
jo-erlendI have a launchpad ID and an Ubuntu SSO account. I had a weird experience with that on stackexchange recently. It seems they're not connected? I'd really like for those two services to be coupled so that I don't have to remember whether I've logged in with my lp openid or with the u1 sso. How do I do this?03:21
ryejo-erlend, at the moment launchpad id is the one used for logging in to foreign sites (i.e. not-ubuntu based)07:26
mandelmorning all!!!08:07
mandelfreaky friday! \o/08:08
JamesTaitHappy Friday, everyone!08:33
gatoxralsina_, i forgot to ask you yesterday09:54
gatoxralsina_, what happend with the icons looking ugly?09:54
ralsina_gatox: still ugly09:54
ralsina_gatox: tried everything except creating all sizes using something else and then putting together the .ico with png2ico09:57
gatoxralsina_, i tried that...... and still ugly09:58
ralsina_then the only thing left is "do the whole thing with photoshop" or something like that09:59
ralsina_or maybe the order is wrong and/or the order number in the setup.py09:59
gatoxralsina_, i'll take a look later if gimp has somethign related to that10:00
ralsina_gatox: I am now thinking we always put it smaller->larger maybe the other way around is better10:01
gatoxralsina_, i follow what the png2ico page says10:01
ralsina_gatox: then maybe we are not using the right number when setting the icon10:01
karniGood morning!10:09
ralsina_good morning karni!10:09
ryeralsina_, http://ubuntuone.com/3b1INOLjUJR0mvkMsqDIQQ :(10:10
karniHello ralsina_ o/ Have a great Friday!10:10
ryeralsina_, so currently this is not being handled - should I file-o-bug?10:10
ralsina_rye: hmmmm where did the invalid token come from?10:11
ryeralsina_, i invalidated it through web ui10:11
ralsina_rye: oh! Then yes, please10:11
ralsina_rye: file at will10:11
ryeralsina_, current version in Ubuntu checks for 401 error, invalidates local token and then fires up the SSO gui to associate new account10:11
ralsina_rye: yes, easy to do, ust never tried it10:12
ryeralsina_, btw, when I downloaded the new binary and ran it while having the older version installed the control panel did not open too, what is the condition of its opening?10:13
mandelralsina_, can you run the tests in trunk for ubuntuone-client?10:14
mandelralsina_, you will see that you have the same erros as in https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/is-path-dir-fix/+merge/7826510:14
ralsina_mandel: linux or windows?10:16
mandelralsina_, on windows10:16
mandelralsina_, the quota exceeded tests are broken in trunk :(10:16
ralsina_mandel: ok10:16
mandelralsina_, you can copy the run-tests.bat from the branch I propose to solve the loggin.conf issue :)10:17
ralsina_then I'll +1 it, file a bug for those10:17
mandelralsina_, alreyad present :)10:19
mandelralsina_, let me find it for you10:19
mandelralsina_, bug 86827610:19
ubot4Launchpad bug 868276 in ubuntuone-client "There are failing tests on Windows (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86827610:19
ralsina_There, +1 from me, still need to fix nessita's10:20
mandelralsina_, yeah, working on those atm, there are very reasonable comments, a set is a better idea10:20
ryeralsina_, uhm... how do I remove U1 token?10:21
ralsina_rye: windows xp?10:21
ryeralsina_, win710:21
ralsina_rye: control panel -> credentials10:21
ryeralsina_, well, it does not work because it insists it wants to shut down due to unauthorized response from server10:22
mandelrye, there is a vault there, at the bottom you will see the stored creds10:22
ralsina_rye: sorry, I meant WINDOWS control panel :-)10:22
ryeralsina_, oh10:22
ryeralsina_, weird, after some time SSO gui did appear...10:25
ryeralsina_, is this how SSO should look - http://ubuntuone.com/0fTojjO1VJ5eSi0avLIbTg ?10:30
ralsina_rye: not real SSO. That is only supposed to be there if you start u1cp manually without credentials, or if you delete the token from u1cp10:31
ryeralsina_, okay, so the token did remove itself somehow since i have empty vault10:31
ralsina_rye: seems like it10:32
ralsina_rye: but the error message is just wrong10:32
ryeralsina_, now i can't log in with supposedly correct credentials, checking why10:32
ryecool, something broken with authentication10:36
ryesame credentials work in the web ui but not in ubuntu one10:36
ryeralsina, time difference in VM, again.10:38
ralsinarye: if it helps, we have 5 branches on review for that :-/10:38
ryeralsina, but the error message is definitely misleading, it took a while to understand10:39
ralsinaYes, the message is way to strong10:40
gatoxralsina, did you saw this: http://www.engadget.com/2011/10/03/humanity-toward-others-extended-to-windows-with-ubuntu-one-clo/ ?10:40
ralsinagatox: yes, but I prefer ars technica's :)10:40
gatoxralsina, yep, but i mean....... how ugly the ui looks like :S10:40
ralsinarye: not to mention that it says "needs to close" and then *doesn't close*10:40
ryegatox, same here in win7 in classic mode10:40
ralsinagatox: let me see10:41
ryegatox, if you are talking about the installer's left panel which has raised border10:41
ralsinagatox: right the sidewidget looks weird10:41
gatoxralsina, rye yes, now i remember qt having some problems with classic window or something like that10:41
ralsinagatox: and he has the orange button in that page! That's not our build!10:41
gatoxralsina, i'll set up a vm with windows classic this weekend... i think that in classic all the ui looks different... i remember that something like that happens in my previous job10:43
ralsinagatox: ok10:43
mandelralsina, gatox back in the day I created this: https://www.ohloh.net/p/ubuntuone-windows-installer10:44
ryeralsina, well when users loses the token and sd is in AUTH_FAILED state it starts being very wrong - can't restart. control panel says "Calling Stale Broker"10:44
ralsinastale broker is a known bug10:44
mandelralsina, gatox I have just updates the pointer to the bzr repo, it givs funny info about committers, code etc.. just for fun :)10:45
gatoxmandel, yes, i use that in some projects :P10:45
ryeralsina, uh-huh. How do i recover from that - killing ubuntuone-something.exe? or logout/login?10:45
ralsinarye: kill everything ubuntu, then start it from the menu, not manually :-)10:45
ralsinamandel: that's not updating for some reason10:46
mandelralsina, I just changed the bzr branch, it was pointing to the old one, should be update in a few minutes10:47
ryeralsina, bug #65979810:47
ubot4Launchpad bug 659798 in ubuntuone-client "Syncdaemon should be recoverable from AUTH_FAILED w/o restart (affects: 1) (heat: 3)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65979810:47
ralsinarye: ack10:47
ralsinaok, gotta be a dad for a bit while the new release finishes uploading10:48
ralsinasee you all in ... 45 minutes10:48
ryemandel, weird, do you know that when folder is added to windows version, it is seen by SD as not subscribed?10:51
mandelrye, no, I did not know that, really?!?10:52
mandelrye, is that inside the u1 folder?10:52
ryemandel, it just sits ticked, no, C:\\Users\\rtg\\Pictures\\ -10:52
