
cyphermoxjbicha: ah00:12
cyphermoxjbicha: just b/c of the packaging?00:12
jbichacyphermox: well, GDM is very Fedora-centric so it probably needs patching too00:13
jbichaGDM packaging scares me ;)00:14
cyphermoxjbicha: hehe. not sure I want to jump into that either, I kinda like lightdm00:15
cyphermoxbut it would be nice to have the option (that works) in a PPA at least00:16
brycehjasoncwarner_, heh they say "this is the most important release in Ubuntu's history" every LTS ;-)00:47
RAOFWell, it's true every LTS, really :)00:48
jasoncwarner_bryceh: but this time we mean it ;) those other times? all marketing !00:48
RAOFJust like each new iPhone is ?the best iPhone yet? :)00:48
jasoncwarner_RAOF: true :) best. release. ever.00:49
brycehat OSDL, "This is the most important quarter ever!" was an on-going joke00:49
TheMusojasoncwarner_: Nice email nonetheless.00:54
jasoncwarner_thanks, TheMuso00:54
jasoncwarner_bryceh: usually they are...for the ceo ;)00:55
jasoncwarner_having a too many bad quarters in a row isn't good for CEO and VP of Sales types ;)00:55
brycehturned out wasn't too good for OSDL either ;-)00:55
jasoncwarner_bryceh: so it was the most important quarter ever !00:56
* desrt waits for the "this iphone isn't quite as good as the one before it, but we still think you should buy it" announcement01:26
desrti'd settle for "it's about the same, really -- but we rather enjoy continuing to receive your cash"01:26
RAOFWoah.  Who did the minimise animation on the launcher?01:26
RAOFOr: when did that minimise animation land?  This is the first that I've noticed it!01:27
smspillazRAOF: early last cycle01:32
RAOFsmspillaz: In Natty?  Really?  And it's taken me this long to notice it?01:33
SarvattRAOF: i havent noticed either if it makes you feel better01:34
RAOFI clearly don't mimimise many windows :)01:34
brycehwhy do some bug reporters make it so hard to help them?01:50
RAOFI'm guessing: because they have no idea how hard they make it to help them.01:51
brycehyep could be01:53
pittiGood morning04:55
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BigWhalepitti, mom, is that you? *opens one eye*05:03
pittihey BigWhale05:03
BigWhaleHow's it going?05:07
pittipretty ok, except for the cold I'm having05:10
pittilooking forward to the release :)05:10
BigWhalecold? yeah same here... and laryngitis... I sound like Darth Vader :>05:14
* pitti hands BigWhale another cup of camomile tea05:15
BigWhalethanks :)05:15
RAOFAre we all suffering from release stress, or something?05:16
* RAOF nurses his tired, sore throat.05:16
pittiRAOF: I at least blame the autumn weather to some degree05:17
pittiover the weekend I often went out with a T-shirt, as it was some 25 degrees over the day; but in the morning/evening it was rather chilly05:17
BigWhaleWeather here was awesome. We had an indian summer until today basically. Yesterday it was 27 C, today temperatures will plummet... 9 C :/05:17
BigWhaleTrue, mornings were a bit colder05:18
TheMusoMorning pitti.05:20
TheMusoYeah Sydney has had its first remotely warm day for a while, and in good time too, being mid spring and all...05:20
RAOFAnd we've had our week of low-grade drizzle.05:20
rickspencer3good morning all05:24
pittihey rickspencer305:26
rickspencer3hey pitti, so just need new lang packs for the CDs today, right?05:26
pittirickspencer3: right; I'm polling https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+language-packs05:26
pittioh, it landed05:26
* pitti goes to build the packs05:26
rickspencer3RAOF, hey, I assigned what looks like an xorg bug to the desktop team last night05:28
rickspencer3sg is having it05:28
rickspencer3so I thought you might want to see the bug since there's someone with hardware who will help you debug and all05:28
RAOFAh, sweet.  A debugging partner?  Awesome.05:29
RAOFrickspencer3: What was the bug?  It doesn't seem to have filtered into my bugmail.05:30
rickspencer3RAOF, hmm, I assigned it to canonical-desktop-team05:30
rickspencer3can get the bug # a bit later05:30
rickspencer3but I'm not at that particular 'puter atm05:30
RAOFI'd guess it's bug #86142605:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 861426 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[Oneiric] [Regression] When disabling onboard LVDS display and just using external VGA screen corruption occurs" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86142605:30
RAOFOh, cool.  I've got a GM45 laptop, too.  Potentially bugs in hardware *I own*!05:32
rickspencer3RAOF, that's the one05:35
rickspencer3RAOF, it seems that we are having a lot of issues with xorg and with unity for people who use external monitors a lot05:35
rickspencer3let's get some testing in place for these situations really soon05:36
rickspencer3catch these issues early and often05:36
rickspencer3RAOF, and yeah, that's the bug ;)05:36
RAOFI think part of the problem is that unity was plain broken on multiple monitors for so long.05:37
pittiI have that (external monitor, internal one xrandr'ed off005:37
pittithe only problem that I see is that on resume the screen is broken, I have to switch to VT1 and back to get it fixed05:37
pittinot sure if that is related to the bug; if it is, I'm a happy victim of logs/tests/etc.05:38
pittibroken> mostly black, just a short vertical bar of blinking pixels in the top left corner05:38
RAOFOOooh, yeah.05:39
smspillazrickspencer3: aha! there you are!05:48
rickspencer3hi smspillaz05:48
smspillazrickspencer3: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/86931605:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 869316 in unity "reproducible stacking bug in compiz" [High,Triaged]05:48
smspillazI looked into it all morning, can't reproduce it05:48
smspillazthough, it's a little ambiguous05:48
smspillazyeah, so it says05:49
smspillaz"view the presentation"05:49
smspillaz"stop the recording"05:49
smspillazdo you close the presentation in between ?05:49
smspillazor like, does the presentation view go away in between that05:50
smspillazor do you have to switch to another window to make  the panels appear on top and then stop the presentation05:50
RAOFBwah.  Ok, it's another manifestation of "gnome-desktop does RANDR changes just differently enough from the xrandr tool that it breaks".  Joy!05:50
smspillaz(I tried tons of combinations btw, but couldn't find anything to reproduce it :( even using the package version05:51
smspillazrickspencer3: what other stuff do you have open while you get this bug? is it *just* LO impress and gtk-rmd or do you have other stuff open too ?05:51
rickspencer3smspillaz, I wrote the repro steps out05:51
smspillazI know05:52
smspillazfollowed them step by step, cant reproduce it05:52
rickspencer3I may have other apps opened05:52
smspillazso there's something else that you've got05:52
smspillazwhat other apps ?05:52
rickspencer3I dunni05:52
rickspencer3smspillaz, maybe you can ask other people to try to repro it?05:52
smspillaz... can you try and reproduce it again and then tell me what stuff you have open when it happens ?05:52
smspillazrickspencer3: so far only you can jane can get it05:52
rickspencer3someone else repros it?05:53
rickspencer3are you saying Jane gets it too?05:53
smspillazand remote debugging especially for these kinds of things (which are insanely complicated) is pretty much impossible. So I need a way to rreproduce it myself05:53
smspillazrickspencer3: neil told me that jane did05:53
smspillazrickspencer3: anyways, try and reproduce it again05:53
rickspencer3she's presenting today at a huge conference05:53
smspillazand tell me what stuff I have open05:53
smspillazand please don't tell me things to raise my blood pressure :)05:53
rickspencer3RAOF, can you help sg with a workaround?05:54
RAOFYeah, I'm following up on the bug.05:54
rickspencer3RAOF, is there an SRUable fix?05:54
RAOFNot as of this moment, no.05:55
smspillazrickspencer3: these bugs are insanely complicated and usually a result of applications misbehaving (libreoffice is a serial offender in this category), so please have patience :)05:55
smspillaznext time you reproduce it, please let me know what stuff you have open05:55
smspillaz(or try and reproduce it right now)05:55
RAOFrickspencer3: But!  Given that it looks like a gnome-desktop problem, it's much more likely to be SRUable than, say, a kernel problem :)05:56
rickspencer3we can SRU kernels!05:58
rickspencer3smspillaz, I have this crazy "Director" job that keeps interfering with my "debug unity" job ;)05:58
rickspencer3I'll try to get to that later today05:59
RAOFBut SRUing a kernel is a significantly more involved undertaking with significantly higher risks than twiddling gnome-desktop code :)05:59
smspillazwhy is it that only people who are directors can reproduce unity bugs :(06:01
smspillazRAOF: can you reproduce this bug ?06:01
smspillazRAOF: it's basically something like06:01
smspillazopen a presentation, open gtk-r-m-d, view presentation, alt-tab to gtk-r-m-d, exit presentation, stop recording, yay your stacking is stuffed!06:02
smspillazexcept that the last part doesn''t happen for me06:02
didrocksgood morning06:02
smspillazdidrocks: ^ and good morning (can you reproduce that ?)06:03
didrockssmspillaz: wait, I'm first backporting fixes to unity :)06:03
smspillazheh, ok06:03
RAOFThat's gtk record-my-desktop, right?06:04
rickspencer3RAOF, yes06:13
