
Kilosmorning superfly and others06:11
superflymorning Kilos!06:11
Kiloshi sakhi 06:14
skarrmorning Kilos06:41
Kiloshi there skarr 06:41
=== sdehaan_ is now known as sdehaan
nuvolariparleys.com sucks.07:19
Kiloshi nuvolari 07:19
nuvolariadobe air on linux #fail07:19
nuvolarihallo oom Kilos 07:19
nuvolarihoe gaan dit met oom?07:19
Kilosgoed dankie en self07:20
Kiloshi morgs07:25
morgshi Kilos and everyone07:26
nuvolariKilos: dit gaan goed dankie oom07:59
nuvolaribyt die stof maar gaan aan :P07:59
kbmonkeyhello again ubuntoers08:15
Kiloshehe hiya kbmonkey 08:15
kbmonkeyoops sorry ;p08:16
kbmonkeynow you know what i use to track my data usage 08:22
kbmonkeyhow are you Kilos? hows the head feeling?08:22
Kilosbearable ty kbmonkey hows you08:23
Kilosinstall iftop then start it with the command sudo iftop -p -P08:24
Kilosi havent worked out the extra options yet08:24
Kiloshi totimkopf 08:29
kbmonkeyusually reading the man pages tells everything about all the options08:30
kbmonkeyoh hello there superfly :]08:30
Kilosi have kbmonkey but dont understand most08:30
Kilosno forget i am a appy geek08:31
kbmonkeyha ha fair enough 08:31
Kilossome of those man pages are greek to me08:32
totimkopfKilos:  hoe gaan het met jou, maatje08:32
Kiloslike i find i have PSI+ installed but dunno what it is08:32
Kiloslol goed dankie totimkopf 08:33
Kilosen daar08:33
Kiloshoe weet jy ek praat die taal08:33
totimkopfwant ek ken jy08:33
Kiloslol skelm08:33
totimkopfjammer maar my afrikaans is nogal steeds kak08:34
totimkopfu is 'n oom08:34
Kiloswho are you skelm08:34
Kilossounds near to drubin08:35
totimkopfek kom van texas af08:35
drubinKilos: jammer ek kanie alles lees08:35
drubinKilos: waat is naby my?08:35
Kiloswhew thats long time no chat08:35
Kilosyou were coming here hey?08:36
totimkopfja hoor08:36
totimkopfdis reg08:36
Kilosmooi man. hoe werk jou planne uit08:37
kbmonkeya texan that talks die tall, nice! :D08:37
kbmonkeyhe he08:37
totimkopfja hoor ek hou daarvan om afrikaans te praat08:38
Kilosskuus drubin ek het gedink totimkopf was jy wat my terg08:38
drubinKilos: kk tot siens08:38
Kiloshe learned of the interwebs i think if i member right08:38
totimkopfnee ek's ander dude :p08:38
totimkopfja dis reg08:39
totimkopfop die blabber network08:39
Kiloskbmonkey, have ytou tried iftop08:40
Kilosyou as well08:40
Kilosgaan dit nog goed totimkopf 08:40
totimkopfek weet nie wat dit is nie08:40
kbmonkeyno im just updating my system then i'll install it kilos08:41
Kilosyou shoulda done it first then you could see what the updates cost you too08:41
totimkopfKilos: het jy dalk skype?08:42
Kilosor have you just done a clean install08:42
kbmonkeyapt tell me update used 11.6 MB but at the net cafe so I pay per time08:42
Kilosnee totimkopf my pc is te stadig en bandwidth is te duur hier08:42
kbmonkeyalso i needed to upgrade as I had a dependency conflict cos I messed around with stuff ;P08:42
totimkopfag nee :(08:43
kbmonkeywow nice one Kilos !08:43
totimkopfek kijk 'n fliek, Ghost In The Sheel, het jy dit gesien?08:43
Kiloskyk is the correct way to say look totimkopf 08:46
Kilosyou got it08:46
Kilosdrussell, wb08:46
totimkopfhet jy 'Breaker Morant' gesien?08:46
drussellKilos: thx :o)08:46
drussellKilos: oneiric update and reboot ;o)08:46
Kilosthats nice drussell 08:47
Kiloswill get there one day too08:47
Kilosnee totimkopf 08:47
Kilosek sien maar min movies08:47
totimkopfit's the only movie i know of about the boer war08:47
=== sdehaan_ is now known as sdehaan
totimkopfit's cool08:48
Kilosthere is a nice song you can get about the war too08:48
Kiloscalled de la rey08:48
totimkopfyes, i know it08:49
Kilosactually a video08:49