ryemandel, http://paste.ubuntu.com/703884/10:53
mandelrye, so, when you add a new folder to $HOME is seen as not subscribed, that is normal, right?10:53
mandelrye, line number?10:54
ryemandel, no, i added a folder, it created the UDF on the server, but no files appeared and the folder itself is checked in the control panel10:54
ryemandel, 46210:54
mandelrye, but in 466 we are adding a watch to that path, right?10:55
ryemandel, yep10:56
mandelrye, I don;t think I understand the problem then, can you elavorate a little?10:57
mandelrye, I'm a little slow sometimes :)10:57
ryemandel, on line 557 i unsubscribed the folder for real from the control panel and then resubscribed10:57
ryemandel, problem: added UDF -> files not uploading10:58
mandelrye, we should have had a local-rescan that would check if the files in the local hd have to be uploaded10:59
mandelrye, I'm assumming that you added new files locally that are not in the server, right?10:59
ryemandel, yes, also, new files added to that UDF directory do not upload, new files added to $HOME($USERPROFILE?)\\Ubuntu One directory do upload11:02
mandelrye, hm.. that sounds very bad11:04
mandelrye, can you paste/send the entire logs11:04
ryemandel, upon syncdaemon restart it did notice the files11:07
ryeI will now test this on current oneiric11:07
ryeah, my oneiric machine is locked up due to nfs, rebooting11:08
mandelrye, looks like the local-rescan is not tirggered, so please test on O, we might have a big issue in the internal sd but hopefully is just windows11:12
mandelthis is scary: https://www.ohloh.net/p/ubuntuone-client/estimated_cost have we worked that much?11:13
gatoxmandel, https://www.ohloh.net/p/ninja-ide/estimated_cost :P11:17
gatoxmandel, i don't trust in ohloh estimations11:17
mandelgatox, they look way off :P11:20
gatoxmandel, yep11:20
ryemandel, we have a problem11:21
rye2011-10-07 14:21:00,813 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.sync - DEBUG - -:-:- - ['-'::'-'] ''/home/rtg/UDFTesting/gnome-settings-daemon-dev_3.2.0-0ubuntu4_amd64.deb'' | FS_FILE_CLOSE_WRITE on path '/home/rtg/UDFTesting/gnome-settings-daemon-dev_3.2.0-0ubuntu4_amd64.deb' discarded because of volume not subscribed11:22
mandelrye, la puta!11:27
mandelrye, ok I think we need to take this to #chicharra asap and move from there11:27
mandelrye, I need to walk the dog, I'll  ping you when I'm back11:27
ryemandel, i poked facundo in #u1-internal11:27
mandelralsina, cry ^11:28
nessitagood morning!11:30
facundobatistanessita, hola11:32
gatoxnessita, hi11:33
facundobatistaverterok, nessita: do you remember we started to filter the events on non-subscribed volumes, to avoid the problem where the volumes were ub-subscribed at the middle of a LocalRescan?11:33
facundobatistavalorie, nessita, see rye's pastebin: we're filtering out the events on a freshly created UDF11:34
nessitafacundobatista: have a link?11:34
nessitafacundobatista: the filtering is "only" during local rescan, until next reboot, or always?11:35
facundobatistanessita, until next SD restart11:35
ryefacundobatista, in Natty it works properly11:36
facundobatistarye, with nightlies?11:36
nessitafacundobatista: is odd, did you reproduce it in maverick?11:36
facundobatistanessita, what is odd?11:36
ryefacundobatista, standard natty, not nightlies, should I try in some nightlies?11:36
facundobatistarye, no, don't worry11:37
* rye stops worrying11:38
nessitafacundobatista: is odd, that I did no noticed it, but maybe is because lately I've restarted syncdaemon a lot11:38
facundobatistanessita, ok11:38
nessitafacundobatista: how can I help?11:38
ryefacundobatista, should I file a bug report or you have more precise description of what's happening?11:38
facundobatistanessita, verterok: the "problem" is that we unsubscribe the UDF while doing LR11:38
nessitarye: there is one, I think bug #86945611:39
ubot4nessita: Error: Bug #869456 not found.11:39
nessita(is private since it has logs)11:39
nessitafacundobatista: the bug report bug #86945611:39
ubot4nessita: Error: Bug #869456 not found.11:39
nessitaor hum, that may be other issue11:39
ryenessita, it does not look like the same issue11:40
facundobatistanessita, I don't think is the same problem11:40
facundobatistarye, please, open a bug11:42
ryefacundobatista, bug #86992011:47
ubot4Launchpad bug 869920 in ubuntuone-client "Files in new UDFs are not uploaded due to filtering (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86992011:47
ryejoshuahoover, ping ^11:47
ryeralsina, ^11:48
mandelnessita, I'm of for lunch, but so that you know all the MP have been fixed, I will be back online from home (in 5 mins) if you need me :)12:33
* mandel works from an office now12:33
nessitamandel: ack12:33
gatoxnessita, ping12:34
nessitagatox: pong12:34
gatoxnessita, i've got a couple of branches for review, i fixed all the problems between qt and deferred and added some tests... do you have a time to review that?? i'm finishing with another branch right now too12:35
nessitagatox: give me the links to the ready-to-review branches, I may review the incoming one on Monda12:37
gatoxnessita,  (it seems that launchpad hasn't finish scanning the projects): https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/network-detect/+merge/77048  -  https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/network-detect/+merge/77049  -  https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/no-mocker-controller/+merge/7827412:38
gatoxnessita, installer network detect depends on sso network detect12:39
nessitagatox: right12:39
nessitagatox: I will definitely review the 2 from ussoc, will try to also do the installer one12:39
gatoxnessita, great, let me know if something is not clear12:40
nessitaI will, thanks!12:40
gatoxmandel, ping12:40
ralsinagood late morning everyone!12:52
nessitahi ralsina12:53
ralsinahi nessita, thanks for passing the message :-)12:53
nessitaralsina: can I have a triviliasima review for https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu-sso-client/export-xdg-config-home/+merge/78587 ?12:59
ralsinanessita: sure!12:59
mandelralsina, we do have standups on fridays, right?13:00
ralsinamandel: oh, yes!13:00
ralsinaeveryone say me!13:00
ralsinadobey, alecu, nessita: say me13:00
ralsiname (no notes)13:01
ralsinamandel go13:02
mandelDONE: fixed all mp according to reviews, worked on freaky friday project. TODO: more freaky friday project. BLOCK: nope13:02
mandelgatox, go13:02
gatoxSome refactoring in Network Detect (SSO and Installer) branches to support defer. Some improves in No Mocker branch. Wizard is not closed on license agreement screen fixed.13:02
gatoxKeep fixing ui bugs.13:02
gatoxnessita, go13:02
nessitaDONE: more on bug #868661 (the bug is growing like a virus, but the result will be nice!), review, scary meeting13:02
nessitaTODO: freaky friday (magicicada)! finish some reviews and do some bug triage as well13:02
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes13:02
nessitaNEXT: ralsina13:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 868661 in ubuntuone-client "u1sdtool is not multiplatform (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86866113:02
