
pythonsnakenhaines, really ? o.O00:05
pythonsnake****! ***!00:06
pythonsnakeCan't be :(00:07
pythonsnakeSD is also ext400:07
nhainespythonsnake: ouch!00:14
nhainespythonsnake: well, do you have a friend who can burn the ISO for you?00:14
pythonsnakeBetter to buy a cd00:15
pythonsnakenhaines, is it possible to boot from internet HDD ?00:16
nhainespythonsnake: sometimes, but I have never tried it.00:18
pythonsnakeGood night00:21
pythonsnakewill continue tomorrow00:22
nhainespythonsnake: good night, and good luck!00:23
emorrisHey, I think something weird happened with updates. Today I did a clean install from Beta 2 iso, then did an upgrade. But the directories like ~/Documents ~/Music etc have now gone, and I was also downloading a torrent, which finished, but disappeared. Could this be to do with some update, or some other weird thing going on? My home is encrypted so I don't know if that has anything to do with it.00:40
ali1234i'm still getting random compiz crashes :(00:56
ali1234only now apport doesn't detect it00:56
ali1234like it exited normally00:56
=== rww is now known as tardis
=== tardis is now known as rww
lucas-argis there any extension for unity or gnome-shell to use a screensaver?01:23
jbichalucas-arg: try xscreensaver01:26
lucas-argjbicha, let me see01:27
anadonWhat would  have to do to change all the load bars to nyancat?02:02
MTecknologyI thught there was a daily build for the server iso... no?03:28
MTecknologyi see only alternate03:28
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/03:50
rwwI don't think we do anything that's not on there (apart from derivatives)03:50
rwwoh, I'm a liar. http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/03:50
SetiAmon11.10 is coming out on the 13th right?03:53
pangolinSetiAmon: That is what they say so far04:06
MTecknologyrww: doh- thanks!04:07
rwwSo I guess no release canadiate today :304:08
Asad2005currently i have 11.04 installed 64bit because i have more than 4 GB Ram. What would be best way to go to 11.10 ? Should i go for fresh install or upgrade ? If fresh install i would prefer the 32bit but will the new kernel support more than 4 GB ram automatically ?04:14
bjsniderthe pae kernel would be selected automatically in that event, if you clean installed04:15
Asad2005So fresh install would be best ? but can i use same home folder to have all my personnel settings ?04:17
MTecknologypae has been arounnd for a long time04:18
MTecknologyAsad2005: pae is only for >3GB RAM && <64 bit04:18
bjsniderAsad2005, did you mount /home on a different partition?04:18
MTecknologyclean install is usually best .. i almost always to the upgrade, though04:19
MTecknologythe dev guys do too good of a jab of making it seamless04:19
Asad2005I use to do it that way but this time since i have an SSD drive i kept it in same partition but i have it backed up04:20
MTecknologyaside from a reboot, i can upgrade a server without anyone ever noticing......... not so true for rhel........ ... (<rage>)04:20
bjsniderAsad2005, well, if it's backed up you don't have much to worry about04:20
MTecknologyi did a basic package update and an rhel system destroyed itself... turns out the devs knew and just never bothered to fix it04:21
Asad2005Is there away to directly upgrade and at the same time go to 32bit from 64bit ?04:21
MTecknologyXbit -> Ybit == clean install04:22
micahgnot yet04:22
MTecknologymicahg: it's planned to be possible!?!?04:22
micahgMTecknology: the beauty of multiarch04:23
MTecknology O_O04:23
MTecknologymicahg: gosh dang ubuntu sure is swell!!!!04:23
MTecknologyrhel still requires a clean install for a release upgrade04:23
micahgMTecknology: we're not there yet, and I have no idea when04:24
MTecknologymicahg: just consideration of it blows my mind... so that's why the package break stuff a while back04:24
MTecknologythe burbon might help the mind blowing, but i'm impressed :)04:25
MTecknology... you ever want to beat the crap out of yourself for choosing a 20+ char WPA key that you can't copy/paste?04:26
MTecknologymicahg: also awesome... my wifi card detected like magic04:26
Asad2005I have installed airplay plugin in totem and tired several times, unfortunately only once or twice it worked for me and could not find a way out may be i needed to restart a service. Could this be related to i am on 64bit?04:27
alteregoahello dudes and stuff04:28
MTecknology32 character WPA key...... i may have gone overkill.......04:28
alteregoasomeone tried prelink with ubulu?04:28
alteregoai tried prelink and had some wierd errors04:28
alteregoathe prelink is incompatible with oneric?04:29
micahgMTecknology: http://xkcd.com/936/04:29
alteregoai use a btrfs mirror root04:30
MTecknologymicahg: you ever see GRC Passwords? I just used the whole string04:30
MTecknologyI think I lost my router login credentials...04:31
SetiAmonis there a better full disk encryption choice then lvx?04:47
jan77how can I tell oneiric that my printer has duplex?04:53
alteregoatalk to it04:56
alteregoausing what?04:57
=== IdleOne is now known as pangolin
wxlhey folks having an issue on the ppc version05:03
wxllive cd loads up fine05:03
wxlwallpaper loads05:03
wxland then just as the desktop is to appear, it like overlays the wallpaper05:04
wxlmain desktop is white05:04
wxlpanel at top looks approrpriate05:05
wxlleft panel lacks icons05:05
vsync_jan77 cups?05:08
jan77standard ubuntu - so I guess: yes05:09
jan77good point!05:09
MTecknologyso.... 'Installation step failed' This happened right after partitioning. Just moving into installing the base system.05:12
madurax86hello, im getting random freezes and dont have anything on logs, sysrq doesnt work when frozen..what can i do?05:12
MTecknologyAny troubleshooting tips?05:12
MTecknologyWARNING **: Configuring 'bootstrap-base' failed with error code '05:13
MTecknologyerror code 1 **05:13
jan77vsync_: I configured my printer via cups directly - thanks!05:23
bazhang!info flashplugin-installer05:32
ubottuflashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 2 kB, installed size 52 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)05:32
maxbThere used to be a GUI tool to configure policykit policy in ubuntu05:56
maxbWhere has that gone, in oneiric?05:56
maxboh what?! Upstream killed it?!06:04
calaveraFNStill no RC?06:31
dino__by this time, we should have had a RC06:33
dino__I am not sure why we don't have one either06:33
bazhangno dl'able one, no06:33
bazhangjust update and you will be RC06:33
dino__so, we don't usually have a dl'able RC?06:34
dino__alright then. just do apt-get update && upgrade06:34
bazhangdoubt it will differ from the final, if at all06:34
dino__but oneiric is quite buggy for me. nautilus crashes more often than not06:35
bazhangfile a bug then06:35
dino__filed one already06:35
dino__well, anything interesting to share?06:38
tasslehoffmy system fails installing the Additional ATI drivers. jockey.log: http://pastebin.com/krmjV34i06:39
dino__ATI drivers for wireless drivers or graphic drivers?06:40
dino__lucky my comp's graphics are supported.06:41
dino__by something called intel iron lake mobile.06:41
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tasslehoffdino__: graphics drivers06:45
