
=== MrChrisDruif is now known as Bill_Gates
=== Bill_Gates is now known as ChrisDruif
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville
PiciI'm having some wiki weirdness.17:47
Picihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames claims it doesn't exist yet, but the page revisions don't say it was deleted or anything.. and if I try to revert it to a prior version, I get a moinmoin python error.17:49
Pici<class 'MoinMoin.PageEditor.CouldNotLock'>: Page could not get locked. Missing 'current' file?17:49
jbichaPici: open a request ticket by sending an email to rt@ubuntu.com17:49
Picijbicha: righto17:50
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
bkerensamdke: Can you ping me when you are around?19:15
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
mdkebkerensa: hey19:52
bkerensamdke: Can I pm?19:52
jbichamdke: pitti had to manually inject the ubuntu-docs translations into today's langpack update, bug 86981519:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 869815 in langpack-o-matic "does not properly install mallard help files" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86981519:57
mdkejbicha: interesting, thanks for letting me know19:59
jbichabut his workaround worked, we got pretty translations for several languages :)19:59
mdkeas we get more and more translations, we are going to have to figure out a way around a weird build bug19:59
mdkebasically if we have too many languages, it crashes with a complaint that it can't call so many install commands at the same time...19:59
jbichais it just old translations conflicting with the new build?19:59
mdketoo many help files :)20:00
jbichashaunm: do you know anything about that ^20:00
mdkeI worked around it by leaving out the translations which only have a very few strings translated20:01
jbichaI think we're building about the same way as gnome-user-docs does20:01
mdkeI had the same problem in natty as well20:01
mdkeyes, we are20:01
mdkebut shaunm may not have come across it if he doesn't build packages for distributions20:01
jbichamdke: do you ever use meld?20:02
mdkenot heard of it20:02
shaunmyeah, not something I've dealt with20:02
jbichathat's what I used to merge in gnome-user-docs updates this cycle, it's a visual diff tool20:02
shaunmis it trying to parallelize every file at once and can't run any more commands? that sounds crazy20:03
mdkesomething like that I think20:03
jbichawell that page is a bit outdated but meld is cool20:03
mdkeanything that helps us keep on track with gnome-user-docs, that isn't an easy merge20:05
mdkeshaunm: I'll get you a build log once I get to an Ubuntu system sometime20:06
jbichamdke: did you also try in a PPA? just in case it's something specific to your computer20:13
mdkejbicha: no, I haven't. Actually I've never tried using a ppa20:15
jbichamdke: ah, it's basically the same as pushing to the main archives, just create a PPA, set the changelog to ~ppa1 or something and dput ppa:mdke/ppaname20:17
mdkejbicha: perhaps we should use em more20:18
mdkejbicha: i'll give it a shot sometime20:18
jbichaI got my sbuild setup which is similar to a PPA for testing, but if you want wider distribution PPAs are good20:19

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