totimkopfhe was a general wasn't he08:49
totimkopfa boer general08:49
Kilosdid you find breaker morant with google totimkopf 08:50
Kilosi dont think we made many movies about it. brings up too much bad feeling08:51
totimkopfwhy bad?08:52
Kilosthe way the english had to burn everything and lock up women and kids to be able to win08:53
totimkopfah yes08:53
totimkopfthe english made the first concentration camp08:54
Kilosyip and started the scorched earth policy i think08:54
totimkopfscorched earth policy?08:55
Kilosburn and destroy every thing08:55
DraZoroHello 08:55
Kilosnot nice to only be able to win a war because you enemy has no food08:56
Kiloshiya dra08:56
KilosDraZoro, morning08:56
DraZoroHi Kilos08:56
Kilosi forgot the tab08:56
DraZoroI noticed in my stem userA can change to directory to let's say /home/userB is that normal ?08:57
DraZoroI mean userA can access 08:57
kbmonkeygotta run, play well with maaz, kilos 08:58
DraZoroI mean userA can access data from userB 08:58
Kiloscheers kbmonkey  go well08:58
KilosDraZoro, i dunno08:58
DraZoroUnder Fedora that was not possible 08:59
kbmonkeyDraZoro, the permissions depends, im not sure by default, but read access may be set for the user files08:59
Kilosisnt user a you?08:59
DraZoroKilos: Nope08:59
Kilosoh others use the pc too08:59
DraZoroI have added 3 users on the same machine 09:00
Kiloswhere do you fit in then?09:00
DraZoroI am the first user 09:00
Kiloswho has admin rights09:00
DraZoroKilos: Me09:00
Kilosthen others wont be able to change much then09:01
DraZoroYes ....I think I will have to change the access rights manually 09:01
DraZoroI don't want them to see each others folders and files 09:02
Kilosthen everything gotta be password protected i think09:02
Kiloswhat does google say about other user access right09:03
DraZoroKilos: I will check ...Another o09:04
Kilosyou will need to talk to one of the clever guys to sort that out09:04
DraZoroAnother option is to encrypt their home folders 09:04
DraZoroKilos: Thanks you did help09:04
Kilosyw DraZoro 09:04
Kiloshi |3o|3 09:08
DraZoroHello |3o|309:08
|3o|3Hey Guys09:09
Kilosevening all18:13
Kiloshi secbrid 18:16
Kilosfirst time here?18:16
kodezevening uncle kilos18:17
Kiloshi there kodez 18:18
kodezit's been a while not connected, what's interesting of late?18:19
Kiloskbmonkey has gone to capetown18:19
Kilosand miss behaving there18:19
Kilosand doesnt have uncapped any more so he visits in the morning from an internet cafe18:20
secbridHi Kilos, been a while :)18:20
Kiloseveryone else seems to be working harder than ever18:20
Kilosoh my18:20
Kilosdo i know you secbrid 18:20
Kilossorry if i have forgotten you18:21
Kilosnever heard of that country--- Internic Commersial18:22
KilosMaaz, coffee on18:26
* Maaz starts grinding coffee18:26
KilosMaaz, strong18:26
MaazKilos My coffee is always strong. If it is too strong for you then add more milk18:26
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!18:30
KilosMaaz, thanks man18:31
MaazKilos It gives me great pleasure to serve a bunch of geeks :-)18:31
Kiloswe need to start catching people and branding their names on18:37
Kiloshi zeref 18:57
Kilossore throat?18:57
zereffeels like teh flu is coming19:00
zerefand my ubuntu keeps freezing, and visual effects keeps crashing19:02
Kilosdouble eish19:03
Kilosis it properly updated?19:03
Kilosand upgraded19:03
Kiloswhat release are you using zeref 19:04
zerefsyslog and Xorg.0 show nothing19:05
Kilosdoes the pc hang19:05
Kilosor can you still switch desktops etc19:06
zerefyeah, cant even ctrl+alt+f119:06
Kilosi had that about an hour ago and on rebooting it didnt even see the drive19:07