dino__yeah i got that06:46
tasslehoffread only your line, answered and read on. sorry :)06:47
tasslehoffsoon awake now06:47
tasslehoffhow can alt-tab behaviour be configured to switch only between the windows on the current workspace?07:07
th_i remember seeing option like that in compizcontrol panel07:07
th_under unity plugin07:08
tasslehoffth_: thanks. one can set a bias to prefer the current viewport, but that's all I can find07:30
th_tasslehoff: yeah that one, doesn't it do that?07:30
th_i always just use ctrl-w07:31
tasslehoffth_: I still get all the windows07:31
th_hm, try logout/login07:31
tasslehoffctrl-w being a shortcut you have set?07:31
th_ctrl-w is default shortcut for showing 'expose'07:32
th_better than alt-tab :p07:32
calaveraFNOneiric is still very buggy. No unity 3D, no cheese, no bluetooth, no flash. Filed bugs for everything, but I doubt all of then can be fixed in less than a week. :(07:32
th_unity and flash work just fine for me in oneiric :o07:32
vega-weird, i have alt-fX set to "switch to desktop X", then when i press alt-f2 it switches to desktop 2 but also brings up the "run command" dialog07:32
tasslehoffth_: ah, it's <super> that's the default here at least07:33
th_aaah yes sorry super-w07:33
th_it's really handy when you get used to it07:33
th_actually you can bind it to any screen corner from compizconfig too07:34
tasslehoffth_: yep. I've been on osx too long and have forgotten my compiz-fu. thanks :)07:35
th_os x *shivers*07:36
* th_ has to use OS X daily at work, rage07:36
th_fury of steve jobs has prevented me from installing ubuntu on this macbook pro :P07:36
th_doesn't boot from usb stick, "super"drive can't read cdrw's07:36
th_one day i will buy some cd-r's and hope they work with this crappy drive07:37
tasslehoffth_: Ubuntu worked really well on my MBP, but after I got an SSD I haven't dared installing it, since I will have to patch the kernel.07:39
th_i used ubuntu on my old macbook pro but been too lazy to install it on this unibody one07:39
th_as this crap can't boot from usb :P07:40
th_unless it's OS X on a stick..07:40
tasslehoffhm. when I try to setup dual monitor it complains about the virtual size being to small, and doesn't offer to fix it for me like in 11.0407:41
tasslehoffjust throws an error message at me07:41
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farciarz84I got such error: err:ole:CoCreateInstance apartment not initialised08:15
farciarz84err:winediag:X11DRV_WineGL_InitOpenglInfo Direct rendering is disabled, most likely your OpenGL drivers haven't been installed correctly08:15
farciarz84but when glxinfo | grep 'direct'08:16
farciarz84direct rendering: Yes08:16
farciarz84what's the problem then?08:16
murlidharcan anyone give me the link for the lastest cd image iso ?08:18
murlidharfor oneiric ofcourse08:19
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/08:19
murlidharbye all :)08:21
murlidharthanks for the link jbicha08:21
murlidhartake cares08:21
farciarz84at wine channel they said I have no 32-bit opengl dirvers installed but I have i32 multiarch. How to check this?08:23
farciarz84after apt-get dist-upgrade I got this problem: trace:wgl:wglGetProcAddress func: 'wglGetIntegerv'08:33
farciarz84trace:wgl:X11DRV_WineGL_InitOpenglInfo GL version             : 1.4 (2.1 Mesa 7.11).08:33
farciarz84trace:wgl:X11DRV_WineGL_InitOpenglInfo GL renderer            : Mesa DRI Intel(R) Sandybridge Desktop .08:33
farciarz84trace:wgl:X11DRV_WineGL_InitOpenglInfo GLX version            : 1.4.08:33
farciarz84trace:wgl:X11DRV_WineGL_InitOpenglInfo Server GLX version     : 1.4.08:33
farciarz84trace:wgl:X11DRV_WineGL_InitOpenglInfo Server GLX vendor:     : SGI.08:33
farciarz84trace:wgl:X11DRV_WineGL_InitOpenglInfo Client GLX version     : 1.4.08:33
farciarz84trace:wgl:X11DRV_WineGL_InitOpenglInfo Client GLX vendor:     : Mesa Project and SGI.08:33
farciarz84trace:wgl:X11DRV_WineGL_InitOpenglInfo Direct rendering enabled: False08:33
farciarz84err:winediag:X11DRV_WineGL_InitOpenglInfo Direct rendering is disabled, most likely your OpenGL drivers haven't been installed correctly08:33
farciarz84please help08:33
farciarz84ia32-libs fault, it's installing a mesa /usr/lib32/libGL.so.1 that is higher priority to ldconfig than the proprietary driver ones in /usr/lib32/foo/libGL.so.108:51
freedom07is there a release party channel yet?08:54
rwwfreedom07: it's not currently open08:55
freedom07ok thanks08:56
th_13th is the final release?08:59
th_worrying amount of critical bugs left..09:00
th_https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/856138 even this still exists, window decorations just don't work09:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 856138 in compiz (Ubuntu) "window decoration fails to respond" [Undecided,New]09:01
jk-possibly stupid question: how do I set the global font size?09:06
th_not at all stupid question, you can't change fonts by default09:07
rwwth_: yay time-based releases, where we release with RC bugs because the calendar says so!09:07
th_there is global font change size dialog in accessibility options though, but that's it09:07
th_which reminds me of a bug that probably won't get fixed for oneiric either09:08
farciarz84th_: oneiric bugs are scary....09:08
th_http://www.foopics.com/showfull/c0c5a35e21f264e5eb717cb182b9f83d <- this09:08
farciarz84I can't imagine it go to mainstream09:08
pdqcan install gnome tweak tool if want a gui to change fon sizes, icons, themes etc.09:08
malte`aren't we a bit late on the RC release? :P09:09
th_dash breaks if you change font size: http://www.foopics.com/showfull/c0c5a35e21f264e5eb717cb182b9f83d09:09
jk-looks like i have a couple of settings in gconf09:09
th_pdq: i don't even have words how retarded that is :/09:09
th_gnome3 is such a fail :/09:09
kireWhy is ask.com the only search engine in firefox after an upgrade to 11.10?09:10
pdqfor an easy to use gui for doing things that should be part of gnome settings? that's retarded :P09:10
farciarz84th_: I tolerate gnome3 but the critical bug preventing normal system usage are scary.09:11
kireand more importantly: how can I get google back?09:11
th_pdq: having to install "tweak tools" to change fonts IS retarded. and having sane configuration options would save the world from million questions: "how do i change fonts?!"09:11
th_shame i can't install 10.04 on my computer, because parted segfaults right at when it reads my hd (can't partition, installer won't proceed due the segfault), and first version where this is fixed is 11.04... =P09:13
th_and no hope of getting these critical fixes backported to old versions as usual..09:13
farciarz84th_: I would stay with 10.04 definately but have sandybridge machine wich is not supported. If I knew that I'd stay with AMD.09:14
farciarz84ubutnu doesn't like intel anymore09:15
th_debian will probably get this parted segfault fix to install images in 2014 or something.. =P09:15
farciarz84maybe I'll switch to linux mint. We'll see09:15
th_that's same cake rolled with new graphics, not worth it09:15
farciarz84th_: doesn't have gnome3 and unity.09:16