ralsinaDONE: release 2.0.1 (tiny bits left), administrivia, travel arrangements, team call, got wife hit by car, got living room flooded, power cut out, and it's only 10AM13:03
ralsinaTODO: close the damn unique app bug, start one more, finish release13:03
gatoxralsina, wow! busy morning13:03
ralsinaBLOCKED: no13:03
ralsinagatox: well, the car thing was yesterday13:03
mandelralsina, wtf, your wife was ran over?13:03
ralsinamandel: no, just pushed13:03
ralsinamandel: trust me, don't hit a lawyer with your car. EVER.13:04
dobeyλ DONE: call, tarmac config updates13:04
dobeyλ TODO: SRU work, e-mail13:04
dobeyλ BLCK: None.13:04
rhin0this allows me ot mount a volume in the cloud?13:04
rhin0ie. mounted path poitn -- the filing system at the pathname / mount point is in the loud13:04
gatoxalecu, hi13:04
rhin0thats all I want - simply13:05
rhin0dump crap onto the web -- web fs volume - disk mount point13:05
mandelrhin0, i think alecu is your man to talk to13:05
alecuDONE: proposed three branches for review13:05
alecuTODO: two more to go13:05
alecuBLOCKED: no13:05
rhin0alecu ... I want a mounted filing system ... with pathname just the same as a normal directory -- but in the cloud alecu13:05
ralsinarhin0: Ubuntu one is not that, sorry13:06
rhin0because I#m messing about with usb keys and13:06
rhin0 what would give me that -- anything?13:06
ralsinarhin0: to work it always requires local storage. And no, I don't know any such thing.13:06
ryerhin0, no, the ubuntuone application currenly does not support mounting. It can be done using the rest api and fuse, but it has not been done yet by anybody13:06
joshuahooverrye: bug #869920 ...is that likely the cause of bug #869456 ?13:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 869920 in ubuntuone-client "Files in new UDFs are not uploaded due to filtering (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86992013:06
ubot4joshuahoover: Error: Bug #869456 not found.13:07
rhin0now I knwo what ubuntu 1 isn't13:07
mandelralsina, alecu had an ida for something like that, but not like a full file system13:07
rhin0would be handy13:07
ralsinamandel: using fuse? I expect it to be unbearably slow to do anything except to copy data out of it :-)13:07
joshuahooverrye: that second bug is private: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/86945613:07
ubot4joshuahoover: Error: Bug #869456 not found.13:07
alecumandel, it *was* my super secret project.13:07
rhin0i mean -- I wouldn't have to leave a server on all the time13:07
rhin0or sync stuff constanly13:07
mandelalecu, ah, mierda it was secret... shit sorry :(13:07
ralsinarhin0: OTOH, it would not work without internet, and you will download the same thing many many times. Tradeoffs13:08
* mandel es un bocazas13:08
alecuralsina, caching?13:08
ryejoshuahoover, no, it does not look related, however it is crucial for proper functionality of the control panel, I was unable to reproduce it though13:08
rhin0at least the files are safe13:08
ralsinaalecu: then that will require local storage backend too. Makes it 10x harder to get right13:08
mandelrye, can you updatep me regarding the udf issue?13:09
ralsinaalecu: consider that you are implementing a FS without any locking whatsoever, caching is going to be a pain13:09
ryemandel, confirmed, broken13:09
nessitaalecu: all 3 branches approved from me, though I have a concern about doing time.time() > some_timestamp. You sure that will return the expected result in windows?13:09
alecurhin0, so, the current solution to your issue is to have a few UDFs (say, Music, Photos, etc) and to enable syncing them in each device you wish13:09
ryemandel, broken in sd not only in windows13:09
mandelrye, ouch, always ? did we break it (windows) or was it just an accident?13:10
alecurhin0, so for instance, you don't need to sync all your music collection to a small netbook.13:10
ralsinanessita: time.time() works ok on windows, it's just too coarse13:10
nessitaralsina: well, my point exactly... the code relies on time.time() being meaningful13:10
ryemandel, since the recent fix of LocalRescan, i filed a bug, #86992013:10
alecunessita, this is not as critical as the tritcask issue, so it should not be a problem.13:11
ralsinanessita: it is meaningful, it's ust not as accurate as in linux. On tritcask the problem was clock() not time()13:11
alecunessita, it should only be a problem with virtualbox, but the previous solution would not work for this either.13:11
nessitaalecu: ack, the worst scenario is the user getting the auth error, no?13:11
alecunessita, right. But only when running on a broken virtualbox.13:11
mandelrye, oh, well lets hope it easy to. fiix, chicharra is taking care of it, right?13:11
nessitaalecu: right. Well, all 3 +1'd by me13:12
alecunessita, (the previous solution was manually increasing the timestamp if the clock returned the same, so it worked fine for tritcask.)13:12
alecunessita, great, thanks!13:12
* mandel goes back to the office13:14
* ralsina goes push out some more water from the living room, now the release upload is finished13:15
nessitaralsina: were you able to do the review?13:18
gatoxralsina, mandel when you have a moment, really trivial review: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/close-on-license-again/+merge/7859613:19
gatoxalecu, when you have a moment, review please: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/network-detect/+merge/77048  -  https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/network-detect/+merge/7704913:20
alecugatox, sure!13:20
alecugatox, the second branch says: "Text conflict in ubuntuone_installer/gui/qt/tests/test_gui.py"13:21
mandelgatox, im confused, looks like the old tests were looking for the completely the oposite, why?13:21
nessitamandel: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/is-path-dir-fix/+merge/78265 is approved but please before seeking another review, fix the minor thing I requested13:21
mandelnessita, sure13:21
gatoxalecu, fixing that13:21
gatoxmandel, it seems that was some changes or something... but now the dialog return something else, that's the problem13:22
mandelgatox, ah... i'll continue the review from the office, i,ll be back in 5 min13:24
gatoxmandel, ok13:24
gatoxalecu, conflict resolved13:27
alecugatox, thanks!13:27
gatoxbrb...... errands13:29
nessitaalecu: ping13:33
alecugatox, instead of "Exception(NETWORK_FAIL)" we should use a new custom exception, that is shared between both modules. Say, "NetworkFailException".13:35
nessitaalecu: you have a branch for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/855513? I was building one just now (saw the error in some logs from a user)13:35
ubot4Launchpad bug 855513 in ubuntuone-client "unexpected keyword argument 'n_bytes_read' (affects: 2) (heat: 36)" [Medium,In progress]13:35
alecunessita, seems like I do!13:37
nessitaalecu: can we land it or is missing something?13:37
alecunessita, I remember seeing that bug, and working a bit on that, but I probably got hooked with some other stuff13:37
nessitavery likely13:37
