
=== rww is now known as tardis
=== tardis is now known as rww
=== noy_ is now known as noy
=== IdleOne is now known as pangolin
=== jibel_ is now known as jibel
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
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* stgraber waves15:00
* skaet waves15:00
meetingologyMeeting started Fri Oct  7 15:00:34 2011 UTC.  The chair is skaet. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.15:00
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired15:00
* joshuahoover waves15:00
* charlie-tca waves15:00
skaet[TOPIC] Release general overview - skaet15:00
skaetAgenda can be found: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2011-10-0715:00
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Release general overview - skaet
skaetWe're in Final Freeze for Main and the Seeded Universe.  Thank you for all the fixes that have been submitted over this last week!  :)   We've got dry run images up on the iso tester,  and are in the final stretch.   Only high/critical fixes necessary to release that can't be SRU'd will be accepted now.    If you discover a problem that fits that criteria, please join us in #ubuntu-release and start the discussion.15:01
skaetPlan for the next week:15:01
skaetToday/Tomorrow - Testing of dry images, and selective respins as requested by product managers/release team.15:01
skaetSunday - everything gets marked offical and we try for the candidate image builds and populate the ISO tracker15:01
skaetMonday - testing and analysis of any issues found.15:01
skaetTuesday - testing and analysis, release notes,  unseeded universe freeze at 1200 UTC15:01
skaetWednesday - testing and analysis, release notes,  checklist run throughs15:01
skaetThursday - 11.10 Release15:01
skaet#LINK http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/kernel-bugs/reports/rls-mgr-o-tracking-bugs.html15:01
skaethas the bugs we're trying to drive down to 015:02
skaetWould also like to request all the flavor product leads take a pass through15:02
skaet#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/ReleaseManifest15:02
skaetand confirm the details are accurate for their images15:02
skaet.after testing reports today,  request for the team during the round table is:15:02
skaet1) any known release blocker bug to fix prior to Sunday?15:02
skaet2) which 0 day SRU's are in plan?15:02
* skaet looks around... not seeing any hands15:04
skaetheading into round table then.15:04
skaet[TOPIC] Hardware Certification team update - mlegris15:04
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Hardware Certification team update - mlegris
mlegris[Week 40 Testing Report]15:04
mlegris[link] http://people.canonical.com/~hwcert/hw-testing/week40_2011.html15:04
mlegris*  Bug #810145 - unity-panel-service crashes - has been fixed15:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 810145 in unity (Ubuntu Oneiric) "unity-panel-service crashed with SIGABRT in __kernel_vsyscall()" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81014515:04
mlegrisgearing up for the 11.10 release and the cert testing that will follow15:05
mlegrisAlso, No to 1 and 2 :)15:05
mlegrisAny questions?15:05
mlegrisSeeing none15:05
skaetThanks mlegris,  glad there's nothing on your blocker list.  :)15:06
mlegrisnp skaet15:06
skaet[TOPIC] QA team update -  jibel15:06
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: QA team update - jibel
jibel= Pre-release images smoke testing =15:06
jibel* Upgrade:15:07
jibelUbuntu Desktop/Server i386|amd64: Passed15:07
jibelAutomatic Upgrade Testing almost white (mythbuntu failed)15:07
jibel* Installation:15:07
jibel  * Ubuntu Desktop i386/amd64: Passed15:07
jibel  * Ubuntu Desktop USB i386/amd64: Passed15:07
jibelrandomly affected by bug 76935915:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 769359 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Out of memory error when running Live CD prevents installation from completing" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76935915:07
jibel  * Wubi i386/amd64: Passed15:07
jibel  * Ubuntu Alternate i386/amd64: Passed15:07
jibel  * Ubuntu Server i386/amd64: Passed15:07
jibelautomated test is randomly affected by bug 818177, a restart of the system shows that it installed correctly.15:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 818177 in udev (Ubuntu Precise) "boot failures because 'udevadm exit' does not kill udevd worker threads" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81817715:08
jibel  * Netboot Desktop, Desktop USB and Server tasks: Passed15:08
jibelTestcases not reviewed yet:15:08
jibel* Desktop: LTSP, CJK, Screen-reader,  amd64+mac15:08
jibel* Server: RAID, Encypted LVM, iSCSI15:08
jibelList of bugs reported:15:08