farciarz84but this is not a problem really, problem is with GPU hangs all the time, basic drivers and it support.09:16
th_i've mostly migrated to windows7 due all these bugs and gnome3, the future looks grim for linux desktop. insanity :/09:17
farciarz84th_: have you tried kde?09:17
th_kde has always been a mess. and still is09:17
pdqit is retarded i agree yep. but that tool is an easy to use workaround for someone who wants to change those things easily w/ a gui09:17
th_well, it's not total disaster, but kde + ati drivers = bug galore09:17
th_every time i (try to) tab out of warsow for example, ati drivers give complete freeze, need to hard reset09:18
th_(only with kde)09:18
th_also changing to any tty and coming back to X -> screen just showing rainbow colors, hard reset again..09:19
farciarz84th_: I think users need first of all working evironment and then 'nice' evironment09:19
th_i wish that i'd experiment at least one crash-free day with linux. but that's just wild dreams.09:20
th_software quality in general is abysmal, and this "wanna report a bug which we don't really care for anyway"- dialog is starting to piss me off :P09:20
th_all of them just get closed as 'incomplete' every time, asking for more info/stacktrace/whatever, how users are expected to get these things? stuff just randomly crashes. annoying.09:22
farciarz84th_: maybe a solution is to have 2 dedicated GPU for linux with open, really working drivers and full support. Or just one. Then everyone knows 'if you want ubuntu with all of its Appearance" buy let's say ATI. And all core programmers will focus on ati and build one the hell working driver.09:23
th_not to sound overly critical anyway - ubuntu still has a place in my heart :)09:24
th_also hiding that launcherbar by default in unity is worst thing ever09:25
th_i could code a nice clean config utility for system prefernces to tune that, without compizconfig ui bizarness but why bother when it wouldn't get included anyway.09:27
farciarz84th_: you should buy OS X :P09:28
th_i have os x in my face right now09:28
th_and i hate it with passion :)09:28
farciarz84oh so I see ubuntu is a annoying tool but best ever:)09:29
th_windows7 is the least annoying and buggy of all os'es tbh :)09:30
farciarz84th_: but the comfort of using it is horrible09:31
th_farciarz84: not really09:31
th_ui is fast, never lags, and it's just nice to use09:32
pdqvery stable here, other than the dash appearing below windows bug nothing i use broke from upgrade other than cryptfolder indicator, haven't had any serious crashes. or the error dialog come up anymore since last few days updates. the default install does suck though and launcher not useable :P awn+dockbarx and hide the launcher :)09:32
th_both of those launchers have some serious problems09:33
th_tried them both09:33
th_i don't mean looking ugly but plain bugs :)09:33
th_worst one with awn iirc was that if you launch opengl software/game in smaller resoluion than your desktop, awn gets stuck to that resolution after you quit the game09:34
th_only way to move it back to bottom is to kill it09:34
pdqthe new nautilus is pretty boring and no options. was used to nautilus-elementary09:34
pdqand nautilus-actions not compatible that i know of09:35
farciarz84th_: I prefer much more gnome 2.x then windows UI eperience09:35
pdqi dont game on linux :P09:35
kireseriously, since upgrade to ubuntu oneiric, the default search engine in firefox is ask.com and I can't even add google, what the heck is wrong? (would surprise me if it'd be an addon, I was fully updated before upgrade and didn't have the problem then)09:52
and471Hi, I accidentally made my account a non-administrator account and I can't set it back (because I don't have permissions)10:14
and471how can I set it back to an Administrator account?10:14
FernandoMiguelAnd4... he left10:21
francis_I used to be able to stream web radio with firefox in 11.04 but can't do same since upgrade10:24
francis_I need help now I have installed all plugins including xine-plugins and the restricted extras10:25
szymon_ghow can i change the font of the title bar? i tried to use gnome-tweak-tool, but it didn't change it. here is a screenshot: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/825/screenshotat20111007124.png/ the font on left is ok, the font on bar isn't11:51
pdqi had to logout and log back in before it worked correctly and show the changes immediately11:56
jorisIs there a way to move the dash to my primary screen and not to the one on the left?12:39
jorisIt seems that Unity isn't following the Nvidia settings anymore12:40
jorisIt was working in natty but not in oneiric anymore. Could be a bug, but anyone else had this issue and found a workaround?12:45
bphillipsI am having issues getting compiz running inside an Ubuntu 11.10 (beta 2) vmware guest (running on top of Win7).  When I try compiz --replace at the shell, it errors out and starts metacity.  Here is the error output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/703930/12:45
bphillipsany suggestions?12:45
bbigras__Will there be a release candidate or should I use the beta 2?12:50
Ian_Cornethere will not be a release12:50
Ian_Cornecandidate iso12:50
bphillipsany ideas on the compiz issue I pasted?12:52
bbigras__Ian_Corne: Thanks!12:52
drussellbphillips: I've only seen that once in the last few weeks12:54
drussellbphillips: and the way I recovered from it was by rebooting, everything was fine after that12:54
drussellbphillips: ahh re-reading your earlier comment I can see the problem12:54
drussellbphillips: vmware guests don't have the 3d support required for unity12:55
drussellbphillips: try using unity-2d12:55
bphillipsdrussell: am I using unity-2d by default if compiz fails?12:56
myk_robinsonany of you able to access the scaling feature in Vinagre Remote Desktop?12:56
BluesKajHey all12:57
drussellbphillips: what does "dpkg -l unity-2d" say?12:57
bphillipsdrussell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/703944/12:58
drussellbphillips: ok, so when you start the guest, what happens when you select unity-2d instead of unity before you login?12:59
ironhali1why, doing apt-get update, most sources have 'ign' in front of em? is it 'ignore'? I dont get pretty much any updates besides chrome, which source has no 'ign' :>13:00
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bphillipsdrussell: looks like that's what I'm running...  Very disappointing that vmware's 3d acceleration isn't sufficient :-(13:02
bphillipsthanks for the help13:02
drussellbphillips: np13:02
drussellbphillips: afaik only virtualbox has sufficient 3d accel13:02
matyyhey is it normal, that desktopcouch-service is constantly crashing? I don't really know how to report it since I have no idea what is causing it13:07
jorisOk I found out that it is intended behaviour to move the Unity dash to the left screen...13:23
jorisThere seems to be no easy workaround...13:24
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pelmenGuys, need help. Installed 11.10 and Gnome3-shell, but on autologin LightDM shows "Unable to start ubuntu session" How do i change session to gnome3 ?14:06
pangolinsudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm14:06
pelmen11.10 does not have gdm14:06
pangolingnome-shell use lightDM ?14:06
Picilightdm is the default dm in a fresh Oneiric install.14:07
pangolinPici: right but if you install gnome-shell doesn't it install gdm also?14:07
pangolinor is gnome3 using lightdm also?14:07
pelmenlighdm or gdm is just a session manager. you can be using XDM with Gnome-shell14:08
pelmenback to my question14:08
pelmenhow do i change default session in lightdm14:08
brendandpelmen - did you choose Gnome shell from the Cog in the top right corner of the password box in lightdm?14:17
fossalaCan anyone else unlock the lock-screen screen?14:17
fossalaor is it a bug?14:18
tomodachifossala: with gnome-screensaver i believe you can do it from the terminal as well..14:20
fossalaYeah, standard ubuntu with unity 2d14:22
fossalawhen it locks I cannot unlock it.14:22
fossalaIt only happens when I have 2 keyboard layouts.14:26
fossalaIt seems that you cannot type passwords or lock the screen with "CTRL+ALT+L" in the "secondary" layout.14:30
fossalaI have swapped the layouts so dvorak was secondary and qwerty was primary and it was still only the primary one that could lock or unlock the screen.14:31
mintlarsanyone know the status of RC release?14:45
charlie-tcaThere will not be one14:46
charlie-tcaWe will have a final release in one week14:46
M1If I download the latest oneiric daily build, is it the same thing as downloading Beta2 and updates?15:00
charlie-tcaM1: yes15:04
cwillu_at_workhow does one disable password-on-resume in this new age?15:15
cwillu_at_work(given that I auto-login, keeping literally nothing of value on this laptop)15:16
user82where can i find a list of changes(bugs etc) since yesterday. somewhere in launchpad i guess?15:20
cwillu_at_workuser82, apt can give you the changelogs for a given package15:22
user82hmh..ok. i wanted to know if major changes were made to yesterdays daily build for example..so for given packages does not really help here15:23
cwillu_at_workyou mean the livecd images?15:24
cwillu_at_workI don't know for a fact, but I expect they're just the sum of the packages15:25
user82you may remeber the big rumor about RC yesterday..so i wanted to check if the daily build got any changes from yesterday to today15:25
cwillu_at_workaside from the actual details of the boot15:25
M1I'm downloading just the beta215:25
M1going to install that one, and then download the updates15:26
M1they say it's basically the same thing15:26
user82think i need to re-install it anyway, gnome 3 shell broke unity...15:27
user82and the reboot un-broke it..15:29
cwillu_at_workah, good; if I chmod -x gnome-screensaver, I can force suspend's locking to my will without doing anything silly like recompiling15:37
gribouillewhere is the RC?15:58
pangolinno rc15:59
gribouillepangolin, what?16:00
genii-aroundpangolin: You must stutter or something.16:00
pangolinthere is no rc, you can use the daily16:00
gribouillepangolin, when will it be released?16:01
pangolinit won't, the schedule was not updated but there is no rc16:02
gribouillepangolin, when will oneiric be released?16:02
pangolinon the 13th16:02
gribouillepangolin, why isn't there any rc?16:03
pangolinThere was an email iirc but I can't it right now.16:03
pangolinfind it*16:04
scotty^Any kernel DRM folks here?  Could you please take a look at Launchpad bug #86481416:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 864814 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (Ubuntu) "After suspending, the screen is striped!" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86481416:05
scotty^It's in Oneiric16:06
charlie-tcagribouille: mostly because the release team felt that week spent testing an RC the week before testing the Final candidates would be better spent fixing bugs16:07
pangolincharlie-tca: that is a good reason16:10
physically_fitis the left panel working fine? i updated today and it doesn't appear if i move my cursor to the left. i have to minimize my apps to see it16:23
ActionParsnipphysically_fit: press ALT+F2 and run:  unity --replace16:23
physically_fitthanks ActionParsnip16:23
ActionParsnipall better?16:24
physically_fitActionParsnip, yep! :-) you are awesome16:25
sgerbinoanyone have issues with youtube on oneiric after an update a few days ago? Flash works on other sites, but bugs out on youtube itself :O16:27
ActionParsnipsgerbino: can you give a PASTEBIN of the output of:   lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf'16:28
Dougie187Does anyone in here use papi with 11.10?16:33
Dougie187when I run it's ./configure script I get the following error...16:34
Dougie187checking for dlopen and dlerror symbols in base system... not found16:34
sgerbinoActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/k6FFDkbm16:34
ActionParsnipsgerbino: if you can give the output, we can advise...16:34
jtaylorDougie187: it probably needs fixing for multiarch16:35
jtaylorits not packageD?16:35
Dougie187I tried just adding the paths to my ld_library_path16:35
Dougie187no, it's only available from source.16:35
Ian_Corneok though one16:35
Ian_CorneE: Internal Error, No file name for libgl1-mesa-glx16:36
jtayloryou could try LDFLAGS="-Lpath" ./configure16:36
jtaylormaybe its also an as-needed issue16:36
jtaylorthen you need to fix the configure16:36
Dougie187ok, I'll give the LDFLAGS a shot.16:37
bjsnidersgerbino, check .xsession-errors for possible error msgs16:38
Dougie187LDFLAGS didn't work, at least when I did this...16:40
Dougie187./configure LDFLAGS="-L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -L/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu"16:40
AuxiliumAnyone here?16:42
* cwillu_at_work glares16:43
* FernandoMiguel pins cwillu_at_work to the celling ball16:43
jtaylorprobably as-needed then16:43
sgerbinobjsnider: found some errors: http://pastebin.com/NyTqh3vV -- symbol lookup error16:44
* cwillu_at_work shakes rumours of btrfsck at FernandoMiguel 16:44
jtaylorDougie187: any information in config.log?16:44
* FernandoMiguel looks at the corner and laughs16:44
cwillu_at_work(oracle is going to be using btrfs by default in their distro apparently)16:44
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Dougie187jtaylor: something weird... I copied the code that configure uses to test it, and compiled it with -ldl and it worked fine.16:45
AuxiliumWhat du you think about 11.10 so far? I was wondering if it is worth installing... Great anticipations...16:45
jtaylordooglus: its an as needed problem16:45
cwillu_at_workFernandoMiguel, the mailing list is kinda amusing though, there an actual conspiracy theory thread going on that oracle is planning to keep fsck private to somehow make btrfs proprietary16:45
jtaylorsry Dougie18716:45
cwillu_at_workit's rather hilarious :p16:45
=== WillieDaPimp is now known as dtigue
FernandoMiguelyay for oracle16:46
cwillu_at_workFernandoMiguel, yay for ubuntuforums users on dev mailing lists16:46
Dougie187jtaylor: so, how would you recommend fixing it in the configure?16:46
jtaylorDougie187: fix is simple repklace LDFLAGS with LIBS where its testing for dl16:46
jtaylorplease report that upstream16:47
