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dtiguei would like a cloak please17:15
pangolinircc awake17:16
pangolin!membership | dtigue17:16
ubottudtigue: Ubuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership17:16
pangolinircc cancel that17:17
dtiguehmm, so how does one go about getting that recognition ?17:18
pangolindtigue: you can get an unaffiliated cloak in #freenode for an @ubuntu/member cloak you need to read the info on the link ubottu gave you17:18
jussidtigue: do lots of cool stuff17:20
* jussi smacks pangolin for not checking first17:20
pangolinjussi: apologies, I assume most people know that they need to become a member before asking for a member cloak.17:21
jussipangolin: its about 50/50 ;)17:21
pangolindtigue: basically it is like at a gym, pay your dues and then we expect you to work harder :)17:22
jussipangolin: thats a pretty good example :P17:23
dtiguehaha, i've been using linux since 1996, i moved to ubuntu just because i felt i should learn what the rest of the world is gonna be using so i could support it, i hold linux certs and for a living i am a sys. admin for linux servers, according to the membership guidelines of how to "apply" you have to jump through a bunch of hoops that may still end up with you being denied membership17:26
dtiguei dont know that i have the time to go to meetings and the like just to be 'considered' a member17:27
dtiguei though having a launchpad account made you a member17:28
k1ldtigue: ubuntu membership means that you need to contribute to the community. no matter if you are a "linux pro" and patching stuff or you help in your loco team in reallife. there a million of ways you can contirbute17:28
dtigueexactly, and i have been contributing to the community of ubuntu and linux as a whole before ubuntu was even around, but how does one prove that he has helped out through irc or through going out in to the wild on his off days and handing out free ubutnu disks?17:30
dtigueor holding local lug meetings and shoving ubuntu on all the people that show up who are still running slack, by telling them ubuntu is the way of the future17:31
k1ldtigue: then talk to your loco group.17:32
dtiguemy loco group are about dead17:32
k1ldtigue: then revive it.17:32
jussidtigue: do you have ubuntu members that can cheer for you at a membership meeting?17:32
dtiguei tried getting things going with them at one point a few years back and they didn't want to hear it17:32
dtiguethey may have revived it by now, but once i was given the cold shoulder there i was pretty much done trying with em17:33
PiciUbuntu Membership is about recoginising the folks who have been contributing to this project.  I've seen a number people be denied because they were directing their efforts at Debian, or one piece of upstream software.17:34
k1ldtigue: for the status ubuntumember you need to contribute to the ubuntu community.17:34
pangolinif you are helping Ubuntu just so you can get membership, you are doing it wrong.17:34
PiciIts not about just linux related things.17:34
dtigueand i have contrbuted to the ubuntu community, you would know that if you read my earlier messages17:35
dtiguebut its ok, i will move on, i dont have to be cloaked under the flag of "ubuntu-elitism"17:36
PiciI think you're getting the wrong message about this.17:36
pangolindtigue: seems to me that you are the one being eletist17:36
k1ldtigue: we are not about to judge the effort. i just want to let you know, that you need some testimonials or some way the membership board can see your efforts.17:36
PiciEveryone goes through this same process.17:37
dtiguepangolin: how is telling you guys of my experience elitist?17:37
pangolindtigue: it isn't your assumption that you /should/ get membership because of experience is though17:38
pangolins/it isn't/it isn't,/17:38
pangolinit's about an attitude, the current members didn't help Ubuntu just so they could be members. They did it because they wanted to even if they never got membership.17:39
dtigueno not at all....i wasnt trying to get the membership from my experience, i was just telling you guys of my experience, i thought i would qualify because of my contributions, but like i said how can one prove that i have done the things i have done17:39
dtiguei didn't do any of the things i have done to be a member, hell i didn;t even know there was a 'membership' until recently17:40
pangolindtigue: the membership boards use a few different factors to /prove/ for one your word is assumed to be good, testimonials from current members and users...17:40
k1ldtigue: like i said. get testimonials from other users or get the ubuntu users you helped with come to your membership metting, when you apply, and let them cheer up for you.17:41
pangolindtigue: well, create a wiki page like it says in the link from the bot and add yourself to a meeting you can attend. they don't last more then an hour usually.17:42
pangolinalso, if you can't attend a meeting for your reginal board you can attend a different board meeting if the time is better for you.17:42
dtiguei dont really have time for that right now, but maybe i can try to get around to it later, i have my hands in alot of projects at the moment17:43
pangolindtigue: that is fine. sorry I called you eletist it wasn't very Ubuntu of me :/17:44
dtigueno problem17:48
dtiguei guess maybe i need to make myself be known a little bit more in the help channels17:49
dtigueits just hard finding the time for that17:49
dtiguebut i will do it if you guys think it will help17:51
k1ldtigue: contribution is not only about the support channels. translations, forums support, loco work, patching stuff, etc. find your way you can contribute to the community. that is about becoming a member.17:52
k1lwhat i mean is: one way is not better than the other :)17:53
jussidtigue: I guess the advice I would give to you is to go and make what you are doing visible to people who can cheer for you.17:54
jussi(and then of course, go do more cool stuff)17:55
dtiguei cant translate anything, forums is something i definetly need to spend more time in, as far as the loco if it is still the same as it was last time then it needs a revolt to fix it17:55
jussidtigue: where are you located (curiousity only, feel free to not reveal)17:56
dtiguethere isn't many linux users or ubuntu users in Alabama, the company i work is one of the few that uses it on the desktops and servers17:56
pangolinthere are also Ubuntu Hours17:57
jussidtigue: yeah, looks like the group hasnt updated their wiki in ages (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlabamaTeam)17:57
dtigueas far as patching, im in the very early stages of learning python17:57
dtigueso how can we get someone else in charge of the AlabamaTeam17:58
pangolinthose are a neat and informal way of getting people involved and doing advocacy17:58
dtiguelooking at the hours wiki now17:58
jussidtigue: Id recommend you dont try do _everything_ - choose something and do it well17:58
pangolinit's about quality more than quantity17:58
dtiguejussi, here in alabama, i have to do everything or nothing will get doen here :)17:59
dtigueas you can see with the alabamateam, people aren't motivated to get things done here17:59
dtiguewe are a little slow :) j/k18:00
pangolinThey just need someone to jump in and start maybe18:00
pangolinthe ubuntu hours is a good way to start18:00
jussieah +1 to the ubuntu houres18:01
dtiguethe ubuntu hours i had never heard of, but i have done things like that hundreds of times18:01
dtiguewell its good talking to you folks, and i will act upon your suggestions, but it is time for lunch18:01
jussilaters dtigue18:02
pangolinlater dtigue see you around ubuntuland :)18:02
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