jibel= Boot speed =15:08
jibelit is stable15:08
jibelquestions ?15:09
skaetThanks jibel!   much appreciated!15:09
skaetlooks like both issues are known, and we'll be keeping fingers crossed nothing else shows up.15:09
cjwatsonI think in practice 769359 is probably a bug somewhere else, depending on what process got killed15:10
cjwatsoninstalls just inherently use more memory to start with due to running from a live CD, and so ubiquity tends to get victimised by this15:11
cjwatson(it's not the *most* memory-compact of programs itself, but ...)15:11
mvofwiw, the failure of mythubuntu is a false postive15:11
mvo(in the auto-upgrade-tester)15:11
jibeland I forgot, wubi upgrade is not tested yet.15:13
skaetjibel,  fix for 818177 was in discussion last night,  expect to pick it up if we re-spin server before Sunday.15:13
skaetjibel,  ack, re: wubi15:14
* skaet looks around, not seeing any more comments, moving on15:14
skaet[TOPIC] Security team update - jdstrand or micahg15:15
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Security team update - jdstrand or micahg
jibelk, we'll need a respin of desktop for today's unity and lightdm uploads15:15
skaetjibel,  so it seems.   ping you when its done.15:15
* skaet not seeing jdstrand, moving on.15:16
skaet[TOPIC] Kernel team update - ogasawara15:16
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Kernel team update - ogasawara
ogasawaraOverall status is reported at the first link below.  Burn down for Oneiric Final is at the second link below.  Burndown for the cycle is at the third link:15:16
ogasawara[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Oneiric15:16
ogasawara[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/canonical-kernel-team-ubuntu-11.10.html15:16
ogasawara[LINK] http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/group/topic-oneiric-kernel-tasks.html15:16
ogasawaraYesterday we uploaded a new linux-meta-3.0.0-12.14 to resolve some missing meta-packages.  This morning we also uploaded a new linux-3.0.0-12.20 kernel to resolve unmet install dependency issues for linux-image-extra.  We uploaded to -proposed as a safety precaution in case it takes too long to build.  It will be copied to the release pocket should it finish building in time, else it'll be promoted to -updates as a day 0.15:16
ogasawara Also, with kernel.org coming back online, upstream stable v3.0.5 and v3.0.6 were released.  We've queued these stable updates for the first Oneiric kernel SRU.  We are currently below both of our final milestone and overall burndown charts.  The remaining 2 work items are not release critical.15:16
ogasawaraOf the remaining bugs called out on the agenda against the kernel, status is as follows:15:17
ogasawara#480444 - Needs further investigation.15:17
ogasawara#710733 - Package is for debug purposes, not release critical.15:17
ogasawara#714862 - Assigned to kernel dev, investigation ongoing.15:17
ogasawara#746133 - Fix Released.15:17
ogasawara#754711 - On a 3.0 oneiric kernel, system now suspends but doesn't resume.  further invetigation required.15:17
ogasawara#758486 - Fix Released.15:17
ogasawara#761082 - Confirmed against Oneiric, investigation ongoing.15:17
ogasawara#790712 - The order 5 allocation seems to be bogus and non-fatal; further investigation ongoing.15:17
ogasawara#814325 - Issue confirmed upstream, further investigation required.15:17
ogasawara#831954 - Fix Released.15:17
ogasawara#836250 - Assigned to kernel dev, performance tests indicate environmental factors.15:17
skaetThanks ogasawara!   you've answered my 2 questions in your summary.15:18
skaet[TOPIC] Foundations team update - cjwatson15:19
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Foundations team update - cjwatson
cjwatsonBug 818177: partial workaround being tested in a PPA, may require upload prior to Sunday15:19
cjwatsonBug 854837: some debug output acquired, may or may not help, probably not a showstopper15:19
cjwatsonBug 853688: remaining piece in command-not-found not critical, -> updates15:19
cjwatsonImportant bugs elsewhere:15:19
cjwatsonBug 572128 in Launchpad has arisen as a regression due to the multiarch-translations work last cycle; working on getting this sorted out pre-release to avoid having to republish later15:19
skaetThanks cjwatson!  bugs noted.15:20
skaetanyone have questions?15:20
cjwatsonoh, s/last cycle/this cycle/ in my last line there, sorry15:21
skaet[TOPIC] Server team update - Daviey15:21
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Server team update - Daviey
Davieybug 801494 - Multi part LVM layout: system fails to boot due to missing volumes - Suspect related to other udev issues, which foundations are investigating15:21
