
Claudio964Hi all, now tested with upstream (mainline) kernel. - Bug #870250 and removed the according tag. Anything else I can do?08:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 870250 in linux "Problem with external firewire disk and new firewire stack in Kubuntu 11.04 and 11.10 beta2" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87025008:13
Claudio964Is there a way to switch back to the old firewire stack in 11.04?08:14
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JohnCampbellAny kernel expert wanna take a look at this?15:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 863873 in linux "xubuntu 11.10 beta2 kernel boot problem" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:30
JohnCampbellI have attached two screen shots just before restart15:30
x300Hello, I am running Ubuntu Natty with kernel 2.6.38-11-generic #50 and am getting a kernel oops which seems to involve my Radeon X300 video card.  I have captured a crash dump (320+ MB) in /var/crash and would like to know the recommended next step.  Thanks for advice.17:38
x300Hello, I am running Ubuntu Natty with kernel 2.6.38-11-generic #50 and am getting a kernel oops which seems to involve my Radeon X300 video card.  I have captured a crash dump (320+ MB) in /var/crash and would like to know the recommended next step.  Thanks for advice.17:58
jjohansenx300: file a bug,  from a terminal type  ubuntu-bug17:58
x300Thx, I will go ahead with that17:59
jjohansenand it will step you through filing the bug and attaching the crash info17:59
x300jjohansen:  The "content of the report" window in Apport shows that the ProblemType is Bug.  Shouldn't it say something like "kernel oops?"18:04
jjohansenx300: hrmm, actually I am not sure.  Different versions of apport use different wording18:05
jjohansenx300: if you want to guarentee that it is filed against the kernel do18:06
jjohansenubuntu-bug linux18:06
x300jjohansen:  I did :-)18:06
jjohansengenerally ubuntu-bug should get you there by looking at what crashed and asking questions18:06
jjohansenbut sometime specifying linux seems to be needed18:07
x300jjohansen:  OK, I will keep going in Apport.  Maybe it will get better as I go.18:07
x300In the webpage that is opened by Apport, the tag "apport-bug" is automatically added, but it appears this should be "apport-kerneloops."  How can I get Apport to detect that the issue being reported is a kernel oops?  Also, is there a procedure for modifying the Launchpad bug report to include the oops crash dump?18:39
x300About "modifying" - I can try attaching the crash dump, but uploading 320+ MB may take a while18:41
x300Is it OK to gzip the crash dump before attaching it?18:45
x300How can I find out what options are compiled into my running kernel?19:43
KiallHeya, I'm seeing kernel panics with KVM+the latest Oneiric kernel, anyone familiar with debugging issues like this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/87016822:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 870168 in linux "Kernel Oops - Oneiric KVM/OpenStack triggers 'Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer deference'" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:31
KiallHeya, I'm seeing kernel panics with KVM+the latest Oneiric kernel, anyone familiar with debugging issues like this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/87016822:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 870168 in linux "Kernel Oops - Oneiric KVM/OpenStack triggers 'Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer deference'" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:33
Kiallwrong window22:33
Kiall(wrong window to him up+enter in ;))22:34

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