cwillu_at_work/msg ubottu nightlies for hunting :p16:49
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/16:49
pangolinWe sleep at night :)16:49
tasslehoffpangolin: ah, I should've known :)16:50
gizeroHi guys. Is the RC expected today?16:50
cwillu_at_workpangolin, what a silly thing to do16:50
Dougie187jtaylor: just to make sure I understand. You mean replace ${LDFLAGS} where it's checking for -ldl with ${LIBS}, right?16:50
pangolingizero: no.16:50
bjsnidercwillu_at_work, are you bloody killing me?16:50
jtaylorDougie187: yes16:50
Dougie187or, should I do LDFLAGS=${LIBS}?16:51
cwillu_at_workbjsnider, hmm?16:51
jtaylorno both16:51
bjsniderabout btrfsck16:51
cwillu_at_workbjsnider, what specifically?16:51
cwillu_at_workthe conspiracy theory?16:52
cwillu_at_work"""This smells more like post hoc justification of being territorial over a pet project than it does actual reasons for keeping the source a state secret of oracle.  Unless their is no intention of releasing the source, and Oracle intends to keep it a closed source product for their own linux distributions alone."""16:52
bjsniderthat's totally absurd16:52
tasslehoffwhat are the amd64+mac images?16:52
cwillu_at_workapparently "desperate users will ignore any and all warnings, and make things worse in the process" is unimaginable to some16:52
cwillu_at_workI'm mildly amused that the vocal parties have no visible contributions to _any_ open source projects under their emails that I could find :p16:53
bjsnideri thinkt hey haven't come up with a fsck because they don't know how it fails yet16:53
cwillu_at_workI mean, even I've managed to post a couple shell scripts and a ill-conceived patch to how btrfs reports info to the df-relevant syscalls :p16:54
cwillu_at_workwell, we've got a few good examples of how it fails to be honest16:54
cwillu_at_workbut yeah, it's still very early16:54
tasslehoffgah, it says so right there on the page. doh.16:55
bjsnideronce they know how it breaks they can design something to fix it16:55
Dougie187jtaylor: hmm.. I still can't get it to work for some reason16:55
jtaylordid you modify configure or configure.in?16:56
jtaylortry doing it in configure.in and run autoconf16:57
Dougie187Ok, that seemed to work.16:58
Dougie187Oh, I got it to work in the configure too16:58
Dougie187I was changing the wrong thing. lol16:59
Dougie187I was changing it from LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -ldl" to LDFLAGS="${LIBS} -ldl" instead of LIBS="${LDFLAGS} -ldl"16:59
jtaylorno both to LIBS17:00
jtayloralthoug it won't matter in that case if you only change the first17:01
Dougie187so, change it to LIBS="${LIBS} -ldl"?17:01
Dougie187oh ok.17:01
Dougie187yeah, both of them work fine17:01
jtaylorplease file a bug upstream so they fix it17:02
jtaylorits a common error17:02
Dougie187ok will do.17:02
Dougie187thanks for your help.17:03
Dougie187On another note. Is there a way to keep 11.10 from blanking the screen when a laptop lid is closed?17:03
jtaylorDougie187:  here some example text you could copy: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=63928417:04
ubottuDebian bug 639284 in tkpng "tkpng: ftbs with ld --as-needed" [Wishlist,Open]17:04
Dougie187jtaylor: should I report it specific to papi? or a general issue with the linker, as you mention in that bug report?17:08
jtaylorits a bug in their code17:09
jtaylorits relying that the linker has a certain behavior it never guaranteed17:09
jtaylorand this behavior is no disabled in many distributions17:10
Dougie187Thanks again for your help.17:17
Dougie187Now, onto my second issue. How can you make 11.10 not blank the screen when a laptop lid is closed.17:21
jbichaDougie187: did you try System Settings>Power ?17:22
Dougie187yeah, I set it to do nothing when the lid is closed.17:23
Dougie187but it still blanks the screen17:23
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templetwhere can i find oneiric themes that include different icons ?17:42
jbichatemplet: the only other GTK3 theme I know in the repos is Adwaita (install gnome-themes-standard)17:43
bjsnidertemplet, if you just want to switch icon themes, there are lots of them packaged under *-icon-theme if you do a search17:44
charlie-tcaGreybird is also GTK3 now.17:49
frybyeHi I have the 11.10 amd 64x desktop daily and dont seem to be able to find a "safe graphics" option when booting - any tips please?17:49
frybyeF4 brings up an option of normal start of start using a cd with drivers.. but...?17:50
frybyee e e options - normal start OR start with cd drivers....17:51
skaethiya,  for those interested in the release candidate images,  http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/ has the images we're using to dry run the release now.   On Sunday night we'll be building the candidates, so any testing people are able to do on the ISO tracker between now and Sunday would be very welcome.18:00
pangolinthank you for the info skaet :)18:00
* skaet will lurk here now until her flight to the release sprint if there are any questions ... ;)18:02
murlidharhow to enable roll up feature for window manager ?18:27
murlidharon mouse scrolling18:27
murlidharmouse wheel*18:27
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
robin0800murlidhar, install gnome-tweak-tool18:46
murlidharah ok will do so . thanks robin080018:47
murlidharrobin0800: there is no option there for mouse wheel scrolling :|18:48
nagappanI pasted the following in #ubuntu-testing18:49
nagappananybody noticing this ? I upgrade yesterday my Ubuntu 11.04 to 11.10, my X is not coming up and so the networking as well, currently I changed the /etc/network/interfaces to have eth0 entry and updating the package18:49
nagappanI think, my packages weren't upgraded properly due to ruby package conflict18:49
nagappan<nagappan> I had ruby 1.8 and 1.9.118:49
nagappan<nagappan> now after removing it, more packages are being upgraded18:49
nagappan<nagappan> it keeps waiting for my network to come up18:49
nagappan<nagappan> waiting up to 60 more seconds for network configuration18:49
nagappannagappan> my Ubuntu 11.10 is completely unusable :-( I need my X :-D18:49
nagappan<nagappan> I have NVidia driver installed18:49
nagappan<nagappan> it pops up with the NVidia logo18:49
nagappan<nagappan> and everything blank after that18:49
nagappan* nagappan checking Xorg.0.log18:49
nagappan<nagappan> my Xorg.0.log looks okay, http://pastebin.com/06NxYvZm18:49
murlidharnagappan: please use a pastebin service18:49
nagappan<nagappan> If I remove my xorg.conf, I get nv module not found18:49
nagappan<nagappan> I copied xorg.conf from previous installation18:49
nagappan<nagappan> as the upgrade doesn't have any such file18:49
nagappan<nagappan> when I login through console, I always get 'System restart required', even though I rebooted the system more than 5 times now !18:49
nagappan<nagappan> unable to connect system bus: Failed to connect to socket...18:49
nagappanmurlidhar, yes I do18:50
rww!paste | nagappan18:50
ubottunagappan: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:50
nagappanmurlidhar, but not for chatting18:50
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:50
