdoes anyone know waht it means if the thermal device is not enable?00:41
R3db3ardno, non lts versions run just as well and in some cases better than lts versions00:41
Slapshot|Linuxjrib I added a new hard drive but even after removing it the problem persisted00:41
jribSlapshot|Linux: what exactly happens when you boot now?00:41
dsnydersparastuff, I don't know if it's in the default repos.  It's been on my system so long I don't know whether it came with it, or whether I installed it myself.00:42
mbeierllaunch: that is true, the LTS will not introduce new versions as quickly.  Once they are proven stable and useful, they probably wil get backported to LTS. But, no, sticking with 6 month releases will not get you into trouble. Installing the alphas probably will, and the betas could too :)00:42
Slapshot|Linuxjrib Well I have to connect a keyboard and blindly login and then enable ssh through /etc/init.d/ssh start to ssh into the box. But nothing autoruns like before what could have caused this?00:42
dsnydersparastuff, Either way, it's only an apt-get install away.00:42
mbeierllaunch: the only real reason to stick with LTS is for low-volume churn in the applications/user interface/etc.  As an example: the 11.04 introduction of Unity upset a lot of people.  LTS users would not even hear of Unity until 12.0400:43
jribSlapshot|Linux: anything interesting in logs?00:43
Slapshot|Linuxjrib Which logs?00:43
launchmbeierl: thanks00:43
mbeierllaunch: you're welcome!00:44
parastuffdsnyders, seems like a tool for xfce00:44
parastuffI am on gnome00:44
tomswartz07can anyone explain what app crash or error would cause my recent oneiric upgrade to go to screen lock after 3 seconds of inactivity? its driving me nuts00:44
curiousxpitlimit: do you have lm-sensors installed ?00:44
jribSlapshot|Linux: well all of them really but start with messages, dmesg, boot.log I suppose00:44
pitlimitno curioux - i just i a clean install00:44
Slapshot|Linuxjrib Where are these logs located?00:44
jribSlapshot|Linux: and syslog00:44
jribSlapshot|Linux: /var/log00:44
curiousxpitlimit: sudo apt-get install lm-sensors00:44
=== Emmanuel_Chanel_ is now known as Emmanuel_Chanel
pitlimitthanks curiousx !00:45
jribSlapshot|Linux: other than ssh, what else does not start?00:45
curiousxpitlimit: then you have to run "sensors-detect" to see what is the module you have to insert for thermal sensors00:45
Slapshot|Linuxjrib all init.d scripts have stopped. I had irssi screen webmin apache2 samba winbind ddclient etc in there and they all would not run automatically00:46
ngc0202Nothing is working :/00:46
curiousxpitlimit: in my case was "coretemp"00:46
jribSlapshot|Linux: do the upstart scripts run ok?00:46
Slapshot|Linuxjrib How do I check that?00:46
jribSlapshot|Linux: what version of ubuntu is this?00:46
Slapshot|Linuxjrib 10.04 server00:47
dsnydersHi all!  How do I wake ubuntu up from sleep?00:47
Slapshot|Linuxjrib boot.log records that some of the init.d scripts are started followed by OK but they in fact are not initiated when i go to check on their status after a reboot00:48
koahey guys can i backup all my apk files ? and install them with 1 command ?00:48
Stanley00dsnyders: try "fg <job number>"00:48
jribSlapshot|Linux: /etc/init contains your upstart jobs, you can use « service --status-all » to run status on each of them00:49
koasorry >< *.deb*00:49
MonsterwizardCan someone recommend me a good unix/linux book00:49
dsnydersStanley00, So I would have to ssh into the box?00:49
Monsterwizardwhich contains sys admin00:49
Stanley00dsnyders: ah, sorry, just hit a button, or move your mouse :))00:49
Slapshot|Linuxhere is the output jrib  [ - ]  apache200:50
Slapshot|Linux [ - ]  apparmor00:50
Slapshot|Linux [ ? ]  apport00:50
Slapshot|Linux [ ? ]  atd00:50
FloodBot1Slapshot|Linux: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:50
dsnydersStanley00, None of that was working.00:50
parastuffdsnyders: Didn't know I could just install xfce apps as well under gnome. Trying it now!00:50
koayou can :P and kde 2 lol00:50
koaguys how can i back up all my .deb files00:51
Stanley00dsnyders: is that a remote computer or a PC?00:51
dsnydersparastuff, generally you can install apps from any desktop system onto any other desktop system.00:51
koaso whenever i install my system i don't need update00:51
bazhang!aptoncd | koa00:51
ubottukoa: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline00:51
Stanley00koa: !clone00:51
Stanley00!clone | koa00:51
ubottukoa: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate00:51
koai can do that from usb as well ?00:52
koacos my laptop don't have dvd or cd00:52
Stanley00koa: and one another thing, all your deb files are in /var/cache/apr/archieves/00:52
jribSlapshot|Linux: incidentally, you should use the service command not init.d directly00:52
koa<3 stanley00 you saved my day00:53
Stanley00koa: np ;)00:53
Slapshot|Linuxjrib: I'd much rather they ran without my interaction :) Got any ideas on what could be causing this? Could my system be in some sort of safe mode/recovery mode or something?00:53
dsnydersStanley00, It is a desktop PC.  I accidentally hit a button marked "sleep" on my keyboard, and the machine would no longer respond to the keyboard or mouse, and the screen went dead.  I was still able to ping the box from another machine, so it was still somewhat awake.00:54
jribSlapshot|Linux: nothing interesting in the logs?00:54
pitlimiti'm having a ton of problems with natty... is installing the LTS version more reliable?00:54
cheakoHello, does anyone use Banshee?  I'm trying to play a dvd folder.  Typically I'd do: "mplayer -dvd-device /wine/movie/ dvd://1-99"  Though I thought I'd try another player.  "mplayer dvd://wine/movie/" will also work if you are to play only the first title.00:54
Slapshot|Linuxjrib No, I just found my commands to manually start the scripts00:54
jribSlapshot|Linux: can you pastebin them?00:54
pitlimitCan anyone comment on whether LTS is more reliable than natty?00:55
melfyhow I get the pid from a `ps -ef | grep blah` ?00:56
Slapshot|Linuxjrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/703097/00:56
jrib!lts | pitlimit00:56
ubottupitlimit: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)00:56
noisewaterphdlts is just has long term support00:56
jribpitlimit: that is what LTS means00:56
dsnyderspitlimit, LTS is long term support, isn't it?  I would imagine it would be more stable.00:56
pitlimiti know what it means jrbib but is it more stable00:56
pitlimitoh ok00:56
pitlimitthanks dsnyders00:56
melfyman thought LTS was some secret undercover code =x00:56
Stanley00dsnyders: Idk, sounds strange, maybe you should press shutdown button to turn off it.00:56
jribSlapshot|Linux: what am I reading?00:56
Slapshot|Linuxjrib: my boot.log00:56
jribSlapshot|Linux: ok00:56
noisewaterphdmore stable is dependent on a lot of variables00:56
Stanley00melfy: you can use "pgrep blah" instead00:57
parastuffdsnyders: thunar works great! Thanks for this. Manage to rename all my files and remove the words I wanted using search and replace.00:57
dsnydersStanley00, I wound up doing a forced poweroff.00:57
dsnydersparastuff, Wonderful news!  Glad it worked00:57
Stanley00dsnyders: sorry, but that's all I can think of...00:58
scratchinmyheadcan someone help me with sound00:59
scratchinmyheadI have 5 speakers and only the rear left and right work00:59
scratchinmyheadHardware has been redone and is correct01:00
dsnydersStanley00, Thanks for the help anyway.  The websites I've looked at suggest to not use sleep mode because of the wakeup difficulties.  I'll try to keep that in mind when I'm blearily fumbling with the keyboard at 3am.01:00
Stanley00dsnyders: ;)01:01
Slapshot|Linuxjrib what did you make of the file?01:01
jribSlapshot|Linux: waiting on the rest01:01
Slapshot|Linuxjrib: The rest of the files? They either dont contain anything or a are too long for me to copy Im using putty to ssh into the box01:02
jrib!pastebinit | Slapshot|Linux01:02
ubottuSlapshot|Linux: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com01:02
Slapshot|Linuxjrib here is my messages http://pastebin.com/8VnzSG1q01:04
jribSlapshot|Linux: all your partitions are mounted correctly without issues, right?01:04
Slapshot|Linuxjrib yes I havent had any problems before. I used the partition manager to add a second hard drive and have it automount and it hasnt caused any problems01:05
Slapshot|Linuxjrib here is my dmesg http://pastebin.com/6dqREdyu01:05
Slapshot|Linuxjrib my syslog http://pastebin.com/r6F9G58301:06
Slapshot|Linuxjrib thats all the ones you asked for01:06
pitlimitI've decied to opt for ubuntu lts 10.04 .... natty offers to install restricted software on installation... how can I install those packages on 10.04>?01:06
bazhangpitlimit, ubuntu-restricted-extras package01:07
pitlimitthat contains everything, bazhang ?01:07
bazhangpitlimit, mostly. you can check medibuntu.org as well (dvd stuff)01:07
pitlimitthanks bazhang01:07
MorriesForeskin contains unique pheromone glands found nowhere else on the body, that about 30% of women could consciously notice, when sitting next to him on the couch, or standing near him.  The other 70% are only subconsciously affected by these airborne sexual chemicals, and feel an increased sense of well-being, relaxation, and sexual arousal in his presence.   A circumcised man is more neuter in this respect.  He smells more like a p01:08
jribSlapshot|Linux: what does this return « ls -ld /etc/init*/ssh* »?01:09
Slapshot|Linuxjrib: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4389 2011-06-16 22:50 /etc/init.d/ssh01:10
Slapshot|Linux-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  612 2011-06-16 22:50 /etc/init/ssh.conf01:10
Star_LightThe Matlab exists in  UBuntu repositories?01:11
scratchinmyheadis there some kind of Sound preference software that I can use to get all 5 of my speakers working??  Sound pref. only has two speakers selection01:11
pitlimitbazhang: do those packages inclue flueno mp3 plugin?01:11
jribStar_Light: no, but the matlab cd has a linux version.  Or you can use an alternative like octave or sage01:11
jrib!matlab | Star_Light01:12
ubottuStar_Light: MATLAB is a high-level language and interactive environment that enables you to perform computationally intensive tasks. More info and install instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB01:12
joopiewhat is this install RELEASE on the unity bar?01:12
melfyStanley00: ty !01:12
bazhangpitlimit, fluendo is the pay one?01:12
jdeloachHey, so I just updated and now on reboot I get a ureadahead-other main process terimnated with status 4 error, it has sat there the entire day and won't load the recovery mode either01:12
jribSlapshot|Linux: so is cron currently running for example? (assuming you did not start it manually)01:13
pitlimitnatty comes with fluendo01:13
Star_LightOK GUYS Thanx for the link but I must have something to install it???01:13
jribjdeloach: note that ureadahead status 4 is actually not bad01:13
pitlimitI cannot install it for free on 10.04?01:13
jribStar_Light: no, but the matlab cd has a linux version.  Or you can use an alternative like octave or sage01:13
bazhangpitlimit, ubuntu-restricted-extras is free yes01:14
Star_Lightlol ok sorry for causing repeat01:14
Slapshot|Linuxjrib according to webmin it is set to start on boot but it did not and is not running01:14
jdeloachjrib: Then how can I find out what IS stopping it? I have absolutley no access via normal, or recovery mode. Alt+F1 gives me a blinking cursor01:14
pitlimitbazhang: but flueno is free for natty - it's not for 10.04?01:14
anthropologistHey folks. I've got a nVidia GeForce 7300 that I am trying to use to set up a dual desktop under Lubuntu 11.04. If I install the 3rd party nVidia drivers, Lubuntu freezes on startup. Google has indicated to me that the current nVidia drivers don't work with the GeForce 7300, and that those cards are on a "blackout list". Is there a work-around, or should I try to dig up another video card?01:14
bazhangpitlimit, no idea01:14
jribSlapshot|Linux: maybe webmin is the cause of your issues, it's not supported01:14
Star_Lightjrib and how I can use an aternative solution such as octave???? On my linun - ubuntu system?01:15
Slapshot|Linuxjrib what do you mean it hasnt caused me any problems before and it also does not start on boot i have to manually start it like i do ssh. Its the only way I can tell whats going on in my system01:15
Star_Lightcan I *01:15
jribStar_Light: octave is in the repositories01:15
jrib!webmin | Slapshot|Linux01:16
ubottuSlapshot|Linux: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.01:16
jdeloachjrib: On a potentially related note, When I Crtl+Alt+Delete that leads to a reboot, as normal.01:16
Star_Lightthis -> sudo apt-cache search matlab | grep octave01:16
jribjdeloach: how long have you waited?01:16
JokesOnYou77Hi all I need to reset my PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to their default values, or whatever they were before I screwed them up.  Can anyone help?01:16
jdeloachjrib: I left it up when I went to school today, so at least 10 hours01:16
jdeloachjrib: Booting to XP works fine (it's a dual boot)01:16
jribJokesOnYou77: how did you screw them up?  (note that LD_LIBRARY_PATH is empty by default)01:17
Slapshot|Linuxjrib I dont use webmin to configure my system. I use it just to monitor everything so webmin does not tamper with any of my files01:17
jribSlapshot|Linux: try booting a monitor to see if you get more info01:17
Slapshot|Linuxjrib I dont have a monitor at my disposal01:18
Star_Lightjrib what version of octave? Or there is no significance??01:18
jribjdeloach: what happens when you try to use recovery mode exactly?01:18
jribStar_Light: I'd go with the latest one in the repositories01:18
Star_Lightthank you very much.01:18
jribStar_Light: http://www.gnu.org/software/octave/ to learn to use it01:18
Star_Lightok ok thank you01:19
JokesOnYou77jrib: I'm trying to install the CUDA tools and SDK on 11.04 and a tutorial I was reading said to run "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib" and "export PATH=/usr/bin"01:19
jribJokesOnYou77: then all you need to do is close the terminal and open a new one01:19
JokesOnYou77I meant to add them, not replace my current path with them =(01:19
jribJokesOnYou77: try and see01:20
jdeloachjrib: Same error, well just 1 time vs. the 4 times the message shows up. On Alt+F1 th last thing I see is Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom... done, and on Alt+F7 before the ureadahead is a fsck of my root mount01:20
jdeloachjrib: And the fsck says it is clean01:20
JokesOnYou77jrib: You're a genious!!01:20
JokesOnYou77How do I get ubottu to give this guy a cookie?01:21
jribJokesOnYou77: try !cookie > jrib01:21
jrib!cookie | JokesOnYou7701:21
ubottuJokesOnYou77: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!01:21
JokesOnYou77!cookie > jrib01:21
ubottujrib, please see my private message01:21
Star_Lightjrib I remembered that the licence of MATLAB was closed... Now what happens? ANd that changes? The GNU licence?01:21
jribStar_Light: octave website is at gnu.org :)01:22
jribjdeloach: it's kind of strange that you can't get to recovery mode01:23
Star_Lightfrom when? I mean.... it this recent? I am asking for curiosity if you know01:23
jribStar_Light: octave is not matlab, it's a Free program /like/ matlab01:23
jdeloachjrib: Yeah... the reason I rebooted was because my sound card started to stop responding... so I am not sure if that is related or what.01:24
JokesOnYou77jrib: Ok, now $PATH is back where it's supposed to be, but echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH returns nothing, is that not a variable that exists by default?01:24
jribJokesOnYou77: correct01:24
Star_Lightok ok thank01:24
Slapshot|Linuxjrib got any other ideas?01:24
jribSlapshot|Linux: nope.  Maybe install bootchart and see if that gives some insights01:25
jribSlapshot|Linux: or ask the upstart guys how you can get more info01:25
JokesOnYou77jrib: Ok then, how do I create a permanent variable, or whatever it's supposed to be for LD_LIBRARY_PATH ?01:25
Slapshot|Linuxjrib who are the upstart guys01:25
jribSlapshot|Linux: start with #upstart01:25
crAlguem fala portugues aew?01:26
bazhang!br | cr01:26
ubottucr: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.01:26
mylistoI have a lot of mp3's that are all at low volumes...is there any program that I can use to increase the volume of each one all at the same time?01:26
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jribJokesOnYou77: why?  You probably shouldn't.  But if you're sure you do, use ~/.profile01:26
jribmylisto: probably ffmpeg01:26
Star_Lightjrib last question!01:27
geminimachinemylisto google for a batch normalizer01:27
Star_Lightif I have read a MATLAB tutorial based.... will I can to implement the matlab commands in octave programm?01:27
jribStar_Light: octave is supposed to be very similar to matlab, but I'd suggest reading the octave tutorials and documentation01:28
JokesOnYou77Star_Light: Not to intrude, but if you are doing complex data analysis (i.e. MATLAB and/or Mathematica) I would still recommend using Windows, I still do.  Of course, Linux is still WAY better for gpu computing, but standard data analysis is all Windows, for me at least01:28
almoxarifemylisto: I would think you would just get louder what ever you have right now? meaning that I can't see how it would be any clearer or crisper?01:28
JokesOnYou77jrib: great! Thank you very much01:28
jdeloachjrib: Any ideas on how to solve these errors/01:28
jribjdeloach: matlab and mathematica both run on linux (and there are also many of Free alternatives that run on linux)01:29
mylistoAlmoxarife: I'm not going for clarity or crispness..just an increase in volume01:29
jribJokesOnYou77: matlab and mathematica both run on linux (and there are also many of Free alternatives that run on linux)01:29
Star_Lightok thanks a lot guys ... have a nice night I have to go now... bye01:29
jdeloachjrib: You got me confusesd with someone else :D I am the guy with the ureadahead errors not allowing me into recovery mode or regular01:29
JokesOnYou77jrib: I know...that's why I recommended Windows. I just haven't found anything with the depth of functionality or documentation that the non-free programs have01:30
jribjdeloach: try changing the kernel line in grub to "nosplash" instead of "splash quiet"01:30
JokesOnYou77jrib: oh, wait, I'm an idiot.  I did not know that lol01:31
jribjdeloach: I'm doubtful this will be successful though since you can't get to recovery mode01:32
BluePhire1024Just to let everyone know if you all don't already; Steve Jobs has passed away. I know this is for Ubuntu but part of the design was inspired from the Apple interface01:33
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xanguaBluePhire1024: please stick to the topic in the future01:33
bazhang!ot | BluePhire102401:34
ubottuBluePhire1024: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:34
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jdeloachjrib: Same results01:35
=== dnerd is now known as ranmodnick666238
panpan-how do i uninstall something without it removing random stuff that it doesn't think is used? its trying to remove unrar with wine01:36
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almoxarifepanpan-: if you don't want to fight it, and unrar is the only issue, let it uninstall, then re-install it01:37
JokesOnYou77panpan: I think you can just use aptitude remove <package>  but for Wine, I would really take a look at the documentation on their website, it has some weird uninstall stuff01:38
jribjdeloach: I don't know (ask again)01:39
Slapshot|Linuxjrib how do I change whether a script in inti.d gets to run on boot or not?01:39
jdeloachjrib: Well it appears like the issue is probably the /scripts/init-bottom, I am investigating similar reports of this after updates01:40
panpan-is aptitude suppose to be installed by default JokesOnYou77 ? if so some other uninstall removed that too ;\01:40
jribSlapshot|Linux: man update-rc.d .  Though you probably want to be reading upstart docs instead01:40
jribpanpan-: it's not installed by default for the more recent releases01:40
Slapshot|Linuxjrib but im using init.d not upstart?01:41
MsimsCan you install ubuntu on a computer that only has an EXTERNAL hard drive?01:41
jribSlapshot|Linux: no you're not, but upstart does call the old sys-v-init scripts01:41
daihey guys, can sed filter out characters from a wordlist?01:41
jribdai: example?01:41
infobitMsims, Ya you can boot it from external drive01:42
Slapshot|Linuxjrib so could it be that upstart is not calling init.d? and how can i check to make sure upstart it self is starting properly01:42
JokesOnYou77panpan-: I thought it was...01:42
jribSlapshot|Linux: I thought initially that that could be it, but ssh is started by upstart (you'll notice you have a /etc/init/ssh.conf)01:42
JokesOnYou77panpan-: Honestly, I'd just let apt-get do it's thing and then reinstall stuff :P01:42
jdeloachjrib: It appears like it might be my issue, I cancelled an upgrade and that says that probably caused it, testing it out with a livecd01:42
jribMsims: I don't see why not01:43
daijrib say I have a wordlist with words like: "apple tomato potato abou/t"  can i make it delete every / that is present in the wordlist?01:43
Slapshot|Linuxjrib but i did that not upstart. I ran the /etc/init.d/ssh start command before that ssh was not working01:43
MsimsInfobit, I cannot seem to get it to work. Basically, I have two laptops. One with a internal hard drive, and one without an internal hard drive. What I need is to install Ubuntu on the one WITHOUT the internal hard drive (with the external hard drive).01:44
jribdai: sure just do something like:  echo foo bar foobar | sed -e 's/foo//g; s/bar//g'01:44
daiwhat's echo foo bar?01:45
almoxarifedai: or you could load it into libreoffice and do a find/replace01:45
MsimsI've installed ubbuntu to the external hard drive, but I can't seem to get it to boot to the hard drive WITHOUT the internal hard drive. It boots fine with the laptop that has the internal hard drive, though.01:45
jribdai: that's my example01:45
daialmoxarife, oh i tried that but the files are so big that my computer hangs\01:45
jribdai: this seems to work too and is probably a little more compact for your scenario: echo foo bar foobar | sed -e 's/\(foo\|bar\)/x/g'01:47
jribdai: obviously change the 'x' to ''01:47
daijrib what would be the command and the variable to change?  i use $ sed -e 's/[variable]//g; s/[variable]//g' ?01:47
jribdai: you could do it that way, just make the first [variable] your first word, the second [variable] your second, etc.  Or do sed -e 's/\(word1\|word2\)//g'  with as many words as you want in the parentheses separated by '\|'01:48
=== dave is now known as Guest8644
jj4rhey guys I recently removed my password to my windows 7 computer in which i accessed all the time with my ubuntu laptop. now after removing my windows password i cant access my window shares via samba, can someone guide me01:49
daijrib: and it will delete every instance of the character within the parentheses?01:49
jribSlapshot|Linux: upstarts starts ssh using /etc/init/ssh.conf.  ssh is not starting.  therefore the issue is not that upstart is not running the scripts in /etc/init.d.  This is my thought process01:49
jribdai: your phrasing is confusing.  It will delete "word1" and "word2"01:50
daiit kinda gets confusing sorry lol01:50
daiI want to delete every non-alphanumeric character in my wordlist since they're kinda useless, if i put in symbols instead of word1 or word2, would it delete all the symbol i listed?01:51
jj4rhey guys I recently removed my password to my windows 7 computer in which i accessed all the time with my ubuntu laptop. now after removing my windows password i cant access my window shares via samba, can someone guide me01:51
devatworkHey guys im trying to create a .desktop file. But the path attribute is being ignored01:52
devatworkIs there another way to set the working directory ?01:52
ArcademanIs there a way on install to tell it to use sdb0 when installing along the side of Windows 7?01:57
jj4rhey guys I recently removed my password to my windows 7 computer in which i accessed all the time with my ubuntu laptop. now after removing my windows password i cant access my window shares via samba, can someone guide me01:58
Arcademanjj4r, did you try and set a password on Windows 7?02:00
bazhanghdtdi, wrong place for that02:01
jj4rArcademan, i orginally had one for my htpc which i also use as a media server (win7) that I streamed to my ubuntu laptop. i removed my win7 password for boot speed and ease and now my access is denied for trying to access my windows shares02:01
hdtdisorry mate, just wanted to share02:01
ArcademanYou must have a password for Windows Shares XD02:02
ArcademanOtherwise it does not work :)02:02
jj4rArcademan, are you serious theres no work around?02:03
varI'm trying to boot into an ubuntu partition but when going past the loader (grub) I get a completely black screen02:08
varI tried booting with gfxpayload=text but ENOHELP02:08
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varanyone ?02:11
vareven recovery mode fails the same way02:12
darknet[System-Uptime] 23h 15m 33s [HydraIRC-Uptime] 18h 53m 1s02:13
libsteron 11.04 the battery indicator is horribly inaccurate it says my battery has 3 minutes left and is critically low at 100% charge02:17
Ben64you sure the battery isn't bad?02:17
libsterit works fine on windows and on slackware for some reason02:18
varsetting vesasfb.nonsense=1 allowed it to boot, but I get an error "target fs doesn't have init"02:18
libstereven worse is that it will suspend itself after like 2 minutes without being plugged in02:19
libsterwhich is a tiny bit annoying02:19
Ben64mine does that, but my battery literally lasts 5 mins at 100% now02:19
Ben64its like 3 years old or so :)02:19
libstermy batter usually lasts around 2 hours on windows02:20
josh99after changing my hosts file, when i go to I don't see the domain i specified in the hosts. any ideas?02:21
Ben64thats not how a hosts file works02:22
josh99Ben64: oh.02:22
Ben64if you go to the domain you specified, it should actually send you to
varo.O my root file system changed02:23
melfydeltree /* ? :(02:23
vardeltree ?02:24
varjosh99: generally its a bad idea to use to block sites. use instead02:24
varunless you *intend* for it to be a loopback02:24
var(and know what that word means)02:25
josh99Ben64: i go to the domain but i still see it instead of my local machine02:25
josh99var: ok02:25
varjosh99: host domain. what ip do you see?   Also how are you visiting it? Firefox? lynx? ping?02:25
varFx has its own dns cache02:25
josh99var: chrome02:25
varjosh99: look to see what "host domain" returns02:25
Ben64var: host doesn't use hosts file02:25
varBen64: o.O strange02:26
Ben64192.168.1.131 lappy02:26
Ben64Host lappy not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)02:26
varnslookup perhaps02:26
Ben64** server can't find lappy: NXDOMAIN02:26
josh99altin: what's host domain means?02:26
Ben64josh99: he meant on the command line "host <domain>"02:26
* var goes to back to fixing this grub02:27
Ben64yeah grub can be silly sometimes02:27
varwhat does Linux call SATA disks?02:28
josh99var: http://pastebin.com/SrMEzwnN02:29
var /sdb ?02:29
Ben64var: what do you mean02:29
josh99it gives me the ip on EC202:29
Ben64even IDE drives are /dev/sd_ now02:29
maletorI want to create a web request to which is heroku's reverse proxy faking a header of my domain. I want to test it will work without actually changing DNS across the world first.02:30
Ben64but grub usually used hd0 format02:30
* var is in the livecd to check something02:30
varBen64: I'm used to FreeBSD - not Linux02:30
=== syntax is now known as Guest41571
allowoverridevar me too, but thats changing02:30
varallowoverride: :'(02:31
varallowoverride: I'm helping a friend02:32
* var prefers sanity :)02:32
allowoverridesince when is computing sane?02:33
pschwankAnybody have a moment to answer a question or two from a new user about a fresh 11.04 install02:34
varpschwank: don't ask to ask, just ask02:34
deebee_pschwank: just ask in the channel and someone will pipe up if they know the answer02:35
* pschwank laughs02:35
* var looks oddly at pschwank 02:35
Ben64almost 1500 people in here, it happens a lot02:36
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:36
pschwankAlright, quick issue with Banshee and MP3s.  I'm dual-booting Windows and have all my music in MP3 for that side.  Banshee for some reason isn't playing well with the files even though it installed some extra addons that I think were supposed to do that?02:36
varBen64: :)02:36
E3D3Hi. I have Ubuntu 10.04 installed and wanted to know if its (already) possible to open nautilus with an extra pane default ?02:36
* var changes Ben64 to 32 bit mode02:36
* var changes02:36
* pschwank appears to have fixed the problem by logging into IRC.02:37
Ben64congrats :)02:37
pschwankEither that, or attempting to use Amarock as an alternative installed the proper stuff.02:37
varpschwank: IRC fixes problemds02:37
Ben64oh right, this isn't the channel with the sedbot :(02:38
varallowoverride: out of cursorily why the switch02:38
varBen64: no need for a bot02:38
var* curiosity02:38
Ben64but i like having a sedbot02:38
* var * = new sedbot;02:39
* var * sed = new sedbot;02:39
pschwankNext question: I have a slightly older nVidia card (7900GS) and when I go to additional drivers, it says that the current version driver is activated but not in use.  Is this a problem?02:39
varpschwank: you may not have the latest bugfixes, but if you don't see a problem, shouldn't be an issue02:40
varie - only fsck with stuff like that when you need to02:40
wxli'll be honest.. i'm coming here trying to get help with lubuntu but figure there are enough similaries.. so i've got a powerbook g4 ppc i'm trying to fit ocelot on via the alternate cd (there's something borked about ubiquity on the desktop that i can't fix) and all is fine and well.. until it goes to detect the cdrom. i can't even find it in the device tree. seen some suggestion of using modprobe ide-scsi but this module doesn't exist. any ideas?02:40
Ben64pschwank: are you using the open source one?02:40
bazhangwxl, ocelet in #ubuntu+1 please02:40
zykotick9pschwank, that "active, but not in use" is a common bug - so long as the driver is working, it's all good.02:40
pschwankAlright.  Last question, not really a problem, more of a preference:  Is it possible to get window controls on the top right instead of top left?  Again, I'm moving to/from Windows, so it throws me for a loop when they're on the 'wrong' side.02:40
wxloh heh thx bazhang02:40
zykotick9Ben64, doesn't apply to open source02:40
Ben64wouldn't it say that if nvidia-current is installed, but not in use though02:41
Ben64pschwank: yes, it's easy, hold on a sec, i'll find you a link02:41
zykotick9Ben64, well yes02:41
=== zay is now known as Vladislas
robin0800pschwank, yes you can ubuntu-tweak can do this02:42
varAlright - I'm able to get a boot if I remove the "vga=786" from the boot line02:42
Ben64pschwank: "gconf-editor" in terminal, apps->metacity->general02:42
zykotick9pschwank, for the gconf-editor directions see http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/13535/move-window-buttons-back-to-the-right-in-ubuntu-10.04/02:42
Ben64button_layout is the one to change02:42
Ben64menu:minimize,maximize,close is windows-esque02:43
zykotick9var, vga= are deprecated02:43
cm1nushi [root@unknown.org]$ alien reef.rpm02:43
varzykotick9: I noticed. This was my grub line from before02:43
varzykotick9: I had two issues, a) I switched to AHCI so init.d got all confused b) vga= causes a pure black screen02:44
* var is trying to solve 02:44
vareven switching back from AHCI still has a problem with init02:44
varnot finding /sys or /proc02:45
ScroogeMcDucketsWould this be the questions area?02:45
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:45
* var pats ubottu 02:45
Abhijitxsane can not start scanner. device busy error. it happens after some time. hep please. i have install hplip and related packages.02:45
AbhijitScroogeMcDuckets, yes about ubuntu os02:46
varzykotick9: any ideas?02:46
zykotick9var, sorry man, i don't have any suggestions (other then, don't use vga=) good luck!02:47
ScroogeMcDucketsI just would like to know some ways to protect my system better.02:47
varzykotick9: ya, removing vga= solves the "black screen" problem02:47
Ben64protect from..?02:47
varScroogeMcDuckets: protecting what service from what type of attack02:47
varScroogeMcDuckets: run an anti-virus program?02:48
Ben64viruses are very uncommon for linux, the best thing to do is just good practices, like not run things as root02:48
varBen64: :\ Linux viri are not that uncommon02:48
varBen64: don't run as root, stay up to date, run an anti-virus02:49
AbhijitScroogeMcDuckets, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/security and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51081202:49
Ben64antivirus is unnecessary on linux imo02:49
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!02:49
varBen64: depends what sites you visit and what you do02:50
ScroogeMcDucketsI have been using Ubuntu for a about 6 months now and I finally got rid of windows completly. It's nice not really having to worry about those kinda things02:50
allowoverridevar didnt switch, just expanding my overall training in Nix02:50
pschwankben, zykotic: Thanks.02:50
varScroogeMcDuckets: you get to worry about other things now :)02:50
Abhijitvar, so true!!! :-)02:50
varallowoverride: smart. I should try playing with linux at some point. I like freeBSD and contribute a lot :) but I should expand my knolege02:51
ScroogeMcDucketsHaha thats fine with me.02:51
pschwankben64: I agree. If somebody manages to get around root access and whatnot, it's most likely your own fault.02:53
varpschwank: or you are using an outdated version of Linux02:53
varor something02:53
pschwankwell yeah02:53
pschwankbut that goes without saying.02:53
Abhijitxsane can not start scanner. device busy error. it happens after some time. hep please. i have install hplip and related packages. its hp f4488 and lucid 64 bit. help please02:53
pschwankUsing anything outdated is ill-advised.02:53
varTrue, true02:53
pschwankWell, using anything that's -too- outdated.02:54
pschwankI mean, I can't be bothered to download the nightly builds of everything...02:54
ScroogeMcDucketsThank you all.02:54
varpschwank: nightly builds are likely *worse* than releases02:55
pschwankvar: exactly.02:55
varexcept when people stop doing releases02:55
var*cough*  mplayer02:55
pschwankvar: I usually steer clear of releases until at least a beta.02:55
pschwankif not RC.02:55
allowoverridevar just pick one, its all under root anyway, and who really cares about who maintains what, when it comes to learning, nix is nix, well to me. milage may vary. i like ubuntu as a desktop vs centos, its just simpler to play with, and has all the bells and whistles. im a gnome user, kde is fine. its all about what keeps one interested. currently ubuntu has what i need, and i wont be changing anytime soon from a gnome/gui stand point. as 02:55
allowoverridewow that was a lot sorry02:55
varpschwank: I run -HEAD of FreeBSD, but that is because I try to help out where I can :)02:56
=== lakkin^ is now known as cakeb0ss
* var disables override02:57
varallowoverride: /nick disableoverride02:57
=== Ttech is now known as The_Doctor
allowoverride<<< apache config thang02:58
realazthatI am wondering if there is some sort of remote installation manegement software for a large number of ubuntu (or xplatform) machines02:58
ScroogeMcDucketsCan I adjust my partition within Ubuntu using g-parted, or will I have to do it with a live cd?02:58
mylistoI have a lot of mp3's that are all at low volumes...is there any program that I can use to increase the volume of each one all at the same time?03:00
allowoverridevar so whats a beastie like you doing in here? thinking bout virtualizing an ubuntu box  :) now adays i just add a virtual server to muck with, if i choke, just load up another, no more hardware costs for this techy hehe03:00