alecunessita, I'm taking a look13:37
nessitaalecu: if it's a not trivial to propose, let's move it to MOnday, so you can hack today13:42
alecunessita, I'm running tests, because the branch seems ready.13:42
mandelgatox, ping13:46
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
nessitaralsina: ping13:53
alecunessita, https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/n-bytes-read/+merge/7860513:59
ralsinanessita: pong14:19
ralsinanessita: +1 on export-xdg-config-home14:21
gatoxmandel, pong14:25
gatoxalecu, ok....... changing that14:25
alecugatox, I wrote a few comments in the proposal14:26
alecugatox, and also on the other proposal too14:26
gatoxalecu, ok14:26
* gatox reading.....14:26
mandelgatox, hello :)14:34
mandelgatox, I added some comments in the MP about the dialog14:34
mandelgatox, did you read them?14:34
gatoxmandel, on that (in a few minutes).......... the gas dude is here! my home is complete :P14:35
alecugatox, mandel: moar reviews!14:37
alecugatox, mandel, nessita: https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-control-panel/timestamp-autofix/+merge/7861314:38
nessitaalecu: ack14:40
mandelalecu, ok, but in exchange: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-windows-installer/uninstall-old-app/+merge/7722514:42
alecumandel, ack!14:42
gatoxalecu, on it14:45
gatoxmandel, reading.....14:45
nessitaalecu: bytes-read approved14:46
alecunessita, great!14:47
alecumandel, gatox: yet another: https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/n-bytes-read/+merge/7860514:47
nessitamandel: I need your help, debuggin a pykeyring issue, when you have a moment14:47
alecunessita, mandel, gatox, ralsina: and the last one: https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-windows-installer/timestamp-autofix/+merge/7861614:48
alecuI promise, no more branches for today!!!!!14:48
gatoxalecu, wowwwwww..... you are on fire! :P14:48
nessitaalecu: you calling it a day? :-D14:48
alecugatox, it's like a week I didn't submit a branch. But today there are 6 of them :-)14:49
gatoxalecu, :P14:49
duanedesigneverytime I launch the windows client in Vista I get a blank window 'autoupdate-windows'14:50
ralsinaduanedesign: yes, it seems to be a vista peculiarity :-/14:50
duanedesignaha, ok14:50
mandelnessita, sure, lets take a look :)14:50
mandelduanedesign, is elling you not to use vista :)14:50
nessitamandel: from http://hg.io/kang/python-keyring-lib/src/31f21c5c87e0/keyring/backends/win32_crypto.c, I have a user where sso is failing with ""Can't encrypted password"14:51
nessitamandel: that is raised in line 4014:51
mandelnessita, ok, looking14:51
nessitamandel: any ideas?14:51
duanedesignmandel: ha, i do not need much persuading their :)14:52
mandelnessita, can he reproduce this easily?14:55
nessitamandel: I don't know, but do you understand the error?14:55
nessitamandel: the bug report is  bug #86367314:55
ubot4nessita: Error: Bug #863673 not found.14:55
mandelnessita, the error is due to the function returning False due to the lib failing14:57
nessitamandel: yeah, but why is failing?14:57
mandelnessita, ideally in that situation they (pykeyring developers) should use GetLastError from win32api to see the exact error14:58
mandeland send a decent message14:58
mandelnessita, let me look at the logs, maybe I can find the reason with what we have14:58
nessitaverterok: would you do this trivial review, please? https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-client/dump-metadata-using-xdg-cache/+merge/7861714:59
verteroknessita: done14:59
verteroknessita: hmm, wait...15:00
nessitaverterok: /me waits15:00
verteroknessita: why xdg is imported from ubuntu_sso?15:00
nessitaverterok: that's where it's15:00
verterokreally? :(15:00
nessitaverterok: why :-(?15:00
* verterok thinks that's wrong15:00
verteroknessita: I don't see the realtion between xdg and ubuntu_sso15:00
nessitaverterok: right, but we need it there and in projects that depend on sso, so is a dirty hack15:01
verteroknessita: I think of sso when look at ubuntu_sso, not a place to find out which directory should be used :)15:01
nessitaverterok: we should setup a separated project where we have this utilities15:01
verteroknessita: it's going to be fixed?15:01
nessitaverterok: it should be fixed, and we're aware of that. There is no concrete plan though :-/15:02
verteroknessita: si, estoy molesto...sorry :)15:02
nessitaverterok: you're 100% right15:02
nessitabut... is what we have for now (HLQP)15:02
verteroknessita: sure, np...just asking :)15:03
mandelnessita, where in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/863673 logs did you see the pykeyring error?15:07
ubot4mandel: Error: Bug #863673 not found.15:07
nessitamandel: in the sso.log, besides he reported it in the description of the bug I think15:09
nessitaalecu: can I mark this and the protocol one as globally approved? https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntu-sso-client/timestamp-autofix/+merge/7850715:12
mandelnessita, in there I see Windows syncdaemon error - Executing ACTION_FUNC 'server_moved' gave an exception: KeyError, maybe is a diff bug?15:12
nessitamandel: yes, sorry, I got bugs mixed up15:13
nessitamandel: bug #86553415:13
ubot4nessita: Error: Bug #865534 not found.15:13
mandelnessita, no worries :)15:13
nessitagatox: you letting me know when you solve issues added by aalecu here? https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/network-detect/+merge/7704815:16
gatoxnessita, ok15:17
gatoxquick lunch..... brb15:17
mandelgatox, did you undertand my comments in the MP?15:19
gatoxmandel, yes... i'll use Qt constants15:20
mandelgatox, superb :)15:20
dobeyhttps://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client-gnome/missing-include/+merge/78623 please? :)15:21
dobeytime for lunch, bbiab15:22
mandelnessita, it loosk that the issue is just wen encrypting, but not the oposite action, weird.. we could make a small .exe that does the same operation as yeyring but that does return the GetLastError result, what do you think?15:32
nessitamandel: I'm not sure why the encryption will fail...15:33
nessitamandel: do you have any relationship with the developers of that code?15:33
mandelnessita, yes, the maintainer is one of us (Canonical)15:37
nessitamandel: can you please contact him and ask him if he knows how to debug this further?15:38
mandelnessita, let me check their trunk to see if the fix do use GetLastError if they do, I'll port to the new lib and get will have a more decent result15:38
mandelnessita, unfortunatly if you do not call GetLastError you loose the information for ever. I think the issue the user has is regarding his user rights in the machine, but is just a shoot in the dark15:38
nessitamandel: right, so I was wondering if the developers will have in mind this scenario15:39
nessitamandel: he may know what the error means15:39
mandelnessita, will ask right now, maybe his is around15:40
nessitamandel: thanks15:40
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
