
bazhangbuilding gentoo? from scratch?00:57
rwwsome people enjoy wasting CPU cycles00:58
bazhanghe's been asking for minthelp for a couple of days now01:07
elkyusing mint, compiling, roughly the same diff amirite?01:10
ubottuIn #ubuntu, BlueProtoman said: ubottu: What is the square root of nine?02:33
bazhangtroll detected03:28
HandsomeGuyHi, I wish to report user GirlyGirl, yesterday ... she uses the ubuntu channels to look for boyfriends, she was constantly pesterising me by pm to date her04:28
elkywas this before or after she told you a special command?04:30
HandsomeGuyelky: Yes04:30
elkyand before or after you started joining channels with a truncated nick of "cock-for-girlygi"?04:31
elkynoting that "before or after" is not answerable by yes or no.04:31
HandsomeGuyelky: Did I do that?04:33
HandsomeGuyelky: Wait let me look for a log and send04:34
HandsomeGuyelky: Found it how should I send it?04:40
elkypastebin would be good04:40
HandsomeGuyelky: http://paste.ubuntu.com/705264/04:41
elkyHandsomeGuy, what irc client do you use?04:41
HandsomeGuyelky: Opera browser irc client04:43
HandsomeGuyelky: why does this matter04:43
elkyBecause A. you're using freenode webchat. B. That's not how webchat formats.04:45
HandsomeGuyelky: Right now I am, in the past I was not04:45
HandsomeGuyelky: Anyway if you don't believe me its fine, I did my job of informing as the guidelines say ...04:47
HandsomeGuyWant me to leave now04:47
elkyI don't believe you at all. Please leave.04:47
FlannelWhen he was on as NiceGuy yesterday, he was on as webchat as well.04:49
elkyand it's all been from different connections04:49
elkyhe's been on webchat every single time he's shown up. he's lying out his arse.04:49
elkyAlso... "<NiceGuy> So yesterday I come #ubuntu, I sayed I have problem slow ubuntu. Then user tell me by pm to type "rm -rf /" in terminal ... my nick is was TrollyTrol The use is GirlyGirl." and those logs don't match.04:57
ubottuIn ubottu, GirlyGirl said: plasma is Plasma is the shell in the KDE 4 series desktop environment included in Kubuntu. As from KDE 4.4, there are two workspaces available; plasma-desktop (http://tinyurl.com/47th3me) is optimised for larger screens, while plasma-netbook (http://tinyurl.com/4ydlhzd) is optimised for small screens05:46
ubottutheadmin called the ops in #ubuntu (bhansali is being crazy)05:54
pangolin!guidelines > bhansali06:02
gry/msg'ing him currently06:03
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (bhansali appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)06:29
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (bhansali appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)06:29
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (bhansali appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)06:29
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Kellis appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)08:11
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Kellis appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)08:11
bazhangjpmh, hi08:24
jpmhhowtos sent me this in PM08:24
elkyif it's long, please pastebin it08:24
elkyif it contains links, also please pastebin it08:24
jpmhDo you have access to or know anyone that has access to ancestry.com08:25
jpmhthis was usolicted08:26
jpmhthen we saw the f**k from him08:26
bazhanghe asked that in channel as well, thanks for reporting08:26
jpmhNP - can u do anbything08:27
bazhangdealing with it now, thanks again08:27
jpmhdo I need to stay in this channel08:27
bazhangjpmh, no, thanks for reporting. appreciate it08:27
GirlyGirlHi elky08:38
GirlyGirlYou asked me to join earlier ... sorry I was away08:38
elkyHi GirlyGirl, can you give me a rundown on the interactions you've had over the past week with the person who keeps following you around?08:38
GirlyGirlI'm sorry I don't quite understand ..08:39
elkyniceguy, trollytrol, cock-for-girly08:39
GirlyGirlBut there is someone who keeps claiming I made them run "rm -rm /"08:39
GirlyGirlyes that would be trollytrol and NeedsomeHelp08:40
GirlyGirldon't know about others08:40
elkythey keep coming here saying stuff about you, and claiming other stuff. i just want to know about all the interactions from your side of things08:40
GirlyGirlI was not there when trollytrol did it, another user pmed me08:40
GirlyGirlThat's all just the "rm -rm /" claims when actually they send me that very command by pm08:41
GirlyGirlThen they post in #ubuntu, to be wary of me as I give them that command08:41
GirlyGirlAlso one guy was quite rude earlier but that was in #defocus not ubuntu08:42