rww"all on ONE line"18:50
cwillu_at_workmurlidhar, it's worth noting that the scroll wheel is actually just two more mouse buttons that are clicked automatically18:50
cwillu_at_worknagappan, you weren't chatting though, you were quoting yourself :p18:51
cwillu_at_workalso, ardubdub18:51
murlidharnagappan: you can also pastebin the chat and upload the link. there are ofcourse options to delete the pastebin automatically after certain time or after certain number of views if you are concerned about the privacy.18:51
nagappancwillu_at_work, okay, sorry everyone18:51
nagappancan someone help on the issue ?18:52
jlhenrySo apparently, there will be a Release Candidate http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2011/10/07/ubuntu-11-10-development-update-8/18:52
murlidharnagappan: its tough to read what you have quoted in a channel . .. maybe a pastebin-ning it might help us follow your quotes easier.18:53
nagappanmurlidhar, issue is, after I upgrade to 11.10 from 11.04, my X is gone18:53
nagappanmurlidhar, also networking18:53
murlidharcwillu_at_work: yes certainly is two more mouse buttons . just that i am used to mouse scrolling for rolling the windows up and down. :)18:54
nagappanmurlidhar, I have manipulated the /etc/network/interfaces to bring X temporarily18:54
murlidharnagappan: ah but i was not talking about myself but for everybody else to read it easily :)18:55
nagappanjust incase this is my Xorg.0.log http://pastebin.com/06NxYvZm18:55
cwillu_at_workmurlidhar, I just mean that if you use a lower level interface (gconf-editor (dconf-*?) might be sufficient), you might be able to make gnome do something it doesn't want to18:55
nagappanmurlidhar, hmmm18:55
robin0800jlhenry, no, no time release is next thursday18:55
murlidharcwillu_at_work: hmm yes /apps/metacity/general ... shade something ...18:55
murlidhartoggle shade...18:56
templethow do i use gnome shell on unity and if i do so will it rid me of the launchbar on the right ?18:56
templetoneiric rather18:56
murlidhartemplet: you cannot use  gnome shell on unity...18:57
murlidharboth are shells .18:58
murlidharcorrect me please anyone if i am wrong.18:58
cwillu_at_workyou can run it instead, yes.  Note however that gnome-shell also has a large'ish side-panel18:58
Dougie187templet: it's probably better to just get use to the panel, as there's not likely to be any gnome classic anymore.18:59
robin0800cwillu_at_work, , yes but unity launcher can be made smaller and can auto hide19:00
* cwillu_at_work points robin0800 at the scrollback for context19:00
murlidhartemplet: do you mean you want to use unity but without the launcher in the left?19:00
templetmurlidhar, i simply had a hope for further customization because the default icons make me ill.19:01
murlidhartemplet: default icons in unity ?19:02
Dougie187the default launcher icons?19:02
murlidhartemplet: you can always change the icon theme i guess19:02
Dougie187yes, in the launcher panel? or on a desktop?19:02
cwillu_at_worktemplet, or change the relevant .desktop files19:02
robin0800cwillu_at_work, , as far as I know the gnome favourites bar is not configurable is it?19:02
templeti heard that was impossible and i'd hope for gnome2 icons19:02
cwillu_at_workrobin0800, probably more configurable than ours19:02
murlidharhe probably means he wants to change the icon theme19:02
Dougie187very confusing. lol19:03
murlidhar: )19:03
charlie-tcajlhenry: okay, let me know when you find it, because next week, I will be testing the final image candidates19:03
* cwillu_at_work stabs Dougie187 for killing his hope that this whole "gnome3" will go away19:04
Dougie187I said it's not likely... that doesn't mean it wont... :P19:04
Dougie187careful choice of words...19:04
cwillu_at_worknot careful enough19:04
murlidhartemplet: if you just interested in changing the default icon theme in gnome shell or unity .. there is a tool called gnome-tweak-tool that can help you.19:05
jlhenrycharlie-tca, I am looking for it as you do :)19:05
charlie-tcaActually, no, I am not looking for it.19:05
templetmurlidhar, then you my savior19:05
templetthank you19:05
murlidharyou are welcome19:06
charlie-tcaIt would have had to be last week, to be a valid RC, giving this week to fix things and next week for final19:06
charlie-tcajlhenry: I believe the writer choose his words badly19:06
templetthere will be more system wide themes for oneiric in the future perhaps ?19:07
templetcustomization of the desktop has always been a linux desire19:07
cwillu_at_worktemplet, you must be new to gnome :p19:07
cwillu_at_workalthough in fairness, it's more like the customization gets properly generalized to a nice format, but nobody ever gets around to making an editor for the files19:08
templetgnome is the only thing i'm not new at gnome3 and unity are new to and i loved unity except it would not place packages where i could access them after install i'd have to kill xserver or do alt-f2.  i'm willing to step back if that bug is fixed.  its very versatile19:09
robin0800templet, you can always bookmark /usr/share/applications19:11
ubuntu_userwill mariadb be included in the final release?19:20
rwwubuntu_user: it's not currently in oneiric and it's way past freezes, so no.19:20
ubuntu_userdarn. ok thanks anyways19:22
ubuntu_useri had read it was going to be in the server edition19:22
jlhenrycharlie-tca, next week, you could try this one: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/19:23
linuxtechI thought the 11.10 RC was supposed to be available yesterday and I just checked http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/oneiric/ and it's not there.  Where can I find the desktop RC?19:35
Dougie187supposedly it comes out on sunday19:36
charlie-tcaJust grab the daily image, it is up to date19:36
linuxtechOK Thanks!19:36
charlie-tcaThere will not be an RC this cycle19:36
sgerbinoanyone else having problems with Flash on 11.10? I can't see youtube videos or Pandora for some reason -- but other Flash sites work19:36
Dougie187I haven't tried flash on 11.1019:37
Dougie187I actually just installed it a minute ago19:37
Dougie187is it flash 11?19:37
Dougie187or just 10?19:37
sgerbinoit worked for a while, until a few updates ago19:37
pdqthere was just a development update blog saying release candidate would be soon http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2011/10/07/ubuntu-11-10-development-update-8/19:38
sgerbinoits 10.319:38
sgerbinoi thought they stopped RC in favor of beta2s until to final release19:38
charlie-tcapdq: you will have a final release before that release candidate gets outy19:38
pdqi just echoing what i seen hehe. i couldn't wait and upgraded to beta 2 four days ago:P19:39
Dougie187sgerbino: mine says it's 11.0 r119:40
Dougie187but pandora didn't load for me either.19:42
bjsnidersgerbino, your .xsession-errors had a bunch of nspluginwrapper messages in it19:42
sgerbinohrmmmmmmmm :|19:43
Dougie187flash works fine on pottermore for me though19:43
sgerbinough now i have GPG error when sudo apt-get update19:44
sgerbinomaybe im mistaken on my flash version, i used dpkg -l | grep 'flash' and got version 10.3 maybe that's just the debian package version of the flash installer19:45