mandelnessita, no luck, I'll go after him on Monday, will also try to push or code to use their trunk, even if I have to port the current branch to their trunk and then propose a merge15:44
mandelI'll push so that it lands on Monday/Tuesday morning and we get better logs for errors on Windows15:45
nessitamandel: ack15:45
nessitamandel: do I owe you any review?15:45
mandelnessita, is freaky friday, so we can leave them til monday, they are not blocking :)15:46
nessitamandel: ok, send me an email and I'll review them on Mon15:46
mandelnessita, but what I really want for Monday is to restart the conversation regarding the UI and autoupdates, I think that is important and will like to get it done for Thrusday the latests15:47
ralsina+1 on that mandel15:47
nessitamandel: please ping me and we'll talk about it15:47
ralsinaI think the bitrock autoupdater is a huge solution to a very tiny problem.15:47
mandelnessita, ralsina ok, then I'll ping you both of you land isette15:47
ralsinamandel: I am not sure how much I can help on monday/tuesday and I have wednesday off and travel on thursday15:48
mandelralsina, I think we can get a smaller python code in, but lets get the check etc working and then re-implement in python if needed15:48
ralsinaso I trust you all explicitly :-)15:48
mandelralsina, may I have your credit card number?15:48
ralsinamandel: of course. It's **** **** **** ***815:49
mandelralsina, I will gor for, agree on UI, implement with bitrock, move to python15:49
ralsinaI like stuart's suggestion + unintrusive popup15:49
mandelralsina, lets get everyone in on Monday and we sort it out :)15:50
mandelralsina, I'll speak with lisette in the morning so we have some proposals15:50
mandelhurray => http://www.efytimes.com/e1/fullnews.asp?edid=7069115:50
mandelnessita, ralsina EOD and EOW for me, I'll see you on monday for auto-update and will send emails with MP to review on Monday morning15:51
nessitamandel: have a nice weekend!15:51
ralsinamandel: ack15:51
mandelall, have a great weekend with no accidents!!!15:51
ralsinamandel: haha, have fun!15:52
alecunessita, I've approved both the sso and storage-protocol branches and they are now merged.15:54
nessitaalecu: yey!15:54
alecuralsina, perhaps you can review one of the other branches:15:55
ralsinaalecu: indeed I might!15:55
nessitadobey: can you please teach me how to debug why protocol dailes are not being built on branch landing time? (or at least it appears be the case)15:55
gatoxalecu,  +1 on n-bytes-read15:56
alecugatox, vamos!!!!15:56
nessitaa dónde? hay fiesta?15:56
alecunessita, I'll buy a round of beer for the whole of Desktop+ (or gazpacho, or something) if I get the 6 branches landed today.15:57
ralsinaalecu: in that order?15:57
* ralsina wields his rubberstamp15:58
ralsinaalecu: a nitpick, but I don't think faithful means what you think it means in this context16:01
ralsinaI mean, it's in the dictionary, but it's unusual :-)16:02
gatoxalecu, can you give me the link of your branch for storage, i deleted locally and i needed to test your branch for the installer16:03
dobeynessita: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-hackers/+recipe/protocol-dailies16:06
dobeynessita: says it couldn't upload16:06
nessitadobey: but that's before alecu's branch landed, I requested a merge manually thinking that the new branch was in, but it wasn't16:07
nessitadobey:  so the version did not change so the upload failed16:07
nessitadobey: but now alecu's branch did land, and the nightlies are not automatically built16:07
nessitadobey: the branch landed ~ 20 mins ago16:08
dobeynessita: then the tarmac log when that branch landed needs to be checked16:08
nessitadobey: ok, will try to find it then16:08
nessitadobey: is tarmac.errormessaging.com working for you? (is not for me)16:09
alecugatox, https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-storage-protocol/timestamp-autofix/+merge/7850516:09
ralsinaalecu: +1 on the first one, merged16:10
gatoxalecu, thanks16:10
dobeynessita: yes16:10
dobeynessita: and it looks like launchpad gave a 500 error16:10
alecuralsina, which definition of faithful were you looking at???16:10
ralsinaalecu: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/faithful16:11
nessitaralsina: I've seen tons of reports (more than 5) where the window controlpanel is getting exceptions where the thing rerturned by SYncDaemonTool is None16:11
dobeynessita: looks like lp oops aren't yet synced so can't see it16:11
ralsinanessita: as in None has no attribute get_rootdir?16:11
nessitaralsina: yes16:11
ralsinanessita: I traced a couple of those to users with non-ascii paths to the logfile16:12
dobeynessita: probably will have to wait an hour, and We presume it is the same issue as with ubuntuone-client :(16:12
ralsinanessita: whicih makes syncdaemon crash badly16:12
nessitaralsina: any idea why syncdaemon is not responding/being created?16:12
nessitaralsina: no, syncdaemon is not running in those cases, that's why the error happens16:12
nessitaralsina: the use case is, from the controlpanel:16:12
alecuralsina, well, definitions 2, 3, 4, 5 seem to match this usage, so I'm surely not getting your point.16:12
ralsinanessita: yes, syncdaemon doesn't start because it can't open the log16:12
nessitatool = SyncDaemonTool()16:12
nessitaralsina: any diea why?16:13
nessitaralsina: how can you confirm the log can't be opened?16:13
ralsinanessita: I kinda assumed since the log was never created16:13
ralsinanessita: let me check why I thought that was the problem16:14
nessitaralsina: thanks16:14
=== alecu is now known as alecu_lunch
nessitaralsina: the controlpanel and ussoc are starting fine (otherwise the controlpanel will not query syncdaemon)... so seems unrelated to log issues16:15
nessitaralsina: since all 3 logs in the same locction16:15
nessitaunless you were talking about another log issue?16:16
ralsinanessita: let me check16:16
ralsinamaybe it was not logs but rootdir that was in a non-ascii path?16:16
ralsinanessita: it was a few days ago, it's still fuzzy :-)16:16
nessitaralsina: hum, you mean that this is the symptom of the username not being ascii?16:17
ralsinanessita: yes16:19
ralsinanessita: check logs in bug 86871416:19
ubot4ralsina: Error: Bug #868714 not found.16:19
nessitaralsina: I see a similar bug report here bug #855128, last comment is from you saying you will check the logs16:19
ubot4nessita: Error: Bug #855128 not found.16:19
nessitaralsina: did you get any conclusion?16:19
ralsinathere is a mixup of paths16:19
ralsinasome paths have "Configuración" and some have Configuraci\xc3\xb3n16:20
nessitaralsina: that usually means that some prints are done with %r and some other with %s16:20
ralsinanessita: true16:21
ralsinaother than that, firewall exception could be it, no IPC connection, but on localhost that should not be a problem16:21
ralsinanessita: syncdaemon is starting for the user but still syncdaemontool is returning None. Weird.16:22
nessitaralsina: syncdaemontool is using PB IPC to connect to the syncdaemon16:22
nessitaralsina: syncdaemontool runs within the controlpanel process, while syncdaemon runs in its own process. Somehow, the lower IPC layer  can't make the "connection"16:23