Kiloshad to pull battery out for 5 mins and then setup bios and then it was ok 19:07
Kilosalmost as if bios lost everything19:07
zerefvisual effects just crashed again19:08
Kilosi think its the pc19:08
Kilosgraphics card maybe19:08
Kilosset the visual effects to19:09
Kilossec i go see19:09
zerefit was on normal19:09
zerefnow just turned it off19:09
zerefgraphics card is ok19:09
Kilosput it on none and see then19:10
zerefwas working in debian squeeze19:10
zerefguess no more rotating deskop :P19:10
Kilosi dunno how to do that19:11
zerefcompizconfig manager19:11
Kiloswhat is rotating desktops19:12
Kilosfrom what to what19:12
zerefwhen you move to a new workspace, it rotates to the next one19:12
Kilosoh dont you just click on the desktop you want19:13
Kilosi use 919:13
zerefyeah you click, at it rotates19:13
zerefi use 719:13
zerefstill not enough, lol19:13
Kilosoh is that what you mean rotates19:14
Kilosadd mor then19:14
zerefi thought 4 was enough19:14
Kilosi love that feature19:15
Kiloshate minimising every thing19:15
zerefsuddently, one for terminal, irc,programming, pdf, emacs19:15
zerefyeah, it was a horror on windows19:15
Kilosyes i use for mail and pidgin and xchat and iftop and others for other thing19:15
Kilosi hate windows19:16
zerefi only use the windows pc for games19:16
zerefnot word or anything like taht19:17
Kilosthats all it is good for19:17
zerefi still wonder why varsities dont go open source19:17
superflybecause microsoft gives them blanket licenses19:18
Kilosi also find that strange, especially if the got a freedom toaster there19:18
zerefsuperfly: blanket licenses?19:19
superflyzeref: yes, they pay a fixed amount per year, and they get to use as many copies of all Microsoft software as they like19:19
superflyWindows, Visual Studio, the lot19:20
zerefaah i see19:20
Kilosevening superfly 19:20
Kilosyou still woprking or lurking tonight19:20
superflyKilos: working19:21
Kilosand hows mrs_fly  and zac19:21
superflythey're doing fine19:22
Kilosmaybe one day when you old and rich you can lurk some19:22
Kiloszeref, is pc ok now19:22
zerefyeah seems ok now19:23
Kilosthen i think its your graphics card that cant handle the effects19:23
zerefmeh, bleh19:24
zeref1GB nvidia 9500GT19:24
Kilosdont take my word for it19:24
superflyzeref: ah yes, the Python challenge, very awesome :-)19:24
Kilosthat should be fine19:24
zerefyeah, i'm enjoying tehm just number 4, i've got no cooking clue where to start19:25
Kilosdoes it get very hot zeref 19:25
zerefi know i have to use urllib19:25
zerefKilos, nope19:25
Kiloswhew you got an ugly prob to sort19:25
superflyzeref: did you click on the image?19:26
Kilosjust try borrow another card from someone and check19:26
zerefsuperfly: ya19:27
zerefbut i know i figure it out soonz19:27
zerefKilos, i'm the only one in this res with a graphics card19:27
zerefthey all using lappies19:27
zerefhmmm, the url nothing =xxxxx19:30
Kiloscrashed again19:33
zerefjust logged me out19:33
zerefubuntu gods hate me19:33
Kiloswhat client you use19:34
zereffor irc?19:34
Kilosdont you like xchat19:35
Kilosvery stable here19:35
zerefnever used it19:36
zerefOct  7 21:35:06 ghost kernel: [44881.744844] wnck-applet[3962]: segfault at 21 ip 00961549 sp bfc4d8f0 error 4 in libwnck-1.so.22.3.26[94d000+36000]19:37
Kilosdo you understand what that means?19:37
zerefno, LOL19:38
zerefsegfault, iets to do with mem access19:39
Kilosbut segfault doesnt sound good19:39
Kilosand my knees rattle when anything mentions the kernel19:40
Kilosoh how long has it been hanging19:40
Kilosmaybe you got something a bit broken in there somewhere19:41
zerefthe haning started about 3 days ago19:41
zerefi fink so to19:41
Kiloshave you done a recovery19:41