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:01
bazhangmylisto, ffmpeg ?03:01
varallowoverride: helping a friend fix a boot problem03:02
allowoverridewhats the details so far?03:02
mikodoScroogeMcDuckets: You must use a live CD for all mounted partiitons.03:03
qiaolyfirst time from china03:03
varallowoverride: he switched to AHCI recently which messed up his boot setup and init.d is not founmd03:04
var(is e2fsck desrtructive)03:04
varapperently not (found man page)03:05
varallowoverride: it seems his partition table also got screwed up03:05
* var tries with e2fsck -cc /dev/sda603:05
ScroogeMcDucketsmikoda: Thank You03:06
=== d is now known as Guest30359
* var rejoins as variable03:07
variableback :)03:09
x0rsWhat is the most popular most bug-free ubuntu friendly web browser? Chrome?03:14
screenCATI am having a difficult time dual booting Ununtu on my computer, does anyone have experience with it?03:15
cakeb0ssinstall windows first03:15
cakeb0ssthan install ubuntu from cd03:15
screenCATI'm installing it on a Mac OS X 10.6.5 partion on my netbook03:15
cakeb0ssit will automaticallyset you up03:15
cakeb0sswait so you're installing it over a preexisting mac osx 10.6.5 partition?03:16
cakeb0sshow many partitions, how many operating systems?03:16
screenCATI have a netbook which originally came with WinXP, I whipped it and installed Mac OS X 10.6.5 with Chameleon bootloader03:16
screenCATnow I partitioned my existing HD for Ubuntu, but the installer fails halfway through the installation03:17
=== The_Doctor is now known as Ttech
cakeb0sshow so fail03:19
mikodoScroogeMcDuckets: You are welcome. See:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition03:19
cakeb0ssIt may be a bad burn how are yuo installing it03:19
cakeb0ssnetbooks normally dont have dvd drives.... so are you doing a usb install?03:20
khaliGwhats the story with flash support? why does it suck so bad under ubuntu?03:21
cakeb0sstheres lightspark03:21
cakeb0sskind of like flash =\03:21
screenCATyes im doing a USB install, but ive tried installing ubuntu through the Mac terminal, the pendrive install and Unetbootin or whatever03:22
khaliGcakeb0ss, does it work better?03:22
thevinciwhat's the command to get out of super user?03:22
merlotor quit03:23
khaliGis there a way to use vlc/mplayer/etc for flash playback from the web browser?03:23
xanguakhaliG: ther is flashvideoreplacer plugin for firefox03:24
thevincineither of those worked03:24
xanguareplaces flashvideo in the most popular sites like youtube and vimeo and other sites03:24
khaliGxangua, sounds good. does it work for chrome?03:25
beta0x64no, it's for firefox lol03:26
beta0x64Are you trying to get flash to work in ubuntu?03:26
khaliGok :/03:26
khaliGbeta0x64, yep03:26
thevinciany other ways out of SU via command line?03:26
beta0x64hold on one moment03:26
thevinciI'm on a server03:26
khaliGthevinci, type exit03:26
thevinciit says command not found03:26
beta0x64su into another user03:27
beta0x64but you're still logged in03:27
thevincino other users03:27
beta0x64at least I think so03:27
beta0x64hmm lol03:27
thevincioh... nvr mind03:27
khaliGi cant believe flash is still unsable on linux in 2011...03:28
thevincimy 'x' key is stuck to my 'z' key on that keyboard... #damnpizzasauce03:28
thevinciso i was typing 'exzit' lolz03:28
th0rkhaliG: sounds like something you should take up with Adobe03:28
JouvaI'm trying to use pam_google_authenticator as part of authentication, but I want to make it such that it's a "migration" setup, where if the user doesn't have the required files it won't bother to try and use the authenticator piece. Is there a way to do this?03:28
DustyMonkkhaliG: if it's for youtube, try html5 (i have no flash nonfree installed)03:28
khaliGno youtube isn't too bad03:28
khaliGit's everything thing else03:29
beta0x64see I use gnash I think03:29
khaliGeg blinkx03:29
beta0x64but I am in firefox so I don't know about chrome khaliG03:29
DustyMonki use chromium03:29
screenCATI use to only use Chrome, but lately i've been finding firefox is way more reliable03:30
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beta0x64khaliG, http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-enable-adobes-flash-player-in-google-chrome-ubuntu-9.04-p203:31
beta0x64did you try a guide like that?03:31
beta0x64that is in an early version though03:31
beta0x64flashplugin-installer didn't work for you?03:32
khaliGit installed but i get stupidly high cpu usage when playing video03:32
DustyMonkblinkx works fine without flashplugin-nonfree03:33
DustyMonkin chromium browser03:33
beta0x64khaliG, are you 64 bit?03:33
beta0x64did you try installing the 64 bit installer?03:33
beta0x64I think the one in the software center is 3203:33
[roxybx]_blinkx doesnt ring any bells03:33
khaliGi've got the 64bit version installed, i think, but i'd have to double check03:34
[roxybx]_i know i heard of tht software03:34
beta0x64http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1742119 apparently this works for 11.04 on april 28th. the third post03:34
beta0x64I don't see why it wouldn't work for chrome03:34
MrSassyPantsI'm looking at /etc/networks/interfaces and trying to figure out how I can pass the necessary parameters to dhcpcd so it doesn't overwrite /etc/resolv.conf03:35
DustyMonkno, in chromium browser, i do need flashplugin-nonfree for blinkx03:35
MrSassyPantsusually they're -R -N -Y03:36
MrSassyPantsis /etc/networks/interfaces the right place even?03:37
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cakeb0ssi got a really stupid question03:39
cakeb0ssafter compiling mesa 7.11 which was a pain in the ass and took forever to get all the necessary librarys required03:39
cakeb0ssI am left with a i915.so file in the end this i assume is my driver03:39
cakeb0sswhre do i place it to "activate" it03:39
MrSassyPantsok, let me formulate this in a different way03:41
MrSassyPantshow do I keep /etc/resolv.conf from being overwritten03:41
AbhijitMrSassyPants, change the permissions?03:42
MrSassyPantsAbhijit, ...no03:43
Abhijitdo we compulsory need to get privew first and then click on scan while using xsane?03:47
MrSassyPantswhere's xorg.conf located?03:51
Abhijit!xorg | MrSassyPants03:51
ubottuMrSassyPants: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution03:51
Bry8Star{GBfind / -iname "xorg.conf"03:51
OerHekslocate xorg.conf03:51
MrSassyPantsOerHeks, fresh install03:52
Bry8Star{GB... i see, you r creatin that, i guess03:52
OerHeksfresh install, then you might have no xorg.conf yet03:53
MrSassyPantsOerHeks, well, I installed the kubuntu-desktopy-thingy and then it worked. so I installed the nvidia-driver-current or something, now x no longer works03:54
MrSassyPantsdoesn't find a screen03:54
MrSassyPantsor anything really, since there's no xorg.conf in /etc/X1103:55
KelseyAny hunks in here?03:55
MrSassyPantsbut then I'm not sure that's where ubuntu keeps xorg.conf03:55
bazhangKelsey, wrong channel for that03:56
KelseyI don't get how American men can be so quiiet and silent and "content" about having been CIRCUMCISED.03:58
MrSassyPantshuh, apparently there is no xorg.conf and everything is autodetected, and all I had to do is to remove the spurious drivers04:01
dfcnvtHi, why do I get "the following packages hve been kept back: ..." after I run 'apt-get upgrade' ???04:03
dfcnvtIs it waiting for this system to restart?04:03
pangolindfcnvt: run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:04
dfcnvtWhat does that do?04:04
dfcnvtupdate what held back?04:04
dfcnvterr upgrade*04:04
dfcnvtIt seems to be working now.04:05
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ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto04:06
dfcnvtUhm, off the point, I'm trying to get libdvdcss but wasn't sure which package contain with it. Does *restricted* package got to be the one?04:06
bazhangdfcnvt, medibuntu.org for libdvdcss204:07
dfcnvtthanks again04:07
dfcnvt(oh different person. I meant to say thanks instead of thanks again)04:07
dfcnvtblah :p04:07
dfcnvtblogger* ?04:08
researcher123456are there any videos to train newbies in Linux ?04:11
xanguaresearcher123456: youtube.com¿04:12
xangua!manual | researcher12345604:12
ubotturesearcher123456: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/04:12
* r3db3ard asks, "Anyone know how to set all windows open in compact view?04:12
Abhijitr3db3ard, if compiz is enabled try super + A04:13
* r3db3ard says thanks and waves goodbye04:14
PolygamyIm running Natty on a T410 Laptop that i need to fix my video drivers on. im unable to play assultcube and opengl gives me an error when i try and launch stating that Unable to create OpenGL screen (Couldn't set console screen info)04:20
PolygamyIts a T410 with an i5 and a INTEL HD Graphics card04:20
soreauPolygamy: What is the output of 'glxinfo|grep renderer'?04:21
Polygamynot installed? one molment please04:22
ArneySo, alsamixer says my volume is at 100%, but the gnome indicator says its 20% what gives?04:22
Polygamysoreau: matt@nameless:~/Desktop/$ glxinfo|grep renderer04:23
PolygamyOpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) Ironlake Mobile GEM 20100330 DEVELOPMENT04:23
soreauPolygamy: Does glxgears work?04:23
soreauPolygamy: Did it ever work?04:24
Polygamynever checked04:24
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ArneyFound the problem, alsa mixer fails to change the HDMI sound out volume.04:24
PolygamyI just tried launching Assultcube again though and its still using OpenGl04:25
Polygamyand same error04:25
soreauPolygamy: How did you install this game?04:25
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Polygamywell i installed the libs via ./configure make makeinstall but the game comes pre-compiled. Which makes me thing i must edit the config now that i think about it04:26
soreauPolygamy: Why didn't you install it from the repositories?04:26
dfcnvtHow do I check to see if I need to restart my system after I upgrade them? Any such command? (assuming: apt-get status)04:27
Polygamynever thought to install it from a repo04:28
Abhijitdfcnvt, if there is need system will tell you by showsing restart needed icon on the very top right cornder. the shutdown button will become red and under your user name menu there will be separte menu restart required04:29
soreauPolygamy: Try make uninstall then apt-get install assaultcube04:29
soreauPolygamy: I'm installing it from ubuntu repos here too so I can see if there's a similar problem04:30
soreauBut the most likely case is that it didn't configure/build/install correctly04:30
Polygamyi am as well. thanks for your assistance so far soreau04:31
dfcnvtI'm on the latest version ubuntu... No such status is telling me. Can you find that out via command?04:31
soreaudfcnvt: You want to know which version of ubuntu you're running from CLI?04:31
scar3crowwhat is the command to upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10 from the console?04:32
dfcnvtNo, I want to know how do I check the status of the current system to see if this sytem required a restart or no restart is required after the upgrade.04:32
Abhijitsoreau, nope he wants to know if his system needs a restart. by using terminal04:32
soreauscar3crow: Try #ubuntu+104:32
Polygamysoreau: what repo u obtaining it from?04:32
soreauPolygamy: ubuntu 11.04 repos using apt04:33
soreauAbhijit: dfcnvt: IIRC, when you log in (to tty) it tells you if a reboot is needed04:33
Johnny_GigglesIf I copy an executable file to a FAT16 or FAT32 file system such as a USB stick, how does the system 'remember' that the file is executable, given that FAT has no executable bit flag?04:34
dfcnvtsoreau: iirc is a tool?04:34
Polygamysoreau: ok, done, now when i launch it says Using home directory: /home/matt/.assaultcube_v1.0404:34
Polygamyinit: sdl04:35
Abhijit!u | soreau :-p04:35
PolygamyUnable to initialize SDL (No available video device)04:35
ubottusoreau :-p: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.04:35
soreauPolygamy: Seems to work fine here on radeon04:35
PolygamyThats the issue04:35
Polygamyur runing a Radeon card with openGL and this is an INTEL GPU with mesa?04:35
soreauAbhijit: I never used 'u'..04:35
soreaudfcnvt: 'IIRC' is an acronym for If I Remember Correctly04:36
dfcnvtAh! gotcha04:36
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soreauJohnny_Giggles: Windows uses file extension to guess what the file is AFAIK. Ask in #windows04:37
molgandual booting with different hard drives? possible?04:38
Abhijitmolgan, it will not be dual boot in that case04:38
molganso will it be possible?04:38
Abhijityes. its possible04:39
Abhijitjust install two separate os in two separate hdds. i dont see any problem there04:39
Polygamymolgan, install windows, and then install linux04:39
Johnny_Gigglessoreau: yeah but what about ubuntu?  Ubuntu will run off a USB stick04:39
soreauJohnny_Giggles: ubuntu doesn't use .exe files natively..04:39
soreaumolgan: Yes04:40
molganI have a friend that installed windows on a 500GB hdd, and Ubuntu 11.04 on a 75Gb hdd04:40
PolygamyBut dual boot is about booting two operating systems off the same HD you have to define it in the MBR that its in another HD is all04:40
Johnny_Gigglessoreau: I mean an ubuntu executable file that exists in a FAT file system04:40
molgan@Polygamy how?04:40
mister_mare certain distros better than others for laptop battery life? What makes them better if there are?04:40
soreauJohnny_Giggles: I believe in that case, you can just run it and it will assume it's executable though I'm not certain04:40
Johnny_Gigglessoreau: well that's not very safe.  That means I can execute any old file04:41
molganhow do you edit the MBR to tell it that I there are 2 hdd's04:41
soreaumister_m: Probably the biggest factor is graphics drivers, most of which are included in the kernel. So it shouldn't make a difference if you use the same devices with the same drivers loaded on a different distro04:42
Polygamymolgan: what do you mean how? when you install the ubunut partion it should recignize that there is a a windows partion on the prim HD,04:42
PolygamyIt does it for you durring the install..04:42
soreauJohnny_Giggles: Again, I'm not 100% on that. You'd have to try it and see04:42
molganfor some reason it messed up the windows partition..04:42
Polygamymolgan: just dont install windows on a Linux partion,04:42
soreaumolgan: messed up how?04:42
molganthe mbr is rewritten for grub, and grub didn't recognize windows at all.04:43
soreauPolygamy: Alright, so glxgears works and glxinfo looks fine but assaultcube fails.. can you try another game like openarena? (also available in ubuntu repos)04:44
Polygamymolgan: GRUB and lilo should both recignize the partions04:44
Polygamyobtaining it now soreau04:44
Polygamymolgan: i think you may have written over your flaged partion or something then04:45
hobomocan anyone help me with an ssh problem???04:46
Polygamymolgan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot04:46
soreau! anyone | hobomo04:46
ubottuhobomo: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.04:46
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:47
Polygamyhobomo: Whats SSH?04:47
hobomoi wasnt sure if you guys gave that kind of advice but here goes04:47
soreauPolygamy: ssh means secure shell04:48
soreau! ssh | Polygamy04:48
ubottuPolygamy: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)04:48
serene /list04:48
mister_msoreau: well I get about an hour and 40 minutes with aggressive powersaving, which is kind of a bummer04:48
molgan@Polygamy: both of the partitions have boot flags04:48
Polygamysoreau: i was not being honest, i am aware what SSH is. i was giving him shit for asking if he can ask a question04:48
antihoaxanybody uses gnome?04:49
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Polygamymolgan: you need to pastebin your grub config04:49
antihoaxupdated and it died04:49
soreau! language | Polygamy04:49
ubottuPolygamy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.04:49
Polygamyantihoax: yes04:49
antihoaxso now i have to use kde04:49
soreaumister_m: What graphics driver?04:49
Polygamysoreau: my appoligiez04:49
thomedyso i need to dal boot... im wondering if i rm -rf from / can i still install a system... i think that might be easier than partitioning right now04:49
thomedyany thoughts04:50
Abhijitantihoax, which version of ubuntu?04:50
soreauthomedy: No. you need to repartition04:50
antihoaxitss RHEL 6 core04:50
Abhijitantihoax, #rhel04:50
thomedyso no matter what im going to be fdisking04:50
urlin2uthomedy, why can't you partition?04:50
Polygamyantihoax: you can use whatever you want. thomedy you cant you need to partion it as soreau  says04:50
mister_msoreau: I have ones from nvidea04:51
thomedyi can but i dont know how and i don't want to break anythign i was able to find a man pagge and a thing similar to the man page but04:51
hobomoso i had an ssh server set up that worked consistently for a while. after i moved to a different location, i tried to reset everything up, and things do seem to work at first. however, without fail, after a few days the ssh server just seems to stop working. the software itself runs, but i cant seem to connect with any clients. the only things that have changed since moving is that im using a different router and i have a different ISP. any04:51
Polygamythomedy: what are you doing.. Dualbooting windows and Linux or linux and linux?04:51
hobomo idea whats going wrong?04:51
thomedythats about it so far... granted i was at dinner with my family before the leave the state04:51
thomedywindows and linux04:52
antihoaxi'm thinking about installing a linux from scratch04:52
Abhijitantihoax, this channel is for ubuntu question only. offtopic in #ubuntu-offtopic04:52
Polygamyhobomo: Are u using a DNS ?04:52
thomedyi just started web design and devel and need ie.. and also im in college and need oracle for a class04:52
Abhijitantihoax, for red hat question please use either #fedora or #rhel04:52
antihoaxi dont have any questions for them <;04:52
Polygamyantihoax: Try Arch linux04:53
Abhijitantihoax, you just said you are using red hat 604:53
somsipantihoax: try Linux From Scratch :)...OT04:53
molganwhere is grub config file?04:53
Abhijit!grub | molgan04:53
ubottumolgan: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)04:53
antihoaxsomsip<< yeaah maybe04:53
hobomoPolygamy, yes but the internal IPs seem to be static04:53
xistanceI recently upgraded my Nvidia Video Card Driver to the most recent from the nvidia.com webpage, but I would like to rollback to the 270 or whichever it is that comes with the latest ubuntu install04:53
antihoaxon linux isnt ati is the option?04:54
antihoaxnvidia is only binary and incompatible04:54
xistanceantihoax: But ubuntu comes with drivers ready for it?04:54
Polygamyhobomo: USE THE IP's instead of the DNS and make sure04:54
thomedyi have a gparted iso but i am not sure what to do with it yet... im going to google right now04:55
antihoaxbut you wont get 3d performancce04:55
Polygamymy bet would be the IP's changed and the DNS is no longer pointed to the proper ip04:55
antihoaxit will work... i have a nvidia now too04:55
antihoaxit works for desktop04:55
xistanceI was playing Starcraft 2 on around 60 fps, it was doing fine I just want to see if I get better performance on the driver that it came wiht04:55
antihoaxnothing else04:55
antihoaxnah ok openttd works too04:55
Polygamyantihoax: Nvidia works a lot better then ATI GPU's in linux.04:55
xistanceDoes anybody know how I can rollback the driver so I can use the one that Ubuntu came with rather  than this one I downloaded from nvidia04:56
antihoaxPolygamy<< even if its true, you cant put nvidia binary on kernels they didnt make it04:56
hobomoPolygamy, sorry i misunderstood the question. im not using a DNS. im trying everything with IPs for now and trying to get that to work.04:56
antihoaxsince its not opensource04:57
Polygamyantihoax: your right.. but whats your purpose ?04:57
hobomoPolygamy, and using the static IPs, nothing is working.04:57
thomedyis it easy to partition a drive in linux i have done it in windows04:57
thomedydos...it wasn't that bad04:57
soreauPolygamy: Does openarena work?04:57
Polygamyhobomo: is the server in front of you?04:57
antihoaxwell wanted to try install binary driver but didnt work out ( having 64 bit machine, and 3.0.3. realtime kernel )04:58
hobomoPolygamy, yes04:58
Polygamysoreau: give me a moment, just finished downloading04:58
Polygamysoreau: No crashes stating GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem04:58
Polygamyanother OpenGL issue04:58
xistanceCan anybody answer my question would be greatly appreciated04:58
Polygamyhobomo: are u on the same network?04:59
soreauPolygamy: Interesting.. definitely a graphics driver issue then. Can you pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log?04:59
hobomoPolygamy, yes04:59
Polygamyhobomo: "top" and make sure the service is running currently again plz05:00
hobomoPolygamy, /usr/sbin/sshd is running05:01
Polygamysoreau: http://pastebin.com/qRENhnws05:02
MrSassyPantswhat is the generic 'do that' file ?05:02
Polygamyhobomo: when was your last reboot?05:02
MrSassyPantssorry, I'm sorty zoning out05:02
MrSassyPantsthe generic 'do that' rc file05:02
MrSassyPantsthe script that just gets executed05:03
hobomoPolygamy, about 48 min ago05:03
MrSassyPantson boot up05:03
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mister_msoreau: I am on fedora with a GeForce 9300M GS, and the following kernel modules: nvidia, nouveau, nvidiafb05:03
MrSassyPantslike, local.start05:03
somsipMrSassyPants: .bashrc or .bash_profile or .bash_aliases05:03
MrSassyPantssomsip, definitely no05:03
somsipMrSassyPants: Or /etc/rc.local ?05:03
soreaumister_m: Why are you asking in #ubuntu when you're using fedora?05:03
MrSassyPantsI'm talking about start scripts05:03
ex0hey im having problem killing a process in ubuntu, transmission is hungup and wont respond to kill commands or anything05:03
Polygamysomsip: thanks for the correction, i was meaning .bashrc05:03
ex0any insigh??05:03
MrSassyPantssomsip, ok05:04
Polygamyhobomo: interesting. when was the server working last?05:04
Polygamyex0: Reboot05:04
mister_msoreau: #fedora has the tendency to yell at you about using closed source stuff isntead of a simple IDK05:04
Abhijitex0, if you can go to ctrl alt f1 then try killall -9 -105:04
ex0Polygamy: lol obvious, was just curious of another method is all thanks05:04
soreauPolygamy: Looks good.. you should probably ask in #intel-gfx05:04
yaccex0: ps ax | grep D => look for processes in state D05:05
ex0Abhijit: thanks05:05
Polygamysoreau: thats what im not getting either lol.... thanks for your time sir05:05
Abhijitex0, that will exit the whole session05:05
ex0yacc: thank you very much05:05
yaccex0 run it multiple times to see if a process is stuck in D state.05:05
hobomoPolygamy, the last time i tried connecting was sometime this morning (14-15 hours ago) and everything was working. i just tried again and 30 min ago and thats when i realized it wasnt working.05:05
ZanzacarDoes anyone know how to setup the IOMonitor in Powernap Configuration file?05:05
molgan@Polygamy: pastebin.com/XAaV2EFR I think. is right05:06
hobomoPolygamy, about 30 min ago*05:06
Polygamyhobomo: take it down to net2 or reboot05:06
Polygamyor try killing and restarting the process05:07
hobomoPolygamy, restart sshd?05:07
yaccAbhijit, you meant probably kill -9 -1 (killall matches programs, kill -9 -1 => If pid equals -1, then sig is sent to every process for which the calling  process  has  permission  to  send  signals,  except for process 1 (init), but see below.)05:07
Abhijityacc, yeah05:07
ex0how do you resume desktop after ctrl+alt+f105:07
Polygamyhobomo: yes if that does not work, take your system to net2 or reboot the system again05:07
Polygamyctl alt f1205:08
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ex0Polygamy: Thank you sir.05:08
Polygamyex0: your welcome05:08
yaccinteresting, nouveau does have artifacts while scrolling, but it gets worse when memtester is running stealing 5GB RAM and burnMMX is putting stress on the memory interface, ...05:08
Abhijitex0, ctrl alt f7 or f805:09
Polygamysoreau: is there a way to get voiced in intel-gfx?05:09
soreau! register | Polygamy05:10
ubottuPolygamy: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode05:10
ex0for what Abhijit05:10
soreauPolygamy: You need to use a registered nick05:10
Polygamylol..... thanks soreau05:10
Abhijitex0, to resume from ctrl alt f105:10
ex0which is it f12, f7, f8???? lolz =\\05:11
pharaohoneok i have a question this may or may not be the right place to ask05:11
molganquestion about getting grub to recognize two hdd's with Ubuntu 11.04 and windows 7 pro on it.05:11
somsip!ask | pangolin05:11
ubottupangolin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:11
yaccex0, Alt-Fn switches to console n when in text mode. Ctrl-Alt-Fn switches to console n when X is running (but should work in text mode too). X :0 is usually running on vt7, but in some cases might be on v8 or even vt905:11
somsippangolin: oops - nick completion...05:11
Abhijitmolgan, which os is on external hdd?05:12
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molganniether, this is a desktop with 2 hdd;s05:12
ex0thank you yacc05:13
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cappicardgood evening. i'm attempting to undervolt my toshiba satellite, but when i build the phc drivers and install them, i never get the /sys/devices/cpus/cpu0/cpufreq files.05:13
yaccex0: you can also run dmesg | grep RIP: which should report nothing. (dmesg gives you the kernel messages, RIP: is part of kernel oops)05:14
Abhijitmolgan, see here http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/mandriva-linux/134278-booting-windows-second-hard-drive-grub.html05:14
xistanceIs it possible for me to rollback my nvidia driver from the most recent to the one that comes with Ubuntu's latest release05:15
pharaohoneOK, so I have a gateway box about a year old with a 1 TB harddrive running windows 7, I wanna start duel booting ubuntu, with one small partition for windows (60 gb), another small partition for ubuntu (60 gb) and then a third partition where I will keep all my data for use in both, however the problem is there are already 3 partitions, one for win7, one called System that i know im not supposed to fuck with and a third called pqse05:15
pharaohoneany help on how to do that, or what would be the best thing to do would be greatly appreciated05:16
rodayoWhen will the first release of Ocelot come out?05:16
Polygamyhobomo: whats the verdict?05:16
xistance 05:16
xistance 05:16
xistanceIs it possible for me to rollback my nvidia driver from the most recent to the one that comes with Ubuntu's latest release05:16
FloodBot1xistance: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:16
yaccex0:  D state means the process is in kernel mode, not interruptible (basically stuck in a device driver doing naughty things where nobody would want to abort it the hard way, no matter what). Is nowadays usually a result of a kernel problem (which usually results in kernel oops being printed), and often results in other processes getting stuck too when they try to access the resource in trouble.05:17
troller321me sad05:17
GirlyGirlpharaohone: You can remove windows sys partition by following instructions here05:17
GirlyGirlpharaohone: http://www.terabyteunlimited.com/kb/article.php?id=40905:17
hobomoPolygamy, sorry for taking so long. i just remembered that i also have an ipod touch that is connected to the network that is also running an ssh server. im testing that right now.05:18
thomedycan someone send me to a good tutorial for partitioning a drive to make space for windows05:18
yaccex0: it sucks because you usually have to reboot to get rid of the problem, and that has a slight "unhonorable" taste for old time Linux users.05:18
Polygamyhobomo: the issue is with your server not your router..05:18
Abhijityacc, he had left05:19
yaccAbhijit, just noticed ;)05:19
hobomoPolygamy, how can you tell?05:19
yaccAbhijit, nick completion is so informative :)05:19
Polygamyhobomo: test and ping me ur results05:19
pharaohoneGirlyGirl: thanks for the response, but wouldnt it be safer to remove pqservice instead?05:19
yaccAbhijit, well, some people do not like to be educated about the why ;)05:19
GirlyGirlpharaohone: Or you can have 4 partitions05:19
Abhijityacc, :-)05:19
Polygamyhobomo: with my experience, routers dont just start blocking ports. and most of the time, you can SSH through a firewall without issues and without having to use a forward05:20
GirlyGirlpharaohone: Just format pqse into the extra05:20
pharaohoneis there a way I could have 4 partitions and still  have the common data partition i was talking about?05:20
GirlyGirlpharaohone: Or you can reinstall windows then do everything as you like it05:20
pharaohoneGirlyGirl: I apologize, but what does that mean exactly and how do i do it, format pqservice into the extra that is05:21
hobomoPolygamy, i dont know how you know, but i think you're right. im able to connect to the ipod ssh server, but i still cant connect to my laptop ssh server (even after restarting the sshd process)05:21
yaccpharaohone, yes.05:21
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Polygamypharaohone: whenever you install a linux Partion, you can still ALWAYS read your windows partion05:21
yaccpharaohone, Linux has no problem with being installed into an extended partition as such.05:21
GirlyGirlpharaohone: yes05:21
Polygamyhobomo: Just restart your server please05:21
hobomoPolygamy, you mean restart sshd? i did05:22
Kevin1aI need a recomendation for a image hosting site that is supportive of open-source and net neutrality principals.05:22
zykotick9pharaohone, just to throw another issue your way - gnu/linux USUALLY has at least two partitions required / and SWAP... just sayin'.  Good luck.05:22
uf13Hi! Any Mac/Debian users in here?05:22
Polygamyhobomo: no i mean take your laptop power it down and then back up05:22
pharaohonePolygamy, does that mean I'd be able to access data files on my windows partition while in ubuntu?05:22
hobomoPolygamy, ok ill be back in a few minutes05:23
Polygamypharaohone: if its on a partion yes with 3rd party applications05:23
Polygamypharaohone: but not nativly05:23
yaccAbhijit, well, ex0 has probably a simple problem, hunting down corrupting bit errors (it's probably related to SATA/IDE in my case and/or memory) that sucks.05:23
yaccAbhijit, the state of art in this topic hasn't moved far in the last two decades.05:24
molgananyone know how to edit grub.cfg to correctly run windows that is installed on another hdd?05:24
Abhijitpharaohone, you can access files from ubunut. but not applications. you do not need 3rd party applications for standard format files e.g. images. office files can be read by libreofice05:24
pharaohonei wanna be able to do it natively... how do I get rid of pqservice safely.. or somehow push it to another partition and then delete it05:24
Abhijityacc, yeah. m not expert in that issue.05:24
yacc(well, we do have memory testers that claim to be exercising the hardware hard, so we don't have to rely on compiling the kernel in a loop)05:24
zykotick9molgan, don't.  Try "sudo update-grub" and see if windows is automatically added.05:24
molgan@zykotick9: trying now.05:25
pharaohoneabhijit... so the easiest thing to do essentially would be to leave the partitions the way they are, keep all my data on my windows partition, and just create a 4th ubuntu partition?05:25
daversi need some help setting up this thing called nfs05:25
Abhijitpharaohone, yes that can be done.05:25
uf13"Hi! Any Mac/Debian users in here?" <-- Anybody with an awesome brain that is good at solving problems will do just fine as well. :>05:25
pharaohoneabhijit, how can i do it?05:26
daversor is there a noob channel i can go to instead lol05:26
Abhijitpharaohone, when you have a ubuntu installed then login it then go to Places menu and you will see the partitions of windows. just click on hte partition you want to access. thats it05:27
pharaohoneok thanks... I think im going to take the plunge and finally install linux05:27
PolygamyAbhijit: are you telling him that he is able to read EXT partioned files on a NTFS platform?05:27
AbhijitPolygamy, reverse of it05:28
Abhijitntfs from linux05:28
thomedyokay i need windows and nothin is working05:28
yaccAny one got an idea how to convert /proc/<N>/maps to refer to physical addresses?05:28
Abhijitpharaohone, you can read windows files from linux. but you can not read linux files from windows. for that you need some ext driver which i dont know how to do05:28
Polygamyalright, as i said before you can always read NTFS off of a EXT partion you just have to know where it is located ;)05:28
GirlyGirlAbhijit: pharaohone Or ms Fat3205:29
Abhijitpharaohone, and this is windows's problem not linux's05:29
daversis there an easy walkthrough for how to set up my freshly installed ubuntu to be a nfs server for a few mac & win clients on a local network?05:29
somsipAbhijit: there is an ext2 read/write for windows05:29
hobomoPolygamy, still doesnt work05:29
pharaohoneabhijit, so say im on linux, and i download a document, would i be able to download it onto the windows partition directly?05:29
yaccpharaohone, but there are extN drivers for windows, but as a Windows-non-user it's hard to help you, googling it should be easy enough.05:29
Targenhi.  i have this problem: <https://gist.github.com/9a134d9d26cff189edeb>.  basically, apache2 won't install because some of its dependencies are broken packages or somesuch.05:29
Targenhow may i solve this?05:29
Abhijitpharaohone, yes. you can.05:29
Polygamypharaohone: You need a 3rd party application http://www.fs-driver.org/05:29
AbhijitPolygamy, when you say you need 3rd party tell him also that in which scenario he needs 3rd party drivers05:30
zykotick9davers, does Windows even have an NFS client?05:30
molganI can not find windows bootable OS from grub, an trying to get it to recognize in grub so I can boot both.05:30
yaccPolygamy, don't think so, just mounted an NTFS snapshot that I've got for analysis here, and I can write files on it with the NTFS driver included in 10.04LTS05:31
pharaohoneok so thats essentially the easiest thing for me to do anyway, as long as i can use and manage all my  files from either OS i dont care how I do it, when Im on windows Ill create and dL files to my windows partition, and as long as i can do the same while im on linux thats fine05:31
daverszykotick9, i dunno, i'm just following a tip from a friend on the whole nfs thing. i just want to use this box as a server but i'm superdumb with network stuff05:31
Abhijitaaah. there is confusion pharaohone05:31
zykotick9davers, using Samba for MS/Mac client's is probably easier.  Good luck.05:32
pharaohoneabhijit, whats that?05:32
Polygamyyacc: whats the driver name?05:32
yaccpharaohone, expect to be able to write to NTFS from Linux. (The worst that could happen is that you'll need to sort out which NTFS implementation to use, but it seems that the one included in Ubuntu is read-write)05:32
somsippharaohone: I intended to do that. Within a couple of months, everything was on Unbuntu, and I only uses Win on a VirtualBox VM, writing to a Virtual share05:32
Abhijitpharaohone, you can easily access win from linux but for accessing linux from win you need to install drivers somene above pointed out that there is ext2 driver but not sure abotu ext 3 and 405:32
daverszykotick9, thanks. i read that it's slower but i guess i'll be a good starting point..05:32
yaccPolygamy, it's fusebased. First detail.05:32
Abhijitpharaohone, and accessign lin files from windows is not reliable. sometiems it can damage your linux partition05:32
yaccPolygamy, pharaohone: ntfs-3g05:33
yaccPolygamy, pharaohone: ii  ntfs-3g        1:2010.3.6-1ub read-write NTFS driver for FUSE05:33
zykotick9davers, nfs is great for linux/unix clients.  OK for Mac ones, and I've never heard of it used for Windows (but i suppose it might be possible)05:33
pharaohonebut i wont need to access linux from windows, as long as Im able to create/download/manage all my files onto the windows partition while im running linux... does that make sense?05:33
Polygamypharaohone: ARE U RUNNING LINUX?05:34
