
=== ntrly_owl is now known as dr_ntrly_owl
jaddi27hi sagaci 09:13
jaddi27I didn't realise that oneiric was fully translated in en_AU (ubuntu, anyway)09:13
sagaciyeah neither did I09:17
head_victimjaddi27: nice work on the facebook site.09:25
jaddi27That is alright09:26
jaddi27we need to decide what we are going to do with the group09:26
jaddi27I think we should upgrade it to the new version, so it is not archived (archiving could result in all the members being lost)09:27
head_victimjaddi27: the downside of the new version is? Sorry I've lost those links you showed earlier10:25
jaddi27That is fine. I will get them out again10:27
jaddi27head_victim, http://www.facebook.com/help/?page=1896610:38
jaddi27that is on old -> new groups10:38
jaddi27the other is comparing groups and pages: http://www.facebook.com/help/?faq=1362210:39
jaddi27I think we should upgrade the group to the new version, so we can still make events10:39
sagaciparty tomorrow10:45
jaddi27sagaci, are you on facebook? if so, could you check if the time for your party is correct on the ubuntu australian team facebook page10:46
sagacishould be 14:00-1530 AEDST10:50
jaddi27I have tried to do that, but I am not sure how facebook treats daylight saving with times. I have put the times in the more info section, in case they don't work properly10:51
sagacii'd just put it as 2pm-3:3011:14
sagaciregardless of timezone11:14
jaddi27ok. i will change it11:23
jaddi27actually, I won't change it, as it looks like it should convert the time I put in (which it should detect as brisbane time from my clock/profile)11:33
head_victimjaddi27: a quick thing on the FB stuff12:51
head_victimI am not sure if people would or wouldn't want  notices from all the other members.12:51
head_victimI'm far from the target audience for facebook users so don't really have any idea12:52
head_victimReally willing to go with whatever you think is best as you're the most active admin. If you want to bring it up Sunday by all means :)12:54
jaddi27head_victim, Ok. I will add it to the agenda for Sunday, and come prepared with notes13:00

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