
CIA-45ubiquity: stgraber * r5059 ubiquity/ (bin/ubiquity-dm debian/changelog debian/ubiquity.templates): Disable alpha warning10:17
CIA-45ubiquity: stgraber * r5060 ubiquity/d-i/manifest: Automatic update of included source package: netcfg 1.68ubuntu710:20
CIA-45ubiquity: stgraber * r5061 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.8.510:21
evhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/705348/ - is what I've uncovered by smoke testing so far.  Nothing release critical though.11:20
evactually, that probably belongs in -release11:21
cjwatsonI'm not sure number 3 is a bug; you might have e.g. autoconnected to neighbour's wireless rather than your own11:33
cjwatsonthough 4 rather gets in the way of that :)11:33
evwhy would you have autoconnected in the installer?11:48
cjwatsonhow is it ending up connected before the wireless page then?11:52
evI selected it in nm-applet11:52
evapols for not being more clear about that in the report11:52
cjwatsonah, ok, not autoconnect then, fair enough11:58
jibelev, bug 83804812:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 838048 in ubiquity "ubiquity crashed with TypeError in __new__(): object of type 'NoneType' has no len()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83804812:43
mptev, actually, two things make me think you were right to suggest changing the text in the listbox itself13:23
mptev, one is that adding a sentence (if you hit the kill switch while the screen is being displayed) would often cause the list to jump downward, which would be ugly13:24
mptev, and the other is that you might possibly have two wi-fi cards, with only one turned off.13:24
mptev, what happens if there are two cards anyway? Does the installer just pick one, or does it present both?13:26
evit presents both13:27
evthus presenting the headers with the card name13:27
evI'm not sure it's typically possible to disable one card, for what it's worth13:29
evI haven't ever seen one with a dedicated kill switch13:29
mptev, ok, https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/Doc?docid=0AU5sFuLRpCpBZGZra2pqY2pfMTAxZ25rcnBnNXY&hl=en_US#Setting_up_Internet_connection_992582821008342413:31
evugh, what's this next_normal back_normal nonsense I wrote? In the absence of decent code comments, commit early, commit often.13:40
evwow: http://wiki.openstack.org/bootFromISO14:07
evsoren: I guess you never found anyone to implement it for you and went ahead and did it yourself?14:07
eveither way, I cannot wait to play with this14:07
evgreat stuff14:07
sorenev: I'm not 100% convinced it's implemented. I certainly didn't do it.14:46
sorenev: ...I think.14:46
sorenev: It's been a long release cycle :)14:47
evDaviey was talking about it as if it was ready :)14:47
* soren checks14:49
sorenSorry, no. Not implemented. Not in the KVM backend, at least.14:51
Davieyxen only :(14:57
sorenXenServer only, even.14:57
sorenIt's not a lot of work to add to the KVM backend.14:58
sorenAt all.14:58
sorenLess than a week including integration tests and everything.14:58
sorenA couple of days if you're familiar with the code.14:59
Davieysoren: Glance side of things is solid tho?15:01
Davieyjust nova changes?15:01
sorenDaviey: AFAICT, yes.15:01
bdmurrayLooking at bug 870418 I'm not concived its a duplicate as the error is "nspluginwrapper: /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so is not a valid NPAPI plugin"15:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 870418 in ubiquity "Installer crash (dup-of: 870281)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87041815:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 870281 in flashplugin-nonfree "installer crash when user choose to install additional software: http://archive.canonical.com/pool/partner/a/adobe-flashplugin/adobe-flashplugin_10.3.183.10.orig.tar.gz doesn't exist" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87028115:02
bdmurrayev: should bug 870177 be release noted or ...?15:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 870177 in ubiquity "Ubiquity copies wireless network settings in oem installation mode" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87017715:09
stgraberbdmurray: I guess it should, just so that OEMs know not to use wireless during the initial install or the wireless connection will get copied over to the target15:12
evindeed, release noted15:12
evmm, I meant it should be, not that I've done so (currently deep in this wireless disabled bug)15:25
CIA-45ubiquity: evand * r5062 trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs):15:43
CIA-45ubiquity: * Don't crash if the user selects the wireless card header and presses15:43
CIA-45ubiquity:  next (LP: #838048).15:43
CIA-45ubiquity: * If the user selects a wireless card header, the next button text15:43
CIA-45ubiquity:  should not be 'Connect.'15:43
CIA-45ubiquity: evand * r5063 trunk/ (debian/changelog scripts/plugininstall.py):15:50
CIA-45ubiquity: Don't copy the wireless configuration if this is an OEM install (LP:15:50
CIA-45ubiquity: #870177).15:50
CIA-45ubiquity: evand * r5064 trunk/debian/changelog: Fix changelog.15:51
ev^ would appreciate peer review on those15:59
CIA-45ubiquity: evand * r5065 trunk/ubiquity/plugins/ubi-wireless.py: Fix variable reference before assignment. Thanks Stéphane.16:10
CIA-45ubiquity: evand * r5066 trunk/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/plugins/ubi-wireless.py):16:13
CIA-45ubiquity: Make sure the connecting spinner goes away before leaving the16:13
CIA-45ubiquity: wireless page.16:13
evugh, stgraber has found issues in this fix16:21
superm1ev, 5065: wouldn't it be better to add a helper to Controller for translate_widget or fix the call for Controller.translate() to take into account whatever reason it's not working and you need to call into the private method?16:28
CIA-45ubiquity: evand * r5067 trunk/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/plugins/ubi-wireless.py): Account for the 'asleep' network-manager state.16:30
evsuperm1: indeed16:30
evhowever, I'm trying to make the smallest delta possible at this point16:31
evso I'll be happy to do a sweep in 12.04 for accessing private methods16:32
CIA-45ubiquity: evand * r5068 trunk/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.8.617:04
charlie-tcaHad a user with the missing swap file issue of bug 709363 in #xubuntu, got a debug log attached to the report17:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 709363 in ubiquity "swap partition disappeared during installation" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70936317:52
charlie-tcaHe will attach the syslog tomorrow, when his connection improves17:52
bdmurraycjwatson: is https://code.launchpad.net/~brian-murray/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu.oneiric/ part of the right fix for bug 869796?18:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 869796 in tasksel "Ubuntu Server expert mode: Software Select list contains 'Ubuntu Desktop USB'" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86979618:54
cjwatsonbdmurray: I'm not convinced, shouldn't it be a better Task-Key field?19:39
cjwatsonfor that matter why is inkscape there as a task on new installs?19:40
cjwatsonthat made no sense19:40
cjwatsonfor that matter why is inkscape available on a server install?19:40
cjwatsonlet's look at this tomorrow, I need to get the kids to bed and then I need to get to bed, godawful early start tomorrow19:40
cjwatsonI don't really think it's RC19:41
bdmurrayokay it not being RC makes sense19:42
cjwatsonoh, look at that, she climbed into my lap and fell asleep, that's convenient19:44
cjwatson(though now my right hand is kind of pinned to my laptop)19:44
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