ralsinanessita: but that layer goes only through localhost, so no firewall should stop it16:24
ralsinathat's why I don't know what's failing16:24
dobeyWe wonder what languages are best for writing KDE file manager extensions16:26
gatoxalecu_lunch, nessita both branches are fixed16:28
gatox(network detection)16:28
ralsinadobey: for right-click things? I think those are mostly just data16:35
dobeyralsina: to get the same level of integration we have with nautilus16:36
ralsinadobey: C++ then16:36
dobeyalthough, We wonder how much of that apachelogger has already done, if any16:37
ralsinadobey: a simple "add an option that does things" is a .desktop file16:38
ralsinadobey: but having something that actually reacts to current metadata, etc is much harder16:38
nessitaok, lunchtime16:38
dobeynessita: it looks like launchpad timed out requesting the protocol builds, and launchpad raised an attributeerror16:39
ralsinadobey: one (maybe) interesting idea is to actually integrate the u1 metadata into nepomuk, then it will appear everywhere magically: http://blogs.kde.org/node/384316:42
ralsinanessita: the release with the non-ascii usernames fix is up already16:43
ralsinaSo you could ask these users to just try the new one16:43
dobeyralsina: interesting would be if We could write it in Vala16:43
nessitaralsina: ack16:44
ralsinadobey: ahem, it would indeed be16:44
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
dobeynessita: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/87012516:47
ubot4Launchpad bug 870125 in launchpad "AttributeError: 'LaunchpadTimeoutError' object has no attribute '__traceback__' (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]16:47
nessitadobey: ah... thanks for digging into this. I will request the build manually.16:48
dobeynessita: and https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/870130 for u1-client not building16:51
ubot4Launchpad bug 870130 in launchpad "OOPS when requesting recipe build (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]16:51
dobeyralsina, nessita: can either of you review https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client-gnome/missing-include/+merge/78623 please? it's very simple :)16:54
ralsinadobey: got it16:54
ralsinadobey: makes sense, +116:55
nessitaalecu_lunch: when you come back, we're having an issue with nightlies build. Not sure if it's related to your changes, but trace is https://launchpadlibrarian.net/82235511/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-i386.ubuntuone-storage-protocol_2.1.0%2Br141-13%7Enatty1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz17:31
dobeynessita: hrmm17:37
dobeynessita: someone added a dependency17:38
nessitadobey: right, I think last alecu_lunch's branch17:38
dobeynessita: btw, why did you make the trunk versions be 2.1.0 for the projects you made stable branches for, instead of just 2.1?17:40
nessitadobey: ignorance maybe? what's wrong with 2.1.0?17:40
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
dobeynessita: usually the first tarball release is .0, and for unreleased trunk after stable branch, it's nice to just bump the major/minor as necessary and leave the micro version off.17:43
nessitadobey: thanks for the info, I did not know that, I will do it that way from now on17:43
dobeynessita: 2.1.0 > 2.1, so we can't change it now, but it seems nicer to me to do that17:43
=== alecu_lunch is now known as alecu
alecunessita, dobey: what is the dependency that I added?17:52
nessitaalecu: twisted-web, is resolved now :-)17:52
alecunessita, oh, right.17:52
dobey"Item Location: Secure, United States"18:04
ralsinaalecu: +1d two of the branches, working on the 3rd one. Don't say I am not trying to earn that gazpacho.18:04
alecuralsina, dobey: it seems the gnome-keyring bug has popped up again: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-sso-client/+bug/74554018:13
ubot4Launchpad bug 745540 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 5 other projects) "Method "CreateItem" with signature "a{sv}(oayay)b" on interface "org.freedesktop.Secret.Collection" doesn't exist (affects: 49) (dups: 2) (heat: 241)" [Undecided,Invalid]18:13
ralsinaalecu: grmbl18:14
ralsinaalecu: that was fixed, I though18:14
alecu"in Oneiric with Ubuntu One and Software Center" says the bug report :-/18:14
ralsinaoh, crapola18:14
ralsinaaccidental revert?18:14
alecuralsina, yup, there were a lot of "thank you" in the bug report, but it has reared again.18:14
alecuralsina, no idea what happened. I'm not even running Oneiric as of yet18:15
ralsinaalecu: me neither18:15
ralsinamandel is on Oneiric, can you assign to him for testing?18:15
alecuralsina, is the current tarmac still running on dobey's server? Who should we ask about it not merging stuff?18:20
ralsinaalecu: no, it's in canonistack, dobey or sidnei18:20
alecudobey/sidnei: I have a ubuntuone-client branch that depends on a storage-protocol branch and on a sso-client branch that have landed a few hours ago. Tarmac is refusing to land this -client branch, because it expects the other branches.18:23
alecuis there a way to tell tarmac to update the dependencies?18:23
dobeybe patient18:26
alecudobey, how much patience?18:32
dobeymore than We have right now18:33
akgranerHey all you wonderful Ubuntu One folks - can someone give a How to Be and Ubuntu One Guru session for Open Week?  Teaching users the ends and outs of Ubuntu One?18:33
akgranerPlease :-)18:34
alecudobey, is this because of the twisted-webclient dependency?18:34
dobeyalecu: no18:35
dobeyalecu: sorry, ISP is being a pain in Our Royal behind at the moment18:35
alecudobey, ok, no prob.18:36
gatoxralsina, grrrrrr the bug of When running the wizard from the bundle, there is no default button in the first screen IS REALLY WEIRD :S18:41
ralsinagatox: I know18:41
ralsinagatox: it changes behaviour after going through py2exe18:42
gatoxralsina, no..... executing the code with --installer also happens...... i'm trying to fix that using that18:43
ralsinareally? That didn't happen before18:43
gatoxralsina, sorry....... without --installer......18:43
gatoxralsina, i'm not looking at license page18:43
gatoxralsina, i'm looking at choose sign in18:43
ralsinaI mean, the bug happens with py2exe running witout --installer. In fact, it is from before there was a --installer option :-)18:43
gatoxthat has the same problem when license page doesn't appear first18:43
ralsinagatox: yes, I know the page with the three buttons18:44
gatoxralsina, yep18:44
ralsinalast time I tried, when running from sources, it was range, but from bundle it was grey18:44
gatoxralsina, from sources without license page first...... is gray...... i'm looking at that.... it's really weird18:45
ralsinagatox: I would expect the one with "Skip tour" set as default is more important that that one though18:45
gatoxralsina, ok...... change to that one then...... maybe the solution is the same :P (when i found it)18:45
ralsinagatox: it may be something with the QSS selector? That if the first page is instantiated it "hides" the button in the second one18:46