Abhijitpharaohone, yes it makes sense. you can do it05:34
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zykotick9pharaohone, be aware that gnu/linux cannot apply any permissions to NTFS/FAT partitions.05:34
yacczykotick9, *ahem* how is NFS great for Unix/Linux clients? (just an internal question, I know it's the Unix "networking" standard, so your answer meats the political-correctness test, but it's PITA in many ways, especially if you do not have a common administration domain)05:35
daverszykotick9, well i'm past the point in my life where i choose to do things the hard way just because. right now i want a place that all the people in the house can store their shit and i'm the techiest guy in the house so whatever's easiest for me. samba i'll try. thanks again05:35
pharaohonepolygamy, not yet, I plan on loading it up as soon as I figure out what Im gunna do... so say for instance I create a document while running linux, Ill save it directly to my windows partition, or if i download a file or whatever, as long as All my files are in one place and I can always access them from either OS i dont care how i do it05:35
zykotick9yacc, nfs is simple, samba is hard.  create an exports file and you're done.  "great" ;)05:36
Polygamypharaohone: Install Ubuntu you will be able to do what you want to do. Dual boot https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot05:36
daverszykotick9, did you put those backwards? i'm confused. if samba's the easier one, which package thingy do i grab?05:37
yacczykotick9, yeah, but for a long time (good question if it still applies), mount a SMB share and you get decent performance. Mount NFS, welcome to admin hell to make it perform ;)05:37
pharaohoneand this seems like the easiest way as of now... will storing/accessing files on my windows partition in any way cause some sort of slow down... for instance if i play a movie in linux thats stored on my windows partition that wouldnt be slow for any reason would it?05:37
yaccdavers, well, NFS is easier to setup on the server side. The configuration file is really simple.05:37
pharaohonepolygamy, this is the tutorial im using http://lifehacker.com/5403100/dual+boot-windows-7-and-ubuntu-in-perfect-harmony05:37
Polygamypharaohone: not really05:38
zykotick9davers, sorry that comment wasn't for you.  Personally, i can't stand Samba, i find it unstable/difficult to use.  BUT i don't run Windows.05:38
yaccdavers, samba OTOH has a rather baroque collection of options you can configure.05:38
Polygamydavers: i agree dont use samba05:38
pharaohonepolygamy, that not really makes me nervous lol05:38
daversyacc, i also hafta make it super easy for everyone in the house to access the files on this server. win&mac05:38
Polygamypharaohone: go install natty05:38
Polygamyor 10.405:38
yaccdavers, samba => looks and smells like a Windows server, probably even to Mac boxes.05:38
pharaohonei dont know what that means05:38
hobomoPolygamy, my ssh server still doesnt work05:39
davershm i wonder if it'd just be easier to install windows then.. lol05:39
Polygamypharaohone: 10.4 is nice i like the look for natty These are all ubuntu OS versions which receive alis's kinda like mac with their OS's called Lepord etc05:39
daversbut, i'm already here i guess05:39
Polygamypharaohone: you wont regret the dual boot unless you delete your windows partion lol....05:39
pharaohoneoh yeah, i knew that lol sorry im a noob05:40
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pharaohonelol ive been meaning to do this for months, I already shrunk my partitions months ago and have ubuntu on a CD waiting to be installed.. I will now take the plunge.. I'll be back in here if I have any problems, thanks for your help everyone05:41
daversi'm reading this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=107859705:41
daverswould ftp be easier?05:41
manjrembetween rhel and ubuntu ... what do u prefer?05:42
manjremi would say rhel seems better ... with easier command line05:43
Abhijitmanjrem, #ubuntu-offtopic05:43
Abhijit!ot | manjrem05:44
ubottumanjrem: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:44
JckfCan someone please help me understand how audio works in Ubuntu? It appears to behave randomly. Touching the controls in ALSAmixer doesn't always do the same thing it did the time before, and I some times get weird distortion, and some programs may or may not play audio depending on.. something I don't know. Very frustrating.05:45
bjoswald83Welcome to Linux, the audiophile's nightmare05:45
Jckfbjoswald83 =(05:46
bjoswald83The audio subsystem has been a convoluted mess since time began05:46
zykotick9Jckf, it's sad that audio is still such an issue in gnu/linux in general.  It's unfortunately not a specific "ubuntu" issue.05:46
thomedyi was reading a tutorial on how to remove ubuntu entirely from my machine and put windows on... it looked easy but when i pressed fdisk by itself05:47
thomedyi get a ehelp men u05:47
bjoswald83thomedy: Just pop in a Windows CD and boot from it05:47
bjoswald83It'll guide you through it05:47
thomedyi tried that it siad it needs space before it will et me do it05:47
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sjihsUSB installation of xubuntu is failing at the beginning of the installation process with "unable to mount cdrom" error. I transferred the iso image to USB drive using the unetbootin application05:48
bjoswald83Okay, did you remove the existing partitions and create new ones?05:48
thomedyand when i went from the bootable order in that first window and made my usb the first one to boot it still goes to ubuntu...05:48
thomedyive never put a windows inmy self only linux and it was never this hard with linux05:49
Jckfthomedy: If you're trying to install Windows Vista/7, press the little "advanced" link at the bottom right of the disk/partition list. There you will be able to delete all your Ubuntu partitions.05:49
xist(bjoswald83) lol I got pinged cause you said existing05:49
thomedythank you jckf05:49
thomedyi will try that i don't think im going to make my deadline anymore but what are you going to do05:50
JckfThis is during the Windows install process, so you have to boot from the DVD first05:50
thomedydoes it mattr that its usb05:50
bjoswald83It's not really hard at all05:50
JckfIt shouldn't, thomedy05:50
bjoswald83You're using a USB-based, external drive?05:50
Polygamyhobomo: Im sorry was afk05:50
thomedyokay let me try again... no its a laptop but im booting from usb05:51
hobomoPolygamy, no problem05:51
bjoswald83Then you will need to burn a Windows installation to that drive and boot from it05:51
bjoswald83There might be a guide at Tweakhound.com under the "Ditch Those CDs" entry05:51
Polygamyhobomo: what are u using to connect to your sshd server?05:51
hobomoPolygamy, andftp on my android phone05:52
Polygamyhobomo: have u tried using your ipod?05:53
Polygamyto ssh into ur laptop?05:53
AtharvaHi...can I make a usb which may boot rhel 6 using ubuntu ?05:53
AbhijitAtharva, yes use unetbootin05:53
hobomoPolygamy, you mean connecting the phone to the ipod server? yes that works05:53
Atharva<Abhijit> : OK......05:53
Polygamyhobomo: i mean installing an app on your ipod and using that to SSH into your laptop sshd server05:55
vsync_oyeah, steve jobs is finally sleepin' wit da fishes05:55
GirlyGirlAtharva: Back to RHEL ;-)05:55
Polygamyhobomo: its possible your andftp service is faulty on your phone05:55
Polygamyvsync_: Your not funny05:56
Polygamyvsync_: people like Steve jobs are the reason why were still around05:56
Atharva<GirlyGirl> : Thinking of installing it again to a diffrent laptop...But the laptop dont have a cd drive..05:56
vsync_na, people like [the guy who invented antibiotics] are05:56
popsch_how difficult is it to switch from an AMD64 installed version to the x64 version? I installed the wrong one.05:57
gxI created a new user account and I'm trying to give them SFTP access but limited to their home dir, is there an easy way? Googling hasn't turned up much05:57
popsch_I mean the x86 one05:57
Abhijitpopsch_, just install the new one.05:57
bjoswald83As easy as switching CDs and installing the right one05:57
Atharva<popsch_> : Simply format it :)05:58
popsch_well, I already configured a lot in the system, so I don't want to reinstall everything05:58
JckfWhere does pulse and alsa's config files reside? I want to kill them :>05:58
MrSassyPantswhat's the tool to manage startscripts?05:58
bjoswald83Then you'll either have to make a backup to restore later or live with x86 version05:58
Polygamyvsync_: your right05:58
onatshello, when i do add-apt-repository the command is not found. I am running on 10.04 32 bit server05:58
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Jckfonats: nano /etc/apt/sources.list05:59
popsch_what's the bad thing about running the amd64 version on an intel processor?05:59
AbhijitMrSassyPants, init05:59
hobomoPolygamy, im using a different client on the ipod, but it still fails to connect to the laptop server05:59
vsync_popsch_ nothing05:59
bjoswald83X64 is x6405:59
MrSassyPantsAbhijit, you systematically give the worst answers05:59
vsync_amd64 is x86_6405:59
popsch_yes, then why are there two versions?05:59
almoxarifepopsch_: there is nothing wrong, you are fine05:59
bjoswald83Because x64 is for 64-bit machines06:00
bjoswald83x86 is for 32-bit machines06:00
popsch_I installed the AMD64 version, because I need the 64bit version06:00
popsch_ah, then it's all fine06:00
Abhijitpopsch_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/32bit_and_64bit06:00
MrSassyPantsa tool that lets one enable and disable individual start scripts - remove them from a runlevel or whatever the scheme is06:01
MrSassyPantsbut what is it06:01
AbhijitMrSassyPants, bootup manager06:01
Polygamyhobomo: one thing i will point out. if your using sshd as an FTP service then you need to Sftp into it you cant use native FTP applications to do so.06:01
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MrSassyPantsAbhijit, rcconf06:02
popsch_I run in 64bit (with 8GB). I was just worried, because here (http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/) it says that I should use the x86 version06:03
gxAnyone know how I can limit a user to be able to only SFTP in and lock them in a specific directory?06:03
hobomoPolygamy, i know. im trying to connect through plain old ssh or sftp. nothing is working.06:03
nedkellyR.I.P Steve jobs06:03
bjoswald83popsch_: Probably due to compatibility issues with some packages06:04
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Ben6464 bit works fine06:04
bjoswald83What he said06:04
popsch_yes, I'm now using it since two weeks, and I've not encountered any problems.06:04
popsch_so ubuntu doesn't make decisions, for example, which kernel to get, based on the original install image06:05
exiztentialI'm stumped trying to upgrade 10.04 to 11.04 (via 10.10) I can't find a resolution for the following error "GdkPixbuf-CREITICAL **: gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels: assertion 'GDK_IS_PIXBUF (pixbuv)' failed at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/FrontEnd/Gnome.pm line 1200, <Gen6> life 24.06:05
exiztentialI've found similar mentions on google and I believe the answer lies in a symlink to an assertion file/directory, but I'm out of my depth06:06
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The_Phoenixnoisewaterphd: It took me 4 hours. lol06:15
The_PhoenixOh btw, this is kind of weird. The LAN was working perfectly but I had an old PCMCIA WiFi card lying around. I installed it. Now, whenever I remove the card, non of the hosts resolve. Why is this?06:16
Polygamyhobomo: check your configureation of your sshd service and make sure you have it setup right and it didnt get changed.06:16
The_Phoenix(Everything else works. ie I can connect to external IP addresses buit only the DNS resolver isn't working.)06:17
Polygamyhobomo: Also, make sure that you can talk to it. from the phone. try pinging it or something of that nature06:17
PolygamyThe_Phoenix: then change the ip that is associated to the DNS and your problem is solved06:19
PolygamyThe_Phoenix: thats why you dont use DNS with dynamic ip's06:19
The_PhoenixPolygamy: I didn't quite follow you.06:19
chirag_d_gr8 how to replace ubuntu bootloader with mint06:20
PolygamyThe_Phoenix: you stated that you were able to connect via the IP but not the DNS06:20
PolygamyThe_Phoenix: who did you setup your DNS with?06:20
The_Phoenixchirag_d_gr8: Ubuntu boot loader uses grub. You don't have to replace it with mint.06:21
blackswanhello here06:21
PolygamyThe_Phoenix: im sorry i dont understand your issue i guess06:21
PolygamyThe_Phoenix: but by what you stated is that your lan was working until you put a PC06:22
blackswandoes anyone know here how to effectively use a bootchart?06:22
PolygamyPCMCIA wireless card in your laptop and now everything doesnt work?06:22
The_PhoenixPolygamy: Give me  a minute. Let me rephrase my problem.06:22
Polygamyand if your using DNS then it seems that its not working because you bumped your table. Alright ill wait :P06:23
blackswandoes anyone know here how to effectively use a bootchart?06:23
blackswandoes anyone know here how to effectively use a bootchart?06:24
The_PhoenixPolygamy: I'm not following you well. Let me try and explain again. I have a wifi router. I was connected to it via a cable. Everything worked excellent. Router is configured to use Google DNS. I have not setup any DNS for the PC. ie it's like to use router as DNS. Then, I added this PCMCIA card. Everything seems to work fine with it too. But, the card being old, when I use it, the throughput is very low. So, I removed the card.06:25
urlin2u!repeat | blackswan06:25
ubottublackswan: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/06:25
The_Phoenixbut ping to is working. When I put the card back in again, DNS works well again.06:25
Polahchirag_d_gr8, most Linux distributions just use universal bootloaders like GRUB which can load most of the different systems out there.06:26
blackswansure ubottu but i have already searched through the above mentioned sites but in vain.06:26
The_Phoenixblackswan: that's a bot. lol06:27
PolygamyThe_Phoenix: So after you removed the card what is the issue? i am missing part of this06:27
chirag_d_gr8Polah: i want to deallocate ubuntu partition so i need to overwrite the bootloader with mint06:27
GirlyGirlThe_Phoenix: But installing many linux distros can be stupid as they really are the same thing in different packages06:27
blackswani thought it was admin06:27
Polahchirag_d_gr8, oh, to move control over to Mint. Ask in the Mint channel for how to reinstall GRUB from Mint.06:27
Polah!mint | chirag_d_gr806:28
ubottuchirag_d_gr8: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org06:28
The_PhoenixPolygamy: Simple. The DNS service in the local machine doesn't work whenever the PCMCIA card is unplugged.06:28
The_PhoenixGirlyGirl: Not if you are dualbooting Ubuntu and DSL or Chrome OS or Slashtop., =)06:28
The_PhoenixPolygamy: I'm a linux beginner. I have no idea how the DNS resoltion works. But, it looks like for some reason or other, the DNS resolver is using wl0 only and it fails to see the eth0.06:32
Ben64dns doesn't care about the interface06:33
The_PhoenixBen64: PErhaps, the DNS config for eth0 is wrong?06:34
The_PhoenixBut, I didn't setup anything. It should be using the default.06:34
Ben64interfaces don't have a dns config, its system wide06:34
Ben64do this... probably on pastebin - "cat /etc/resolv.conf"06:35
The_PhoenixBen64: I just went through connection info. It shows a different IP for DNS on eth0 and a different one on wl0.06:35
Ben64then.. change it?06:36
The_PhoenixBen64: How? NetMan won't let me edit eth0.06:36
ikoniaThe_Phoenix: are the two network cards on the same network06:36
PolygamyThe_Phoenix: You must disable one or the other, you cannot use both..06:37
Ben64i'm not sure what netman is, but you should be able to change it from System -> Preferences -> Network Connections06:37
ikoniaPolygamy: is this an ubuntu machine ?06:37
The_Phoenixikonia: I do have both on. But, only one is activated at once.06:38
ikoniaThe_Phoenix: both "on" ?06:38
Ben64!ops | Pasivo2506:38
ubottuPasivo25: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!06:38
The_PhoenixBen64: NEtwork Manager. Ubuntu.06:38
ikoniaBen64: what?06:38
The_Phoenixikonia: I mean as in connected.06:38
Ben64oh sorry06:38
Ben64didn't know you were op, got a offensive pm06:38
Ben64i can relay to you if you wish06:39
ikoniaBen64: jump into #ubuntu-ops and we can discuss06:39
zeeroxi am new to linux as well and im wanting to setup my internet through ubuntu i use a modem, and through windows it resolvs itself... is that done through dchp? is that what i need to setup in ubuntu server?06:39
The_Phoenixzeerox: DHCP assigns IP.06:39
zeeroxokie thankyou :-]06:39
zeeroxso if i wanted to share the net with another card, i setup dhcp on one of the cards and setup the static ips on the other?06:40
zeeroxdhcp for the modem that assigns ip06:40
SyriaPackage requires installation from untrusted packages, how can I solve this problem please?06:40
XistancEHow do I force ubuntu to boot into metacity and not compizz?06:42
fritschXistancE: select ubuntu classic from login screen06:42
The_Phoenixzeerox: You shouldn't bother about setting up DHCP unless you want static IPs.  One network should be independant of the other. ie, you don't have a point connecting both interfaces to the same network.06:42
fritschXistancE: ubuntu classic no effects06:42
webterrori want get one hosting, i'm in taiwan now, although i buy hosintg of foreign company, in taiwan no problem??06:43
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The_Phoenixikonia, Ben64 : Thanks for the help. It looks like Network Manager added an arbitary DNS to resolv.conf which doesn't exist. I don't know why it did that though.06:44
The_PhoenixThanks you Polygamy for your help.06:44
ikoniaThe_Phoenix: probably because your network config is messed up06:44
zeeroxThe_Phoenix: well my modem assigns a new ip im pretty sure with my adsl connection everytime it is turned on.... it aint static, so wouldnt i need to setup dhcp for that interface ... and set my other interface (the local network) as static ip setup?06:44
zeeroxsorry if i seem dumb, i am new06:44
The_Phoenixzeerox: That wasn't dumb. Am new too. The DHCP for your modem is maintained by your ISP.06:45
Polahzeerox: That would require you contacting your ISP to assign your connection a static address.06:45
Ben64zeerox: if you have a router, you can keep a static internal IP address, and your public IP can change whenever and it wouldn't affect you at all06:45
zeeroxthats the problem ben it aint a router06:45
zeeroxi am using modem > switch > other pcs06:46
LastArmsdoes anyone know if it is feasible to repartition a running ubuntu server?06:46
Ben64that usually won't work without a router, a modem will (usually) only have one ip address to give out06:46
PolahLastArms: You can repartition everything except the system partition and anything on partitions being accessed at the time06:46
LastArmsit's a media server, so it has only one hdd06:47
zeeroxbut if i have 2 network interfaces on the one box.....06:47
zeeroxthen i should be able to set it up, cause i can do it in window06:47
Ben64if you use the computer as a router then it could work yes06:47
apassihi, does someone know some simple backup utility, which is able take backups until file space is full, and automatically delete old backup files to gain space for backups?06:47
zeeroxthats what i wanna do ben06:47
zeeroxi want to setup the ubuntu server box as a router06:47
The_Phoenixzeerox: Create a LAN on the PC with modem and make it the server. Then connect whatever device you want to this server. I haven't setup a network on Ubuntu. So, I have no idea. But, you should be able to assign a static LAN IP and a dynamic IP for your PC on the internet.06:47
LastArmsPolah: is there a way to resize the partition? I tried booting ubuntu using USB and it's not allowing me to resize the partition06:47
Polahzeerox: If you have just a switch then you'd need multiple IPs assigned by your ISP and then assign to each computer yourself, or a router to use NAT to assign internal IPs to everything behind and maintain one externally-facing public IP assigned by your ISP. Also, if you only have a switch without a router, then there's no firewall/other protection between the internet and your computers except protection running on each individual computer.06:48
Ben64LastArms: if you're booted from usb, you can resize the hard drive however you wish06:48
PolahLastArms: Yes, you can resize the partitions to whatever you like as long as they're not mounted/in use when you do it06:48
LastArmsBen64: I tried using gparted and it's not allowing resize of the Ubuntu server HDD.06:48
Polah!router | zeerox06:49
PolahAh, that failed06:50
zeeroxPolah: cant i setup dhcp for the internet interface to get the internet running through the server ......... and static ip on the other interface on the ubuntu server for sharing the net?06:50
Polahzeerox: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Router06:50
zeeroxcause i got 2 network interfaces running06:50
zeeroxok well hes gone....06:50
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The_PhoenixI wonder how are DNS IPs assigned. hmm06:54
ikoniaThe_Phoenix: what ?06:54
ikoniaThe_Phoenix: dns IP are given to the client based on what the ISP sets in the dhcp config06:54
The_Phoenixikonia, if I don't give a DNS IP manually, how does the system determine the DNS IP?06:55
ikoniaThe_Phoenix: it gets it from dhcp06:55
gxI'm having the darndest time getting Chroot to work. I want to limit a user to a certain directory, but after I add them to /etc/ssh/sshd_config, the user can no longer log in.06:55
ikoniaThe_Phoenix: your router/isp provides you with an IP address, dns ip and network gateway addres06:55
The_Phoenixikonia, no wonder. I should've disabled my second DNS server. lol06:55
koaguys when Canonical is gona cut support for ubuntu 11.4 ?06:56
ikoniakoa: 04 2011 + 18 months06:57
koaif they cut it i lose update ?06:57
ikoniacorrect, all updates stop06:58
koaT_T i need help then06:58
ikoniakoa: so 18 months after it's release support/updates/maintenance will stop06:58
Quetzalkoa: It just means you upgrade to the next version of Ubuntu distribution.06:58
koai rllly rlly love 11.4 and i wanna keep it forever !06:58
koathat the problem i don't wanna upgrade i want it to be stable06:58
Quetzalkoa: 11.10 shall be better though. It still has that cool Ubuntu Unity in it.06:58
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togglesQuetzal: better than that, it has gnome-shell supported06:59
koai tryed it :/ big down06:59
beta0x64koa, you just won't have the latest software06:59
beta0x64koa, or more accurately, the latest operating system06:59
buddha_koa: you can always wait for the next LTS 12.0406:59
koanot rlly i'm happy with what i have right now06:59
Quetzalkoa: The whole point is to stabilize, and pretty soon, the new Long Term Support shall be released.06:59
furyoshonenHow do you fix a segfault?06:59
togglesuse the source..07:00
beta0x64furyoshonen, you make sure the program makes sense07:00
QuetzalUse the source luke!07:00
beta0x64that's not very specific07:00
togglesfuryoshonen: what's the program?07:00
koahere is my story with ubuntu 10.4 bad on wine side and some drivers and i had night mare with it trying to make it stable07:00
koawith 11.4 everything work out of the box07:00
togglesfuryoshonen: can you change to a different screen saver?07:00
koais there any way i can make a whole dvd of it with everything like the update i have right now and programs ?07:01
toggleskoa: 11.10 is Linux 3.0!07:01
Quetzalkoa: I'm sure you'll not lose this same capability in version 11.1007:01
zeeroxim wanting to setup my internet through ubuntu server i use a modem, and through windows it resolvs itself... is that done through dchp? is that what i need to setup in ubuntu? and on the other interface run static ips to share the net? (all my login pass stuff is through the modem not a router)07:01
QuetzalOh and 3.0 is to die for.07:01
koathat kernel don't play well with nvidia :/07:01
The_PhoenixUnity doesn't work properly old GPUs.07:02
furyoshonentoggles: sure, its just the default ubuntu screen saver, but its strange that it is creating problems with my internet07:02
koabut mine is new07:02
ikoniakoa: the issue you have is you want to use wine07:02
koait's 350m gts07:02
ikoniakoa: that's never going to be a production class option07:02
koai run left for dead and other games07:02
ChristWHi, I'm having trouble with VGA mode on my server. I've seen that I can add 'vga=xxx' to the kernel boot command line, but /boot/grub/grub.cfg is a read-only file. Is there another place to edit the command line?07:03
ikoniakoa: it will/work/break/work/break different with each week and each different application.07:03
QuetzalNvidia will either get better, or we'll use the awesome Nouveau drivers.07:03
ikoniakoa: the bottom line is if you want to run windows programs, use windows07:03
koai hate windows07:03
koai unstall it cos 11.4 everything work great on it07:03
koawith 10.4 i used to have windows with it07:04
beta0x64koa, you could emulate windows if your computer is awesome07:04
ikoniakoa: if you need to use windows applications, it's the most realisitc option.07:04
Quetzalkoa: How much ram do you have?07:04
koai have 4 gig07:04
QuetzalOMFG, why not try using VirtualBox?07:04
ikoniakoa: games require direct hardware access fo virtualisation isn't really an option, and wine is not a production solution07:04
ikoniadual boot07:04
Quetzalikonia: Duelboot sucks.07:04
ikoniaQuetzal: tone down the language07:04
ikoniaQuetzal: no, it's the sensible and realistic approach to running windows applications.07:04
koalol but wine is runing rlly great Oo i don't see the point07:04
beta0x64furyoshonen, that is messed up.07:04
ikoniakoa: today, sure, tomorrow now.07:05
ikoniakoa: it's such a hit and miss option, but it's totally your choice07:05
The_PhoenixHmm. I love Ubuntu 11.10 but I find Fedotra easier to use. Everything works like a charm out of the box.07:05
koaok i'll follow you07:05
koayeah exactly phonix07:05
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koaVirtualBox can it use my full grapic card ?07:05
QuetzalIt's a matter of opinion to describe what's lame, sheesh. And it can be said on tv. (The s word that is)07:05
llutz_koa: no07:06
theadminThe_Phoenix: That will last only for a few months though ;)07:06
=== warmit is now known as serenemoon
koathta down side then >< omg i adore this thing don't wanna lose it07:06
beta0x64I use 11.04 because I hear that 11.10 is a memory hog. I'm on a netbook, and I don't believe it's fast enough to handle unity07:06
The_Phoenixtheadmin, i doubt. Fedora still suports PowrePC i heard.07:06
koai used 11.10 clean install everything is bad lol07:06
ikoniaQuetzal: you're not on TV, so what is acceptable on TV doesn't matter, if you don't know the ubuntu channel rules, say and I'll direct you to them07:07
ikoniakoa: it's not a stable release yet, hence why it's not working out of the box07:07
QuetzalIt's not a swear word.07:07
The_Phoenixbeta0x64, disable unity. use xfce or lxde.07:07
Idle-Monkeythere u r ikonia07:07
=== Idle-Monkey is now known as M4dH4TT3r
beta0x64The_Phoenix, is it still really worth it for me?07:07
ikonia!wtf > Quetzal07:07
ubottuQuetzal, please see my private message07:07
QuetzalAnd gee, koa want's to use windows in linux, not outside, otherwise. I'm sure he/she would want to do that.07:07
buddha_beta0x64: better yet, use Lubuntu07:08
koawell rlly wine 1.3 dos great job07:08
ikoniaQuetzal: as you are seeing the current linux option is not a valid solution for koa hence looking at more realistic long term options for the user07:08
M4dH4TT3ri want to use both windows and linux in android07:08
koamy games feeel native under it rlly like windows fps rate07:08
koayep ype that ^^ help help me out plz07:08
ikoniakoa: you'll get great experiences like that today, and tomorrow it could be totally different07:08
buddha_beta0x64: or bodhi07:09
beta0x64ikonia, what did he do?07:09
Quetzalkoa: Did you tried virtualbox?07:09
ikoniabeta0x64: long term issue,07:09
koayep it's was bad to tell the trueth07:09
koamy ram and my grapich were bad on it07:09
koacouldn't install anygame07:09
beta0x64ikonia, okay. I was confused because it just looked like a ridiculous question07:09
llutz_Quetzal: why should one try virtualbox if the host support for graphics is bad? it won't be better in vbox07:09
Blue1is anygame like anykey sir?07:10
QuetzalThat's weird.07:10
ikoniabeta0x64: don't worry about it07:10
koais there a tweak to let VirtualBox use at least 80% of my gpu ?07:10
Quetzalllutz_: If that's the case, then he/she should get better graphics then. So the host can have "good" graphics.07:10
The_Phoenixbuddha_, lubuntu=ubuntu+lxde07:11
koamine is 1 gig 350m gts07:11
koait's rlly good one07:11
ikoniakoa: you're never going to get it as it's not direct hardware access, sorry07:11
QuetzalI'm not saying it's the best option, but it's a rather good option if you do not like to reboot your computer just to make one little change, or to just use one litle program.07:11
ikoniakoa: although it is improviging07:11
buddha_The_Phoenix: not totally, Lubuntu's pretty good about stripping away some of the fat, better than just using lxde on regular ubuntu07:12
The_Phoenixkoa, yup. Wine is not meant to give you full hardware accelration and GPU functionality.07:12
koayep it dosn't but play very good rlly i'm happy with it07:12
llutz_Quetzal: vbox for games is the worst solution of all. if you need to run win-games, run win (dualboot, spare computer)07:12
koaand ubuntu 11.4 stable is very stable <307:12
The_Phoenixyup. koa, I'm using dual boot without trouble. It's not hard like old days. It was very very easy.07:13
koabut i hate windows rlly >< lol07:13
QuetzalMy virtual box experience has never been bad for me.07:13
* theadmin dual boots as well, and has Windows and Linux on separate hard drives to avoid having to reinstall GRUB each time I reinstall Windows07:13
The_PhoenixI booted up with minitool partition wizard and partitioned. (it can partition well withpout losing data)07:13
koai have dual boot b4 i have no problem with it it just i think 11.4 is very stable give me what i want run everything i want07:14
buddha_except games07:14
koaso no need for windows 7 i rather have more space to save files one07:14
koagames run well07:14
koai'll show you if you want07:14
buddha_i trust you07:15
ikoniakoa: don't need proof - it's your personal experience07:15
ikoniakoa: if you are happy with 11.04 - just keep using it07:15
Quetzalbuddha_: Duel boot just lets you use REAL windows. (as in, not using linux at all)07:15
koaleft for dead 2 60 fps avrage company of heros smoooth as hell and  team fortress 207:15
ikoniakoa: we don't need convincing07:15
ikoniakoa: if you are happy, continue to use it07:15
The_Phoenixkoa, games run well. or rather, the games you play run well. we are happy for you.07:15
buddha_duel booting? sounds dangerous07:15
theadminlol xD07:15
koa:D <3 guys07:15
ikoniabuddha_: it's not07:15
almoxarifeI want to insure ipv6 does not ever run, am I better off using the grub option? and does anyone know what it is?07:15
Madpilotduel booting? that's where the two OSes fight for hard drive space, right?07:16
theadminikonia: It's supposed to be a pun based on the improper spelling of the word "dual"07:16
ikoniatheadmin: ah, sorry07:16
ikoniamissed it07:16
koanah i tryed it was rlly easy but i wanted my system to be with more space so i cleard my windows707:16
QuetzalDuel boot is cooler.07:16
buddha_my grub file is a 6 way mexican standoff07:17
koabut need more space i had bad experince with windows 707:17
theadminkoa: Then don't even try Windows 8 xD07:17
The_PhoenixMadpilot, not anymore. all new linux disros recognise Windows and leave it alone. And, XP won't read the unsupported extended partition. It's a win-win now.07:17
togglesfuryoshonen: can you choose a different screen-saver, like blank or something, if that fixes it then you are done07:17
koaeven my mouse don't work under winodws 7 as it work very good in 11.407:17
ikoniakoa: ok, I think we get the message07:17
The_Phoenixtheadmin, 8 is supposedly faster than 7.07:17
ikoniakoa: this channel can be used to help you with ubuntu issues, it's not a general chat channel07:17
furyoshonenbeta0x64 thanks, any solutions other than turning off my screen saver?07:18
theadminThe_Phoenix: It is a lot, but the interface is ugly as... I don't want to swear07:18
MadpilotThe_Phoenix, sorry, I was making a feeble pun. Duel as in a fight, vs dual as in "two of"07:18
furyoshonentoggles: my screen saver is blank07:18
koaok guys can i back up my .deb files ?07:18
koaas whole just in case07:18
ikoniakoa: in case what ?07:18
The_Phoenixlol theadmin, agreed. metro UI is ugly but it is way more functional. =)07:18
ikoniakoa: the deb files are stored in the ubuntu repo07:18
theadminkoa: They are *supposed* to be in /var/cache/apt/archives07:18
koai install 11.10 <XD07:19
Ben64metro is bad07:19
QuetzalI heard windows 8 will force you to stay using windows 8. I'm sure you will not even be able to duEl boot windows 7 with windows 8. As windows 8 is suppose to have some weird feature that will not allow you to install other operating systems. (It might be a rumor, because this sound ridiculously stupid to me).07:19
furyoshoneni mean I am reading this correctly, right? http://paste.ubuntu.com/702559/07:19
beta0x64furyoshonen, honestly I recommend reinstalling gnome-screensaver from synaptic, but toggles wants to figure out if it is the individual screensavers executable07:19
koathey can't they will have opetions i guess07:19
Ben64Quetzal: you can turn it off07:19
buddha_in theory07:20
koaafter i backed my .deb how to install them all with 1 click ?07:20
QuetzalBen64: Yea, but only if the bios or hardware will even support the feature.07:20
theadminkoa: dpkg -i /path/to/somewhere/*.deb07:20
koathat path also inclode my kernel right ?07:20
theadminkoa: I don't think preinstalled packages would be stored in the APT cache.07:21
grumpyQuetzal is correct, some manufacturers may not include the option to turn it off.  and microsoft will probably pressure motherboard manufacturers to turn it off.07:21
koamush mush thanx man <07:22
gxcan someone please, please, tell me how to add a user with only sftp access, and limited to one directory?07:22
koai'll buy dell laptops only :P so they don't lock me with windows 807:22
grumpyit will probably mean that you will have to install grub and the signature for grub using windows, so EVERY device will be shipped with Windows (unless its a Mac)07:22
furyoshonenbeta0x64: how do i reinstall the screen saver?07:22
The_PhoenixPeople have already succeeded dual bootin 7 and 8.07:23
The_PhoenixWas featured in Lifehacker.07:23
grumpyor, linux will have to be installed at the factory, which hasnt taken off, even though dell has tried.07:23
icerootgx: chroot os your only way for limited sftp07:23
M4dH4TT3rkoa theres no such thing as getting locked07:23
koanice :D linux win again07:23
QuetzalI love how they say it's for "security purposes". Generally. you can't really get boot-hacked too easily unless your security system is really bad.07:23
theadminQuetzal: I don't think getting GRUB signed will be too big of a deal07:24
llutz_!ot | The_Phoenix grumpy Quetzal please take it to offtopic-chan, this is support only07:24
ubottuThe_Phoenix grumpy Quetzal please take it to offtopic-chan, this is support only: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:24
grumpyThe bottom line is that if you want to support linux in the future, you should buy from System76.com (they load Ubuntu on their machines) - I am not affiliated with them.07:24
QuetzalThe_Phoenix: But windows 8 isn't even out yet.07:24
gxiceroot: i've been taking chroot tutorials for the last hour, any recommendations? Every tut I follow, I end up not being able to SFTP in as the user (but my other users are fine)07:24
redShould I install the LTS version on my work PC or 11.04?07:24
