
=== rww is now known as tardis
=== tardis is now known as rww
bazhangiToast appears to be trollin01:29
bazhangaugh trolling01:29
bazhangfrom ##linux ?01:32
rwwno, from #debian as it says :P01:33
bazhang<iToast> Knoppix would be the best server01:33
rwwoh god, I just realized he included -d01:33
rwwdouble facepalm!01:33
rwwalthough i guess it would actually make sense in a twisted sort of way01:33
pangolinwhat was the point of private pasting that?01:40
bazhangillustrate how he is trolling elsewhere01:41
bazhangknown as "evidence"01:41
pangolinbut it isn't so private in this channel :)01:41
pangolinand was he trolling or trying to help? granted it was not helpful.01:42
pangolinbut not knowing the correct answer is far from trolling.01:42
bazhanghe was linked to the guide, refused to read it, went on and on, was asked to stop.01:42
bazhangmultiple sources of evidence of exactly that: trolling01:43
pangolinok, so he doesn't read or listen to instructions that imo does not make him a troll01:43
pangolinI see trolling as doing exactly what he does BUT with malicious intent. I do not believe he is malicious.01:45
elkywell intentioned trolls are still trolls01:46
bazhangtimewaster/troll whatever01:46
pangolinmaybe my definition of troll differs01:47
bazhanghe had zero intention in following up with sammy's very helpful instructions, and was getting into a high dudgeon about something or other01:47
bazhangjust as he has repeatedly in other places, same exact behavior.01:47
bazhangheh nice link.01:51
bazhangnow hitting #archlinux, exact same things01:51
bazhangso not well intentioned at all.01:52
bazhangany idea what antihoax's script does?01:53
rwwpangolin: because privatepaste isn't Google-indexed, and I don't like Google-indexed IRC logs01:57
bazhang<anadon> What would  have to do to change all the load bars to nyancat?02:14
ldunnI've seen that done on Windows actually. It's awful :(02:15
bazhang<tux-matt> can anyone help me install glibc02:58
bazhangthat can't be good02:58
rwwI have never seen a mention of glibc in #ubuntu end well. Ever.03:32
elkybecause it can't.03:39
elkysee also ESR03:39
ubottusomsip called the ops in #ubuntu (Tyries)04:49
=== IdleOne is now known as pangolin
bazhangwonder how many variations on "girly" or "kitty" we'll get today06:43
bazhang5 yesterday06:43
bazhangnrdb spreading disinfo06:50
bazhang<nrdb> redhare, I have a windows dual boot here... it works fine... if you ever need to reinstall window it will wipe the Linux partition thou.06:50
jussibazhang: could be slight misinformation and he means grub06:54
bazhangjussi, no he meant the entire partition06:54
jussiheh, weird06:54
jussirww: you are insanely sane06:57
bazhanghe's also Franc06:57
bazhangcheck logs for some sample of his commentary06:57
bazhangor I can provide. ikonia is 100% blameless06:58
rwwWe had a wonderful long PM discussion yesterday.06:58
rwwM4dH4TT3r and I, that is.06:58
jussibazhang: just reading out of context that could look horrible :P (rww is franc? )06:59
bazhangjussi, heh no m4d3h44ter or whatever is franc07:00
rwwoh lol, he's banned from here too.07:04
bazhangelky, said to remove it today07:05
bazhangits gone rww07:06
pangolinban removed but not engaging in conversation with them07:06
bazhangI will if he comes07:06
M4dH4TT3rcan i get unbanned07:08
jussiM4dH4TT3r: hello07:08
M4dH4TT3rhow r u today?07:08
jussiM4dH4TT3r: Why would you expect me to remove the ban? how can I know that you will keep to the rules of the channel, especially when you didnt follow thew advice of the operators?07:09
M4dH4TT3ri did follow the advice of the "operators"07:10
M4dH4TT3rjust not of one perticular operator07:10
jussiM4dH4TT3r: both rww and I asked you to part and join here to discuss the ban, you didnt do that.07:10
M4dH4TT3ri was banned from here07:11
M4dH4TT3ri had to msg rww to get here07:11
M4dH4TT3rso can i get unbanned?07:12
jussiM4dH4TT3r: I need to run to a quick meeting, you can talk to bazhang or wait for a few07:14
M4dH4TT3rok ill wait07:14