didrockssmspillaz: please, think to change upstream bug status when merging06:13
rickspencer3RAOF, thanks for working on sg's but06:13
rickspencer3RAOF, could you please make your directions just a bit more explicit for him?06:14
rickspencer3like, should he run that command before disconnecting, etc...06:14
RAOFBefore disconnecting?  There's no disconnecting anywhere in the process, is there?  Anyway, I'll try to reword that to be more obvious.06:15
smspillazdidrocks: sure06:15
didrockssmspillaz: well, please ensure about "sure", it's the 3rd time of the week I'm asking you that :)06:15
smspillazright, I usually do them all at once06:15
smspillazjust haven't gotten around to updating all the bugs yet as not all merges are complete06:16
rickspencer3RAOF, sorry, I thought that was his issue06:16
didrockssmspillaz: as the merge is manual, please just do it in the merge as I've asked in the numerous emails and pings on IRC :)06:16
smspillazyou can do it in the merge ?06:17
smspillazas in, there is a way to automatically update the bug status whenever a merge happens ?06:17
didrockssmspillaz: no, do it *when* you merge, you have the bug linked on your merge page, just click on it06:18
smspillazah, right06:18
didrockssmspillaz: isn't what you asked me already… yesterday… and where I told you "no"? :p06:18
RAOFsmspillaz: Yes.  When you commit, add --fixes=lp:BUGNUMBER.06:18
smspillazRAOF: doesn't work, no matter what people tell me :(06:18
RAOFBah, yes, you're right.06:18
RAOFIt does generate bugmail, though.06:18
* smspillaz wonders if its possible to make a launchpad hook to do that06:19
rickspencer3RAOF, never mind06:19
rickspencer3I'm a dope06:19
* didrocks just spent 5 minutes to change 10 bugs status from dx for the latest fixes06:20
didrocksretarget to right components06:20
smspillazdidrocks: isn't there a script that retargets the upstream projects to the downstream ones ?06:23
smspillazwell, I guess unify only works for milestone releases06:24
didrockssmspillaz: no, it works for everything, but if you open a wrong component06:26
didrockslike nux06:26
didrocksmy script can't know that the bug is in unity06:26
didrocksit will affect unity and nux06:26
didrocksso ensuring I don't have to dig and run after you guys, please, take this small 30s to make things rigorously ok06:26
smspillazdidrocks: rickspencer3: I need to run out for a bit, let me know if you can reproduce that stacking bug and when you do, please give the me the output of xwininfo -root -tree and also a list of what applications you've got open06:31
rickspencer3smspillaz, I updated my repro bug with more specific steps06:31
rickspencer3it happens with only impress and gtk-rmd open06:31
smspillazok, thanks06:31
rickspencer3didrocks, I guess you are preparing a Unity zero day SRU?06:32
didrocksrickspencer3: I'm preparing an upload right now rather06:32
smspillazrickspencer3: so to clarify, if you *only* had gtk-rmd and impress open, you'd get the bug ?06:32
didrocksrickspencer3: still time as langpacks are still building06:32
rickspencer3smspillaz, yes06:33
rickspencer3didrocks, wait, I'm confused06:33
smspillazrickspencer3: thanks06:33
rickspencer3I thought we were done updating the CD06:33
rickspencer3except for the lang packs06:33
rickspencer3and everything else was for SRUing/updates06:33
didrocksrickspencer3: I'm waiting for pitti, there is a huge crasher fix there06:33
smspillazahh you're switching to another workspace!06:33
smspillazcritical part06:33
didrocksrickspencer3: yesterday, we still had some nice fixes06:33
rickspencer3pitti, ??? ^06:33
smspillazok, lets try that06:33
pittididrocks: what?06:34
rickspencer3didrocks, but every upload brings a risk of regressions06:34
didrocksrickspencer3: right, that's why I'm dogfooding it06:34
pittididrocks: sorry, I'm not aware of a question from you06:34
rickspencer3pitti, question is from me06:34
rickspencer3I thought we were done changing the CD06:34
rickspencer3and I think didrocks is saying that he's about to upload changes06:34
pittiwell, as you say, any upload that we do now must be 100% regression safe06:35
didrockspitti: there can be a nice unity upload coming, I'm currently testing it there, it fixes a bunch of stuff, and 3 starred crashes06:35
didrocksthat's why I'm testing it a lot before pushing06:35
pittifixing two crashers with obvious two-liners is fine; 30 kB diffs are not any more06:35
didrockspitti: I can spunge to only have one fix then06:35
didrockspitti: it's one line06:36
didrocksthis one get 4 duplicates an hours06:36
didrocksit was a bug that fix considered as "fixed", but it wasn't…06:37
rickspencer3didrocks, so, in other words06:38
rickspencer3an upload that caused a regression?06:38
rickspencer3that's why we need to be hyper cautious now06:38
rickspencer3throwing in more fixes to fix broken fixes just gets us on a crazy treadmill06:38
didrocksrickspencer3: no06:38
didrocksrickspencer3: in other word06:38
didrocks"a bug that dx think to have fixed with some code, but they didn't"06:39
didrocksso had to stop apport duplicating to a fix released bug to get a new stacktrace06:39
pittididrocks: yeah, this kind of bug/fix is welcome at this point :)06:39
pittididrocks: 4 dupes an hour? nobody wrote a bug pattern yet?06:39
pittididrocks: want me to write one?06:39
didrockspitti: well, it's dispatched in 3 bugs, I didn't check since yesterday evening if we have a bup pattern, will do it in a few06:40
didrocksrickspencer3: no need to tell me that every upload is a regression risk. I think I already demonstrated that I clearly know that :)06:41
rickspencer3didrocks, sorry man06:42
rickspencer3I'm just not feeling like we have the same level of careful control about changes at this point that we usually do06:42
rickspencer3maybe it's just because I'm not tacking it like I used to06:42
didrockssorry I'm maybe doing a bad job then…06:42
rickspencer3but when I ask "are we done making changes?" I get different answers from different people06:42
rickspencer3didrocks, no, it's not you, c'mon06:42
smspillazrickspencer3: still can't reproduce it :(06:42
rickspencer3don't be that way06:42
rickspencer3I wouldn't be doing my job if I wasn't asking questions06:43
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smspillazrickspencer3: we need longer cycles :)06:43
rickspencer3smspillaz, I don't know what else to say06:43
smspillazbut anyways, I won't continue that discussion06:43
smspillazrickspencer3: hmm ok. I'll try opening some other stuff up as well06:43
rickspencer3smspillaz, please06:43
smspillazrickspencer3: what stuff do you usually have open, xchat, chromium ?06:45
rickspencer3smspillaz, firefox, thunderbird, xchat06:46
rickspencer3but none of them were opened when I just reproed it06:46
* smspillaz compiles the package verison again just to check06:46
smspillazkinda frustrating when I can't reproduce these bugs, heh06:47
smspillazyay reproduced it06:48
smspillazrickspencer3: ok, I'm going to go down to the shops to get some mountain dew then kill this bug06:49
RAOFReproduced here, too.06:51
RAOFHeh, just in time.06:51
jbichaI use bzr-builddeb for almost all of my building, what am I supposed to do when upstream only ships .tar.xz?07:00
jbicharebuild as .tar.bz2?07:01
jbichasince bzr-builddeb doesn't support xz, perhaps waiting on pristine-tar07:02
micahgjbicha: do it the old way?07:02
RAOFDoes bzr-builddeb not handle that?  Does it require things to be pristine-tarrable?07:03
micahgjbicha: better question, what's Debian doing?07:04
jbichawell, for GNOME, they still use svn and they've got a patch now for svn-buildpackage http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=63790007:05
ubot2Debian bug 637900 in svn-buildpackage "Does not support .xz tarballs." [Normal,Open]07:05
jbichamicahg: I don't think I ever used the old way07:06
jbichaUDD's been around for too long or I'm too young or something... :)07:07
micahgjbicha: well, is this something that we'll be maintaining a diff for?07:07
micahgs/diff/packaging branch/07:07
jbichamicahg: probably not, I was trying to package shared-color-targets to fix bug 64316807:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 643168 in gnome-color-manager "gcm-prefs tries to install nonexistent shared-color-targets" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64316807:08
micahgjbicha: unless you're trying to cram that into oneiric, maybe do that in svn w/Debian?07:09
jbichawell it's a bit broken with out it and for some reason policy is we don't backport new packages, so I would like to cram it in07:10
micahgjbicha: define "backport new packages"07:11
jbichaa source package not in Oneiric on the release date won't be allowed into oneiric-backports, right?07:12
RAOFYes, of course it will.07:13
RAOFWell, could be.07:13
micahgjbicha: not true, that's one of the functions of backports07:13
* ajmitch thought that backports would explicitly allow new packages07:13
ajmitchif there's policy that says otherwise it should be changed to reflect reality07:13
micahgjbicha: the only reason it wouldn't be allowed is if it would break other stuff07:13
pittiyes, correct07:14
jbichaoh I misread the policy, it just needs to be in P first, which I knew07:14
pittiany application package in precise can be backported, provided it doesn't break anything else07:14
ajmitchwhich reminds me, oneiric-backports needs to be created in LP07:14