icerootgx: ssh also not working?07:24
GirlyGirl!ot | The_Phoenix grumpy Quetzal07:24
ubottuThe_Phoenix grumpy Quetzal: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:24
icerootred: depending what you want07:25
M4dH4TT3rQuetzal its actually not that hard i use kon boot all the time and of course my flashed thumbdrive07:25
redand if the LTS version, can it run Unity as 11.04 can?07:25
grumpytheadmin: I agree, but installing the signature on the motherboard will require an already-installed OS, so unless you already have linux installed, you will have to run windows to install linux07:25
gxfor that user, ssh isn't working either, correct.07:25
redI quite like it07:25
koadarn grr not in my country :/07:25
redjust wondering about stability07:25
red(had more probs in my personal laptop with 11.04 than the LTS)07:25
icerootred: 10.04 haqs netbook remix instead of unity (which is more or less the same)07:25
Quetzalred: That depends on what you want to use. If you want to use Unity, I suggest just installing linux 11.04. Otherwise, get LTS.07:25
grumpyGirlyGirl: good point; ill shut up...  :-)07:25
koa11.4 work like charm on toshiba 3d laptop07:25
icerootred: but then i would suggest to use 11.04 which has a newer version of unity07:25
red11.04 it is then, thanks07:26
M4dH4TT3rlook at it this way how long did it take for rooting to occur on cell phones07:26
QuetzalShhees, was the repeat really necessary?07:26
redthere's no 11.10 I guess07:26
buddha_not for 7 days07:26
furyoshonenbeta0x64: something like sudo apt-get --purge remove screensaver ?07:26
icerootred: not as a stable release07:26
Quetzalred: Theres beta one out right now. So you should try it out when you get the chance.07:26
gxiceroot: I can SSH in as my other users just fine. I've tried creating a user group and chrooting that as well, same result07:26
redquetzal: don't really fancy the idea if I have to reinstall or get unstable work environment07:26
redI can test it at home tho07:27
icerootgx: errors in /var/log/auth.log /var/log/daemon.log or /var/log/syslog?07:27
icerootred: use the stable release 11.04. there is no reason to use 11.10 now or directly after the release07:27
M4dH4TT3rhi android07:27
icerootred: if 11.04 is running fine for you, everything is fine and should not be changed07:27
redaight, thanks guys07:27
M4dH4TT3rdo u run ubuntu on your droid?07:28
The_PhoenixHmm xubuntu is pretty slow on 2.8GHz/256MB.07:28
redi've had some weird issues in 11.0407:28
redsome random freezes etc, once or twice a week07:28
redbut that on my home laptop07:28
icerootThe_Phoenix: with that ram use lubuntu instead of xubuntu07:28
android_whats the shell command to see what kind of wifi device i have ?07:28
redit might be hardware related too so :)07:28
The_PhoenixM4dH4TT3r, I have tried Ubuntu on my Android using chroot. Pretty slow.07:28
M4dH4TT3rjust curious as i recently saw a tut on how to natively run ubuntu on a android device07:28
redill take my chances07:28
ikoniaM4dH4TT3r: enough.07:28
buddha_android_: iwconfig07:29
M4dH4TT3ryeah im not talking about using chroot07:29
The_Phoenixiceroot, network manager?07:29
ikoniaM4dH4TT3r: ENOUGH.07:29
Quetzalred: A good way to decide between versions of linux is to know your full intentional purpose. Would it really kill you if you needed to back up your /home/ folder, re-install Ubuntu and then restore your backups?07:29
furyoshonendoes anyone know how to reinstall gnome-screenaver ?07:29
icerootThe_Phoenix: what?07:29
android_nope thats not it lpch somethink ??07:29
ikoniafuryoshonen: open the package manager, search for the package, click "re-install"07:29
gxiceroot: in auth.log it says 'accepted password', next line 'pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user <<username>> by (uid=0)', next 'subsystem request for sftp by user username', 'received disconnect from ipaddress'07:29
M4dH4TT3rwtf is ur problem now ikonia?07:29
ikoniaandroid_: lspci07:29
The_Phoenixiceroot, LXDE doesn't seem to have a good network management GUI.07:30
icerootThe_Phoenix: it has a good one07:30
android_thx again!07:30
icerootThe_Phoenix: also you can use nm-applet and network-manager on lubuntu instead of wcid07:30
gxiceroot: so it doesn't really look like any 'errors' per se, its just logging the connection and immediate disconnection07:30
The_Phoenixm4dc0d3r_, If you run native, you won't have the dialer.07:30
QuetzalThe_Phoenix: LXDE doesn't? I never hard problems when I used LXDE based linux distro.07:30
android_any one have there wireless connection working???07:30
icerootgx: can you paste the output of "ssh user@host -vvv"07:31
ikoniaandroid_: totally, yes, many people07:31
iceroot!paste | gx07:31
ubottugx: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:31
The_Phoenixiceroot, I tried. Not working.07:31
icerootThe_Phoenix: its working here07:31
Guest4Hi. Please tell me where can I get some info on mirror/package validation after downloading them from a local mirror.07:31
icerootThe_Phoenix: so "doesnt work" is a bad description07:31
The_Phoenixiceroot, do I have to install any addtional packages?07:31
furyoshonenikonia: thanks, that was easy07:31
fritschGuest4: the package archives are signed with a special key07:32
android_have tried everything ...........i willgo back to windows if i cant get this ass cable out of here....07:32
icerootThe_Phoenix: sudo apt-get install nm-applet07:32
icerootThe_Phoenix: thats all07:32
fritschGuest4: if you do an apt-get update it tells you, if everything is right07:32
The_PhoenixQuetzal, LXDE works good. Only the Network MAnager is giving issues.07:32
Guest4fritsch, I have that guess, I just want to read about it myself :D Any links / keywords?07:32
togglesfuryoshonen: lol..07:32
ikoniafuryoshonen: sometimes the obvious stuff is easy to miss07:32
Quetzalandroid_: How the heck are you doing this? Is drivers missing?07:32
The_Phoenixiceroot, I have nm-applet working on xfce. Do I have to install nm applet after I install lxde?07:32
gxiceroot: ssh -vvv output: http://pastebin.com/yW3ZcJVc07:33
icerootThe_Phoenix: yes07:33
android_yes have tried install windows drivers for RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)07:33
gxiceroot: do you want the output <after> i enter the password as well?07:33
The_Phoenixiceroot, so, that was my mistake. will try again. =D07:33
fritschGuest4: mmh, you could read the ppa packaging help in https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA07:33
fritschGuest4: there is something written about signing07:33
fritschGuest4: but not very much07:33
icerootgx: important is the part after the password07:33
The_Phoenixthanks iceroot07:33
Ben64android_: realtek is easy to get working : /07:34
icerootThe_Phoenix: if i am correct "lubuntu-desktop" will remove nm-applet and install wcid07:34
android_REALLY :))))07:34
icerootThe_Phoenix: so nm-applet have to be installed after07:34
furyoshonenikonia toggles: hopefully that will fix the problem07:34
Guest4fritsch, Thanks a lot! It will be some start point.07:34
gxiceroot: this is after I enter password: http://pastebin.com/6cxC9tQu07:34
The_PhoenixThanks iceroot.07:35
android_have read that slackware operatingsystem detects my rtl device why dont ubuntu that ?07:36
ikoniaandroid_: hardware support depends on a few things,07:36
ikoniaandroid_: what makes you think it's not supported in ubuntu ?07:36
android_ive tried everything ....cant see anymore tips or tricks online either07:37
ikoniaandroid_: ok, could you please pastebin the output of iwconfig please07:38
Quetzalandroid_: Can your system even see that driver?07:38
android_no driver07:39
android_lo        no wireless extensions.07:39
android_eth0      no wireless extensions.07:39
android_wlan0     IEEE 802.11bg  ESSID:off/any07:39
android_          Mode:Managed  Access Point: Not-Associated   Tx-Power=0 dBm07:39
android_          Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off07:39
FloodBot1android_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:39
android_          Power Management:off07:39
Ben64pastebin being the operative word07:40
Quetzalandroid_: Eth0, not wifi, right?07:41
android_my cable runs Eth007:41
QuetzalWhat do think of this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=109268707:42
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gxiceroot: i think i figured it out, it's because i was making that user's home a directory a different, existing directory owned by another user07:42
gxso now instead i just made their home dir /home/user, and ill make a symlink to the intended directory, hopefully theyll be able to edit files...07:43
gxnot symlink i guess, mount.07:43
android_seen that page doesnt say alot should i type the shell commands or what ?07:43
icerootgx: symlink should be fine07:43
QuetzalI'll look for something more up to date though.07:44
Ben64i thought you said wireless wasn't working07:44
Quetzalandroid_: Should give it a go, if anything, come back here using live CD.07:45
prathami cant load java in my chrome07:45
android_ok then here goes!07:46
prathami cant load java in my chrome it says not07:46
Ben64the realtek wired driver has been in the kernel for at least 5 years iirc07:46
buddha_pratham: i assume you have jre installed07:46
prathambut chrome says no07:46
buddha_yout tried reinstalling?07:47
Quetzalpratham: Visit this page: http://java.com/en/download/installed.jsp?detect=jre&try=107:47
prathamhow do i reinstall??07:47
Guest4I might be wrong, but... There was some plugin in Chromium that enables java content. You need to start it with --enable-plugins and then check this plugin in settings.07:47
almoxarifepratham: still have firefox installed?07:48
greenithi, i have a problem: sometimes my internet disconnects, then i have to restart the router... well, and my computer is connected via wlan, and everytime i restart the router, ubuntu asks for the wlan-password again, can i disable this so that it just reconnects everytime i restart the router without asking for the password?07:48
prathamyes i hv07:48
prathamahh got it07:49
prathamits working07:49
almoxarifepratham: go to some page that needs java, see if you can see what ever it is you would expect07:49
prathamjust reinstalled chrome07:49
prathamthx working now :)07:49
almoxarifehappy guy :)07:50
nn52hello everyone!07:50
Quetzalgreenit: Check to see if the wlan signals is really good at all first. (If you must, put the wifi device very close to your computer and test to see how long you stay online for).07:51
greenitQuetzal, it is the internete connection which disconnects, i also have tested it via wired lan, but it disconnects...07:52
almoxarifegreenit: your wlan key you mean?07:52
Quetzalgreenit: Must be your ISP then. Are you having this issue in other operating systems?07:52
greenitalmoxarife, yes, i have to enter it everytime i turn the wlan off and on again07:52
greenitQuetzal, yes, in windows too07:52
almoxarifegreenit: your wlan key should be getting saved by default07:53
Guest4Could it be some router issue when key getting rejected and system asks for a new one?07:53
greenitalmoxarife, it is saved, but everytime i restart the wlan, it asks for the password again, and i have to press enter, thats what i want to get rid of07:53
almoxarifegreenit: asks you for your ubuntu password you mean?07:54
Ben64i think you need a new router07:54
QuetzalIt might be your ISP, or you can refer to the manual that came with the product.     In ubuntu, theres a feature to automaticially enter/save passwords/keys. I'm sure your router has a feature so it will then stop asking for passwords and such.07:54
QuetzalProduct being the router.07:54
greenitalmoxarife, nope, for the password for wlan, ubuntu thinks that i didnt enter the correct key, because it disconnected07:54
ojiihi everyone07:55
Quetzalgreenit: Then be sure the password is correct then. (If you must, make the password extremely easy or just plain remove password).07:55
ojiiI try to connect two external screens to my laptop (one via HDMI, one via DVI) but the nvidia tool always complains "MetaMode 1 of Screen 0 has more than two active display devices." and if I select "autofix", one of the screens stays black. Is there anything I can do to fix this?07:55
greenitQuetzal, it is correct,i can always connect, just when i restart the router it asks again07:56
QuetzalSO what's really going on? You disconnect from your NETWORK, or the INTERNET? (You can be connected to your network, and still have no internet)07:56
almoxarifegreenit: normally your wlan key is entered and saved with admin asking for your ubuntu password07:56
fritschojii: what notebook do you have? is it expected, that two digital outputs work at the same time?07:56
almoxarifegreenit: your issues may have more to do with a crippled router though, from what you say about it disconnecting07:57
ojiifritsch, I have a system76 serval professional with a GeForce GTX 485M, no clue if it's supposed to work07:57
Quetzalgreenit: Well, then that is something to expect, it's a security system, when you turn off your router, of course it will RE-ask for your password. UNLESS you have network password SAVED.07:57
ojiifritsch, turning off my laptop screen and only using the two external monitors works07:57
ojiiso that part works07:57
greenitalmoxarife, thats not router-specific with the disconnects, it is also with other routers, also the question for the correct password again -.-07:57
almoxarifegreenit: wlan=key , ubuntu=password, which is being asked?07:58
greenitalmoxarife, wlan=key07:59
Quetzalalmoxarife: The key.07:59
buddha_the key beedledeebeedledeedee07:59
android_should i logg in as root user when typing sudo in shellcommands??08:00
Quetzalgreenit: Right click on your network ICON/logo/symbol at the corner of the screen for context menu. Then select EDIT Connections.08:00
llutz_greenit: do you use nm-applet? check you wifi-connection settings, is  "automatic connection" and "make it available to all users" checked?08:00
almoxarifegreenit: have you made changes to the original network-manager or done your own conf edits?08:00
greeniti dont know why, it automatically connects to the wlan, when it is there _before_ i start the computer, it also automatically connects when i start the router _after_ the computer, but it asks for the password when i am connected and reboot the router08:00
almoxarifepassword ? key?08:00
greenitalmoxarife, nope08:00
greenitah, sry^^ for the key i mean08:01
Quetzalandroid_: You can not login as root. You do not even know it's password (Or at least shouldn't). The purpose of "Sudo" is to be used when necessary. So type in sudo, and you'll then be asked for a password to elevate to root/admin status08:01
almoxarifegreenit: do you get asked for your ubuntu PASSWORD when you enter your KEY?08:01
fritschojii: jep, i think you only have dual head08:02
ojiifritsch, meaning?08:02
Quetzalsudo command basically means "My whatever command I type in be a root/super user".08:02
fritschojii: no 3 displays at a time08:02
ojiifritsch, no way around that?08:02
fritschojii: its a hardware limit, i tink08:02
greenitalmoxarife, now i got asked, thx to llutz_ i looked for "available for all users", then it asked08:02
android_sudo modprobe 8139too              when i typed this last one ..if i right click on the wireless icon its box is checked wasnt before08:02
greenitalmoxarife, for the password08:02
ojiifritsch, would an extra gfx card fix this?08:02
almoxarifegreenit: bet you don't get asked again08:03
Guest4Yes he did. He just wrote it. And Ubuntu remembers the password and uses it on first connection. I believe it's all because PC can't authenticate when router is restarting, so Ubuntu thinks it's because of the wrong password and asks for a new one.08:03
fritschojii: mmh, this is a laptop?08:03
ojiifritsch, yes08:03
Quetzalandroid_: Use all the commands.08:03
fritschojii: where to put the extra card?08:03
greenitthx for help almoxarife llutz_ Quetzal :)08:03
ojiifritsch, but a crazy one08:03
QuetzalThen see what happens.08:03
android_must go be back !! send msg if u wana help :))))))))08:03
ojiifritsch, usb08:03
fritschojii: as a separate screen i think it might work08:03
Quetzalandroid_: Please let me know if that worked out for you.08:04
fritschojii: but last time i looked usb grahics supoort was not so good in linux08:04
ojiifritsch, "separate screen"?08:04
ojiifritsch, it's not, the one i have here doesn't work (there's drivers for it but way too complicated for me to get to run)08:04
fritschojii: to merge screens with multiple devices is still a huge mess with config files08:04
fritschojii: ati has the possiblity to drive 3 screens08:04
ojiifritsch, but don't their drivers suck?08:05
fritschojii: but thats the only good propriary amd does on linux08:05
fritschojii: like hell, yes08:05
trojankinghello bro08:05
fritschojii: normal work can be done, but gpu offloading and stuff is a nightmare08:05
kelwynsa8hi, I've tried a Google for 'slow video playback full screen' and it found a few results. Some say it is compiz and i should change the refresh rate or something. It says to open CompizConfig - how do I do this? I'm on 11.04 Desktop x86 -  while I'm here too, why do I only have 1.9GB available of my 16GB RAM? BIOS says it finds the whole lot, Ubuntu doesn't. I've had 8GB come up on 10.10.08:05
ojiifritsch, so to recap, my 3rd screen is basically useless on ubuntu?08:06
trojankingPlease i am new to Ubuntu, first time user please i need browsers to work like mozilla about 4 browsers totally needed08:06
fritschojii: no it is useless in every os08:06
fritschojii: it is a hardware limit08:06
ojiifritsch, i know for a fact that this works on OSX08:06
fritschojii: oha!08:07
fritschojii: you are sure?08:07
ojiifritsch, some of the mac guys here have 3 external monitors + their laptop08:07
ojiifritsch, using 2 usb gfx cards08:07
fritschojii: we talk about your nvidia08:07
ojiifritsch, ah08:07
trojankingPlease i am new to Ubuntu, first time user please i need browsers to work like mozilla about 4 browsers totally needed08:07
fritschojii: if they get 3 screens with only this device08:07
almoxarifeI have an interesting issue I can't find a cure to, when I try to logout via desktop I always find myself having to click on the logout twice, I can't see what is causing it, any ideas? is there a way to tell if I am in two sessions ?08:07
fritschojii: then it should be further investigated08:07
ojiifritsch, well their main gfx card only handles 2 screens (laptop + 1 external)08:08
ojiifritsch, they handle the rest over USB08:08
Ben64trojanking: mozilla firefox works perfectly08:08
fritschojii: just curious question, what do the display on 4 screens?08:08
fritschojii: two screens ist fine, yes - but cannot imagine what to do on 408:08
buddha_trojanking: try surf, thats a good one. or epiphany08:08
trojankingBen64 and buddha thanks08:09
almoxarifetrojanking: the default browser is firefox=mozilla08:09
ojiifritsch, i had 4 before (using 2 laptops + synergy), I'm a webdev. so screen 1: shells, screen 2: browser, screen 3: IDE, screen 4: rest (IRC, mail, ....)08:09
fritschojii: hehe, okay - what usb devices do you have?08:10
fritschojii: see if there is a chance to get them going08:10
almoxarifetrojanking: if you want to join the space age, use chrome08:10
ojiifritsch, not working at that company anymore. i know that the one i have here doesn't work08:10
ojiifritsch, the one i have here is a club3d08:10
fritschojii: exact model?08:11
ojii fritsch 1sec08:11
fritschojii: http://www.club-3d.com/index.php/produkte/leser.de/product/usb-to-dvi-i-graphic-adapter.html <- this one?08:11
trojankingalmoxarife thanks08:11
trojankingi am using lan to browse08:12
ojiifritsch, yes08:12
idovecerhi ppl08:12
cebalraiDoes anyone here know, how the official installer sets the keyboard layout?08:12
trojankingi dont know if there is anyway i can connect to the internet using my usb modem or08:12
ojiifritsch, the site we bought it from claimed 'linux support'08:12
fritschojii: what happens if you plug it in?08:13
ojiifritsch, nothing08:13
Ben64what happens in dmesg08:13
fritschojii: hehe, what does the kernel say?08:13
fritschojii: dmesg as Ben64 says08:13
ojiifritsch, Ben64 http://paste.pocoo.org/show/488132/08:14
fritschojii: looks good08:15
fritschojii: attach a display08:15
ojiifritsch, 1sec08:15
trojankingi dont know if there is anyway i can connect to the internet using my usb modem or08:15
ojiineeda find the cable :D08:15
mogajI am getting this message onmy laptop ... "There is a problem with the configuration server.(/usr/lib/libconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256) .... please ome one help08:15
mogajam using ubuntu 11.0408:16
ojiifritsch, the monitor now lights up bright green08:17
fritschojii: do: xrandr -o 008:17
fritschojii: and pastebin xrandr -q08:17
ojiifritsch, http://paste.pocoo.org/show/488134/08:18
fritschojii: could you logout and login again?08:18
almoxarifemogaj: http://thingsyoudontlearnatschool.blogspot.com/2011/01/fixing-there-is-problem-with.html <-- looky there08:18
fritschojii: gdm gets restarted08:18
ojiifritsch, is ctrl backspace enough?08:18
fritschojii: yes08:18
fritschojii: did the xrandr output change?08:19
ojiifritsch, and i'm back and the screen is still green08:19
Ben64attach a screen to it, go to System -> Preferences -> Monitors08:20
fritschBen64: if xrandr does not see it08:20
Ben64should give you a nice graphical interface to change it08:20
fritschBen64: there is no chance08:20
fritschBen64: for the graphical app08:21
ojiifritsch yes it did08:21
fritschojii: please pastebin again08:21
ojiifritsch, old output: https://gist.github.com/1266828/d6e675cc429a039b1566cb85ddc8c776c453281b, new output: https://gist.github.com/1266828/58ea542c82f6bdebc8f8e1f2dce2e9f505bb724508:21
JadedJacobHas anyone setup a lamp server in ubuntu?08:22
JadedJacobinstalling it as a virtual machine using virtualbox?08:22
ikoniaJadedJacob: yes, what's the issue08:22
ikoniaJadedJacob: physical or virtual doesn't matter, it's the same OS, same process08:22
trojankingHello all please i have rdp and I can not connect to it, it always lost how do i connect please help its windows rdp which i have the IP08:22
Ben64JadedJacob: shouldn't be any different than normal install08:22
ojiiBen64, the monitors app doesn't see the screen08:22
fritschojii: i think there is a chance with edition xorg.conf and placing the correct PCI ID08:23
ojiifritsch, how do i get the PCI ID? and what would I change xorg.conf to?08:23
fritschojii: dmesg told you the device08:23
ojiifritsch, ah08:23
shomonhi, my volume control applet died. It's invisible but I click on it, and the menu still appears, but when I go to sound preferences, it launches a window "waiting for the sound system to respond" and does nothing else. How do I restart sound, without logging out and in again?08:23
shomonthat's on ubuntu 10.1008:23
melvincvI'm not able to decrypt a pgp file I encrypted on another computer, even though I imported the public key. Please help.08:24
cebalraiIs there by any chance one of the ubiquity decs here?08:24
shomonsorry, I mean ubuntu 11.04 - just upgraded last week08:24
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fritschojii: http://libdlo.freedesktop.org/wiki/08:24
ojiifritsch, is it normal that my xorg.conf is nearly empty? http://paste.pocoo.org/show/488137/08:25
fritschojii: jep08:25
shomonanyone know how to reinitialise sound in 11.04?08:25
fritschojii: http://mulchman.org/blog/?tag=displaylink08:25
fritschojii: here is a lengthy howto08:25
fritschojii: not very easy though08:25
ojiifritsch, o.O08:26
fritschojii: it still needs some time :-)08:26
ojiifritsch, looks like it might be cheaper to just buy a new laptop08:26
sammyanyone ever use ldap-nss? I'm noticing a debian ldap guide is telling me not to migrate my system users (uids < 1000) to ldap -- but what happens when apt tries to create a new user for a new package? will it get put in /etc/passwd? do users for packages like dbus/messagebus get uids above 1000?08:26
fritschojii: nope08:26
fritschojii: :-)08:26
mogaj@almoxarife : am still getting same message08:26
sammyshomon: reinitialize? can you be more specific?08:27
trojankingHello all please i have rdp and I can not connect to it, it always lost how do i connect please help its windows rdp which i have the IP08:27
shomonhi, my volume control applet died. It's invisible but I click on it, and the menu still appears, but when I go to sound preferences, it launches a window "waiting for the sound system to respond" and does nothing else. How do I restart sound, without logging out and in again?08:27
shomonthat's what I posted earlier08:27
almoxarifeshomon: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/09/how-to-reset-gnome-panels-compiz.html , see if that helps08:27
fritschojii: but, if you calc with 10hours to get it working in comparison to 10hours work :-)08:27
fritschojii: you could be right08:27
ojiifritsch, that's what I do08:27
sammyshomon: I had that issue and googled 'waiting for the sound system to respond' and found some helpful answers. I dont remember what the resolution was, but it was a very common problem08:27
shomonah cool, will try that08:27
sammyshomon: let me know if it doesn't work out. I remember doing something, I just dont remember what :)08:28
shomonI did reinitialise metacity - maybe it forgot it's sound bits...08:28
ojiifritsch, really looking forward to explain this to my boss (a mac fanboy) :(08:28
sammyalso I will kill for inline, underlined spell checking in irssi, ala mcabber. I just spend a half hour trying to find the irssi script with underlining misspelled words, only to remember it was in mcabber08:28
sammytrojanking: what happens when you try to connect?08:29
fritschojii: there is a solution, but not an easy one :-)08:29
shomonaha pulseaudio had died...08:29
ojiifritsch, yea thanks for that, might try it over the weekend or so08:29
ojiifritsch, thanks for trying to help08:30
sammyyeah I thought that ldap question might be a bit much for the overnight-english-speaking-world crowd08:30
GirlyGirlojii: What is the problem08:30
trojankingsammy i have windows remote desktop but i am using linux now i want to connect tothe windows rdp08:31
sammytrojanking: what happens when you try to connect? what application are you using in linux to connect?08:32
trojankingremote desktop viewer08:32
almoxarifetrojanking: terminal server client should work08:33
kelwynsa8how do i tell if im connected via G or N?08:33
sammykelwynsa8: you can single click the wifi icon near the clock and click 'connection information' should tell you your speed. you can also use 'iwconfig' on the command line.08:34
trojankingalmoaxife how do i get terminal server client08:34
almoxarifetrojanking: its an option in the 'internet' tab08:34
kelwynsa8sammy, that tells me my connection speed, not if I'm on N or G08:34
kelwynsa8it says 48Mb/s - then it fluctuates to 54Mb/s08:34
mogajI am getting this message on my laptop(ubuntu 11.04) ... "There is a problem with the configuration server.(/usr/lib/libconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256) .... please some one help08:34
kelwynsa8my router is set to allow g/b/n sammy08:35
sammykelwynsa8: then I'm guessing youre probably connecting at G, you're getting G speeds, anyway.08:35
almoxarifemogaj: what did you type in terminal?08:35
kelwynsa8hmm ok sammy08:36
stuk_genhi all :)08:36
kelwynsa8I'll have a Google on how to force N08:36
ojiiGirlyGirl, getting 3 monitors (2 external) to work with my laptop08:36
sammykelwynsa8: higher than 54 would be N speeds. it might be a quality issue, if youre too far from the router, or the channel youre using is saturated by nearby wireless routers.08:36
GirlyGirlojii: Which graphic card08:37
kelwynsa8I'm well aware what N is, and no, I live in a very remote area - windows does 300Mb/s, so ubuntu should be able to as well08:37
sammymogaj: what are you doing to get this message? where are you seeing it?08:37
ojiiGirlyGirl, nVidia GeForce GTX 485M08:37
sammyalso I'm pleased with this special hilight window for irssi. i wonder how mature the irssi-xmpp project got.08:37
stuk_geni have a problemi to set static ip on a ubuntu 11.04 desktop edition. I create two script that change the file in /etc/network/interfaces but this sometimes work and sometimes not work. What is the best method to do this?08:38
kelwynsa8lshw seems to show it sammy08:38
lebui am trying to setup ip tables but i am gettin the error couldnt load match "conntract:/lib/xtables/libipt_conntract.so: could not open shared object file : no such file or directory08:38
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ikoniastuk_gen: why are you not using gnome network manager ?08:38
sammykelwynsa8: shows?08:38
ikoniastuk_gen: when are you putting the info directly into /etc/network/interfaces08:38
kelwynsa8sammy, lshw -C network ;)08:39
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zeroxsorry about the name change ops08:39
GirlyGirlojii: http://paste.ubuntu.com/703269/08:39
stuk_genikonia: because  i'm not the final user, and for final user is simply click one icon...08:39
ikoniastuk_gen: then just set it up in gnome network manager, then there is no need to click anything08:39
fritschGirlyGirl: his nvidia can only do dualhead, the usb device is his problem08:40
ojiiGirlyGirl, fritsch, well I'd prefer not to use the usb thingy08:40
ikoniastuk_gen: remove the information frmo /etc/network/interfaces, put the correct info in gnome-network-manager and then it just works, no need to click anything08:40
zeroxi am guessing it is something that didnt install when i installed ubuntu server?08:40
GirlyGirlojii: What usb device is this??08:40
stuk_genikonia: gnome-network-manager where is it that file?08:40
GirlyGirlojii: Aren't the monitors VGA, DVI, HDMI or S-Video?08:41
ikoniait's not a file, it's a desktop application, look in the top right of the desktop08:41
sammykelwynsa8: look at that, it reports the current link? so if i turn off n on my router it will only show abg? interesting! thanks for the heads up08:41
mogajsammy : i havent done anything ... am getting this message when i am switching on my laptop before login screen08:41
kelwynsa8lol sammy, no probs08:41
ikoniastuk_gen: https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-help/net-fixed-ip-address.html08:41
ojiiGirlyGirl, i tried to use the HDMI and DVI port of the gfx card08:41
mogajalmoxarife: i typed chmod 755 /home/<my username>08:42
ojiiGirlyGirl, the USB device is http://www.club-3d.com/index.php/produkte/leser.de/product/usb-to-dvi-i-graphic-adapter.html08:42
kelwynsa8also FYI sammy http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8346399#post834639908:42
zeroxi am trying to setup ip tables but i am gettin the error couldnt load match "conntract:/lib/xtables/libipt_conntract.so: could not open shared object file : no such file or directory do i need to reinstall iptables08:42
stuk_genikonia: oh..ok understand. No i can't use ui. Because the final user is stupid :) And he have to set up static ip, and sometimes dhcp. So is to simple click two icon like setIpStatic.sh and setIpDhcp.sh for the user08:42
GirlyGirlojii: Why don't you use the g card instead?08:42
ikoniastuk_gen: set up a static ip option and a dhcp option in gnome-network-manager and he can just select which one he wants08:42
ikoniastuk_gen: this is exactly the sort of funcitonality it was meant for08:43
ojiiGirlyGirl, when I activate all 3 monitors in the nvidia tool, i get "MetaMode 1 of Screen 0 has more than two active display devices."08:43
ojiiGirlyGirl, if i then select 'autofix', one of the monitors gets turned off08:43
mogajalmoxarife : i am typing chmod 755 /home/<my username>  after logging in and opening terminal08:43
ikoniastuk_gen: if he right clicks on gnome-network-manager (once you've set it up) he'll have two options "staic" and "dhcp" the easy way to deal with it and manage it08:43
GirlyGirlojii: Which driver version is this?08:43
ikoniastuk_gen: (sorry it's a left click to list the available networks)08:43
ojiiGirlyGirl, 270.41.0608:44
stuk_genikonia: i have see that i can create more profile in network.manager and ok this is a good idea. But i repeat the user is stupid! is there a way to change the profile with a script?08:44
GirlyGirlojii: If you want try updating to latest drivers with these commands and try again http://paste.ubuntu.com/703269/08:44
ikoniastuk_gen: it's more complex with a script, use the easy tool08:44
ojiiGirlyGirl, guess worth a try08:45
sammymogaj: there are quite a lot of suggestions on this page https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gconf/+bug/269215 and google had many more links to ubuntu forum posts. I suggest you check there. seems to be any number of issues; not enough room in /home, incorrect permissions in various files, some people had luck reinstalling gnome-panel. id see if anything looks familiar and give some of the suggestions a try08:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 269215 in gconf (Ubuntu) "There is a problem with the configuration server. (/usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256)" [Medium,Incomplete]08:45
ikoniastuk_gen: if the user can click an icon to start a script, the user can click the word "static" or "dhcp" on network manager08:45
zeroxi am trying to setup ip tables but i am gettin the error couldnt load match "conntract:/lib/xtables/libipt_conntract.so: could not open shared object file : no such file or directory do i need to reinstall iptables08:45
magnushcHas anyone got the wireless to work on macbook pro with 11.10?08:45
magnushcmacbook pro 8.208:45
stuk_genikonia: yes...and tell to the user what is the network manager :)08:45
ojiiGirlyGirl, I'll be back after the reboot08:45
GirlyGirlojii: Ok08:45
ikoniastuk_gen: it's the network icon in the top of the screen,08:45
ikoniastuk_gen: once he's done it once he'll be fine08:45
llutz_stuk_gen: "man 5 interfaces" read about schemes and how to switch between them. but as ikonia stated, nm-applet would be much easier08:45
=== zerox is now known as lebu
lebui am trying to setup ip tables but i am gettin the error couldnt load match "conntract:/lib/xtables/libipt_conntract.so: could not open shared object file : no such file or directory............. do i need to reinstall iptables?08:46
AdvoWorkif i access my internal site by doing http://IP  can i mask that with a name? like intranet?08:47
icerootlebu: is that a vhost?08:47
icerootlebu: vserver08:47
spikeanybody familiar with super grub and isntalling ubuntu booting off of a usb key?08:47
otaconIs there any support for xbox 360 controller's?08:47
ikoniaspike: just use normal grub2 supplied with ubuntu08:47
iceroototacon: should be working08:47
otaconiceroot: I'm trying to get this wired headset to work with the wired controller08:48
iceroototacon: there are linux-drivers, dont know if they are built into ubuntu08:48
lebuiceroot: i just installed ubuntu server, and i am trying to setup ics, i read the howto on ubuntu site... and i am upto where u put the iptable config in but i am gettin that error08:48
spikeikonia: I don't have an ubuntu box, I have a mac and I need to make a usb key to install ubuntu on a notebook08:48
ikoniaspike: that doesn't change what I said08:48
otaconiceroot: There are? I tried the wine installation of the windows drivers but to no avail. Care to link me there?08:49
GirlyGirlWhat's with the floodbot?08:49
iceroototacon: only google08:49
stuk_genikonia: network manger...net? who? where? the icon the top of the screen....more time.... But...man click the icon SETIPSTATIC (and the icon is very big) the user click and ok start.08:49
lebuiceroot: do i need to reinstall iptables?08:49
lebuseems there is a library file missing maybe? (just guessin)08:50
icerootlebu: i dont know what is providing that file. apt-file search is showing nothing08:50
fritschlebu: libiptcdata0 <- did you install this one?08:50
ikoniastuk_gen: if you want to ignore the most obvious and clean solution, good luck to you then08:50
icerootlebu: are you using iptables directly?08:50
fritschlebu: you are trying to parse iptc metadata, so the lib is needed08:51
icerootlebu: what ubuntu-version? also what is the output of "dpkg -l iptables"08:51