Davieybug 850880 - cobbler-ubuntu-import does not pull from -updates - Assigned to adam who is travelling until Eow, it's touching a universe package so not a huge rush.15:22
Davieybug 838581 - Failures in db_pool code: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '_keymap' or not returning rows. - will be in next nova upload15:22
Davieybug 803488 - [Oneiric] Load xen_blkback and xen_netback on startup15:22
Daviey - Need to confirm the fix (univese package)15:22
DavieyReally, i think we are looking OK.15:22
DavieyI don't think there is anything urgent that we need to touch a main package for at the current time.15:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 801494 in Ubuntu "Multi part LVM layout: system fails to boot due to missing volumes" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80149415:23
DavieyRC - might proove otherwise.15:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 850880 in cobbler (Ubuntu Oneiric) "cobbler-ubuntu-import does not pull from -updates" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85088015:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 838581 in nova (Ubuntu) "Failures in db_pool code: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '_keymap' or not returning rows." [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83858115:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 803488 in xen-common (Ubuntu Oneiric) "[Oneiric] Load xen_blkback and xen_netback on startup" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80348815:23
DavieyThe udev bug(s), which foundations are looking at is causing concern.15:23
Davieytap tap, is this thing on?15:24
skaetThanks Daviey!15:24
skaetyup,  just looking up some of the bugs.15:24
skaetwhat bugs fixes do you want to trigger respins before Sunday?15:25
skaet818177,  xen-linux-system - are the two that I've noted.15:25
skaetam I missing something?15:26
DavieyI'm not sure we have any which we need to do TBH.15:26
DavieyThere might be a tweak to the cobbler enlistment tool... (no bug))15:26
Davieybut otherwise, thigns we NEED to do - seem to be complete15:26
DavieyIf the dev issue(s) are solved before then, i'd uite like a respin :)15:26
skaetDaviey,  fair enough.   thanks.15:27
skaetDaviey,  how do the cloud images look?15:27
Davieyi think they have had more exposure this cycle.15:27
skaetgood to hear.  :)15:27
Davieythings were noticed earlier, i think.15:27
skaet[TOPIC] ARM team update - ogra_15:28
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM team update - ogra_
ogra_GRR, if the unity launcher wouldnt always move in front of me i could actually paste ...15:28
ogra_= Full Status is at: =15:29
ogra_= Summary =15:29
ogra_ * Team focus is on image testing this and next week15:29
ogra_ * Banshee was finally dropped yesterday, there seems to be no fix in sight atm, bug is still being researched but we didnt want to risk the release15:29
ogra_ * There was one uboot upload to fix an overheating problem on OMAP 4460, so that oneiric images will work on the new panda platforms.15:29
ogra_ * The partman-uboot issue was not solved, we will release-note that guided partitioning creates to small boot partitions.15:29
ogra_= Image Status =15:29
ogra_ * Desktop images build15:29
ogra_ * Server images are good15:29
ogra_ * Netboot images are fine too15:29
ogra_= Specs =15:29
ogra_ - Entire http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-arm.html15:29
ogra_ha !15:29
ogra_copy/paste from a maximized terminal really needs some usability rework :P15:29
* skaet suggests a bug be opened.... against Precise ;)15:30
pittiI just disable the launcher popup on the screen edge, it drives me crazy15:30
pittiskaet: believe me, we argued for hours and days -- design decision15:30
pitti(in natty already)15:30
* jibel hands some stacking issues to ogra_ so the launcher will shows behind windows.15:30
ogra_marking something on the top left corner always makes you end up on the launcher ...15:31
ogra_jibel, lol15:31
ogra_exactly what i need :)15:31
ogra_skaet, anyway, not much from arm today, we're in testing mode15:31
skaetogra_ thanks!   suspected that would be the case,  and will keep fingers crossed nothing too critical pops up.15:32
ogra_thanks :)15:32
skaetany questions for ogra_ ?15:32
skaet[TOPIC] Linaro update - fabo15:32
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Linaro update - fabo
fabo= Developer Platform =15:32
fabo * Planning for Linaro 11.10 took most of the week15:33
fabo * Switch to Oneiric based images on-going; several regressions to fix compared to Natty images; server image added;15:33
fabo * New Unity 3D with full GLES support planned to be integrated on Oneiric based images15:33