elkyi want more details about your conversations with these nicks08:42
GirlyGirlelky: Ok ... With NeedsomeHelp my response was that is dangerous and then he complained and I was called in to #ops08:43
GirlyGirlthat was some days ago08:43
GirlyGirlwith trollytrol I wasn't even there in the channel but another user pmed me saying he was making claims that I made him run rm -rf /08:44
GirlyGirlthat's all08:44
elkyso nothing of a sexual nature?08:44
GirlyGirlExcept for the guy in defocus08:45
elkytell me about the guy in defocus. what was his nick and what did he say?08:45
elkywas it pm or in channel?08:45
GirlyGirlin channel... I complained the op there said its ok then he was rude to others again and muted08:46
GirlyGirlhis nick was "stackoverflow"08:46
GirlyGirlhe said something about a bikini and armpit shaving I don't remember exactly what08:47
GirlyGirlthen I said don't be rude ... and he said GirlyGirl does not want to share armpit advice08:47
elkyok i found that in my scrollback08:48
elkyok, well since here is logged, it's only fair you know. We had someone report this earlier: http://paste.ubuntu.com/705264/08:49
GirlyGirlelky: That's not verbatim .. that conversation never took place08:50
GirlyGirlelky: Besides I never saw anyone with nick "niceguy" is was just NeedSomehelp when I was present08:50
elkywhat about handsomeguy08:51
GirlyGirlelky: No08:51
elkyGirlyGirl, ok well thank you for your side of the events08:52
GirlyGirlOnly NeedSomehelp when I was present and "trollytrol" as per what someone else told me (and I can confirm that by the log)08:52
GirlyGirlelky: Yes and thanks for informing me08:52
elkyThis is what i suspected08:52
GirlyGirlsuspected what?08:53
elkyI suspect your nickname is getting you the attention unfortunately :(08:53
elkysuspected that you weren't involved08:53
GirlyGirlelky: I see, I might change it if things go bad but so far its been alright really08:54
GirlyGirlelky: Ok thanks .. is that all?08:54
Tm_T1206.45 < Ibis> DoctorD90: It's not cool to install IRC servers with apt-get. BECAUSE, it's usually outdated.09:07
Tm_Tapt-get makes the irc server outdated?09:07
jussiTm_T: apt-get is outdated unless you have a recent ppa there.09:07
jussiTm_T: I guess it goes with the bleeding edge factoid09:09
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.09:10
Tm_Twell, it doesn't mean it's outdated if it's not latest09:10
jussiTm_T: Im guessing thats what he means though, even if his language isnt technically correct09:11
Tm_Talso, I thought ircd is relatively stable and doesn't get that much changes anyway (seeing irc servers running years without update)09:11
Tm_Twhich makes me wonder the whole idea of "apt-get = outdated" in the context09:12
jussiTm_T: freenode seems to update stuff all the time, and Id think security stuff would be important...09:15
jussibut I havent really put much thought into it tbh09:15
Tm_Tdifferent irc daemon than what I was talking about, hmmm09:17
Tm_Thttp://www.nic.funet.fi/~irc/server/ vs http://freenode.net/seven.shtml09:19
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (maria appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)09:24
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (maria appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)09:24
mistymoofor ref, archibot is ban evading.10:42
mistymoowrong channel10:42
LjLoh i was wondering who you were :P10:47
Tm_Tmistymoo, obviously11:02
paulus68anyone present?11:22
jussipaulus68: what can we help you with?11:26
jrib2 complaints about offensive PMs from Adriana-11:32
ikoniamake it so11:33
ikoniaconfirmed and removed11:35
Companion*hugs every one*11:35
elkythe nick adriana was responsible for similar over the weekend too12:06
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, cap said: ubottu: funkyhat is cool16:20
ubottuIn #ubuntu, arghx said: ubottu: your script is buggy19:19
pangolinHello EgyParadox19:44
pangolinHow may I help you?19:45
pangolinheya guntbert19:45
EgyParadoxI would like to report spam19:45
guntberthi pangolin , eva- (~fghh@ gyh  sends (from #ubuntu) PM spam on join19:45
pangolinmarienz: eva- is back19:45
pangolinthanks you two.19:46
guntberthave fun :-) and bye19:46
marienzaww, they don't like me anymore19:46
pangolinI got a PM this time19:46
rwwphillw: Hi, something we can help you with?21:36
rwwjpds_: Your client broke, please identify with nickserv :)21:37
phillwhi rww, topyli has me in PM21:37
=== jpds_ is now known as jpds

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