llutz_lebu: check your scripts for typos, isn't it "contrack" not "contract"?08:51
=== ojii_ is now known as ojii
lebusudo iptables _A FORWARD -o eth0 -i eth1 -s -m conntract --ctstate NEW -j ACCEPT08:51
ojiiGirlyGirl, still get "MetaMode 1 of Screen 0 has more than two active display devices."08:51
lebuthats the command i typed08:52
llutz_lebu: ... -m conntrack ...08:52
lebullutz: just typin it off the site thats all :/08:52
lebuthe howto site that is08:52
gebbionehi all08:52
stuk_genikonia: i don't want ignore your solution, but maybe you haven't try to tell to 'stupid' user how to change the ip. If simply tell to user click icon? or click on network manger static ip?08:52
GirlyGirlojii: 1 moment I think that rings a bell08:52
gebbionemy ubuntu is stuck and i dont know what to do to unblock it without a hard reset, can you suggest how to unblock it?08:53
ikoniastuk_gen: I'm quite sure you can say "click the logo at the top right of the screen, it shows you dhcp/static, select the one you want"08:53
llutz_lebu: then try to understand what you're typing and that a howto might have typos as well08:53
stuk_genikonia: what logo?08:54
GirlyGirlojii: Sorry I don't use Gnome / unity so I don't know the tool names but in configuration or something thing for display ... open it08:54
ikoniathe network manager logo08:54
stuk_genikonia: what is it? argh is too little the icon i'm on eeepc08:54
ojiiGirlyGirl, you mean the nvidia thing or the gnome thing?08:54
stuk_genikonia: and i haven't a mouse08:54
ikoniastuk_gen: the documetn I gave you explains it08:54
GirlyGirlojii: gnome thing08:55
stuk_genikonia: yes i understand i only simulate a stupid user08:55
ojiiGirlyGirl, it's called "monitors" :D, and opened it08:55
GirlyGirlojii: Does it detect the multiple monitors08:55
ikoniastuk_gen: stop calling him stupid, Use whatever solution you see fit08:55
gebbioneanyone can help?08:55
stuk_genikonia: but if the only solution is that...ok i try that08:56
ojiiGirlyGirl, well since nvidia tells it there's only one HUGE monitor, it detects that one (I use twinview)08:56
DoverOsoh wow i'm stupid08:56
gebbionemy ubuntu is stuck and i dont know what to do to unblock it without a hard reset, can you suggest how to unblock it?08:57
DoverOsi keep forgetting the menu bars jump up to the top panel08:57
stuk_genikonia: ok thank's for help anyway08:57
obengdakogebbione, i'm not sure what you mean by blocked and not quite sure about the hard reset too maybe some who knows would get to you, or explain further08:57
GirlyGirlojii: What is the error nvidia gives again08:58
ojiiGirlyGirl, "MetaMode 1 of Screen 0 has more than two active display devices."08:58
ComradeHaz`hi all, please can someone tell me where user's crontabs are stored?08:58
GirlyGirlojii: Does 2 displays instead of three work?08:59
ojiiGirlyGirl, yes08:59
ojiiGirlyGirl, that's what I do right now, turned off the laptop and just use the 2 externals08:59
gebbioneobengdako:  it is just blocked/stuck, meaning a moment ago i was playing a video on a site and now it loops on 1 second of the video and does not accept any interaction from the mouse, hard reset is from the PC case as compared to a software one08:59
ComradeHaz`gebnione can you kernel reset?09:00
gebbionei have no sheel open in front of me09:00
redI just received a new Work PC and made a USB install stick in Ubuntu, now that I use it to boot the new PC I get to the "Try Ubuntu without installing" and "install ubuntu" menu, I can choose either one but the screen afterwards just turns to black and nothing happends at all09:00
ComradeHaz`* gebbione09:00
gebbionejust the gnome09:00
gebbionehow do i kernel reset09:01
ikoniagebbione: you need to reboot to "reset" the kernel09:01
TuxBlackEdo_has anyone here used ddrescue on a SSD before? my "ddrescue" started out fast but not its going at about 600-800kb/sec... started from 10mb/sec09:01
ComradeHaz`gebione, google rseiub09:01
TuxBlackEdo_I can't mount the disk, gives me input/output errors09:01
gebbioneikonia: of course i can do that but then i will loose current work, i was more looking for something to stop overloading processes to try to recover the GUI09:02
ikoniagebbione: if you need to reset the kernel (as you stated) the only option is a reboot09:02
ComradeHaz`gebbione, i believe that to be correct, but you should be able to o a cleanish reboot doing what i said09:03
DoverOscan you save the stuff if you go into tty1?09:03
GirlyGirlojii: It is not possible to have three displays under twinview09:03
ojiiGirlyGirl, :(09:04
=== matt is now known as Guest26283
gebbioneikonia:  i dont want to do that, i asked for a way not to do that, like in windows you can open the task manager ... maybe in ubuntu something similar?09:04
GirlyGirlojii: Nvidia settings detects all three displays I believe?09:05
ojiiGirlyGirl, yes09:05
ikoniagebbione: ok - you can kill and restart certain processes, sure, what do you want to restart09:05
ComradeHaz`gebbione, can you get to tty1?09:05
gebbionei dong know how to do that09:05
gvandeweyerred: do you have the latest ubuntu? I had similar issues with ubuntu LTS (10.04) on a new dell. using latest ubuntu solved the issues09:05
ComradeHaz`gebbione Ctrl+Alt+109:05
gebbioneapparently no09:06
ComradeHaz`then your machine is totally frozen09:06
gebbioneit is stuck09:06
ComradeHaz`more or less BSODed09:06
gebbionemeaning? BSODed?09:06
obengdako<obengdako> gebbione, oh i get it, first of all in my mind it is frozen, sometimes due to a lot of swapping, how big is your ram and swap space ,and how many processes are  running09:06
obengdako<obengdako> gebbione, and if you are willing to lose data ,you can do the hard reset09:06
obengdako<obengdako> gebbione, i've had that before09:06
obengdako<obengdako> gebbione, sometimes waiting a while for it to settle that is your harddrive indicator light to stop blinking repeatedly would help too09:06
redgvandeweyer: trying to install 11.0409:07
ComradeHaz`meaning it has crashed unrecoverably09:07
redgvandeweyer: im recreating the usb now, redownloaded, maybe something was fubar in the image dunno09:07
GirlyGirlojii: Can't you use xinerama09:07
gebbioneobengdako: i have 12Gb of ram09:07
redand i created the stick in 11.04 as well09:07
ojiiGirlyGirl, don't see that option09:07
gebbionenot sure about swap09:07
ojiiGirlyGirl, only "disable", "twinview" and "separate x screen"09:08
obengdakogebbione, wow 12GB, no swap?09:08
ComradeHaz`gebbione, it takes next to no resources to switch to tty1. it has crashed.09:08
gebbionei guess i let it choose how much swap to allocate at set up09:08
ojiiGirlyGirl, reading on wiki about xinerama it doesn't sound that nice "There is currently no way to dynamically add or remove physical screens, and there is no way to change the resolution of a screen.", this is a laptop. at work i have 3 screens at home just my laptop09:09
gebbioneComradeHaz`:  any suggestion on how i can troubleshoot? i had run memtest, seatools (for hardisks failures) and other stuff like mprime but they are all fine09:09
obengdakogebbione, well switching to tty1 and runnig top or sth like that to see which apps are sleeping or not responsive might help if not totally frozen09:09
gebbioneno errors reported09:09
ComradeHaz`gebbione, rseiub for now.09:09
obengdakogebbione, sometimes i take it as a flaw in the system09:09
ojiiGirlyGirl, also reading on their website "As of 2007-09-20, this project is no longer under active development." is not encouraging....09:09
ComradeHaz`then look at system logs once rebooted09:09
gebbioneobengdako:  it happens too often09:10
gebbionelike everyday09:10
gvandeweyerred: hmm, i had issues with X (videocard). if it goes blank right after grub, i can't help :-)09:10
obengdakogebbione, i use to have that experience when i newly switched to 64bit and was also watching movies or music, i think it had to do with some libraries or packages09:10
obengdakogebbione, first ensure you've updated appropriately too09:11
redhope I resolve this in 4 hours, otherwise I have to switch to working in Windows :(09:11
gebbioneobengdako: i always do those09:11
K350what privelegies should /var/log/messages have?09:12
obengdakogebbione, then try to note what application(s) cause the hang and file a bug, with app details and machine details09:12
gvandeweyerred: windows + virtual machine with ubuntu... I have the other way around running nicely, vmplayer running detached in the background with remote desktop to the windows if needed09:12
llutz_K350: 640 syslog:adm09:12
obengdakogebbione, are you using 64bit or 32bit with PAE?09:12
ComradeHaz`hi all, please can someone tell me where user's crontabs are stored?09:15
K350llutz_: Thanks a lot!:-)09:15
llutz_ /var/spool/cron/crontabs/ ComradeHaz`09:15
gvandeweyerComradeHaz`: you should edit them with 'crontab -e'09:16
ComradeHaz`thanks llutz09:16
ComradeHaz`Aue, I know, need to look at one on a dead (files recovered) system09:16
gvandeweyerComradeHaz`: instead of direct manipulation...09:16
=== Guest26283 is now known as caddoo
K350llutz_: btw. ls doesn't show the privelegies in numbers - the way I chmod - is there a way to see the privelegies the same way as when I chmod - in numbers?09:17
llutz_K350: "stat file"09:17
melvincvI encrypted a file using 'Passwords and Encryption keys' into a .pgp file. I tried to open the file in the other computer. It says I do not have the key. I imported the public key, but the same result. How do I decrypt the file?09:18
redIf anyone has any suggestions how to resolve a black screen (and nothing happening) after selecting "Install Ubuntu" or "Try Ubuntu without installing", I'm welcome to any help. Trying to install 64bit 11.04 on new work computer (Lenovo Thinkcentre edge)09:18
ComradeHaz`red, I seem to recall that issue. Try noapic, nolapic type options. I can't remember if that helped09:21
obengdakoi'm back!09:21
gebbionenice i just got a black screen with a corrupt page table message triggered by update-manager09:21
Ben64red: you could try installing with the alternate cd, then fix whatever issue it is once installed09:21
K350llutz_: Oh, great tool, thanks a lot - again. Really appruciated!09:21
ComradeHaz`red, I think I had to get either a newer (some kind of daily test build) or older cd)09:22
burghello. even if i have internet connection (wired, and logged in via pppoe), network manager sais that wired network is disconnected and no internet access. and because of that, some applications (pidgin, ubuntu one) won`t login because they "see" no network/internet connection. how can i fix that?09:31
Alan502Libreoffice is not stable at all, how can i replace it with openoffice?09:37
ubottuLibreOffice is a Free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install libreoffice". User help available in #libreoffice.09:37
icerootAlan502: openoffice is no longer supported09:38
Alan502iceroot: not even the older version?09:38
icerootAlan502: atm there are no security-updates/normal updates09:38
Alan502iceroot: it has become very annoying to use libreoffice with it crashing every 5 minutes09:38
icerootAlan502: what ubuntu-version? have you created a bug?09:39
Alan502iceroot: do you know if libreoffice has a safe mode or something?09:39
Alan502iceroot: it is 11.0409:39
Alan502iceroot: the whole OS freezes when I try to paste something from calc to writer09:40
Alan502iceroot: it even crashed when i tried to make a snapshot and then paste it on writer09:40
icerootAlan502: hm never had issues like that09:40
Alan502iceroot: the curious thing is that ubuntu itself frezes, i cannot move the mouse09:40
Alan502iceroot: i've tried to choose ubuntu safe mode from the login screen but it didn't help09:40
icerootAlan502: sure its a libreoffice-bug?09:41
Alan502iceroot: i'm not sure, tbh, is there I way i can "test" to be sure?09:41
Alan502iceroot: but it is highly probable since09:41
gamer1990which version of libreoffice ?09:41
Alan502iceroot: i've been using the computer from more than half an hour now, without libreoffice open, and ubuntu hasn't crashed09:41
Alan502gamer1990: the lastest one on the repositories09:42
vschwarc ki?09:42
vschwary a quelqu'un.09:42
gamer1990Alan502 you can try to install the prebuild debs directly from libreoffice, remove at first the currently libreoffice-version09:43
Alan502gamer1990: but then I will not be able to update libreeoffice automatically, right=09:43
Alan502gamer1990: are the prebuilds later versions than the ones on the repositories?09:44
=== Skywalker is now known as Guest26452
sevenearthshow can I open a terminal and run a command upon login?09:52
gamer1990Too late... he is gone :/09:56
xinyiwhat is fibmap?10:00
icerootxinyi: what should it be? a package? a script? where do you get the name from?10:01
xinyii got an error whilist shuting down10:01
xinyiit shows like this: FIBMAP: Invalide argument10:02
alkisgHi, if I have an interactive traceboard plugged in, ck-list-sessions says my session is "active = FALSE", and that results in broken ACLs for /dev/*.10:04
alkisgHow can I tell udev that my session is "active = TRUE"?10:04
=== Raines is now known as Rains
iMadperhow could I deal with "Error: Unable to initialize gtk, is DISPLAY set properly?"10:06
sascha-thorstendoes anyone know a tool which tests the graphic cards memory or the graphic card generally?10:06
jribiMadper: start by checking that DISPLAY is set properly10:08
iMadperjrgp, I typed export DISPLAY=":0.0"   but it still error10:09
iMadpersascha-thorsten, Urban Terror??10:09
sascha-thorsteniMadper: what do you mean?10:09
jribiMadper: continue by providing context to people in support channel :)10:09
iMadpersascha-thorsten, the software to test your graphic card10:10
sascha-thorsteni don't see this software in the repos and i don't habe any games that would run un the machine10:11
iMadperjrgp, what do you mean about support channel?10:11
jribiMadper: what are you doing to get the error?10:12
=== nixx is now known as nixxd
iMadperjrgp, When i open a software in a terminal. the software is used to connect my school's net10:13
iMadperjrgp, It maybe write by gtk and i used kde410:13
sascha-thorsteniMadper: the machine is an netbook which can not run games which i have there10:14
jribiMadper: I'm "jrib" not "jrgp" by the way10:14
iMadperjrib, sorry~10:14
jribiMadper: how did you install the software?10:14
iMadperjrib, use a script named install.sh。。。。10:14
systemparadoxmorning all. On an nvidia card with monitors of different sizes the mouse is not permitted to enter the invisible area. However, I'm now using a machine with an ATI card and it will let the mouse go into the invisible area. Does anyone know if it's possible to stop this behaviour?10:15
jribiMadper: :/  you probably need to install gtk then.  Check software's documentation10:15
iMadperjrib, but it works well two hours ago。。。10:15
jribiMadper: what changed in the past 2 hours?10:15
iMadperjrib, I just compiled a openfetion,10:16
iMadperjrib, you konw, before compling , i must install some software like libopenssl-dev10:16
iMadperjrib, and some other package10:17
E3D3Hi, I messed somehow (only) one of my USB-sticks. Nautilus, fdisk or gparted don't show it anymore. I have ntfs-drivers & -config and also tried settings in gconf-editor/nautilus but without good result. Who can help me ?10:17
iMadperjrib, should I remove what I installed?10:17
jribiMadper: what's the name of the software you are having trouble with?10:18
iMadperjrib, iNodeClient10:18
jribiMadper: and what's the *full* output when you attempt to execute it?10:18
iMadperjrib, I don't think you know the software, it only used in China College10:19
jribiMadper: it's fine10:19
iMadperjrib, wait a minute10:19
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:19
iMadperjrib, it said "No protocol specified"10:20
iMadperjrib, and Error: Unable to initialize gtk, is DISPLAY set properly?10:21
jribiMadper: it's easier if you just copy and paste the full output to http://paste.ubuntu.ocm.  Also, how are you executing the program?  What command are you running *exactly*?  What does « whoami » return in the same terminal where you are attempting to run the program?10:21
jribiMadper: if you just copy and paste everything you see (including the prompt) in your terminal, you will have answered all of these questions :)10:22
iMadperjrib, my computer can't connect the internet without that software10:22
jribiMadper: ok, then you must type10:22
iMadperjrib, i'll try10:22
iMadperjrib, when i type in whoami, it said "madper", and i think it's right~10:23
jribiMadper: how are you executing the program?  What command are you running *exactly*?10:24
iMadperjrib, I use this " sudo /usr/iNode/iNodeClient     "10:25
iMadperjrib, I have use this way half a year   :D10:25
iMadperjrib, It works well before today10:25
javier__hello, my audio is not working, I installed lubuntu from a minimal install10:26
jribiMadper: if you do « sudo -i » does /usr/iNode/iNodeClient work then?  Is DISPLAY still set properly?10:27
lunitikjavier__: dpkg -l linux-sound-base | ^ii <-- return anything? lspci | grep -i audio <-- what does this say? lsmod | grep snd <-- what does this say?10:27
iMadperjrib, I'll try now, wait a minute please~10:28
lunitikjavier__: that should be grep ^ii sorry10:28
iMadperjrib, Hi, my brother! it works!10:28
jribiMadper: that's kind of strange.  sudo by default shouldn't be resetting DISPLAY.  If you close terminal and open new one does your previous way work then?10:29
javier__lunitik, I supposed, it is version
javier__lunitik, 00:02.7 Multimedia audio controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] AC'97 Sound Controller (rev a0)10:30
iMadperjrib, I have rebooted my computer , and it still doesn't word10:30
iMadperjrib, still doesn't word10:30
iMadperjrib, sorry for the wrong type。。。10:30
lunitikjavier__: and the lsmod command?10:30
javier__lunitik, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/703309/10:31
mogajWhile loggin am getting "install problem! The configuration defaults for gnome power manager have not been installed correctly " how to resolve this ??10:31
lunitikjavier__: lsof /dev/snd/* <-- does this return anything?10:31
javier__lunitik, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/703311/10:32
iMadperjrib, should I remove the sudo and re-install it ?10:33
lunitikjavier__: stupid one: alsamixer <-- is PCM turned up?10:34
javier__lunitik, now yes10:34
javier__but still not working10:35
lunitikjavier__: it is a very old sound card from memory, why are you not using an audio mixer out of curiosity? I think one of the outputs from lsof is occupying the soundcard for itself10:36
javier__lunitik, http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=350a137d5216a0cd88cd8847527a4ad18f7798ed10:37
lunitikjavier__: you have never heard sound from this box, right?10:37
javier__lunitik, right10:37
lunitikjavier__: you are sure speakers are plugged in correctly, and that something isn't muted in the panel?10:39
lunitikjavier__: if so, I would suggest setting up dmix on the box if you don't want something like pulseaudio10:39
javier__lunitik, hahah no, its me the only one plugged in,10:40
javier__lunitik, I don't care about which module use10:40
javier__lunitik, just want to make it work10:40
Noianodid anyone managed to install flashplayer 11 from canonical's partner repos?10:40
javier__I trust you10:40
nmvictorI have a scrip in /etc/init.d, is it possible to check at which run level the script runs and possibly make it run on a higher runleve like 2.10:41
javier__Noiano, sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree10:41
jribiMadper: no you should not reinstall sudo.  Maybe look at env10:41
Noianojavier__, it's version 10.310:41
iMadperjrib, ok, I'll use my computer back~10:42
lunitikjavier__: dpkg -l pulse* | grep ^ii10:42
javier__lunitik, nothing10:42
jribnmvictor: there are a few things wrong with your question.  The answer is "yes, use sysv-rc-conf", but ubuntu now uses upstart so you should stop thinking in terms of runlevels.  Also, ubuntu always boots to runlevel 2 by default10:43
javier__but I have alsa10:43
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imadperjrib: Hi~ How should I check my env?10:44
javier__imadper, env10:44
jribimadper: you can type « env »10:44
lunitikjavier__: sudo apt-get install pulseaudio10:45
glebihanjrib, there still are runlevels with upstart10:46
imadperjrib: http://paste.ubuntu.org.cn/9857010:46
lunitikjavier__: just restarting should give you sound then, cuz it'll be started at boot I believe... after, locate *.ogg .. then play one through aplay to see if there is sound now... I think lxpanel is hogging your audio atm10:47
javier__lunitik, and now? I reboot or smthg? because sudo alsa reload doesnt work10:47
imadperjrib: there is another thing. My hotkey doesn't work, such as ALT + F210:47
javier__so I m coming back if doesn't work, thank you very much10:47
jribglebihan: yes, I only discouraged thinking in terms of them :)10:47
lunitikjavier__: maybe before you sign in, try those at a terminal after reboot10:48
javier__by the way lunitik, here you have the script for that I runned for all that info wget http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh -O alsa-info.sh && bash alsa-info.sh10:48
glebihanjrib, ok then I agree with you10:48
lunitikjavier__: I recognize all the commands output  ;)10:48
unclet0mHI GUYS! I was wondering if its 'safe' to use virtualbox in a machine that is already dual booting10:48
imadperjrib: it works again。。10:49
lunitikunclet0m: why wouldn't it be?10:49
javier__lunitik, I meant if you wanted to have it...10:49
djangoobiehey guys I'm using Ubuntu as a VM in VirtualBox. I recently updated VirtualBox and now I can't boot the machine anymore. The error has to do with udev-fallback-graphics. Is there any way I can login to the machine without an UI so I can install the new VirtualBox Guest Additions?10:49
jribimadper: ok10:49
imadperjrib: DISPLAY=:0   is that right?10:49
unclet0mi'm a noob just wanted to know if it would mess something up or not thank you :D10:49
jribimadper: should be10:49
imadperjrib: I can't open other gtk program such as pidgin if i use sudo10:51
nmvictorjrib: Sorry abt what you find wrong in my question, I'll come again in detail. I have Acer Aspire 5734z. It has issues with the backligh upon start up but using the 'setpci' command, I am able to write to the correct hardware address and get the backlight on.So I place the command in a script, shoved it under init.d and did update-rc.d on the script. However, seems like the bightness comes in later almost around when the login screen, so I want to sort of pr10:51
unclet0malso i have another question, recently i tried to install ubuntu on an old vista machine, idk why but its always 'zoomed' in10:51
imadperjrib: but it works well without sudo10:51
jribimadper: you shouldn't be using sudo for those programs10:51
imadperjrib: yes, i know. I just want to know if is sudo's fault10:52
lunitikunclet0m: search google for "virtual resolution" if, when moving the mouse to the corner it scrolls to that part of the screen10:52
LaykeDoes anyone use putty?10:52
LaykeHow can I copy somethign from the terminal?10:53
jribimadper: you should be using gksudo when you /need/ to open a graphical program with root privileges10:53
gryLayke: use left top icon menu10:53
Laykegry: I don't have anything up there. That's what I would do on Windows.10:53
LaykeI would highlight it and press enter.10:53
lunitikLayke: simply select the text, then middle or double click the mouse wherever you with to paste it10:53
gryLayke: oh putty on linux. tried openssh client yet instead?10:53
Laykegry No I haven't I'll look.10:54
jribnmvictor: in that case, you need to change the 2 digit sequence you passed to update-rc.d (referred to as "NN" in the man page).  That determines the order in which scripts are executed10:54
gryLayke: or try selecting to 'copy' and middle clicking to 'paste'10:54
LaykeI can't stand how the font looks in putty on linux.10:54
LaykeI'll try the middle button.10:54
imadperjrib: but, i used sudo to open the software more than half a year 。。。10:54
gryLayke: "sudo apt-get install ssh" I think - it is easier to use than putty for some10:54
lunitikLayke: I would suggest trying a real ssh client then  ;)10:54
jribimadper: gksudo plays more nicely with graphical applications, I don't know details10:54
LaykeIt copies it locally (as in within the terminal) but I want to copy the ssh key from my server to my lcoal system10:54
imadperjrib: OK, thank you very very very much~  :D10:55
lunitikLayke: see, usually you'd just paste with middle click in the terminal over from SSH10:55
lunitik(or next tab over)10:55
gryLayke: sorry, it's named "openssh-client", not "ssh".10:55
DustyMonki use ssh, what's the prob?10:55
gryno idea I guess10:56
LaykeHow would I use the ssh client? I need to connect to myhost.com but I need to use the key at ~/.ssh/base.ppk10:56
jribgry: yeah, "ssh" should pull in client and server10:56
gryoh! 'ssh' metapackage insludes an ssh server too.10:56
gryyou beat me to it. was just reading the search results from apt-cache.10:56
LaykeI would specify this in the Putty window.10:56
lunitikDustyMonk: Layke is using putty and it won't copy things to the clipboard for him, so we are getting him to use ssh itself instead because then it'll work  :)10:56
DustyMonkLayke: you know how to work with a Terminal?10:57
grysome users probably don't need an ssh server though (it depends on what they actually use and having an extra server start up there is not a very good idea if you don't use it)10:57
lunitikLayke: actually, ssh should use that key by default I believe10:57
LaykeDustyMonk,  Yeah10:57
nmvictorjrib: thanks10:58
DustyMonkLayke: the basic syntax is ssh [user]@[ip-address] - but what do you want to do?10:58
LaykeLet me try myself and I'll come back if I fail to connect.10:59
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LaykeI have my .ppk file which I specify with ssh using -i but it asks me for a password. But the key doesn't have a password attached to it.11:01
ikoniaLayke: ppk is a putty format normally11:01
LaykeI have the .pem file.11:02
LaykeIs that suitable?11:02
ikoniaif that's your private key, sure11:02
Haeginwhy is so much stuff out of date on ubuntu? I know the distro I'm using is now 6 months old but the postgres version it has  is over a year out of date11:02
ikoniaHaegin: do you need a newer version ?11:02
The_PhoenixBoring life nya. Is there's an Ubuntu version of XDA?11:02
ikoniaThe_Phoenix: what ?11:03
DustyMonkwhat is XDA?11:03
The_Phoenixikonia, modding Ubuntu.11:03
Haeginikonia: well I'm having problems now I'm trying to deploy to an ubuntu production vm from my fedora development machine11:03
The_PhoenixDustyMonk, XDA is a forum/site dedicated to Android modding.11:03
DustyMonkThe_Phoenix: sounds offtopic to me11:04
ikoniaHaegin: wju os tjat anything to do with postgress11:04
LaykeI got it working. I had to specify which user to connect to.11:05
The_PhoenixDustyMonk, I was asking if there's a site/forum dedicated for modding Ubuntu.11:05
lunitikHaegin: enable backports updates if you want newer stuff - in "software sources" simply select it from the updates tab... or add a line which has natty-backports instead of natty-updates - if that doesn't have postgres, maybe look for a PPA or update to oneiric (since it is due out in like 10 days it is basically finished)11:05
LaykeWhen I did ssh -2 user@host -i ~/.ssh/base.pem it connected11:05
ikoniaThe_Phoenix: "modding" what do you mean11:05
imadperjrib: Hi, I try to use "export DISDPLAY=localhost:0.0"  and then it works well11:05
LaykeWithout the user@ it didn't.11:05
ikoniaLayke: is your current user and the remote username the same11:06
ikoniaLayke: that's why then11:06
Haeginlunitik: yeah, I already checked for PPAs and they don't seem to be available11:06
The_Phoenixikonia, adding features not available by default, increasing performance by disabling unwanted services/components, etc etc11:06
Laykelocal : layke remote: ubuntu :)11:06
LaykeNow I guess I have to memorise the connection crednetials. Any short cuts GUI for connecting quickly?11:07
lunitikLayke: you can create an alias which contains the command as so: 'alias weeee="ssh -2 user@host -i ~/.ssh/base.pem" '11:08
LaykeHow long will the alias last?11:08
snippetLayke: until you remove it from your .bashrc?11:08
lunitikLayke: it is permanent if you throw it into your ~/.bashrc11:08
LaykeWhich it will do by default? (Add it to my .bashrc that it?11:09
lunitikLayke: otherwise it will only last for that session, so I prolly should have told you that11:09
lunitikLayke: no... sorry11:09
LaykeI don't know much about Ubuntu as you can tell :)11:09
jribLayke: you should consider use ~/.ssh/config to manage options for your different connections11:09
lunitikLayke: $EDITOR ~/.bashrc and throw it in at the bottom11:09
LaykeCheers lunitik11:09
jribimadper: interesting.  I don't know why that would happen11:09
imadperjrib: me too~ btw, thanks for your help11:10
* lunitik likes aliases, require less thinking11:10
Laykelol One problem is that it's hard to tell when I have multiple terminal windows open wether the command is on the server or local.11:11
LaykeWouldn't like to get it wrong!11:11
jribLayke: I change the color of my bash prompts11:11
LaykeManually jrib  or can it be autoamted?11:11
lunitikLayke: manually automated  ;)11:11
jribyes lunitik said it well... :)11:11
LaykeAwesome. Got it working. :)11:14
LaykeCheers for help11:14
lunitikLayke: did you throw it into .bashrc or .bash_profile so it stays that way?11:14
LaykeNeither just yet. I just got my copy from temrinal working :P One step at a time. Will add to my local .bashrc now though.11:15
LaykeHow do I get my alias to work ? Do I have to restart something to get .bashrc to recognise the alias?11:19
snippetLayke: Do source .bashrc11:21
snippetthen open a new terminal and test it out11:21
LaykeMuch easier than opening putty now :)11:23
gryLayke :)11:24
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Danielpkany tip to fix the speed to list directories with NFS?11:26
deanc[work]I installed lesscss.org ages ago when it was still a ruby gem. now it uses node. i uninstalled the gem using sudo gem uninstall less but now when i type lessc <anything> it says the executable doesnt exist where the gem executable used to be. My question is, why is the lessc command pointing to a file that doesn't exist and where can i fix this11:29
Guest56548help my kubuntu 10.04 no sound11:32
snippetGuest56548: run lsmod11:32
snippetrun lsmod | grep snd11:33
Guest56548my kubuntu 10.04 cannot playing mp311:33
gryGuest56548: what hardware do you have? did it work before?11:33
gryGuest56548: run what snippet says, as well, if you like11:33
iceroot!mp3 | Guest5654811:33
ubottuGuest56548: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:33
Guest56548how to see my hardware im newbie11:33
snippetYea. That command I gave you will pretty much tell you whether any sound modules have been loaded.11:33
livcdwhen we are going to replace unity ?11:33
gryGuest56548: start with reading 13:33:01 <snippet> run lsmod | grep snd11:33
snippetOpen up a terminal and type the command I gave: lsmod | grep snd11:34
kodihi, i have a problem im using ubuntu 11.04 i want to download addons for firefox. i type in sudo apt-get install firebug but i always get an error."E: Unable to locate package firebug". Can someone help me?11:34
icerootlivcd: you can replace unity at any point with a gui you like more11:35
snippetkodi: you need to install these addons within the browser. Search for the addon on Google, click it and Firefox will ask if you want to install it11:35
kodiOh ok thanks will do11:35
mc_teokodi, open firefox, tools -> addons11:35
Guest56548this http://pastebin.com/0pLxB0A711:35
icerootkodi: firefox-addons are downloaded from mozilla, not with apt-get11:35
kodithank you11:35
Guest56548lsmod | grep snd >> http://pastebin.com/0pLxB0A711:36
curiousxkodi: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/search/?q=firebug&cat=all11:36
kodithanks curiousx11:36
curiousxyour welcome =)11:36
mc_teoanyone wants to help me getting my nvidia card working?11:36
snippetGuest56548: Well, it looks like you do have the sound modules working. Did you check the volume?11:37
snippetmc_teo: What's wrong?11:37
Guest56548the volume is full11:37
Guest56548when i playing mp3 cannot play11:37
livcdiceroot: i would like to have normal official gui which is not suited for tablets11:37
snippetGuest56548: open alsamixer and make sure that it is in there as well (you need to run alsamixer in terminal)11:37
Guest56548need phono backend.... i dont understand11:38
Guest56548how to alsamixer in terminal???11:38
gryuse 1 question mark, not 311:38
histo!nvidia | mc_teo11:38
ubottumc_teo: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto11:38
histoGuest56548: just type alsamixer in a terminal11:38
snippetGuest56548: Okay. First, do you hear any sound at all aside from mp3's?11:38
Guest56548ok histo11:38
histoGuest56548: if you have a Desktop system I would use sound properties though11:39
Guest56548ok histo wait11:40
mc_teoim using optimus11:40
icerootlivcd: kde, lxde, xfce  are the officiall ones, there are many more11:41
icerootlivcd: choose what you like most11:41
mc_teonvidia geforce gfx 525M11:41
livcdiceroot: and they suxx11:41
snippetmc_teo: What's the issue that you're having?11:41
icerootlivcd: your opinion11:41
farrukhjonHi all hove remove hot key in ubuntu11:42
icerootlivcd: but i like lxde very much11:42
gryfarrukhjon: what do you mean by 'hot key'?11:42
mc_teosnippet: the intel card is connected to the screen11:42
histolivcd: you can install a comand line system and build whatever you want.11:42
mc_teoand i cant see to turn on the nvidia card11:43
farrukhjongry:System.pref->Keyboard Shortcuts11:43
mc_teoi tried using bumblebee11:43
gryfarrukhjon: can you remove it there, then?11:43
snippetmc_teo: interesting. Did you install the drivers? You're using a sandy bridge processor, I'm assuming11:44
johnjohn101so with the global menu in unity.  is there a way to keep the global menu but not have the menubar options hide after you move the move off?11:44
farrukhjongry:  how disable key fro example Volume mute11:44
mc_teosnippet: yeah, dell 15z11:45
gryfarrukhjon: select it, click remove ?11:45
mc_teosnippet: the proprietary driver doesnt seem to work11:46
farrukhjongry: but remove button disabled11:46
gryfarrukhjon: ah, dunno, then, sorry11:47
Lerrickis there any guide how can i use terminal as bittorrent?11:47
snippetmc_teo: do this in terminal: echo ON > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch11:47
farrukhjongry: why it's disabled ??11:47
jribLerrick: try rtorrent or btdownloadcurses11:48
Lerrickhow can i do that11:48
snippetas root, of course.11:48
Lerrickcan you please guide me kinda begginer11:48
jribLerrick: they are programs, install them and run them :)11:48
jrib!software | Lerrick11:48
ubottuLerrick: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents11:48
snippetmc_teo: So you'll be doing: sudo echo ON > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch11:48
Lerrickwell can i use terminal not a program?11:48
mc_teosnippet: vgaswitcheroo isnt present11:48
farrukhjonhow enable remove button from Keyboard Shortcuts ?11:48
Lerrickmy laptop is a bit slow11:48
snippetmc_teo: That's fairly weird...11:49
mc_teonot if i dont have it installed11:49
wis3voyag3rHi everyone, I'm ubuntu 11.04 user. Does anyone can tell me, how do I know my RAM size on ubuntu?11:50
snippetDid you just install Linux on that machine?11:50
mc_teowell like 5 weeks ago11:51
snippetmc_teo: Give me one minute.11:52
Lerrickpls help me11:53
gryplease ask11:53
Lerrickhow can i use terminal to download torrent11:53
Lerricki dont want to use any program i want to use terminal11:53
mc_teosudo apt-get install rtorrent11:53
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jribLerrick: terminal runs programs...11:54
Lerrickand then11:54
Lerrickinstalled rtorrent11:54
mc_teojrib: i imagine he means no gui11:54
mc_teoLerrick: start it with "rtorrent"11:55
Lerrickwhat next mc_teo11:55
snippetLerrick: now do man rtorrent11:55
mc_teotheres like commands11:55
mc_teoits like enter to open a torrent11:55
Lerrickit says could not read resource file11:56