fabo * John Rigby has pushed fixes for bug 867670 and bug 86765015:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 867670 in u-boot-linaro (Ubuntu) "OMAP 4460 based pandas run too hot at current operating point" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86767015:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 867650 in u-boot-linaro (Ubuntu) "OMAP4 eMMC support is missing" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86765015:33
fabo * Marcin has pushed a fix for bug 86459115:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 864591 in armel-cross-toolchain-base (Ubuntu) "gcc-4.6-arm-linux-gnueabi is uninstallable on Oneiric" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86459115:33
skaetThanks fabo!15:34
* skaet will ask about the regressions a bit more next week offline.15:34
skaet[TOPIC] Ubuntu One Team - joshuahoover15:34
faboskaet: ok :)15:34
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu One Team - joshuahoover
joshuahooverthere are 2 bugs that we have targeted for srus right now:15:35
joshuahooverbug 807737 - u1-client file sync - corner case where files can be moved to the trash, fix is ready just needs packaged & uploaded as an sru (in both oneiric and natty)15:35
joshuahooverbug 851044  - banshee music store crash - webkit fix for this bug fixes the crash, we'll still release a fix for libu1 as an sru15:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 807737 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu Oneiric) "LR should not touch the hashes of non-existant MD" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80773715:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 851044 in libubuntuone (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Banshee.exe crashed with SIGABRT in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID() / while using Ubuntu 1 Store." [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85104415:35
joshuahooverand one other bug that should be fixed in our packages but could still cause problems due to a bug elsewhere:15:35
joshuahooverbug 825280 - t-bird u1 address book - we fixed the authentication related errors in a desktopcouch release & released an update to couchdb-glib as well that provides a fix but we may still see "book backend is opening" errors which are likely due to recent changes in evolution-data-server15:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 825280 in couchdb (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Repeated Ubuntu One address book errors" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82528015:35
joshuahoover...and that's it15:35
skaetthanks joshuahoover!   can that last one be release noted?15:35
joshuahooverskaet: yes, i believe so, i'm still personally trying to test it to see if it's an issue15:36
skaetthanks!   please let me know the results of your testing.15:36
joshuahooverskaet: will do :)15:37
skaet[TOPIC] Desktop Team update  - pitti15:37
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Desktop Team update - pitti
pittiAlmost exclusively RC bug fixing and debugging this week. In particular, we fixed several critical issues in lightdm.15:37
pittiLanded final langpacks today, not yet on the currently tested images. In particular, this now has the translations for the new ubuntu-docs. This uncovered bug 869815, but that got worked around by some manual hacking.15:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 869815 in langpack-o-matic "does not properly install mallard help files" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86981515:37
pittiCleaned up http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/kernel-bugs/reports/rls-mgr-o-tracking-bugs.html#desktop -- all but one now have assignees, and closed the duplicate/already fixed ones15:37
pittiAt this point, all release-tracked bugs on above list/on our radar are SRU candidates and not release blockers (those were fixed in late uploads).15:37
pittiPlanned 0-day SRUs so far:15:37
pitti * cups (bug 860691 and bug 860498); I'd be happy with uploading it right now (the patch looks safe to me), but as skaet called out a hard freeze now, it's in the -proposed queue for now.15:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 860691 in cups (Ubuntu) "cupsd crashed with SIGSEGV in main() straight after boot and then periodically." [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86069115:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 860498 in cups (Ubuntu) "cupsd crashed with SIGSEGV in main() : cannot access memory at address 0x7ffffff7" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86049815:37
pittiStatus of other release targetted bugs is on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus#rcbugs15:38