* RAOF wonders why gnome-settings-daemon thinks setting mode=0x0 ot the output I *didn't* turn off will make me happy.07:14
ajmitchthere was a proposal to open oneiric-backports for new source uploads that would be copied to precise upon the archive opening, I think07:15
ajmitchnot sure if that went anywhere07:15
pittiRAOF: some people are happier about black screens? no confusing screen contents to worry about07:15
jbichaany pointers on how to build stuff the old way then?07:15
pittiRAOF: would you be an appropriate assignee for bug 828623?07:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 828623 in gnome-control-center "[Regression] gnome control centre does not allow you to disable the laptop screen while leaving an external DisplayPort connected screen working" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82862307:16
pittijbicha: what is "the old way"?07:16
micahgpitti: the before time, pre-uDD07:16
pittiRAOF: your own fault -- you earned too many good credentials wrt. libgnome-desktop :)07:17
pittijbicha: apt-get source, change stuff, debuild -S, run debdiff against the old and new .dsc to check?07:17
RAOFpitti: Oh!  I'm accidentally already working on that one )07:17
pittijbicha: there are some extra tools available like "uupdate" and "uscan" which you should know about07:18
pittiRAOF: nice07:18
RAOFWhile looking at bug 86142607:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 861426 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[Oneiric] [Regression] When disabling onboard LVDS display and just using external VGA screen corruption occurs" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86142607:18
pittiRAOF: it seemed related, but quite the opposite of "my screen unexpectedly goes black"07:18
pittibut it's certainly the same code area, that's why I was thinking of you07:19
jbichaok, I guess I was just confused then07:20
infinitySay, are there any desktop people who either have ARM hardware or know how to run qemu who would like to take a hail mary pass at trying to figure out why banshee doesn't work on armel?07:22
RAOFMy experience with debugging under qemu is "don't", sadly.07:23
RAOFgdb won't work (and, from memory, isn't expected to)07:23
RAOFI would love to figure out what's happening, though.07:24
infinityIt should work in a full qemu-system-arm, but I wouldn't expect it to work well in a qemu-user-static chroot, no.07:24
pittididrocks: thanks for the unity fix, it's in now07:24
infinityThere's no functional difference between a vexpress qemu-system-arm and real hardware, except that qemu's slower. :/07:24
didrockspitti: \o/ thanks07:24
infinityBut yeah.  We'll be poking at banshee, but we've mostly given up for oneiric and already changed our seeds to use rhythmbox instead.  I'd still love to switch back if someone found the bug.07:25
infinityRAOF: One of the system options.  We build a vexpress kernel specifically for booting that qemu system.07:25
infinity(vexpress is an ARM reference platform)07:26
RAOFHow would one install such a VM?07:26
infinityThat, I'm too tired to walk someone through.  We must have wiki docs for it somewhere, though.  One would hope.07:26
didrockspitti: do you fell better than yesterday or still have a cold?07:27
pittididrocks: both :)07:27
infinityRAOF: perhaps something like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/QemuNetInstall with some s/versatile/vexpress/ where it might make sense.07:27
pittididrocks: it's usually okay in the mornings, but I tend to get a bit dizzy and heavy-headed in the evenings07:28
infinityRAOF: But it's bedtime here, so I can't really help much.  I can in the morning, if you're keen on helping debug.07:28
didrockspitti: urgh, take care! do you take any medecine?07:28
pittichicken soup and a decongestant during the nights, that's all I need :)07:29
didrocksheh :)07:29
RAOFinfinity: That looks sufficiently easy.07:29
pittiI'm not a big fan of taking Aspirine, I'll let my immune system do what it thinks is right..07:29
infinityRAOF: Assuming it works, yeah.  Those instructions are rather old. ;)07:31
infinityRAOF: But poke me in /msg if you have troubles, I'll be around in ~7.5 hours again. :)07:31
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didrockshey rodrigo_07:39
rodrigo_bonjour didrocks07:39
pittigood morning rodrigo_07:39
rodrigo_hi pitti07:39
pittiah, my fresh langpacks just finished building07:40
pittianyone who wants to test some?07:40
pittiI usually locally build German and French, but can also do the Spanish ones (*hint* *hint*)07:40
rodrigo_pitti, what needs to be done for testing?07:42
pittirodrigo_: installing them, rebooting, checking that nothign looks strange07:43
pittirodrigo_: in particular, we test whether update-manager and firefox work07:43
pittiopening evolution and checking that it's translated also can't hurt07:43
rodrigo_ok, I can have a try07:43
rodrigo_pitti, they will be available for upgrade in a bit, right?07:46
pittirodrigo_: yes, but I usually test them before I upload themn07:46
rodrigo_ah, so where can I get them?07:46
pitti... in a second07:46
pittirodrigo_: oh, and translated unity/gnome help07:48
didrockspitti: can test French if you want :)07:49
pittiscp is squeezing them through my thin upstream :)07:49
jbichadid the new ubuntu-docs make it into this langpack update?07:50
pittilooks like it07:50
didrockshey jbicha07:50
jbichadidrocks: howdy07:51
pittididrocks, rodrigo_: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/tmp/lp/07:51
jbichapeople decided to send me sushi bugs for some reason ;-)07:52
pittijbicha: hm, help isn't translated07:52
didrocksjbicha: ahah, you touched it! too late :)07:52
jbichapitti: oneiric-changes says new ubuntu-docs landed at 04:57:17 UTC yesterday, too late then?07:53
pittijbicha: hm, so the old ubuntu-docs stuff is gone07:53
pittijbicha: but no new ubuntu-docs translations there07:53
pittijbicha: maybe07:53
* didrocks reboots07:54
pittijbicha: I'll check, it shoudl be static translations, not gettext07:54
pittirebooting as well, to cover the other bits07:54
rodrigo_pitti, ok07:57
rodrigo_jbicha, :)07:57
pittithe rest looks fine for German, I'll investigate ubuntu-docs08:00
seb128hey pitti, didrocks08:01
pittibonjour seb12808:01
didrockssalut seb12808:01
seb128how are you?08:01
didrocksseb128: I'm fine, thanks, you?08:02
seb128I think I'm fine, well confirm after some coffee ;-)08:02
dpmgood morning desktop people08:02
didrockshey dpm08:02
pittigood morning dpm08:03
dpmhey didrocks, happy Friday :)08:03
pittidpm: seems someone copied the lucid and natty PPA langpacks to -proposed then?08:03
didrocksdpm: heh, happy friday too :)08:04
pittidpm: I'm currently building oneiric langpacks, will accept the stable ones after that, to not block the buildds too much08:04
seb128hey dpm08:04
dpmpitti, ah, hadn't noticed about the lucid + natty langpacks08:04
dpmhey seb128 :)08:04
pittidpm: oh, who requested that then?08:05
rodrigo_hi seb128, dpm08:05
seb128hey rodrigo_08:06
rodrigo_pitti, hmm, I don't have any langpack-* package installed on my system08:06
dpmpitti, perhaps TLE? He was helping with languagepack updates, but I would have thought he'd talk to you or me to request a copy to -proposed08:06
pittirodrigo_: language-pack-*08:06
didrockspitti: all looks good here with popular apps, apart from the help guide not being translated08:06
rodrigo_sorry :)08:06
pittirodrigo_: great, thanks for testing08:06
rodrigo_ok, rebooting to test them08:06
RAOFHm.  So, in summary: (1) gnome-rr-config does a substantial amount of unnecessary work on modeswitch and (2) gets it wrong.08:08
dpmpitti, I'm glad to hear the oneiric langpacks were exported and built fine, I'm testing the Catalan ones right now, and one thing I've noticed is that some translations done before the export time don't seem to have made it into the langpacks. Can't say much about the docs, as this release we didn't have the chance to translate them08:09
didrocksseb128: seems that even nautilus-open-terminal rebuild, nautilus still crashes08:09
seb128didrocks, ok, we should perhaps conflict on it?08:09
pittidpm: ubuntu-docs is missing, investigating right now08:09
seb128didrocks, something seem to not like the mix of gsettings and gconf or something08:09
seb128didrocks, I don't use it so I didn't check08:10
seb128but the stacktrace on the apport bugs is in gconf08:10
seb128or maybe it relies on nautilus to do the gconf init which it stopped doing08:10
didrocksseb128: I don't use them as well, just seeing people still complaining about nautilus crashing and I just got confirmed they are using build108:10
didrocksoh right08:10
didrocksdo you want I have a look at this?08:10
didrocksif it's only gconf init…08:11
seb128didrocks, it's a random guess, if you want to try please do08:11
didrocksseb128: let's try that, if I don't find it then, let's conflict it08:11
seb128didrocks, ok08:11
seb128didrocks, do you know if somebody checked the upstream vcs to see if they have GNOME3 fixes?08:11
seb128RAOF, blame it on federico :p08:11
* RAOF gets all blame-y.08:12
didrocksseb128: looking now, I just looked if there was a new release08:12
seb128RAOF, thanks for looking at this code btw, we tend to ping pong bugs between xorg and gnome-desktop,gnome-settings-daemon but they always end up just sitting there08:12
didrocksnothing since 0.1908:12
didrocksseb128: no, gconf is initialized…08:16
