
GridCubeniihao :)01:21
GridCubetoday we have to update the ubuntu tracker correct?01:26
charlie-tcaGood morning13:38
charlie-tcamicahg, mr_pouit : if possible, we need one of you available next week during testing this final candidate.13:38
charlie-tcaknome, pleia2 : time grows short for the website transfer. 13:39
charlie-tcaWe will need a final release news bulletin, too, for Thursday.13:40
charlie-tcaAlso will need to change the download page on the website Thursday13:40
charlie-tcaTesters : Images starting today are possible final images13:40
charlie-tcamr_pouit: anything on bug 840094 ? Do we need an ACK on it ?13:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 840094 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu Oneiric) "[xubuntu] There is no screen title" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84009413:56
pleia2charlie-tca: yeah, need to find time to finish moving content over, and clean up what I've moved (and we're still waiting on code review and push of new revision from canonical)13:57
charlie-tcaEither way, we will need to update the download page for Xubuntu 11.10 on Thursday.13:58
pleia2we may not make it for the wordpress launch on release day14:00
charlie-tcaI know. We do what we can, and if we don't have it yet, we give the users the best we can anyway.14:02
pleia2but yes, certainly updating of the release page on drupal anyway :)14:11
pleia2might not bother with screen shots this time around because it hasn't changed much14:12
charlie-tcaI don't know that there are changes enough to be visible this time14:12
ochosipleia2: i'd suggest we wait with updating screenshots on the website until the move to wp has been made. feel free to ping me then and i can assist you with it14:21
pleia2ochosi: great, thanks :)14:23
ochosipleia2: i for one also only updated the two necessary screeners in the install-slideshow (but in fact that was also partly due to the fact that i wanted to wait until thunderbird gets fixed [which it didn't in the end])14:25
charlie-tcaOh, and a *very* rough draft of final release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/OneiricOcelot/Final, would appreciate any help getting this one right14:26
charlie-tcaFeel free to delete and add a section if you need to to put your updates in.14:26
ochosik, i'll try to do my part (if i forget feel free to poke and remind me ;) )14:28
charlie-tcaThanks. I would really appreciate any help getting them right14:28
knomecharlie-tca, yeah. we're pending on some issues with IS anyway.15:13
charlie-tcaNice user comments about Xubuntu in general and gmusicbrowser in particular from a user in #xubuntu15:59
charlie-tcaHe is very appreciative of all the effort 16:00
pleia2he who?16:00
ochosinice :)16:01
micahgcharlie-tca: I'll be around until Wed afternoon, hopefully more available than this week16:37
* micahg wonders if blueman is work on the images or if we really need another upload now16:38
micahgotherwise we can SRU a bug fix version16:38
charlie-tcaWe need someone with bluetooth to test if it is working. I don't have bluetooth here.16:40
charlie-tcamadnick: do we if the blueman crash is killing bluetooth?16:40
madnickIt doesnt crash on my hardware16:41
madnickI cant test it16:41
charlie-tcawell, crap16:41
charlie-tcamicahg: is it possible the crash only happens if there is no bluetooth devices?16:41
micahgsure, but that's bad too16:41
charlie-tcayes, but will the upload fox that ?16:41
micahgI haven't seen a crash, but then again, I haven't tried a clean install16:42
charlie-tcaIt would be better if we can fix it, since it is very annoying to have it crash every login16:42
madnickWell, if you reboot in VirtualBox, it doesnt seem to crash 16:43
madnickBut always after a clean install16:43
charlie-tcaMy hardware installs that crash do it every login after it starts16:44
charlie-tcaBut it is sporadic, it doesn't always happen that it crashes16:44
madnickBut its the DBUS blocking error?16:44
charlie-tcaI will install today to verify16:45
charlie-tcamicahg: I am okay with release noting the crash, since it is not everytime, nor every login16:45
charlie-tcaUnless we are certain we will not create new issues, I prefer to wait16:46
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