skaetThanks pitti,  that answered my questions about the SRUs quite nicely.15:39
skaetI'll go in and mark all of the ones on the lists as updates, and Precise targets then.15:39
pittiskaet: I think I already did that15:39
skaetpitti,  coolio.  :)   is everything in now,  for a respin for jibel?   or do we need to wait for a few things to land?15:40
pittii. e. dropping the ubuntu-11.10 milestone, and moving to -updates15:40
skaetyup, that should have done it.15:40
pittiskaet: yes from my side, unless we want cups15:40
pittilangpacks are all built15:40
pittibut cups is by far not a blocker15:41
pittiI saw a software-center landing in the queue, though; haven't looked at that yet15:41
skaetif cups not a blocker,  prefer to leave it in the 0day SRU bucket at this point.15:41
skaetre: software-center.  ok, lets discuss after meeting.15:41
pittiskaet: oh, hang on; the current linux build doesn't change anything but the broken dependency, but we might want that on the images, I think15:42
pitti(if for nothing else than to test for toolchain regressions and the like)15:42
skaetpitti,  yes.  prefer to check while we can.   ok. we'll see when it lands, and decide.15:43
skaet[TOPIC] Desktop Experience Team Update - dbarth_15:44
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Desktop Experience Team Update - dbarth_
dbarth_report at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/OneiricReleaseStatus15:44
dbarth_point release upload on tuesday15:44
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
dbarth_we have more 0-day sru candidates for compiz & unity, tracked at http://tinyurl.com/6bo5mro (ie the crticals)15:45
dbarth_in particular the recent compiz issues reported have a fix in testing15:45
dbarth_#869316 and #86991915:45
skaetThanks for the SRU list,  dbarth_!15:46
skaetI'll take a pass through them after the meeting and cross check against the ones I've been tracking.15:46
skaetIs there anything you consider a blocker at this point that can't be fixed with those 0 day SRU ones?15:47
dbarth_i've cross checked those as well15:47
dbarth_no show stopper that i can spot15:48
skaetthanks!  very glad to here it.15:48
dbarth_the compiz issues are disappointing, but they can't block you for installing., booting, updating15:48
skaetany other questions for dbarth_?15:49
skaet[TOPIC] Kubuntu Team update - ScottK15:49
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* skaet looks around for ScottK?15:50
skaet[TOPIC] Edubuntu Team update - stgraber or highvoltage15:50
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Edubuntu Team update - stgraber or highvoltage
stgraberHi everyone!15:50
stgraberEdubuntu still looks good this week.15:50
stgraberI've started running upgrade testing yesterday and didn't run into any noticable/unexpected problem, expecting to have these done today.15:50
stgrabermvo also just started running auto upgrade testing of Edubuntu! that should save me quite a bit of time, thanks!15:51
* highvoltage waves15:51
stgraberWebLive is now available on Oneiric though not the install-anything function that will still need some more work (but can wait till post-release).15:51
stgraberOnly bugs found in WebLive so far are: bug 870055 and bug 870061 with the first one being the worst. I hope to have it fixed by release so I can just run a custom unity-2d build.15:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 870055 in unity-2d "[panel] Menus don't stay open if mouse button is not pressed in a weblive session" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87005515:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 870061 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-menu crashes the whole session when using NX" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87006115:51
stgraberI'll be doing more WebLive testing and fixing on Sunday from London as the latency to the servers is going to be much lower (WebLive is hosted in Germany).15:51
stgrabermgariepy will get us new screenshots of everything and I hope to have all the documentation and release anouncement written this weekend so I can just flip the switch on Thursday.15:51
stgraberAnd that's it!15:51
skaetThanks stgraber!   sounds good.   :)15:51
skaet[TOPIC] Xubuntu Team update - charlie-tca15:52
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Xubuntu Team update - charlie-tca
charlie-tcaXubuntu looks good at this time. Images are sized good again. blueman crashes after the restart, it will probably be fixed with an update. We are not planning 0day SRU's at this time and no blockers today.15:52
