[00:43] help just installed 11.04 in vbox how do i get the mac style on the bottem to show up and work? [00:47] got it took some time to load it how do i change it add new take off what i do not need ? [00:48] pooltable, try right-clicking, select panel -> panel preferences, tab items [00:51] knome thanks === m00se is now known as Frankenm00se === Frankenm00se is now known as m00se === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [07:53] is there a way to "theme" xubuntu notifications so they look just like normal ubuntu notifications? without the close button, and so they go transparent when moused over? [08:02] is Beta2 going to be pretty much "a look in to the future to see how 11.10 will look/feel" ? (minus some stability I guess) ? [08:09] raevol: you can use notify-osd/notification-daemon or whatever it's called instead of xfce4-notifyd [08:09] Name141: at this point I'd say you should grab daily-live, it should be pretty close to rc/final [08:10] Sysi: when i did that in 11.04 it borked usb unmounting, i was getting extraneous popup windows with error messages [08:10] Sysi: how do I do that? [08:10] i don't think libnotify (or whatever it is) is integrated with thunar, or whatever handles volume management in xubuntu [08:10] Name141: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/current/ [08:11] raevol: I hardly believe that's possible [08:11] Sysi: assuming http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/current/oneiric-desktop-amd64.iso for the 64bit ? [08:12] Sysi: what you believe and what is true aren't always the same thing [08:12] but i could try it again in 11.10 if you are fairly confident something has changed [08:13] Name141: yes [08:13] raevol: shouldn't have changed but should work anyway :P [08:14] though I'm not sure, I prefer xfce4-notifyd [10:41] Hi, is there any known bug with indicator plugin in oneiric, which makes changing volume by scrolling malfunctional? [13:50] Hallo! Ich habe ein Problem mit LibreOffice unter Xubuntu 11.04, ich weiß aber nicht, ob es ein Problem von LO oder von Xfce (oder sonst von was ist) [13:50] !de | ulrich [13:50] ulrich: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! [13:51] Danke für den Tip - thanks for the hint! [13:51] np [15:20] As soon as i installed my graphics driver and restarted, my os freezes at the boot time and i am unable to even start linux. Please help me [15:30] chirag_d_gr8, you can't log into the shell? [15:33] GridCube: yes, in recovery mode also i encounter same error, [15:33] hello [15:33] chirag_d_gr8, so you cannot press ctrl-alt-F1 [15:34] to go to a tty? [15:34] i did not try. [15:34] try that [15:34] what should I delete from my homedir in order to restart with the default desktop settings? [15:34] ok [15:34] !default [15:34] To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting. [15:35] nautilus?! D: [15:37] Evening guys, let me ask a noob question: so, if I understand correctly, Xubuntu 11.10 wil keep the traditional 'start menu'? I mean, contrary to Unity & Gnome3 - correct? [15:38] nevermind, I managed [15:39] LeVarTemit, yes [15:39] Awesome :) [15:39] indeed [15:40] And what would be the drawback of Xubuntu for an "ex-ubuntu user" ? [15:40] you will be using xfce instead of gnome [15:40] its different [15:40] thats about it [15:41] i can still install LibreOffice from teh software center? [15:41] sure [15:41] you can install everything from the software center [15:41] awsome² .. how about Wine? [15:41] you can install everything from the software center [15:42] its ubuntu using xfce, whit some other modifications, but its the same sources for everithing [15:42] yep [15:43] if it works in ubuntu it should work on xubuntu [15:43] great [15:43] except you want to run things highly integrated whit gnome [15:43] like applets of stuff like that [15:43] so, no integrated IM messages integrated into the panel? [15:44] those will probably not work because you will be not using gnome in the first place [15:44] (Empathy, gwibber, email) [15:44] that one does work [15:44] :) [15:44] ubuntuone doesnt work as far as i know [15:44] ah, i can do without [15:44] never tried to use it tho [15:45] is it known what the "core people" of xubuntu want to do in the future? do they want to keep the start menu? [15:47] LeVarTemit, Xubuntu uses xfce, so the roadmap for xfce is pretty much the roadmap for xubuntu [15:47] http://wiki.xfce.org/releng/4.10/roadmap?s[]=roadmap#roadmap_planned_features [15:47] ofcourse xubuntu works on other things too [15:47] but for the things you are concerned about its pretty much it [15:48] xfce has no plans whatsoever to ever change