ralsinaoh, no, it's the other way around. Weirder :-/18:46
gatoxralsina, mmmm i don't know.... i think that may be something in the execution flow that ends assigning the default button to something else18:46
gatoxralsina, but i can't find where yet18:47
ralsinagatox: could be18:47
ralsinagatox: complete overkill: run with -m trace --trace and grep for it18:47
dobeythat was pain18:55
gatoxralsina, i think that i know how to fix all the problems with default button..... i will propose a branch for both issues18:59
dobeyok, where were We19:01
dobeyat least We will have a new phone next week19:05
ralsinagatox: if you know, cool :-)19:18
gatoxralsina, yep..... i'm on it19:18
dobeyalecu: your branch should land the next go-round now19:22
alecudobey, great, thanks!19:32
alecugatox, http://labix.org/xchat-python19:36
* gatox looking...19:37
gatoxalecu, yep, i saw that page, but i wanted something running outside of xchat..... that's way i was looking into dbus... i'll have to analyze if dbus path it's possible or go with this one instead :P19:38
alecugatox, I thought about a small plugin that sits inside xchat, and that communicates thru dbus with ninja to tell it about the branches it finds19:40
gatoxalecu, awesome!!! i didn't thought about that!19:40
alecugatox, do you currently use any dbus inside ninja?19:43
gatoxalecu, nop.... i was going to make a plugin for that, to avoid any dependency with dbus (for windows)19:43
alecugatox, kde uses dbus when running under windows. I think we should still take a look at that.19:44
alecugatox, I even found a "dbus-daemon.exe", but I never tried it too much.19:45
alecuit seems that mumble uses it when running under windows.19:45
gatoxalecu, interesting... i was looking at Qt doc for QDbus, but they said that only for unix platforms19:45
alecugatox, oh, right. I know remember why19:45
alecuthe dbus bindings for python do not work fine on windows.19:46
alecuthat's why.19:46
gatoxalecu, ahhhhhhh19:46
gatoxalecu, but.... is also says that for Qt (C++)19:46
alecugatox, well, mumble is somehow using it19:47
ralsinaalecu: they are using windbus or something like that and a custom Qt build19:48
ralsinaalecu: (just guessing)19:48
alecuralsina, I love creative guessing! :-)19:48
gatoxmaybe the problem is that is not a complete support or something like that19:48
ralsinaalecu: here's how: http://lists.trolltech.com/qt-interest/2008-09/thread00290-0.html19:49
alecuok, we are three reviews away from beer for the whole team:19:49
gatoxyep.... it seems that is not straight forward on windows19:50
alecuthe first branch needs one more review, the second two reviews.19:50
ralsinaalecu: and it does involve building Qt with custom flags. Which would mean building PyQt with some other random combination of custom flags. I am guessing it is marginally less effort than using our homegrown IPC though :-)19:50
gatoxalecu, i'm finishing with a small branch and will trade a review with you if you want :P19:51
alecugatox, sure!19:51
alecugatox, I'm re-reviewing your network-detect branch, and it's saying "1 conflicts encountered"(sic) again19:52
gatoxalecu, againnnnnnnnnnn........ crap19:53
gatoxalecu, ok........ i'll fix that after this branch.... almost done19:53
alecuno prob.19:53
gatoxalecu, ralsina review  please (really short): https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/default-wrong-buttons/+merge/7866320:12
ralsinagatox: looking!20:12
gatoxalecu, now i'll fix the conflict and review yours20:12
ralsinagatox: brute force. I like it!20:13
gatoxralsina, are you talking about the show event?20:13
ralsinagatox: about how we don't care *why* it acts weird and just tell it "YOU ARE DEFAULT, BUTTON"  :-)20:13
ralsinagatox: works with kids, hould work with buttons :-)20:14
gatoxralsina, jeje...... should i keep looking why the flow is crazy?20:14
ralsinagatox: absolutely not20:14
gatoxralsina, i fixed that way because i remember that we used to have the same problem in that page a while ago..... and that was the way to fix it20:15
nessitaalecu: what a nasty duplication we have in the controlpanel re: urls signing20:15
gatoxin another page sorry20:15
gatoxalecu, jeje i was going to say: "who is causing conflicts with my branches??!!" (and it was me :P jejeje)20:17
gatoxalecu, conflict resolved...... looking at your branches now20:18
dobeyoh man, I should hack on beef again20:18
alecunessita, the duplication we have is a bit on the gui side, and a bit on the backend side.20:19
nessitaalecu: right. Anyways, branch looks good, approving!20:19
gatox:D I almost finished with medium bugs...... but i'm pretty sure that ralsina has more bugs hidden20:19
ralsinagatox: about the windows classic making installer look awful... could we improve it by manually setting plastique for the app?20:19
ralsinagatox: no, I don't20:20
alecunessita, we may be able to fix this if we make a bug to go thru all the other places in our codebase where oauth signing happens20:20
alecunessita, but probably we should first focus on using a single http library everywhere20:20
ralsinagatox: I do intend to do a loooooong UI review of installer and u1cp on wednesday though, so a bunch should pop up then20:20
gatoxralsina, mmmm i'm not sure about that... the problem (if i remember correctly) was how windows renders some things in classic..... i should try with a vm with win classic20:21
alecunessita, and for that we need to make sso fully async (ie: dropping threads), and do the same for the webservice calls in syncdaemon.20:21
ralsinagatox: the window contents are not native widgets, should not be platform dependent beyond default styling20:21
alecugatox, it's not so fun when there's nobody else to blame :-)20:22
gatoxalecu, :P20:22
alecugatox, re-reviewing your branch then20:22
gatoxralsina, yes, but in some windows, the behaviour is different to paint rounded corners, and so... i'm not sure...... just guessing... i think i'll need to try that in real life to see what happend20:22
ralsinagatox: yes, but the sidewidget looks bezeled, that's craptastic :-)20:23
gatoxralsina, (i'm sure about the different behaviour..... not sure about this case)20:23
ralsinagatox: +1 on default buttons20:24
gatoxralsina, in this case maybe we can set some other properties to fix that, maybe in some windows that missing properties doesn't give us any conflict and but appear in this case..... as happens sometimes using the same qss on linux/windows....... sometimes borders looks different20:24
gatoxralsina, great20:24
ralsinagatox: notice that I could not run pylint on it though20:24
alecugatox, ralsina: perhaps you need some kind of "reset.css"20:34
alecuthough probably we would need to build something like that for qss20:34
ralsinaalecu: you really don't want that, because you want to start from system fonts and styling (usually)20:37
ralsinaalecu: and color schemes20:38
alecuralsina, are we talking about our orange control panel that uses the ubuntu font?20:38
ralsinaalecu: thus the (usually)20:38
ralsinaalecu: and it's not so orange anymore!20:38