bjsniderthe debian version is numbered based on the plugin version19:47
bjsniderhere's a newsflash: nspluginwrapper doesn't work very well19:47
sgerbinothats what i figured, so i guess i have flash 10.. :O19:48
jtaylorI actually never had a problem with it in the last 3 years19:48
jtaylorexcept when I screwed it up myself19:48
BluesKajbjsnider, is the 7machines ppa valid agian, because an update removed it and flash, and replaced it with the ndiswrapper version19:51
bjsnideri don't know19:51
bjsnidernow that adobe has marked flash 11 amd64 as stable, there's no reason not to package it19:51
bjsniderand i have a version of the scripts that does that19:52
Dougie187bjsnider: does the adobe-flashplugin package use nspluginwrapper? mine doesn't seem like it does, and I got flash 11 r1 from that.19:55
bjsnideryeah, i didn't see that release19:57
bjsnideri'll check that out19:57
bjsniderwhy hasn't he updated?19:58
bjsniderhe's still on 10.xx19:58
sgerbinoi dunno, i just installed that package now19:59
sgerbinoit didn't upgrade from what i had though19:59
Dougie187sgerbino: what did you install previously? or how did you install it?20:00
sgerbinoit was the packages I got with maverick meerkat 'flashplugin-installer' and 'flashplugin-downloader'20:00
sgerbinoi probably got them with meerkat and upgraded until oneiric now20:01
Dougie187I would remove those.20:01
Dougie187and install the new oneiric packages.20:01
Dougie187you want to install the adobe-flashplugin package.20:01
sgerbinoyeah thats what im trying now20:02
sgerbinofirst fixing this GPG error :| then purging those old flash ones and downloading adobe-flashplugin package20:03
sgerbinoearly adoption ftw baby20:04
sgerbinoomg it worksssssssss /cheer20:05
sgerbinoI R HAVE TEH YOUTUBES!20:05
beatpanicall: I am trying to install evolution, but: http://pastebin.com/Guu8ZwH9 the 'evolution' package seems older than the dependencies20:09
beatpanicthere will be an update of the package?20:09
HrevilOhi there!20:11
HrevilOis there any known bug/issue with iceauthority at the actual state of ubuntu 11.10 in combination with gnome 3.2?20:11
HrevilOto be a bit more specific:20:11
HrevilOI've upgraded from 11.04 with gnome3-ppa to 11.10 beta. my normal user works without problems. but:20:11
HrevilOif I create a new user, i can't log in with that one. the message is " could not update ICEauthority file /home/$(USER)/.ICEauthority"20:12
HrevilOactually the file doesn't even exist and if i copy the file from the working user and set the rights corresponding to the new one, it doesn't help at all.20:12
HrevilOany idea how to fix this? :)20:12
bjsnideradobe is now giving permission to package the plugin itself, and not just a downloader, in addition to releasing a stable amd64 version20:13
tomanhello there, can sm1 help me with ubuntu 11.10, please? I need to change the movement key to be the win key and i can not find where to change that ... :(20:14
wqrgyufbut they do not have adobe air anymore for linux20:14
jbichaHrevilO: you're using encrypted /home ?20:14
HrevilOjbicha: no, not for the new user20:15
itaylor57so I unistnalled the flash plugin installer and now flash does not work20:15
HrevilOthe other one got some encrypted directories but not the complete home20:15
tomanwqrgyuf, what do u need adobe air for ?20:15
wqrgyufsomething like twitter deck maybe20:16
wqrgyufthey have nice apps there20:16
bjsnideritaylor57, now install adobe-flashplugin20:16
jbichaHrevilO: I don't use encrypted home directories but I know there are some bugs with it & the upgrade to lightdm, I don't know the details though20:16
tomancouse i use old version for ICQ20:16
tomanand it works fine20:16
tomanu can find it in the adobe website20:16
itaylor57did that20:17
wqrgyufgood enough i guess20:17
HrevilOjbicha: i've seen some things like that through out my google search... but i haven't yet found someone who misses the .ICEauthority at all...20:17
tomananyone have any idea how to change the "movement" key to the "win key" ?20:18
HrevilOit's not even there if the new user logs in at the shell. is this normal?20:18
sgerbinoitaylor57: I just had that problem, sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-installer flashplugin-downloader  && sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin -- did the trick for me :O20:18
sgerbinoitaylor57: also restart firefox to test if you aren't20:19
tomancan anyone tell me where to find the old "system > preferences > windows" menu in 11.10 ?20:20
sgerbinotoman: is it in the top right gear -> System settings... ?20:20
tomanno :D20:20
tomanthat's why im asking :D20:21
tomansgerbino, i have "keyboard layout" and "keyboard" but no "windows"20:22
jbichatoman: I've been using GNOME 3 for so long; what did Window preferences do?20:22
tomanand i need to stop moving the windows with the alt key, because it is a shortcut for blender ... i cant work this way :(20:22
tomanjbicha, i need to make the alt key stop moving windows20:23
jbichasome extra preferences are available with gnome-tweak-tool20:23
tarvid11.04 Host 11.10 Guest How would I install Guest additions?20:23
jbichathe Alt and click to drag shortcut is pretty universal20:24
tomani am talking about moving windows. To rotate the view in blender3d i use alt+left click20:24
tomanand it just moves the window20:24
tomanso i cant navigate :D20:25
jbichatarvid: try sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-utils in the virtual machine20:25
guntberttoman: I have it there like sgerbino said20:25
itaylor57sgerbino, well it didn't workfor me20:25
itaylor57no flashnow20:25
guntbertjbicha: 11.10 might be not supported yet by the GA20:25
jbichaguntbert: works for me20:26
GirlyGirlWonder how smooth the upgrade will go20:26
guntbertjbicha: but that wouldn't be the current vbox version, would it?20:27
bjsnideritaylor57, ls /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/libflashplayer.so20:28
tarvidjbicha, thanks, in progress20:28
itaylor57sgerbino, its working now,had to logout and back in20:28
HrevilOis it time for me to fill a bug report or what's the next step if google doesn't help?20:29
HrevilOi'm just wondering, cause it looks like no one else is having the exact same problem :(20:29
tomanguntbert,  am i blind or what ? :D http://img202.imageshack.us/img202/9895/screenshotat20111007232.png20:29
sgerbinoitaylor57: sweet good news :]20:29
itaylor57sgerbino, thanks20:29
cyphawill upgrading to 11.10 from 11.04 screw up my openbox?20:30
cyphawhich I have set as my window manager20:30
pdqtoman, system settings, keyboard layout, options, alt/win behaviour ?20:30
Dougie187How do you add a new workspace in unity?20:30
genii-around!info openbox natty20:31
ubottuopenbox (source: openbox): standards compliant, fast, light-weight, extensible window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version (natty), package size 247 kB, installed size 1472 kB20:31
tomanpdq, tested it .. no option for removing the "windows movement"20:31
genii-around!info openbox oneiric20:31
