
ScottKtumbleweed: done.01:42
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micahgjbicha: I saw your blog post, have you seen backportpackage?03:11
jbichamicahg: no, so many tools to learn :)03:15
jbichamicahg: so it works the same way, just with one command instead of 2 or more?03:16
micahgjbicha: yep03:17
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dholbachgood morning07:10
Q-FUNKdholbach: morning!07:16
dholbachhi Q-FUNK07:17
* tumbleweed waves08:04
Laneywill hopefully find time to review the queue shortly08:06
tumbleweedit's eempty08:06
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Laneywho let me upload?10:44
* Laney hopes the darcs fiasco is over10:44
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Laneytumbleweed: can I sync haskell-hashed-storage?12:16
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Laneyand upload darcs to disable that broken test to fix arm/ppc13:08
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ScottKLaney: You can.14:03
Laneyshould appear in the queue shortly14:08
ScottKApproved the sync.14:11
tumbleweedScottK: thanks14:25
ScottKNo problem.14:25
Laneybah, I finally got directory specific profiles working and now I'm forced to run update-maintainer again :P14:42
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LaneyScottK: darcs in queue15:32
ScottKI'll have a look in  moment.15:32
Laneynow I can scrub my head of the knowledge of its testsuite internals15:33
Laneyfor all the good looking at it did15:33
ScottKIs it going to hurt my eyes to look at the diff once it arrives?15:34
Laneyyou'll see why my studying was worthless :-)15:34
ScottKOK.  Good.15:35
ScottKLaney: Accepted.15:39
Laneythank you15:39
ScottKNo problem.15:40
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pmjdebruijnhi all16:48
pmjdebruijncan anybody here give me some pointers on how to package an .xpi file? (containing themeing info)16:48
pmjdebruijnI have general packaging experience16:49
pmjdebruijnbut it seems xpi files are both in /usr/lib/firefox-7.0.1/extensions/ and /usr/lib/firefox-addons/extensions/16:50
micahgpmjdebruijn: use mozilla-devscripts, there's an install-xpi binary17:30
micahgpmjdebruijn: BTW, we're not accepting new extensions in Ubuntu, but Debian does take them17:31
LaneyWhat if everyone working on the ARB process instead worked on reviewing packages and backports for the main archive?18:40
ZhenechLaney, ubuntu would suck less? *duck* ;)18:41
LaneyI think "let's throw man hours at bypassing the distribution" is absurd18:42
micahgLaney: I don't think that would be good18:42
Laneybecause these packages are so bad that we'd never want them in?18:43
* micahg thinks he needs to catch up on mail18:43
tumbleweedLaney: considering that we have two published ARB apps, I'm not quite worried yet :)18:43
LaneyI've been worried since Brussels18:43
micahgLaney: no, because backports being properly staffed could possibly help a lot of people keep popular apps updated18:44
tumbleweedalthough I see 15 review requests18:45
LaneyI don't understand how that is a disagreement with my position :-)18:45
tumbleweedarguably, if we can't staff our current processes, something is broken, and new processes may help. Then again, just "doing something" isn't the cure18:48
Laneywell the new process in this case is basically just a combined archive + backports queue18:48
Laneyfor some reason people want to review these packages but not those rotting in revu18:49
tumbleweedbecause it's new and shiny? :)18:50
tumbleweedand they get to sit on a board18:50
tumbleweedclearly we aren't making MOTU sexy enough. (or maybe we are just whining)18:51
Laneypoor old sad motu :(18:52
* Laney curls up on it18:53
ajmitchpoor Laney :)18:53
* Laney gets in between ajmitch's legs18:54
* Elbrus bets it is way too late to have any change in getting bug 871332 fixed (is not a high-impact bug, just very annoying that I will get the bug reports)18:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 871332 in winff (Ubuntu) "[oneiric] presets shipped with winff should be updated to match ffmpeg in oneiric" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87133218:54
Laneyi didn't mean that to sound sexy18:55
* ajmitch goes back into hiding18:55
Laneyi wanted to be a cat :(18:55
Laneyoh god right that is it i am never speakig again BYE18:55
tumbleweedLaney: actually probably far simpler than that. ARB is trying to recruit. MOTU is twiddling its thumbs18:55
Elbrusshould I still file the debdiff to fix it? (Nearly done).18:55
Laneythat is true18:57
LaneyElbrus: we can get it in if you're quick with the debdiff18:58
Elbrusuploading now19:00
ElbrusLaney, that would be great.19:01
* Elbrus is glad he is asking ;)19:01
ScottKLaney: I suspect that Debian will be gaining some new users soon.  The ones that like the idea of an actual release.19:01
Laneyat least that is one thing I can be thankful for MOTU for. Making me appreciate the release, and Debian even more.19:03
Laneygeser: dmb?19:03
LaneyElbrus: where did you get the patch from? why does a soname bump imply these changes?19:05
ElbrusI made the patch (as part of my help to upstream)19:07
Laneyhave they applied it there?19:07
