
dholbachgood morning06:39
AlanBellhttp://ubuntu-uk.org/free-cds/ now accepting pre-orders in our LoCo07:13
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czajkowskiAloha 08:30
serfustop of the morning loco people08:31
Kai_annyone Alive?08:51
czajkowskiAloha 08:51
Kai_nice :p08:51
ebelI am trying to order the oneric cds for the ubunut-ie loco, but the form requires a state/province and zip/postcode, my address has neither..10:35
ebel(Technically for me the state (Ireland) is the same as the country, which is not the same as the province (Lenister))10:36
czajkowskiebel: are they mandaory fields 10:36
czajkowskinobody in here developed it 10:36
czajkowskiwhat;s the issue and I can go join anothe channel to ask 10:36
ebelyes they are mandatory fields, I cannot leave them blank10:37
ebel(Well I've fuffed the postcode with my postal district)10:37
czajkowskiebel: ok will go ask the developer 10:37
czajkowskiyou're the first team to bring it up 10:37
ebelIt looks like the form was designed with north american addresses in mind, with US states and canadian provinces.10:38
ebel#ubuntu-ISD has no-one in it.10:39
czajkowskiyeah I got it wront 10:39
czajkowskiit's canonical-isd and I've pinge dthe person 10:39
ebel(whereas here, state and province have different meanings and are not equivalent)10:39
czajkowskiyeah and putting munster on a postal address would look daft 10:40
ebelYep. It would be correct, but a bit nuts. In the same way my apartment is on the 4th floor, but I don't put that on the address10:42
ebelczajkowski: do you know what barony and townland your address is in aswell? :P10:42
ebelI also have to put practically my whole address into the "Street" box on the form. Which is OK, but odd.10:43
czajkowskiebel: don't take it up with me 10:43
czajkowskiI didnt create the form!10:43
czajkowskiit's a canonical created one as many teams don't put in all the infomration10:43
ebel☺ Ah I know, that's ok.10:43
czajkowskiI've pinged the developer 10:43
sbcczajkowski: Can you tell me why my (and the over-all Danish) feed here hasn't been Processed yet? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoPortalFeeds11:58
czajkowskisbc: its manually done 12:21
czajkowskiand there are 6 people on the council not just I who may not have gotten around to doing it just yet 12:21
czajkowskisbc: is your loco an approved Loco >12:22
sbcczajkowski: Yes we are, and I can see that you have accepted ubuntu-michigan, who have added themselves to the wiki after I added our loco team.12:22
sbcczajkowski: It was not an attack on you for not doing it, I just saw that you have added others, so you were the first natural choice to ask.12:23
czajkowskisbc: I did a few in bulk 12:23
czajkowskiand then ran out of time 12:23
czajkowskisbc: paultag popey huats leogg itnet7 can all do it also 12:23
czajkowskisbc: I'll get on it this evening if it's not done then currently I'm at work 12:25
sbcczajkowski: Thanks12:26
czajkowskisbc: what team are you ?12:27
czajkowskimhall119: ping can you pm me the admi url to the LD so I can update it 12:28
nigelbczajkowski: its the default admin screen right?12:29
nigelb(I can PM it if you want)12:29
nigelbohwait. ld is crashing with a memory error. Sigh.12:29
czajkowskiyea done 12:31
mhall119czajkowski: did nigelb help youout?13:00
czajkowskiyeah 13:38
czajkowskithen LD crashed as I was adding feeds13:38
mhall119czajkowski: sorry for the problems, we're having a hell of a time trying to figure them out13:40
czajkowskimhall119: no worries I'm just getting poked to add feeds13:40
czajkowskicatch 2213:40
czajkowskimhall119: thanks though13:40
czajkowskiI still say kick the machine 13:41
mhall119IS did13:41
czajkowskiyeah....... lemmie at it :D 13:42
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