snippetmc_teo: Hrm. There seems to be quite a few issues with this laptop right now. I'm trying to do some research to see why you're not able to run echo ON > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch11:56
mc_teoLerrick: like google the man page for rtorrent11:57
mc_teodont expect people to answer your every question11:57
Lerrickwhen i hit enter11:57
Lerrickit says <load>11:58
mc_teosnippet: i think its something to do with what being made for asus11:58
Lerrickwhat should i do11:58
mc_teogoogle it11:58
snippetLerrick: I have no issues helping people, dude. However, you need to learn to research your questions, too.11:58
snippetYou won't learn anything with people spoon-feeding you all the answers11:58
mc_teoLerrick: http://kmandla.wordpress.com/2007/05/02/howto-use-rtorrent-like-a-pro/11:58
snippetmc_teo: What do you mean? The graphics integration?11:59
mc_teowell isnt vgaswitcheroo is a user made kernel module designed for asus?12:00
Edouard1312__Hey !! :)12:01
Edouard1312__Il y a quelqu'un ?12:01
surroundhello everybody12:02
snippetmc_teo: I'm not sure if it's user-made, essentially.12:02
snippetBut, it might not even be enabled on your syste,12:02
snippetmc_teo: do: grep -i switcheroo /boot/config-2.6.*12:03
surroundI want to know about bluetooth softwarein linux  which support all profiles like DUN , Bluetooth Headset profile etc,12:03
snippetsurround: then Google, my good man, is your friend. ;)12:03
surroundNative bluetooth software only support file transfer12:04
surroundDUN profile not working very well with Linux12:04
dr_willishmm. ive used bluetooth headset on ubuntu12:04
snippetmc_teo: vga_switcheroo will be active once the kernel's booted with either "modeset=1" kernel option, and/or "nomodeset" option being absent12:04
snippetdsollie: chill with the caps, dude.12:04
surrounddr_willis: did u used Blueman12:05
snippetdsollie: Much better ;)12:05
mc_teosnippet: ^12:05
dr_willissurround:  i dont remember was last year12:05
snippetmc_teo: that looks about right, yep.12:05
snippetmc_teo: did you reboot into that kernel?12:06
mc_teosnippet: no?12:07
snippetmc_teo: lol. Do that. It won't load unless you do ;)12:08
mc_teo"/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.38-11-generic root=UUID=b3849765-f7d8-4254-a19f-891d6a0d062a ro  quiet splash pcie_aspm=force acpi=noirq i915.semaphores=1" is what i've booted12:09
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ramamoldu mu12:17
tvis there a way to disable booting into the graphical environment?12:21
pangolin!nox | tv12:22
ubottutv: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode12:22
tvrm'ing lightdm from /etc/rc* had no effect12:22
tvpangolin: thanks12:22
pangolintv: also see #ubuntu+1 for help with 11.1012:22
dr_willistext option is the easiest way12:23
sunsonI'm thinking of running a Ubuntu based 'cyber cafe' / work-station environment but I want to run thin clients and utilize my existing powerful box to host virtual machines. Any recommendations? I'm looking for popular, support, trouble-free hardware + software solution.12:23
dr_willisvirtual machines? why vms?12:24
GirlyGirlsunson: You mean like terminals to a server?12:25
tvdr_willis: is there some harder way?^_^ or where are the relevant docs?12:25
vsync_ /win 2212:26
dr_willistv you can disable whatever dm you are using. but text option disables dm and plymouth and the framenuffer at one time12:26
tvdr_willis: ok, i see--thanks12:26
PrinsHmm.. Hello, I have been experiencing some problems in Ubuntu 10.04/11.04 and now in Linux Mint (I know that's not your domain, but I understand that Linux Mint is Ubuntu Wannabes ;)). Anyway - My app windows occasionally turn completely white. Everything still works, they're just white. I tried "compiz --replace" and sometimes it'll work, but sometime it doesn't work.. What is causing this error,12:28
Prinsand how do I fix it?12:28
PrinsThanks in advance.12:28
dr_willisPrins:  had d12:29
PrinsI'm sorry?12:29
sunsonGirlyGirl: yes. but they must be VMs. LTSP types solutions still require a 'configured' server. I just want to be able to let the workers fully 'administer' their VMs.12:29
ucenik29kaj si jerry12:29
dr_willisPrins:  had similer issues. but its fixed in 11.1012:29
sunsonI might just let them carry their VMs back to their home and resume 'work'12:29
PrinsAlright - That sounds good, dr_willis :)12:30
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JadedJacobhow can i install a secure ftp server on my ubuntu lamp?12:40
th0rJadedJacob: apt-get install vsftp?12:41
JadedJacobif i have openSSH server already running, can i just connect on port 22 with a sftp client?12:43
kevinjeethi, i'm on a new machine( i7,GTX 460m) and installed natty... how do i go about confirming that im running on the nvidia card and not sandy?12:45
hwildehow do I disable automounting of the iphone, but keep automounting of other usb devices?12:45
Sidewinder1th0r, Isn't it vsftpd?12:45
th0rSidewinder1: might be. I am not on ubuntu so can't check for sure.12:46
JadedJacobsorted !12:46
Sidewinder1th0r, That's OK, I'm not absolutely certain.12:46
th0rSidewinder1: should get him close enough either way <smile>12:47
JadedJacobI've setup a lamp server with ubuntu-server, installed the 'openSSH Server' and now I can connect using WinSCP on port 2212:47
hwildehow do I disable automounting of the iphone, but keep automounting of other usb devices?12:50
ActionParsniphwilde: you'll need to make udev rules12:51
hwildeActionParsnip, ya can you be more specific or maybe is there an example12:53
=== DND_ is now known as Intel``
ActionParsniphwilde: you'll need to tell udev that if it sees the device's ID, to do nothing with it. Other devices will use the default rules12:54
ActionParsniphwilde: may want to look into gvfs, see if that controls it12:55
lonixIf i bg a jobb, can i close the ssh session safely ?12:56
ActionParsniphwilde: could possibly add it in fstab to tell the OS not to mount it, not sure if it can be done that way12:58
hwildeActionParsnip, it's definitely udev is the answer12:58
FifemasterI just got ubuntu 11.04 yesterday and I forgot were to get the drivers for wireless can someone help please?12:59
cladHello, I am trying to get ibus to output traditional chinese on pinyin12:59
=== th0r1 is now known as th0r
cladUsually there is a special menu that is available through right clicking the ibus icon in systray13:00
cladBut somehow with this new unity things right click does the same as left click13:00
ActionParsniplonix: try it with something trivial first, like echoing increasing numbers to a file slowly (so disk IO doesnt overwork the system and cause slowness). Ssh in twice and see if the process dies when you logoff.13:01
juliohmDear all, why i cannot find some packages during a Ubuntu Customization Session on a Ubuntu 11.04 i686 iso image?13:01
ActionParsniplonix: my suggestion ;)13:02
juliohmI can install the packages via apt-get on my host, but when creating a customized iso, the packages are broken13:02
ActionParsnipClad: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc13:02
cladI am running 11.1013:03
clad(beta 2)13:03
Fifemastercan someone please tell me where to get and what driver(s) i have to get for ubuntu 11.04 wireless connection13:03
ActionParsnipJulio: did they install clean? Does: sudo apt-get -f install    help13:03
thutomjHello, how is this possible. Or how can I implement this? I want to write a shell script that can change the dns alias name on windows 2008 sever from ubuntu. The idea is this, users will only know this url (http://test.example.com) to access their application. I have two servers on different subnets and will be using the test alias to access both at different times without the user noticing a change.13:03
ActionParsnipClad: #ubuntu+1 for anything Oneiric til release day please13:03
ActionParsnipFifemaster: which wireless chip?13:04
juliohmActionParsnip, i can install by `sudo apt-get install libsuitesparse-metis-dev` but this package is unreachable in the console of UCK13:05
snippetmc_teo: Any progress?13:06
juliohmi mean, when i try the same command in a UCK console for install the packages, it's not found. "Unable to found libsuitesparse-metis-dev" the msg says.13:06
juliohmAnyone knows why this is happening?13:07
cladOh well I just ran the .py config script that was supposed to be available through right clicking the systray manually. This is really counterintuitive13:08
cladI thought you guys were putting special care about chinese language now ?13:09
GilosI'm having problems using rdesktop to an XP box where my mouse pointer is a 2cm block.  I searched google, but not quite sure exactly what to search on.  Anyone know how to resolve this issue?13:10
snippetGilos: what version are you using and at what resolution?13:12
xgt001hello everyone ... please help me to get a video player for ubuntu which doesnt blast fans at full speed no matter how small the video clip is :(13:13
Gilossnippet, 11.04 and resolution of the rdesktop or ubuntu desktop?13:13
bastidrazorxgt001: mplayer13:13
gurifisuhmm how come ubuntu still uses boost 1.42?13:13
Gilosdid a custom 1600 x 1000 so as not to be full screen13:14
gurifisuer apt-get can only find boost 1.42*13:14
xgt001bastidrazor, i am using catalyst driver, so which output should i select so that fans dont churn out?13:14
snippetGilos: have you tried another resoultion?13:14
furyoshonenxgt001 vlc ?13:14
GilosI will switch it to full screen to see if matching the resolutions helps13:14
JoeyJoeJoI just set up a mail server and I'm getting lots of messages from cron (like 1000 over night). How can I turn this off?13:14
xgt001furyoshonen, i tried vlc but i dono which output to select so that gpu doesnt get loaded up...13:15
juliohmgurifisu, you can install more recent versions easily. Read Boost getting started guide. ;-)13:15
snippetGilos: try that out and then tell me how that goes.13:15
juliohmOf course this is not the solution, i know. :-)13:15
juliohmBoost 1.42 is far different from Boost 1.4713:15
wis3voyag3rGilos, 1024 X 768 pixels13:16
furyoshonenxgt001 is their a proprietary driver for your graphics card?13:17
xgt001furyoshonen, yes i am using proprietary driver13:17
=== MrZepeda_ is now known as MrZepeda
Gilosokay, interesting, at 1024x768 on my left screen it works fine.  On my right monitor it has same issue.13:17
Gilosone is dvi other is vga13:17
furyoshonenxgt001 is your computer clean?13:18
DarkEd__is there any girl please ??13:18
xgt001furyoshonen, yup fresh install13:18
snippetGilos: That could be the issue, potentially13:18
snippetIt's a hypothetical guess, of course.13:18
pangolinDarkEd__: this is not a dating site13:18
furyoshonenxgt001 no, like actually free of dust13:18
DarkEd__pangolin I am sorry13:19
GilosI could live with it on the left screen, but need higher res that 1024x768. will see what else works.  Thanks.13:19
xgt001furyoshonen, yes... while having around 40 tabs open in firefox /chrome and doing lots of intense activities my laptop stays calm...only video is a problem13:19
DarkEd__but i think that there no girl here 'cause u only speak about computer13:19
snippetGilos: no worries. ;)13:19
pangolinDarkEd__: this is the Ubuntu support channel, peoples gender do not matter here, we help whoever needs help with Ubuntu.13:20
xgt001ok guys in SMPlayer i have tons of output ... there is this xv -0 (ATI Radeon AVIVO) something... should i try it out?13:20
FloodBot1DarkEd__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:20
furyoshonenxgt001 firefox doesn't use your graphics card as hard as video, it uses memory13:20
furyoshonenxgt001 what about games/13:21
gsedej_workhi! where could I suggest translation for "power consumption" applet? (gnome 2.x)13:21
xgt001furyoshonen, all i want is my laptop to be quiet when i play videos... thats all ... windows does it most of the times..so i am bit worried.. i dont like to use windoze :(13:22
pangolingsedej_work: Ubuntu uses launchpad.net for translation13:22
gsedej_workpangolin, I can't click translations13:22
Gilossnippet,  1440x900 works well on the DVI side.  Maybe ATI driver just doesn't like the Analog / Digital at the same time.13:22
pangolingsedej_work: you have an account on launchpad?13:23
snippetGilos: Could be that. ATI drivers are a bit fishy on Linux, still. Not very consistent. But at least it's somewhat working for you right now.13:23
wis3v0yag3rdoes anyone know how to install gnome 3 on ubuntu 11.04?13:23
livcdthe question is13:23
pangolin!gnome3 | wis3v0yag3r13:23
ubottuwis3v0yag3r: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.13:23
livcdxbox360 or ps3 ?13:23
DustyMonkwis3v0yag3r: try a PPA13:23
gsedej_workpangolin, yes I have13:24
pangolingsedej_work: perhaps ask in #launchpad ?13:24
wis3v0yag3rDustyMonk, which PPAs?13:24
pangolinwis3v0yag3r: the one ubottu just told you about13:24
DustyMonkwis3v0yag3r: please ubottu 's advice13:24
Gilossnippet, yep, that's all I can ask for.  Allows me to work in ubuntu and rdp to my work laptop.  It will be nice when Moka5 comes out with a linux host version so I can just run the corporate image in a window.13:24
warddrgsedej_work, https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/gnome-power-manager13:24
wis3v0yag3rDustyMonk, pangolin, thx :D13:25
GirlyGirlwis3v0yag3r: Or just wait for 11.10 ...13:25
gsedej_workwarddr, thanks13:25
=== syadamin|away is now known as sysadamin
warddrgsedej_work, thats for version 11.1013:25
GirlyGirl!away | sysadamin13:26
ubottusysadamin: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»13:26
Guest77332can anyone help me13:29
Guest77332got problem with my usb modem...can anyone help me13:29
Dori922hey, using the "quota" and "quotatool" options in ubuntu, what do the inodes mean in the "edquota -u username"?13:29
hroiI have a problem with  running a program through ssh,13:29
wis3v0yag3rGirlyGirl, thx 4 de' info13:29
warddr!ask Guest7733213:30
hroissh -X guest@myserver "myprog.py"  dont work, because the  .bashrc  is not being sourced.13:30
warddr!ask | Guest7733213:30
ubottuGuest77332: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:30
hroiIm pretty sure it must be a settin in the remote ssh daemon13:30
hroibut I dont know where to look13:30
Dori922i have a question id like to ask, is it okey if i can ask for permission to as a question about my question ?13:31
Guest77332why do i need to connect my usb modem in win7 first before i can use in linux os ubuntu 11.0413:31
hwilde!ask | Dori92213:31
ubottuDori922: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:31
andantinoare there any general computer channels13:31
Dori922hwilde:  ;P13:31
hroiits important that the remote environment is sourced, because I need to set PYTHONPATH and other things13:31
hroijust would be convenient, and I have seen this on my other systems.13:31
Guest77332anyone knows why?13:31
mc_teosnippet: I could probably live with it as it is13:31
mc_teobut since minecraft got all glitchy13:32
mc_teoi tried updating to latest nvidia drivers13:32
TheEvilPhoenixandantino:  define "general computer channels".  do you mean hardware support?13:32
mc_teoand they stopped compiz from working for some reason13:32
devatworkHey guys...is the "Path" attribute of .desktop files deprecated ?13:33
devatworkIt doesnt seem to be reading it13:33
andantinowell phoenix, im looking at buying a new laptop13:33
livcdandantino: buy a mac !13:33
andantinoso im just looking for advice, so any channel where that would be a suitable topic13:33
DustyMonkandantino: type /j #ubuntu-offtopic13:35
Lerrickhow can i max out my download rates on ubuntu?13:35
cristi-marineruhow y can change ubuntu 11.04 live cd boot resolution ? y need 800x60013:36
DustyMonkLerrick: what do you mean by 'max out download rates'?13:36
Lerrickwell im downloading torrent using Bittornado13:36
xgt001Lerrick, the best i have found out is downthemall for firefox... even axel is pretty decent13:36
Lerrickand download rates is too slow13:37
hroianyone have any ideas?  ssh -X user@host ". ~/.bashrc ; myprog.py"   this seems silly to have to source it in the command13:37
xgt001folks which is better... xv or gl video output.. especially for modern ati cards?13:37
Lerrickdo i need to open port for bittornado?13:37
mc_teoxgt001: xv13:37
Lerrick@xgt001 do i need to open port for bittornado13:38
xgt001mc_teo, but my fans blast out at fullspeeds in xv .. smplayer shows something like gl (fast - for ATI cards ) .. why is xv taxing ?13:38
mc_teoxgt001: xv reduces general performance a bit, but its the only thing that makes games run smoothly13:39
Willis420how come on natty 11.04 i don't have any battery settings under power management?13:40
Willis420only ac13:40
mc_teoLerrick: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=do+i+need+to+open+port+for+bittornado%3F13:40
xgt001Lerrick, my apologies i dont have much idea about torrents... thought transmission is pretty excellent in speeds13:41
pangolin!lmgtfy | mc_teo13:41
ubottumc_teo: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.13:41
xgt001mc_teo, so can i use gl for playing vidoes?13:41
pangolinmc_teo: and please do not give people lmgtfy links, it's rude.13:41
mc_teoif you wish13:41
pangolinthank you.13:41
mc_teopangolin: he has been asking questions all day though, and i wasn't the first to get annoyed13:42
pangolinmc_teo: if you are getting annoyed step away or don't answer at all.13:42
pangolinbeing rude is never an option in the Ubuntu world :)13:43
Stanley00Willis420: it's wont ì you are using AC power, try unplug the adapter and you will see it ;013:43
BluesKajhiyas all13:43
Willis420stanley; no it still only has ac power options, i can upload a screenshot if you'd like13:44
mc_teopangolin: do you know much about optimus on ubuntu?13:45
mc_teoor anyone else for that matter13:45
pangolinmc_teo: not a clue13:45
aoeuiI just tried doing an apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade on 11.10 beta and got this: http://pastebin.com/uJ6XPYGa13:46
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siegfried1991Hi! Could you help me, please?13:47
siegfried1991How can I make screen shot virtual console?13:47
pangolin!11.10 | aoeui13:47
ubottuaoeui: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+113:47
ucenik29hello my men13:50
xgt001mc_teo : optimus will be supported the best in oneiric13:50
xgt001kernel 3.0x has lots of added support for switchable graphics13:50
MrSassyPantsis software-center not available for 10.04 ?13:50
MrSassyPantsis there something similiar?13:50
ucenik29no way13:50
jpbadeveloperGood morning, please suggest book for python to me13:50
ucenik29pu se da vi ebam13:51
xgt001jpbadeveloper, byte of python13:51
jpbadeveloperxgt001 thank you13:51
riopgrhi. can anyone tell me, why does transmission slow down firefox, even though i have limited down/up?13:52
lucid9hi, can somebody please tell me whats wrong with the command here: http://pastebin.com/Xcxk616E, i am trying to install a batch processing plug-in gimp13:53
riopgror rather slow down connection on everything else13:53
zambahow do i disable the animation when switching workspace in ubuntu?13:54
lmontrieuxlucid9, what's the output when you run the command?13:57
lmontrieuxlucid9, please copy it to pastebin too13:57
lucid9just a sec13:58
lucid9lmontrieux: http://pastebin.com/P5YujRDX13:59
lmontrieuxlucid9, there you are, the directory you're trying to 'cd' to doesn't exist13:59
lucid9it does13:59
lmontrieuxbash: cd: /home/vikramshankar/.gimp2.6/plug-ins/: No such file or directory14:00
lmontrieuxlucid9, either it doesn't or the permissions are wrong14:00
lucid9yes, but the directory does exist14:00
bananenHi there. Anyone who thinks he can help a guy with sound problems?14:00
lucid9and it is in my ~14:00
xgt001unknown_, hello14:00
lucid9so i don't see how it has something to do with permissions14:00
lmontrieuxlucid9, can you check the directory's permissions ?14:00
lucid9i works if i don't use ~14:00
lucid9ok, just a sec14:00
xgt001bananen, lets try :)14:00
linuxhow do install wine on my samsung galaxy s2 phone, i use ubuntu 1014:01
unknown_I need to train skill with COM-ports in Ubuntu, but i dont have COM port on mine PC =) So, is there any chance to emulate COM port and device connected to in in Ubuntu? Best for me - emulate com under usb14:01
bananenxgt001: could you start private chat? don't know how to :P14:01
xgt001linux, are you using the arm edition?14:01
lmontrieuxlucid9, and the owner is the user with which you're running the command, right?14:01
unknown_i mean, use usb-device as it connected to com port14:02
lmontrieuxlucid9, isn't is .gimp-2.6 instead of .gimp2.6?14:02
xgt001bananen, please post your queries here as someone else will help u if i cant solve your problem :)14:02
bananenxgt001: k, thanks.14:02
lucid9thanks a ton, my bad14:03
matthias___1986join ##pfsense14:03
bananenDoes anyone know how to change default audio device in ubuntu?14:03
lmontrieuxlucid9, no problem, these things happen and are hard to spot :)14:03
bananenalsamixer only works as root and the wrong card is defaulting14:03
xgt001bananen, click preferences > sound there select the output tab14:04
riopgrive got problems with transmission slowing connection from everything else, even though ive limited down/up. seems like one torrent i just added is specifically causing the problem. does anyone have any idea why?14:05
xgt001linux,  i dont think there is a wine port for arm14:05
bananenrunning openbox. what's the name of the gnome sound control package?14:05
cladriopgr, which torrent ?14:05
xgt001how to use ati avivo xv in vlc?14:05
linuxaaw oke :(14:06
riopgrsome TheDarkKnight movie torrent taken from isohunt, downloads very fast if i let it14:06
cladlinux, due to the way wine works, an ARM port is impossible. You need at least the same CPU as the software was designed to run on14:06
cladriopgr, canonical does not encourage or condemn piracy, while lituania may not care much about copyright laws, we do14:08
riopgri see clad14:08
clador finland for that matters14:08
clad(I should learn to read a whois before I troll)14:08
cladSeriously though, try removing some of the tracker from your torrent that seems suspicious14:09
hroiI have a brillian request regarding ssh -X xwindow forwarding, but Im not sure it can work14:09
hroiis it possible to send the same Xwindow from a server onto two different client machines?14:09
hroiso the users in a way fight over interacting with it.14:10
bars0Hi guys, I am going to install Ubuntu 10.04 on my desktop and I have 2 320GB drives. What is better to gain maximum performane: software RAID 0 or normal scheme with separate partitions on dwo drives?14:10
cladThat certainly seems like fun, but it would probably be easier to achieve through VNC14:10
TheEvilPhoenixbars0:  depends on what you really want.  if one of those drives dies, your RAID0 array is dead14:11
TheEvilPhoenixbars0:  both SATA?14:11
oratedHow to delete old kernels installed in updates?14:11
bars0TheEvilPhoenix: yes, both SATA14:11
MrSassyPantshelp: the console is apparently set to an invalid resolution (I didn't do anything)14:11
cladbars0, Raid only offers significant performance improvement on some very specitif use case, and using raid) you take the risk of loosing all your files if only one dies14:12
TheEvilPhoenixbars0:  for the normal use case, don't use RAID14:12
TheEvilPhoenixthe only time you'd really need to use RAID is with numerous drives where you want failsafe, such as RAID5 (but that's usually seen in hardware RAID)14:12
bastidrazororated: uninstall them in synaptic14:12
DeadmanIncJShow does an embedded webcam automatically turn on?  Ubuntu 10.1014:12
bars0TheEvilPhoenix: so as I understand in case of failure of one disk in RAID array, no data will be accessible?14:13
TheEvilPhoenixi.e. 5 x 120GB drives, all mirrored14:13
TheEvilPhoenixbars0:  in RAID0,  yes14:13
TheEvilPhoenixbars0:  in RAID0, if one drive in the array dies, the entire RAID array is dead14:13
TheEvilPhoenix*entire RAID array*14:13
TheEvilPhoenixall drives in it included14:13
cladRAID is a generic term for many drive layouts. In Raid1 or Raid5 you have some data protection, in Raid0, absolutly none14:13
oratedbastidrazor: There used to be alternative way to delete the folder containing them ...14:14
bars0TheEvilPhoenix: thanks, so this is really risky thing, I will create normal scheme14:14
TheEvilPhoenixbars0:  RAID0 is risky, yes.14:14
bastidrazororated: uninstalling them is the proper method of getting rid of unused kernels.14:14
cladEspecially since hard disk really are the quickest component to die in a computer14:14
oratedbastidrazor: Okay, thanks14:14
clad(there is a reason the whole industry is steadily switching toward SSD)14:15
bastidrazororated: you're welcome. search for linux-image in synaptic14:15
stianhjhow can i clear the ~/.cache folder? low on space14:15
fastcrabhello!  how would you go about upgrading from rdesktop 1.6.0 to 1.7.0 in natty?  I recompiled rdesktop with a patch to fix a bug, but then noticed 1.7.0 was available from sf.net14:16
cladrm -rf ./.cache14:16
DeadmanIncJShow does an embedded webcam automatically turn on?  Ubuntu 10.1014:16
stianhjclad: so that's safe?14:16
DeadmanIncJSand wont turn off unless laptop is rebooted14:17
cladstianhj, yes, cache is by definition nothing vital14:17
stianhjclad, thanks14:17
cladHey, I just discovered that by pressing super_l and a number I can launch the items on the left bar !14:20
cladSo convenient !14:20
fastcrabah crud, I have u11.04 and rdesktop 1.7.0 came in u11.1014:21
asdjaputralike Windows 7? heh14:21
cladI wouldnt now. Last time I tried windows, XP was still in beta14:21
aarHi, is there  any good, native dictation software available for ubuntu?14:23
ParsindJobs is dead long live Mark !14:23
somsipaar: not in a simple way. Dragon on VM could be a reasonable recommendation14:23
aarsomsip, OK thanks14:24
h00kParsind: that is not acceptable here.14:25
Parsinda friend of mine telles me that Mark is acopycat of Jobds14:25
h00kParsind: Please take it elsewhere.14:25
=== Matt_Haines is now known as EarthWindAndFire
cladParsind, thats what I was thinking the other day... Since Gates and Jobs in the 80's, there hasnt been much new proeminent figure in computering getting general public knowledge14:25
cladFor instance, there isnt a famous "Mr. Google" or "Mr. Yahoo"14:25
cladThe only new person to emerge was Shuttleworth14:26
auronandace!ot | clad14:26
ubottuclad: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:26
Parsindclad you are forgeting about baLMER14:26
h00k!stop | Parsind14:26
ubottuParsind: NOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken.14:26
ssnlucid question14:26
ssni can not seem to open any more programs in gnome14:26
ssnnot even the terminal opens14:27
ssnand i need the terminal14:27
ssni already removed all gnome config files14:30
ssnbut still software does not open14:30
iambeastxhorrible formatting14:31
asdjaputrawere ever?14:32
ssnguys can you please help14:32
unknown__Can i use usb connected device as com-connected? i need to emulate com port...14:32
ssnlucid wont open any software. alt+f2 does not work either.14:32
ssnand some panel programs crash14:32
=== jamesw1 is now known as jamesw
stianhjssn: ctrl-alt t14:32
=== oakbox is now known as a3dbox
jameswis it possible to log in to an open gnome session without the password, without resetting the password? (i have root)14:33
ssnalso does not work14:33
ssnit tries to open the terminal session14:33
ssnbut it does not open14:33
=== a3dbox is now known as oakbox
=== EarthWindAndFire is now known as KIevre
ivaliI made an bootable USB drive to install ubuntu 11.04x64 using Universal USB Install When i click click enter on Install ubuntu on hard disk, the computer makes a short beep, black screen for a second, and that menu apears again. Any ideas?14:34
ivaliWhen i click Run ubuntu from USB, same thing14:35
airdemhey, how can i upgrade firefox?14:35
airdemi still have version 314:35
Stanley00airdem: you can use ppa, for more info type !ppa ;)14:36
h00kubottu: tell airdem about ppa14:37
ubottuairdem, please see my private message14:37
=== pothos_ is now known as pothos
manbra_linuxHey, I put some links(shortcuts?) on my desktop.  They disappeared.  When I navigate with my file browser they are shown to be in Desktop14:39
manbra_linuxHow do I fix this? :/14:39
airdembut i dont need the latest bleeding edge firefox14:39
airdemi though the latest stable is version 714:39
airdemwhy is it not in ubuntu repo?14:40
manbra_linuxBecause every version of firefox is slower than the previous one /s14:40
=== unknown__ is now known as _silence_
ePluscould someone provide me with some assistance please14:41
ePlusregarding wireless usb dongles14:41
LjLairdem: ubuntu doesn't work like that, packages are only updated for fixes to serious bugs or security issues, not just for a new version14:41
ePlusand ubuntu 11.0414:41
=== _silence_ is now known as _phantom_
ePluswhen i attempt to connect to my wireless network it keeps going into a constant loop14:43
ePlusasking me to re-authenticate14:43
ePlusi am certain that the password is correct14:43
ePlusno caps lock etc14:43
DciteePlus: Is this infrastructure mode of Ad-Hoc?14:44
airdemsudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable14:44
airdemsudo apt-get upgrade firefox14:44
airdem0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.14:44
stianhjairdem: sudo apt-get update14:45
stianhjand then upgrade14:45
airdemthank you14:45
DciteePlus:I.. have no idea at the moment then.. please try the next person :)14:46
phoenixsamprashow to play a Blueray disk? <<<< hello?14:46
BluesKajphoenixsampras, is your cdrom bluray capable , first of all ?14:47
ePlusno worries buddy14:47
phoenixsamprasBluesKaj: yes sir14:47
phoenixsamprasBluesKaj: works awesomely fine in Windows14:47
=== KIevre is now known as findeImundo
BluesKajphoenixsampras, got ubuntu-restricted-extras installed , and you'll probly need the extra codec stuff/libs from medibuntu as well14:50
ugarithow do I restore windows xp in Grub and have it be the 1st one on the menu?14:51
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nuclearwormhello, im almost sure that some files remain after programs removal isn t that right?14:52
BluesKajnuclearworm, yes if you just remove an app the confog files are left behind, unless you purge the app14:55
nuclearwormim happy with ubuntu and i think many people is happier than enough14:56
ugarithow do I restore windows xp in Grub and have it be the 1st one on the menu?14:57
nuclearwormBluesKaj , what about libs?14:57
sevithugarit, What version are you on?14:58
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ugaritsevith: how do I find that out?14:58
sevithugarit, cat /etc/issue14:58
ugaritI think 10.1014:58
BluesKajlibs are usually shared files , but not all14:58
ugaritsorry 11.0414:58
sevithugarit, if your on ubuntu 10.10 goto /boot/grub/menu.lst vim the file and edit to resleft your changes you can place XP on the top of the list14:59
ugaritsevith : it's 11.0414:59
nuclearwormBluesKaj , can ubuntu know which ones it needs and delete the ones it dont?14:59
sevithugarit, something similiar to title DOZ    root hd(0,0)     chainloader +1   makeactive14:59
ugaritsevith: what is DOZ?15:00
sevithugarit, You can google for more information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot15:00
sevithugarit, Its just the TITLE for the OS> (What it will display at the grub meny during bootime)(15:00
sevithMan my fingers are chubby today..15:01
ugaritsevith: this goes in grub.cfg or /etc/grub.d ?15:01
BluesKajnuclearworm, a package manager is st up to delete files which aren't needed ...if you intend to purge best to let apt or tour package manger take care of that15:01
galagalawhen i boot my computer i get something called GNU Grub, how do i get everything back to normal?15:02
sevithugarit, Neither if your on 10.10 its /etc/grub/menu.lst if your on 11.04 its grub.cfg15:03
sevithSimiliar concepts but grub 2.0 change the menu.lst file layout a little bit. Just google around for it15:03
sevithgalagala, If you dont want the grub. Reinstall windows and dont dual boot linux :P15:03
galagalai'm really new to this,15:03
sevithgalagala, Grub and LILO are bootloaders for linux. If your going to boot linux your going to need them. If you dont like them then just run windows and install cygwin or something :P15:04
galagalasevith, I've been thinking about that, but dont have the time now, how can I boot ubuntu from grub?15:04
nuclearwormBluesKaj , i ve installed some programs. then removed them and deleted packages but free disk space is not close to what it should. so what happened?15:04
sevithgalagala, It should be under your grub menus on boot....?15:04
galagalasevith, what must i type to view the menu?15:04
sevithgalagala, Turn your computer on..? And then grub pops up.15:05
* yuangang hello15:05
galagalasevith, yeah, the grub pops up, but i don't see a menu..15:05
ugaritsevith is not supposed to be in /etc/grub.d and then run update-grub?15:05
sevithgalagala, Dont you see options for the operating system kernels in grub at boot time? Or its completely empty?...15:06
harobedsomeone can help me about this bug on 11.10 : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11315622#post1131562215:06
sevithugarit, what?15:06
harobedI didn't found it on launchpad15:06
galagalasevith, I can type in commands, I dont see a menu15:06
sevithgalagala, Uhm. is it a shell or a grub command prompt?15:07
ugaritsevith: to boot windows first! grub.cfg says that "It is automatically generated by grub-mkconfig using templates"15:07
galagalasevith, i guess a shell, the screen is completely black except for the text15:07
sevithgalagala, type ifconfig in the shell then15:08
galagalaugarit, is grub-mkconfig the command i need?15:08
sevithgalagala, tell me if anything happens15:08
BluesKajnuclearworm,.that might cleanup space run sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean15:08
galagalasevith, okay brb15:08
sevithsudo apt-get remove life15:08
patatashkaany body polish people?15:08
bazhang!pl | patatashka15:09
ubottupatatashka: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.15:09
sevithugarit, no You dont need all those commands. Just add in your windows title and stuff and reboot. It will work.15:09
bazhangharobed, #ubuntu+1 for that please15:09
sevithugarit, You can update grub using update-grub2 or w.e but i dont think you need to15:09
ugaritsevith: on top? of grub.cfg ?15:09
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sevithyou can run it just incase it wont hurt anything15:09
sevithAnyone. Is that right? If your just adding another OS into the grub config file do you need to run update-grub2 ?15:10
staticlabhi all!15:11
ugaritsevith: so add http://pastebin.com/Q2EQz87P as the first part of /boot/grub/grub.cfg ?15:12
TigryssI put 2x4 GB of memory into the machine, what the motherboard bios recognises fine. The trouble that Linux is 2.6.35-30-generic #59-Ubuntu x86_64 GNU/Linux only 3540992k realises.15:12
Polahsevith: Don't edit your grub.cfg directly.15:13
AvaszTigryss, could it be that ubuntu is showing just free memory available??15:13
sevithPolah, Where do we edit the OS lists with grub 2?15:13
ugaritPolah: so how do I add my windows xp (sda2) as the first boot order, it doesn't yet exist in grub15:13
Polahsevith: running update-grub should pick up existing systems. If not you can add them manually to /etc/grub.d/40_custom15:14
TigryssAvas: Mem:   3540992k total,   721168k used,  2819824k free,    36292k buffers15:14
hughissuperI upgraded to Oneiric, and now my touchpad doesn't work.  I tried going in the terminal to enable it, but still no result.  Ho can I fix this?15:14
bazhanghughissuper, #ubuntu+1 for that please15:14
sevithPolah, :D OK15:14
AvaszTigryss, oh.. ok.15:14
androidnew to linux how do i get a icon on my desktop? have tried slide programs in the desktop folder but they wont go there?15:15
sevithPolah, Does that file use the same syntax as the new grub2 grub.cfg file or the old grub menu.lst ?15:15
Polahsevith: Yes, same syntax as grub.cfg. Just run update-grub and see if it adds it first.15:16
sevithugarit, ^----15:16
TigryssAvasz: very interesting because all slotban are the bios sees it15:16