charlie-tcabug 840094 : I will add it to release notes, users installing from the desktop have no issue. It will only affect those who do not run the live session installer.15:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 840094 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu Oneiric) "[xubuntu] There is no screen title" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84009415:52
charlie-tcaI should probably say the Xubuntu will be writing separate release notes for the final release. We will be putting in a reference to them in the Ubuntu release notes.15:53
charlie-tcaAny questions?15:53
skaetThanks charlie-tca!   That sounds fine re: release notes.15:53
skaetglad no blockers on your side.15:53
charlie-tcaThat's not to say they won't mess us up with the latest changes, of course.15:54
* skaet is keeping her fingers crossed that is not the case.15:55
skaet[TOPIC] Lubuntu Team update - gilir15:55
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Lubuntu Team update - gilir
gilirhi :)15:55
gilirNot much to report this week.15:55
gilirStill fighting with bug 854837, still not reproductible and difficult to track.15:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 854837 in casper (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Lubuntu live image boots to TTY" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85483715:55
gilirOther bugs we are tracking on ISO testing are known issues since a long time on Lubuntu, or minor issues (nothing to block the release).15:55
gilirNo 0-day SRU planned.15:55
skaetThanks gilir!15:56
skaetWill we be release noting 854837, or still hoping for a fix.15:56
gilirprobably just release noting if I can't reproduce it15:57
gilirI plan to test on more hardware to try to reproduce it and give mor einfo15:57
skaetgood luck.15:57
gilirthanks :)15:57
skaet[TOPIC] MOTU Team update - tumbleweed15:58
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: MOTU Team update - tumbleweed
tumbleweedhi. pretty quiet week for MOTU (quite cycle too)15:58
tumbleweednothing big remaining, that I know of, except the vlc sync that still needs review15:58
tumbleweedand piles of RC bugs that should probably be review, but we're running out of time on that...15:58
Laneyyeah, please help with http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/rcbugs/ if you get bored15:59
skaetThanks tumbleweed and Laney.  :)15:59
skaet[TOPIC] any other business?  comments?   questions?16:00
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: any other business? comments? questions?
dokoplease add to this page, and prepare packages for next Friday16:00
* cjwatson takes dpkg from that list16:01
cjwatsonI'll prepare it in whatever dead time there is at the release spsrint16:01
skaetthanks for raising doko. :)16:01
cjwatsonalso next Thursday if you can :-)16:01
cjwatsonsometimes we manage to do some initial opening on the Thursdday16:02
pitticjwatson, doko: I suppose uploads to precise won't work until we release oneriic?16:02
cjwatsonpitti: pretty sure they won't16:02
skaetpitti, that's my belief as well.16:02
dokopitti, no, use oneiric ppa's to prepare binaries16:02
pittidoko: is there a common one for ~ubuntu-core-dev?16:03
pittiwhich we usually use?16:03
dokodebhelper build time is not the problem16:04
skaethttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/TechnicalOverview - is open for any bugs you think worth release noting at this point.16:06
rickspencer3skaet, can I say something at this point in the meeting?16:06
pittiskaet: o/16:06
skaetrickspencer3, go.16:07
rickspencer3I just wanted to say ..16:07
rickspencer3I know everyone is working really hard16:07
pittiOMG we're fired16:07
rickspencer3and Oneiric is coming in hot hot hot16:07
rickspencer3but ...16:07
rickspencer3Oneiric is simply the best client OS I have ever used on both of my computers16:07
rickspencer3and, the server and juju make we want to start doing web programming again!16:08
dokoskaet, do you plan to add some developer technical info to this page?16:08
rickspencer3I just wanted to say that, because I know that when the Ubuntu community is heads down cranking out releases ...16:08
rickspencer3people get close to the problems, and sometimes it's hard to see the forest for the trees16:08
rickspencer3thanks skaet16:09
skaetthanks rickspencer3   good to remind us.   :)16:09
skaetdoko,  if you've got some suggestions, feel free to add.   I'll be doing more passes today, and over the weekend.16:10
skaetpitti,  go16:10
pittihttp://china-images.ubuntu.com/oneiric/daily-live/20111001/ is still oversized16:10
pittiforgot to mention in my slot16:10
pittiwhat remains to be done is to build them from main only16:10
ogra_rickspencer3, with precise you will  even be able to do your web programming for juju on arm and save the environment !16:10
pittithat'll downsize them by 21 MB and get them in shape16:10
rickspencer3thanks ogra_ ;)16:10
