
=== Axlin is now known as Axlin|MB
Guest76848I recently purchased a gamepad to play old games on my ubuntu linux 10.04 LTS machine. i have a logitech F310 and i downloaded three emulators, mupen64plus, zsnes, and GFCE Ultra NES Emulator. I can't seem to get it to work. i installed joystick, and other forums suggest installing jscalibrator but in the terminal is says it can't be found.04:24
Guest76848does anyone know where i can find a solution to this? i've checked many forums and they've all been duds.04:25
holsteinGuest76848: you dont see it in the terminal when you run lsusb?04:25
Guest76848it is listed...does this mean it recognizes it and it should be working properly?04:25
Guest76848my gamepad and my mouse is listed. so it does pick up the connection from the usb port.04:26
holsteinGuest76848: whats the line?04:27
holsteinfrom lsusb04:27
Guest76848it says:04:27
Guest76848bus 002 device 004:04:28
Guest76848id 046d: c21604:28
Guest76848logitech, inc. dual action gamepad04:28
Guest76848thats it04:28
holsteinGuest76848: i have something close to that04:29
holsteinhavent used it in years, but i just plugged it in, and it worked, and that was 10.0404:29
Guest76848which is the version i have.04:29
holsteini remember having to go in and set it up in all the emulators04:29
holsteinit was a bit of a pain04:30
holsteinworth it though, assuming you need a contoller04:30
Guest76848yeah, i cant work with pressing a,s,d,f and arrow keys. terrible04:30
Guest76848well, it seems like im on the right track then.04:30
Guest76848i just have to work more with the emulators then, i guess the gamepad is ok. i thought it wasnt working.04:31
Guest76848do u recommend any emulators?04:31
holsteinnah, im not a gamer really... i play teewords a bit :)04:31
Guest76848the link says i have to log in...04:32
holsteinwell, it just says what we are saying... someone says 'its not working', someone else says 'works for me'04:33
holsteinGuest76848: i would try getting it working with a native game04:33
Guest76848native game?04:34
holsteinGuest76848: a linux game, on linux, with linux running on metal04:34
holsteinright now, you have a lot of variables04:34
Guest76848ok, where can i get a linux game?04:35
holsteinwhere ever you install apps04:35
holsteinsoftware center, or synaptic, or apt04:35
Guest76848let me try that.04:35
iloveubuntu29i have a problem with sound-juicer and i am wondering if you could help me?04:37
holsteiniloveubuntu29: ?04:37
iloveubuntu29i have 3 DVD-or+RW drives and when ever i try to load them with CDs to rip it always switches drives on me when i insert them while ripping one of them04:39
holsteiniloveubuntu29: sorry, ive never had the opportunity to rip with that many drives in action at a time04:40
iloveubuntu29oh, should i try ubuntu forums?04:40
holsteinand i dont consume or create many things in disc form these days04:40
holsteiniloveubuntu29: im not sure04:40
holsteinit might not be an issue04:41
holsteinits trying to use the one that is ripping?04:41
holsteinyou are opening seperate instances of sound-juicer?04:41
iloveubuntu29it is switching from the one that is ripping to the one that is not and automaticaly shuts down04:42
holsteiniloveubuntu29: im not sure im following04:42
iloveubuntu29no only one instance i cannot open multiples in unity04:42
iloveubuntu29when i had 10.04 lts i could open multiple instances in metacity or compiz04:43
iloveubuntu29two drives are not ripping only one is.04:44
holsteinso, you have 3 drives... you put a CD in, and you say rip it, and it rips track one, and switches to drive 2 for track2?04:44
holsteinand fails?04:44
iloveubuntu29it switches from the ripping disk to one that has just been inserted and then shuts down04:45
holsteiniloveubuntu29: ?04:45
holsteinwhy are you inserting discs?04:45
Guest76848thanks holstein, working good on my 64 emulator. thanks.04:45
holsteinmaybe you should *not* do that while its ripping04:45
iloveubuntu29to rip them i have a large cd collection04:45
holsteinsure, but you cant rip them 2 or 3 at a time that way04:46
