
Fudgewould xubuntu run any good on 1gig ram with a 2ghz athlon 320001:31
Fudgethans GridCube01:32
Fudgenow would i be better off using vinux to install xubuntu-desktop on or trying to install xubuntu or get a tar of a vanilla install i can use. im blind and use screen readers01:33
* Fudge pings charlie-tca 01:33
GridCubei don't know Fudge :(01:34
Fudgeme neither loL01:35
GridCubeFudge, I would probably go and install vinux and then do a xubuntu-desktop01:36
Fudgesounds like a plan, ill just kill xdm gdm what ever and startx01:37
Unit193!purexfce | Fudge01:37
ubottuFudge: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »01:37
FudgeUnit193  ive come across that before thanks muchly01:37
GridCubebut you might even try to install xubuntu vanilla using the livecd and manually installing a screen reader to it to use the installer, Fudge01:38
Fudgedont think it would hurt leaving them there though would it, for gtk dependencies i may need?01:38
GridCubethey shouldn load so it would not matter if they are there or not01:38
Fudgecould try that too GridCube , whats the installer? ubiquity like ubuntu01:38
Unit193Well, I would think there might be a little clash (nautilus)01:39
Fudgei need that01:39
Fudgehense the things i need :D01:39
GridCubeFudge, yes xubuntu uses ubiquity01:40
Fudgeis the new ver out yet?01:40
GridCubein less than two weeks01:40
Fudgeoh man01:40
Fudgeill have to wait01:40
GridCubewell thats for the final beta01:41
Fudgethe box im thinking of i thought the onboard vid was stuffed, ofc i was still using it but then when i plugged this one in my monitor still didnt work lol01:41
Unit193Nope, it will be out in 7-8 days01:41
Fudgexubuntu builds at the same time doesnt it?01:41
Fudgehense no delay waiting for xubuntu post oneiric release schedule01:42
GridCubenope same date01:42
FudgeUnit193  i seem to be following you around01:44
Unit193Fudge: Yep. Stalker...01:44
Fudgecharlie-tca  you need to invest in cdrw's01:52
Unit193Fudge: Mind joining us on offtopic? It's not too noisy to try01:52
uofm49426every time i reboot my sound mixer is alway mute well the front mixer06:18
uofm49426using xubuntu 10.10 have hda ati sb06:19
uofm49426do i have to save mixer settings06:23
anthonyis there anyway to get my dual monitor setup to not mirror in xubuntu?07:55
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Guest92676to extend rather07:55
Guest92676than mirror07:55
Sysiuse arandr or grandr or ati or nvidia tool07:56
Guest92676won't let me open ati catalyst as admin08:00
Guest92676for some reason08:00
Guest92676When i click on ATI Catalyst Control it wont let me open as admin08:02
Sysiit asks for a passwd and then just won't open?08:03
Sysior what08:03
Guest92676doesn't prompt for password08:03
Guest92676I click and nothing happens08:03
Sysitry "gksudo $APPNAME" in terminal, you can find out $APPNAME by typing couple of characters and pressing tab (twice)08:05
Guest92676I tried to run it it prompts me for password08:28
Guest92676then nothing comes up08:28
Guest92676after i enter password08:28
Sysiany messages in terminal?08:31
Guest92676i don't think so08:43
anthony_Can anybody help me get my dual monitor setup to span horizontally as opposed to mirroring each other, for some strange reason i can't open administrative catalyst control center09:31
TheSheepwhat is administrative catalyst?09:39
anthony_ATI Catalyst Control Center (Administrative)09:40
TheSheepI'm pretty sure that's not a part of xubuntu09:45
TheSheepcan you pastebin the result of 'xrandr'?09:46
anthony_well i have an ATI video card09:48
anthony_im gonna crash out, ill mess with it tomorrow09:49
anthony_thanks though09:49
madnicki dont think you can open the GUI one because it wont prompt for password09:56
madnickso use the terminal and type sudo amdcccle09:56
madnickit will open the gui one09:57
knomegksudo ?:P09:57
madnickthat is a good idea09:57
madnickBut does xubuntu ship with it?09:58
knomeit should be installed09:58
csenger41hy everyone :)09:59
csenger41knome: how can give executable bit for an EXE file on an NTFS partition?10:00
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE10:00
knomefirst make sure it's in writable state10:00
knomeafter that, it should be exactly the same as with every other fs: 'chmod +x filename'10:01
m6locksmight need some precompiled modules installed for kernel10:03