zerefjust doing some updates/upgrades and waiting to see19:41
Kilosyou do them from terminal19:42
inetproKilos: I'm just lurking but I'm neither rich nor old19:42
Kiloslol hiya inetpro 19:42
* inetpro lol19:42
inetproMaaz: coffee on19:43
* Maaz puts the kettle on19:43
KilosMaaz, coffee please19:43
MaazKilos: Sure19:43
Kilosinetpro, what does that line tell you ^^19:44
Kilos22 up i think19:44
inetprohmm... never seen it19:45
Kiloszeref, reinstall that  libwnck-1 again too19:45
Kilosyou use aptitude hey zeref 19:46
Kilosthe guys that know say aptitude is better19:46
Kilosdunno why19:46
MaazCoffee's ready for inetpro and Kilos!19:47
* inetpro wonders what libwnck-1.so is used for19:47
Kilosi cant remember if its in lucid or if you must install it19:47
inetproMaaz: dankie19:47
MaazGroot plesier inetpro my vriend19:47
KilosMaaz, ty19:47
MaazEnjoy Kilos19:47
zerefinetpro, i think libwnck controls workspaces, etc19:48
Kiloshi JabberwockyA19 19:48
inetprozeref: that sounds like trouble19:48
zerefyeah :-(19:48
inetprozeref: try this on the cli19:49
inetprozeref: locate libwnck-119:49
KilosA library to use for writing pagers and task lists.19:49
KilosThis package contains internationalization files.19:49
Kilossynaptic tells all19:49
JabberwockyA19hi Kilos :)19:50
zerefthink i'll reinstall it if updates dont change anything19:50
* JabberwockyA19 looking for a way to rmmod 8139too and modprobe 816919:51
JabberwockyA19realtek network card giving problems :(19:51
zerefyou can sudo rmmod or blacklist it19:52
JabberwockyA19those 81... are the kernel modules' names19:52
Kiloseish bad friday19:52
inetprozeref: maybe if you can figure out what package the file belongs to you can try troubleshooting from there19:52
JabberwockyA19zeref: if I remove the 8139too driver it doesn't detect the network card19:52
zerefthanks inetpro i'll try that19:53
zerefJabber, what kind of problems is it giving?19:53
JabberwockyA19I wonder if there's a way to force the old driver19:53
* JabberwockyA19 hopes he doens't have to rebuild the kernel19:53
inetprozeref: if you have found the file you search the package with dpkg -S /path/to/file19:54
zerefJabber, cant you blacklist the new driver and modprobe the old one?19:56
inetprozeref: I see others also having the problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154595219:56
Kiloslol zeref when you type someones nick type the first three letters and hit tab and you should get the whole nick19:56
JabberwockyA19if I modprobe the new one eth0 is gone19:56
JabberwockyA19if I do 'lspci -k' it shows that the card is compatible under both drivers19:57
* JabberwockyA19 will be back now19:57
zerefKilos, TIL something new :-D19:57
zerefToday I learnt19:59
zerefinetpro: i see, sigh19:59
inetproeish, lots of them having problemos with wnck-applet19:59
Kilosi dont know all the meanings i a ballie19:59
Kilosinetpro, is there a way to fix broken packages in cli20:00
inetproKilos: all depends on the meaning of the word broken20:01
Kilosin synaptic you go edit and fix broken and it loks for broken packages20:01
Kilosnot working properly20:01
Kilosisnt that broken20:01
inetproKilos: hmm...20:02
Kilosand synaptic also finds packages that arent upgraded even after update and upgrade in cli20:03
inetproKilos: in the context of apt the word broken would most likely mean that you had some kind of trouble during installation time20:03
Kilosoh not when probs appear later20:03
inetpro--fix-broken = attempt to correct a system with broken dependencies in place.20:04
Kilosis that apt-get20:04
zerefummmm, why not dpkg --configure -a?20:04
zereffixes broken packages20:04
inetproKilos: yep, that's from man apt-get20:05