M4dH4TT3rha just remember the time i was banned for not using complete words like you=u because non english speakers (who i wasnt talking to) cant understand me07:17
bazhangM4dH4TT3r, you wish to proceed or wait for jussi07:19
M4dH4TT3ror the numerous times my talking about ubuntu wasnt ubuntu related enough07:19
M4dH4TT3rill wait07:20
bazhangok. please be patient. could be an *IRC* five minutes07:20
M4dH4TT3rim gonna go make a sandwich ill brb07:22
M4dH4TT3rdamn that was good07:31
M4dH4TT3rma sent me the home canned jellys07:31
M4dH4TT3rbeen a long time since i had a oregon apple jelly sandwich07:32
ubottuIn ubottu, GirlyGirl said: kde is KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install the Kubuntu release version: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », use https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/backports official ppa to install the latest stable KDE release, or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.07:37
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.07:37
rwwnot an improvement, imho07:37
ldunn... did anything even change?07:38
M4dH4TT3rit atleast removes names and makes it more a anwser then a heresay07:38
ldunnoh she added some sillies.07:38
rwwldunn: there's more words07:38
rwwand a PPA link07:38
M4dH4TT3ri think the second one is better07:39
M4dH4TT3ralthough it doesnt mention startx the only other command they woulod really need to get started07:42
jussiM4dH4TT3r: Hi. Im now back07:42
M4dH4TT3rhow was your meeting07:42
M4dH4TT3rdid you have fun?07:42
=== Guest79607 is now known as jussi01
M4dH4TT3rdid you try releasing your name07:44
jussiM4dH4TT3r: it was ok, now, back to your problem07:44
M4dH4TT3rahh can i be unbanned please07:44
ubottuIn ubottu, GirlyGirl said: dosbox is Dosbox is a cross-platform MS-DOS emulator . To install it use "sudo apt-get install dosbox" See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DOSBox for help07:45
jussiM4dH4TT3r: Ive been thinking about it. Since you have had quite a few issues in the recent past, Im not going to unban you right at this moment. However, feel free to drop by in about 2 weeks and have another chat with me then.07:46
M4dH4TT3ryes but if its cross platform that onmly works for lixux07:46
M4dH4TT3ru kidding jussi i waited about a year came back and the same op banned me07:47
jussiM4dH4TT3r: and you havent behaved particularly well since you came back, so lets talk again in a few weeks.07:48
M4dH4TT3rand i would also recommend a program called "dos shell" it makes using dos box much simpler and remembers your settings for various applications07:48
M4dH4TT3rum yeah i have07:48
M4dH4TT3ri try to get support i get banned07:48
M4dH4TT3rend of story07:48
jussiM4dH4TT3r: the conversations in here and elsewhere in the last few days say rather differently.07:49
M4dH4TT3rwhat happens after im banned is irrelavent07:49
elkyno it's not.07:49
M4dH4TT3ras it doesnt apply to the ban07:49
jussiM4dH4TT3r: Seriously, if you need support in next few weeks, askubuntu.com is actually pretty good07:49
jussiM4dH4TT3r: what you say to us after the ban affects the ban, yes.07:50
M4dH4TT3rthats like convicting someone of murder because he got in a fight while in jail07:50
jussiM4dH4TT3r: no, not really.07:50
M4dH4TT3ryes exactly07:50
ldunnIt's more like not giving him time off for good behaviour, I think07:50
rwwif you kill someone in jail, you go through the court system again and get sentenced for murder, fyi.07:50
M4dH4TT3ri didnt say the person was killed in jail07:51
jussiIn anycase, the ban stands for at least 2 weeks.07:51
M4dH4TT3rand i dont do forums07:51
elkyThreatening to gang rape your warden isn't likely to end well for you if you're in jail.07:51
jussiM4dH4TT3r: show us that you can behave, and we can talk about it again in a few weeks.07:52
gryM4dH4TT3r: i think you may be asked to leave this channel soon (as a part of this 'you can behave' drill)07:53
jussiM4dH4TT3r: Im attempting to give you a fair go, but you need to follow the instructions Ive given if its to work.07:54