m6lockswhoops, *zzzap*10:04
csenger41ok, editing done, gonna restart, lets hope it will work XD10:17
ZengerHi guys, can you please tell me how to start the "close,minimize,maximize and the title bar" , they dissapeared10:27
Zengeri've tried xfwm410:27
Zengerit gives a bunch of errors and does nothing :(10:27
Zengereven with --replace10:28
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mattt_My screen is going blank on boot - same thing happened during the install and I had to specify the nomodereset (I think) option.  But now that xUbuntu is installed I'm encountering the same issue, even when booting in recovery mode.13:48
well_laid_lawnmattt_: you'll need to add the kernel boot option permanantly in grub13:50
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)13:50
mattt_Which option?  "nomodereset"?13:50
well_laid_lawnif that's what works yes13:50
well_laid_lawnyou can try it at one boot only by editing the kernel line at the grub prompt13:51
mattt_yeah that's what I'm doing, just can't remember exactly what the option was13:51
mattt_ah, nomodeset13:51
well_laid_lawnthere you go :)13:51
Name141is there a way to get that 'old' xubuntu look in 11.04?15:01
Name141Where you have places/applications at the top15:01
cYmenI need something to throttle my cpu when the temperature gets to 95 degrees. Does anybody know any tools?15:01
knomeName141, yes, change the panel properties15:02
SysicYmen: your bios should do that15:02
cYmenSysi: hm...well either my bios finds higher values acceptable than my ubuntu15:03
cYmenor it just doesn't give a shit :)15:03
cYmenbut the only thing that happens is that the damn machine suddenly shuts down when it reaches 100 degress15:03
Name141knome: never mind. I see that all that stuff is on the left now with a little icon to click it seems, rather than the whatever it's called that comes up at the bottom that reminds me of 'quick launch' in windows15:04
charlie-tca!language | cYmen15:04
ubottucYmen: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.15:04
ElderDryascYmen: Please tell me that's 100F not C15:04
cYmenElderDryas: that's not what the sensors say...15:05
Sysishutting down at 100C sounds normal15:05
cYmenbut maybe that's just a wrong setting15:05
ElderDryasSorry all, I just had problems imagining a computer that I could biol my water for tea :)15:05
cYmenwell..if you have suggestions how I can check15:06
Name141knome: it seems that 11.04 would be ok then.  When is 11.10 schedualed ?15:06
cYmenI just installed lm-sensors because the damn thing kept shutting down. :)15:06
knomeName141, 13.10.15:12
knomeName141, one week15:12
ElderDryascYmen: I reallycant help with the lm-sensors or such, but I'd look hard at my hardware, software and environment as to why my computer regularly (?) got to a temp 100C.  Does the fan work? Are the air vents clear? Is the computer placed somewhere that has good airflow?  What am I doing on the computer that makes the cpu(s) work so hard? Things like that15:24
Name141knome: seems like it'd be a waste of time then to go on and install 11.04 since I'd have to go on and update in a week15:59
knomeName141, if you can, i think it makes sense to wait.16:00
Sysi11.04 will be supported for a year after 11.10 release but if you see it that way, 11.10 should work pretty well already if you grab daily build16:00
ElderDryasName141: For what it's worth, the 11.10B2 I installed (and update daily) appears extremely stab;e (fo me).  You might want to look at that if you're anxious to upgrade16:01
Name141ElderDryas: I'm just looking to get off of XP since I'm not gaming on this machine anymore.  Unity they are pushing on Ubuntu users for some reason is a pile of junk.16:01
ElderDryasThen the daily build (http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/current/) that Sysi mention might be worth looking at16:02
ElderDryasAnd you can do it today :)16:03
Name141ElderDryas: I'm on limited bandwith. My FAP limit is 425 MBs per rolling 24 hours.16:03
Name141so.. no I can't do it today lol16:03
Name1411-6  AM is "unlimited" though (about 2 GBs is all I can get in)16:04
Name141so.. I guess I could schedual it for then .. but.. then.. I'd have a whole bunch of updates later?16:04
Sysion daily-built image, no16:05
ElderDryaswith the daily build the updates should be minimal16:05