jbichasome reports claimed that removing ubuntuone helped with the nautilus-open-terminal crashes08:16
jbichabut I don't know if that's true or not08:18
didrocksyeah, I'm seeing that08:18
didrockslet me have a try08:18
seb128well we started getting bugs about it recently so I can believe there is a conflict between those08:18
seb128not sure if that's the gsettings,gconf mix08:18
dpmpitti, so yes, it seems that some translations in Catalan are missing. Looking at the oneiric/language-pack-ca-base folder, it seems that they were not exported in the full language pack? Things like deja-dup.po and unity.po are missing from there. Am I right in expecting they should be thee, or am I not looking in the right location?08:18
pittidpm: hm, the German pack has both08:19
pittidpm: oh, wait08:19
pittidpm: they are in -gnome-ca-base08:19
rodrigo_pitti, from a 1st look, a couple things: keyring dialogs are in English, as is the help for language support08:19
rodrigo_rest seems to be ok, but still checking08:19
rodrigo_well, apart from some weird translations, like "cuentas en línea" for online accounts08:20
rodrigo_that's why I use English always, some translations confuse me :)08:20
didrocksjbicha: seb128: confirmed, its when having both (ubuntuone and open-terminal) that nautilus crashes08:20
seb128didrocks, "great"08:21
seb128didrocks, let's claim it's a dobey's bug :p08:21
didrocksseb128: yeah, let's claim that! :-)08:21
didrocksI see nothing wrong in the nautilus-open-terminal code08:21
didrocksit's getting a gconf client08:21
didrocksand then get some gconf values08:21
dpmpitti, ah, that explains it, thanks08:22
rodrigo_pitti, firefox looks ok, except some plugins are still in English, but those are plugins I installed by hand, so I guess it's normal08:23
pittirodrigo_: actually, firefox isn't covered by langpacks any more, so that wouldn't chhange08:24
pittiand yes, it's normal08:24
rodrigo_ah, and emacs is still in English also08:25
rodrigo_it's not covered by langpacks?08:25
seb128didrocks, btw on my normal account I get "xwininfo: Window id: 0x1600006 (has no name)" on the edge when I get the no reveal issue08:26
seb128didrocks, so you were right, seems 2 bugs08:26
seb128one being a stacking one, one being something else08:26
didrocksseb128: can you xprop it?08:26
didrocksI'm afraid it is, yeah :/08:26
pittirodrigo_: apparently not08:26
seb128$ xprop08:26
seb128XdndAware(ATOM) = ARC08:26
seb128didrocks, ^08:26
didrocksseb128: yeah, it's the compiz window08:26
didrocksso 2 bugs08:27
seb128xwininfo: Window id: 0x1600006 (has no name)08:27
seb128  Absolute upper-left X:  008:27
seb128  Absolute upper-left Y:  208:27
seb128  Relative upper-left X:  008:27
seb128  Relative upper-left Y:  208:27
rodrigo_pitti, ok, that's what I see so far then08:27
rodrigo_ah, ditto for chromium browser, it's all in English08:27
seb128didrocks, smspillaz, ohhhh08:27
didrocksseb128: right, thanks for confirming, we need to ping Jason back08:27
pittirodrigo_: cheers08:27
seb128didrocks, it works!08:27
pittirodrigo_: chromium is both universe and not using gettext08:27
didrocksxprop fixed it? :)08:27
rodrigo_pitti, right08:27
pittirodrigo_: install chromium-browser-l10n if you care08:27
seb128didrocks, yeah, or something else, weird08:28
rodrigo_not much, I'll switch back to English in the next reboot08:28
rodrigo_as I said, some Spanish translations confuse me more than helping08:28
didrocksseb128: there is clearly something not setting the bit in the hide machine08:28
rodrigo_pitti, anything else you want me to test?08:29
rodrigo_ugh, another bad translation, in xchat -> $person has quit -> $person ha cerrado08:30
didrocksseb128: weird, ubuntuone-gnome-client 2.0.0-0ubuntu1 -> "Stop using gconf in Oneiric" but I still see a lot of gconf code in it08:30
rodrigo_which means $person has closed :)08:30
didrocksseb128: so, yeah, let's check with him08:30
pittirodrigo_: no, that's fine; thanks!08:30
rodrigo_pitti, ok08:30
rodrigo_so, I'm supposed to be swapping today with the weekend, as today I have several things to do, so bbl for some more work before leaving for the day08:31
rodrigo_so, bbl08:31
didrockswell, the gconf code is conditional in fact to older nautilus08:31
dpmpitti, ok, with the correct langpacks installed, Catalan looks good08:34
pittidpm: great, thanks; I think I can rescue the ubuntu-docs translations, too08:34
pittithe static translation tarball is fine, it just didn't get applied for some reason08:34
mhr3mvo, ping08:35
dpmpitti, ah, great08:35
mhr3mvo, i'm looking at the sc database we're using in apps-lens and i'm wondering how exactly do you construct the desktop_file field, i thought it's "app_name:desktop_id", but the second thingie doesn't seem to be desktop id08:37
mvomhr3: its just the filename of the desktop file as found in the package08:37
mhr3mvo, and you're transforming slashes there, right?08:38
pittidpm: FYI, filed as bug 869815; I'll manually hack it in this time08:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 869815 in langpack-o-matic "does not properly install mallard help files" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86981508:39
pittiand once they are uploaded, I'll work on fixing it properly08:39
dpmsounds good, thanks pitti!08:40
mhr3mvo, cause an example of what i see is: "kcachegrind:kde4__kcachegrind.desktop"08:40
mvomhr3: right, that is a expection, if its in a subdir of /usr/share/applications the slash is converted the underscores08:41
seb128RAOF, still there?08:49
RAOFseb128:  Ish08:49
seb128RAOF, just mentioning it in case that's useful, but chrisccoulson has been tracking a g-s-d xrandr dell docking issue before his holidays08:50
RAOFHe's on holidays for another week, isn't he?08:50
seb128RAOF, when the latitude e are docked the OS gets they keybinding for cycle screen configs08:51
seb128RAOF, so g-s-d gets a double event, the xrandr one and the keybinding08:51
seb128RAOF, and it cycle twice08:51
seb128RAOF, he's back on monday08:51
seb128RAOF, well I'm just mentioning it in case that's useful for the issue you were debugging on something similar08:51
seb128RAOF, he said that he thinks the dock station is sending the keybinding maybe to workaround issue on other OSes08:52
RAOFThat doesn't sound entirely unlikely.08:55
RAOFIf by "other OSes" you mean "Windows" :)08:55
pittidpm: seems ubuntu-docs does't have Catalan translations yet08:55
pitti$ ls ubuntu-docs/usr/share/help-langpack/08:55
pittics  da  de  en_AU  es  fi  gl  hu  it  nl  pt_BR  ru  sk  sl  sr  sv  tr08:55
dpmpitti, that's correct, it's entirely new documentation, and we haven't had the chance to start it this cycle08:56
pittiuh, and no French either? what happened? :-)08:56
seb128RAOF, yes ;-)08:56
seb128RAOF, well anyway just dumping the info in case it's of any use08:56
pittiseb128, didrocks: how come you French guys didn't already translate the new ubuntu-docs to 100% :-)08:56
dpmpitti, they were probably slacking08:56
RAOFseb128: It looks like there may well be an actual X/kernel bug lying around in there, but one that could be worked around by not doing so much pointless work when disabling the output.08:57
* ajmitch hopes that the english-speaking world isn't going to switch to strine :)08:57
didrockspitti: oh really? I can handy ping the translator coordinator08:57
seb128RAOF, btw is that normal that you can "stack" 2 screens on top of each other?08:58
pittiseb128: why not? you can align them however you want08:58
pittiphysically and in xrandr08:58
ajmitchis python-testtools on the cd? I just came across a bug that caused it to break my upgrade a bit08:58
dpmajmitch, the Australian team were very active, this cycle, reaching 100% translation (http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/stats/ubuntu-11.10-translation-stats.html), so perhaps... :)08:58
pittijbicha: ok, ubuntu-docs translations hand-hacked in, yelp is nicely translated now08:59
ajmitchdpm: I guess #ubuntu-nz will have to get motivated then08:59
seb128pitti, because that happened to me on lid closed the other day, I still had the laptop screen on and on top of my external monitor which leads the external monitor to have 2 rows of indicators and 2 titles nautilus background08:59
seb128pitti, pretty "weird"08:59
dpmajmitch, yeah, most definitely :)08:59
seb128pitti, well the main bug there is that it should stop the laptop screen when the lid is closed08:59
seb128not stack it over my external monitor08:59
ajmitchlifeless: fwiw, bug 84782709:00
pittiseb128: oh you don't mean "one above the other", but stacking in Z direction?09:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 847827 in python-testtools "python-testtools doesn't install on systems with Python 2.4" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84782709:00
pittiseb128: like an overlay?09:00
RAOFYeah that's quite fun :)09:00
pittiseb128: right, it never does that here either, I just xrandr off it in my "start session script"09:00
lifelessajmitch: meh :P09:00
lifelessajmitch: I mean, sorry, I care a great deal.09:00
seb128pitti, if you use a docked laptop turn off the laptop screen, dnd it over the external one if the xrandr capplet09:00
pittiso far g-s-d hasn't been very clever at handling docking stations09:00
ajmitchlifeless: yeah, easy to work around but a pain at this late stage09:00
seb128re-enable it09:01
RAOFseb128: It's entirely allowed by the XRandR protocol, though.09:01