TigryssAvasz: very interesting because all slots are the bios sees it15:16
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Polahugarity: Run update-grub, there's a script that should automatically pick up other installed Oses15:17
ugaritPolah: Windows is not listed so I assume I have to edit 40_custom15:18
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ugaritdo I put http://pastebin.com/Q2EQz87P in 40_custom ?15:18
ugaritPolah: do I put http://pastebin.com/Q2EQz87P in 40_custom ?15:18
sevithugarit, Try Running update-grub like he said. If that doesnt work add something simliar like :http://pastebin.com/p9ZdUv47 to your file but you shouldnt need to15:19
XertroVHey there, I was wondering, could anyone help me with an issue I have? I've got Ubuntu server, and every URL is redirecting to localhost.15:19
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sevithUse that ugarit15:19
Tigryssany idea15:19
sevithSomething simliar i guess. Thats from my file.15:19
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ugaritsevith: when you say "to your file" do you mean 40_custom?15:20
sevithugarit, yeah15:20
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sevithWhos on 11.04?15:21
sevithAnyone else have wireless issues on 11.04?15:22
zeksUbuntu is an ancient African word meaning 'humanity to others' Unity is an ancient African word for 'a dung, you can't even build house of'15:22
kgrrI'd like to update to Java 7 but can't find out how. Can you help me?15:23
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GirlyGirl!ot | zeks15:23
ubottuzeks: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:23
sevithkgrr, Google can.15:23
TigryssI put 2x4 GB of memory into the machine, what the motherboard bios recognises fine. The trouble that Linux is 2.6.35-30-generic #59-Ubuntu x86_64 GNU/Linux only 3540992k realises.15:23
fritschkgrr: do you know, why you want to update?15:23
fritschkgrr: some lambda features missing in java 6? just curious to know15:24
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kgrrfritsch: A webapp doesn't work and I was told to upgrade. As a good user, I'm willing to do so :D15:24
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fritschkgrr: do you have a link to this app?15:24
fritschkgrr: i rather think your plugin does not load correctly15:25
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fritschkgrr: there are very, very few java7 apps outside15:25
kgrrfritsch: http://galanet.eu15:25
LmAtI used the command cat `find *.xml` | grep slider15:25
LmAtand it worked very well, finding what I want to find.  Now, how can I find which file it's in?15:25
LmAtPerhaps what would be nice is to see it in context...15:25
fritschkgrr: on the start page?15:25
kgrrfritsch: In fact: http://galanet.eu/index_menu.php15:26
sevithUbuntu 11.04 broke 2 of my laptops and a desktop. Im afraid to upgrade on anything else. 11.04 Sucks horrible. Unity is the devil.15:26
kgrrfritsch: but it's quite buggy15:26
fritschkgrr: there is php bug in it :-)15:26
yuangangcan't get used to unity15:27
kgrrfritsch: I'd like to upgrade to exclude that it's Javas fault15:27
fritschkgrr: do you get an error message, when loading the java app (i cannot see) ?15:27
kgrrfritsch: No15:27
sevithCome on You dont even support english? :P15:27
fritschkgrr: just nothing loads?15:27
fritschsevith: no wireless laptops here15:28
fritschsevith: no wireless laptops with bugs, here15:28
kgrrfritsch: The page you see loads, the problem occurs later. I can't show you, you need an account for that.15:28
fritschah okay15:28
fritschkgrr: do you have the sun version of jre installed?15:28
sevithfritsch, haha First iv heard. I think everyone I know who uses wireless ubuntu 11.04 broke it.15:28
kgrrfritsch: I tried both15:29
fritschsevith: you are the first i heard the opposite of ;-)15:29
fritschkgrr: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/09/how-to-install-oracle-java-7-jdk-in.html <- here is an unsupported method descriped15:30
fritschkgrr: with a ppa15:30
fritschkgrr: this is not supported in any way15:30
TigryssI see my problem is too big for this community. :D15:30
kgrrfritsch: Great. That shouldn't be too difficult15:30
fritschTigryss: nope15:30
kgrrfritsch: How is it supposed?15:30
fritschTigryss: what is your mainboard chipset?15:31
fritschTigryss: if it is i945 it does not correctly remap the ram after the pci devices back - so not a linux fault15:31
fritschTigryss: check for a "memory map" option in bios15:31
Tigryssmainboard is a asrock P5b-de15:31
Tigryssintel inside p965 +ich815:32
fritschTigryss: wait, let me have a look15:32
fritschTigryss: this should work, in deed15:32
fritschTigryss: do you have 64 bit ubuntu installed?15:32
fritschTigryss: this seems further strange :-)15:33
TigryssLinux is 2.6.35-30-generic #59-Ubuntu x86_64 GNU/Linux15:33
kgrrfritsch: Why isn't openjdk-7 in the repositories yet?15:33
fritschkgrr: don`t know15:33
kgrrfritsch: Ok, thanks so far. I'll try that15:33
compdocthats an older kernel - must not be 11.0415:34
hagusindex.html works for me at /var/www but when I put test.cgi with a default cgi code, it claims that it cannot even find such a file.  Should I ask here or in #apache or #python?15:34
fritschTigryss: could you place full dmesg into a pastebin?15:34
hagusI am using ubuntu 11.0415:34
Tigryssfritsch yes can u give me the url?15:35
fritschTigryss: just use one you are familiar with15:35
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:35
Tigryssok just a sec15:36
sevithSteve Jobs is dead!15:37
Tigryssfritsch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/703453/15:37
bazhang!ot | sevith15:37
ubottusevith: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:37
hagusHave now removed nanoweb.  http://localhost works.  http://localhost/test.cgi gives a "could not connect to localhost" error :(15:38
fritschTigryss: your bios does not give it to you :-)15:39
mattalexxHow can I have Nautilus display display my username only, without my real name? http://i.imgur.com/aRhFl.png15:39
fritschTigryss: let me check the options of the mainboard15:39
fritschTigryss: Memory: 3521676k/3604096k available <- linux just gets this15:40
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Tigryssyes i seeű15:40
Tigryssyes i see15:40
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kel_newb question: how do i restore the tree list view on the file manager? I accidentally closed it somehow15:41
kel_it's the panel on the left side with Computer/Home/Downloads etc15:41
mustansirhello everybody15:41
fritschTigryss: do you have a very old pci card in this computer?15:41
NCCI installed Yate and i can't hear anything when i ring someone or they ring me.15:42
tracyHello all15:42
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vividkel_, try View->Sidebar->Show Sidebar15:42
sevithQuick question. THROUGH SSH how can i get it to forward something like gedit? If i wanted to edit a file. ssh config x11 forwarding? This fails? Firewall perhaps?15:42
kel_ah, right, forgot about the title bar being right up there in unity, thanks vivid15:42
Tigryssfritsch: no 2 intel NIC and 1 realtek15:42
fritschgo into your bios15:43
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: Do you hear sound from other apps?15:43
fritschTigryss: Advanced -> Memory Remap Feature15:43
fritschTigryss: Enable Memory Remap Feature15:43
KittyGirlGirlyGirl: Yes.15:43
fritschTigryss: http://europe.asrock.com/downloadsite/manual/P5B-DE.pdf page 3715:44
hagusAh - have just realised what is wrong.  file:///var/www/index.html was what was working - not http://localhost/index.html  Does that mean that my server is not running?15:44
Tigryssok, i try it15:44
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: Found this http://osdir.com/ml/telephony.yate/2008-02/msg00098.html15:45
gebbionehi i need to create a partition on the hardisk running my operating system to make some space for windows, what is the best approach to use?15:46
fritschTigryss: does it work?15:46
gebbioneshould i boot to some sort of rescue mode to access gparted?15:46
sevithgebbione, I would pop in a bootable disk and shrink the partition that way.15:46
vividsevith, read this http://www.cisl.ucar.edu/docs/ssh/guide/node29.html15:47
KittyGirlGirlyGirl: That's confusing.15:47
gebbioneindeed thanks sevith15:47
steel_gebbione, you could use gparted-live15:47
n8wguys, how do i get rid of the global menubar in gnome 3?15:48
vividn8w, google it15:48
vivid'disable global menu natty'15:48
n8wvivid, could rly find anythin usefull...15:48
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: hmm can't you use an alternative VOIP app like skype?15:48
KittyGirlGirlyGirl: No it has to be one that i can hook up to my SIP server.15:49
n8wvivid, im used to KDE, so this is the first time i get my hands on gnome...15:49
vividn8w, first hit http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CB0QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.unixmen.com%2Flinux-tutorials%2Flinux-distributions%2Flinux-distributions4-ubuntu%2F1598-howto-disable-appmenu-global-menu-in-ubuntu-1104-natty-narwhal&rct=j&q=disable%20global%20menu%20natty&ei=-M2NTqGKOKeKsQL6-azKAQ&usg=AFQjCNGcHB3nzQLCCjGQ2EkM2lISl5E2mw&sig2=dr5xZF21zpy7yZZhdogQEA&cad=rja15:49
n8wvivid, hmm sry my bad15:50
fritschTigryss: does it work?15:50
sevithUh oh. http://www.google.com/#sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&source=hp&q=filetype:cfg+inurl%3Apwd&pbx=1&oq=filetype:cfg+inurl%3Apwd&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=149l534l4l736l3l4l0l0l0l2l301l889l0.1.2.1l4l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=6844df49ecc9ed6e&biw=1268&bih=59715:50
fritschTigryss: joa - the bios, your friend and helper15:51
Tigryssyour good15:51
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: Apparently Yate has trouble with pulseaudio http://tech.velmont.net/quick-test-of-5-foss-linux-sip-softphones-inside-nat/15:51
KittyGirlGirlyGirl: It doesn't support pulseaudio.15:52
KittyGirlIt's either ALSA or OSS.15:52
KittyGirlI'm using ALSA.15:52
livcdpulse audio is shiaaat15:53
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: Sorry can't be of much help there15:53
fritschlivcd: heard that many times15:53
GirlyGirllivcd: language15:53
fritschlivcd: i say the opposite15:53
vividyou can turn pulse off15:53
vividedit /etc/default/pulse.conf and set autospawn to no, then killall pulseaudio15:53
mattalexxHow can I have Nautilus display display my username only, without my real name? http://i.imgur.com/aRhFl.png15:53
vividuse start-pulseaudio-x11 if you want to relaunch it15:54
fritschmeitnerium: delete your nome from /etc/passwd15:54
fritschmeitnerium: but to not mess stuff up in this file15:54
KittyGirlGirlyGirl: I'd like help with Express Talk then (Windows App).15:54
airdem*do not15:54
KittyGirlI installed it in WINE...15:54
KittyGirlI get a tone.15:54
KittyGirlbut i can't hear what the other side is saying.15:55
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: The "other side" hears you?15:55
KittyGirlGirlyGirl: Nope.15:55
KittyGirlExpress Talk is what i normally use.15:56
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: Doesn't anything in http://tech.velmont.net/quick-test-of-5-foss-linux-sip-softphones-inside-nat/ work for you?15:57
KittyGirlGirlyGirl: I've tried them all.16:00
ugaritI'm back.  ok, I have 11.04 installed on my laptop.  Windows XP used to show up in the Grub menu but now it doesn't after I updated 11.04.  I ran upgrade-grub and it didn't add windows.  What do I do? it's on sda216:01
lluviahello, how can I set the minimize, maximize, exit buttons of the windows in the right part instead of the left, in ubuntu Lucid Linx?16:01
KittyGirllluvia: Lucid Puppy!16:02
KittyGirlWOOF WOOF!16:02
KittyGirlOh i forgot...16:02
wis3v0yag3rlluvia, proceed to control centre16:02
KittyGirlI'm a Kitty.16:02
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: So nothing else does the job?16:02
vividlluvia, run gconf-editor, navigate to apps/metacity/general16:03
KittyGirlGirlyGirl: Nope.16:03
vividedit button layout to menu:minimize,maximize,close or :minimize,maximize,close16:03
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: Maybe try kphone16:04
KittyGirlGirlyGirl: Tried it but as soon as the call is answered kphone closes.16:04
lluviavivid: ok, thanks16:04
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: Can you lauch kphone from Terminal and paste the exact verbose output when it closes16:05
w30ugarit, edit /boot/grub/menu.1st16:05
vividw30, he likely doesnt have legacy grub16:06
vividconsequently, he likely doesnt have a menu.lst16:06
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: What about ekiga and empathy16:07
w30ugarit, in menu.1st there is an example entry for chainloading Windows 95/98/NT/2000. In your case (hd0,1) would be what you want16:08
vipinjHi, grub version 1.98+20100804-5ubuntu316:08
vipinj<vipinj> , Ubuntu 10.10 I am trying to display my grub menu by default, I commented the GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT but the only thing which happens is I cannot see the grub and it boots after timeout, I have only Ubuntu but different kernels as my grub entries16:08
ugaritw30 I'm using grub2 which doesn't have menu.1st16:09
GirlyGirl!voip | KittyGirl16:09
ubottuKittyGirl: VoIP is Voice over IP. The default VoIP client for Ubuntu is !Ekiga. There is also an xmpp voice component in !Empathy. Kubuntu Clients include Kphone and Twinkle. Proprietary Clients include !Skype and Gizmo5. VoIP server applications include Asterisk and Yate ( both in repositories ), FreePBX, and SipX.16:09
vividright, your update-grub command should run the osprober which should find windows16:10
ugaritvivid: it didn't!16:10
vividif it doesnt, try googling how to manually add windows to grub16:10
gr33n7007hcan you have skype for ubuntu ?16:10
ugaritvivid: I did google it, but it's so confusing!16:10
vividgr33n7007h, add the ubuntu partner repository and run apt-get install skype16:10
jibbidyjappMy bluetooth mouse ( razer orochi ) lags when network traffic gets high ( 800 > kb/s ). How do I fix that?16:10
gr33n7007hthat simple. Cheers16:11
standarshyI"m having poor performance with my Atheros AR5001 network card in linux mint.  It works much better in Windows.  Any suggestions?16:11
bastidrazorstandarshy: ask the linuxmint channel for help.16:11
bastidrazor!mintsupport > standarshy16:11
ubottustandarshy, please see my private message16:11
standarshybastidrazor: I have asked, they wasn't sure.  I was hoping the distro's would be similiar enough that someone might have a suggestion16:12
gr33n7007huse ndiswrappper16:12
bastidrazorstandarshy: atheros works perfect in ubuntu.16:13
bastidrazorstandarshy: as i have the same card. no issues.16:13
jibbidyjappactually, the usb mouse lags regardless of network traffic. Is there a way to fix or tune this so that it works properly?16:14
gr33n7007hrealtek 8187l work flawlessly in ubuntu16:14
jibbidyjappit is a bluetooth mouse ( not usb )16:14
KittyGirlGirlyGirl: http://pastebin.com/1195rL8e16:15
gr33n7007htry changing the channel 1316:16
gr33n7007hless interference16:16
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: Does it crash with only incoming calls?16:17
KittyGirlGirlyGirl: It's when i make an outgoing call it crashes.16:18
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KittyGirlIf i answer an incoming call it crashes too.16:18
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GirlyGirlKittyGirl: Did you try empathy and ekiga16:19
KittyGirlGirlyGirl: Yes.16:20
KittyGirlEmpathy doesn't support VoIP.16:20
KittyGirland ekiga just doesn't work either.16:20
monstroHi everyone, Somebody can I help, please ? I installed the Ubuntu 11.04 and I did want know where I find the Xorg.conf in system.16:22
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: Are you sure yate is correctly configured16:22
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KittyGirlGirlyGirl: Positive.16:22
KittyGirlGirlyGirl: My calls get answered.16:23
monstrosomebody ? please.16:23
Monsterwizardmonstro someone will know and read your question soon16:23
AG1Tmonstro: Hold on, I am looking real quick to see if I can find it for you.16:24
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: So you don't hear anything and the other party doesn't here you but dial tone works16:24
KittyGirlGirlyGirl: There is no dial tone.16:24
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: so no sound at all16:25
KittyGirlGirlyGirl: Nope.16:25
monstroAG1T: okay.16:25
somsipmonstro: IIRC, there is no xorg.conf by deault on 11.04 but one can be created. /etc/X11 i believe16:26
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: maybe http://www.twinklephone.com/ but you have to compile it16:26
KittyGirlGirlyGirl: Tried it.16:27
KittyGirland no you don't have to compile it.16:27
meta-coderKittyGirl, GirlyGirl, what are you upto?16:27
KittyGirlmeta-coder: Trying to get my phone line to work. :(16:27
meta-coderKittyGirl, You are in the wrong IRC channel then.16:28
GirlyGirlmeta-coder: She is tring VOIP ... some apps crash others have no sound ...16:28
w30ugarit, I am behind the times, I haven't messed with grub216:28
KittyGirlmeta-coder: No.16:28
Omni_LynkWhere can i change what sounds is played during startup?16:28
allowoverrideim trying to decide which is best to use and why- 10.04 LTS or 10.10? any suggestions? thank you very much16:28
somsipallowoverride: what do you want from it?16:28
monstrosomsip: strange!16:28
somsipmonstro: I could be wrong, but I'm sure I've heard that before16:29
somsipallowoverride: I've already responded16:29
allowoverridelaptop OS16:29
allowoverrideanyone else16:29
MonsterwizardI use 10:0416:29
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: http://paste.ubuntu.com/703484/16:29
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MSKAnyone experimented with other Linux distros besides Ubuntu?16:29
somsipMSK: yes, but this is not the place to discuss them :)16:30
allowoverrideMSK:  yep16:30
w30ugarit, I would not want to help you mess up your grub216:30
allowoverrideactually MSK check out #atluccg for that, or #linux16:30
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GirlyGirlKittyGirl: Tried all those?16:30
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AG1Tmonstro:  I am not finding it.  I am still hunting.16:31
allowoverridemuch friendly chat can be found than here16:31
Omni_LynkWhere can i change what sounds is played during startup?16:31
KittyGirlGirlyGirl: I already have a working PBx.16:31
monstroAG1T: the somsip said does not exist...16:31
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: So what is the functionality missing in it16:32
KittyGirlGirlyGirl: It's the softphone that wont work.16:32
KittyGirlin Ubuntu16:32
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KittyGirlInstalling linphone...16:32
enjoycrfhey does any one know where the top menu setting is16:34
theadminenjoycrf: wut?16:34
enjoycrfthe app menu on mac is at the top16:34
theadminenjoycrf: ...We don't really support macs...16:34
enjoycrfthere is an option in ubuntu16:35
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: So none of these work https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftPhone16:35
enjoycrfto have it either at the top16:35
enjoycrfor top of application16:35
Omni_LynkWhere can i change what sounds is played during startup?16:35
AG1Tmonstro: That is maybe why I am not finding it.  Must be a holder over from the old days.16:35
theadminOmni_Lynk: You can't really do that. Another solution is to put "mplayer /path/to/your/sound.ogg" to startup apps, and remove "GNOME Startup Sound" from there16:36
Omni_Lynktheadmin, Thanks, i'll do that instead.16:36
theadminOmni_Lynk: Of course, I assume you do have mplayer installed. Actually, any other command-line based player will do (cvlc, mplayer, aplay...)16:36
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: run winecfg16:37
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: Find a test sound button and press it16:37
theadminHey GirlyGirl :)16:38
GirlyGirltheadmin: hi16:38
mika_j'aimerais savoir certaine chose sur l'ataque man in the middle16:39
theadmin!fr | mika_16:39
ubottumika_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.16:39
somsipmika_: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attaque_de_l%27homme_du_milieu16:39
GirlyGirlmika_: Plutot #ubuntu-fr-offtopic16:40
fossalaIs an rc comming out today?16:40
theadminfossala: Oneric support/discussion in #ubuntu+1, please16:40
fossalasorry, thanks.16:41
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designbybeckthe the release so close why is there no count down timer on the home page?16:43
Shattershow does Long Term Support (LTS) make ubuntu 10 different than 11?16:44
KittyGirlGirlyGirl: Lol i can't seem to configure linphone.16:44
comitthey all. i installed ubuntu 11.04 after windows xp. how do i edit the boot menu (meaning the operating system loaded by default)? thanks16:44
designbybeckcomitt, try this http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/clean-up-ubuntu-grub-boot-menu-after-upgrades/16:45
enjoycrfu guys kno where that dam menu is lol16:46
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: open winecfg16:46
KittyGirlGirlyGirl: Why?16:46
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: Then press the test sound button16:46
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: Trying to get sound on the windows app16:46
designbybeckcomitt, maybe this one as well http://makingtheswitch.wordpress.com/2007/04/29/changing-grub-boot-order-to-boot-windows-xp-before-ubuntu/16:46
comittyeah, the other one only opened an empty text file16:47
designbybeckcomitt, OR if you want to make it purdy, go with BURG http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=1396516:47
KittyGirlGirlyGirl: But i get a dialling tone on the windows app.16:47
comitti mean, the recomended command     gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst16:47
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: Ah ok then16:47
moescomitt, Ubuntu has no menu.lst file the command is /etc/default/grub16:49
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: http://www.linphone.org/eng/documentation/ maybe this will help config16:50
comittmoes, is that the command i put into the terminal ? /etc/default/grub ?16:50
moescomitt, Are trying to change the default login16:50
comittyes, from ubuntu to xp16:51
moescomitt, Yes use in terminal then change the number of the xp position16:51
grifo74hello how i configure my multimedia buttons, exist any software to make this16:52
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KittyGirlGirlyGirl: I should switch distro.16:52
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: Doubt that will help16:52
theadmingrifo74: The default "Keyboard Shortcuts" app is capable of this.16:52
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GirlyGirlKittyGirl: Its a VOIP app, whatever distro you use it will be the same and I've been using Kubuntu since 6.06 and the ubuntu family of distros is the one that has the most advantages over others16:54
grifo74thank i go try16:54
w30grifo74, try one of the multimedia keyboard choices in system preferences keyboard16:55
galagalawhen I try to but i get grub gnu shell up16:55
theadminGirlyGirl: "most advantages over others" is insulting for non-Ubuntu users here, you know16:55
galagalahow do i fix this16:55
PsychoX75here i am.... at it again.   :)16:55
livcdthats all nice but will it blend ?16:56
KittyGirlGirlyGirl: So why isn't it woorking out of the box then?16:56
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: well kphone was nice but it uses the old qt3 so it crashes on new systems16:56
KittyGirloh :(16:57
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: Yate does not like pulseaudio which is the modern sound system now16:57
PsychoX75Mediaplayers can use ur GPU or ur CPU to play a movie.... (hardware acceleration option). My problem is that i have a Quadcore cpu with a sucky weak Videocard. Is there any Mediaplayer that i can explicitly toggle it to USE or NOT USE the videocards cpu?16:57
theadminGirlyGirl: How about running Yate with padsp, then?16:57
jcphami also do not like pulseaudio16:57
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: The trouble is more because of the apps not the distro16:57
comittmoes, i cant change the grub file since it is owned by "root". what do i do?16:57
jcphami have to kill pulseaudio processes eating up cpu all the time16:58
GirlyGirltheadmin: Good idea16:58
GirlyGirltheadmin: Why don't you suggest16:58
KittyGirlGirlyGirl: but.. Ubuntu eats up a lot of CPU.16:58
=== Shatters is now known as GirlyKitty
GirlyKittymine too16:58
moescomitt, sudo gedit /etc/default/grub or use gksu which ever remember grub2 counts from 0 when changing16:59
DustyMonkgirls, that can be due to the kworker bug16:59
comittthanks moes16:59
Farghwhat to do if I want to view silverlight on ubuntu firefox ?16:59
io!offtopic | airdem16:59
ubottuairdem: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:59
PsychoX75ehh... Simple question.      Which mediaplayer has option "Use Videocard-cpu" or "Use normal-cpu"  ?17:00
airdemim sorry for that, i will behave now17:00
ioairdem: please do17:00
Parsindi wont17:00
PsychoX75HAHAHA.... there is someone called 'io'.    Like "I/O"  ?    Cool name man.17:01
Parsindno like the moon you idiot17:01
bazhangParsind, thats enough17:01
Parsindwhat IO is a moon17:01
KittyGirlGirlyGirl: I think i'm going to have to switch back to Windows. :(17:01
allowoverrideim trying to decide which is best to use and why as a desktop to use for surfing the net, programing, dev, vbox, printing, ya know, which is better?  10.04 LTS or 10.10? any suggestions? thank you very much17:01
KittyGirlOSes are supposed to work out of the box like Windows and Mac does.17:02
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: Don't lose hope so fast17:02
bazhang!ot > Parsind17:02
ubottuParsind, please see my private message17:02
PsychoX75Kitty: huh? why give up? Fight the good fight....17:02
comittmoes, i can type /etc/default/grub and it opens the grub file. however, if i type sudo gedit  /etc/default/grub  or gedit  /etc/default/grub  - nothing happens17:02
KittyGirlGirlyGirl: The only thing you can do with Linux is run it as a server. :(17:02
comittif i only type  /etc/default/grub it wont let me save aferwards17:03
GirlyKittyYeah kitty17:03
zakwilsonWindows doesn't always work out of the box either. Taking the time to learn a bit about how your OS works is usually worth the effort.17:03
GirlyKittyare you using 32bit kitty?17:03
th_KittyGirl: truthful sentence, up to the word "like". none of the os'es work for everything out of box, os x least of the bunch17:03
theadminKittyGirl: Windows? Out of the box? Are you kidding me?17:03
comittrofl kittygirl17:03
KittyGirltheadmin: Do i look like i'm kidding?17:03
theadminKittyGirl: You have to install a fsckload of drivers.17:03
moescomitt,  Did you try gksu17:03
allowoverridesounds like you guys are hooked due to her nick lol17:03
comittwill try now, thanks17:03
zakwilsonWindows 7 still doesn't work right on my Thinkpad. Takes 20 minutes to boot.17:03
* KittyGirl sighs17:04
Parsindzakwilson:  try win817:04
GirlyKittydon't stay with the dark side kitty17:04
zeks"Are you SURE you want to boot Windows?"17:04
th_windows 7 locks up every second time i plug in any usb device, how's that for bizarre bugs..17:04
th_complete freeze, need to give power button for the comp17:04
allowoverridesounds like a troll to me, but since "it" is supposed to be a girl, well. your all hooked lol17:04
PsychoX75Hello?!?!?    Does anyone ever watch a movie in this channel?   An answer would be nice... --->  Which mediaplayer has option "Use Videocard-cpu" or "Use normal-cpu"  ?17:04
GirlyKittyI bet Steve Jobs would pick linux if he had to go between that or microsoft. just saying17:05
oCeanGirlyKitty: please stay on topic17:05
comittthanks moes, much appreciated - now saved. off to test it, all have a good night17:05
PsychoX75Steve Jobs actually DID pick linux17:05
theadminGirlyKitty: Naturally xD It is UNIX-based, all in all17:05
KittyGirlGirlyGirl: Obviously.17:05
PsychoX75only thing is that he threw another GUI over it.17:05
oCeanPsychoX75, KittyGirl enough, move on17:05
babbleBSD. NeXT picked BSD.17:05
KittyGirloCean: ?17:05
zakwilson11.10 will be LTS, yes?17:05
oCeanKittyGirl: stop the offtopic talk17:05
th_zakwilson: no17:06
allowoverridegoto #atluccg is you wish to talk about all things techy,, KittyGirl GirlyKitty17:06
oCeanzakwilson: no, 12.04 will17:06
bazhangallowoverride, dont advertise here17:06
KittyGirloCean: I'mnot speaking offtopic.17:06
PsychoX75ocean: did u actually see my question that i asked like 3 times already?17:06
zakwilsonI thought they came out every 18 months.17:06
moescomitt Np17:06
cheakodmsg: type=1400 audit apparmor="DENIED" operation="chmod" parent=1 profile="/usr/lib/telepathy/mission-control-5" name="/home/cheako/.cache/" comm="mission-control" requested_mask="w" denied_mask="w"17:06
oCeanPsychoX75: even if you asked 10 times, there is no reason to go offtopic17:06
* drussell tries...17:07
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)17:07
KittyGirlGirlyGirl: Sorry and thanks for your help.17:07
KittyGirlAll i wanted to do was ring my boyfriend up.17:07
drussellhmm someone needs to update ubottu17:07
allowoverrideum,,, bazhang correct me im wrong, but you all say goto #linux #off-topic all the time... so...17:07
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: You're welcome ... why sorry?17:07
theadmindrussell: ?... Current LTS is lucid.17:07
zakwilsonKittyGirl: this is the support channel; anything that isn't a technical question or answer is technically off-topic. Some people are pretty strict about that. Is your original question about Skype?17:07
cheakoIt's a bogus operation to begin with, telepathy should leave ~/.cache/, a folder it shares with others, alone unless it creates the folder.17:07
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: Virtualbox is an interessting alternative17:07
KittyGirlGirlyGirl: Idk why i said sorry.17:07
drusselltheadmin: sure, but it would be good to say "and LTS releases come out every 2 years"17:08
KittyGirlabout offtopic things.17:08
PsychoX75ehh... guys?  Dont be mad at me, ok?   I'm pretty new at Ubuntu. If i can't ask that here, where should i ask that? I just wanna know something that can actualy play movies in Ubuntu which i can tweak a little.17:08
drusselltheadmin: possibly also stating the next LTS17:08
KittyGirlI was just thanking GirlyGirl for support.17:08
allowoverridedont be jealous you didnt think of a room like that... where its not so strick, heck even off-topic rooms are strick... it just pisses people off17:08
livcdPsychoX75: mplayer17:08
allowoverridecurtails learning, makes people give up17:08
drussellPsychoX75: mplayer or vlc are both pretty configurable17:08
PsychoX75livcd: oh?!? that's in Ubuntu too? Thanks17:08
PsychoX75that's all i needed. Simply a 'name' of the players... I'm gone configuring and installing. Thanks.17:09
cheakoPsychoX75: mplayer  It's typically invoked for the command line and has millions of options and plugins.17:10
KittyGirlGirlyGirl: I don't do virtualisation because i only have 1gb RAM.17:10
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: Windows Xp should be fine with 256 mb17:11
cheakoPsychoX75: http://pastebin.com/s5Yqp7e617:11
PsychoX75cheako: i've seen VLC a couple of times in windows. Gonna try it.17:11
KittyGirlGirlyGirl: lol but Ubuntu is using a lot of my CPU.17:11
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KittyGirlPsychoX75: ?17:12
=== TheCowboy is now known as TheCowgirl
hagusWhen I do localhost/cgi-bin  I get Forbidden - no permission error.17:12
GirlyGirlKittyGirl: You don't have to use Unity (I don't because its resource intensive), instead you can opt for Kubuntu, Xubuntu or Lubuntu .... same thing different UI17:12
cheakoPsychoX75: Yeah, vlc did'nt work vary well on my machine.  It had problems doing full-screen.  On my box the window boarders would always show and funky things happened if the window was resized or moved.17:12
PsychoX75Kitty: i meant that for cheako17:12
MonsterwizardI dedicated 2GB to ubuntu in a virtual machine17:12
Monsterwizardis that enough?17:12
hagusHow do I make cgi-bin my own again?17:13
theadminMonsterwizard: 2GB what?17:13
theadminMonsterwizard: More than.17:13
Monsterwizardhope unity works in a virtual machine17:13
zeksoh god17:13
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th0rzeks: you called?17:14
cheakoPsychoX75: Plus it has only a freaction of the featurs you'll find in mplayer...  though it's a got a GUI to configure it.17:14
theadminMonsterwizard: Not gonna unless you have 3D support17:14
theadminMonsterwizard: In Virtualbox, that's done trough guest additions17:14
theadminMonsterwizard: No idea about other VMs17:14
KittyGirlPsychoX75: oh17:14
Monsterwizardtheadmin oh no17:14
Monsterwizardguest additions never load for me17:15
theadminMonsterwizard: I suppose you don't really know how to use them, then17:15
PsychoX75cheako: the problem i have is that my GPU is a cheap videocard. But my CPU is a quadcore. So when playing blu-ray it can't handle it. I'm trying to 'tell' the mediaplayer to just let the CPU do the job.17:15
MonsterwizardI'll install ubuntu and have a closer look17:15
allowoverrideyawns, when are we going to discuss ubuntu again.... looks around...17:15
theadminMonsterwizard: It's something like: mount /dev/sr0 /mnt ; /mnt/VBoxLinuxAdditions.run17:15
Monsterwizardi'm running windows17:16
allowoverridesince we are not allowed to talk about anything else...17:16
zacktui just upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 -- all windows open maximized -- where's the setting for that?17:16
Monsterwizardwith ubuntu in a virtual machine17:16
theadminMonsterwizard: Well, you'll be installing Guest additions in Ubuntu...17:16
theadminMonsterwizard: Because Ubuntu is the guest17:16
theadminMonsterwizard: Before that command, make sure to go to Devices -> Install Guest Additions on the VM's window menu17:17
Monsterwizardonce it's installed I'll be asking17:18
MonsterwizardI hope it's not too confusing17:18
theadminMonsterwizard: I might not be around anymore though xD17:18
Monsterwizardplease stay17:18
theadminMonsterwizard: No, thanks xD It doesn't really depend on me17:19
allowoverrideim trying to decide which is best to use and why as a desktop to use for surfing the net, programing, dev, vbox, printing, ya know, which is better?  10.04 LTS or 10.10? any suggestions? thank you very much17:19
theadminMonsterwizard: But I'll stay17:19
theadminMonsterwizard: Well, will try to17:19
theadminMonsterwizard: I guess I'll be around for at least a couple hours more17:19
Monsterwizardoh good17:19
MonsterwizardIt's configuring the hardware artm17:19
* theadmin misread "atm" as "ARM" and thought "wow, Ubuntu has other architectures now?"17:20
allowoverrideis there really a big diff between them? in functionality ? hard to describe. just want it for my laptop17:20
allowoverrideplus and minuses if you will between 10.04 and 10.1017:20
oCean!arm | theadmin there is an arm project17:20
ubottutheadmin there is an arm project: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.17:20
theadminoCean: Oh, cool17:21
theadminoCean: Well, should have guessed since I can technically install Ubuntu on my Android phone xD17:21
allowoverridehow long does 10.04 have left supporting wise?17:21
allowoverridei like gnome desktop, should i just try 11.0417:22
oCeanallowoverride: each LTS has 3 years support for desktop and 5 for server version17:22
allowoverrideoCean: ok17:22
allowoverridethis is a laptop only17:22
oCeanallowoverride: you can download the CD images, and run as livecd, then decide which you like better17:23
allowoverridei been using 10.10 so long and i have loaded so much, updated, upgraded so much that i cant tell the diff really. kernels are obviously newer, but what am i missing?17:23
theadminallowoverride: That means 3 years for you17:23
TheCowgirlallowoverride, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases17:23
theadminallowoverride: You're missing, well, at least Unity17:23
