
=== IdleOne is now known as pangolin
SMJso, can I rotate my screen in Xfce?05:29
well_laid_lawnSMJ: sure you can05:39
well_laid_lawnyou can do it from the command line with xrandr05:40
well_laid_lawnor use a gui like arandr05:40
well_laid_lawn!info arandr05:40
ubottuarandr (source: arandr): Simple visual front end for XRandR 1.2. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.3-1 (natty), package size 43 kB, installed size 280 kB05:40
ssargenntoanybody having problems with thunar opening slow and producing two windows?06:52
=== alphabetical_ome is now known as c933103
Craig_Eis there discussion anywhere that any of you know of regarding the bluetooth issues in OO I can follow?12:47
focaltguys does anyone is having bad windows display after last update?13:31
focaltcharlie-tca, you there? hi :)13:42
charlie-tcaHello, focalt13:42
focaltI made a fresh harddisk install of xubuntu lucid 64bit13:43
focaltand also allowed the latests updates to take place13:43
focaltone of them was xorg something13:43
focaltand since then, I have bad windows displaying13:44
focaltwhat's wrong? I guess it has to do with X...13:44
charlie-tcaWhat does bad windows mean?13:44
focaltwhen I drag them around13:44
focaltor scroll down13:45
charlie-tcaare they twisted, wrong color, no title bar, no menu?13:45
focaltthe content when scrolled down has "bad framerate"13:45
focaltalso when I drag them around13:46
focaltwhile browsing it kind of anoying, cause you are reading and you loose text reading flow...13:46
charlie-tcabad framerate is video card related. Either it needs the hardware drivers, or it is going bad.13:49
focaltcharlie-tca, but the strange is, when I open a .pdf for example13:57
focaltit scrolls smooth13:58
focaltbut not on browser or windows manager13:58
charlie-tcaDifferent apps use different methods to manage the video13:59
focaltI'll ask #xorg guys what they think13:59
jorisWhen is the release candidate for oneiric expected?14:37
charlie-tcaIt isn't14:43
charlie-tcaWe will have final candidates next week, with the final release on Thursday, October 1314:43
jorisah ok, is the beta stable enough?14:44
charlie-tcaNo, the dailies should be though14:44
charlie-tcawell, anyway...14:45
jorisI should be able to google that...14:45
joriscool thanks14:45
charlie-tcayou are welcome14:45
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Xubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/current/14:46
charlie-tcaa little bit slow14:47
jorisoff to install xubuntu and hope to get some sanity back on my desktop... ;)15:03
ElderDryasA quick question (of no real significance, just curiosity): Is the LDM login by default on the left side of the screen?15:08
charlie-tcain Ubuntu it is, In Xubuntu, it should be centered15:11
ElderDryashmmm, lemme see what I using :)15:11
ElderDryasnope, looks like Xubuntu to me15:12
charlie-tcaIf you upgrade, you might have gotten unity-greeter, which will be on the left15:12
ElderDryasI used update-manager -d (or whatever the command really was)15:12
charlie-tcaThat's upgrade from 11.04, so yes, it is on the left.15:13
ElderDryasMaybe that is why Ubuntu Tweak says I'm using GNOME 2.32.1 Ubuntu 2011-04-14 as my DE15:14
charlie-tcaI don't know that one15:15
charlie-tcayou can install lightdm-gtk-greeter to replace unity-greeter and get the Xubuntu lightdm theme15:15
ElderDryasAh, I think I'll wait for the release and just do a re-install15:16
charlie-tcaThat works too, or grab the daily starting monday and do the re-install15:16
ElderDryasI WANT to compete with everyone for server access immediately after the release :)15:17
ElderDryashmm...says lightdm-gtk-greeter is installed.  Any way to make that the default15:19
charlie-tcaWell then waiting it the correct way to do it :)15:19
charlie-tcaI think 'dpkg-reconfigure lightdm' or 'dpkg-reconfigure lightdm-unity-gtk-greeter', but I won't promise it works15:20
mario__HI EVERYBODY!15:46
ElderDryasWell, that didn't work :(15:46
ElderDryascharlie-tca, Any reason to wait for Monday's daily build (as opposed to today's)?15:47
mario__Hey, guys, where can i thank the main developers of xubuntu? i'm very happy with it15:48
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charlie-tcaElderDryas: more changes being uploaded to lightdm and other apps15:49
ElderDryasah, thanks15:49
charlie-tcamario__: this is a good place. I will pass your thanks along15:50
mario__it's been great15:50
mario__and gmusicbrowser is my favorite, it has it all!!!!15:50
mario__thanks to those who offer this incredible product for the sake of quality only15:50
charlie-tcaYou are very welcome. We are glad you find it useful!15:51
mario__have a great day, charlie-tca15:52
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville
mecklenI'm looking for a menu editor for xubuntu (11.04).  I know xubuntu folks recommend alacarte, but apt-get says that it will install 88 new packages, consuming 60MB of disk (including evolution-data-server and gnome-power-manager).  Isn't there something more lightweight and Xubuntu-ish?  Thanks for any suggestions.17:18