jbichapitti: thanks, the other apps using /usr/share/help are deja-dup & aisleriot, more will switch in GNOME 3.409:01
pittiseb128: fun09:01
lifelessajmitch: we should split the tests into a different binary.09:01
pittiRAOF: yeah, I thuoght in xrandr you can use whichever weird offset you like09:01
RAOFpitti: Indeed.  g-d-p is actually quite fond of setting up my laptop display at x=8, y=1200 (under my 1920x1200 external monitor).09:02
ajmitchlifeless: it at least caused me to finally remove python2.4 from my system :)09:03
seb128pitti, well g-s-d is fine at handling docking sessions09:04
seb128pitti, but one issue is the one I was mentioning chrisccoulson was working on09:04
seb128pitti, so station send a "switch resolution" keybinding when you dock09:04
seb128which leads to a duplicate "switch resolution" event09:04
seb128and to a buggy config09:04
seb128i.e g-s-d handle it correctly with the xorg events and then the station send the extra signal that screws it09:05
seb128jibel, hey09:07
seb128jibel, indicator* bugs are dx ones, not desktop ones09:07
seb128jibel, I'm reassigning that indicator sound one to them09:08
jibelseb128, ah, sorry. thanks for reassigning.09:08
seb128yw ;-)09:09
seb128pitti, is that normal that the guest user has access to user directories?09:12
pittiseb128: erk, no; that was supposed to be fixed with my lightdm upload last Friday09:13
seb128pitti, seems it's not, well how is the restriction made?09:13
pittiseb128: what lightdm version do you run?09:13
seb128pitti, let's me reformulate "is that normal that you have access to user dirs which are 755"?09:13
pittiseb128: do you have a /etc/apparmor.d/lightdm-guest-session ?09:13
pittiseb128: no, it's not; /home should be completely blocked by apparmor09:13
seb128pitti, I'm uptodate from yesterday09:13
seb128pitti, I've a /etc/apparmor.d/lightdm-guest-session yes09:14
pittiseb128: if you do "sudo aa-status", does /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-guest-session-wrapper appear in "12 profiles are in enforce mode."?09:15
seb128$ sudo aa-status | grep guest09:15
seb128   /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-guest-session-wrapper09:15
seb128   /usr/share/gdm/guest-session/Xsession09:15
seb12815 profiles are loaded.09:15
seb12815 profiles are in enforce mode.09:15
seb128it's in that list yes09:15
seb128pitti, well, I open a guest session, click on nautilus, ctrl-L, /home09:16
seb128and it let me browse the users dirs09:16
pittichecking here, hope it didn't get broken in the last updates09:16
pittieh, guest user disappeared from user indicator09:16
seb128pitti, I've no /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-guest-session-wrapper09:16
seb128$ dpkg -S lightdm-guest-session-wrapper09:16
seb128dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern *lightdm-guest-session-wrapper*.09:16
seb128pitti, .install screwup?09:16
pittithat might also explain why I don't even have a guest session in the indicator09:17
seb128I've a guest session in the indicator09:17
pittiseb128: can you please file a bug for trackign this, and I'll look into it in the meantime?09:17
seb128pitti, ok09:17
seb128pitti, I'm looking at why it's not installed09:17
pittihm, seems user switching is completely gone right now09:17
seb128there is a fail somewhere09:18
seb128pitti, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lightdm-team/lightdm/1.0/revision/123309:18
seb128that seems wrong09:19
pittierk, where's the rest of the code?09:19
seb128it seems he merged only a revision or something09:20
pittihe just merged the second commit of my branch, not the first one09:20
pittiseb128: I'll fish that out as a patch again then09:21
seb128pitti, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lightdm-team/lightdm/trunk/revision/124209:21
seb128pitti, so it seems it might be a trunk to 1.0 backport issue09:21
pittiseb128: ok, re-opening bug 84902709:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 849027 in lightdm "lightdm does not provide an equivalent to the gdm guest session AppArmor profile" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84902709:22
seb128pitti, do you want a new bug or using that one is ok?09:22
pittiI'm using that one09:23
seb128pitti, thanks09:24
seb128didrocks, btw, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/703840/ is the duplicates from retracer since yesterday09:27
didrocksseb128: ah nice!09:27
didrocksseems we clearly got fixes for the right ones :)09:28
seb128didrocks, the top 3 are the 3 bugs you closed with your upload today09:28
* didrocks looks at other popular one09:28
seb128indeed ;-)09:28
didrocksbug #868514 is the open-terminal one09:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 868514 in nautilus-open-terminal "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in gconf_client_get()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86851409:28
* didrocks dups09:28
seb128the next one as well09:29
seb128the next next one is the new gnome-desktop wrapper RAOF added but he said that's not a real issue just apport noise09:29
seb128I will retweak my script09:30
didrocksah, an unity 2d crash09:30
seb128it was making the list with titles using lp09:30
didrocksseb128: can we get a webpage with cumulative data over days?09:30
didrocksif you need help, I can give it a look :)09:30
seb128didrocks, there a 2 issues there09:31
seb1281- I don't know how to go from the retracer box to a public space09:31
seb128i.e how to auto publish the log09:31
seb1282- apport logs lack some infos so I need to hack09:31
seb128I will send a patch to pitti for that09:31
pittiseb128: for 2-, is there something we need to add (logging) to apport-retrace?09:31
seb128i.e the line who has the "duplicate of #...." doesn't have timestamp09:32
pittiseb128: for 1, it's possible, but requires some effort09:32
seb128pitti, well right now I grep for "duplicate of #..." and sed09:32
didrocksI think it would be a nice QA tool if we can achieve those09:32
seb128but I lack the timestamp09:32
seb128so I can't do "by day"09:32
pittithat should be trivial to fix09:32
pittiand it's running trunk, so we can roll it out immediately09:32
seb128pitti, I will have a look to make a patch09:34
didrocksseb128: i guess we need a cumulative view as well (but the timestamped one can help to see when the issue started to raise)09:34
seb128didrocks, how "cumulative"?09:34
didrocksseb128: if you need any help, do not hesitate, I like hacking around those tools09:34
didrocksseb128: like, "this crash got xx duplicates in total"09:34
seb128didrocks, I think I'm fine thanks, my script from previous cycle works fine to process the datas09:35
pittialso, if you want crash-digger to keep some statistics, that's probably easier to implement in that code than through grep and sed09:35
seb128what I've issue with is to get the bugs 'from the day'09:35
pitti10/07/11 09:32:06: retracing #869852 (left in pool: 0)09:35
seb128pitti, well the grep, sed command run on the logs takes like 1 second09:35
pittithat does have the day?09:35
seb128pitti, i386.txt.2011107.gz:Report is a duplicate of #861548 (not fixed yet)09:36
seb128I'm using those09:36
seb128to see what bugs get duplicates09:36
seb128pitti, I'm not counting unique retracing, just duplicates09:36
seb128pitti, i.e I want to see everything which i.e got > 5 duplicates this week09:37
seb128pitti, so from that line I count 861548 1 duplicate09:38
pittiseb128: hm, did you recently truncate the logs, or is that a bug in apport?09:39
pittiah, apparently so09:39
seb128pitti, I rotate them daily so I can run a "stats from the day"09:39
pitti08/24/11 06:07:46: Report is a duplicate of #824979 (not fixed yet)09:39
seb128pitti, btw I use that09:39
seb128$ zcat [ia]*.gz | grep 'duplicate of' | awk '{print $6}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n09:39
pittiso the timestamp does exist for python bugs09:39
pittiReport is a duplicate of #849414 (not fixed yet)09:40
seb128those lack the timestamp ;-)09:40
pittiah, that's in apport-retrace, not crash-digger09:41
pittiok, so it's not a two-second patch09:41
pittiI'll test new lightdm first, get that pushed out, and come back to this then09:41
seb128pitti, thanks09:41
pittiok, lightdm is happy again09:47
pittiseb128: nice catch!09:47
seb128pitti, thanks ;-)09:47
seb128pitti, well rather "useful bugs review"09:47
seb128there was a comment on a bug asking if that's normal09:48
seb128pitti, did you try to use the scripts since your changed the retracers?09:48
seb128$ export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/apport09:49
seb128$ scripts/subscribe-triagers.py ./bug09:49
seb128  File "/home/ubuntu-archive/apport/apport/crashdb.py", line 492, in get_crashdb09:49
seb128    execfile(conf, settings)09:49
seb128IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/etc/apport/crashdb.conf'09:49
pittiseb128: no, I didn't09:49
seb128db = apport.crashdb.get_crashdb('launchpad-credentials')09:49
pittioh, that woudln't work09:49
seb128is the corresponding line09:49
pittigive me a second09:49
seb128yeah, no hurry09:49
pittiseb128: right, get_crashdb() needs /etc/apport/crashdb.conf10:06
pittiseb128: can you try again?10:08
pittiseb128: I edited it, but didn't run it10:08
pittifrom apport.crashdb_impl.launchpad import CrashDatabase10:08
pittidb = CrashDatabase('launchpad-credentials', None, {'distro': 'ubuntu'})10:08