Kilosi think dpkg does that only for files not configured properly20:05
Kilosso it would be sudo apt-get --fix-broken or must you name the package20:07
Kilosor the path as well20:07
inetprozeref: you might also wanna look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/57675120:08
zerefKilos or use: sudo apt-get -f install20:08
Kilosoh yes20:09
inetprozeref: I'm not sure whether this is related but I'm quoting from the above link "The panel with the wnck-applet needs to have both auto-hide and transparency enabled for the memory leak to show up..."20:12
inetprothat's from comment #1820:13
zerefhmm, i'm reading that now....20:13
zerefi only have transparency enabled..20:14
zerefsomeone also mentioned a problem with the themes20:14
inetprozeref: another writes "killall wnck-applet" fixes the problem, with a couple popups asking to restart the window list and desktop switcher, then everything is fine.20:16
zerefyeah, the memory goes down after that20:16
inetprozeref: what version of ubuntu do you have?20:17
zerefbut then it will begin to rise sooner or later20:17
inetprotry upgrading20:17
zerefand its a 2010 problem :-(20:17
zerefubuntu, why you no fix xD20:17
zerefeish, was really wating to upgrade to 12.0420:18
inetprowas 10.04 not a LTS version as well?20:18
zerefit is20:18
inetprothat's not nice20:18
zerefwhat version do use?20:19
* inetpro uses Kubuntu20:19
inetproam currently on 10.1020:20
zerefhmm, i've being stuck on gnome, since coming from debian, soooo used to it20:20
inetprozeref: well a week from now you should be able to go to 11.1020:21
inetprozeref: I think ubuntu gnome has had significant updates since 10.0420:22
zerefyeah, think i'll upgrade to that, and to play around with unity20:22
zerefyeah, still using gnome 2.30.220:23
Kilosnee man20:23
inetproKilos: nou wat nou?20:23
* superfly uses Kubuntu and is on 11.1020:23
Kilosyou gotta upgrade step for step20:23
Kilosnot from 10.04 to 11.10 one shot20:24
inetprozeref: Kilos may be right20:24
zerefi think he is20:24
zerefunless, clean install with 11.1020:24
Kilosif you dont have data cap upgrade to maverick20:25
Kilosmaverick rocks20:25
zerefwe uncapped here xD20:25
Kilosall lucids probs are fixed20:25
zerefbig bang time :)20:26
Kilosthats why our interwebs are so slow20:26
Kilosall the varsities watch tv20:26
* inetpro bought a 1GB bundle from VC yesterday and was shocked to see 2GB available20:26
Kilosand now with video chat on facebook20:27
inetproseem they have a special going on now20:27
zereftake all the internets20:27
Kilosyeah R189 for 2g inetpro 20:27
Kilosnow i forget been a while since i got one20:28
inetproR279.00 for 1GB which gets doubled20:28
Kilosjust tell prices20:29
Kilosnee man20:29
Kiloswas 389 for 2 g always20:29
inetproR319.00 gives you 3GB20:29
inetproR369.00 gives you 4GB20:29
Kilosthey dropped R7020:30
inetproand R429.00 gives you 5GB20:30
Kilosprice wars20:30
Kilosthey were R389 for 2g20:30
inetproWith the “Double-your-Prepaid-data” promotion, you get double the allocated data for Prepaid and Top Up once-off data bundles for all Broadband Standard MyGig 1, MyGig 1.5, MyGig 2 and MyGig 2.5 data bundles purchased between 19 September 2011 and 31 October 201120:31
Kiloseish one month only20:31
inetpronow if only VC could see me promting that and give me some more for free20:31
Kiloshehe i would promote all day here and pidgin20:32
inetproit's still very pricey but starting to get better20:33
Kilosyeah much cheaper20:33
Kiloslekker slaap inetpro 20:33
Kilosek moegerig nou20:34
inetproKilos: dankie, selle daar20:34
Kilossleep tight all20:34

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