iloveubuntu29no not with unity only with metacity or compiz04:46
holsteinwell, log out and log into classic and try it04:46
jciloveubuntu29has anyone dealt with sound-juicer05:21
LemonAidHello !  Q: On my Win7 running PC i left an opened port with, and i connect to with Netcat from my Ubuntu running laptop07:58
LemonAidThat lands me in a CMD shell(as i set it up), but inside that shell i can not start Netcat.07:58
LemonAidThe thing is, that when i do a dir *.exe in the directory i have nc.exe, i can not even find nc.exe, however it is there.07:59
=== b08w3av3r is now known as bobweaver
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
CavalierGot a question about raedon HD issues10:14
Nick136hey all....this channel alive?10:19
jp_Hranicebe in hope :-)10:20
Nick136Ok so...I'm running 11.04, and I want to upgrade to 11.10 beta 2, I've got the iso., and I've tried update manager, but dusnt want to work, I've also tried to install via live boot usb, but cant get anything to boot via bootloader since I installed 11.04(don't get me wrong not blaming 11.04, it's prob just my own stupidity)10:21
jp_HraniceMy english is not so perfect ... can you boot from USB flash disk ?10:50
jp_HraniceToo late :-(10:50
holsteinjp_Hranice: sure13:27
pip__After a recent hardware upgrade - i52500k, z68 mobo & some 1333mhz corsair xms3 ram I can no longer enable desktop effects in 10.10.  I've an HD4870 1Gb GPU & neitther the open source (which I prefer) or fglrx drivers work.  Does anyone hve any ideas as to what the issue may be?14:00
holsteinpip__: you changed the graphics hardware?14:03
pip__no, the HD4870's been in for a year or 214:04
holsteinyou changed the motherboard?14:04
pip__oh yes14:04
pip__board, CPU & RAM14:04
pip__all changed14:04
holsteinin that scenario, i would try a live CD and see if the desktop effects can be enabled14:04
holsteini would also try an older kernel14:04
holsteinwhatever the next kernel in the list is14:05
pip__ok.  I'm not on the rig in question at the moment, but I'd not thought of that14:05
pip__thanks for the input, I'll give it a go when I get home14:06
holsteinsure... let us know how it goes14:07
pip__given that 11.10 is so close I was toying with the idea of just giving that release a whirl14:09
holsteinpip__: no reason not too at this poing14:09
holsteini would still do some testing live though14:10
holsteini suppose it could be something with the motherboard swap14:10
pip__I also had some weird internet problems, very slow14:10
pip__I think you may hav it with the board14:10
holsteinim proposing that you upgraded packages at the same time, and thats what 'broke' the graphics driver14:10
holsteineither way, trying some live CD's with different kernel versions will help you troubleshoot14:11
pip__excellent, thats my Sunday evening sorted14:12
pip__thanks holstein, I'll drop back in in the next day or so & give a sit rep14:13
holsteinpip__: good luck :)14:13
=== b08w3av3r is now known as bobweaver
coalwateranybody with some webmin/virtual min experience?15:32
sebikulcoalwater, i know a bit about webmin15:36
coalwaterwell i created a virtual host but still the domain name doesn't resolve for some reason15:38
sebikuldelete the virtual server, i will walk you through the process. i think i know whats wrong, i had the same problem15:41
coalwaterok 1 second15:41
coalwaterhmm, i think i can't delete it because it's the last one remaining15:43
coalwaterwait, i found it lol15:44
coalwatersebikul: ok it's gone15:44
sebikulhehe. when creating the virtual server, leave the "Handle connections to address" as "Any address", put the domain name as "Server Name" and choose the document root15:44
sebikulthen hit the "Create now" button and access the virtual host settings15:45
coalwaterhmmi cant find that in the creation page15:46
coalwaterdo i click create server first?15:46
sebikulthese options are shown when creating a virtual host from webmin15:46
coalwaterhm, do i need to create one there befoer using virtual min ?15:47
sebikulbetter to use webmin for this15:47
coalwaterok what do i need to create tthe virtual server15:48