Elbrusthe soname changed the interface to ffmpeg19:07
Elbrusit is in the download section (will find the url)19:07
Elbrusthat is where I base the debian and ubuntu presets on in the package19:08
ElbrusI don't use it as is because libaac is not supported by default in ubuntu and debian19:08
Elbrusand the diff between ubuntu and debian was because long time debian didn't have the libavcodec-extra-xx package (but now they do19:09
Elbrusnext debian package will have one preset file for both debian and ubuntu, exactly containing the presets as they are now in the debdiff19:10
Elbrusbut if it was slightly possible I wanted to have these changes in Oneiric19:11
Elbrusso decided to do that first now19:11
* Elbrus will probably create the new debian package tonight or on wednesday.19:11
ElbrusLaney: do you want me to add the above expaination to the bug report?19:12
Laneyno that's fine19:12
Laneyi am in a meeting now, maybe someone else can upload it19:12
ajmitchScottK: you don't agree with the recent suggestions then? :)19:15
ScottKajmitch: No, but I don't find them suprising.19:15
ajmitchI'm surprised that there'd be this push to use extras.u.c instead of universe for far more applications19:17
ScottKIt's completely the opposite thing from making sense.19:19
ScottK"Oh, there's not enough people to review new packages and many of the existing packages are crap"19:20
ajmitchit also won't scale at all with the current processes for the ARB19:20
ScottK"Hey, we can fix that by creating an entirely new process to allow more crap in after more detailed review."19:21
ajmitchit's more like moving the piles of crap from one heap to another19:21
ScottKNo, the rules are relaxed, so it's actually inviting increasing levels of crap.19:21
ajmitchat a cost of more review time, and more pain on the part of packagers & reviewers19:22
* ajmitch really wishes he could log in to his work desktop sometime today19:22
ScottKLike I said: It does the opposite of solving any actual problems.19:22
ajmitchthis laptop keyboard is annoying19:22
ajmitchone mitigating factor to cut down on the crap levels is that packages in extras.ubuntu.com don't get carried over from one release to another19:25
ajmitchthat's also something that increases reviewing time when it comes to the next version19:25
micahgajmitch: not everything needs an update every 6 months19:26
jbichathe extras repository never made much sense to me, I don't see how it really helps Ubuntu or the developers19:26
lifelessajmitch: whats wrong with your work machine ?19:26
ajmitchlifeless: thrashing19:26
micahgjbicha: it was pitched as something for apps that didn't have a lifespan beyond a few months19:26
lifelessajmitch: \o/19:27
ajmitchlifeless: I can get as far as connecting & getting the host key, but ssh is hanging after that19:27
* ajmitch needs more than 8GB of RAM :)19:27
tumbleweedScottK: well, volunteer motivation isn't man-hours that can be moved around by managers. People feel more or less motivated to work on projects. And providing an interesting project can draw people.19:27
lifelessajmitch: thats tricky to get w/out server hardware19:28
lifelessajmitch: I *just* managed 16GB for my dev workstation19:28
ScottKtumbleweed: True, which is another reason moving stuff to extras doesn't make sense.19:28
ajmitchlifeless: nah, you can get laptops with 16GB of RAM now, it's becoming more common in workstations19:28
lifelessajmitch: laptops w/16? I haven't seen that (in the x201 space that is :P)19:29
ajmitchmicahg: not having a package carry over from one release to the next because of lack of reviewer time, even if the package doesn't change, doesn't feel good19:29
micahglifeless: system76 :)19:29
ScottKmicahg: I think it was pitched by people who think 22 crap versions of solitaire is why Android is successful.19:29
lifelessajmitch: the latest <blah codename> from intel will do 32GB tops in the desktop range19:29
ajmitchlifeless: it was either zareason or system76 that had one like that19:29
jbichaor by photobomb's rapid release cycle where the dev doesn't want to support old versions19:29
lifelessajmitch: and to do that you need some crazy arse hard to get dimms19:30
micahgajmitch: some stuff just works, I like Debian's policy of at least one upload per cycle (2 yrs), some stuff doesn't really need more than that19:30
jbichaI really like submitting to Debian first, it was confusing and frightening at first to figure out who to talk to, to get my app reviewed19:31
jbichabut it seems a better process than revu or especially the extras idea19:31
tumbleweedyeah, debian-mentors is *way* more active than revu19:31
ajmitchmicahg: at the moment each arb submission needs a code review & then a majority vote from arb members19:32
* ajmitch has to note that the requirement for /opt/extras.ubuntu.com is a bit of a pain to get right19:36
tumbleweedyeah I don't really get the point of that19:36
tumbleweedI suppose it makes reviewing easier, though19:37
SpamapShrm, how does one get a wiki page on help.ubuntu.com renamed?19:37
ajmitchI haven't seen one submission get it right first try19:37