Francgry i was actually just about to leave of my own accord07:54
Francthanks jussi07:55
jussiFranc: so now if you would, please /part07:55
Francohh and what channel ban are we referring to here?07:55
jussiFranc: lets take it one step at a time - #ubuntu-offtopic ban for now.07:56
Francid rather not /part and just close the tab instead ;)07:56
Franci dont think i even ever did anything there so ok07:56
bazhangfeel free to follow up with Franc et al in #kubuntu ; I have given him many links w/workarounds with his issue.08:11
bazhangumadbro is lindalovelace from earlier ?13:01
pangolin umadbro is now known as asdjaputra13:02
pangolinI don't think he is lindalovelace13:02
bazhangah right13:02
bazhang<matlock> but it appears ubuntu's motto is broken13:18
bazhanggot him in PM; he seems to confuse The Hulk with Hulk Hogan the wrestler13:25
bazhangmatlock's issue does not add up13:36
bazhang<CimarronTij> = Merdam gnaa of some repute13:38
bazhangban forward to ##llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch13:43
Tm_Tbazhang: village in Wales?13:44
bazhangTm_T, seen -ot the last five minutes or so?13:45
Tm_Tnot really13:46
Tm_Tah, funny13:46
bazhanghe's just about to start something bad13:47
pangolinI see this going to some racist bull13:48
bazhangwitness his comments earlier about pickaninnies and some negroes are smart13:48
bazhangwhoop s not in -ot13:48
topyliit's coming. i have warned him but it will come13:49
bazhangstaff have him on highlight or something13:50
topylipre-emptive i know, but i think we were right13:51
bazhangnot at all. he was asked to stop spamming that many minutes ago13:51
pangolinnothing pre-emptive about it, known troll.13:51
bazhangby many users13:52
mneptokpicatinnies on rails!14:40
pangolinSeeker`: :)14:53
pangolinHow are you and how can I help?14:53
Seeker`mmmwow, thats how long its been since my shell went down, this place is still on autojoin :O14:53
Seeker`sorry, have finally managed to work out which channel is which, will run away now. o/15:09
popey helolo ikonia15:35
popeyor hello15:35
* Tm_T huggles ikonia15:43
pangolin!guidelines >  Guest7506016:20
urlin2ucheck the 3ubuntu thread16:20
pangolin!coc >  Guest7506016:20
Myrttithe what thread?16:20
urlin2uchannel sorry I see a address here of the person16:21
TheEvilPhoenixi assume someone's monitoring #ubuntu-offtopic16:21
pangolinI think urlin2u meant  Guest7506016:21
PiciThe one that pangolin already took care of?16:22
pangolinhappened at the same time as he joined here16:22
pangolinurlin2u: they are muted for now.16:22
urlin2uit was simultaneous, you all are fast.:D16:22
pangolinPici: I muted  Guest75060 and url joined here at the same time to tell us about it16:23
MyrttiI fail to see what's wrong with the current discussion in -ot16:23
PiciIt looks like about a minute later here.16:23
Myrttialso: I need food16:23
jussiIm cold16:38
mneptoki'm tired. but no sleep for me, busy day. this afternoon i have to descend the staircase of utter madness and touch the mind of an ancient, indescribable horror. and do some laundry.16:40
* knome huggles jussi - better?16:40
jussimneptok: wait what??? next youll be joining #ubuntu-ops-team... its a slippery slope my friend... a slippery slope...16:41
jussimneptok: and also, since WHEN did you do laundry?16:41
ubottuyeats called the ops in #ubuntu ()17:27
=== ldunn_ is now known as ldunn
bazhang<parco> im trying to save the kids22:35
bazhangadvertising his android app22:36
bazhang* wartrend (~whodafuck@c-98-213-64-83.hsd1.il.comcast.net)  <---- badident ?22:40
bazhangI dislike the attempted rationale for crossposting, or posting in the busier channel (it didnot work on the current version either!)23:00
bazhangrocket raid 2640 <---- compile that?23:03
bazhangdoctari, hi23:03
bazhang<qmr> it's entirely too much headache for a desktop, especially java and flash   <--- on 64 bit23:20
bazhang* TrollingMonster   <--- senses tingling23:58

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