coalwateri cant find what to click15:48
sebikulServers -> Apache Webserver -> create virtualhost15:49
coalwaterthere's a virtual server on /var/www15:50
coalwaterdo i keep that15:50
sebikulyeah, keep it. create a folder somewhere else as document root for the new virtual host15:50
sebikulremember to do what i said earlier. leave the "Handle connections to address" as "Any address", put the domain name as "Server Name"15:52
coalwaterdo i need to end it with a dot or any thing15:53
coalwaterit still doesn't work sadly15:54
sebikulnow open the settings for that virtual host and go to "Networking and Addresses"15:55
coalwaterok im there15:55
sebikulat the right, where it says "Alternate virtual server names" put your domain name as "*.DOMAIN+TLD". ie: "*.example.com"15:56
sebikulthen hit "Apply Changes" at the top right15:56
sebikulsaving first15:56
sebikulit should work now15:57
coalwaterapparently i have some messed up stuff lol16:03
coalwaterwhen i tried to restart apache i got some warnings16:03
coalwatersebikul: any good way to debug or something16:12
holsteinwhat is gksudo for KDE?17:10
bioterrorwas it kdsu/kdsudo17:10
bioterroror kdesu17:11
holsteinbioterror: thanks :)17:11
ubot2sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo17:11
ubot2In KDE use « kdesudo <program> » (or « kdesu <program> » for Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! | See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to find out why17:11
holsteinkdesudo should do it then17:12
LemonAidHello. Got a little problem Netcat related.. sort of (i think). I`ve detailed it here since it`s sort of a long explaination. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1132301918:42
hiscirI have recently purchased a printer, a canon LBP2900B, and successfully installed the drivers from the canon site. The printer shows up in the printers list, and even adds jobs in queues, however all the jobs go in the pending state, and the printer doesn't process anything. Here is some info : http://pastebin.com/FHye1sMX18:55
holsteinhiscir: no driver in the repos?18:56
hiscirholstein: I have installed the drivers from the canon site, they recently provided them.18:57
holsteinhiscir: right18:57
holsteinwere there none from ubuntu?18:57
hiscirholstein: no not from ubuntu repo18:58
holsteinhiscir: if you remove the printer, and go to the printer config, what driver is suggested by the wizard?18:58
holsteini think thats going to be about all you can do18:58
holsteintry a different driver18:58
hiscirholstein: will try it18:59
holsteinhiscir: youve checked out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters/CanonPrinters/Canon_LBP_2900 ?19:08
hiscirholstein: yup, but those issues were solved, since canon came up with an update with the driver. The ones mentioned on the site uses an old driver version 1.3, the one available is 2.919:10
holsteinhiscir: seems like maybe they werent19:10
holsteindid you try this driver?19:10
hiscirno, haven;t tried this one. /me thinks will give this a try19:11
holsteinmaybe http://www.unixmen.com/linux-distributions/ubuntu/229-installation-canon-lbp2900-on-linux is more relevant19:12
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bioterrorwas your test succesful?20:37
BanguBanguhey anyone there20:37
BanguBanguit's successfuyl20:37
BanguBangui had a feeling I was in a room alone... :(20:38
BanguBangubut I see on the side that there are other people here...20:38
bioterroryes, and this is a support channel20:39
bioterrorwe mostly talk if there's a reason, for chit chat there's -team -channel20:39
BanguBanguI understand. I'm new to this! I just installed Ubuntu approximately 30 minutes ago, and I am having trouble getting a wireless connection20:40
BanguBanguI've looked at a few threads, and googled around. I don't think I've found much that can help me.20:40
BanguBanguWell, maybe if I looked more, but I figured asking in chat wouldnt hurt20:41
bioterrorwhat's your problem?20:41
BanguBanguI'm not able to make any sort of connection at all. Whenever I click on the Network Manager on the top right corner, I am not given any options to connect to any network20:41