pittiseb128: get_crashdb() gets the implementation and arguments from /etc/apport/crashdb.conf10:08
pittithat instantiates the right one directly10:08
pittiit's also possible to provide a different path to crashdb.conf, but IMHO above is more direct and eaiser10:09
pittiseb128: if it works for you, I'll apply it to the other scripts as well10:09
seb128pitti, trying10:12
seb128pitti, ok, that fixes that error10:13
seb128I get "ImportError: No module named launchpadlib.errors" now10:13
pittieh? that again?10:13
seb128isn't lpi installed on that box?10:13
seb128no it's not10:13
pittiseb128: you probably need to call it in dchroot10:13
seb128should I file a rt?10:13
pittiall the retracer stuff runs in dchroot -c oneiric10:13
seb128pitti, ok, that works10:14
pittiit's installed there, and in the dchroot you can do "sudo apt-get install" yourself10:14
pittiseb128: ok, doing the change to the other scripts10:14
seb128\o/ my natty script still works10:15
pittiwow, so I didn't break the log format even? :-)10:16
pittiseb128: all scripts fixified10:16
tkamppeterseb128, I have found out the cause of my online account problem, bug 869341, and given suggestions to solve the problem.10:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 869341 in gnome-online-accounts ""Online Accounts" icon and UI appears in g-c-c when gnome-online-accounts package is not installed, ignoring user's registration input." [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86934110:18
seb128tkamppeter, thanks10:18
seb128didrocks, pitti: ok, my script gives that output: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/703867/10:19
seb128just for info10:19
seb128that's bugs with ndup >= 210:19
seb128on the log from yesterday10:19
didrocksseb128: great! and for lazy people, can you add the link to the bug?10:19
seb128didrocks, yeah10:19
seb128now I need to figure a way to get things published from the retracer to people10:20
seb128or somewhere else10:20
pittiI wonder if jibel has something similar (working directly on LP); every release meeting he gives the "most active bugs" stats10:20
pittiseb128: it's roughly like this:10:20
seb128jibel, ^10:20
pittiseb128: on lillypilly (people.c.c), create a ssh key which only allows an rsync call10:21
pittiseb128: on porter, create a ssh key called "retracer" without a password, and install it on lillypilly10:21
pittithen set up a cronjob to rsync the logs every 10 minutes10:21
seb128pitti, I will have a go to it, thanks10:22
pittiseb128: check ubuntu-archive@lillypilly:.ssh/authorized_keys10:22
pittiseb128: it does that very thing for a lot of other reports, such as component-mismatches and the like10:22
pittiwith that you can limit the damage that the passwordless ssh key can do10:22
seb128pitti, thanks10:24
pitticyphermox: any progress on bug 805311? last dupe is from September 30, I wonder if it was magically fixed then?10:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 805311 in gnome-bluetooth "gnome-control-center crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_instance_get_private() (device_services_changed)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80531110:25
BigWhaleIt is frustrating that network mounts are not accessible from command line... or are they?10:56
BigWhalenetwork mounts made in nautilus10:57
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jibelseb128, I use something close. I've a script that extract data from LP, the output is there http://paste.ubuntu.com/703895/ it also generate a json file11:23
jibelseb128, then another script process the json file to create statistics11:24
mvoseb128: if nautilus tells me it can't mount my external devices with "not authorized", what can I do?11:25
seb128mvo, is gnome polkit daemon running?11:34
seb128jibel, what is the logic of your script? is it slow to run?11:36
seb128jibel, logic, i.e what bugs does it consider?11:36
mvoseb128: the agent you mean? yes, polkitd as well11:41
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seb128mvo, what error do you get?11:42
mvoseb128: Unable to mount kindle\nNot Authorized. is there a chance that there is anything somewhere else?11:43
seb128mvo, ps aux | grep kit-gnome?11:44
seb128mvo, can you i.e unlock the g-c-c user account panel11:44
seb128i.e is polkit working in other desktop components?11:44
* mvo checks11:45
jibelseb128, it takes everything with an ubuntu task and tagged "oneiric" reported over the last 3 days or week. following this logic reports submitted without apport are not caught.11:45
jibelseb128, and it is as fast as a remote access to the lp api can do.11:46
mvoseb128: update-manager works, but its asking me for a password on check, normally we allow that for admin users11:46
mvoseb128: somehting odd is going on11:46
seb128mvo, ck-list-session?11:46
seb128mvo, is your session an active admin one?11:47
seb128pitti, still around or at lunch?11:48
mvoseb128: oh, that is interessting, it showns me a whole bunch (about 10) for some I am marked active and local, for others I'm not11:48
seb128mvo, do you have that number of active sessions in vts, etc?11:49
mvoseb128: no, just one open terminal with a signle tab and no users on the console (but I was logged into that before)11:50
seb128mvo, ok, weird11:50
mvoseb128: all sessions have the same session-id it seems11:50
seb128you should have only one active session11:50
pittiseb128: back now11:50
seb128pitti, kamstrup got a candidate patch for the lightdm ck issue: https://code.launchpad.net/~kamstrup/lightdm/fix-gvariant-refs/+merge/7857411:51
seb128pitti, I'm about to upload to the ubuntu-desktop ppa, do you think we should try to get it in oneiric now as well?11:51
kamstrupseb128, pitti: at worst it can cause a leak if you log in and out a lot. Not add more crashing :-)11:52
kamstrup(although I am pretty sure it's correct)11:52
pittiseb128: oh, so it lost the ref and crashed due to accessing an already freed object/11:52
pittiyes, I think leak is better than a lost ref11:52
pittiseb128: fine for me to put it into final, this looks harmless enough11:53
kamstruppitti: but I actually don't think it's leaking when we sink the ref. All callers I could grep passed in a g_variant_new_*() directly in the method params11:53
mvoseb128: rebooting fixed it, I think it was a .Xauthority that had wrong permissions that lead me to not be able to log in, but  apparently that did not close the CK sessions and that mightly confused the poor polkit11:54
pittikamstrup: great job!11:54
seb128mvo, ok11:54
seb128pitti, should I upload to Oneiric then?11:54
seb128on it11:54
pittiseb128: please go ahead11:54
seb128doh, who changed dch in oneiric to stop setting oneiric :p12:03
pittiannoying that12:03
seb128pitti, ok, reuploaded with an oneiric target this time12:03
pittiseb128: so how do you figure out the duplicate date without the timestamp?12:09
seb128pitti, I don't, I rotate manually log every day and run my script on the whole current log :p12:10
seb128every day or every couple of days12:10
seb128or I tail it12:10
seb128i.e I hack around ;-)12:10
seb128pitti, well done, I confirm that the guest account block the home access now ;-)12:30
pittiseb128: from now on retracer logs will have timestamps12:34
pittiseb128: this might break your scripts?12:35
pittiseb128: shall I wipe the logs again, to have one format in a file?12:35
seb128pitti, yes please12:35
pittiseb128: doesn't affect dupcheck.txt, so I'll leave that12:36
pittidone, appended to existing 2011107 logs12:36
seb128I will clean a bit my script and they try to automate it12:36
seb128pitti, thanks!12:36
pittide rien12:36
* pitti having time to do such changes to apport <-- GOOD sign!12:37
seb128pitti, I've some retracers wishlists for next cycle btw12:37
seb128do you want bug reports?12:37
pittiseb128: please12:37
seb1281- update the title after retracing to use the correct function name12:38
pittiusually works better than separate todo lists; I look at +assignedbugs rather often12:38
seb128it picks the name from the submit time nowadays but that's often not accurate12:38
pittioh, I thought we already do that12:38
pittibut +112:38
pedro_update the backtrace of the master bug is there's a dup with a new version ? :-)12:38
seb128that would be nice as well12:39
pittiin addition?12:39
seb128or at least "don't clean regression bugs"12:39
pittithat's more complex, but bug please12:39
seb128i.e bug that are detected duplicates of closed bugs12:39
pittiseb128: "clean regression bugs"?12:39
pittithey shouldn't be duped in teh first place12:39
pittii. e. if a duplicate comes in if the master bug is "fix released"12:39
pittiit should go to a new bug12:40
pittithat hasn't worked for a while12:40
pittibut a few weeks ago I fixed this consolidation thing12:40
seb128pitti, if I submit a duplicate of a known bug that is ought to be fixed it will mark "that is a duplicate of that bug", tag regression but not attach the retraced stacktrace12:40
seb128pitti, the new bug doesn't get the retracing attachments though12:40
pittiseb128: oh, wow; that ought to be simple to fix indeed, bug please and +1 from me for fixing12:40
seb128it just get "it's a duplicate of that closed bug"12:40
seb128pitti, well, let me file a few bugs and give you the numbers12:40
pittiI want to add that to the test sutie12:40
seb128rather than describe over IRC ;-)12:41
pittiseb128: everything that is retracing, please file it against upstream12:41