Name141ahh.. I think I'll just wait.  I mean .. it's only a week.16:05
Name141That'll give me time to move everything over on the next partition and not forget anything on C: I hope :D16:06
Name141The next question is, with a E2160 and 2GBs of 667 DDR2 RAM.. I'm assuming I wont notice any difference in 32 and 64 bit ?16:07
ElderDryason my dell 1420, on inital boot, with 32 bit I use ~160MB, with 64 bit I use ~225MB (last time T looked)16:08
Name141This is an Inspiron 530.  And the last mistake I'll make16:09
Name141(prebuilt machine = mistake)16:09
ElderDryasIt's a bit hard to custom build a laptop, not impossible I guess, but hard :)16:09
Name141that's a mistake itself :D16:10
ElderDryasI have built more desktop machine than I can count (back in the day, that was the ONLY way). I don't do anything anymore that requires brute power, and I can't be bothered to expend the time and energy to research, acquire parts  and build a machine anymore16:12
Name141I was just saying that laptops usually break in the pack at the plugin deal from unplugging re-plugging16:13
ElderDryasbut back to 32 vs 64...unless you do anything that will benifit from 64 bit (video transcription, etc), then with 2 GIG RAM, I see no reason to use 64 bit.  On the other hand my laptop has 2 gig and I don't do anything like video, but I use the 64 bit :)16:15
Name141I wont be doing that stuff on my E2160.16:15
Name141I doubt I'll ever bother buying it more RAM either16:16
ElderDryasBut that's because I'm lazy...I keep hoping that my kids will get me 4GIG of RAM for B-Day or X-mas, then all I need to do is plug it in16:16
Name141RAM is only around $40 now for 2GBs or so ? o.O16:17
Name141sometimes 416:17
ElderDryasI guess, I never look...I just tell the kids "Gimmie" :)16:17
Name141Maybe I need to get me a few money slaves ...err kids then :D16:17
Name141Think I can adopt one that's 17.11 ?16:19
Name141with .1 (one month) left to file the adoption papers..16:19
Name141then be like "Get to work!"16:19
Name141er.. anyway16:19
ElderDryasMoney Slaves?  Obviously you've never put 3 daughters thru college?16:20
Name141..oh snap16:21
Name141I didn't even put myself through college... but I keep.. thinking about it.. I mean it's not.. TOO late..16:21
ElderDryas"back to work" :)  2GIG of RAM is usually plenty, even with 64bit.  The only time I ever got close to SWAP was when a PFD to EPUB translation went into an endless loop.  Other than than that I can't remember the last time I even got close to using 1GIG in normal use.16:23
ElderDryasSo...you pays your money and takes your chances...16:24
ElderDryasOne more thing (then I'll shut up, promise). I'm pretty sure (can someone confirm/deny this?) that Xubuntu 64 bit installs the 32 bit libraries, so if you need a 32 bit app, no problem.16:29
Name141eh.. I'll just install 3216:44
knomeElderDryas, 32-bit applications will work on 64-bit too16:46
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landleyI used usb-creator-gtk in xubuntu 10.04.02 to make a beta2 install key.19:48
landleyIt defaulted to 128 meg home partition.19:48
landleyThis filled up downloading updates, causing the install to throw errors while still asking questions.19:49
landleyI rebooted, but the partition was still full and the boot hung in text mode after failing to find/mount network drives.19:50
landleyMaking a new usb stick with ramfs /home now.19:51
landleyNot exactly thrilled by the experience so far.19:51
TheSheepapt-get clean <-- this removes the downloaded packages19:51
landleyIt does not reboot.19:52
landleyTried three times.19:52
landleyCannot boot from usb key with full /home partition.19:52
TheSheepum, apt-get doesn't download to /home19:53
TheSheepit downloads to /usr/lib afair19:53
TheSheepor /var19:53
landleywhen booting install cd from a usb key?19:53
TheSheepwell, I don't know if that's different19:54
TheSheepmight be, because it would be the only writable place if booted from cd19:54
landleyI'm just telling you what it did, I have no idea why it did it.19:55
landley"Install went down in flames, thought you might want to know."19:56
TheSheepnot really, but you might want to file a bug report so that the actual devs would look at it19:56
TheSheepthis channel is mostly users19:56
Name141What does encrypt home actually do?20:07
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