guntberttoman: ah, you were looking for a special setting, I overlooked that and just stated the placing of the "system settings"20:31
ubottuopenbox (source: openbox): standards compliant, fast, light-weight, extensible window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.0-0ubuntu3 (oneiric), package size 294 kB, installed size 1740 kB20:31
tomanguntbert, where can i find it ?20:32
cyphagenii-around, so conclusion?20:33
cyphai just don't know how much settings resetting an upgrade does20:33
genii-aroundcypha: Not sure. The versions aren't radically different.20:33
cyphaguess I"ll wait for someone to find out20:34
cyphathanks genii-around20:34
TyphAnyone have an issue with middle click not registering unless done really quickly?20:34
guntberttoman: sorry, Idon't know either20:35
pdqi used to love mouse scrolling on window titlebar to roll up/roll down window. now it just mimimizes it. anyone know of any place i can config that?20:39
Dougie187So, is there an easy way to manage workspaces in unity/20:39
mongyDougie187: I use an edge to activate expo and another to activate scale20:45
robin0800Dougie187, super+s etc do you mean20:46
Dougie187No, I mean how can you add and remove workspaces.20:46
Dougie187like, if you were to press super+s, how can you make it 5 or 10 workspaces instead of 420:46
Dougie187or even just 120:46
robin0800Dougie187, not sure you can20:47
Dougie187Oh ok20:47
sgerbinoDougie187, I'm not 100%, but I thought you could download ccsm Compiz simple manager to increase your desktops21:00
sgerbinoi gotta run though, gluck :]21:00
Dougie187I have the compiz manager, but I don't see an option to up the number of workspaces. or even reduce for that matter.21:02
pdqin general options if i recall correctly, vertical and horizontal21:05
pdqor some such :P21:06
Dougie187general options for....?21:06
Dougie187nm, I found what you are talking about. lemme see if it has viewports/workspaces in it21:07
pdqi havent tried changing amount since 10.1021:08
Dougie187you can change it, but it doesn't affect the actual number of workspaces you have21:08
robin0800Dougie187, you may have to log out and back in or it may be a bug/design thing21:10
pdqah, i dunno, might be design change so workspace switching is uniform now or something :> i've played it safe and not touched many compiz settings lately21:10
Dougie187k, thanks21:10
cyphawhere are packages installed to?21:24
cyphawhen I download them from the repo21:24
bjsnidercypha, i am not clear about what you're asking. can you rephrase?21:26
cyphafor example, I downloaded the Python-Imaging package from synaptic21:26
cyphawhere in / can I find the files for the app?21:26
bjsniderif you look in synaptic you can see the list of installed files in the properties screen for that package21:27
pythonsnakehow to check if my laptop has bluethooth ?21:28
wqrgyufcurl -s -S --data-urlencode "txt=$(sudo lshw -html)" "http://pastehtml.com/upload/create?input_type=html&result=address";echo;21:29
wqrgyufdo that in the terminal21:29
pythonsnakewqrgyuf, is this for me ?21:30
pythonsnakeit asks for sudo pass o.O21:31
cyphathanks bjsnider21:31
wqrgyufdo it then21:31
cwillu_at_workpythonsnake, lshw makes a general summary of your hardware (which requires root access)21:31
cwillu_at_workpythonsnake, you may find that the bluetooth hardware, if it exists, may not show up if it's disabled in the bios as well, so it might be worth giving that menu a once-over21:32
bjsniderthere would likely also be some visual indication on the laptop itself, such as a logo or something21:33
pythonsnakeI see a bluethooth icon in the top right corner of the screen21:34
bjsnideri don't know why that would be there unless the hardware was present as well21:35
pythonsnakebjsnider, that's why I asked to be sure :)21:37
pythonsnakeGonna contact HP Support21:38
=== elmo_ is now known as Guest48923
myk_robinsonanyone here know how to enable scaling in 11.10's version of Vinagre Remote Desktop Viewer?21:46
steve007hello.  I upgraded to 11.10 from 11.04.   But after logging in, metacity is running, not compiz.  I can manually run compiz --replace, but thought compiz is now the default.  Any hints as to where I should look to debug this? thanks.21:51
ChogyDansteve007: I don't know, but Im just curious, what shell are you using?  Unity?21:54
HrevilOfinally found, fixed and reported my problem :) hope it's at the right place... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-system-tools/+bug/87031621:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 870316 in gnome-system-tools (Ubuntu) "creating of new user not compatible with gdm" [Undecided,New]21:54
steve007ChogyDan: I'm using Unity2D.21:55
myk_robinson...or how to install tsclient in 11.1021:55
m4yersteve007: wild guess: compiz is for 3D21:56
steve007m4yet. fair enough.   good guess.  thanks.21:57
lucas-arghey guys, im having problems with skype and audio... any one has any idea how to guide me to fix problem?22:10
ChogyDandid it work on 11.04?22:11
FernandoMiguelbesides not using skype?22:12
FernandoMigueltry pulse audio PPA22:12
lucas-argit did22:12
lucas-argproblem is audio22:12
FernandoMiguellucas-arg: if you are already running PA PPA and rebooted22:13
FernandoMiguelinstall pavucontrol and paman22:13
lucas-argi did22:13
lucas-argno difference22:13
lucas-argwheres pulseaudio ppa?22:13
bjsnideri don't buy the idea that it's necessary to run a dev ppa in a bleeding edge distro22:14
lucas-argi mean whats pulseaudio ppa cant find it22:14
bjsnideryou've already got a bleeding-dge pulseaudio in oneiric22:15
FernandoMiguelbjsnider: LOL22:15
FernandoMiguelno, not really22:15
FernandoMiguelthe PPA uses a much newer alsa22:16
FernandoMigueland contains a few other things, which only22:16
lucas-argcan u tell me the ppa?22:16
FernandoMiguel....damn forgot his nick..... knows22:16
bjsniderit's not been established that alsa or pulse is the problem in this case22:16
bjsniderhe's provided no specific info at all22:16
bjsnider"problem is audio" is not specific info22:17
lucas-argproblem is pulse22:17
kyubutsudid you try without pulseaudio22:18
lucas-argnow audio works perfect22:19
lucas-argsudo service pulseaudio stop22:19
lucas-argproblem is pulse AGAIN22:20
FernandoMiguelit's not a service22:20
FernandoMigueluse pulseaudio -k22:20
lucas-argi did like that, and there was no pulseaudio option in skype options and audio works great now22:20
lucas-argproblem solved22:21
bjsniderrunning pulseaudio -k on a whim is not an appropriate solution22:23
eliahelp with oneiric22:34
elianvidia 8400 gs i got lightdm to load a couple of times but the rest of the times lightdm is a blank sceen22:34
krutoileshii(krutoileshii) (krutoileshii) Need help compiling rocket raid 2640 divider under Ubuntu 11.10. Fails to compile saying only supports 2.4 2.6 series23:02
krutoileshii(krutoileshii) (krutoileshii) Need help compiling rocket raid 2640 divider under Ubuntu 11.10. Fails to compile saying only supports 2.4 2.6 series23:23
krutoileshii(krutoileshii) (krutoileshii) Need help compiling rocket raid 2640 divider under Ubuntu 11.10. Fails to compile saying only supports 2.4 2.6 series23:44

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