ajmitchit's meant so that there won't be a conflict with anything shipped by the distribution19:38
ajmitchbut what it means is that there's some hackery to work in19:38
lifelessSpamapS: log in19:38
* tumbleweed thinks I got quite close on the first try, but I cheated by being an ubuntu developer :P19:39
ajmitch& yours was dead simple19:39
tumbleweedthat too, although I had to bundle a library19:40
* ajmitch watches Laney wince19:40
ScottKWith enough automated QA testing we could have automated removals and allow anyone to upload and eliminate the requirement for distro developers completely.19:40
ajmitchsounds great, then we could all just relax19:41
tumbleweedScottK: stop scaring us19:41
SpamapSlifeless: am logged in, Rename is greyed out19:42
ScottKtumbleweed: Please plan for this at the next UDS.  Sorry I won't be there to help.19:42
lifelessSpamapS: odd19:42
jbichain Soviet Russia, Ubuntu packages you!19:42
tumbleweedScottK: plan an ARB discussion?19:42
lifelessSpamapS: did you logout and in again ? (per the moin openid fail) ?19:42
LaneyUDS can happen without ScottK?19:42
ScottKtumbleweed: No, the automatic one.19:42
tumbleweedaah, automated removals sounds useful. Right now, our QA lags behind debian, badly19:43
ScottKSpamapS: h.u.c is a separate wiki from w.u.c, so you may have limited permissions.  I think you need to docs team person like jbicha.19:43
jbichaI don't even have permissions for the wiki yet, maybe I should ask though...19:43
ScottKjbicha: If you don't, you know people who do ...19:43
jbichaSpamapS: you might be able to just create a new page and change the old one into just a redirect19:43
SpamapSOk, that makes sense19:43
SpamapSNeed to rename https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Orchestra/JuJu to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Orchestra/Juju19:44
SpamapSOk yeah I'll try that instead19:44
SpamapSok, done w/ a redirect19:49
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c_kornis there a documentation about the changes between debhelper 7 and 8 ?20:02
jtaylorc_korn: man debhelper?20:04
c_kornyeah, I know this. but maybe changes regarding the new fance options in debian/rules for example?20:06
tumbleweedElbrus: your debdiff looks reasonable, I'll sponsor it20:21
Elbrustumbleweed: great20:27
Laneythere we go, got my meeting duties out of the way in record time20:28
* Elbrus is going to bed with a good feeling20:34
Laneydang, I wanted to ask him if he was a climber20:40
tumbleweedScottK: talking of automated removals. I did something about monitoring merge age: http://corelli.tumbleweed.org.za/ubuntu-qa/oldmerges/20:42
tumbleweed(hacked up ages ago, but never got around to running it. It also hammers lp rather hard :/ )20:43
ajmitchsorting by the superseded column is an interesting read20:43
tumbleweedyeah, that's the main aim20:43
* Laney nmued hp-ppd recently20:44
* ajmitch looks at gallary2 in debian & sees 4 RC bugs20:45
Laneypoor poor webapps20:45
Laneynot that it's in unstable any more20:45
ajmitchI thought it was just removed from testing20:45
Laney& testing20:45
ajmitchsince we get all the cruft from unstable, we get these wonderful packages20:46
milliScottK: what kind of koolaid have you been drinking today?  ;-)20:46
pmjdebruijnmicahg: thanks20:47
micahgLaney: well, next time, we'll do a precise sync from testing20:48
tumbleweedwhich also means we should look at what debian has currently removed from testing20:48
Laneyi imagine the normal process-removals script can/will be tweaked20:49
Laneymaybe s/imagine/hope/ :-)20:51
tumbleweedwhich means parsing all the debian release team's hint files...20:52
ScottKmilli: It's more likely I was being sarcastic.20:52
milliScottK: ;-)20:53
ScottKtumbleweed: It would have been nice to have this before now ...  Definitely something to attend to for precise QA.20:54
Laneyreasons aren't readily available indeed, but we can do it on a best-effort basis20:55
jtaylorwhy is jython in main? oO20:55
tumbleweedScottK: sorry, had it a month ago :(20:55
Laneyplease get that on some kind of QA index20:55
* tumbleweed gets the feeling he needs to get into an ubuntuwire team20:55
gesertumbleweed: should it be easier now as LP has proper published state for Debian?20:56
ajmitchtumbleweed: what do you need & where?20:56
* ScottK points tumbleweed at #ubuntuwire ....20:56
Laneyalso the FTBFS graphs that you've got20:56
* tumbleweed moved the conversation to #ubuntuwire20:58
* Laney entrusts20:59
Laneycan we have a report for "packages in universe not in debian with bugs with severity >= high"?21:21
ajmitchLaney: patches welcome ;)21:23
ajmitchit shouldn't be too hard, actually21:23
tumbleweedif lp bugs were in UDD, that'd be so easy...21:30
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OwaisLGuys, I added a patch to python-distutils-extra for auto detection of gobject-introspection modules. Anyone interested in testing??23:11
ScottKYou should probably talk to pitti when he's around.23:12
ScottKHe can usually be found on #ubuntu-devel.23:13
OwaisLThanks ScottK, actually I looked for him but he was not around :) Anyways, need to sleep. Good Night all!23:14

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