the menu system [15:49] excellen :) [15:49] t [15:49] :) [15:49] chirag_d_gr8, could you? [15:49] not that i'm against tablet-y things, .. but they shouldnt throw out the good stuff [15:50] GridCube: I try your advice after some time [15:51] How do I set a compose key to make special characters in Xubuntu ? [15:51] GridCube: do i have to press ctrl+alt+F1 during boot time or during grub display? [15:55] joris > you after the euro sign? [15:55] also but also normal accents... [15:55] i found a solution for ubuntu, but i don know if that works for xubuntu, .. well guys? [15:56] I know how to do it in gnome, but there seems to be nu such menu in xfce, or at least I can't find it... [15:56] (as for ubuntu , there was plenty of instructions on google .. the solution i use now uses the keyboard setting 'usa international with dead keys' .. if you google for that youĺl find it) [15:57] oh, right, then you need something else . . . [15:57] yeah I know about dead keys, but I prefer to use a compose key [16:00] you could try xubuntu-offtopic [16:00] maybe it's more lively there [16:00] joris, you have to configure they on >Configuration >keyboard >shortcuts [16:01] chirag_d_gr8, after grub [16:01] once the system should have started [16:09] does anyone know if KDE is on irc? [16:11] O_o [16:11] #kubuntu ? [16:11] #kde ? [16:12] lol, it works! [16:12] XD [16:12] no, that doesnt work [16:12] nevermind [16:12] it works! [16:13] Well does it work or not.. [16:13] lol [16:13] it works! [16:13] okay [16:14] what do you think about KDE's applications, contrary to xubuntu's? [16:14] they are different [16:15] do you like 'em? [16:15] why that should matter? [16:15] they are different [16:15] thats ti [16:16] do you tell your wife the same if she asks what kind of person your new secretary is? [16:16] not having a wife or a secretary i can not answer that [16:16] ;P [16:17] :) [16:19] GrindCube: it seems that you have to set it up in xorg, fingers crossed, hope it will work I am going to restart X now [16:22] have a pleasant evening. bye. [16:38] hello, can i get some help? [16:38] !hi [16:38] Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay! [16:39] ok, i have some problems installing jwm [17:03] hello [17:44] compose key works now... === SaaMmY1 is now known as SaaMmY [19:08] test === antnash_ is now known as antnash [19:31] Can someone please help me with an xfce4-power-manager error that I'm getting. I get the error in the following pastebin link with the --no-daemon argument. http://pastebin.com/bqRm5Q8h [19:55] run it with --sync and attach the resulting backtrace to a bug report [19:55] file the bug with ubuntu-bug xfce4-power-manager [19:56] --no-daemon as well or just --sync? [19:57] with only --sync I get no output [19:57] --no-daemon --sync gives me the same output as I pasted [19:59] and if don't use either one? [20:00] Did you remove gnome-power-manager? [20:04] Does it need to be removed or just not running? I was clear on that earlier. [20:04] s/was/wasn't [20:05] well, I just removed gnome-power-manager packages and I get the same error [20:07] looks like the bug I'm filing has already been reported. === antnash_ is now known as antnash [20:34] hi guys [20:35] :) [20:35] ...that's the official xubuntu support channel, isn't it? [20:35] ehm...is there anybody? [20:37] yep [20:37] oh thanks some one is here :D [20:37] (sorry for my bad english mate XD) [20:38] so can I explain my problem or there's a particular way I should act? [20:39] you just tell it :) [20:39] ok thanks :) [20:39] here's my problem: [20:39] actually I'm using Xubuntu 11.04 on an Acer 4920 [20:40] the problem is that I can't register nothing from my external microphone [20:41] I looked in the alsamixer and there I can only find "Mic", "Line In", "Int Mic" [20:42] so no external mic or other similar thing [20:42] *things [20:42] install pavucontrol and try with "pulseaudio settings" [20:42] done [20:42] nothing [20:43] actually I tried to modify settings in pulseaudio in alsa (also in alsa.conf) [20:44] but nothing seems to help me get a sound from this damned microphone [20:45] and actually I find this really strange cause I never had a problem like this... [20:48] ok guys I'll try to play again with pulse and alsa... [20:48] but hey let me thank you Sysi and weel_laid_down [20:48] thank you guys ;) [20:49] see u ;) [20:49] !tab [20:49] You can use your key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. [22:34] Hello [22:35] anyone have any advice for someone who's completely new to xubuntu/linux? [22:36] !hi | ryan__ [22:36] ryan__: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!