m6lockssynaptic didn't produce any search results?17:19
charlie-tcamecklen: For Xfce 4.8, 'sudo apt-get install alacarte --no-install-recommends' in a terminal will let you use an editor to change the menus.17:19
m6locksnot that i ever needed to edit any menus...17:19
Sysicopy .desktop file(s) from /usr/share/applications to ~/.local/share/applications and add NoDisplay=true to item you want to hide17:20
xarisHello all17:21
mecklencharlie-tca: Works like a charm!  Thank you!17:21
charlie-tcaYou are welcome17:21
xarishow can i switch menu language to Greek?17:21
TheSheepxaris: you can select your language at the login screen17:27
xarisTheSheep i log in automatical17:48
xarisi installed glome-language selector but no luck17:48
TheSheepxaris: well, then log out, log in setting the language, and it will remember it17:52
xarisi do it i installed greek and i put them to first line but nothing changed17:52
ronsonolIs it possible to list directories by reference to filesystem device?  "ls /dev/sdb2" doesn't get you there.18:18
XubuntuKrisopen a shell into the device18:20
XubuntuKrisI don't remember how right off hand though18:20
XubuntuKristhen just "ls -a" once inside18:20
ronsonolPurpose is, want to write a script to output file listing contents of thumb drive without having to know the name of the volume, just where it's plugged in.18:21
XubuntuKrisronsonol, is it a thumb drive?18:21
XubuntuKrisshould be possible...google it.lol18:21
ronsonolYeah, I was not sure what *terms* to search.18:22
Sysils /media/*/ ?18:22
XubuntuKrishe want's to do it without knowing the name of the device..18:22
Sysithat's why *18:22
XubuntuKrisjust the location18:22
XubuntuKrisWhat if there are multiple devices mounted in /media?18:22
ronsonolSysi that would probably work.  Kinda greedy.18:23
XubuntuKristhat would list all of them18:23
XubuntuKriswho know's which is which18:23
Sysior just fail18:23
XubuntuKrisit failed for me18:23
XubuntuKrisls: cannot access /media18:24
Sysiworks for me, with one stick18:24
charlie-tcaIt would depend on having the device(s) actually mounted in /media18:24
Sysiwith two it shows partition names too18:25
ronsonolcharlie-tca that's where they tend to automount tho.18:25
ronsonolI guess it's an academic thing now, but I am curious if there's a way to do it on the basis of device location.18:26
XubuntuKrisdude. just do lsusb18:27
XubuntuKrisnvm, that just lists the devices that are mounted18:27
Sysimount and some grep.. if there isn't some nice way18:28
* ronsonol mans lsusb18:28
ronsonolokay, I'm gonna go hack away at this.  FWIW, ultimate aim regards http://www.deaddrops.com -- jack into a dead drop, dump the directory, upload that to another dead drop to say what's over there.18:32
raevoli'm trying to figure out why firefox/xubuntu is chugging so hard on my netbook19:48
raevolcould it be because i have no swap?19:48
Sysihow much ram, what cpy, what websites?19:49
raevoli've got 2 tabs open, gmail and facebook, i know those are javascript heavy, but i wouldn't think they'd slow to a crawl like they do19:49
Sysiopen taskmanager and see cpu usage19:49
raevolusing ~400megs of 1 gig of ram19:49
Sysialso what firefox version?19:49
raevolprocessor is a 1.6ghz intem atom19:49
raevolfirefox 7.0.119:49
raevolcpu is showing 2 cores which seems innacurate, but they are fluctuating between 20-70%19:50
raevolthey're both caping ouut when i browse pages on facebook19:51
raevolis facebook really that cpu intensive?19:51
SysiI think it is19:51
Sysiyou could try mobile page.. and adblock19:51
raevolusing adblock19:52
Sysitry taking it off19:52
charlie-tcaadd the swapfile, it will make a world of difference19:52
Sysinot on atom.. maybe if it's new one19:53
raevolit's an eeepc 90119:54
raevoldisabling flash helped some19:55
Sysiyou could try chromium, even if FF7 is fast19:56
raevolchromium is fast, but it hogs too much memory, i recently switched off of it19:57
raevolah, system monitor is responsible for a lot of cpu usage, haha, just switched to a panel plugin instead19:58
villerI tried changing .xsession in Xubuntu but when I logged out and back in, the .xsession file was not executed19:58
=== raevol1 is now known as raevol
NikyoI'm installing xubuntu 11.0421:10
Nikyoit's installing on a old Pentium 4 Micron computer21:38
Nikyoxubuntu runs the best on it.. I tried running it from a usb stick and it worked great...so I am installing from that.. I like it better than the ubuntu install.. xfce is nice and light21:50
knomeNikyo, glad to hear you are enjoying xubuntu21:51
Nikyoi am.. been using linux since red hat 5.021:53
Zetacuhello i'm new installing Xubuntu and i want to try if my tvcard is compatible. In this page it say it is. But i do'nt understand what they mean about the modules: tuner_xc2028 and cx8800. how can I install those o what I need to do to enable them? the page is this one http://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Powercolor_Real_Angel_33023:25
well_laid_lawnZetacu: you have xubuntu installed now?23:37

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