TheCowgirlfor dates17:23
allowoverrideTheCowgirl: thanks17:23
allowoverrideso what will happen on april 2012 ?17:24
allowoverride10.04 will be dead?17:24
TheCowgirlthey just stop releasing updates17:24
theadminallowoverride: Yup. You should upgrade before then.17:24
oCeanallowoverride: no, as I told you 10.04 has 3 years of support17:24
jriballowoverride: that's 2 years...17:24
allowoverridei dont get it, why do they do that?17:24
Shattersbtw, reason I pulled steve jobs into convo earlier was in case some of you didn't know he died yesterday17:24
theadminallowoverride: Do you think keeping repositories, with gigabytes of data, for ALL the releases would be easy to manage?17:24
oCeanallowoverride: to be able to move the efforts to newer releases17:25
livcdtheadmin: yes17:25
theadminallowoverride: Also provide support with HUGE differences in software...17:25
allowoverrideso should i just goto 11.04 LTS and load gnome desktop17:25
TheCowgirl11.10 is out this month, no?17:25
drussellallowoverride: it's the effort of keeping on top of all the updates and all the security patches, we can only support a limited number of versions at once17:25
allowoverridei dont like the unity dm17:25
theadminallowoverride: 11.04 is not an LTS, 11.10 will be if I recall right17:25
jribtheadmin: no17:26
drusselltheadmin: 12.04 will be LTS17:26
allowoverridei thought only .04 is LTS17:26
theadminjrib: Oh, right17:26
oCeanallowoverride: I told you to download the images and try the live cd17:26
GirlyGirltheadmin: no 11.10 is not17:26
allowoverrideic, goes by 2's17:26
oCeanallowoverride: then decide for yourself17:26
Monsterwizardtheadmin shall I shutdown ubuntu first?17:26
theadminGirlyGirl: Sorry, I forget their release scheme17:26
xrdodrxallowoverride, no, it goes by _fours_17:26
allowoverrideoCean: not really helping with attitude like that17:26
theadminMonsterwizard: What? No.17:26
allowoverride8, 10, 12, thats um, 2's if the math is correct lol17:26
xrdodrxallowoverride, 10.04 LTS, 10.10, 11.04, 11.10, 12.04 LOTS17:26
allowoverrideyah i understand that17:27
allowoverridei meant lts only by 2's17:27
bazhangallowoverride, please dont poll here. try a live cd and decide17:27
allowoverridejust taking educated guess17:27
bazhangallowoverride, yes. thats enough.17:27
allowoverridelive cd's are slow, what are you talking about17:27
xrdodrxallowoverride, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for all the information you'd ever need about ubuntu's release cycle :)17:28
allowoverridei would never suggest that to anyone unless they were on windows17:28
Monsterwizardohboy, I'm in ubuntu now17:28
allowoverridelive cd's are for noobs to linux period, any linux17:28
Monsterwizardtheadmin shall  I install guest addons?17:29
Monsterwizardfrom the virtual box menu?17:29
theadminMonsterwizard: yup17:29
Monsterwizardoh cool17:29
Monsterwizardshall I press ok?17:29
theadminMonsterwizard: What's the prompt?17:30
Monsterwizardyeah the prompt17:30
Monsterwizardubuntu prompt17:30
MonsterwizardI pressed ok17:30
Monsterwizardand it opened the terminal17:30
FloodBot1Monsterwizard: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:30
oCean!enter | Monsterwizard17:30
ubottuMonsterwizard: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:30
LindaLoveLaceis there some type of #offtopic? - im writing an application via email and my friend copy pasted what got him the job, i just want it reworded so it doesn't look so similar.17:30
theadminLindaLoveLace: What (s)he said17:31
Monsterwizardok so I press return to get off the terminal17:31
Monsterwizardnow what?17:31
GirlyGirl!ot | LindaLoveLace17:31
ubottuLindaLoveLace: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:31
theadminMonsterwizard: Open a terminal, go to the place where the cd is mounted, and run the .run file in there17:31
theadminMonsterwizard: That's the itineary, if you need the details ask away17:32
hackelI just ran Disk Utility and discovered a bunch of NBD devices (which it identifies as Solid-State Disks for some reason).  What could be causing this?  I don't even have nbd-client/server installed and have never used a network block device!17:32
Monsterwizardhow do I get to the cd17:32
theadminMonsterwizard: Are you in GNOME currently?17:33
theadminMonsterwizard: i.e. Ubuntu Classic17:33
Monsterwizardwhat do I run17:33
MonsterwizardI'm in the folder17:33
FloodBot1Monsterwizard: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:33
Monsterwizardoops sorry17:33
theadminMonsterwizard: Okay, open the CD in a filemanager of some sort, it should be in your places menu17:33
theadminNext, hit Ctrl+L and tell me what that gives17:33
Monsterwizard There's VDI, VMDK, VHD, HDD17:34
ePluscan someone please shed some light on my wireless issue17:34
Balaji_TVRDear Frineds, I'm new to Ubuntu!17:34
Balaji_TVRI've a question on how to open C++Annotation-pdf which I've installed via synaptic package manager? In other words, when I install any help/doc file via synaptic manager, how to open it? I could not find it via dash too?17:34
theadminMonsterwizard: Can you paste the FULL address?17:34
=== evilfuchs is now known as Fuchs
MonsterwizardI can't :/17:35
x404xany suggestion for a vox audio recorder for linux ? I tryed audacity but it crashes after a while17:35
ePlusi have a wireless usb dongle that is unable to establish a connection to my hidden network17:35
theadminMonsterwizard: Oh, I see the deal, okay, just take a screenshot then xD Or whatever17:35
theadminMonsterwizard: Either way, meh17:35
theadminMonsterwizard: Open a terminal, type "cd PASTE_THIS_ADDRESS_HERE" there, hit Enter17:36
ePlusit can see other networks, it attempts to connect to the network etc, but it just comes back to re-enter the password for that ssid, even though is correct17:36
theadminMonsterwizard: Next, give me the output of "ls | grep *.run"17:36
ePlusi am not sure is a driver issue as i can see other networks around etc. i'm running ubuntu 11.0417:36
g0rsdoes the CPU frequency selector actually work on gnome?17:37
Monsterwizardok there's autorun.sh17:37
theadminePlus: Probably more of a networkmanager and wpa_supplicant issue17:38
theadminMonsterwizard: That one17:38
theadminOkay, type "sudo ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run" (and note that it's case-sensetive!)17:38
Monsterwizarddo I double click it on the file manger?17:38
w30Balaji_TVR, in a terminal type: sudo find / -name C++Annotation-pdf -print     then cd to that directory in your file manager and click on it17:39
Monsterwizardsudo "Enter path address" run?17:39
ePlustheadmin: thanks for the reply. i have installed wicd but it says no available networks17:39
theadminMonsterwizard: Just the way I wrote it, that's all17:39
theadminePlus: Okay, that's weird, does "iwlist wlan0 scan" return anything?17:39
batouzodamn.. how to install Flash on ubuntu 10.10 ?17:39
theadmin!flash | batouzo17:40
ubottubatouzo: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash17:40
Monsterwizardtheadmin sorry I've lost you17:40
batouzosimply following firefox suggestion is not working17:40
theadminMonsterwizard: Run that in the terminal you had opened17:40
ePlustheadmin: should i remove gnome network manager before using wicd?17:40
Monsterwizardyes how do I run that file17:40
theadminePlus: No, you should just shut it down17:40
theadminMonsterwizard: *sigh* Type the command I gave you just now17:40
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GirlyGirlbatouzo: Any reason to not be on 11.0417:40
theadminMonsterwizard: sudo ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run17:40
ePlusis it a service that i should stop?17:41
theadminePlus: Yeah, dig around /etc/init for the name, I always forget it as it has some weird capitalization17:41
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batouzoGirlyGirl: 11.04 sucks17:42
ePlustheadmin: "network-manager", network-interface-security and network-interface17:42
batouzoradeon driver problems. strange UI (yes I know it can be disabled), many glitches (seen on computers that do use 11.04)17:43
ePlusnetwork-manager you reckon?17:43
batouzotheadmin:   do I need to  "Enable the Third-party software repository" on 10.10 ?17:43
ePlusthat was the one17:43
Monsterwizardthanks theadmin it's loading17:43
GirlyGirlbatouzo: 11.10 is coming soon and then 10.10 is close to EOL17:43
Monsterwizardwas that the hard bit?17:43
Balaji_TVRw30, Thank you. I've installed many help/doc package for c++ or linux and etc. So to open those doc file, is there any better way to open in some unified interface? or only way is to search? The problem in search is I would not no the exact file name as I install those as packages.17:43
theadminbatouzo: Yeah17:44
ePlustheadmin: iwlist wlan0 outputs no scan results17:44
batouzoGirlyGirl: I can only hope it will be better... I will see once it's released.17:45
theadminePlus: Weird... Sounds like a driver problem17:45
ePlusthough there were scan results in the gnome network manager???17:45
batouzotheadmin: realy? because I can install that package17:45
batouzoI did installed:17:45
Monsterwizardok done17:45
GirlyGirlbatouzo: There are many other ways if you dislike Unity, ... KDE, Gnome-shell, XFCE ...17:45
batouzoi   flashplugin-installer17:45
glebihanBalaji_TVR, some of that documentation may be available in devhelp17:45
batouzoand despite it being installed (and restarting firefox) still youtube.com vids do not play. Why so?17:46
GirlyGirlePlus: its iwlist scan17:46
Monsterwizardso how do I now make the screen true full screen17:46
w30Balaji_TVR, most linux distros have a doc or docs folder somewhere. mine is /usr/share/doc17:47
batouzoI have installed       i   flashplugin-installer    (and restarting firefox)  -- but still youtube.com vids do not play.  What can be wrong?17:47
Balaji_TVRyep, for me too the same but I see several 100s of folder for everything17:47
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Balaji_TVRw30: yep, for me too the same but I see several 100s of folders for everything.  Would like to know is there any better editor to open the wanted one in organized way. Something similar to MSDN editor.17:49
w30Balaji_TVR,  also man  <command> or info <command> will acces documentation17:50
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batouzoanyone knows how to really install flash in 10.10 ?17:51
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w30Balaji_TVR, apropos <subject> is a good fishing command to lead  to something more17:52
liarhi, i dont know if this is the right place to ask but you might know... i am looking for good audio recording and editing software but can't find anything which is sufficient for my needs :(17:52
robotti^does anybody know, how to disable touchpad on ultranav keyboard?17:52
robotti^I love trackpoint, but touchpad is terrible.17:53
Balaji_TVRw30, Thank you. I have located the folder and the installed file name is "cplusplusus.pdf". So, after manual search in the whole doc folder, I have found the file name to open. Hence, at first place, without knowing the file name one could not search too.17:54
theadminrobotti^: There should be a key (often a fn-key) for that17:54
batouzodoes flash work at ubuntu 10.10 now?17:54
ljsdofuynsdfufuhI sent a 7zip file to someone who uses ubuntu and they say the ubuntu 7zip command "p7zip" doesn't have an "x" option (which is how I extract them)...17:54
batouzoin firefox17:54
theadminljsdofuynsdfufuh: The command is "7z" actually17:54
cm1nusim here to ea brains17:54
robotti^theadmin: cool?17:55
cm1nusi hear thers a lot of brains in here17:55
robotti^theadmin: no there is not17:55
theadminrobotti^: Okay, well...17:55
bazhangcm1nus, wrong place17:55
Balaji_TVRw30, the installed package name is "c++annotation-pdf" and the file name what I see and required is "cplusplus.pdf". I could succeed only after manual search. I would like to know is there any better way to locate through nice help/doc interface.17:55
Xarn_cm1nus ##c17:55
robotti^theadmin: I just try xinput17:55
theadminrobotti^: gconftool-2 --set /desktop/gnome/peripherals/touchpad/touchpad_enabled --type=bool false17:56
w30Balaji_TVR, and don't forget system help in the menu17:56
robotti^theadmin: but when I disabled, it disabled also trackpoint17:56
cm1nussorry im not regietered derp17:56
bazhangcm1nus, actual ubuntu support question?17:57
robotti^theadmin: that does not do nothing17:57
cm1nusmy apt-get doesnt work why is this?17:57
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PiciBalaji_TVR: dpkg -L c++annotation-pdf17:57
cm1nusand also firefox it keeps crashing17:57
cm1nusi cand play youtube17:57
bazhang!work | cm1nus17:57
ubottucm1nus: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.17:57
ljsdofuynsdfufuhtheadmin: so "7z x [filename]" works on ubuntu with p7zip package installed?17:57
cm1nushapl pls17:57
theadminljsdofuynsdfufuh: Should.17:57
robotti^theadmin: Instantly?17:58
robotti^there is stil touchpad17:58
robotti^should I reboot?17:58
w30Balaji_TVR, too many  different help and doc schemes exist for Linux, that I agree too.17:58
theadminrobotti^: Hm, I think not17:59
robotti^theadmin: what then17:59
theadminrobotti^: Probably that's some old setting, sorry, not sure then17:59
batouzotheadmin: I had to deinstall falsh and instead install adome-something17:59
w30Balaji_TVR, after you install a program or app you can query Synaptic to see what installed. decs, executables, etc18:00
Balaji_TVRw30, the cmd "dpkg -L c++annotations-pdf" says the package is not installed but Synaptic shows that its installed and I could manually see those files too.18:00
robotti^theadmin: http://dpaste.com/629018/18:00
Balaji_TVRw30, from there only "installed-files tab" I was able to locate the folder and files installed18:02
robotti^theadmin: http://dpaste.com/629020/18:02
glebihanBalaji_TVR, since every application is free to put documentation wherever it wants on the system (even if it's usually in /usr/share/doc /usr/share/gtk-doc /usr/share/doc-base or similar) and to use whatever file format it wants to distribute the documentation, there isn't a unified interface which will allow you to browse all the documentation.18:03
glebihanBalaji_TVR, you mistyped the name of the package in your command18:03
glebihanBalaji_TVR, it's c++-annotations-pd18:03
glebihanBalaji_TVR, it's c++-annotations-pdf18:03
TheLolrushi! I have a new computer with a sandy bridge i7 and an nvidia 460m... how do i determine which is the active card? i hear there are often issues18:03
robotti^theadmin: what you think about, what is wrong with that?18:03
w30Balaji_TVR, case is very important in Linux so always check caps key *smile*18:04
Balaji_TVRw30, Thanks for correcting my topo. I could see the same what we could see via synaptic "installed-files" tab. Also I agree with you that every application can put the files under its own directory structure with its own format.18:05
w30Balaji_TVR, glebihan did that18:05
Balaji_TVRw30, what is glebihan?!18:06
glebihanthat's a good question, what am I ?18:06
Balaji_TVRw30, oops, another user!18:07
delinquentmeso i just d/led a tarball for GHMM .. im wondering how do I unzip and install it ?18:07
* w30 thinks glebihan is an awsome bot18:08
auronandacedelinquentme: ghmm?18:09
auronandace!software | delinquentme18:09
ubottudelinquentme: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents18:09
w30Balaji_TVR, able to read minds18:09
m3talh3admay i ask a question?18:10
robotti^nobody knows about my keyboard?18:10
glebihanm3talh3ad, sure, just ask, don't ask to ask18:10
DustyMonkrobotti^: please put your question in one line18:10
m3talh3ada friend of mine told that gnome is not supported by ubuntu anymore18:10
w30m3talh3ad, one18:11
m3talh3adis that true?18:11
glebihanm3talh3ad, not at all18:11
Balaji_TVRw30, thanks for your response.18:11
DustyMonk!gnome| m3talh3ad18:11
ubottum3talh3ad: GNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10 To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.18:11
Balaji_TVRleave now18:11
m3talh3adyes i know that. what i meen that in the new versions of ubuntu gnome is not the default environment18:12
w30Balaji_TVR, stick with Linux a while, it's powerful when you find out how to use it18:12
auronandace!unity | m3talh3ad18:13
ubottum3talh3ad: Unity is the default UI for Ubuntu 11.04. Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. You can still boot to the classic GNOME desktop; see !classic.18:13
glebihanm3talh3ad, well gnome is still the desktop environment, but unity is now the default shell that runs over gnome18:13
m3talh3adok thank you very much18:13
robotti^DustyMonk: sorry! my question is about how to disable touchpad from my ultranav keyboard. I already use trackpoint, but I do not want use touchpad18:14
HamledHow can I force upstart to consider a job to not be running? I try sudo start mysql and it says the job is already running, but there is no mysql process18:14
auronandacem3talh3ad: bear in mind that gnome2 is no longer supported in 11.10 onwards (but gnome3 is)18:14
m3talh3adthats not good. ia hate gnome 318:15
auronandacem3talh3ad: doesn't affect me, i use xfce18:15
m3talh3adauronandace: cant get used to it18:16
m3talh3adauronandace: gnome2 lover18:16
glebihanHamled, if it says it's running, it probably really is. The name of the process is mysqld. If really it isn't running, then try "sudo stop mysql" and then "sudo start mysql" again18:17
m3talh3adanyone knows where is the log for history?18:17
glebihanm3talh3ad, with gnome3 you can still use the gnome-fallback-session and gnome-panel which is very similar to gnome218:18
m3talh3adglebihan: thnks18:18
w30auronandace, what does one use to get a gnome2 like menu and not that god awful full screen application page or dock that splatters every where?18:18
noisewaterphdhey guys, was just upgrading a notebook from 10.10 to 11.04 using the update manager. I wasnt paying much attention to it so I do not know at which point it failed, but the machine no longer boots. anyone been down this raod?18:19
iow30: you mean, unity?18:19
donald__hy guys, this might be the wrong place to ask but here I go.... Where can I learn programming? or which network should I join to ask this question?18:19
w30io, yes or the applications menu of gnome318:19
auronandacew30: sorry, you lost me18:20
ncrypterHey Gang, anyone know a fork of remastersys or another tool that dose the same thing, since remastersys is no longer developed18:20
griffrezI'm new here and kinda noobish to Linux.18:20
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iow30: you want to use Gnome instead of Unity right? or am I misunderstanding18:20
io!classic | w3018:20
ubottuw30: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".18:20
griffrezI got a small problem. I just installed Ubuntu, I decided to update it and I got to a point where the screen started freezing -> black screening -> back on, but freezing -> black screening -> back on, but freezing ... for like 10 times then it showed me lots of white text in black background.18:21
griffrezLike it had crashed on something.18:21
Hamledglebihan, I ran status on it and it turns out that it was stuck in something before it actually started the mysqld process (/bin/sh -e /proc/self/fd/10) so I was able to kill that and start it18:21
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Hamledglebihan, thanks though :)18:21
donald__ ok then i'm in the wrong place....18:22
w30auronandace, I haven't used 11.10 so I don't know gnome3 other than fedora but that unity side launcher is awful. It take a full 30 seconds to get to the bottom icon18:22
auronandacew30: oh, i've never used unity, i use xfce18:22
glebihanHamled, you're welcome18:22
m3talh3adanyone knows where is the logfile for HISTORY18:22
theadminm3talh3ad: History of what?18:23
m3talh3adhistory the command iamean18:23
ncrypterdonald__ theproblem with your question is it is very broad, just google tutorials about the language you are interested in learning and dig in18:23
theadminm3talh3ad: ~/.bash_history18:23
w30io, I like classic with compiz although compiz only exists on my box to impress Vista7 users18:23
griffrezAnd after the update, Ubuntu started thinking that my hardware couldn't run Unity.18:24
griffrezBut it can, it was running in the beginning18:24
w30auronandace, you and Linus both, ha!18:24
m3talh3adtheadmin: i checked it but i does not seem to work with "tail -n0 -f "18:24
ncrypterSO yeah, anyone know of a tool along the lines of remastersys?18:24
GlenoIs it possible to install Ubuntu through windows without CDs or USB keys? I have an empty harddrive that I want project Ubuntu on... Doable?18:24
donald__ncrypter, I did but most of them tell you you should buy a book and stuff, I stubbled upon a site once where you could learn in some kind of web based "game"18:24
siavashservergriffrez, reinstall drivers18:24
auronandacew30: i've never liked gnome2 though18:25
donald__ncrypter, but I can't find the website anymore18:25
griffrezsiavash, I never installed drivers, to start off18:25
griffrezI started Ubuntu for the first time18:25
griffrezStarted updating18:25
griffrezAnd got that problem18:25
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:25
griffrezIt crashed18:25
ncrypterdonald__ what language are you interested in pm me18:25
griffrezSorry, ubottu18:25
griffrez(probably a bot... but still.)18:25
donald__ncrypter, how do I do that, sorry, new to xchat :s18:26
griffrezI'm doing the "Partial Upgrade" it is telling me to do.18:26
siavashservergriffrez, which card? and which drivers? (open source iguess)18:26
bil21alwhat is the channel of ubuntu  friendly dquard?18:26
griffrezSiavash, my GPU is an ATI Radeon HD 4770. Drivers... the ones that come with Ubuntu's installation.18:26
w30auronandace, when you use xfce do you get all those gnome-whatever gui configure apps18:27
glebihanm3talh3ad, no it doesn't work with tail -f because the history is only written at the end of the bash process (ie when you quit the terminal)18:27
siavashservergriffrez, try installing prop drivers18:27
auronandacew30: not sure what you are referring to, xfce has its own settings18:28
griffrezsiavashserver: I once had a small problem with prop drivers a little time ago18:28
m3talh3adglebihan: i want to make a script that logs history to another file18:28
m3talh3adglebihan: do you have any suggestions?18:28
glebihanm3talh3ad, just copy the file ?18:28
griffrezI installed it, and on the boot, Linux was outputting a video signal that my monitor could not interpret.18:28
w30auronandace, fine, that answers me18:28
m3talh3adglebihan: no18:28
siavashservergriffrez, no issues here. catalyst 11.8 + radeonhd 489018:28
delinquentmeso im trying to run a file called autogen.sh ... from terminal ... i did a LS .. and the file is *clearly* present in the current directory18:29
griffrezsiavashserver: I think it has to do with the refresh rate my monitors give out to understand it can stand.18:29
delinquentmebut when i type in autogen.sh and hit enter18:29
m3talh3adglebihan: reads the output of the command history, and logs it in real time in the file i want18:29
glebihanm3talh3ad, you can't18:29
delinquentmehttp://pastie.org/2651053 << this18:29
m3talh3adglebihan: ok thnks. i will check it out with python maybe18:30
griffrezsiavashserver: Then the driver starts sending signal at that RR that is not supported, crashing video signal.18:30
glebihanm3talh3ad, what do you mean "check it out with python" ?18:30
griffrezI tried using the drivers that you can get on ATI's website itself and it worked18:30
siavashservergriffrez, with opensource drivers?18:30
siavashserverthose issues ^18:30
m3talh3adglebihan: i mean that i will write something in python. sorry my english is not very good18:31
griffrezsiavashserver: I had that problem with the drivers that come up with the Linux GUI18:31
griffrezWhen it shows "Want to install proprietary drivers, closed-source, blah blah"18:31
griffrezWhen I say eys18:31
glebihanm3talh3ad, I got that, but what do you to do with python ?18:31
griffrezTo enabled them, they crash the signal in the next bootup18:31
griffrezMy monitor then reports that the signal is on a refresh rate not supported by it.18:32
glebihanm3talh3ad, whatever language you use you won't be able to access commands in real-time unless you modify bash itself18:32
m3talh3adglebihan: i am gonna find a way to do this with python. dont know exactly what, yet18:32
m3talh3adglebihan: ok i wiil keep that in mind18:32
Lerrickcan i use any cpanel for ubuntu?18:33
w30griffrez, eys, I thought you were Canadian for a second. err.... that's "ahe" I quess.Sorry18:34
KeyLimePiAnyone here work with nvidia cards on Ubuntu?18:35
angel28Hello, Need help :) I've set up 2 pop3 email accounts using Evolution client, but the problem all mail is dropped into the inbox, so I would like to create 2 folders for each email account and let the mail divide between the folders according to the accounts is that possible ?18:35
Swerni want to  echo   00-00  | 00-01 | 00-02  ....  to 09-FE  09-FF;   what is best way to do this do this in bash18:38
* drumbug1 smacks head18:38
w30KeyLimePi, all I did was install the Ubuntu Nvidia drivers by enabling the restricted drivers in the Synaptic repos18:39
KittyGirlSwern: ShoeTerminal18:39
ljsdofuynsdfufuhanyone here boot a live ubuntu disk on their macbook pro?18:39
PiciSwern: #bash would be a better place to ask.18:39
ljsdofuynsdfufuhIt isn't working for me18:39
KeyLimePiw30: Ah, okay.  I had no problems installing the drivers. Im just trying to ascertain why my 3D program insists that it cant use the stereo buffer of my vid  card18:39
GirlyGirlljsdofuynsdfufuh: it works in bios emulation mode18:40
ljsdofuynsdfufuhwhat dat?18:40
ljsdofuynsdfufuhGirlyGirl: how is it selected, etc?18:40
KeyLimePidiesel: I think you must type a / before the word quit18:41
g0rsdiesel: type /part18:41
GirlyGirlljsdofuynsdfufuh: http://wiki.debian.org/MacBook/DebianInstallTutorial#MacBook_installation_prerequisites18:41
w30KeyLimePi, stereo buffer is a video card issue? I would have thought of sound problem with that error. That shows you what I know eh?18:42
shai27Hello,I don't know if someone replay to my questions becuase the line went off, I've added 2 pop3 email account under Evolution client and the problem both emails are going to the same place (inbox) I would like to create a seperated folders for each email so the email will be divide into the folders according to the accounts is that possible ?18:42
KeyLimePiw30: Yeah. I dont know why its not working now. Only noticed it cuz I tried to render out some shapes in Maya.  Then  I got this error: Warning: Unable to get OpenGL visual with a stereo buffer, trying without //.18:43
ljsdofuynsdfufuhSo the "Try Ubuntu" option on the live disk doesn't work on my macbook pro - is it supposed to?18:43
zelozelosif i change my swap area will it effect booting? i get a warning in gparted but thought it was unlikely because im only changing the swap18:44
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zelozelosand all im wanting to do is reclaim some unused space thats b4 and after it (increasing the size by about 1.5gb to get rid of unused space18:45
delinquentmedoes this make sense to anyone?  http://pastie.org/2651053  <, this file is clearly there .. but im unable to run it as a command?18:45
organikshey all18:46
fritschdelinquentme: ./autogen.sh18:46
organikscould someone tell me why i cant connect to network drives over my lan via samba but im able to ping them?18:47
zelozelosorganiks, tunneling?18:47
fritschorganiks: does it ask for a password? ping != sbm18:47
fritschorganiks: smb18:47
ewaldmireorganiks: that could be a lot of things - share permissions, perhaps?18:47
organikszelozelos: network drive18:48
organiksfritsch : no password just says opening, then unable to mount18:48
ljsdofuynsdfufuhso who here has a macbook?18:48
zelozelosif i change the size of swap will it messup the boot, hd is setup (ntfs, ext3) (ext3, free space, swap freespace) i just want to reclaim the free space18:48
fritschorganiks: hard to diagnose18:49
organiksewaldmire: how do i check the permissions18:49
fritschzelozelos: should work, but be careful not to create too many primary partitions18:49
fritschzelozelos: and backup your data18:49
organiksi did "sudo testparm" and everything came back18:49
ewaldmireorganiks: check through /etc/samba/smb.conf18:49
organikswould it show me the workgroup there?18:50
ewaldmirewait sorry - are the shares on a SAMBA server, or a Windows box?18:50
organiksboth boxes running u11.04 64bit18:50
organikswith samba installed18:50
ewaldmireok - check through /etc/samba/smb.conf on the box that's hosting the shares18:50
ewaldmirealso check the file permissions (ls -l) to make sure they are accessible to the correct users/groups18:51
ramy_dmy server boots without enabling eth0. Simply running sudo ifconfig eth0 up fixes the problem, but i need the server to start it automatically on boot. if i put the command in /etc/rc.local will this fix my problem?18:51
ewaldmireorganiks: look into smbclient (man smbclient) for testing18:52
Stefano91salve a tutti18:54
zelozeloswell i guess that will work for now, looks like a full format is in order for me, 2 many partitions, all started when  i shrunk the windows partitoin to install win 8 to check it out all of a sudden i had 2 swaps, a 1.5mb unused spot at the end, another 5.2gb in the middle...heh poor managment on my behalf rolf18:55
hertilHello everybody18:55
hertilI have a semi-advanced question18:55
hertilI use Ubuntu 11.0418:56
hertilI have a serious problem, and I've tried to find the solution but it's kind of advanced. I cut & paste (I should've copied) a ~20 GB folder to an external harddrive. When it was finished I unmounted, the icon disappeard, and I withdrew the USB-cable obviously too soon, because now there are only 5 files in the directory. I've tried to use scalpel but it doesn't find anything. Is there a way...18:56
hertil...for linux to resume writing to the drive if I remount it, or is there a way to access some kind of cache where the files are. They cannot just disappear, can they?18:56
FloodBot1hertil: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:56
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hertilsorry, didn't mean to flood18:56
zelozeloshertil, so durring a install from usb you prematurely removed the usb?...start install over agin18:56
hertilno install18:57
fVckingmaniagood afternoon !!18:57
hertilI copied a directory with images from my home directory to an external device18:57
hertilI moved it18:57
fVckingmaniaI need to remove the permisions to a user in a folder, how can I do that???18:58
zelozeloshertil, i think it should still exist at the orig, if u used drag n drop that is it dont actually "move" it ends up just copying18:58
BarkingFishhertil: so I understand you correctly?  You moved a folder by using cut & paste, and removed your usb too early, now the file is incomplete on the target machine, and gone from the source, correct?18:58
sajimonhertil: sorry to hear, have you tried to fsck this filesystem?18:58
hertilBarkingFish: exactly18:59
Swerni want to  echo   00-00 to 00-FF  then 01-00 to 01-FF  up to  09-FF   what is best way to do this in bash18:59
zelozeloshertil, if you deleted the orig you can try and recover deleted data...but its a long shot esp if the files were big18:59
zelozeloshertil, try paste again19:00
nronksrI need a GUI password input response for ssh.  What program is that called?19:00
hertilall the files together were about 20-30 GB, I CUT the directory, so paste again won't work19:00
egchi, is there a command i can use to test two has values for equality?19:00
egchash values, i mean19:00
BarkingFishhertil, it should hold the file in clipboard, in theory you should be able to paste more than once...19:01
hertilBarkingFish: You cannot past two times if you cut the file19:01
hertilbut the files cannot disappear, they should be in some kind of cache somewhere19:01
zelozeloshertil, the cache is emptied once the operation is complete19:02
BarkingFishhertil, I can do this here.19:02
zelozelosyou might be able to recover the deleted files but its a long shot19:02
hertilyeah but obviously it wasn't completed, since files aren't on the other drive19:02
BarkingFishI can cut a file, paste to somewhere.  Go back and paste again, and get asked if I wish to overwrite it19:02
zelozeloshertil, and the longer you wait..the more stuff gets over written19:03
hertilzelozelos: I know, I already tried scalpel to recover the files but I cannot find them among those files19:03
hertilBarkingFish: That option is greyed out for me19:03
zelozeloshertil, its prob too late then i hope theres another option, but is beyond me19:04
=== matt_haines is now known as SaborsSoIe
KillerMaskHey guys19:04
hertilthe thing is Ubuntu said it was finished19:04
hertilthat's why I unmounted19:04
hertilbut then it said error, since it was still writing somehow19:05
BarkingFishIt's finished leaving the source, the target may take some time to catch up.19:05
zelozelosstrange, if u unmounted b4 removing it it should have completed any actions 1st19:05
BarkingFishdepends on the transfer rate to the target device19:05
KillerMaskIf you need any help just this out http://www.youtube.com/user/themaskappshacks19:05
=== Evixion` is now known as Evixion
hertilBarkingFish: Yeah I've got that... It obviously wasn't finished but the rest of the files have to be somewhere, no? Like in a buffer or something19:06
BarkingFishhertil, is the target device now plugged in again?19:06
BarkingFishand it's mounted too?19:06
BarkingFishI'll see if I can find some form of cache, it must go somewhere.19:06
BarkingFishthere must be information on the net about this19:07
hertilBarkingFish: Yeah, I've searched but cannot find anything concrete, just something with a file buffer but not how to access it19:07
hertilBarkingFish: But I appreciate your help19:08
BarkingFishgive me a few moments, hertil - I'm looking :)19:08
=== SaborsSoIe is now known as BarrackObama
=== BarrackObama is now known as BarackObama
BarkingFishthis might help you a little, hertil - I know you didn't delete the files, but this may prove useful19:10
BarkingFishcut is effective delete from the source, no?19:10
BarkingFishhertil, http://www.ehow.com/how_2064953_recover-deleted-files-linux.html19:10
=== BarackObama is now known as sdsds
=== sdsds is now known as matt_haines
nronksrfyi: ssh-askpass is the package19:14
hertilBarkingFish: I will try it, but I already tried scalpel but maybe that program isn't any good? It didn't find the files which I cut so that was weird. But I don't dare to shut down the computer if there is indeed a buffer.19:14
=== JGJones__ is now known as JGJones
BarkingFishi'm testing those instructions against my own installation, hertil.  I have cut files before, I will see if this finds them19:15
hertilok thanks19:15
zelozelosok now i have ntfs, (extended ext 4, swap, unused) the unused is now 1.02 mib...how do i get rid of it?19:16
zelozelosresizing the swap area to take the unused space wont work, i guess 1.02 mib is too small for the changes?19:17
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!19:17
zelozelosshould i delete the swap partition then re-make the swap partition?19:17
Picilllllqqqqq: yes?19:17
zelozelosnope cant do that bc im using the extended partition (ext4, swap, unallo)19:19
zelozeloswell at least i got rid of 3 useless partitions19:19
delinquentmeany thoughts on this :  make: *** [install-recursive] Error 119:20
zelozelosdelinquentme, sudo make install ;)19:21
zelozeloserr 1 is permissions if i remember correctly19:21
delinquentmeyeah still same error =/19:21
zelozeloswhat are you compiling delinquentme ?19:22
aragorn5any other channels on the server?19:22
K350Any command line tool to see when a file was created.? "Stat" only shows access"19:24
zelozeloslong list view i think shows that info19:25
aragorn5i have a question about running tor19:26
K350Is that the name of the tool?19:26
K350aragorn5: shoot19:26
delinquentmeand here is whats going on when i "sudo make install"19:27
bazhangKillerMask, dont advertise please19:29
BarkingFishfinally :) Someone told him off. He's been doing that for nearly a half hour :)19:30