pittineed to coordinate with cjwatson, it just somewhat dropped in my priority list last week, sorry16:10
skaetpitti, thanks for bringing up now.  :)16:11
pittiskaet: just in case someone asks or brings it up16:11
skaetand with that,  this will be the last weekly meeting until after UDS-P.16:11
skaetThanks again every one for the hard work on getting oneiric ready for release!16:12
pittiah, was about to ask -- so no meeting next Friday, good16:12
skaetpitti, go16:12
pittiwhen should we accept oneiric-proposed uploads?16:12
pittion Monday?16:12
pitti(there's two in the queue already)16:13
cjwatsonare we accepting apport and kerneloops today?16:13
pittiso far my standing order for that was to accept them on Sunday and then trigger all image builds16:13
pittiso that we have everything ready on Monday morning16:13
cjwatsonah, ok - should I upload a base-files for the same batch then?16:13
pittiso that we still have apport for testing today's images16:14
pitticjwatson: ah, makes sense16:14
skaetyes, given some of the things landing,  seems reasonable.16:14
pittiI think accepting SRUs on Monday for testing should work as well16:15
skaetre: oneiric-proposed,  lets touch base on Monday.16:15
pittiif we really need a final upload, we'd just bump teh version and reupload to -proposed16:15
pittibut we need to give them some testing for 0-day SRUs16:15
pittiI'm particularly thinking on firefox there16:15
* skaet nods16:15
Davieycjwatson: ogasawara confirmed she was happy for kerneloops to be accepted a while ago.16:16
pittibug 86931116:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 869311 in firefox (Ubuntu Oneiric) "searchplugins installation damaged after natty->oneiric upgrade" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86931116:16
pitti... which I forgot to mention, argh16:16
pitti(added to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus now)16:17
Davieycjwatson: bug 759545 still has a 11.10 target.. do you want to update that?16:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 759545 in grub2 (Ubuntu Oneiric) "user prompted to update unmodified grub configuration during Ubuntu server upgrade" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75954516:18
cjwatsonDaviey: yes, will bump to precise16:19
skaetany more comments/questions,  feel free to raise in #ubuntu-meeting16:19
skaetThanks mlegris, jibel, ogasawara, cjwatson, Daviey, ogra_, fabo, pitti, dbarth_, stgraber, charlie-tca, gilir, tumbleweed, Laney, doko, rickspencer3!16:19
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Fri Oct  7 16:19:51 2011 UTC.16:19
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-10-07-15.00.moin.txt16:19
charlie-tcaXubuntu wants to say a *big* thank you to everyone for their efforts getting Oneiric out.16:19
ogra_thanks skaet !16:20
Davieycharlie-tca: we aren't there yet :)16:20
Laneyis this the last release meeting of the cycle?16:20
skaetLaney,  yup.16:20
Daviey(Unless we are delayed, right? :))16:20
jibelThanks skaet !16:20
pittithanks everyone16:21
Laneywell then, it's been fun!16:21
Davieyit's been emotional.16:21
skaetLaney,  fun will resume after UDS-P.   ;)16:21
Laneyjust got... something in my eye...16:21
charlie-tcaWith the help Xubuntu got to get to this point, the Thanks are earned already!16:21
skaetCompletely agree charlie-tca!   Been some awesome features landing, and very impressive bug fixing over the last couple of weeks.16:22
pitticharlie-tca: is bug 840094 still an RC issue?16:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 840094 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu Oneiric) "[xubuntu] There is no screen title" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84009416:22
charlie-tcaIt is still an issue, but I will release note. It only affects installs from the cd menu16:23
charlie-tcapitti: I think we can push it to precise16:23
micahgskaet: sorry, we forgot to have someone cover for jdstrand on his day off16:26
micahgskaet: want an update?16:26
skaetmicahg,  sure - mostly interested in if there's anything in the security pending bucket that could cause issues.16:27
micahgskaet: not that I'm aware of, we deferred 2 bugs to SRU, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseStatus/Oneiric16:28
* skaet figures no news, is good news, on this front. :)16:28
skaetthanks micahg.   I'll take a pass through the status and ask questions directly if I spot anything.16:29
micahgskaet: the only thing I can think of is if I find a fix for chromium arm, but I guess at this point, we can defer to 0-day SRU for that as well since it's not required on any images16:29
skaetmicahg, yes,  0-day SRU is the preference at this point.16:35
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