
aendrukWhat's everyone's favorite blog hosting solution these days?21:19
seattlegauchoaendruk: blogger / blogspot21:28
cj_aendruk: self-hosted wordpress.  but mine's slow since I moved to an island :)21:41
cj_d'oh.  I'd usually be able to attend events on Thursday nights, but next week I need to be here on Wednesday and Thursday instead of Thursday and Friday.21:43
cj_I've got my first PCO-related get-together this weekend.  Anything I should know, val?21:44
bkerensaaendruk: Highly Optimized Self Hosted Wordpress on a finely tuned VPS22:22
androidbruceaendruk, tumblr=hipster. blogger/blogspot=soccermom . selfhosted=1337 22:29
aendrukandroidbruce: Nice evaluation.23:10
aendrukI'm currently hosted on WordPress.com, but the ads and lack of customizability are getting to be a pain. I think I'm going to make the switch to Posterous because it offers syntax highlighting and Markdown. As sweet as something self hosted would be (Jekyll get me excited...), I don't want to turn this into a huge time commitment.23:14
aendrukAnd this customer service is just awesome. http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=366718#23:15

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