pittias we are running trunk in the DX12:41
pitti(which makes things a lot easier)12:41
seb128pitti, ok12:41
seb128the deb from bug #550625 makes my touchpad work in g-c-c12:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 550625 in linux "Alps touchpad is recognized but synaptics clients and scrolling do not work" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55062512:50
seb128I can disable the pad while typing now!12:51
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seb128pitti, bug #86997013:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 869970 in apport "it would be nice to update the function name in the title after retracing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86997013:10
tkamppeterpitti, I got a patch from Tim Waugh to fix the bugs of the cupsd-crashes-shortly-after start class, like bug 860498 or bug 860691 should this go as direct Oneiric upload or as 0-day SRU?13:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 860498 in cups "cupsd crashed with SIGSEGV in main() : cannot access memory at address 0x7ffffff7" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86049813:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 860691 in cups "cupsd crashed with SIGSEGV in main() straight after boot and then periodically." [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86069113:14
pittitkamppeter: what's the patch?13:14
tkamppeterpitti, diffstat is 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)13:14
pittihm, sounds like SRU to me, I think13:15
tkamppeterpitti, for some users (see bugs) CUPS crashes shortly after it starts, making printing not working and causing crash reports. The crash is caused by a bug in Tim's Avahi support patch. Tim has provided a simple patch today.13:16
pittitkamppeter: can you please commit the patch to debian bzr? I'll have a look at it there13:17
seb128pitti, bug #86997413:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 869974 in apport "Would be nice to have the "session started" time" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86997413:19
tkamppeterpitti, will do.13:19
pittiseb128: responded to 86997413:24
dobeyseb128: claim what is dobey's bug?13:27
seb128pitti, thanks13:27
seb128ups, focus issue13:28
seb128pitti, ok, bug #869982 and I'm done for today13:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 869982 in apport "Should be easier for the maintainer to get updated stacktraces for a known bug" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86998213:28
seb128pitti, I'm really interested by this one13:28
seb128pitti, I've tried to expose the issue rather than suggest a solution though I gave some ideas about what I think could work13:29
seb128pitti, ok, replied to the other one13:33
didrocksdobey: bug #865115, see the last comments (I confirmed it's the case)13:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 865115 in ubuntuone-client-gnome "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in gconf_client_get(), if both nautilus-open-terminal and ubuntuone-client-gnome are installed" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86511513:36
dobeydidrocks: illogical13:38
didrocksdobey: what is illogical? can be gsettings and gconf mixing and creating issue, but I bet nautilus itself is using gsettings already13:39
dobeynautilus is using gsettings, yes; but it shouldn't matter what the plug-in uses13:40
didrocksdobey: I confirm that mixing the two plugins crashes though13:40
dobeydidrocks: is there a complete stack trace anywhere? that bug seems to not have any apport retraces13:40
didrocksI guess I saw one in the dup, anyway, it's pretty easy to reproduce13:41
pittiseb128: replied to 86998213:45
dobeygdb won't let Us attach to the nautilus process13:45
seb128dobey, sudo ?13:45
seb128pitti, danke13:45
seb128pitti, replied ;-)13:47
seb128pitti, we can discuss it over IRC if you prefer btw then update the bug13:47
pittiseb128: replied to 86997413:48
didrocks#3  nautilus_open_terminal_get_file_items (provider=0x829d630, window=0x82de078, files=0x0) at nautilus-open-terminal.c:55013:48
didrocks        items = 0x013:48
didrocksdobey: this seems wrong ^13:49
pittiseb128: it's actually nice to have the discussion on the bug, otherwise I'll ask all over again later on when I get to this :)13:49
didrockslet me install more dbgsym13:49
dobeyyeah that seems wrong13:49
seb128pitti, ok ;-)13:49
pittiseb128: ok, bug 869982 settled13:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 869982 in apport "Should be easier for the maintainer to get updated stacktraces for a known bug" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86998213:50
pittineed to run out for a bit, back at release meeting13:50
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seb128pitti, thanks ;-)13:50
didrocksdobey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/703972/13:53
didrocksI guess it's the best backtrace I can get13:53
didrocksdobey: do you create a dummy file or something like that that nautilus-open-terminal is picking?13:53
dobeydidrocks: can you p *err in frame 0?13:54
didrocksdobey: $1 = (GError *) 0x013:56
didrocksdoesn't really help :)13:56
dobeythat doesn't match your backtrace13:59
dobeygconf_client_get (client=0x82b0730, key=0x1e102f4 "/desktop/gnome/lockdown/disable_command_line", err=0xbfffee4c)13:59
dobeythat is not 0x0 :)13:59
didrocksdobey: indeed, I relaunched it, let me see if this time the bt is different13:59
dobeymaybe you need to print the local version instead, not sure what it is though14:00
didrocks(gdb) p err14:00
didrocks$5 = (GError **) 0xbfffee4c14:00
didrocks(gdb) p *err14:00
didrocks$6 = (GError *) 0x014:00
didrockswith this time: #0  0x01a96f99 in gconf_client_get (client=0x82b9af8, key=0x1e102f4 "/desktop/gnome/lockdown/disable_command_line", err=0xbfffee4c) at gconf-client.c:159314:00
didrocksit's a GError **, that's why we were puzzled :)14:01
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dobeyp **err :)14:03
didrockswell, unsurprinsingly: (gdb) p **err14:05
didrocksCannot access memory at address 0x014:05
dobeyoh well14:05
dobeythe crash We are getting on natty is different :-/14:06
didrocksoh really?14:07
tkamppeterpitti, patched cups built, started, clicked around in s-c-p, printed test page, keeps running, patch committed/pushed to Debian BZR.14:07
dobeydidrocks: yeah, debugging it14:15
didrocksdobey: great, thanks! :)14:15
mvodpm: meh, do you have a moment to help me with LP? I'm unable to find the right knob to configure it to export the updated translations into a branch that is mergable from software-center trunk14:24
dpmmvo, sure14:25
dpmlet me load the sc LP page...14:25
dobeydidrocks: fixing14:27
didrocksdobey: oh you found the issue? Nice!14:28
dobeyyes, i think so14:28
dobeyneed to test on oneiric14:28
dobeybut am pretty sure it is it14:29
dpmmvo, that's the page you need: https://translations.launchpad.net/software-center/trunk/+translations - do you want to merge the rosetta-i18n-export branch to trunk?14:29
mvodpm: yeah, that is what I would like to do14:30
dpmmvo, ok, so does that answer the question? Or were you trying to do something else as well?14:31
mvodpm: thanks, I think I find my way aroudn now, I have no idea why I ended up on https://translations.launchpad.net/software-center where there is no sync setup14:31
didrocksdpm: send me the patch if you need oneiric testing14:31
dpmmvo, cool. Yeah, that's a bit confusing in the UI - you can only configure translations sync in branches, but not from the project's main page14:32
mvoyeah, I htink that was the missing info I needed, thanks again :)14:32
dpmdidrocks, perhaps you meant dobey ^ ;)14:32
didrocksyeah dobey ^ ;)14:33
didrocksdpm: silly too smart weechat :-)14:33
dobeydidrocks: testing on Our laptop14:35
dobeyoh look, no unity14:35
didrocksdobey: can you look at your .xsession-errors?14:38
didrocksdobey: do you have console-kit message?14:38
chrisccoulsongood afternoon everyone14:39
dobeydidrocks: https://chinstrap.canonical.com/~dobey/xsession-errors14:39
didrockshey chrisccoulson14:39
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks, how are you?14:39
dobeygnome-session[1692]: WARNING: App 'compiz.desktop' respawning too quickly14:39
didrocksdobey: yeah, it's the lightdm issue with console-kit that hopefully kamstrup just fixed14:40
seb128dobey, try updating lightdm with the current version14:41
pittitkamppeter: hm, this isn't immediately obvious to me -- it falls back to comparing pointer values if the timeval comparison says that it's different timestamps?14:41
pittitkamppeter: it's less obvious than a simpler null pointer access fix or the like, so I think this should become an SRU14:41
pittitkamppeter: please feel free to upload current bzr head to oneiric-proposed (or wait until next week, in case there are more fixes piling up)14:41
pittitkamppeter: please just don't commit/tag the upload to debian bzr14:42
tkamppeterpitti, the problem hewre is that the array can contain two elements which are absolutely equal by content. To assure that the correct one gets deleted, the compare function uses the pointer values if the two entries are equal content-wise. This way the sort function can never consider two entries equal if the tywo are not the same entry.14:50
tkamppeterpitti, I will check whether Tim did not mess up ...14:50