BanguBanguI've checked to see if my network adpator is recognized20:42
BanguBanguOpened terminal and entered "iwconfig"20:42
BanguBanguand information comes up about my adaptor20:43
bioterrorhave you run that "hardware drivers"?20:43
BanguBanguI don't understand what you mean. Also, I'm on win7 right now.20:44
BanguBanguSince i'm dual booting and can't make an internet connection, I switched back over20:44
BanguBanguto look for solutions.20:44
bioterrorBanguBangu, you should use your ubuntu with wired connection20:45
bioterrorinstead of wireless20:45
BanguBanguI definitely would do that, but I'm not anywhere near my router20:46
bioterrorhard to help if you're in windows20:46
BanguBanguand I think what I will do is move to my router and load up ubuntu through there20:46
BanguBanguso you can help me while I'm on ubuntu20:46
bioterrorpropably or someone else20:47
BanguBanguhey bio20:56
BanguBanguHey can someone help me connect to the internet wirelessly?20:59
bioterrorsudo lshw -C network21:04
bioterrorwhat does it prompt to you?21:04
bioterrorif you open terminal and put that command21:04
BanguBanguletś see21:07
BanguBangu*-network                       description: Ethernet interface        product: NetLink BCM57780 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe        vendor: Broadcom Corporation        physical id: 0        bus info: pci@0000:03:00.0        logical name: eth0        version: 01        serial: 00:26:2d:a2:04:36        size: 10Mbit/s        capacity: 1Gbit/s        width: 64 bits        clock: 33MHz        capabilities: pm msi pciexpress bus_ma21:07
BanguBanguwell thatś sloppy21:07
bioterrorthat's not a wireless21:08
BanguBangui know21:08
BanguBanguit cut off my wireless21:09
BanguBanguhold on21:09
BanguBanguI have a driver version21:09
BanguBanguIḿ looking at at it, and there is a data telling me the driver version21:09
BanguBangu*-network DISABLED        description: Wireless interface        product: AR928X Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express)        vendor: Atheros Communications Inc.        physical id: 0        bus info: pci@0000:06:00.0        logical name: wlan0        version: 01        serial: 78:e4:00:18:ba:dd        width: 64 bits        clock: 33MHz        capabilities: pm msi pciexpress msix bus_master cap_list ethernet physical w21:10
BanguBanguYeah, my next question was to ask21:10
BanguBanguhow to enable my wireless adpator, because my keyboard commands won't do it21:11
BanguBanguin win7, most can just press Fn+wireless toggler21:11
BanguBanguitś not working on ubuntu though21:11
BanguBanguDon't worry about me right now21:13
BanguBanguI am reading some stuff I googled. I think I may be able to figure it out on my own21:13
bioterrorBanguBangu, what if you say "sudo ifconfig wlan0 up"21:15
BanguBanguit turned on my adaptor21:15
BanguBanguSo I guess Iḿ going to have to do that everytime I boot my ubuntu?21:15
bioterroryou should not have to do it21:16
bioterrorbut does it now find wlan access points?21:16
BanguBanguit does not21:17
BanguBanguAre yout alking about when I click on the network manager?21:17
BanguBanguthe wireless networks option is grayed21:17
BanguBanguIt says that "wireless is disabled"21:17
bioterrorstill :G21:18
BanguBanguwhy in the world21:23
bioterrorI only see really old problems with that chipset21:24
bioterrorwhat's your laptop's vendor and model21:24
BanguBanguAtheros Communications Inc.21:24
BanguBanguAR928X Wirless Network Adapter (PCI-Express)21:25
bioterrorhave you upgraded your system?21:27
BanguBanguI just did21:28
BanguBanguAre you talking about my Ubuntu system?21:28
BanguBanguI did. I just installed them.21:28
BanguBanguOh it sayts I need to restart21:28
BanguBangulemme see what happens after I restart21:28
bioterrorlet's give it a shot21:29
BanguBanguThat seemed to do the trick bio21:35
BanguBanguI wish that was one of the first things that would have been said21:35
BanguBanguoh well21:35
BanguBanguThanks though!21:35

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