ralsinabut at least scrollbars look like system scrollbars20:39
alecuralsina, right: so, usually I would not use qss at all, so the user selected font, font sizes and theme is used.20:39
ralsinaalecu: right20:40
ralsinaalecu: thing is, on windows classic, frames are 3d20:40
alecubut this is completely the opposite, so perhaps it makes sense to "reset" all the default styles20:40
ralsinaalecu: so that is really just "the windows classic widgets are eye-hurting me" :-)20:41
ralsinawe can't set all styles ayway (which is what a reset.qss would do)20:41
alecugatox, "should try with a vm with win classic" -> you may try on your default vm, but creating a new user and setting the theme to classic there.20:42
dobeyralsina: https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client-gnome/missing-include-2-0/+merge/78665 ; same change as earlier, but for stable-2-0, if you don't mind. :)20:43
gatoxalecu, true....20:43
ralsinadobey: +1 rubberstamp20:44
ralsinaand EOW for me20:44
dobeyralsina: can you quickly tell launchpad that? :)20:44
ralsinadobey: done before you said that20:44
dobeyralsina: thanks, and have a good weekend, with no rain i hope :)20:45
ralsinasee you all (sporadically) from London on monday20:45
dobeyWe hope20:45
dobeyoh, London20:45
dobeythere will be rain :P20:45
alecuralsina, have a nice trip!20:46
dobeyyeah, don't get fondled by security too much20:46
gatoxralsina, bye20:47
ralsinadobey: haha20:49
ralsinayes, I expect minimal fondling. Advantage of arriving at 6AM on a sunday :-)20:49
dobeyohloh needs some commit reconciliation magic20:50
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
gatoxEOD for me!! see you!21:08
alecugatox, don't forget to approve!21:09
gatoxalecu, nessita have a nice weekend!21:09
gatoxalecu, already do that!21:09
alecugatox, https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-windows-installer/timestamp-autofix/+merge/7861621:09
alecuI don't see it!21:09
gatoxalecu, ahhh forgot the approve...... just send the +121:10
alecuahh, cool21:10
gatoxalecu, now is ready21:10
alecugatox, thanks21:11
alecuhave a nice weekend21:11
gatoxalecu, you too! bye21:11
alecunessita, just one small review from you and I'll have to buy drinks for all of desktop+ in the bsas sprint21:13
dobeycheers all, We are off as well. have a good extended weekend!21:15
shane2peruis there a guide to getting u1 running in kde? (Kubuntu)21:15
ubot4KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.21:15
nessitaalecu: looking!21:20
shane2peruI find this a slap in the face of KDE users:  http://voices.canonical.com/ubuntuone/?p=1241  since it doesn't seem to work on kde.21:32
alecushane2peru, the windows version was done with qt, so making it work on kde is easier now.21:39
alecushane2peru, we will probably be porting it back to linux during this cycle.21:39
shane2peruthat is good to know, but it is quite frustrating at the same time that Windows the arch enemy of Linux see problem #1 was prioritized before Kubuntu, Ubuntu's brother.21:40
alecushane2peru, in my eyes the arch enemy of Ubuntu right now is either android or apple.21:41
shane2peruoh, that is bug #121:41
ubot4Launchpad bug 1 in tilix (and 29 other projects) "Microsoft has a majority market share (affects: 966) (dups: 2) (heat: 4568)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121:41
alecushane2peru, we should probably request for that bug to be updated :-)21:41
shane2perunone the less, I was quite shocked to see that, and at within the same hour find out I can't use U1.21:42
alecushane2peru, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GT5fUcMUfYg21:43
alecushane2peru, anyway, we try to do our best, and a lot of ubuntuone users were clamoring to use it on their work environments, where they are forced to use windows, so that's why we choose to go that route.21:45
shane2peruunderstood, but it should be understood that it is quite a knife in the back of kde users too, that is all I'm saying.21:46
shane2peruI dug up a 2010 guide that is no longer working to install u1 on kde, so I'm assuming there is no way of using u1 on kde?21:47
shane2peruthat is my real issue?21:47
shane2peruor question, rather.21:47
alecushane2peru, during the ubuntu P cycle we will be porting the windows UI back to linux, so it will surely be easier to use with kde. A few of our newest developers are die hard kde users and developers, so it will very likely work better.21:47
shane2perubut currently it doesn't exist? or does it?21:48
shane2perufor kde specifically.21:48
alecushane2peru, please, don't consider it a "knife in the back". We are a small team, and we don't like working on windows too much either :-)21:48
shane2perulet's just leave that topic, my question is, Is there any way to currently run U1 on KDE (Kubuntu)?21:49
shane2peruI wasn't able to find a way, but perhaps I overlooked something.21:50
alecushane2peru, I'm not aware of an up to date guide. Have you tried installing the ubuntuone-client-gnome package?21:50
alecushane2peru, it will probably pull in a lot of gnome dependencies21:50
shane2peruI think I did that before, and it didn't work, wouldn't run, and no icon21:50
shane2peruthat is my last memory of it.21:51
alecushane2peru, when was that? after Natty was released?21:51
shane2peruit hasn't been lately21:51
alecushane2peru, well, I don't have a kde desktop around so I would not be of much use anyway. If you try it, you may help getting it to run in this channel.21:52
alecushane2peru, but you'll probably won't find much people here during weekends.21:53
shane2peruhmm, I already have ubuntuone-client installed, when I run ubuntuone-launch I get nothing visible in the cli, and nothing visible anywhere.21:53
shane2peruapparently I never removed it from before.21:53
shane2peruoh well, thanks anyway21:54
alecushane2peru, try "ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk"21:54
alecushane2peru, and make sure you have "ubuntuone-client-gnome" installed before that.21:54
alecushane2peru, that's the package that installs the user interface and the icon.21:54
alecushane2peru, my only guess at an incompatibility is that ubuntuone tries to use the password storage, and it defaults to gnome-keyring.21:55
alecuI know that kde has a similar app named kwallet, but last time I saw it did not fully implement the freedesktop.org "secret service api"21:56
alecuso I guess there would be some incompatibilities there.21:56
alecushane2peru, but anyway, if you try to use it and reach problems, try asking in this channel, and I'll PM you my email just in case.21:57
shane2peruok, installed all that, and ran the u1-client-gnome, and it shows up21:57
alecuwe would love for someone to start using this in kde and tell us about any problems they found.21:58
alecuoh, cool.21:58
shane2peruworking on remembering my password for my account21:58
alecuok, this is the end of my work week.21:58
* alecu EOWs!21:59
alecubye all!21:59
shane2perubye alecu, thanks for the info21:59
alecubye shane2peru, good luck with that22:00
nessitaI'm gone!22:28
=== gatox is now known as gatox_away

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