pittitkamppeter: ah, I see, thanks14:51
pittitkamppeter: so the workaround with linear search that you did back then was something else then?14:51
tkamppeterpitti, yes, it was another bug.14:52
tkamppeterpitti, it seems that the CUPS arrays work only if the sort functions only return 0 if the two array elements are the same array element. The sort functions should never return zero if the elements are different elements with only the sort key fields being different. Even Mike Sweet did sometimes wrong on this.14:54
tkamppeterpitti, if a CUPS array is small, then it is better to not use a sort function and stay with linear search.14:55
pittitkamppeter: ok, that makes more sense now, thanks for the heads-up14:55
pittitkamppeter: so, I'm ok with an upload to oneiric if you want to do it now14:55
tkamppeterpitti, OK, should I do it or should you do it (you have to approve it anyway)?14:56
tkamppeterpitti, I have no other CUPS bug in the queue, especially no crasher.14:57
pittitkamppeter: please do (meeting now); just upload current bzr, without committing the upload to bzr14:57
tkamppeterpitti, so taking your last AppArmor fix with it?14:57
pittitkamppeter: yes, that's harmless14:57
dobeyseb128: seems to have logged in properly the first time after boot now, at least14:58
tkamppeterpitti, OK, you only need to approve as soon as it is up.14:58
dobeydidrocks: how is this crash reproduced btw?15:00
seb128dobey, great15:01
didrocksdobey: hum, just killall nautilus and launch it again, there is a 70% of the crash there15:01
pittitkamppeter: hm, seems we are already testing images and Kate wants a hard freeze, so it's SRU after all15:02
pittitkamppeter: sorry (but early SRU should be just as good)15:02
pittitkamppeter: you can already upload to oneiric-proposed, BTW15:02
tkamppeterpitti, already uploade, so reject it and I will upload the package marked -proposed. Should the version number be -0ubuntu1 or -0ubuntu0.1 then?15:05
pittitkamppeter: -9ubuntu1 will do fine15:05
pittitkamppeter: rejected15:05
mhr3mterry, btw i checked the leaks and yea, it's much better now15:06
mterrymhr3, awesome15:07
mhr3mterry, the only thing i see is a couple of GtkLabels leaking per each app15:07
mhr3but really just a few15:07
mhr3like 6 per app15:07
mterryInteresting.  Sounds like the indicator-appmenu fix I pushed.  But that went through too, so this must be something new15:07
mhr3i should finally finish my awesome tool to be able to see who created the instance at least :)15:09
mhr3the backtrace is already there... just needs ui work15:10
mhr3but pygtk... eek :P15:11
dobeydidrocks: yep, seems to fix it15:13
didrocksdobey: awesome \o/ seems a nice SRU candidate then15:13
dobeydidrocks: yeah, nautilus-open-terminal is in universe right?15:15
didrocksdobey: oh, the fix is in nautilus-open-terminal?15:15
didrocksdobey: if so, we can upload :)15:15
didrocksok, so SRU for ubuntuone15:15
dobeyit is in ubuntuone-client-gnome15:15
didrocksdobey: and yeah, as it's in universe, it's not installed by default15:16
dobeybut nautilus-open-terminal is in universe, so not an installed by default thing :)15:16
didrocksso 0-day SRU for upgrade is fine15:16
kenvandinedobey, i am piloting, so send me the SRU branch an i can upload :)15:16
dobeywhen We make one We will do that. We are fixing in trunk first. And getting lunch. :)15:18
kenvandinelunch is good15:18
pittiseb128: meh, another "500: Internal Server Error" crash15:22
seb128pitti, ;-(15:22
pittiseb128: I'll have a look at making this transient15:22
pittithis happens so often these days, also for our SRU scripts15:22
kenvandinedobey, is "We" kind of like "Dobey, dobster and the dobmaster"?15:24
pittiseb128: btw, do you still need these files in ~? list, debug, bug15:24
seb128pitti, no, sorry, that was earlier testing15:24
pittino problem, just asking15:24
seb128pitti, I should do that in a testing dir ;-)15:24
pittiit doesn't hurt, I just wondered15:25
pitticrashes in lp_save() through close_duplicate(); erk15:25
pittiif I do the dup in the web UI, it says15:26
pittiThe following errors were encountered:15:26
pitti    AttributeError15:26
pittiprobably too many dupes15:26
pittiseb128: so, I think I better leave it crashing, so that we can clean those dupes manually; it's not crashing too often, and ignoring it leads to open bugs which are dupes; ok?15:33
seb128pitti, works for me yes15:34
tkamppeterpitti, CUPS uploaded to -proposed.16:00
tkamppeterpitti, do I need to do something else?16:00
pittitkamppeter: nope, that's fine; thanks16:00
tkamppeterpitti, can you approve it now?16:05
dobeykenvandine: it is the Royal We16:06
pittitkamppeter: will do on Monday, when we freeze really really hard16:06
tkamppeterpitti, OK, I only thought to let the bug-reporting users test this already on the weekend ...16:08
pittitkamppeter: (asking in release meeting)16:14
pittitkamppeter: ok, Monday it is16:18
tkamppeterpitti, OK.16:18
* popey hugs pitti 16:31
pittipopey: I wish I had seem that earlier, then we could have fixed it months ago :(16:32
popeymeh. it's a very small subset of the world that a) run the developer edition of iOS, and b) run Ubuntu, and c) plug device A into computer B :D16:32
popeystill, I'm happy ☺16:32
seb128ok, time for some sport, I will be back in ~45 minutes to read the backlog and emails and then call it a week16:36
seb128have a nice w.e for those who will call it a week before I'm back ;-)16:36
pittiseb128: bye16:37
didrockssee you seb12816:38
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micahgseb128: any chance you can fix the desktop team owner before eow?16:50
asaci unmaximized firefox on up to date oneiric16:51
asacand the window decoration disappeared :)16:51
asacbut only for firefox :/16:51
dobeyasac: same here16:54
asacdobey: oh ... at same time :)?16:55
asacseb128: didrocks: interested in any info i could gather now?16:55
asacotherwise i will killall firefox :-P16:55
dobeyasac: no, We saw this behavior last night16:55
dobeyasac: restarting firefox didn't help :)16:55
asacdobey: wm restart required?16:56
dobeynot for Us16:56
dobeydon't know if it is fixed at all yet :)16:56
dobeylet's see16:56
asacoh your ffox is now with decoration forever ?16:56
didrocksasac: only for firefox, you still have decoration on the other apps?16:56
asaci wished i hadnt unmaximized it ... want to maximize it again16:56
asacdidrocks: exactly16:56
dobeyoh it is working now on Our laptop16:56
asaci unmaximized firefox because i wanted to move it to different desktop16:56
didrocksasac: if you can reproduce, I think smspillaz would be interested in the "damage" plugin16:57
asacsuddenly it was on a different desktop ... when i looked i figured it was sitting there without decoration16:57
didrocksif you can enable it (it should be in -extra plugins)16:57
asacdidrocks: ok so nothing i can do with this state16:57
asaclet me try to kill and see if it happens again16:57
didrocksasac: unfortunately, no16:57
dobeyasac: so log out/in might fix it16:57
asacnot easily reproducable16:58
asacrestarting helped16:58
dobeyasac: We have installed new updates since, so no guarantees :)16:58
asaclet me dist-upgrade one more time16:58
pittigood night everyone!17:18
didrocksok, time for week-end then!17:18
pittihave a nice weekend17:18
didrocksthanks, you too pitti :)17:18
jbichaI think cheese and gnome-sushi will build on ARM if someone wants to retry those builds17:30
seb128asac, when that happens you can alt-click-dnd to the top, the grib will snap it17:32
seb128jbicha, ok17:32
asacseb128: smart. i should have remembered that17:33
asacbut i think without window decoration you cannot move at all?17:33
asacnext time17:33
seb128asac, no, that works, been there, done that ... ;-)17:34
asacthats awesome ... how can i disable window decorations alltogether :)?17:34
asacseems i dont need that feature :)17:34
asacweekend fun17:34
jbichaI've seen a few reports that Firefox search plugins still go missing for upgrades from Natty to Oneiric17:39
seb128jbicha, I think it's on chrisccoulson's list for next week17:39
seb128they agree it's ok for a SRU since it doesn't affect new installs17:39
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micahganyone care about epiphany-extensions-more or can I remove from oneiric?18:13
micahgBug #870187 if anyone has a good reason to not remove18:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 870187 in epiphany-extensions-more "Please remove epiphany-extensions-more source and binaries from oneiric" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87018718:14
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bjfi just copied two pictures from my cell phone onto the desktop, the files were there for a second and then vanished21:29
bjfthe files themselves are in ~/Desktop just don't show up21:30
bjfdoes unity not like files on the desktop ?21:30
bjfthis is oneiric amd64 unity 3D21:30
bjfthe desktop icons seem to come and go, i'm trying to determine the pattern21:35
bjfif I move the mouse over the icons they appear, if i move away from them they disappear21:36
bjfbug #87034322:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 870343 in unity "The icons associated with files copied to the desktop appear and disappear as the mouse moves across the desktop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87034322:06
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